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在小学美术教学中渗透环保理念,有着丰富而广泛的教育资源,从九年义务教育原教材到新课改教材,几乎每课都直接或间接地涉及到环保教育。在《美术新课程目标》中,关于“艺术与生活”的内容就强调了培养学生关注与认识自然环境,并用艺术的方式表现生活和美化自然的能力。正因为美术教学的这些特点,在小学美术教学中渗透环保教育更能激发学生关注自然,培养学生正确审美观、创造力,提高学生的综合素质。那么,在小学美术教学中如何进行环保教育呢?根据美术学科的特点,充分挖掘美术教材中的“环境教育”因素。美术教育也被称为“造型艺术教育”、…  相似文献   

过度放牧的最初迹象是富于营养的多年生禾草逐步被一年生禾草所取代。随后,这些一年生禾草又逐步被杂草和灌木所取代——这是植物生态演替的一种反常  相似文献   

知识经济时代理想的高校会计目标观念应当是决策有用性与管理责任的有机结合,既注重决策有用性,又不轻视管理责任;假设将被系统化、集成化模式所替代.因而,事件驱动模式代替顺序化会计处理程序,事项会计取代价值会计.  相似文献   

陈红兵 《绿叶》2010,(10):106-111
佛教生态伦理关注的主要是主体自身的德性成长,从人的成长和完善、实现人的理想存在状态的角度论证人应该如何对待其他生命和自然环境。这与西方主流生态伦理思想突出自然生态存在的内在价值及权利有本质的不同,两者之间不能相互取代,而是相互补充。传统佛教在知识阶层和普通民众中均存在深刻影响.其生态伦理作用于社会的空间很大。近现代以来佛教社会文化教育功能的转型及发展,更为其生态伦理作用于社会提供了新的可能。  相似文献   

在挪威自90年代中期开始的教育改革中,开发了一个新的适用于所有教育的总教学大纲,包括小学、初中、高中和成人教育。所有教育都要为实现这一教学大纲服务,每个具体学科的专门教学计划必须在这一总框架下加以说明,大纲由一系列理论和原则所组成,它们包涵了跨学科的环境教育。环境教育没有被视为正常课程之外的附加任务,反而是实现大纲目标的一个途径。以下是新的教学大纲中支持环境教育的理论和指南的一些例子。@教育就是在思考即在推测中训练,检验概念,做出判断,通过设问、观察和实验,得出结论。它所对应的另一半是在简洁地表达…  相似文献   

传统村落俗称为古村落,是民俗文化的策源地,民俗表情的生动符号。古村落融自然山水、传统道德、乡风民俗、建筑理念于一体,具有重要的历史、文化、建筑、艺术、旅游等价值。然而,受城镇化、现代化、社会转型等因素影响,近年来,我国古村落的数量锐减,空壳化现象严重,保护形势极其严峻。一些传统民间文化载体的古村落正一步步被逼进狭小的“胡同”,部分甚至退出历史舞台。  相似文献   

徐友渔 《绿叶》2008,(7):40-46
1949年后,中国传统中断。"文革"代价巨大、教训深重,我们渐渐把道德往人性发展,中国传统文化重新被重视。我们面临的压倒一切的任务,是中国必须现代化,但现代化的核心价值,中国传统并不能提供,试图证明现代化价值能够在儒家文化中印证的努力几乎都失败了。传统文化有关日常人伦的部分,是有活力的,可以被继承,因为它用非常精炼的语言,高水平地表达了普世价值。而传统文化中的道统,是为皇权、专制服务的,若恢复道统,不是一件好事。  相似文献   

肖显静 《绿叶》2008,(6):54-60
中国的现代化,是在不完整的西方现代性观念指导下进行的,是工具理性的现代化而非价值理性的现代化,是表层的物质现代化而非深层的精神现代化。这种不完整的现代化制造了包括环境问题在内的一系列重大问题。中国目前以及以后所面临的最大问题不是追赶,而是超越。超越不可能以原来的观念、传统的道路——资本主义、传统社会主义——为基础。把维护全球性的生态平衡和实现社会主义结合起来的生态社会主义理论,给未来中国发展道路的选择提供了一个新的思想支点和视角。  相似文献   

现在官民矛盾中最大的问题是官民结构失衡。社会精英历来是官民之间的缓冲物。当前的危险是,传统精英被体制收编,出现了被缺乏理性的草根精英取代的趋势。民权之成,需要过程;应急之法,是鼓励精英替民众讲话。  相似文献   

叶永青 《绿叶》2008,(5):38-44
现代艺术的西南画派代表人物叶永青,用自身的行动告诉公众:在现代化的道路上,不是所有"新的"都比"旧的"好,不是一切东西都可以拆掉,其实还有另外更细致而完善的版本来处理现代化进程。我们完全可以把西双版纳做成东南亚的客厅。中国五千年的历史酝酿了一个诗歌、绘画和书法三位一体的传统。在当下,艺术与生活构成现代艺术家的双重人格。在这个碎片化的时代,艺术就是用一种新的眼光来看公众认为一成不变的世界。  相似文献   

武术是中华民族优秀的传统体育项目,不仅具有健身、修身及防身等诸多方面的作用,同时还具备着极高的表演与观赏价值。武术欣赏有助于激发学习兴趣、提高教学质量、丰富文化知识,通过加大理论课比重、注重武术知识及规则的传授、加强校园武术文化建设、完善课外活动、加快武术欣赏的理论与实践研究等途径,可以培养武术欣赏能力,进一步提高人们的武术欣赏水平,激发人们参与武术运动的积极性以及养成终身参与体育锻炼的习惯。  相似文献   

长期以传统GDP作为衡量经济发展的单一评价指标,造成了一系列环境问题,已不能满足科学发展观的要求。以绿色经济为视角,通过计量方法重新计算包含环境成本的相对绿色GDP,发现环渤海地区除北京市以外,在经济总量扩张的同时环境压力不断增加。将计算得到的相对绿色GDP作为DEA—Malmquist模型的产出指标,重新评价环渤海地区的经济效率,发现新的效率值明显低于传统GDP下的经济效率,并有不断下降的趋势。  相似文献   

长期以传统GDP作为衡量经济发展的单一评价指标,造成了一系列环境问题,已不能满足科学发展观的要求.以绿色经济为视角,通过计量方法重新计算包含环境成本的相对绿色GDP,发现环渤海地区除北京市以外,在经济总量扩张的同时环境压力不断增加.将计算得到的相对绿色GDP作为DEA- Malmquist模型的产出指标,重新评价环渤海地区的经济效率,发现新的效率值明显低于传统GDP下的经济效率,并有不断下降的趋势.  相似文献   

钭晓东 《四川环境》2003,22(3):8-12
为平衡旅游开发过程中的经济与环保利益,作为一种全新旅游理念与旅游发展形式的“生态旅游”应运而生,也对传统旅游结构的演变提出挑战,西方通过对“生态旅游”的概念、特性、构成要素、核心内涵、历史使命的解析,以求能为“生态旅游”发展的可持续性,从而为结合“经济效益”、“生态支柱”、“文化内涵”的新型旅游发展模式提出思考。  相似文献   

Computer display technology is currently in a state of transition, as the traditional technology of cathode ray tubes is being replaced by liquid crystal display flat-panel technology. Technology substitution and process innovation require the evaluation of the trade-offs among environmental impact, cost, and engineering performance attributes. General impact assessment methodologies, decision analysis and management tools, and optimization methods commonly used in engineering cannot efficiently address the issues needed for such evaluation. The conventional Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) process often generates results that can be subject to multiple interpretations, although the advantages of the LCA concept and framework obtain wide recognition. In the present work, the LCA concept is integrated with Quality Function Deployment (QFD), a popular industrial quality management tool, which is used as the framework for the development of our integrated model. The problem of weighting is addressed by using pairwise comparison of stakeholder preferences. Thus, this paper presents a new integrated analytical approach, Integrated Industrial Ecology Function Deployment (I2-EFD), to assess the environmental behavior of alternative technologies in correlation with their performance and economic characteristics. Computer display technology is used as the case study to further develop our methodology through the modification and integration of various quality management tools (e.g., process mapping, prioritization matrix) and statistical methods (e.g., multi-attribute analysis, cluster analysis). Life cycle thinking provides the foundation for our methodology, as we utilize a published LCA report, which stopped at the characterization step, as our starting point. Further, we evaluate the validity and feasibility of our methodology by considering uncertainty and conducting sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the contribution that forums have made in progressing sustainable land use policies and decisions within rural Wales. The examples of Cardigan Bay Forum and Wales Rural Forum are used to show how sustainability has been addressed within their overall agendas. The contemporary debate about sustainable development has provoked a new organizational response with forums visible in many activities and initiatives. The traditional adversarial approach between groups has been replaced by a more sophisticated and complex assemblage of bodies that together create the forum ideal. Consensus, partnership and mutual understanding form the language of this new discourse. However, their presence raises certain key questions as to their role, purpose, representativeness and value in rural resource management debates. These questions have not been considered in the literature, and with the increasing proliferation of forums generally, there is a need to assess whether they are bringing about real and effective change. The two examples reveal clear evidence of forums as agents of change. However, there is considerable tension within both forums, within a climate of financial and membership vulnerability, between the need for involving all legitimate interests and the need to achieve meaningful outcomes for individual members. Such tension goes to the heart of who the two forums actually represent and their resulting actions. The way that these tensions have been reconciled lie at the heart of the forum phenomenon.1998 Academic Press  相似文献   

The last decade has seen considerable interest in the concept of social capital and there have been a number of publications focused around the concept. A wide range of claims have been made for the analytic potential of social capital leading some to question the concept's continued value. We think that the concept still has considerable value if used in a careful and rigorous way. We further think that the concept has particular value when considering policy for sustainable development. However, just as sustainable development is a multi-faceted concept, this application requires a multi-faceted reading of social capital. Having concluded that a clearer typology of social capital is needed, we propose a threefold typology, adding the new category of 'bracing' social capital to the more commonly used distinction between 'bonding' and 'bridging' social capital. We also address the issues of what social capital can do and how it actually works, specifically in the context of policy for sustainable development.  相似文献   

随值取向、服度来约束,量来凝聚。着社会的发展和医疗环境的复杂化,医院新毕业生的道德观念、思维方式、价务理念都受到不同程度的冲击。针对这一现状,医院对新毕业生要以严格的制以良好的机制来激励和关爱,以丰富的网络资源来教育,以优秀的团队文化力  相似文献   

The last decade has seen considerable interest in the concept of social capital and there have been a number of publications focused around the concept. A wide range of claims have been made for the analytic potential of social capital leading some to question the concept's continued value. We think that the concept still has considerable value if used in a careful and rigorous way. We further think that the concept has particular value when considering policy for sustainable development. However, just as sustainable development is a multi‐faceted concept, this application requires a multi‐faceted reading of social capital. Having concluded that a clearer typology of social capital is needed, we propose a threefold typology, adding the new category of ‘bracing’ social capital to the more commonly used distinction between ‘bonding’ and ‘bridging’ social capital. We also address the issues of what social capital can do and how it actually works, specifically in the context of policy for sustainable development.  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料、调查访问等方法,对竞技武术套路新旧竞赛规则进行对比,并分析探讨新规则的实施对武术套路训练的影响,提出对此所应采取的训练方法和策略,同时对竞技武术套路动作创新的科学性、新颖性、针对性、技击、美学等原则与难度递进法、组合法、象形法等方法进行了论述,以拓宽武术动作创新的思路,为竞技武术套路动作的创新提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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