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Aposematic species exploit the ability of predators to associate, for example, conspicuous colouration with the unprofitability of prey. We tested the importance of colour for avoidance learning, memory and generalisation in wild-caught great tits (Parus major). First, we determined the birds’ initial colour preferences for red, yellow, orange and grey artificial prey items. The birds showed some preferences, as they were more willing to eat grey prey as their first choice, but these were not strong preferences. We then trained birds to discriminate red, yellow or variable (red and yellow) signals from grey where colours signalled palatable and unpalatable food. In general, the birds learned the discrimination task equally well, irrespective of which colours signalled unpalatability, and subsequently remembered the distinction between previously palatable and previously unpalatable colours in the memorability test. We did not find strong evidence that variability in the signal affected learning or memory. Our results suggest that, in a task where birds must discriminate between palatable and unpalatable prey, it does not matter which specific colour signals unpalatability, although this might be context-dependent. To study whether training also affects responses to unconditioned stimuli, we included orange prey items in the memorability test. Although orange had been palatable in the initial preference test, the birds ate fewer orange prey items after they had been trained to avoid red, yellow or both colours (variable signal) as unpalatable prey, but did not change their preference when trained that these colourful signals were palatable. This indicates that generalisation occurred more readily after a negative experience than a positive experience, a situation that would potentially allow imperfect mimicry to occur.  相似文献   

Coastal development and engineering projects preclude ecosystem processes that provide habitat for beach nesting birds. Management for coastal species may depend on actions that attempt to restore important habitat features and mitigate disturbance effects. However, species response to restoration or other management actions may be difficult to predict or measure. At Jones Beach State Park, on Long Island, New York, a 0.49 ha restoration project provided moist substrate foraging habitat for breeding Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) from 2002 to 2005. We examined whether foraging habitat restoration affected Piping Plover breeding population size, productivity, and fledgling production within 300 m of the restoration site. We found a positive relationship between habitat restoration and the number of fledglings produced per year. However, foraging habitat restoration did not significantly increase the number of Plover pairs breeding at Jones Beach. Our ability to evaluate restoration effects on Plovers depended on: 1) use of multiple performance criteria; 2) a design that allowed comparison of pre- and post-restoration data; and 3) a spatial control that allowed comparison of similar areas that were near and far from the restoration site. Despite the small size of the restoration project, there were measurable benefits to Plovers, indicating that foraging habitat restoration may be an effective tool for species recovery.  相似文献   

Summary We experimentally tested whether foraging strategies of nectar-collecting workers of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) vary with colony state. In particular, we tested the prediction that bees from small, fast growing colonies should adopt higher workloads than those from large, mature colonies. Queenright small colonies were set up by assembling 10 000 worker bees with approximately 4100 brood cells. Queenright large colonies contained 35 000 bees and some 14 500 brood cells. Thus, treatments differed in colony size but not in worker/brood ratios. Differences in workload were tested in the context of single foraging cycles. Individuals could forage on a patch of artificial flowers offering given quantities and qualities of nectar rewards. Workers of small colonies took significantly less nectar in an average foraging excursion (small: 40.1 ± 1.1 SE flowers; large: 44.8 ± 1.1), but spent significantly more time handling a flower (small: 7.3 ± 0.4 s ; large: 5.8 ± 0.4 s). When the energy budgets for an average foraging trip were calculated, individuals from all colonies showed a behavior close to maximization of net energetic efficiency (i.e., the ratio of net energetic gains to energetic costs). However, bees from small colonies, while incurring only marginally smaller costs, gained less net energy per foraging trip than those from large colonies, primarily as a result of prolonged handling times. The differences between treatments were largest during the initial phases of the experimental period when also colony development was maximally different. Our results are at variance with simple models that assume natural selection to have shaped behavior in a single foraging trip only so as to maximize colony growth. Offprint requests to: P. Schmid-Hempel  相似文献   

Summary Paternity determination by DNA fingerprinting is reported for a long-term study group of semi-free-ranging ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta), together with behavioral data collected independently. In 1985, fraternal twin males unfamiliar and unrelated to the resident ringtailed lemurs were introduced to the forest enclosure. Every mature resident male attacked the immigrants frequently across the next 5 months, whereas no female ever did. All observed estrous females showed sexual proceptivity toward the' immigrant males; three solicited copulation exclusively from them. Each female repelled sons, matrilineal brothers, and other resident males from attempting to copulate. Over a 5-year period, four of five females always reproduced with distantly related or unrelated males (Fig. 3). Despite low dominance status throughout the case study, an immigrant sired the off-spring of each female that was proceptive toward only the immigrants, demonstrating that female choice can override male dominance relations to determine reproductive success among male ringtailed lemurs. In the birth season following the 1985–1986 immigration, each of four females targeted one or two particular adult males for consistent attack across the period of infant dependency, beginning days after parturition. Paternity determinations, colony records, and subsequent study of two groups allowed 66 cases of this mode of maternal aggression to be documented. In each, the targeted male had not fathered the protected infant, and almost invariably, he was unrelated to the infant's mother. New mothers attacked every male that immigrated following their infants' conceptions and a few familiar males with whom they had not been seen to copulate during the previous breeding season. Recent attempts by immigrant males to kill infants confirmed the anti-infanticidal function of maternal targeting of males. All results were interpreted together to advance a prospective model of the mating system of ringtailed lemurs. Female avoidance of incest has led to the evolution of natal male dispersal. Subsequently, males should prefer to transfer into groups containing few and/or status-vulnerable males. We predict that, by killing others' infants, males simultaneously increase chances for success in females' next reproductive efforts and terminate current fathers' reproductive eligibility in a group. Basic hypotheses that await testing are that (a) raising an infant through weaning reduces a female's chances for reproductive success the following year and (b) males that demonstrate the capacity to promote the survival of infant offspring are most attractive to females as mates.  相似文献   

The brown alga Fucus ceranoides L. was studied in several estuaries on the Isle of Man (Great Britain) in the summers of 1989 and 1990. The objective were to determine the success of natural fertilization in a dioecious organism with external fertilization and to contribute to our understanding of processes such as polyspermy blocks and propagule settlement under natural conditions. Gamete release occurred on a semilunar cycle near full and new moons; at such times, settlement densities of 500 zygotes cm-2 d-1 were common. Gamete release was largely restricted to daytime high tides. Fertilization success was high: about 95 to 100% of all eggs released were fertilized, and 1 to 9% of these zygotes were polyspermic. The incidence of polyspermy increased towards the upper limit of F. ceranoides in the estuary of the river Neb; this may be significant in the context of the Na+-dependent block against polyspermy. Levels of polyspermy were not related to fertilization success (R2=0.06). Rates of pronuclear migration and karyogamy determined in the laboratory were used as an internal clock to estimate when eggs were fertilized in the field. Most eggs were fertilized 30 to 120 min after plants were immersed by the incoming tide, which corresponded to the period 60 min before to 30 min after high tide. The high success of fertilization suggests that polyspermy blocks are important in nature, and, in combination with the high settlement of zygotes, shows that population size in F. ceranoides is determined by post-settlement mortality, not by propagule availability.  相似文献   

Summary. Host plant volatiles which attract insect herbivores for egg-laying are of principal interest with respect to insect ecology and evolution. Direct applications concern population monitoring and control through behavioural manipulation. Identification of behaviourally active plant secondary metabolites is essential also for plant breeding for insect resistance. Grapevine moth females Lobesia botrana are attracted by upwind flight to green grape berries Vitis vinifera. The headspace of grape berries was collected on air filters. A solvent extract of these filters, released from a sprayer, attracted females in the wind tunnel. The results demonstrate that volatile cues mediate attraction of grapevine moth females to grape berries, and that headspace collections capture the essence of this odour signal. The air filter extracts were examined by gas chromatography coupled with electroantennographic detection, and the compounds eliciting a consistent antennal response in L. botrana females were identified by mass spectrometry. The headspace collection apparatus was calibrated for collection efficiency of the active compounds. Their recovery rate ranged from 35 % for methyl salicylate to 83 % for (E,E)-α-farnesene. A synthetic ten-component blend was then formulated. The blend consisted of compounds eliciting an antennal response, formulated in a blend ratio corrected for differences in collection efficiency. Subsequent wind tunnel tests showed that female attraction to this synthetic ten-component blend was not significantly different from attraction to grape berries, or to headspace collections of the same berries. At a release rate of 35 ng/h of the most abundant compound (E)-β-caryophyllene, 20 % of the test females approached the source of sprayed headspace collections and the ten-component synthetic blend, respectively. In comparison, 100 g of green berries, releasing the main compound (E)-β-caryophyllene at a rate of ca. 4.7 ng/h, attracted 10 % of the females by upwind flight followed by source contact.  相似文献   

A complex interaction of biotic and abiotic factors influences animal foraging activity. It is often difficult to understand which factors may affect animals’ foraging and how it is affected. For instance, whereas the effect of sexual dimorphism on foraging activity has been reported in several species, little is known of the complex interactions between variables acting at a finer scale, e.g. the variability of body mass within a sex. Evaluating the importance of these finer scale factors is also essential to the understanding of foraging behaviour. We propose here a simple approach by applying principal component analysis (PCA) in a novel way to examine relationships between biotic and abiotic factors affecting foraging behaviour of top predators. We studied female little penguins (Eudyptula minor) of known age, carrying miniature accelerometers during the guard stage of breeding. Surprisingly, the body mass of the females did not influence any of the foraging parameters, but females foraging later in the breeding season dived shallower and more often, showing a strong correlation with laying date. Similarly, the diving effort of females was greater with increasing chick age within the same breeding stage. These results indicate that for female little penguin, the relationship between changes in prey availability and hunting effort can change at a fine scale, within a breeding stage. Therefore, any analysis of little penguin foraging behaviour during breeding should consider the timing in relation to the breeding season. We encourage researchers to develop the use of this PCA approach as it could help clarify the complexity of the underlying mechanisms determining foraging activity and we propose that it should be used as a first step of foraging behaviour analysis, before examining a particular relationship.  相似文献   

Socioecological theory predicts that the distribution of fertile females in space and time is the major determinant of male spacing behavior and mating strategies. Using a small nocturnal Malagasy primate, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), we determined the spatiotemporal distribution of estrous females during the brief annual mating season to examine the predictive power of the socioecological model for male mating strategies. Mouse lemurs are particularly interesting in this respect because this polygynous species is characterized by seasonal reproduction, seasonally reversed sexual dimorphism, and relatively large testes. All resident animals in our 8-ha study area, a total of 30 adult males and 27 adult females, were individually marked and regularly recaptured to determine female reproductive status and to obtain home range data. We found that the mating season is limited to 4 weeks following female emergence from hibernation. Only 3-9 females could have synchronized estruses during a given week, indicating a moderately high male monopolization potential. However, receptive females were not spatially clumped and male ranges overlapped with those of many other rivals. Therefore, we suggest that individual powerful males may be unable to defend exclusive permanent access to receptive females because of prohibitive costs of range defense resulting from the strongly male-biased operational sex ratio and the corresponding intruder pressure. Our general conclusions are (1) that the socioecological model provides a useful heuristic framework for the study of mating systems, but that (2) it does not specify the degree of spatiotemporal clumping of receptive females at which male mating strategies switch among mate guarding, spatial exclusion of rivals, and roaming, and that (3) the operational sex ratio can have profound effects on male mating strategies as well.  相似文献   

Pheromones may convey information about mate quality and social status. In the field cricket Gryllus integer, females mount the males for copulation, such that males cannot coerce females to mate. We examined whether virgin G. integer females preferred the scent of potentially dominant males to that of subordinate males. First, we collected pheromones by confining males on filter paper. Next, we offered filter paper from each of two size-matched males and control paper to females that had never been exposed to males, and measured the time spent by the female on each kind of paper. Finally, dominance status of the males in each size-matched pair was determined by pitting the two males against one another in agonistic contests. When offered filter paper from subsequently dominant versus subsequently subordinate males, females spent more time on the paper from the dominant male than the subordinate male, and much less time on control paper. Thus, pheromones may inform female G. integer about a male's potential to achieve dominant social status. Male pheromones were also associated with the female's tendency to mount a male. In contrast to cockroaches, where females prefer the scent of subordinate males (presumably to avoid risk of injury), female crickets prefer the scent of potentially dominant males and are more likely than males to wound their mating partners.  相似文献   

Summary The foragers in honeybee colonies cooperate by sharing information about rich sources of food. This study examines three hypotheses about the benefits of this cooperation: (H1) it decreases foragers' costs in finding new food sources, (H2) it increases the quality of the food sources located by foragers, and (H3) it increases the ability of a colony's foragers to compete for high-quality food sources. To test each hypothesis, we identified a critical pattern in the foraging process which, if observed, would cast doubt on that hypothesis, and then gathered data to check for these patterns. Our observations do not support the first hypothesis, but do support the second and third. These results, in addition to helping us understand the functional significance of the honeybee's dance language, provide insights into the colonial organization of foraging by honeybees.  相似文献   

The importance of salinity experienced during embryonic development and initial larval biomass on larval growth was studied in the South American estuarine crab Chasmagnathus granulata. Ovigerous females were maintained at three salinities (15, 20, and 32‰) from egg laying to hatching of zoea l. Larvae from all treatments were reared under constant conditions of photoperiod (12∶12), temperature (18°C), and salinity (first instar at 20‰, subsequent instars at 32‰). Biomass was measured as dry weight, carbon, and nitrogen content per individual at egg laying, hatching of zoea l, premoult zoea l, and zoea 4, and in 8-day-old megalopa. From hatching to premoult zoea 4, biomass was higher for larvae from prehatching salinities of 15 and 32‰. There was a significant positive correlation between biomass at hatching and at premoult zoea l and zoea 4. Accumulated biomass during zoeal stages tended to be higher for larvae from broods with higher biomass at hatching, although this trend was not always significant. Zoea 4 either directly metamorphosed to megalopa or moulted to zoea 5, following, respectively, a short or long developmental pathway. The proportion of zoea 4 that followed the long pathway was negatively correlated with biomass of zoeal stages. Biomass at hatching was correlated with biomass of megalopae developed through the short pathway, although it was not correlated with the accumulated biomass at this stage. Megalopae developed through the long pathway (i.e. metamorphosed from zoeae 5) had higher biomass than those from the short pathway. The present results suggest that prehatching salinity and initial egg and larval biomass can be very important for larval growth. Published online: 9 August 2002  相似文献   

As population modeling is increasingly called upon to guide policy and management, it is important that we understand not only the central tendencies of our study systems, but the consequences of their variation in space and time as well. The invasive plant Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) is actively managed in the United States and is the focus of a developing biological control program. Two weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Ceutorhynchus) that reduce fecundity (C. alliariae) and rosette survival plus fecundity (C. scrobicollis) are under consideration for release pending host specificity testing. We used a demographic modeling approach to (1) quantify variability in A. petiolata growth and vital rates and (2) assess the potential for single- or multiple-agent biocontrol to suppress growth of 12 A. petiolata populations in Illinois and Michigan studied over three plant generations. We used perturbation analyses and simulation models with stochastic environments to estimate stochastic growth rates (lambda(S)) and predict the probability of successful management using either a single biocontrol agent or two agent species together. Not all populations exhibited invasive dynamics. Estimates of lambda(S) ranged from 0.78 to 2.21 across sites, while annual, deterministic growth (lambda) varied up to sevenfold within individual sites. Given our knowledge of the biocontrol agents, this analysis suggests that C. scrobicollis alone may control A. petiolata at up to 63% of our study sites where lambda >1, with the combination of both agents predicted to succeed at 88% of sites. Across sites and years, the elasticity rankings were dependent on lambda. Reductions of rosette survival, fecundity, or germination of new seeds are predicted to cause the greatest reduction of lambda in growing populations. In declining populations, transitions affecting seed bank survival have the greatest effect on lambda. This contrasts with past analyses that varied parameters individually in an otherwise constant matrix, which may yield unrealistic predictions by decoupling natural parameter covariances. Overall, comparisons of stochastic and deterministic growth rates illustrate how analyses of individual populations or years could misguide management or fail to characterize complex traits such as invasiveness that emerge as attributes of populations rather than species.  相似文献   

S. Choe 《Marine Biology》1971,9(1):31-37
Individuals of the oriental brown shrimp Penaeus japonicus Bate, were raised separately (1 shrimp per rearing cage) with surplus food, in almost dark, non-sediment conditions. Results were obtained regarding growth of each part of the body in conjunction with exuviation and molting cycle. Increases in carapace, body length and body weight conformed to the general pattern discribed by Hiatt (1948), with no difference in growth resulting from sex, or inflexion point in juvenile stage. The molting cycle of shrimp weighing 1.5 to 15 g was 6 to 17 days at a water temperature of 20° to 28°C. The molting cycle was prolonged in proportion to the size of the shrimp; shortened as the water temperature increased.  相似文献   

Enmin Zou  Ben Stueben 《Marine Biology》2006,149(6):1411-1415
The brown shrimp, Penaeus aztecus, in the northern Gulf of Mexico is faced with dual stresses of environmental hypoxia, which occurs as a result of oxygen depletion from microbial decomposition of organic materials from algal blooms, and pollution from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from petroleum and gas production on the continental shelf of the northern Gulf of Mexico. This study investigated the effect of naphthalene, a PAH, on oxyregulating capacity of P. aztecus, when shrimps were subjected to progressive hypoxia. It was found that P. aztecus is an oxyregulator with a critical oxygen concentration of 2.53 mg/l at 19–21°C, below which the animal becomes an oxyconformer. Acute exposure to naphthalene at 2.0 mg/l significantly reduced the oxyregulating capacity by 112%. This is the first report on the alteration of an aquatic animal’s oxyregulating capacity by a PAH. Possible mechanism for the impaired oxyregulation in the presence of naphthalene was discussed.  相似文献   

In socially foraging animals, it is widely acknowledged that the position of an individual within the dominance hierarchy of the group has a large effect upon its foraging behaviour and energetic intake, where the intake of subordinates can be reduced through socially mediated interference. In this paper, we explore the effects of interference upon group dynamics and individual behaviour, using a spatially explicit individual-based model. Each individual follows a simple behavioural rule based upon its energetic reserves and the actions of its neighbours (where the rule is derived from game theory models). We show that dominant individuals should have larger energetic reserves than their subordinates, and the size of this difference increases when either food is scarce, the intensity of interference suffered by the subordinates increases, or the distance over which dominant individuals affect subordinates increases. Unlike previous models, the results presented in this paper about differences in reserves are not based upon prior assumptions of the effects of social hierarchy and energetic reserves upon predation risk, and emerge through nothing more than a reduction in energetic intake by the subordinates when dominants are present. Furthermore, we show that increasing interference intensity, food availability or the distance over which dominants have an effect also causes the difference in movement between ranks to increase (where subordinates move more than dominants), and the distance over which dominants have an effect changes the size of the groups that the different ranks are found in. These results are discussed in relation to previous studies of intra- and interspecific dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   

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