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In the dance flyEmpis borealis (L.) (Diptera: Empididae) females gather to swarm and males visit swarms for mating. A model was constructed, based on previously published data, simulating how males may choose among females of different sizes in swarms of different sizes. The focal question was, what influences the number of individuals in the swarm in this and possibly other swarming insects? The relationships between original swarm size and both the number of males arriving per minute and the proportion of males mating are both logarithmic. The model predicted that if these relationships were linear, or if males were able to judge absolute female size, the mean swarm size should increase and be at least four times as large as those found in the field. The only type of male mate choice strategy that gave rise to very large swarms (>25) was size-related choice (if males are able to assess the size of a female in relation to the entire population and not merely to the swarm). Furthermore, no swarming behaviour would occur if males mate independently of swarm size. Thus, the numbers of females attending a given swarm site are influenced by male arrival pattern, male preference for larger swarms, the inability of males to judge the absolute body size of females, and female polyandry. Males searching for mates seem to prefer larger swarms than females searching for a swarm to join, but the mean swarm size is primarily set by the swarm size preference of females. Optimal swarm size predicted from the model was 4.68±0.53 females. In order to test model predictions, 69 natural swarm sites were studied during one season. The mean swarm size was 4.85±4.54 females (median 4.03), and about 90% of swarms consisted of 11 females or fewer. Predicted and observed swarm size did not differ significantly.  相似文献   

Summary The degree to which lekking and non-lekking male manakins select display sites in order to maximise proximity to females was examined by contrasting movements of females with male dispersion. Data on female visiting patterns, male courtship disruption, and mating skew were also collected over three successive breeding seasons. For the five lek-breeding species, female home-ranges were 3–7 times larger than those of adult males. Female movements were concentrated around leks, fruiting places and stream bathing sites. None of the females monitored by radio-tracking expanded her normal range in order to visit males on leks. On the contrary, feeding bouts of females frequently preceded a visit to potential mates at neighboring leks. Despite small sample sizes, significant correlations were found between female home-range size and male clustering (distances between neighboring leks and distances between neighboring males), as predicted by the female choice model and the hotspot model. Adult and immature male home-range sizes were not significantly correlated with male dispersion or female ranges. On the other hand, males and females of the only non-lekking species exhibited similar use of space and home-range size. Male settlement at sites with high levels of female traffic showed that the hotspot model is adequate to explain differences in male dispersion among sympatric lekking species. Comparisons with other studies suggest that apparent female choice could be overidden by past and present male-male interactions or female mate-comparison tactics. In fact, both the hotspot model and the attractiveness hypothesis appear to shape male dispersion on leks: males appear to settle under hotspot conditions with despotic rules generated through bias in female choice or male-male interference. It is proposed that the evolution of leks is ecologically motivated by the spatio-temporal distribution of trophic resources, initially leading to a dispersed male-advertisement polygyny. Following this, a foraging ecology that promotes high mobility by females and the magnetic effect of mating skew in particular males may have favored clustering on exploded leks. Later, the development of male-male interference and the increasing female home-range size could have led to the evolution of classical leks.  相似文献   

Adaptive female choice is thought to have led to the evolution of nutritionally valuable nuptial gifts in many insect species. However, in several dance fly species, males offer and females accept “empty gifts” with no nutritional value. In the species studied here, Empis snoddyi Steyskal, males produce empty balloons comprised of hundreds of silk bubbles and form mating swarms that females approach to investigate males. Males within the swarm engage in agonistic interactions. The empty balloon has been hypothesized to be an indicator of male condition such that males with larger balloons are predicted to have higher mating success and be more successful in male-male interactions than males with smaller balloons. We examined the role of male body size and balloon size in the context of intersexual and intrasexual selection. We found that neither male body size nor balloon size affected the outcome of pairwise male-male interactions. Using multiple-regression techniques, we found significant linear selection for increasing male body size and decreasing balloon size associated with mating success, a surprising result given a positive relationship between male body size and balloon size. A visualization of selection showed the highest peak of male mating success for larger males with intermediate-size balloons. These results can be explained by a trade-off between long-range attraction of females using large balloons and close-range attraction of females via improved flying efficiency associated with smaller balloons. Both male body size and balloon size are important components in determining male mating success; however, the empty balloon does not appear to play a typical role as a sexually selected ornament. Received: 29 December 1997 / Accepted after revision: 7 October 1998  相似文献   

Swarms of the pardaliscid amphipod Halice hesmonectes were sampled at low-temperature hydrothermal vents in the Venture Hydrothermal Fields of the East Pacific Rise. In excess of 3000 individuals were collected from a range of sites/habitats, and at two points in time (December 1991 and March 1994). The structure of swarms was described in terms of growth stages, the development of primary and secondary sex characteristics and the accumulation of nutritional reserves. The results demonstrated that swarms contained a wide range of growth stages, but that small juveniles and mature males and females were absent. Swarm structure was interpreted as an equilibrium dependent on the relative proportion of time spent by each growth stage in the swarm habitat. This equilibrium swarm structure was very similar at different sites and times. Swarms dominated by small juveniles occurred at the northern sites in December 1991 following a period of eruption and new venting in April 1991. Equilibrium swarm structure had become re-established at these sites by March 1994. The function of swarming was considered. The results indicated that swarming was not associated with reproductive activity. The available evidence, though not conclusive, suggested that swarms were associated with feeding. Received: 28 May 1999 / Accepted: 16 February 2000  相似文献   

Large size often confers a fitness advantage to female insects because fecundity increases with body size. However, the fitness benefits of large size for male insects are less clear. We investigated the mating behavior of the mayfly Baetis bicaudatus to determine whether the probability of male mating success increased with body size. Males formed mating aggregations (swarms) ranging from a few to hundreds of individuals, 1-4 m above the ground for about 1.5-2 h in the early morning. Females that flew near swarms were grabbed by males, pairs dropped to the vegetation where they mated and then flew off individually. Some marked males returned to swarms 1, 2 or 3 days after marking. Larger males swarmed near spruce trees at the edges of meadows, but the probability of copulating was not a function of male body size (no large male advantage). Furthermore, the potential fitness advantage of mating with larger, more fecund females was not greater for large males (no size-assortative mating). However, the sizes of copulating males were significantly less variable than those of non-mating males collected at random in swarms. Intermediate male size may be optimal during mating because of trade-offs between flight agility and longevity or competitive ability. Results of this study are consistent with the hypotheses that there is stabilizing selection on adult male body size during mating, and that male body size in this species may be influenced more by selection pressures acting on larvae than on adults.  相似文献   

We studied mate attraction by females of the praying mantid, Tenodera aridifolia sinensis, testing honest signaling of mate availability versus deceptive signaling to attract males for sexual cannibalism. We experimentally varied female diet and mating history and measured the rate of attraction of a wild population of males to caged females. Honest signaling theory predicts that virgin females will attract males at the greatest rate whereas deceptive signaling predicts that hungry females (which are more likely to cannibalize males) will attract more males, particularly among non-virgin females. Our results show that hungry females did not attract more males than well-fed females. Indeed, the opposite was true: hungry females attracted significantly fewer males. Moreover, hungry females were no more likely than well-fed females to attract males subsequent to mating, and mated females attracted males at a lower rate than did virgin females. We also observed female T. aridifolia sinensis and male Mantis religiosa arriving at the caged females and we discuss the significance of these observations. The results refute the hypothesis of deceptive signaling and show that mate attraction signals of female T. aridifolia sinensis are honest indicators of female mate availability and a lower risk of sexual cannibalism.  相似文献   

In a 14-d period 38 swarms of Antarctic krill,Euphausia superba Dana, were sampled in an area 55.5 x 55.5 km to the southwest of Elephant Island, at the north of the South Shetland Islands. Moult stage, maturity stage, and size of ca. 100 krill from each swarm were measured. Each of the characteristics varied greatly between swarms. Moulting krill were found in most swarms, but in one swarm all of the krill were just about to moult. Ways in which moulting may act as a possible sorting mechanism are discussed. Data for all the analysed krill (ca. 3000 specimens) were used to investigate the interdependence of moult rate, sexual maturation and growth. While all immature krill moulted at approximately the saine rate in the study, there were significant differences in the moulting rates of mature male and female krill. Gravid female krill continued to moult, although less frequently than mature males. As a consequence males had to attach spermatophores to females after each moult. It is likely that variation in moult rate of females and males was related to the energy expenditure required for ovary development in females and spermatophore production and searching behaviour in males. Spawning and moulting were only partly coupled in gravid females. Spawning appeared to take place predominantly during Moult Stage D2. There was no evidence of intermoult growth by intersegmental dilation.  相似文献   

Summary We used field surveys, field experiments and experiments in artificial pools to study the effects of variation in sex ratio and density on mating dynamics of a stream water strider, Aquarius remigis. Our field survey documented the existence of hot spots, sites of higher than average total gerrid density, a male-biased sex ratio, and higher than average female mating activity. Female gerrids frequently changed sites, usually moving upstream, perhaps to spread their eggs among many sites. Male gerrids showed two movement strategies: some males frequently changed sites, while other males were stationary at hot spots. Surprisingly, smaller males tended to be stationary at hot spots. A field manipulation of the availability of refuges for females to avoid harassment by males supported the notion that males prefer hot spots because they are sites where a scarcity of refuge for females makes it relatively easy for males to intercept females. Experiments in plastic pools compared sites with 20 males: 5 females (simulating hot spots) to pools with 5 males: 5 females. The rate of male harassment of females was higher in 20:5 pools as compared to 5:5 pools. In response to increased male harassment, females reduced their activity on the water and increased their time spent out of the water and thus unable to forage. Males showed a large male mating advantage (LMMA) in 5:5 pools, but, surprisingly, not in 20: 5 pools. This pattern can explain the field observation that small males prefer hot spots. A behavioral mechanism that can explain the LMMA is as follows. Mating occurs when males overcome female resistance. Larger males have a mating advantage over smaller males if females resist heavily. Increased harassment (e.g., in 20:5 pools as compared to 5:5 pools) might result in reduced female resistance to males and thus a reduced LMMA. Females also showed some non-random mating by size that might reflect an interplay between male preference for large females and the avoidance of males by large females. Correspondence to: A. Sih  相似文献   

Summary Females may choose a mate on his own quality or on the quality of his resources, i.e., his territory. We removed willow warbler males and allowed new males to settle, before the arrival of females, in order to test whether the proximate cue for female choice was any male trait or territory characteristics. The experiment indicates that females base their choice on some male trait. No correlation was found between male settlement order and size (tarsus length, wing length), but males arriving early were in better body condition than males arriving late. The most likely male trait for female choice was singing rate, which was a good indicator of male settlement date. The duration of time between mating and egg laying was shorter in early territories, both in the observational and the experimental data. Since male song rate was correlated with territory quality (e.g., food abundance) the ultimate benefit to females choosing males with high song rates could be a high quality territory.Offprint requests to: B.L. Arvidsson  相似文献   

Male costs and benefits associated with male display size in field populations of an Australian lekking Drosophila species were examined. Results suggested that male mating success increased with display size, since matings appeared to be more common in large displays, and since the probability of males encountering a female increased as displays contained more males. Female encounter probabilities did not increase once about 20 males or more were present on a display. Male size and fighting costs tended to increase with display size. The distribution of males among displays did not follow the ideal free distribution in the sense that each male did not have equal mating opportunity per unit time. Deviation from an ideal free distribution may have been due to female preference for mating in aggregations rather than with solitary males, since in a field experiment females were more willing for mating in an aggregation of five males than with solitary males. Received: 22 May 1997 / Accepted after revision: 1 November 1997  相似文献   

Summary Non-random mating by size (NRMS) plays a central role in the study of sexual selection and the evolution of mating systems. Theory suggests that NRMS should be influenced by conflicting demands (e.g., predation risk, hunger); few experimental studies, however, have addressed these effects. We used a factorial experiment to examine the influence of predatory green sunfish and food deprivation on NRMS in male and female stream water striders, Aquarius remigis. As predicted by theory, food deprivation decreased the large-male mating advantage. The influence of predation risk, however, went against existing theory; that is, risk increased the large male mating advantage. The degree of large-male mating advantage was negatively related to a measure of the rate of male harassment of females. A behavioral mechanism that can explain these patterns emphasizes the contrasting effects of different competing demands on male harassment rates, female resistance and the role of male size in overcoming female resistance. Females usually resist male mating attempts. Successful mating occurs when males overcome female resistance. If harassment rates (of females by males) are low, larger males have a mating advantage over smaller males perhaps because females resist heavily and thus only larger males can overcome female resistance. If, however, male harassment rates are very high, female resistance might be swamped; mating should then be more random with respect to male size. Food deprivation increases gerrid activity and thus increases harassment rates which should then reduce NRMS. In contrast, risk decreases gerrid activity, thus decreasing harassment rates and increasing NRMS. Females did not show significant NRMS. Females did, however, show a pattern of change in NRMS that is consistent with male choice for larger females. Correspondence to: A. Sih  相似文献   

In many species, males and females actively participate in courtship, and the outcome of pre-mating interactions influences the mating success of both sexes. Female blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, mate soon after their final molt to maturity; thus female molt stage dictates the timing of mating. In a field experiment, we manipulated female molt stage and sex ratio to test their effects on the courtship behavior of both sexes, if female behavior influences the behavior and pairing success of males, and if male courtship influences male pairing-success. Early-molt-stage females avoided males during courtship, whereas late-molt-stage females sought out males. As a result, males had to pursue and capture early-molt-stage females whereas males displayed to late-molt-stage females and more easily physically controlled them. Males sometimes abandoned late-molt-stage females, but this occurred more often when females were abundant. The rate at which females avoided males was positively correlated with that of males abandoning females, and males that were unsuccessful at pairing met with higher rates of female resistance than successful males, suggesting that female behavior influences male pairing-success. Unlike unsuccessful males, successful males more often made the transition between display and maintaining physical control of the female. At high male sex ratios, males initiated courtship more readily; thus both sexual competition and female behavior influence male courtship in this species. Received: 7 July 1996 / Accepted: 10 January 1998  相似文献   

Field studies of the desert spider Agelenopsis aperta revealed a primarily monogamous mating system. However polygyny, polyandry and polygynandry were superimposed upon the primary system, with 9% of the marked males and 11% of the marked females in a field population mating more than once. In the laboratory males commonly mated multiply with fertile offspring resulting, while females were less likely than males to mate multiply. Monogamy under field conditions was enforced by two factors: (1) high travel costs to males, and (2) a significant decline in female receptivity after the first mating. Heavy males were more likely to be accepted by females both in the field, and in female choice experiments conducted in the laboratory. Finally, male weight determined the outcome of male-male agonistic interactions over females. One possible explanation for female choice in this system which lacks male parental investment is that females may be using male size as an indicator of future success of their offspring.  相似文献   

In June 1989 in a study conducted near Träminne Zoological Station, Finland (60° N 23° E) I investigated whether or not male mating success could be explained by female choice for male size in sand gobies (Pomatoschistus minutus). Male mating success was constrained by nest size and increased markedly with increasing nest size. I also found a negative correlation between the length of spawning females and the fullness of the nest. As large females lay more eggs, they also need to find a nest with more space available for the eggs. The size of males without eggs was the same across nest size, whereas the size of males with eggs significantly increased with increasing nest size. This is interpreted as female discrimination against males as mates in nests that are often contested. There was no correlation between a male's size and his mating success when males with no eggs in their nests were excluded. A male removal experiment, however, showed that, in a specific nest, when male size increases so does mating success, whereas, if male size decreases, mating success also decreases. It is concluded that in the sand goby females prefer to mate with larger males, especially when the male possesses a high-quality nest that he most probably will have to defend against other males.  相似文献   

Summary Males of the water strider Gerris elongatus established territories which included copulation and oviposition sites (small pieces of fallen bamboo). Males were aggressive and competition for territory and females was observed frequently. Male midlegs were more developed than female midlegs and were used as weapons. Reproductive behaviour changed as the breeding season advanced. Early in the season immature females were attracted by male surface wave courtship signals, then copulated white floating on the water surface without ovipositing (type 1). In midseason, males established territories, produced calling signals and attracted females which copulated and oviposited there with male postcopulatory guarding (type 2). In late season, many females oviposited without postcopulatory guarding on pondweed mats near fallen bamboo. Non-territorial males waiter for the arrival of these females and copulated without courtship, but mating success was low (type 3). These alternative mating strategies appeared to depend on differences in male size. Larger males were superior to smaller males in many ways (establishing territory, fighting, mating etc.). The largest males defended territories and had higher mating success than small non-territorial males. Medium sized males used all three strategies according to the number of empty territories and seasonal femald distribution.  相似文献   

Rather than seeking females directly, males in many animal species locate and defend sites that contain spatially limited resources essential for female survival and reproduction. In these cases, resident males successfully repelling conspecific rivals will mate with sexually receptive females that seek to use the resident’s resources. Theory predicts that if resources are limiting in nature, are costly to procure, and if residency at the resource site increases male reproductive success, each site should be monopolised by a single adult male. Moreover, if females aggregate at these sites, males should be sedentary and monopolise harems. This predicts that males should reside at resource sites longer than females and male tenure should be positively correlated with harem size. I address these hypotheses using a wild population of the Wellington tree weta, Hemideina crassidens, a sexually dimorphic insect in which males use mandibular weapons in fights to control resource sites (galleries in trees) required by females for diurnal refuge. In a longitudinal study using artificial galleries, I show that male tenure in a gallery is positively related to harem size and, contrary to prediction, not gallery size per se. Moreover, contrary to prediction, females are more sedentary than males: males appear to move frequently between galleries to search for novel mates. I show experimentally that galleries represent mating sites to males: males prefer galleries housing adult females whereas females prefer unoccupied galleries. Females likely avoid male-occupied galleries because they incur injuries when interacting with males.  相似文献   

To resolve conflicting field observations regarding the action of sexual selection, we used breeding experiments and paternity analysis of the 927 resulting offspring to assess how male size, condition, tail length, genetic similarity to the female, and variation in operational sex ratio (OSR) affected male reproductive success and the incidence of polyandry in northern watersnakes (Nerodia sipedon). Only size affected male mating success. Large males were more successful, but only when male size varied substantially and competition among males was intense (i.e., male-biased OSR). The conditional nature of the size advantage may explain why studies of free-living watersnakes have produced inconsistent results regarding the relationship between male size and mating success. Size differences between males did not affect the proportion of offspring each male sired within multiply sired litters. We found positive size-assortative mating, but only when the OSR was female biased, suggesting that smaller males had improved access to females when competition among males was reduced, but that competition with larger males still restricted mating opportunities of small males to less preferred, smaller females. Most litters (58%) were multiply sired and larger females were more likely to produce multiply sired litters, similar to free-living watersnakes. There was no association between the incidence of multiple paternity and OSR, however, suggesting that polyandry is not simply a function of opportunity, with females passively waiting for males to court them.  相似文献   

The fiddler crab Uca perplexa has a conspicuous male courtship signal that is directed at females to attract them to the male’s burrow for mating. The signal involves waving the unflexed large claw up and down. To determine whether the spatiotemporal structure of the wave is under selection by female choice, we examined whether females had a preference for any particular features of the wave. Females respond to a waving display by either visiting the male’s burrow entrance or by electing to pass without visiting the burrow. We filmed mate-searching females and the waving males that they visited or passed. We documented the wave structure of these males using frame-by-frame analysis. Males produce a two-part wave with component A preceding component B. Both components have an upstroke, a pause at the apex and a downstroke. The tip of the claw was raised much higher in B than in A. Visited males had a shorter delay between the two wave components than did males that the females passed without visiting. Visited males also produced component B waves that had a slower upstroke than those of passed males. There was a significant correlation between the relative height of the raised claw and the duration of the upstroke of component B. Females were selecting males that raised their major claw to the highest position (two to three times as high as the carapace width). Passed males brought down their major claw earlier and from a lower position than did visited males. The data suggests that wave structure has evolved through female choice. Male display rate and body size were not female choice cues. An earlier study showed that display duration was also not used by females in selecting mates.  相似文献   

Summary Male sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) are polygynous and guard individual females for several hours to days after copulation. Even though the copulation itself only lasts 2–4 min, the total time that a male invests per female is considerably more and may constitute a substantial investment during a mating season. In such situations, when male copulation frequency is constrained, or when variation in female fecundity is high, mate choice by males may be adaptive. Large body size in female sand lizards is correlated with higher fecundity. In choice experiments performed in the laboratory, male sand lizards preferred to court large females rather than small females. In addition, when there was little difference in size between the females in the experiment, the males visited the two females more often before they started to court the preferred female. The results from a field study during 1984 and 1987–1990 showed that females are non-aggressive, have small neighboring home ranges (c. 100 m2) and may share burrows and sites for thermoregulation. This means that females can be found close together and thus gives males the opportunity to choose a mate. Assortative mating with respect to size was observed in a natural population, as well as a limited number of direct choices of females by males. These results support the results of the choice experiment.  相似文献   

Biological characteristics of the daytime swarming of the euphausiid Thysanoessa inermis (Krøyer) were examined off the west coast of Hokkaido in the northeast Sea of Japan between 1982 and 1987. Swarms were composed exclusively of fully mature individuals; males possessed spermatophores at the ejaculatory ducts and females had attached spermatophores at the thelycum. Females predominated in most swarms, while males or nearly balanced swarms were infrequently encountered. Fully mature females occurred in the late swarming season, usually mid-April. Examination of stomachs indicated that feeding activity was low during the daytime surface swarming behavior. The body sizes of swarming T. inermis occurring around Yagishiri Island were significantly larger than those found simultaneously off the Shakotan Peninsula. This suggests that the euphausiid populations of the two areas are different.  相似文献   

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