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采用文献资料法、访谈调查法和综合分析法就以武术为媒介传承民族文化精神作出探索并分析,求证武术与传统文化的密切联系,发现了武术教学在传承民族文化时存在被竞技体育形式化,武德教育缺失,良好传统被扭曲等尴尬之处,并指出武术教学改革应重点把握武术基础理论、武德、习武的精神要义、功法原理等,可以利用各种传媒,利用多种特色鲜明的技术内容,利用传统招法名称教学等方法进行民族传统文化的传承。  相似文献   

运用访谈法、实地考察法和文献资料法,通过对秦皇岛市部分高校体育课武术教学现状进行调查,发现目前高校体育课武术教学在教材内容、教学时数的设置、教法及手段等方面存在问题,提出了调整教学内容与教学方法、加强理论教学和增加课程总学时等武术教学改革的建议。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、访谈调查法和综合分析法就以武术为媒介传承民族文化精神作出探索并分析,求证武术与传统文化的密切联系,发现了武术教学在传承民族文化时存在被竞技体育形式化,武德教育缺失,良好传统被扭曲等尴尬之处,并指出武术教学改革应重点把握武术基础理论、武德、习武的精神要义、功法原理等,可以利用各种传媒,利用多种特色鲜明的技术内容,利用传统招法名称教学等方法进行民族传统文化的传承。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料、调查访问等方法,对竞技武术套路新旧竞赛规则进行对比,并分析探讨新规则的实施对武术套路训练的影响,提出对此所应采取的训练方法和策略,同时对竞技武术套路动作创新的科学性、新颖性、针对性、技击、美学等原则与难度递进法、组合法、象形法等方法进行了论述,以拓宽武术动作创新的思路,为竞技武术套路动作的创新提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以秦皇岛高校武术段位制的开展情况作为研究对象,运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法及经验法进行调研,针对学生对武术认识较为肤浅、欠缺合适的考评体系、师资力量严重匮乏等教学中存在的问题,提出了高校武术段位制的发展对策,包括:考评权利下放,增设考评机构,利用学校武术社团宣传段位制,培养段位制师资力量,进段考评与学分制相结合,争取管理层的支持等。  相似文献   

乡村旅游发展的居民社区参与影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
社区参与是乡村旅游业可持续发展的动力机制之一,多种因素对社区充分参与产生了影响.通过对宏村等四个乡村旅游地的实证研究表明,文化归属、利益分配、效益认同、组织需求、政策支持、参与能力等六个因素是居民参与的主要影响因素,文化归属感是居民社区参与的首要影响因素;乡村旅游经营管理者应从制度上肃清障碍、提供合理的参与渠道、开展必要的居民培训,居民要加强自身文化知识和技能的培养,提升参与能力.  相似文献   

公众参与是环境保护的最大关键,而环保知识是社会公众科学参与环保的基本要件。缺乏必要的环保知识,公众参与将成无本之木,环境保护也必将因此失却科学与理性。可以说,环保知识大赛的举办,是一次普遍的环境文化传播,是对公众参与的极大激励,是对科学环保的必然尊重,因为,环保知识就是--  相似文献   

正如何让公众通过参与环保活动增进对环保知识的了解并激发他们参与环保实践的热情?江西近两年来通过紧接地气的环保课堂、比赛、社团实践、公众开放、展示等活动促进环境教育,让公众乐于参与,从中接受环保知识并实践。相得益彰的环保课堂。今年9月10-12日,中国青少年生态教育示范课进校园(江西站)活动,走进南昌、九江的6所学校进行生态环境教育专题讲座及交流。同时举办了江西全省绿色学校代表和南昌市青山湖区学校代表参加的生态教育观摩活动。6所学校通过环保水彩画、科技环保小制作、龙传人表演、生态操、  相似文献   

张鹏 《绿色视野》2010,(10):42-46
电视剧《李小龙传奇》的热播和电影《叶问》系列的热映,共同推动了咏春拳从屏幕热到现实中。不止是咏春拳。时下,很多年轻人,或为强身健体,或出于痴迷爱恋,业余时间去武术馆里习练武术渐成常态。近期,本刊记者寻访了隐藏在繁华都市中的"武林高手"。  相似文献   

张玉胜 《环境教育》2013,(10):15-15
人常说良药苦口、忠言逆耳。解读发改委官员"直接涨价要好过不知情的财政拨款"的善意,不过是为激发人们对环保问题的警醒与参与。但政府在唤起民众的同时,更应反思自己的责任。  相似文献   

随着科技的飞速发展,传统美术手工技艺逐渐被计算机和数字影像所取代,其实用价值已经退出了历史的舞台。但是应该看到,传统美术并非消亡,原有的那种探索、启发、冥想、创造依然在新的美术设计和艺术表现形式中发挥作用,从而体现了其存在价值。美术的概念在被一种新的艺术概念所取代,变的是称谓和形式,不变的是灵魂和精神,而这种技术的改变正是美术的未来。  相似文献   

Yasuo Takao 《Local Environment》2016,21(9):1100-1117
The aim of the present article is to examine the importance of public participation in the production and use of environmental science, with special reference to “expert citizens” who can facilitate and mediate between expert knowledge and lay people. The study of expert citizens is largely unexplored in Japan's environmental policy. As uncertainty, inherent in the complexity of environmental science, increases, there are calls for refashioning expert knowledge into a more citizen–expert interactive governance. In the USA, the way that lay people can participate in scientific knowledge application and policy-making is organised through grassroots and national environmental organisations, such as the National Resources Defense Council. In Japan, such professional associations that build networks of interaction with scientific experts, policy-makers, interest groups and the media, have yet to emerge on a wider scale. Nonetheless, voluntary citizens individually or collectively have developed their expertise over many years and have begun to play an intermediary role at the local level. This article will analyse the potential roles of expert citizens by conducting the case studies of two Japanese localities, Shiki and Joyo cities.  相似文献   

Tourism development may result in negative impacts on natural resources owing to overuse and mismanagement. However, tourism may also play positive roles in natural resource conservation, which has rarely been verified in practice, although some researchers have demonstrated this in theory. In this article, taking the Jiuzhaigou Biosphere Reserve as a case study area, we conducted an analysis for the environmental impacts from tourism development based on social survey and interpretation of remote sensing images. The results show that the natural environment was not degraded and some indicators are even improving because all the residents have participated in tourism and given up farming and hunting. It is concluded that it is possible to use tourism as a way to balance natural resource conservation and economic development under the preconditions of making effective policies to encourage and help local people participate in tourism business and to benefit from it.  相似文献   

Planning and management for recreational activities in protected areas involves an understanding of many complex factors. Segmentation of recreation demand and of the main physical or sporting activities can contribute to the design of more efficient management strategies, which may help to maintain or significantly enhance satisfaction with the recreation experience, and this in turn could improve the interest in and appreciation of the natural environment. The current study examined the motivations of hikers in three small Natura 2000 protected areas. It establishes a typology or categorization as a contribution to better management based on a survey conducted through on-site personal interviews with a representative sample of 569 hikers. Through an analysis of the principal intervening components by means of cluster analysis, we identified three groups of hikers based on three motivational dimensions: (1) nature-minded hikers, (2) sporting hikers and (3) general-purpose hikers. The most striking results were the significant differences among group variables related to visit behaviour (frequency and duration of visits and number of people per group), previous knowledge (protection status of the areas) and recreational frequentation (trail categories and protected areas visited). A positive correlation between the degree of sympathy for nature and the degree of satisfaction with the recreational experience (including positive evaluation of the public facilities, signposting and services offered) was also observed. The results are discussed in terms of their applicability and implications in hiking management in protected natural areas such as those of Natura 2000.  相似文献   

Extensive research demonstrates that public participation in environmental decision making can increase understanding of diverse worldviews and knowledge bases, public faith in governance institutions, and compliance with resulting rules. Concerns linger around costs, possibilities of polarization and decreased legitimacy in cases of poorly executed processes, and the ability of newly empowered groups to gain political leverage over others. If participants in public processes can bracket their personal experience to better assess other viewpoints, establishing mutual respect and understanding through deliberative exchange, they increase the likelihood of maximizing participatory benefits and minimizing risks. Such reflexivity indicates double-loop social learning, change undertaken through collective discussion and interaction. A capacity-building workshop program aims to foster such learning within the Maine fishing industry. Case material draws primarily on participant observation and interview data, using a grounded theory approach to qualitative analysis. Evidence indicates that in social contexts removed from the norms of daily life and the frustrations of past fishery management confrontations, harvesters acquire knowledge and skills that facilitate more strategic and productive behavior in formal and informal marine resource decision venues. Suspensions of longstanding spatio-temporal assumptions around the prosecution and management of fisheries comprise key learning moments, and yield corresponding changes in industry attitudes and actions. With heightened appreciation for a diversity of experiences and management priorities, harvesters can better mobilize a broad spectrum of local knowledge to develop viable regulatory proposals and collaborative decision processes.  相似文献   

在音乐课上对学生进行审美教育是对学生实施美育的重要途径。但长期以来,我国传统的音乐教育偏重"专业化",过于强调音乐知识传授的系统性,忽视了音乐教育的审美愉悦性。在音乐教育中,充分发挥其审美能力与文化素养的教学美、创新精神与实践能力的教学美、音乐教育联系生活实际的教学美、音乐教育与现代技术相结合的教学美、以情感教育为纽带的教学美,将会达到以美育人的目的。  相似文献   

This research investigates how trust plays a role in environmental management in North Lebanon, which has suffered repeated episodes of armed conflict in recent times. Previous studies have shown that environmental problems have increased and that the government has been unable to address these, even during periods of relative peace. We examined trust as a factor that contributes to, or hampers, environmental management. Our analysis drew on a survey in 2011 involving 499 citizens. The results demonstrated that, according to citizens, the lack of trust between citizens, and between citizens and the public sector, is a key factor obstructing effective environmental management. The results indicate the level of correlation between how trusting people are; how citizens participate; and how people perceive government legitimacy.  相似文献   

环境信访是中国公民环境利益表达的重要途径,也是其参与环境治理的重要通道,引导公民有序进行环境信访对于加强生态文明建设、深化环境治理、维护社会稳定具有重要意义。本研究从环境信访的参与主体——公民入手,基于社会心理学中规范激活理论的连续模型,构建了公民环境信访影响因素的理论模型,并运用AMOS 20.0对S市9个行政区500位市民的问卷调研结果进行实证分析,探究公民环境信访行为的社会心理影响因素。研究结果表明:规范激活理论的连续模型能够较好地解释中国公民的环境信访行为,其中环境信访结果认知正向影响环境信访责任归属,公民的个体规范需要通过责任归属得以激活,从而影响公民环境信访行为意向。因此,政府可以通过环保知识的宣传教育和完善环境信访相关法律法规来提升公民环保意识和环境信访责任归属感,同时可以通过环保政策法规的宣传、畅通环境信访渠道以及对公民环境信访行为的有效处理来促进公民对环境信访行为积极意义的认知,从而推动公民有序进行环境信访。  相似文献   

Defra's approach to influencing people to live sustainably has evolved considerably since 2005 when the Sustainable Consumption Roundtable called for greater efforts by Government to better understand people, and how to influence changes in the way they behave. In response, Defra has developed a substantial evidence base devoted to improving understanding of the drivers for sustainable behaviours and how these can be applied to develop more effective environmental policies and programmes.A core focus of Defra's research programme has been to identify and build on existing research and evidence which has the potential to inform new and innovative policy approaches. In some cases, this has involved work which looks at particular behavioural drivers, such as habits and norms, considering how these insights can inform and improve outcomes from policies that aim to influence citizen's behaviours. Other work has focused on operationalising this knowledge through trials and demonstration projects with an aim of understanding the practical implications of applying them, and measuring the benefits they can provide.This paper reviews the key strands of Defra's behavioural research programme and some of the tools the department has used to apply this research. It considers Defra's work in building an evidence base that can be embedded into policy making and concludes with some insights drawn from this evidence. These address both why people are likely to act and why they might not, and best practice principles for delivering change.  相似文献   

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