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On the sustainability of common property resources   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We provide a model where a common property resource is managed by two types of agents, cooperators and non-cooperators, who adjust their extraction strategies in response to persistent differential payoffs. In our model, the social approval of cooperators works as a reward mechanism which, as we show, favors both the pervasiveness of cooperative behavior and the sustainable management of natural resources. Specifically, we show that in the presence of such a reward mechanism a stable equilibrium can be reached with both strategies being practiced simultaneously and a decentralized and sustainable management of common property resources is possible.  相似文献   

Play in standard laboratory Public Good games suggests that on average, humans are quite prone to cooperate. Yet cooperation is often absent in real world social dilemmas, including many environmental problems. We propose that this discrepancy arises because in the Public Good game, the worst freeriders can do is to not contribute to the public account, while in many real world environmental situations freeriders can even appropriate contributions made by others before the public good is produced. We introduce the Claim Game that modifies the Public Good game by allowing for appropriating the contributions of others before the public good is produced. The impact of such possible takings on public good production is dramatic. No public good is produced, not even in the initial stages of interaction. We link our findings to the relevance of common pool games for modeling environmental problems, and stress the need to experimentally test environmental institutions within harsher social dilemmas than the standard Public Good game.  相似文献   

Common pool resources often insure individual livelihoods against the collapse of private endeavors. When endeavors based on private and common pool resources are interconnected, investment in one can put the other at risk. We model Senegalese pastoralists who choose whether to grow crops, a private activity, or raise livestock on common pool pastureland. Livestock can increase the likelihood of locust outbreaks via ecological processes related to grassland degradation. Locust outbreaks damage crops, but not livestock, which are used for savings and insurance. We show the incentive to self-protect (reduce grazing pressure) or self-insure (increase livestock levels) changes with various property rights schemes and levels of ecological detail. If the common pool nature of insurance exacerbates the ecological externality even fully-informed individuals may make risk management decisions that increase the probability of catastrophe, creating an “insurance trap.”  相似文献   

Real world observations suggest that social norms of cooperation can be effective in overcoming social dilemmas such as the joint management of a common pool resource—but also that they can be subject to slow erosion and sudden collapse. We show that these patterns of erosion and collapse emerge endogenously in a model of a closed community harvesting a renewable natural resource in which individual agents face the temptation to overexploit the resource, while a cooperative harvesting norm spreads through the community via interpersonal relations. We analyze under what circumstances small changes in key parameters (including the size of the community, and the rate of technological progress) trigger catastrophic transitions from relatively high levels of cooperation to widespread norm violation—causing the social–ecological system to collapse.  相似文献   


The Ecological Footprint (EF) is a method for estimating the biologically productive area necessary to support current consumption patterns, given prevailing technical and economic processes. By comparing human impact with the planet's limited bioproductive area. this method tests a basic ecological condition for sustainability. The ecological footprint has gained popularity for its pedagogical strength as it expresses the results of its analysis in spatial units that can easily be communicated. Many EF estimates have been performed on a global, national and sulrnationallevel. In this paper. we review the method and critically assess it from a sustainability perspective based on first order principles. We examine: ? Which aspects of sustainability are already covered by existing EF assessments;

? Which further aspects ofsustainability could be made accountable through the EF (such as areas needed to assimilate waste streams that are not yet accounted for in present assessments); and

? Those aspects ofsustainability that cannot be accountable through the EF. Thereby needing complimentary auditing tools.

Since the EF is a measure of renewable biocapacity, we argue that some dimensions of ecological sustainability should not be included in the EF. These include human activities that should be phased out to obtain sustainability, such as emissions of persistent compounds foreign to nature and qualitative aspects that represent secondary uses of ecological areas and do not, therefore, occupy a clearly identifiable additional ecological space. We also conclude that the EF is useful for documenting the overall human use or abuse of the potentially renewable functions and services of nature. Particularly, by aggregating in a consistentway a varity of human impacts, it can effectively identify the scale of the human economy by companson with the size of the biosphere.  相似文献   

Tug-of-war models of within-group conflict predict that the frequency of conflict will be positively related to the degree of reproductive sharing within the group; in contrast, a negative relationship supports transactional models, in which reproductive payments among group members limit the degree of within-group selfishness. We tested predictions of the tug-of-war and transactional models by examining cofoundress interactions during the founding (preworker) phase of colony development in 30 naturally nesting colonies of the paper wasp Polistes dominulus. We found that the mean rate of foundress aggression and the mean probability of food sharing were significantly negatively associated, which supports the prediction of the transactional, not the tug-of-war model. Further, cofoundress aggression significantly increased over the founding phase (independently of temperature), while the fraction of aggression initiated by the dominant (alpha) foundress significantly decreased over this period. We show that both of these results are predicted by the transactional model of within-group conflict. Interestingly, the alpha’s rate of aggression was significantly positively temperature dependent, while the beta’s was not. This indicates that the alpha’s aggression level may often be near her physiological maximum, while the beta’s aggression is limi- ted by other factors, contradicting the prediction of the tug-of-war model. Moreover, the alpha’s aggression was significantly positively temperature dependent only in the second half of the founding period, as predicted by the transactional model since this is when there is least reproductive sharing. Finally, our results indicate that the alpha’s level of aggression depends on the resources controlled by the beta. Received: 18 January 2000 / Revised: 19 June 2000 / Accepted: 24 June 2000  相似文献   

保护性耕作对土壤养分及有机碳库的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以稻草覆盖免耕方式稻田冬种马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)为例,研究了保护性耕作对土壤养分以及有机碳库的影响.结果表明:保护性耕作能显著增加表层土层的养分含量,土壤氮素含量比传统耕作增加0.81%~7.24%,磷素含量增加14.95%~19.21%,钾素含量增加0.57%~15.40%,且全氮、全磷、全钾含量与传统耕作之间均达到了极显著差异水平,除碱解氮含量与传统耕作之间差异不显著外,速效磷与速效钾含量与传统耕作之间达到了显著差异水平与极显著差异水平;保护性耕作能增加土壤总有机碳与活性有机碳含量,提高土壤碳库管理指数,0~10 cm土层土壤的碳库管理指数分别比传统耕作高出9.10%、13.95%,10~20 cm土层则比传统耕作略低.因此保护性耕作能使土壤朝着有利于土壤质量提高的方向发展.两个保护性耕作处理:免耕稻草覆盖(8 cm)、免耕覆盖稻草(8 cm)后盖黑色地膜之间差异不大.  相似文献   

Qin Xu 《毒物与环境化学》2013,95(1-4):183-196
Effects of the heavy metals zinc and cadmium on the free amino acid (FAA) pool of Gammarus pulex were studied at different metal concentrations and combinations as well as different exposure times. The dominant effect of these two metals was the reduction of most free amino acids and the whole FAA pool, except in the 10‐day low zinc and cadmium concentration exposures which resulted in a rise of free amino acid pool.

Among the free amino acids, the most sensitive to zinc exposure, were alanine, glutamic acid, arginine, and taurine; valine, leucine, asparagine, and isoleucine were among the most sensitive to cadmium. No predictable changes of individual free amino acids were shown in the mixed metals exposures. Elevation of taurine concentration was constant in seven of the eight treatments, it is suggested that this elevation may be related to the hepatopancreatic damage observed and induced synthesis of metallothioneins.  相似文献   

Cooperation among non-kin has been attributed sometimes to reciprocal altruism: Two or more individuals exchange behaviour that benefits the respective partner. According to direct reciprocity, cooperation is based on past behaviour of a known partner. In contrast, in generalised reciprocity, cooperation is based on anonymous social experience where the identity of the partner is irrelevant. In a previous study, female Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) were found to cooperate according to a generalised reciprocity mechanism. In this study, we tested whether Norway rats would also cooperate as predicted by a direct reciprocity mechanism and whether direct reciprocity would cause a higher propensity to cooperate than generalised reciprocity. Focal animals were experimentally manipulated to receive social experience from known or unknown, helpful or defecting partners in an instrumental cooperative task. Our first experiment shows that rats are more helpful towards a partner from which they had received help before than towards a partner that had not helped (i.e. direct reciprocity). Our second experiment revealed that after receiving help by others, rats were more helpful towards a partner from which they had received help before than towards a new partner (i.e. direct reciprocity generated a higher cooperation propensity than generalised reciprocity). We conclude that in female Norway rats, the tendency to cooperate is influenced by partner-specific information. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate direct reciprocity in rodents, and it is the first study testing direct vs generalised reciprocity in animals.  相似文献   


Recognizing the limitations common to both centralized and privatized management regimes, institutionalized resource management is beginning to incorporate the knowledge and skills of local resource users, coupled with the enabling policies and legislation of state systems, to arrive at cooperative approaches to resource management. These varying and dynamic approaches to resource management have been compelled largely through the recognition of the limited capabilities of existing management systems to adapt effectively to ecosystem change and the evolving needs of resource users. These cooperative approaches to management should not, however, be considered an institutional end-point, but rather a phase in the perpetual transition of a social system; each unique in character and individually variable depending on the resource being managed, the political climate in which management occurs, as well as the differing strategies employed by resource users to enact institutional change. Drawing from the experiences of the Whitefish Lake First Nation of Alberta, Canada, this paper presents a brief overview of the evolution of resource management theory, grounded in the real-world formation of the Whitefish Lake First Nation — Province of Alberta Cooperative Management Agreement.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic habitat shifts have been documented in numerous fish and amphibians and in some reptiles. Intraspecific competition together with differential predation, prey size, social interactions, size-related thermal requirements, and morphological constraints on movement are often implicated in this ontogenetic habitat separation. In the current study, we combined field observation with experiments in seminatural arenas to test various hypotheses regarding the ontogenetic habitat shift that we have documented in the common chameleon. Juveniles (mean, 1 g) occupied low grasses and the adults (mean, 35 g) were found on bushes and trees. Overlap in habitat use between these two age classes was minimal. Our field experiments showed that juveniles actively avoid the presence of adults by concealment or flight. Adults readily attacked and consumed juveniles, regardless of their own mass. These results suggest that the risk of cannibalism towards juveniles is an important selective force behind the ontogenetic habitat shift observed in the common chameleon and may be important in other species too.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of individual spacing behaviour in a desert baboon population (Papio cynocephalus ursinus). Patterns of neighbour proximity and neighbour density were examined among adults in four groups under different ecological and social conditions (through instantaneous sampling during focal follows). Initial analysis of these data shows that (1) the use of vertical substrates (refuges such as tall trees and cliff faces) can confound patterns of spacing, and (2) individual differences in spacing can depend on the spatial scale over which it is measured. To minimise these substrate and scale effects, this analysis focuses on animals which are off refuges and examines spacing behaviour through its underlying statistical `dimensions' (identified through factor analysis). Analysis of these dimensions indicates that sex, group size, activity-habitat and female reproductive state can all have independent effects on spacing: (1) males are more dispersed than females in smaller groups, (2) male and female dispersion increases with time spent in foraging habitats, and (3) female dispersion is reduced during lactation. According to the hypotheses tested, these results indicate that feeding competition only affects spacing behaviour during foraging while predation risk plays little or no role in spacing. Most aspects of spacing behaviour are best explained by male reproductive strategies and their social repercussions. Received: 25 May 1998 / Accepted after revision: 18 July 1998  相似文献   

We critically evaluate the empirical basis for the so-called resource curse and find that, despite the topic's popularity in economics and political science research, this apparent paradox may be a red herring. The most commonly used measure of “resource abundance” can be more usefully interpreted as a proxy for “resource dependence”—endogenous to underlying structural factors. In multiple estimations that combine resource abundance and dependence, institutional, and constitutional variables, we find that (i) resource abundance, constitutions, and institutions determine resource dependence, (ii) resource dependence does not affect growth, and (iii) resource abundance positively affects growth and institutional quality.  相似文献   

In this paper, the evolution of cooperation is studied by a spatially structured evolutionary game model in which the players are located on a two-dimensional square lattice. Each player can choose one of the following strategies: “always defect” (ALLD), “tit-for-tat” (TFT), and “always cooperate” (ALLC). Players merely interact with four immediate neighbors at first and adjust strategies according to their rewards. First, the evolutionary dynamics of the three strategies in non-spatial population is investigated, and the results indicate that cooperation is not favored in most settings without spatial structure. Next, an analytical method, which is based on comparing the local payoff structures, is introduced for the spatial game model. Using the conditions derived from the method as criteria, the parameter plane for two major parameters of the spatial game model is divided and nine representative regions are identified. In each parameter region, a distinct spatiotemporal dynamics is characterized. The spatiotemporal dynamics not only verify that the spatial structure promote the evolution of cooperation but also reveal how cooperation is favored. Our results show that spatial structure is the keystone of the evolution of intraspecific diversity.  相似文献   

从人群的营养水平和主粮、副食品消费结构的变化出发,分别估算和预测了1993年和2000年江苏省泰兴市土地资源的人口承载量。结果表明,该市土地资源1993年可供120万人过上宽裕型生活,到2000年可供95万人过上小康型生活,其余三分之一以上人口的粮食需求要依靠市外供给。  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a primary tool for the stewardship, conservation, and restoration of marine ecosystems, yet 69% of global MPAs are only partially protected (i.e., are open to some form of fishing). Although fully protected areas have well-documented outcomes, including increased fish diversity and biomass, the effectiveness of partially protected areas is contested. Partially protected areas may provide benefits in some contexts and may be warranted for social reasons, yet social outcomes often depend on MPAs achieving their ecological goals to distinguish them from open areas and justify the cost of protection. We assessed the social perceptions and ecological effectiveness of 18 partially protected areas and 19 fully protected areas compared with 19 open areas along 7000 km of coast of southern Australia. We used mixed methods, gathering data via semistructured interviews, site surveys, and Reef Life (underwater visual census) surveys. We analyzed qualitative data in accordance with grounded theory and quantitative data with multivariate and univariate linear mixed-effects models. We found no social or ecological benefits for partially protected areas relative to open areas in our study. Partially protected areas had no more fish, invertebrates, or algae than open areas; were poorly understood by coastal users; were not more attractive than open areas; and were not perceived to have better marine life than open areas. These findings provide an important counterpoint to some large-scale meta-analyses that conclude partially protected areas can be ecologically effective but that draw this conclusion based on narrower measures. We argue that partially protected areas act as red herrings in marine conservation because they create an illusion of protection and consume scarce conservation resources yet provide little or no social or ecological gain over open areas. Fully protected areas, by contrast, have more fish species and biomass and are well understood, supported, and valued by the public. They are perceived to have better marine life and be improving over time in keeping with actual ecological results. Conservation outcomes can be improved by upgrading partially protected areas to higher levels of protection including conversion to fully protected areas.  相似文献   


The causes for environmental breaches producing losses to the forest resources in the biosphere reserve Mariposa Monarca in Mexico have been investigated, mainly using methods of spatial analysis. It was demonstrated that the availability of forest resources themselves does not affect the frequency of breaches but does have consequences on the amount of resource loss per breach. Furthermore, a strong dependency on the traffic ways was demonstrated. The larger the distance to the traffic ways, the lower is the frequency of breaches. This behaviour could be described mathematically and led to the result that 38% of the breaches can be considered as caused by traffic ways. A weak dependency on the number of inhabitants could be found but no dependency on socioeconomic parameters. Taking into account the results of this analysis, a simple resource management model was developed, using a differential equation. It estimates the future development of natural resources. The model is implemented in a Geographic Information System. Sample calculations underline the importance of the supervising actions and show the possibilities of the model with respect to the measures that have to be taken to preserve natural resources in a supervised national park.  相似文献   

陈哲  周华坤  赵新全  温军  叶鑫  杨元武 《生态环境》2010,19(12):2800-2807
甘肃马先蒿(Pedicularis kansuensis)作为高寒草甸退化进程中的一种入侵毒杂草,其生长状况和繁殖特征为草地退化状况的重要指标,也是衡量高寒草甸演替进程的重要指示植物。通过比较重度退化和未退化高寒草甸的群落特征,甘肃马先蒿的生长状况与花期资源分配,结果表明:退化的高寒草甸土壤-植被系统变化明显,高寒草甸退化显著影响了甘肃马先蒿的生长状况和资源分配特征。在重度退化的黑土滩样地中,甘肃马先蒿个体形态特征如株高、根长、分叉数、叶片数、花数、总生物量都显著高于未退化高寒矮嵩草草甸样地;重度退化草甸中甘肃马先蒿花期各器官的资源投资状况,如根系投资、茎叶投资、繁殖投资分别为7.46%、48.76%、43.78%,未退化样地中甘肃马先蒿的根系投资、茎叶投资、繁殖投资分别为10.12%、54.34%、35.54%。在重度退化高寒草甸中甘肃马先蒿占据较大的生态位,长势良好,且将资源更多地用于繁殖投入。而未退化草甸中甘肃马先蒿优势度不大,更多的是将资源分配到根系和茎叶等营养器官,以期获得较多的水分、无机盐、光照等资源,增强个体竞争力。甘肃马先蒿在不同生境下资源分配的显著差异实质反映了草地退化的影响,亦是植物对外部环境改变的一种适应机制,同时也是植物可塑性的重要表现形式。  相似文献   

Common murres (Uria aalge) are highly colonial; pairs often breed at the highest possible densities, in bodily contact with neighbors. At Bluff, a colony in western Alaska, we tested for synchrony in egg laying at various spatial scales and found little evidence for higher synchrony, either within study plots of 15–195 pairs, or within subplots containing several pairs, than among plots in a 5-year study. Egg laying of neighbors generally was more synchronous than expected based on overall frequency distributions in laying dates, however. Breeding success was positively correlated with the number of breeding neighbors and the number of neighbors tending eggs or nestlings at the time of egg laying. Breeding success of pairs with neighbors was positively related to the breeding success of neighbors. Pairs that produced eggs synchronously with at least one neighboring pair had higher success than those that began breeding either before or after their neighbors. Most reproductive failures at Bluff are due to accidental egg loss and predation on eggs by common ravens, Corvus corax, soon after laying. By occupying space where a raven might otherwise land and defending their own eggs, active breeding neighbors locally reduce the probability of egg predation. Active breeding neighbors also are less likely to flush and accidentally dislodge nearby eggs when disturbed than are nonbreeders. Murres breeding synchronously with neighbors have the highest assurance of the presence of active breeding neighbors both at the time of egg laying and throughout their reproductive attempts. Groups of neighboring murres can be considered small “selfish herds,” demonstrating by-product mutualism through their continued presence and defense of their own eggs and nestlings. Despite the advantages of breeding synchronously with neighbors, early breeding may often be favored, however. Received: 22 January 1996/Accepted after revision: 16 June 1996  相似文献   

土地资源是人类赖以生存的最基本的自然资源,土地资源的永续利用是实现社会、经济和生态全面可持续发展的基础。本文在分析土地资源利用特点,土地资源永续利用的内涵、原则与指南的基础上,提出了实现土地资源永续利用的一系列生态经济对策。  相似文献   

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