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Motivated by the nature of U.S. laws, a model is developed for a firm that maximizes expected profit and faces imperfectly enforceable pollution standards with imperfectly enforceable reporting requirements. Some previous models of imperfectly enforceable standards and taxes are special cases of this general mode. When the fine for violating the pollution standard is linear in excess pollution, the form will equate the marginal cost of control to the marginal fine rate, and thus actual pollution will be insensitive to enforcement parameters related to under-reporting. The more complex comparative statics that exist when the fine is non-linear are analyzed, and comparisons with other models are made.  相似文献   

This paper analyses optimal corrective taxation and optimal income redistribution. The Pigouvian pollution tax is higher if pollution damages disproportionally hurt the poor due to equity weighting of pollution damages. Moreover, under general utility functions, optimal pollution taxes should be set below the Pigouvian tax if the poor spend a disproportionate fraction of their income on polluting goods. However, if Engel curves are linear, optimal pollution taxes should follow the first-best rule for the Pigouvian corrective tax even if the government wants to redistribute income and the poor spend a disproportional part of their income on polluting goods. The often-used quasi-linear, CES and Stone-Geary utility functions all have linear Engel curves. If Engel curves are linear, and if pollution taxes are not optimised, Pareto-improving green tax reforms exist that move the pollution tax closer to the Pigouvian tax. Simulations demonstrate that optimal corrective taxes should be Pigouvian if the demand for polluting goods is derived from a LES demand system, but deviate from the Pigouvian taxes if demand for polluting goods demand is derived from a PIGLOG demand system.  相似文献   

A generalized second-best problem, involving a perfectly competitive industry which produces a pollution type of externality, is examined. The pollution tax is allowed to assume an arbitrary value (possibly zero), while a pollution standard, set as a ratio of pollution to output, is determined by a first-order optimizing condition. The general condition for a set of quasi-optimal solutions includes the Pareto-optimal solution as a special case. It is also found that when the pollution tax is below the optimal level, the usual implication is that the standard should be set so that the marginal cost of pollution reduction exceeds the marginal external damage.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical papers by Adar and Griffin (J. Environ. Econ. Manag.3, 178–188 (1976)), Fishelson (J. Environ. Econ. Manag.3, 189–197 (1976)), and Weitzman (Rev. Econ. Studies41, 477–491 (1974)) show that,different expected social losses arise from using effluent taxes and quotas as alternative control instruments when marginal control costs are uncertain. Key assumptions in these analyses are linear marginal cost and benefit functions and an additive error for the marginal cost function (to reflect uncertainty). In this paper, empirically derived nonlinear functions and more realistic multiplicative error terms are used to estimate expected control and damage costs and to identify (empirically) the mix of control instruments that minimizes expected losses.  相似文献   

Single-valued price and quantity controls of a polluting activity are compared under uncertainty. The ability to substitute other inputs for the pollutant in the production of a positively valued final good, and the usual discrepancy between the amount of pollution actually consumed and the amount emitted are carefully incorporated. The first is found to influence the degree to which cost fluctuation is reflected in the output of the final good. The second concern alters the region of the benefit function into which output is inserted. Both change the welfare losses associated with random fluctuation in the costs of reducing pollution.  相似文献   

Firm incentives to promote technological change in pollution control   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The process of technological change in pollution control is broken into three basic steps: innovation, diffusion, and optimal agency response. Firm incentives to promote these steps are then examined under five regulatory regimes: direct controls, emission subsidies, emission taxes, free marketable permits, and auctioned marketable permits. On a relative basis, emission taxes and auctioned permits provide the highest firm incentives to promote technological change; at times, free permits generate lower incentives. Direct controls, which are common regulatory tools, usually provide the lowest relative firm incentives to promote technological change.  相似文献   

In this study, an interval fuzzy mixed-integer energy planning model (IFMI-EPM) is developed under considering the carbon tax policy. The developed IFMIEPM incorporates techniques of interval-parameter programming, fuzzy planning and mixed-integer programming within a general energy planning model. The IFMIEPM can not only be used for quantitatively analyzing a variety of policy scenarios that are associated with different levels of carbon tax policy, but also tackle uncertainties expressed as discrete intervals and fuzzy sets in energy and environment systems. Considering low, medium and high carbon tax rates, the model is applied to an ideal energy and environment system. The results indicate that reasonable solutions have been generated. They can be used for generating decision alternatives and thus help decision makers identify desired carbon tax policy.  相似文献   

Concerns about energy security and climate change have sparked legislators’ interest in reducing gasoline consumption by increasing corporate average fuel-economy (CAFE) standards. Using an empirically rich simulation model and cost estimates for anticipated fuel-economy technologies, we estimate annual costs of reducing long-run gasoline consumption by 10% via a 3.8 miles per gallon increase in the standards, and the potential cost savings from allowing manufacturers to buy and sell fuel-economy credits. Maximum gasoline savings would be realized only after all existing vehicles were replaced, or 14 years in our model. A gasoline tax would produce greater immediate savings by encouraging people to drive less, and eventually to choose more-fuel-efficient vehicles. We demonstrate the advantage of a tax by comparing the cost of the higher CAFE standards over the first 14 years against the cost of a gasoline tax that would save the same amount of gasoline over that time.  相似文献   

Following on from an analysis by Milliman and Prince, this article considers further the relative incentives for technical change provided by different pollution control instruments. The comments involve the recognition that emission targets are typically chosen fairly arbitrarily because of regulators' lack of knowledge of abatement cost schedules. There is also a more detailed discussion of the practicability of auctioning emissions permits, as these have been less thoroughly covered in the literature than the other instruments.  相似文献   

Firm incentives to promote technological change in pollution control: Reply   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our paper (Firm incentives to promote technological change in pollution control, J. Environ. Econom. Management 17, 247–265 (1989)) concluded that firms will most actively search for new abatement technology under taxes and auctioned permits. However, Marin (Firm incentives to promote technological change in pollution control: Comment, J. Environ. Econom. Management, 21, 297–300 (1991)) argues that we overstated the efficacy of auctioned permits: that we used an unrealistic assumption which might affect our findings; that auctions may misallocate permits and are administratively burdensome; and that innovation detection is difficult under this regime. Here we show that our results are largely unchanged when the assumption questioned by Marin is relaxed. We also argue that he overstates the other concerns.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of a tax on energy use in a growth model where market structure is endogenous and jointly determined with the rate of technological change. Because this economy does not exhibit the scale effect (a positive relation between TFP growth and aggregate R&D), the tax has no effect on the steady-state growth rate. It has, however, important transitional effects that give rise to surprising results. Specifically, under the plausible assumption that energy demand is inelastic, there may exist a hump-shaped relation between the energy tax and welfare. This shape stems from the fact that the reallocation of resources from energy production to manufacturing triggers a temporary acceleration of TFP growth that generates a √-shaped time profile of consumption. If endogenous technological change raises consumption sufficiently fast and by a sufficient amount in the long run, and households are sufficiently patient, the tax raises welfare despite the fact that—in line with standard intuition—it lowers consumption in the short run.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new argument to the debate about the role of environmental taxes in modern tax systems. Some environmental taxes, particularly taxes on gasoline or electricity, are more difficult to evade than taxes on labor or income. When the tax base is shifted in a revenue-neutral manner toward these environmental taxes, the result is a net reduction in the amount of tax evasion. Using a carbon tax as a motivating example, the “tax evasion effect” is shown to sharply reduce the welfare cost of controlling emissions. A simple computable general equilibrium model suggests that the impact of considering tax evasion can be large: costs are lowered by 28% in the United States, by 89% in China, and by 97% in India. In countries with high levels of pre-existing tax evasion, a carbon tax will pay for itself through improvements in the efficiency of the tax system.  相似文献   

We analyze the potential for an environmental monitoring agency under different regulatory missions to use multiple measures of ambient pollution levels to induce firm compliance via endogenously determined probabilistic firm-level inspections of polluting activities. Departing from previous analyses, we consider a framework where the regulator has multiple, rather than a single, measures of ambient pollution in a setting where many firms are subject to a self-reported emissions tax that is not perfectly enforceable. Under a budget-driven mission, we show that a regulator can fruitfully utilize the added information from multiple ambient monitoring receptors to induce improved environmental compliance through the creation of strategic interactions among firms. Additionally, our results provide new evidence on the relative efficiency of budget- vs. target-driven environmental enforcement missions.  相似文献   

This paper first analyzes the interactions between capital accumulation and environmental pollution under the program of sustained constant utility, which depends on per capita consumption and pollution, over all generations. Then the optimal program of economic growth is discussed. The implications of the constant-utility criterion (or the max-min principle) are compared with those of the utilitarian criterion which has been widely adopted in environmental pollution literature. Subsequently, the analysis incorporates pollution-abatement investment and exhaustible resources. We conclude that the max-min principle works fairly satisfactorily in this world.  相似文献   

This article derives Pigouvian-type corrective measures for reciprocal externalities when non-Nash behavior characterizes the participants. These reciprocal externalities may involve various kinds of environmental pollutants, such as acid rain. A comparison between corrective measures for Nash and non-Nash behavior demonstrates that positive conjectures, regarding the other agent's externality-generating activity, have an expectation-internalizing influence that usually reduces the required corrective measures. Negative conjectures (e.g., free-riding expectations), however, have an expectation-externalizing effect that increases the required corrective measures. The article analyzes both two-person and n-person externalities.  相似文献   

Cap-and-trade, taxes, and distributional conflict   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Enacting market-based environmental regulation, such as emissions taxes and cap-and-trade programs, often create rents that are contested by agents. In this paper, we create a framework that compares social welfare from alternative market-based environmental policy instruments under the presence of rent seeking. We show that, contrary to the commonly held view, non-revenue-raising instruments (NRRIs) are in many cases preferable over revenue-raising instruments (RRIs). We find that the choice of instrument depends on the size of a potential revenue-recycling effect and the level of preassigned rents.  相似文献   

We analyze a transboundary pollution differential game where pollution control is spatially distributed among a number of agents with predetermined spatial relationships. The analysis emphasizes, first, the effects of the different geographical relationships among decision makers; and second, the strategic behaviour of the agents. The dynamic game considers a pollution stock (the state variable) distributed among one large region divided in subregions which control their own emissions of pollutants. The emissions are also represented as distributed variables. The dynamics of the pollution stock is defined by a parabolic partial differential equation. We numerically characterize the feedback Nash equilibrium of a discrete-space model that still captures the spatial interactions among agents. We evaluate the impact of the strategic and spatially dynamic behaviour of the agents on the design of equilibrium environmental policies.  相似文献   

Environmental regulation by deterministic constraints is not really meaningful when, as is common in practice, effluent generation is inherently stochastic. In such a case, “probabilistic constraints” are more appropriate. This paper examines the regulatory control of firm behaviour under mean and percentile probabilistic constraints.  相似文献   

石灰对重金属铅影响玉米生长的抑制效应研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
采用盆栽试验,研究了在施用石灰改良的条件下,土壤重金属铅污染对玉米生长的影响。结果表明:土壤重金属铅污染质量分数越高,玉米吸收重金属铅越多,对玉米的生长影响越大。石灰对重金属铅影响玉米生长的抑制效应表现在株高、叶面积、根容积等,改良处理与单一铅污染的处理差异显著。玉米的不同部位对重金属铅吸收由多到少的顺序为根→茎、叶→籽实。  相似文献   

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