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结合西安市生态社会经济现状,建立与水环境系统密切相关的承载力指标体系;采用AHP法分析确定评价指标的权重,应用灰色关联度法和模糊综合评判构建水环境承载力评价模型,收集近年数据对西安市水环境承载力进行现状评价。结果表明,西安市水环境承载力从2000年的脆弱到2009年的良好大致呈现连年增强的趋势。但从隶属度矩阵发现,增长的动力来源于经济的良好发展势头,而生态系统已经遭到较严重的破坏,且修复不利,同时科技发展对承载力的贡献也呈现逐年下降趋势。研究表明,解决西安市水环境未来面临的恶化趋势的关键在于加速雨水资源化进程推进。  相似文献   

把建筑垃圾破碎加工成再生骨料,填筑于慢行道路下方建成蓄水层。下雨时可将车行道、人行道等路面雨水收集储蓄其中,有效缓解城市洪涝灾害;收集的雨水净化后可用于植物灌溉、道路清洁;蓄水系统中的缓排系统,可将蓄水层排水细管以上的雨水在24 h内逐渐排放,以腾出空间迎接下一场暴雨来袭。这既可以拓展建筑垃圾资源化应用途径,又可以较好地缓解洪涝对城市排水管网的压力。  相似文献   

介绍了三维荧光技术的测定原理、测定结果的表征方法和数据解析方法(峰值拾取法、荧光区域积分法和平行因子分析法)。讨论了三维荧光典型荧光峰与BOD5、COD和TOC等水质指标的相关性,证明了三维荧光技术在水环境监测中的应用能力。综述了三维荧光技术在生活污水、工业废水和雨水等水环境监测中应用的研究进展,展望了其发展前景。  相似文献   

城市水环境与居民健康及城市发展休戚相关,目前黑臭水体已成为我国城市水环境普遍存在的问题之一,受到广泛的关注。以近年来我国黑臭水体治理现状为基础,论述了目前黑臭水体治理技术及治理过程中存在的问题。结合国内外的研究进展,分类介绍了各种治理技术的优缺点,为进一步明确黑臭水体治理方法和水环境的生态修复提供参考。  相似文献   

住宅小区雨水资源化利用与中水回用是建设节水型城市,实现水资源可持续利用的重要组成部分.住宅小区的雨水资源化利用技术将雨水收集、雨水分散处理、雨水集中利用、雨水渗透等技术进行集成优化,具有处理效果好、雨水利用率高、管理方便的优点。住宅小区中水回用属于封闭式污水再生回用系统,采用膜生物反应器(MBR)技术作为小区中水回用技术,具有占地面积少、工艺流程短、处理效率高等优点。  相似文献   

炼油催化剂废渣污染及其防治的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对炼油厂裂化催化剂废渣和加氢精制催化剂渣的污染成分和污染状况进行了分析,结果表明,排放到大气中的裂化催化剂微粒含有0.55%的Ni和0.18%的V,已造成大气污染,裂化催化剂废渣经雨水淋洗后,其中部分Ni和V会进入水环境,造成污染。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程加快,城市内涝、水资源短缺、建筑垃圾露天堆放等问题严重影响我国的可持续发展。在国家大力倡导海绵城市建设及资源循环利用的契机下,选取通州区某地拆迁建筑垃圾进行成分分析及性能研究,加工成再生骨料,研究制备出透水性能好、符合国家标准的再生骨料透水砖。将再生骨料透水砖应用于某小区海绵化改造项目,与雨水花园、植草沟等其他低影响开发设施完美结合,达到了削减雨水径流、促进资源循环利用等一系列目标,实现了海绵城市设计、建设目标及区域内部的资源循环利用,具有良好的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

本文从冲洗污染雨水量的确定,污染雨水集水池容积计算,初期污染雨水和后期清净雨水的分流,污染雨水集水池设置的位置四个方面阐述如何对污染雨水进行合理的收集。  相似文献   

“地沟油”的不当处理不仅影响城市水环境,而且威胁着人们的身体健康。餐厨废弃油脂的管理已经成为广受关注的食品安全的重大问题。介绍了餐厨废弃油脂处理管理的重要意义,并对上海的管理实践和经验进行了分析总结,提出了对餐厨废弃油脂回收处理管理和资源化利用的若干建议。  相似文献   

农村水环境是湖南省洞庭湖区农业农村可持续发展的重要基础性资源,对于新时代洞庭湖江湖关系协调、农业绿色发展、农民生活幸福有着直接影响。近年来,随着湖南省洞庭湖区农村经济快速发展,农村人口日益集中,农村水环境问题整体呈增长态势,如:季节性水资源短缺严重,水质整体呈轻度污染,水体生态功能退化明显,防洪减灾能力严重不足等。立足湖南省洞庭湖农村水环境现实问题,从水文情势变化、农业面源污染、生活污水处理、科研创新能力、治理体制机制等方面系统分析农村水环境产生原因,并提出相应的治理对策,既有助于农村水环境治理工作的开展,又有助于乡村振兴战略目标的实现。  相似文献   

The solubility and potential mobility of heavy metals (Cd, Cu,Hg, Pb and Zn) in two urban soils were studied by sequential andleaching extractions (rainwater). Compared to rural (arable) soils on similar parent material, the urban soils were highlycontaminated with Hg and Pb and to a lesser extent also with Cd,Cu and Zn. Metal concentrations in rainwater leachates were related to sequential extractions and metal levels reported fromStockholm groundwater. Cadmium and Zn in the soils were mainly recovered in easily extractable fractions, whereas Cu and Pb were complex bound. Concentrations of Pb in the residual fractionwere between two- and eightfold those in arable soils, indicatingthat the sequential extraction scheme did not reflect the solidphases affected by anthropogenic inputs. Cadmium and Zn conc. inthe rainwater leachates were within the range detected in Stockholm groundwater, while Cu and Pb conc. were higher, whichsuggests that Cu and Pb released from the surface soil were immobilised in deeper soil layers. In a soil highly contaminatedwith Hg, the Hg conc. in the leachate was above the median concentration, but still 50 times lower than the max concentration found in groundwater, indicating the possibilityof other sources. In conclusion, it proved difficult to quantitatively predict the mobility of metals in soils by sequential extractions.  相似文献   

Rainwater has been used as drinking water in Thailand for centuries especially in the rural parts and is accepted as an important water resource. From past to present, the quality of rainwater has changed with the landuse of the landscape, and its water quality is influenced by a diverse range of conditions such as the management of pollutant sources, the catchment condition, wind and meteorological conditions, and the location of rainwater collection points. In this study, the quality of rainwater collected off roofs at several locations was examined. Granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration was used as a pretreatment to microfiltration (MF) to remove the dissolved organic matter (DOC). After an initial adsorption period, the biofilm that formed on the GAC (biofilter) was found to remove DOC by up to 40%, 35%, and 15% for bed filter depths of 15, 10, and 5 cm, respectively. Biofilters also removed nitrate and phosphate by more than 80% and 35%. The hollow fiber membrane microfiltration with pore size of 0.1 μm was used to treat the effluent from biofiltration to remove the microorganisms/pathogens in the rainwater. Although there was no significant additional removal of DOC by MF, the biofilter removed all microorganisms. The use of biofilters as pretreatment to MF/UF could remove a higher amount of DOC, remove microorganisms, increase the membrane treatment efficiency, and reduce membrane fouling.  相似文献   

Dredging operations are necessary to maintain harbour activities, to prevent floods, and to restore ecosystem. These sediments after dredging are considered as waste, and their management is a complex problem. In the context of sustainable development, traditional solutions, such as dumping, will be more and more regulated. More than ever with the shortage of aggregates from quarries, dredged sediment could constitute a new granular material source for Civil Engineering domain. The principal objective of this works is to use dredged river sediments in the road construction. This study consists to determine the physical–chemical, geotechnical, and environmental impact characteristics of raw river sediments. To improve the mechanical performance of this river material be used in road construction, a treatment by the hydraulic binder in combination with granular corrector has been proposed. The impacts of the treated material on the environment have been evaluated. The last part of this study focuses on the realization of an experimental road with the designed mixes in the laboratory. The validation of mechanical characteristics and the study of the environmental impacts have been made on core samples from the experimental road. The monitoring of the quality of the percolating water and runoff water has been explored. The obtained results in laboratory and in situ are promising for potential use of river sediments in foundation layer of the road construction.  相似文献   

以拟建的深圳某电厂为研究对象,从美化景观、生态环境改善、水土保持、防灾浅灾、提高人与自然的亲和性等角度出发,提出了具体的绿化、美化建设方案。  相似文献   

According to the European Construction Products Directive (89/106/EC), construction products must satisfy specified essential requirements (ER). To comply with ER 3, on hygiene, health and environment, the construction works must be designed and built in such a way that they will not be a threat to the hygiene and health of the occupants and neighbours, nor to the environment. Standardised test methods for the release of substances that are hazardous to health and environment need to be developed at the European level. A horizontal approach is considered the best route for such test development and consists of the development of a test method applicable for different products used in a certain scenario (across the fields of different Technical Committees). The work presented here regards the emission of pollutants towards soil and water and has been carried out on monolith products, based on three types of matrices: concrete, wood and metal (zinc). The aim of the work is to study the parameters (nature of leachant, temperature, liquid-to-solid ratio) that could influence the release behaviour of substances in water. The knowledge acquired from these tests will allow the identification of some parameters needed for the development of a horizontal test.  相似文献   

This research concentrates the design, construction and evaluation of simulated pilot scale landfill lysimeter at KUET campus, Khulna, Bangladesh. Both the aerobic and anaerobic conditions having a base liner and two different types of cap liner were simulated. After the design of a reference cell, the construction of landfill lysimeter was started in January 2008 and completed in July 2008. In all construction process locally available civil construction materials were used. The municipal solid waste (MSW) of 2800–2985 kg having the total volume of 2.80 m3 (height 1.6 m) and moisture content of 65% was deposited in each lysimeter by applying required compaction energy. In contrast, both the composition in terms of methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) as well as the flow rate of landfill gas (LFG) generated from MSW in landfill lysimeter were measured and varied significantly in relation to the variation of lysimeter operational condition. Moreover, anaerobic lysimeter-C shows the highest composition of LFG in compare to the anaerobic lysimeter-B due to the providing of lower compaction of cap liner in anaerobic lysimeter-C. Here, it is interesting to note that in absence of compacted clay liner (CCL) and hence percolation of rainwater that facilitates rapid degradation of MSW in aerobic lysimeter-A has resulted in the highest settlement than that of anaerobic landfill lysimeter-B and C. Moreover, in case of anaerobic lysimeter-B and C, the leachate generation was lower than that of aerobic lysimeter-A due to the providing of cap liner in anaerobic lysimeter-B and C, played an important role to reduce the percolation of rainwater. The study also reveals that the leachate pollution index (LPI) has decreased in relation to the increasing of elapsed period as well as the LPI for collection system of aerobic lysimeter-A was higher than that of the collection system of anaerobic lysimeter-B and C. Finally, it can be depicted that LPI for lysimeter was significantly high and proper treatment will be necessary before discharging the lysimeter leachate into the water bodies.  相似文献   

资源循环利用基地的建设是破解城市固体废弃物“邻避效应”的创新道路,有助于新型城市功能区的建设,是推进资源循环利用的主要方式。以北京市朝阳区资源循环利用产业基地为例,研究其基地建设的优势基础及制约因素,通过探索基地建设模式,分析了基地建设的总体思路和重要举措,以期为其他地区资源循环利用基地建设提供经验。  相似文献   

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