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Environmental Chemistry Letters - New technologies, systems, societal organization and policies for energy saving are urgently needed in the context of accelerated climate change, the Ukraine...  相似文献   

Neutral lipids in macroalgal spores and their role in swimming   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We followed changes in the neutral lipid content of actively swimming zoospores of the palm kelp Pterygophora californica in a laboratory experiment to investigate the degree to which spore swimming is fueled by endogenous lipid reserves. The neutral lipid content of individual zoospores during the experiment was measured by flow cytometry using Nile Red, a fluorescent stain that is specific for neutral lipid. Results showed that photosynthesis greatly influenced lipid consumption during zoospore swimming. We found no detectable change in the neutral lipid content of zoospores after 30 h of swimming under conditions where light was near the optimum for photosynthesis. By contrast, neutral lipid declined by ≃43% over 30 h in zoospores kept in the dark. To evaluate whether lipid reserves are generally related to spore motility in macroalgae, we surveyed spore lipid-content and composition in species with motile spores and non-motile spores using thin-layer chromatography (TLC), and flame-ionization detection (FID). We observed substantial differences in lipid content and composition among the 20 species examined. Spores high in total lipid (as estimated by the ratio of lipid:carbon) generally had a large amount of neutral lipid; motile spores had significantly more lipid and a significantly larger neutral lipid fraction than non-motile spores. The kelps as a group had the highest total lipid content and the largest neutral lipid fraction, while non-motile spores of red algae were generally low in total lipid and in the proportional abundance of neutral lipid. Phospholipids accounted for more than half of all lipid in 14 of the 20 species examined, while neutral lipid accounted for the majority of lipid in all five species of kelp examined. Triacylglycerols, which function primarily in energy storage, were the primary form of neutral lipid in all but one species of kelp (Agarum fimbriatum), whereas free fatty acids were the dominant form of neutral lipid in most red algae and in brown algae that had a small neutral lipid fraction. Our results are largely consistent with the hypothesis that macroalgae use endogenous lipid reserves to fuel spore-swimming. The small amounts of triacylglycerols observed in the motile spores of several species of brown and green algae, however, indicate that the amount of lipid reserves needed to fuel spore-swimming may be influenced by a variety of factors including swimming behavior, photosynthetic efficiency, and the light environment inhabited by spores. Received: 8 September 1998 / Accepted: 8 January 1999  相似文献   

Patterns of habitat association and foraging were examined for a group of tropical goatfishes (family Mullidae) that feed on mobile benthic invertebrates at Lizard Island (Great Barrier Reef). All goatfish possess barbels that disturb the substratum during feeding. Foraging methods were examined for the six most common species and used in conjunction with data on habitat associations to estimate the distribution and potential impact on the benthic invertebrate assemblage of foraging-related disturbance. Particular species exhibited broad habitat associations which differed little over two surveys (January 1989, January 1990). All species showed different preferences for the substrata they foraged. Preferences for substrata exhibited by the most common reef-associated species, Parupeneus multifasciatus, differed among locations separated by 1 km, between sites 150 m apart, and between depths (shallow and deep). Habitat preferences changed with ontogeny. Based on their habitat associations and foraging preferences, species were divided into habitat generalists and specialists. Specialists associated primarily with soft sediments. Habitat generalists, such as P. multifasciatus and P. cyclostomus, are likely to have an impact on their mobile invertebrate prey that is localised, diffuse and transitory, making any experimental analysis difficult and expensive. Habitat specialists form a guild of fishes with complementary feeding modes that efficiently exploit soft sediments and are more amenable to experimental manipulation. Experiments designed to detect the impact of foraging by these fishes must be repeated at different locations and times and must account for depth differences in foraging pressure.  相似文献   

Summary Colonial web-building spiders respond to trade-offs between selective forces relative to spatial position within colonies and thus provide support for the selfish herd theory. The size distribution of spiders within colonies of Metepeira incrassata, a colonial orb-weaver (Araneae: Araneidae) from tropical Mexico is nonrandom; larger (mature) spiders and females guarding eggsacs are more prevalent in the center, whereas more small (immature) spiders are found on the periphery. Experimental field studies with spiders of selected size classes show that larger spiders actively and aggressively seek protected positions in the center of the colony webbing, even though prey availability and capture rates are significantly higher on the periphery. Attacks by predatory wasps, other spiders, and hummingbirds are more frequent on the periphery than in the core of the colony. Reproductive females on the periphery are at greater risk because they are captured more often than smaller spiders, and if their egg sacs consequently remain unguarded, chances of cocoon parasitism are increased. As a result, spiders in the core of the colony have greater reproductive success, producing more egg sacs with greater hatching frequency. Colonial spiders thus appear to be making a trade-off between foraging and protection from predation and show a spatial organization predicted by the selfish herd theory. The influence of such trade-offs on individual fitness and the structure of colonies is discussed. Offprint requests to: G.W. Uetz  相似文献   

Summary Position preferences of well-fed and food-deprived juvenile roach were investigated in schools of 2 and 4 fish in the laboratory. Food-deprived fish appeared significantly more often in the front position than their well-fed conspecifics. For fish at the same hunger level, individuals at the front of the school had the highest feeding rate. These results represent the first evidence for a relationship between the nutritional state of individual fish and their positions in a school and suggest a functional advantage of the preference. Offprint requests to: J. Krause at the present address  相似文献   

A variety of factors can influence an individual’s choice of within-group spatial position. For terrestrial social animals, predation, feeding success, and social competition are thought to be three of the most important variables. The relative importance of these three factors was investigated in groups of ring-tailed coatis (Nasua nasua) in Iguazú, Argentina. Different age/sex classes responded differently to these three variables. Coatis were found in close proximity to their own age/sex class more often than random, and three out of four age/sex classes were found to exhibit within-group spatial position preferences which differed from random. Juveniles were located more often at the front edge and were rarely found at the back of the group. Juveniles appeared to choose spatial locations based on feeding success and not predation avoidance. Since juveniles are the most susceptible to predation and presumably have less prior knowledge of food source location, these results have important implications in relation to predator-sensitive foraging and models of democratic group leadership. Subadults were subordinate to adult females, and their relationships were characterized by high levels of aggression. This aggression was especially common during the first half of the coati year (Nov–April), and subadults were more peripheralized during this time period. Subadults likely chose spatial positions to avoid aggression and were actively excluded from the center of the group by adult females. In the Iguazú coati groups, it appeared that food acquisition and social agonism were the major determinants driving spatial choice, while predation played little or no role. This paper demonstrates that within-group spatial structure can be a complex process shaped by differences in body size and nutritional requirements, food patch size and depletion rate, and social dominance status. How and why these factors interact is important to understanding the costs and benefits of sociality and emergent properties of animal group formation.  相似文献   

One of the leading determinants of the structure and dynamics of marine populations is the rate of arrival of new individuals to local sites. While physical transport processes play major roles in delivering larvae to the shore, these processes become most important after larvae have survived the perils of life in the plankton, where they usually suffer great mortality. The lack of information regarding larval feeding makes it difficult to assess the effects of food supply on larval survival, or the role larvae may play in nearshore food webs. Here, we examine the spectrum of food sizes and food types consumed by the larvae of two intertidal barnacle species and of the predatory gastropod Concholepas concholepas. We conducted replicated experiments in which larvae were exposed to the food size spectrum (phytoplankton, microprotozoan and autotrophic picoplankton) found in nearshore waters in central Chile. Results show that barnacle nauplii and gastropod veligers are omnivorous grazers, incorporating significant fractions of heterotrophs in their diets. In accordance with their feeding mechanisms and body size, barnacle nauplii were able to feed on autotrophic picoplankton (<5 microm) and did not consume the largest phytoplankton cells, which made the bulk of phytoplankton biomass in spring-summer blooms. Balanoid nauplii exhibited higher ingestion rates than the smaller-bodied chthamaloid larvae. Newly hatched C. concholepas larvae also consumed picoplankton cells, while competent larvae of this species ingested mostly the largest phytoplankton cells and heterotrophic protozoans. Results suggest that persistent changes in the structure of pelagic food webs can have important effects on the species-specific food availability for invertebrate larvae, which can result in large-scale differences in recruitment rates of a given species, and in the relative recruitment success of the different species that make up benthic communities.  相似文献   

Radon is a radioactive gas, abundant in granitic areas, such as in the city of Porto at the north-east of Portugal. This gas is a recognized carcinogenic agent, being appointed by the World Health Organization as the leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. The aim of this preliminary survey was to determine indoor radon concentrations in public primary schools, to analyse the main factors influencing their indoor concentration levels and to estimate the effective dose in students and teachers in primary schools. Radon concentrations were measured in 45 classrooms from 13 public primary schools located in Porto, using CR-39 passive radon detectors for about 2-month period. In all schools, radon concentrations ranged from 56 to 889 Bq/m3 (mean = 197 Bq/m3). The results showed that the limit of 100 Bq/m3 established by WHO IAQ guidelines was exceeded in 92 % of the measurements, as well as 8 % of the measurements exceeded the limit of 400 Bq/m3 established by the national legislation. Moreover, the mean annual effective dose was calculated as 1.25 mSv/y (ranging between 0.58 and 3.07 mSv/y), which is below the action level (3–10 mSv). The considerable variability of radon concentration observed between and within floors indicates a need to monitor concentrations in several rooms for each floor. A single radon detector for each room can be used, provided that the measurement error is considerably lower than variability of radon concentration between rooms. The results of the present survey will provide useful baseline data for adopting safety measures and dealing effectively with radiation emergencies. In particular, radon remediation techniques should be used in buildings located in the highest radon risk areas of Portugal. The results obtained in the current study concerning radon levels and their variations will be useful to optimize the design of future research surveys.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that cognitive function is under selection in diverse taxa and that this results in different cognitive abilities in taxa experiencing different selective environments. For example, species inhabiting spatially complex environments might be expected to have good spatial learning ability. We investigated whether local habitat conditions influence learning by comparing the performance of two recently diverged species of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus complex) in a spatial learning task. The two species reside sympatrically in several lakes. Benthics occupy the spatially structured vegetated littoral zone, whereas limnetics occupy the spatially homogenous open-water pelagic zone. We trained fish to locate a hidden reward in a T-maze and asked whether they did so by learning a body-centred pattern of movement (turn left or right) or by using plant landmarks. Both benthics and limnetics used turn and landmark cues, but benthics learnt the task almost twice as quickly as limnetics. This difference is consistent with the hypothesis that benthic and limnetic sticklebacks are equipped with spatial learning abilities well suited to the spatial complexity of their littoral and pelagic habitats. Our findings add to the understanding of the evolution of learning.  相似文献   

Pelagic larvae of marine bottom invertebrates are able to perform different types of active vertical movements in marine nearshore and estuarine waters. The speed of these active movements is in the order of magnitude of common representatives of marine micro-and mezo-holozooplankton performing daily vertical migrations, and only slightly less than that of holozooplankton. Only a few morphological types of larvae, characterized by weak ciliary movement apparatus (amphiblastulae of sponges, ophioplutei) have a speed of movement less than 1 cm·min-1. All other types of larvae, which possess strong ciliary movement apparatus or swimming appendages, are characterized by quick active movement from more than 1 to 60 cm·min-1 in lamellibranch larvae, and up to 117 cm x min-1 in decapod larvae. Because of their ability to produce sufficient speed of active movement, pelagic larvae of bottom invertebrates are able to control their vertical distribution in marine nearshore and estuarine waters in all neritic regions, including those with very strong tidal currents, except where local water stratification inhibits their active vertical movement.  相似文献   

Individuals living in social groups are predicted to live under unequal predation risk due to their spatial location within the group. Previous work has indicated that individuals located at the edge of groups have higher “domains of danger”, thus are more likely to engage in vigilance or antipredator behavior. We studied the determinants of vigilance behavior in two groups of ring-tailed coatis in Iguazu National Park, Argentina. In addition to the expected pattern that coatis were more vigilant at the edge of the group, we found that individuals were particularly vigilant at the front edge of the group. This pattern conforms to predictions of differing predation risk caused by sit-and-wait predators with respect to mobile animal groups. In addition, coatis exhibited less vigilance when the number of neighbors within 5 m and group size increased. Of the three spatial variables tested, within-group spatial position was the most important predictor variable determining vigilance levels. These results confirm that spatial position has major effects on vigilance behavior, and that group directionality is an important factor which should be taken into account when measuring vigilance behavior. Coatis were more vigilant when juveniles less than 6 months old were in the groups. The presence of these young juveniles also affected the relationship between alarm response and vigilance levels. Coatis were more vigilant after strong alarm reactions, but only when young juveniles were not present in the groups. This may indicate that coatis give differential responses to alarm calls depending on the age of the caller. A comparison of antipredator vigilance between coatis and sympatric capuchin monkeys is consistent with the hypothesis that terrestriality leads to higher perceive predation risk for coatis.  相似文献   

Optimum swimming pathways of fish spawning migrations in rivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fishes that swim upstream in rivers to spawn must navigate complex fluvial velocity fields to arrive at their ultimate locations. One hypothesis with substantial implications is that fish traverse pathways that minimize their energy expenditure during migration. Here we present the methodological and theoretical developments necessary to test this and similar hypotheses. First, a cost function is derived for upstream migration that relates work done by a fish to swimming drag. The energetic cost scales with the cube of a fish's relative velocity integrated along its path. By normalizing to the energy requirements of holding a position in the slowest waters at the path's origin, a cost function is derived that depends only on the physical environment and not on specifics of individual fish. Then, as an example, we demonstrate the analysis of a migration pathway of a telemetrically tracked pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) in the Missouri River (USA). The actual pathway cost is lower than 10(5) random paths through the surveyed reach and is consistent with the optimization hypothesis. The implication--subject to more extensive validation--is that reproductive success in managed rivers could be increased through manipulation of reservoir releases or channel morphology to increase abundance of lower-cost migration pathways.  相似文献   

The effects of swimming frequency and water temperature on shell growth, tissue mass, and stored energy reserves of juvenile sea scallops, Placopecten magellanicus Gmelin, were examined in a factorial laboratory experiment spanning six weeks in July and August 1992. Individually tagged scallops of similar initial size (22.5±0.1 mm shell height, n=240) were induced to swim to exhaustion at three different swimming frequencies (every day, twice a week, or not at all) in two different water temperature regimes (4 to 7 or 7 to 13°C). The scallops were fed an ad libitum mixture of cultured microalgae. At the end of the experiment, cumulative increase in shell height, dry weight of soft tissues, condition index of dry adductor muscle (adductor muscle dry weight/soft tissue dry weight x 100) and total carbohydrate content of dry adductor muscle were measured for each scallop. Scallops at the higher temperature had significantly greater shell heights, and were in better metabolic condition as evidenced by significantly higher condition indices and muscle carbohydrate contents. The dry soft tissue weights did not differ significantly from their low temperature counterparts. Swimming frequency had no significant effect on shell height, dry tissue weight, or carbohydrate content, but condition index of the adductor muscle increased significantly with swimming frequency. These results show that not only was there no cumulative cost of swimming in terms of shell growth, total soft tissue weight, or carbohydrate content in young scallops, but that condition of adductor muscle tissue was higher in scallops that swam.  相似文献   

Swimming efficiency (the ratio of thrust power required to overcome hydrodynamic drag to net metabolic energy expenditure) was calculated for the vertically migrating euphausiid Euphausia pacifica swimming at speeds of 1–20 cm s–1 and at temperatures of 8° and 12°C. Efficiencies ranged from 0.014 to 2.8% at 8°C and 0.009 to 1.69% at 12°C. A comparison with efficiency in fishes 2–3 orders of magnitude larger in weight (efficiency range 10–25%) indicates that locomotion in E. pacifica is far less efficient, a probable result of the organism's small size (x=33.5 mg WW) and multiple-paddle mode of propulsion. Net cost of transport of E. pacifica is three to six times the cost of a hypothetical value for sockeye salmon. Low swimming efficiencies in zooplankton such as E. pacifica are responsible for the underestimation of zooplankton swimming costs. Multiple-paddle propulsion is less efficient than the undulatory mode of fishes.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption rate was measured as a function of swimming velocity for the vertically migrating euphausiid Euphausia pacifica at two temperatures (8° and 12°C) and pressures (1 and 40 atm) typical of its bathymetric distribution. Increased swimming speed (x; mh-1) required increased oxygen consumption (y; μl O2 mg dry weight-1 h-1), described by the equation y = 0.012x + 0.64 at 8°C, and by y = 0.020x + 0.85 at 12° C. The current concept of low swimming costs of zooplankton, based on determinations of dead drag in copepods, is contradicted by our measurements. Temperature had a more profound effect on metabolism at higher swimming speeds (112 m h-1; Q10=2.8) than on standard metabolism (O m h-1; Q10=2.0), indicating that activity is more costly at higher temperatures. Pressure caused a small but significant (P>0.05) rise in the relationship of respiratory rate to swimming speed at both temperatures. The energy cost of vertical migration for E. pacifica was estimated by applying our data on oxygen consumption vs swimming speed to published observations on sonic scattering layer movement and the day-night distribution pattern of this species. Results indicate that the cost of a diel migration of 254 m, through a temperature change of 4 °C (8° to 12° C), would cancel any energetic benefit gained by time spent at the lower temperature typical of daytime depth. The act of vertical migration is energetically expensive; its cost should be thoroughly considered in attempts to describe the energetics of vertically migrating species.  相似文献   

In this study we analyzed and modelled spatial distribution of hard bottom benthic communities in the Lagoon of Venice, and used the model to derive functional response of these communities to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Swimming has become a popular exercising and recreational activity in China but little is known about the disinfection by-products (DBPs) concentration levels in the pools. This study was conducted as a survey of the DBPs in China swimming pools, and to establish the correlations between the DBP concentrations and the pool water quality parameters. A total of 14 public indoor and outdoor pools in Beijing were included in the survey. Results showed that the median concentrations for total trihalomethanes (TTHM), nine haloacetic acids (HAA9), chloral hydrate (CH), four haloacetonitriles (HAN4), 1,1-dichloropropanone, 1,1,1-trichloropropanone and trichloronitromethane were 33.8, 109.1, 30.1, 3.2, 0.3, 0.6 µg∙L−1 and below detection limit, respectively. The TTHM and HAA9 levels were in the same magnitude of that in many regions of the world. The levels of CH and nitrogenous DBPs were greatly higher than and were comparable to that in typical drinking water, respectively. Disinfection by chlorine dioxide or trichloroisocyanuric acid could substantially lower the DBP levels. The outdoor pools had higher TTHM and HAA9 levels, but lower trihaloacetic acids (THAA) levels than the indoor pools. The TTHM and HAA9 concentrations could be moderately correlated with the free chlorine and total chlorine residuals but not with the total organic carbon (TOC) contents. When the DBP concentration levels from other survey studies were also included for statistical analysis, a good correlation could be established between the TTHM levels and the TOC concentration. The influence of chlorine residual on DBP levels could also be significant.  相似文献   

Feeding and swimming of lysianassid amphipods in a shallow cold-water bay   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The potential for dispersal by lysianassid amphipods and their localization to carrion in a shallow cold-water bay in the Middle Saint Lawrence Estuary were assessed by means of endobenthic sampling, SCUBA observations, measures of swimming speeds, and by exposure of bait (50–100 g of fish) in traps. Seventy-five to 99.9% of animals attracted to traps were lysianassid amphipods belonging to five species. Lysianassid species were spatially segregated in the Bay at low tide but all were more or less dispersed at high tide. Second cohortAnonyx sarsi Steele and Brunel,Boeckosimus edwardsi andOnisimus littoralis (Krøyer) were more dispersed than the small first cohort individuals. Second cohortA. sarsi were crawlers or low (0–0.5 m off the bottom) suprabenthic swimmers in the day, but upper (0.5–2 m) suprabenthic swimmers at night. In contrast, first cohortA. sarsi were crawlers or low suprabenthic swimmers day-and-night, whileOrchomenella pinguis (Boeck) followed this swimming pattern at night but were generally akinetic in the day. Mean swimming speeds ofA. sarsi (13.6 cm s-1) andOn. littoralis (12.1 cm s-1) were 2 to 3 times greater than those ofOr. pinguis (7.4 cm s-1) andPsammonyx nobilis (Stimpson) (4.4 cm s-1). Catchability coefficients (i.e. ratio number of individuals per trap:endobenthic abundance) were 74 (A. sarsi), 8 (On. littoralis), 7 (Or. pinguis), and 0.7 (P. nobolis) m2 of bottom. Gut content analysis indicated thatA. sarsi fed mostly on large carrion, whileOn. littoralis were markedly opportunistic, andOr. pinguis andP. nobilis relied on detritus, algae, and small crustaceans.  相似文献   

The distribution and ultrastructure of muscle-fibre types has been investigated in adult and juvenile specimens of the pelagic high-antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum Boulenger, 1902 collected from the South Shetland Islands during the winter of 1984/1985. Two main fibre-types were identified in araldite-embedded material. The axial musculature was mainly composed of poorly vascularised, largediameter muscle fibres which were densely packed with myofibrils (volume density 81 and 72% for adults and juveniles, respectively). These ultrastructural characteristics are typical of fast-twitch fibres. The number of capillaries ner unit cross-sectional area and the volume density of mito  相似文献   

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