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An obvious warming in China induced by doubled carbon, dioxide as simulated by the climatic models have been found. It is also noticed that there might be drying or wetting in some parts of China induced by doubled CO2 as simulated by the general circulation models(GCMs). Agricultural productivity mainly depends on the temperature, rainfall and soil moisture in China. The changes of agricultural productivity in the different parts of China induced by doubled CO2 have been estimated in this paper. It is shown that the greenhouse effect might cause increasing production in some parts of China and decreasing production in other parts of China.  相似文献   

BriefingonmercuryandmethylmercuryinhairofthefishermenlivingalongtheSonghuaRiverGuanMing;QiuBingyuan;HuMenglin;ShiYong;ShiLong...  相似文献   

1 Determinationoftotalmercuryandspeciationofmercurycompoundsinatmosphere1.1 DeterminationoftotalmercuryAsamplingtrainconsistingofafiltertoretain particulatephasemercuryfollowedbyanabsorbenttrapwhichretainstotalgaseousmercuryisusedfordeterminationoftota…  相似文献   

An evaluation of mercury emissions from the chlor-alkali industry in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 IntroductionThechlorine alkaliindustryisoneofthesubstantialpartsofthechemicalindustry .Now ,threetypesofelectrolyticcellsareusedtoproducechlorinegasandcausticsoda:theHgcell,thediaphragmcell,andthemembranecell.Chinaisusingthediaphragmcellasthemaintype.Na…  相似文献   

Based on the significant enhancement of fluorescence intensity of carbaryl in inclusion complex, a spetrofluorimetric method with high sensitivity was developed for the determination of carbaryl in aqueous solution. Under the optimum conditions, the complex had excitation and emission maxima at 278 nm and 332 nm, respectively. The linear range of the method was 7.0 ng/ml-1500 ng/ml with a detection limit of 1.2 ng/ml. The proposed method was successfully used to determine quantitatively of carbaryl in cottonseeds.  相似文献   

Based on the significant enhancement of fluorescence intensity of carbaryl in inclusion complex, a spetrofluorimetdc method with high sensitivity was developed for the determination of carbaryl in aqueous solution. Under the optimum conditions, the complex had excitation and emission maxima at 278 nm and 332 nm, respectively. The linear range of the method was 7.0 ng/ml-1500 ng/ml with a detection limit of 1.2 ng/ml. The proposed method was successfully used to determine quantitativelv of carbarvl in cottonseeds.  相似文献   

IntroductionHealthhazardsfrommercuryintheenvironmenthavecausedrestrictionsintheuseofmercuryandastrictercontrolofthereleaseofmercuryfromindustrialandotheruses.Butatthesametimethesesourcesofmercuryhavebeensubjectedtoregulation ,twonewsourceshaveappeared …  相似文献   

IntroductionSiberiaandtheFarEastaretheoldestandtherichestgold miningareasofRussia .Intensivegold miningherestartedinthebeginningofthe 19thcentury(Vyazelshchikov ,1963) .Forthemostpartgold bearingoresandsandswereprocessedwiththeuseofamalgamationmethodforgolde…  相似文献   

IntroductionRecentfindingsfrommercuryresearchindicatethatthemajorsourcetolakesisatmosphericdeposition(Sorensen ,1990 ;Glass,1990 ) ,andthatsignificantsourcestotheatmospherearefossilfuelcombustionandincinerationofmunicipalsolidwasteandsludge(Glass,1991;White ,1992 ;C…  相似文献   

Inrecentyears,mercurycontaminationhasbeen paid greatattentiontoovertheworld(Zilloux ,1993;Monamy ,1993;Guan ,1994;Yang ,1992 ;Li,1993;1994;SCOPE ,1994) .TheprincipalfocusistodecreaseHgcontaminationinordertoprotecttheecosystemenvironmentandthehuman’shealth .Itisdifferentfrom“mi…  相似文献   

Investigationsonsimultaneousdeterminationofsilverandmercuryincatalytic-ligandsubstitutionreactionwithstopped-flowtechniquecal...  相似文献   

This study examined the ability of the white lupin to remove mercury (Hg) from a hydroponic system (Hg concentrations 0, 1.25, 2.5, 5 and 10 μmol/L) and from soil in pots and lysimeters (total Hg concentration (19.2 ± 1.9) mg/kg availability 0.07%, and (28.9 ± 0.4) mg/kg availability 0.09%, respectively), and investigated the accumulation and distribution of Hg in different parts of the plant. White lupin roots efficiently took up Hg, but its translocation to the harvestable parts of the plant was low. The Hg concentration in the seeds posed no risk to human health according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, but the shoots should not be used as fodder for livestock, at least when unmixed with other fodder crops. The accumulation of Hg in the hydroponically-grown plants was linear over the concentration range tested. The amount of Hg retained in the roots, relative to the shoots, was almost constant irrespective of Hg dose (90%). In the soil experiments, Hg accumulation increased with exposure time and was the greater in the lysimeter than in the pot experiments. Although Hg removal was the greater in the hydroponic system, revealing the potential of the white lupin to extract Hg, bioaccumulation was the greatest in the lysimeter-grown plants; the latter system more likely reflects the true behaviour of white lupin in the field when Hg availability is a factor that limits Hg removal. The present results suggest that the white lupin could be used in long-term soil reclamation strategies that include the goal of profitable land use in Hg-polluted areas.  相似文献   

In this paper, the impacts of climate change on development rate and production of corn in the northeastern China are discussed. The results show that the higher the temperature is, the faster the development rate will be. And the more the precipitation is, the slower the development rate will be. Of which, air temperature is the controlling factor of corn development rate. The influences of development rate on corn yield are remarkable. The impacts of development rate on production in first and last periods are great, and small in the middle two periods. The development rate is positive by relate with corn production from sowing to emergence stage and negative during other periods. So, it is very important to arrange a suitable sowing time for com cultivating in the northeastern China.  相似文献   

Primary productivity was measured by the oxygen method.When there was no algal bloom,the lake water appeared clean and there was no difference between the upper and lower part of the lake water.The dissolved oxygen(DO)approached saturate around 7.0 mg/L.The average productivity rate was 0.2—0.6 g O2/m3d,and slightly larger than respiration rate.During the period of heavy algal bloom in late September 1987,the productivity even reached 1.6g O/m3 d.The average net productivity was 0.22g O2/m3 d,equivalent to 0.07 g C/m3d.Meanwhile,the respiration rate was also high and pH reached 9—10.The variation of water temperature,pH and DO,at various depths of the lake,are not large due tO its shallowness and turbulent mixing.  相似文献   

EfectsofclippingondrymaterproductionandnutrientsinthefernlandofHongKongGuanDongshengDepartmentofEnvironmentalScience,Zhongs...  相似文献   

Mercury(Hg) remains a key contaminant of concern in Arctic biota, and monitoring of Hg concentrations in seabird tissues will be an effective approach to track the effects of implementing the Minamata Convention. We examined trends in total Hg(THg) in liver and egg tissues of two Arctic seabirds, thick-billed murres(Uria lomvia) and northern fulmars(Fulmarus glacialis), between 1976 and 2013 to assess whether both tissues showed similar patterns of Hg change. Hepatic THg was consistently higher than egg THg, and both species had similar egg THg concentrations, but fulmars had higher hepatic THg than murres.Murre THg concentrations showed more relative variation through time than fulmars.We suggest that egg THg better reflects exposure of birds to THg in local, Arctic prey,whereas liver THg may incorporate longer term, year-round THg exposure. Additional analysis of THg distribution in Arctic seabirds post-laying would help inform interpretation of long-term trends.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is involved in various biochemical reactions in plant growth,so it is beneficial to plants growing in soils contaminated by metals,including cadmium (Cd).However,few studies have reported on the mechanistic roles of P in mitigating Cd toxicity to ryegrass root,and especially in alleviating the disruption of the mitochondrial function of living cells.In this study,the physiological and biochemical mechanisms associated with ryegrass growth under various Cd and P treatments were inv...  相似文献   

The Marano and Grado Lagoon is well known for being contaminated by mercury(Hg) from the Idrija mine(Slovenia) and the decommissioned chlor-alkali plant of Torviscosa(Italy).Experimental activities were conducted in a local fish farm to understand Hg cycling at the sediment–water interface. Both diffusive and benthic fluxes were estimated in terms of chemical and physical features. Mercury concentration in sediments(up to 6.81 μg/g)showed a slight variability with depth, whereas the highest methylmercury(MeHg) values(up to 10 ng/g) were detected in the first centimetres. MeHg seems to be produced and stored in the 2–3 cm below the sediment–water interface, where sulphate reducing bacteria activity occurs and hypoxic–anoxic conditions become persistent for days. DMeHg in porewaters varied seasonally(from 0.1 and 17% of dissolved Hg(DHg)) with the highest concentrations in summer. DHg diffusive effluxes higher(up to 444 ng/m~2/day) than those reported in the open lagoon(~ 95 ng/m~2/day), whereas DMeHg showed influxes in the fish farm(up to-156 ng/m~2/day). The diurnal DHg and DMeHg benthic fluxes were found to be higher than the highest summer values previously reported for the natural lagoon environment. Bottom sediments, especially in anoxic conditions, seem to be a significant source of MeHg in the water column where it eventually accumulates. However, net fluxes considering the daily trend of DHg and DMeHg, indicated possible DMeHg degradation processes. Enhancing water dynamics in the fish farm could mitigate environmental conditions suitable for Hg methylation.  相似文献   

In this paper, impacts of climate change on wheat development rate and production in the northern China are discussed. The results show that the temperature is a controlling factor of development rate but the precipitation is not. The higher the temperature is. the faster the development and the shorter development period will be. Without consideration to varieties and cropping system, meteorological yield of winter wheat would decrease 170.40, 134.25, 98.70 and 97.20 kg/hm2 in the north China and 13.97, 7.95, 39.60 and 19.80 kg/hm2 in the northwest China compared with that in 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, respectively, when the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is doubled. In drought and semi-drought regions, the spring wheat yield would drop with the temperature rise in and raise with the precipitation increase. The influence of temperature on weight of leaf and stalk is also remarkable.  相似文献   

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