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Panulirus argus (Latreille in Ann Mus Hist Nat Paris 3:388–395, 1804) is the lobster of greatest economic importance throughout its distribution. In this study, mitochondrial (Cytochrome Oxidase I and 16S ribosomal genes) and nuclear (Adenine Nucleotide Transporter gene) sequences were used to evaluate the taxonomic status of P. argus sampled from five sites in the Caribbean Sea and nine sites in the Southwest Atlantic. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that lobsters from the two regions form two monophyletic groups with a molecular divergence similar to that observed between distinct congeneric lobster species and much larger than that found between conspecific lobster populations. Therefore, the Caribbean and the Southwest Atlantic lobster populations originally attributed to P. argus belong to different species, with an estimated time of isolation of around 16 Million years. An important consequence of these findings is that the fisheries of spiny lobsters from the Caribbean and the Southwest Atlantic species must be managed separately.  相似文献   

Messor bouvieri is a seed-harvesting ant species in which workers forage in trails from the nest to a search area. A previous observation of seed transfer events between workers returning to the nest suggested potential task partitioning. In this study, we describe seed transportation and analyze the role of task partitioning in the foraging strategy of this species in terms of seed intake efficiency in relation to costs and benefits based on transport speed and task reliability. We assess the harvesting efficiency of task partitioning by comparing cooperative seed transport (CST) and individual seed transport (IST) events. Our results show task partitioning in the form of a sequence of transfer events among workers going from the search area to the nest. Importantly, and despite the weak worker polymorphism of this species, this sequence involved workers of different sizes, with seeds usually being passed along from smaller to larger workers. In addition, we show that small workers are better at finding seeds (spend less time finding a seed), and large workers are better at transporting them (were faster when walking back to the nest and lost fewer seeds). However, we failed to demonstrate that workers of different sizes are specialized in performing the task in which they excel. Overall, sequential CST in M. bouvieri results in a greater seed intake because seed search time decreases and task reliability increases, compared to IST. The determinants and adaptive benefits of CST are discussed.  相似文献   

The genetic organization of colonies of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes in two subpopulations in Massachusetts was explored using five polymorphic allozymes and double-strand conformation polymorphism (DSCP) analysis of the mitochondrial control region. Empirically obtained estimates of worker relatedness and F-statistics were compared with values generated by computer simulations of breeding schemes to make inferences about colony organization. In one study site (G), worker genotypes indicated the presence of a mixture of colonies headed by monogamous outbred primary reproductives and colonies headed by inbreeding neotenic reproductives, both colony types having limited spatial ranges. A second site (S) was dominated by several large colonies with low relatedness among nestmates. Mixed DSCP haplotypes in three colonies indicated that nestmates had descended from two or three unrelated female reproductives. Computer simulations of breeding schemes suggested that positive colony inbreeding coefficients at site S resulted from either commingling of workers from different nests or different colonies. Such an exchange of workers between nests corresponds to the multiple-site nesting lifetype of many subterranean termites and resembles colony structure in polycalic Formica ants. Our study demonstrates considerable variation in R. flavipes colony structure over a small spatial scale, including colonies headed by monogamous outbred primary reproductives, colonies containing multiple inbred neotenic reproductives and large polydomous colonies containing the progeny of two or more unrelated queens, and suggests that the number of reproductives and nestmate relatedness change with colony age and size.  相似文献   

Using a recently developed technique, a realistic method of introducing species into an evolving ecosystem simulation model is presented. A single unit, preemption strength, provides an index which combines strictly preemptive and strictly head-of-the-line colonization strategies. An optimization of priority strategies is presented. The relevance of the realistically evolving model to the stability-complexity problem is emphasized.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine whether the various species of gobies that are found within the large Swan Estuary in south-western Australia are segregated within that system, and to attempt to determine the basis for any differences in their spatial distributions. The Swan Estuary comprises a long entrance channel (lower estuary), two wide basins (middle estuary) and the saline reaches of the tributary rivers (upper estuary). A total of 26232 gobies, representing seven species, was collected using a 3 mm-mesh seine net at 15 sites throughout this estuary on at least one occasion monthly over seven consecutive seasons between September 1983 and March 1985. Favonigobius lateralis and Pseudogobius olorum contributed 47.0 and 47.8%, respectively, to the total catch of gobies at all sites. The densities of each species at each site were used to determine the relative contribution of each species to the gobiid fauna at each of the sites in the lower, middle and upper estuary. Comparisons of these data with those published on the distribution and abundance of gobiid larvae confirmed that F. lateralis, which was found predominantly in the lower estuary, is a marine species that spawns in high salinities near the estuary mouth or in inshore coastal waters. In contrast, the life cycle of P. olorum and Papillogobius punctatus are typically completed within the saline reaches of the upper estuary, and that of Arenigobius bifrenatus within both this region and parts of the middle estuary where the substrate is particularly soft. Afurcagobius suppositus also spawns in this area, as well as in fresh water. Tridentiger trigonocephalus, represented by only eight individuals, is an introduced, marine species that was found mainly in the lower estuary. A single representative of the marine species Callogobius depressus was caught. The relatively low numbers of gobies caught in the middle estuary, where they contributed only about 3.5% to the total number of all gobies at all sites, may represent an aversion to the presence of rougher waters in the large basins. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the sandy substrate and consistently high salinities found in the lower estuary are preferred by F. lateralis, whereas the silty surface to the substrate and lower salinities of the upper estuary are preferred by Pseudogobius olorum. Densities of three of the four most abundant species were higher in either spring or summer than in winter, reflecting the influx of 0 + recruits, and possibly also the tendency for species in estuaries to congregate in the shallows during the warmer periods of the year. F. lateralis fed mainly on polychaetes and crustaceans, whereas P. olorum ingested predominantly algae, reflecting differences in mouth morphology and feeding behaviour, rather than the type of food available.  相似文献   

The paper presents a method to determine the most influencing stressors and the most susceptible resources for complex assessment problems involving multiple stressors impacting multiple resources over a region. The method is based on the concept of limiting priorities in a square matrix which capture the transmission of influence along all paths between stressors and resources in the matrix. The proposed method allows the relationship between stressors and resources to be looked at in both univariate and multivariate fashion, taking into account the interactions among the variables. Hypothetical and case study examples are given for illustration purpose. It shows that the proposed method is suitable for the determination of the most important stressors and the most susceptible resources, a common (but often uneasy) task in integrated environmental assessment.  相似文献   

The question of how reproductives and sterile workers differentiate within eusocial groups has long been a core issue in the study of social insects. Recent studies have shown that not only environmental factors but also genetic factors affect caste differentiation. In the termite Reticulitermes speratus, queens produce their replacements (neotenics) asexually but use normal sexual reproduction to produce other colony members. Here, we demonstrate a genetic influence on caste determination underlying the asexual queen succession system in this termite species. Thelytoky in termites is accomplished by automixis with terminal fusion, yielding almost completely homozygous offspring; thus, parthenogenetically and sexually produced offspring profoundly differ in heterozygosity. An analysis of the relationship between the reproductive dominance of female neotenics obtained from experimentally orphaned colonies and their genotypes at five microsatellite loci showed that homozygosity at two loci influenced the developmental priority and/or reproductive quality of neotenics. These results suggest the existence of a multi-locus system affecting the queen fecundity and explain why parthenogens have genetic priority to become neotenics in this termite species.  相似文献   

Summary ecological aspects of monogyny and polygyny in social insect colonies are important in comparing individual queen reproductive success. Inseminated, fecund, multiple foundresses are common in some groups of ants and eusocial wasps, but true polygyny in termites has not previously been studied. One third of Nasutitermes corniger (Isoptera: Termitidae) colonies sampled in areas of young second growth in Panama contained from 2–33 primary queens (not supplementary or neotenic reproductives). All queens in polygynous associations were fully pigmented, physogastric egg layers within a single royal cell. Multiple kings were found less frequently; true polyandry is apparently restricted to immature polygynous colonies.Data on queen weight and morphological features, and on colony composition, show that queens in polygynous nests are young and that a transition from polygyny to monogyny probably occurs after several years. The escalated growth rate of multiple queen colonies removes them from the vulnerable incipient colony size class more rapidly than colonies initiated by a single foundress, and gives them sufficient neuter support staff (workers and soldiers) to enable earlier production of fertile alates. Using a population model (Leslie matrix) I construct isoclines of equal population growth which show values of early age class probability of survival and reproductive output favoring monogyny or polygyny under individual selection. This model of queen mutualism accounts for the risk of a female in a polygynous group not succeeding as the final surviving queen.Multiple primary queens are considered rare in termites, but a review of the literature demonstrates that they may be more widespread than is currently recognized. Polygyny in termites has received scant attention but is of significance as an example of a further ecological and evolutionary convergence between the phylogenetically independent orders Isoptera and Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

Summary The process by which the foragers build up a foraging system between the nest hole and the food source, starting from an initial random distribution, was investigated under conditions of both light and dark in the laboratory.The extent to which trail pheromone is used can be determined by observing the abdominal position of workers moving outside the nest and can be classified into three categories, namely no trail-laying, marking and directional trail-laying.When workers of this species emerge from the nest hole into light emitted from a certain direction they orientate photo-menotactically. First, they mark the area around the nest hole, moving in small loops; they then make larger exploratory loops without trail-laying. Once they find a source of food they return directly to the immediate vicinity of the nest hole. As the area around the hole has already been marked it is easy for the termites to locate the hole. When a piece of food has been deposited by the hole the termites display directional trail-laying behaviour by leaving a trail in the direction of the source of food, this trail being stronger nearer the nest and decreasing as it approaches its goal. Inexperienced explorers are biased in this direction with a statistically higher frequency. If successful they join in the foraging and repeatedly contribute to the trail, which then gradually brings together most of the foraging population.In darkness exploratory loops are made with continuous marking, always returning to the nest hole, whereby a scent gradient decreasing away from the hole is formed. Once a source of food has been discovered the termites are neither able to return directly to the nest hole nor to return along their outward marking trail. They leave marking trails making exploratory loops from the food source with successively increasing radii. Another scent gradient, decreasing outwards from the food, is created. If the termite reaches the increasing scent around the nest hole from the decreasing scent around the food source it will locate the hole chemotactically. As other food finders repeatedly cross from one field to the other the scents will combine and become concentrated, thus forming a foraging path.  相似文献   

In order to develop a method of predicting and assessing pond eutrophication, which is a serious environmental problem, and to propose effective measure of improvement of water quality. The present study was performed to measure water quality variables, primary productivity, chl-a and biomass of toxin producing algal species and fish production. High nutrient influx and toxin producing algal species have been observed during June 1999 to May 2000 in two water bodies [Girija Kund (A) and Maqubara pond (B)] of Faizabad. The maximum chl-a concentration, toxins producing algal species biomass were found to be 415.00 and 515.00 in pond A, while 451.00 microg/l and 541.22 mg/l in pond B, respectively in the case of Microcystis aeruginosa. Ecological parameters to evaluate GPP, NPP and CR were found to be 297.00, 134.000 and 182.00 mgCm3/h in summer season in pond B, respectively which is higher than pond A. A poor association existed between chl-a and GPP. Temporal variation (Photosynthetic rate) in A(max) & P(max) was also observed to evaluate the productivity of pond. Annual fish production potential of the ponds A and B has been estimated to be around 342.00 Kg and 204. 00 Kg, respectively which may be due to the presence of toxin producing algal species.  相似文献   

One of the most prominent behavioural features of many forest primates are the loud calls given by the adult males. Early observational studies repeatedly postulated that these calls function in intragroup spacing or intergroup avoidance. More recent field experiments with Diana monkeys (Cercopithecus diana) of Taï Forest, Ivory Coast, have clearly shown that loud male calls function as predator alarm calls because calls reliably (1) label different predator classes and (2) convey semantic information about the predator type present. Here, I test the alarm call hypothesis another primate, the Campbell's monkey (C. campbelli). Like Diana monkeys, male Campbell's monkeys produce conspicuous loud calls to crowned hawk eagles (Stephanoaetus coronatus) and leopards (Panthera pardus), two of their main predators. Playback experiments showed that monkeys responded to the predator category represented by the different playback stimuli, regardless of whether they consisted of (1) vocalisations of the actual predators (crowned hawk eagle shrieks or leopard growls), (2) alarm calls to crowned hawk eagles or leopards given by other male Campbell's monkeys or (3) alarm calls to crowned hawk eagles or leopards given by sympatric male Diana monkeys. These experiments provide further evidence that non-human primates have evolved the cognitive capacity to produce and respond to referential labels for external events.  相似文献   

In many termite taxa, colonies occupying the same nesting resource can meet, interact, and merge with unrelated conspecific neighbors. Because proto-termite ancestors likely also co-inhabited resources and experienced interactions with neighboring conspecific families, extant species that form fused colony units may offer fundamental clues to explaining the origins of eusociality in Isoptera, particularly if both original families retain the potential for reproduction. We allowed entire colonies of Zootermopsis nevadensis (Archotermopsidae) to interact, merge, and develop in the lab, then used genetic markers to determine the family of origin of reproductives, soldiers, and helpers. Persisting and new members of all castes arose from both original colonies and in some cases were hybrids of the two original lineages. We also measured the frequency of mixed-family colonies in natural settings. Ten out of 30 field sampled colonies contained mixed families, demonstrating that interactions and fusions are common in nature. We discuss the implications of our findings as a model system for understanding the evolution of eusociality in termites, highlighting the importance of ecological circumstances impacting direct, indirect, and colony-level fitness.  相似文献   

深圳市主要外来入侵植物调查及治理状况   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
通过对深圳市具有代表性的公共园林绿地中的外来入侵植物的调查,确定薇甘菊和五爪金龙为深圳市为害最为严重的外来入侵植物。对这两种植物的群落特征进行调查发现,这两种植物具有相似的生态适应性,可共同生长于同一生境中,为害深圳市多种本地植物,对低矮乔木、灌木和草本植物为害严重,对高大乔木的为害不明显。目前深圳市多采用物理、化学防治为主,结合简单生物防治的方法控制其为害,但效果不理想。目前还没有较为成熟的生物防治方法。  相似文献   

Summary Birds of ten species with similar short flight distances from a human intruder associated with stonechats (Saxicola torquata), which have large flight and alarm call distances. The attendants probably took advantage of the domain of safety around the stonechat, produced by the difference in flight distance. Stonechats have no reciprocal advantage, and were not seen to initiate flocks.Flocks were formed with both calling and silent stonechats. Benefits in the latter case probably include early warning of danger, but there may also have been a reduction in vigilance by attendants.The relative flocking activity of attendant species (number of associations observed; percentage of incidents with silent stonechats; rate of warning calls by stonechats joined) was related to the species' average flight distance from an intruder (Fig. 1). Possible explanations are consistent with a correspondence between flocking tendency and the degree of benefit obtained.  相似文献   

Contamination of surface waters by pharmaceuticals is now widespread. There are few data on their environmental behaviour, particularly for those which are cationic at typical surface water pH. As the external surfaces of bacterio-plankton cells are hydrophilic with a net negative charge, it was anticipated that bacterio-plankton in surface-waters would preferentially remove the most extensively-ionised cation at a given pH. To test this hypothesis, the persistence of four, widely-used, cationic pharmaceuticals, chloroquine, quinine, fluphenazine and levamisole, was assessed in batch microcosms, comprising water and bacterio-plankton, to which pharmaceuticals were added and incubated for 21 days. Results show that levamisole concentrations decreased by 19 % in microcosms containing bacterio-plankton, and by 13 % in a parallel microcosm containing tripeptide as a priming agent. In contrast to levamisole, concentrations of quinine, chloroquine and fluphenazine were unchanged over 21 days in microcosms containing bacterio-plankton. At the river-water pH, levamisole is 28 % cationic, while quinine is 91–98 % cationic, chloroquine 99 % cationic and fluphenazine 72–86 % cationic. Thus, the most neutral compound, levamisole, showed greatest removal, contradicting the expected bacterio-plankton preference for ionised molecules. However, levamisole was the most hydrophilic molecule, based on its octanol–water solubility coefficient (K ow). Overall, the pattern of pharmaceutical behaviour within the incubations did not reflect the relative hydrophilicity of the pharmaceuticals predicted by the octanol–water distribution coefficient, D ow, suggesting that improved predictive power, with respect to modelling bioaccumulation, may be needed to develop robust environmental risk assessments for cationic pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition is a necessary capacity for the occurrence of discrimination between nestmate and non-nestmate individuals. In one-piece nesting termites, which nest and forage in a single piece of wood, nestmate recognition is poorly studied mainly because the probability of encountering exogenous individuals is low in comparison with separate-piece nesting termites. Previous work described that production of soldiers of Neotermes chilensis, a one-piece nesting termite, increased when the risk of invasion of their colony increased, for example when neighboring colonies were present in the same nesting substrate and members of different colonies met when digging galleries. If soldiers are to fulfill their defensive role under these circumstances, they should show nestmate recognition ability; moreover, based on work on other social insects, such nestmate recognition should be based on cuticular compounds (CC). Bioassays were performed in which a soldier of N. chilensis was confronted with a nestmate or non-nestmate primary reproductive, pseudergate or another soldier, and in which a soldier was confronted with untreated and with CC-deprived dead primary reproductives. The results showed that soldiers were indeed more aggressive toward non-nestmates than nestmates for all castes, and that this discrimination was mediated mainly by qualitative (simple matching coefficient) and quantitative (Renkonen index) differences in CC.  相似文献   

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