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对环保宣教部门如何组织开展环境新闻宣传工作进行了阐述,提出了准确定位环境新闻宣传的职能作用,将新时期的环保重点工作作为当前新闻宣传的主要内容,探讨了新形势下环境新闻宣传的新思路与新做法,对环境保护宣传新的工作方法进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

近日,内蒙古自治区召开2009年度全区环境新闻宣传策划会议,会议总结了09年是上半年全区环境宣传教育工作,并下半年环境宣教工作进行了规划布署。2009年上半年,内蒙古自治区在污染物减排、重点流域污染治理、环保能力提升、基础设施建设等多方面取得了突出的成效。宣教工作作为环保工作的主要抓手之一,为推动自治区环保工作、污染物减排实现“双降”等多项成绩取得可喜成果起到了推波助澜的关键作用。上半年的宣教工作亮点主要有:新闻宣传形式多样,效果显著,在主流新闻媒体开设环保专栏和制作环保专题节目等有效形式,加大环保新闻宣传力度,充分发挥了环保主流媒体宣传的重要作用;  相似文献   

狄瑞芬 《环境教育》2012,(11):29-30
一年多来,自治区宣教中心按照《纲要》精神、国家和自治区对新时期环境保护工作的总体要求,紧紧围绕党委、政府和环保厅的工作大局,以污染物减排为中心,在新闻宣传、社会宣传、环境教育和能力建设等方面做了一些有益的思考和探索。  相似文献   

为有效开展全民环境教育工作,根据国家有关环境宣传教育工作指示精神,我们于年初及时召开了专题工作会议。分析了过去开展环境宣传教育工作的现状,并结合工作实际,研讨了开展全民环境教育的措施和做法,明确要求各地市在组织实施全民环境教育的过程中要加强分类指导,不断研究教育对象,丰富教育手段,有效推进全民环境教育工作的进程。半年来,我们侧重从新闻宣传、公益活动、绿色学校和培育环保非政府组织等方面入手,收到了良好的社会效果。  相似文献   

茆爽 《环境教育》2013,(12):21-22
近年来,我省在全面加强环境保护和生态建设的同时,高度重视环境宣传教育,积极回应公众关切,切实推动了公众参与环境保护。四川省环境新闻宣传工作得到进一步强化,干部教育培训形成特色,环保社会宣传拓展了领域,环境宣教绩效评估创新发展。全省环境宣教工作已呈现出五个方面的特点:  相似文献   

为充分发挥环保新闻宣传的重要作用,维护环保新闻的真实性、严肃性和权威性,山东省环保厅出台了《新闻宣传工作管理制度》。《制度》规定,山东省环保厅新闻宣传工作实行统一管理,由宣教中心一个口径对外,各处室(单位)要积极参与,及时提供宣传素材,共同做好新闻宣传工作。《制度》还就定期召集宣传形势分析会议、组建宣传联络员队伍、组织新闻发布会、重大环保稿件的审核发布、新闻采访预约、  相似文献   

北京5月10日,北京市环保局召开了2011年北京市环境保护宣传教育工作会议。会议传达了全国环境宣教工作会议精神,总结了北京市"十一五"及2010年环境宣教工作取得的成绩和经验,部署了2011年工作。北京市环保局党组副书记、副局长、巡视员杜少中讲话指出,"十一五"北京环境宣教工作取得重大进展,主要有五条基本经验:一是扎实推进新闻宣传,不断提升舆论引导能力;二是积极拓  相似文献   

2007年2月,全国环保厅局长会议在北京隆重召开。国家环保总局宣教司作了“2007年全国环境宣传教育工作要点”的讲话。讲话强调,进一步加大对历史性转变的宣传报道力度;切实组织好约束性指标完成情况的报道;做好先进典型的新闻宣传;做好“六·五”世界环境日宣传工作等。各地纷纷学习了宣教司关于“2007年全国环境宣传教育工作要点”的讲话,并结合地方实际情况制定了2007年宣教工作新重点。  相似文献   

环境宣教工作要在围绕中心、服务大局上积极作为,在把握新闻宣传主动权上积极作为,要在运用新媒体上积极作为,要在注重实效上积极作为,要在加强能力建设上积极作为。  相似文献   

最近,山西省环保部门创新新闻宣传方式,在全省开展新闻督察,采用现场督察、情况反馈、领导批示、新闻发布、媒体报道和建议执法处理等形式,监督纠正环境违法行为,推动环境问题的解决,并同步编写《新闻督察内参报告》,得到了社会各界的高度肯定与支持。通过一段时间的探索和实践,有关方面认为新闻媒体督察是搞好环保工作的有效形式和重要手段,具有推广意义。  相似文献   

环境保护事业在发展,宣传教育工作也要与时俱进。环境保护不仅是一门专业,更重要的是一个理念,是新的文明和新的文化形态。宣传这种理念需要一种无私的奉献精神,更需要一种有效的手段。在强化公众的环保意识的同时,更要针对领导干部、企业负责人、消费者等不同群体开展环保教育,建立宣传教育的配套机制,依托多元主体,进行各有侧重的环境保护宣传教育。  相似文献   

为督促政府严格履行环境监管职责,应引入新闻媒体,与政府、企业共同参与污染治理。本文使用演化博弈理论通过构建博弈支付矩阵,研究不同情形下政府与企业间、新闻媒体与政府间的演化稳定策略(ESS),探究新闻媒体监督对环境污染治理的影响,并通过数值算例对演化结果进行验证。演化过程及数值仿真结果表明:①对企业、政府而言,当某种策略的期望利润始终更大时,其决策过程将不受另一方与新闻媒体策略的影响,且此时存在ESS;②新闻媒体进行环保监督一定程度上能促进企业和政府组成的系统向优良状态演化,但新闻媒体是否进行环保监督受政府对环境监管程度的影响,取决于报道成本和预期收益的大小;③政府的作用举足轻重,增大单位环境税额和处罚力度能促使企业合法减排,而对其不严格监管可能使环境质量恶化。因此,为促进环境质量改善,需不断推动环保理念传播,设法降低企业减排成本和政府监管成本,扩大新闻媒体监督职责范围,提高其监督的主动性,并对政府增加生态环境保护维度考核。  相似文献   

石静  陈文育 《四川环境》2021,(1):239-243
现今,我国水环境整体情况仍不容乐观,相较于大气污染而言,水污染形势也更为严峻紧迫。水环境关乎着人们的切身利益,与居民的健康和社会稳定紧密勾连,相关的新闻也深刻地反映着社会大众关注的焦点与痛点。拟从获取的数据入手,对以“长江水污染”为议题的新闻报道进行系统地研究分析,从而探讨当前水环境污染新闻报道的潜在问题,并对此提出一些对策与建议。厘清水环境污染新闻报道的现状,把握水环境污染报道存在的问题,对于新闻报道发挥影响力和推动水污染问题的解决具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A postal survey on a random cluster sample of 1032 secondary school students in Hong Kong was conducted to investigate what and how much students know about the environment and how their knowledge is related to use of mass media. Results indicated that students were very knowledgeable on general and local environmental issues. The average score for environmental knowledge was 60.7 on a 100-point scale. There was some indications that students' environmental knowledge was shaped and limited by the reporting of environmental news in Hong Kong. Television news viewership had positive correlation with students' environmental knowledge while Chinese newspaper readership had a positive but weak correlation. Male students and students in higher forms were more knowledgeable about the environment. The study established a comprehensive measure for both general and local environmental knowledge with an acceptable level of internal consistency for subsequent studies.  相似文献   

From an environmental perspective, the media have raised the level of environmental awareness and, rightly or wrongly, focused the attention of citizens on specific environmental issues. Public reaction to environmental news can filter back into the media and highlight specific policy issues. The importance of the media in this respect has gained strength, particularly in developing countries, where environmental problems have become legitimate concerns, and where access to 'official' information has been historically difficult. In general, newspapers have been found to be one of the most predominant sources of environmental information available to the public, particularly in developing countries. In this paper, we summarise, briefly analyse and compare the newspaper coverage of environmental issues in Argentina, Chile, Mexico and the Philippines. Among numerous other results, it appears that the coverage of environmental issues fell considerably over the period 1990-94 despite an increase in world-wide environmental awareness. Most news reports actions by the environmental agencies (warnings and rewards, etc.). In the Philippines, however, most environmental news reports investments in pollution abatement activities by the private sector. While citizens' complaints represent a small percentage of the coverage of environmental issues, closer examination reveals that such complaints, in the vast majority of cases, trigger governmental actions (warnings) and ultimately an improvement of firms' environmental performance (investment).  相似文献   

通过调查问卷的形式探索了仁怀市赤水河两岸的村民在生态保护中的态度与行为。结果表明:沿赤水河两岸居住的部分村民的环保意识相对较低,居民的环保意识与所受教育程度有关,且居民了解环保知识的渠道单一,需要加强多渠道宣传;居民的日常生活和农耕对赤水河的污染较小,周围酒厂及小工厂的污染"贡献"较大。当地环保部门应该加强宣传,提高两岸居民的环保知识水平,减少生活污染,严格控制企业污染排放,减少工业污染,从而维护赤水河流域生态安全。  相似文献   


From an environmental perspective, the media have raised the level of environmental awareness and, rightly or wrongly, focused the attention of citizens on specific environmental issues. Public reaction to environmental news can filter back into the media and highlight specific policy issues. The importance of the media in this respect has gained strength, particularly in developing countries, where environmental problems have become legitimate concerns, and where access to 'official' information has been historically difficult. In general, newspapers have been found to be one of the most predominant sources of environmental information available to the public, particularly in developing countries. In this paper, we summarise, briefly analyse and compare the newspaper coverage of environmental issues in Argentina, Chile, Mexico and the Philippines. Among numerous other results, it appears that the coverage of environmental issues fell considerably over the period 1990-94 despite an increase in world-wide environmental awareness. Most news reports actions by the environmental agencies (warnings and rewards, etc.). In the Philippines, however, most environmental news reports investments in pollution abatement activities by the private sector. While citizens' complaints represent a small percentage of the coverage of environmental issues, closer examination reveals that such complaints, in the vast majority of cases, trigger governmental actions (warnings) and ultimately an improvement of firms' environmental performance (investment).  相似文献   

本文从我国环境保护公众参与进程缓慢的历史和参与意识日益提高的现状出发,分析了目前我国环境保护的公众参与存在缺乏相应的法律制度保障、公众主动了解环保知识不足、参与机制不健全、渠道不顺畅等问题,提出了以加强环境信息公开、环境决策民主化,建立和发展环保社团等办法推动公众参与环境保护的对策。  相似文献   

环境法是一个新兴的部门法,对其基本原则的认定在学界观点颇多,没有形成统一的认识。环境责任原则在我国经历了一个从发展到完善的过程,体现了环境公平与正义的价值取向,反映了环境法可持续发展的本质特征,应该作为环境法的基本原则。同时,应通过法律制度的建设贯彻该原则,以发挥其对环境资源开发、利用、保护和管理等活动的指导作用。  相似文献   

In a single day, June 13, 1994, the total stock market capitalization of Exxon dropped by a full 5 percent, with news of the company's exposure to additional legal damages from the Exxon Valdez disaster. Despite what should have been a jarring wake-up call, however, Wall Street investors and company CEOs continue for the most part to conduct business as usual, unpersuaded that environmental considerations are anything more than a superficial and temporary blip on their Bloomberg screens. There is mounting evidence that they're dead wrong. In this article, the authors contend what they're currently sleeping through is nothing less than the beginnings of a profound, worldwide industrial restructuring.  相似文献   

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