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A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the efficacy of a post-fire land management practice, including plant cultivation (Lolium perenne) combined with poultry manure addition, for restoring the protective vegetation cover in soils degraded by high intensity wildfires. The greenhouse experiment was performed with three burnt pine forest soils with added poultry manure at two doses of application and comparing the data with those obtained using NPK fertilizer. A significant effect of the amendment, soil properties and the interaction between amendment and soil properties on vegetation cover (phytomass production, nutrient content) was detected, but often the amendment treatment explained most of the variance. Changes induced by the organic amendment were more marked than those induced by inorganic fertilization. The increase of phytomass and nutrient uptake with poultry manure addition indicated the beneficial effects of this soil management practice. These findings can serve to develop field experiments and burnt soils reclamation technology.  相似文献   

畜禽养殖废水由于具有高COD、高SS、高氨氮等特点,属于高浓度难降解废水,不宜直接采用生化处理,需对其进行预处理。试验采用预氧化+混凝沉淀+MAP对畜禽养殖废水进行预处理。结果表明:预氧化+混凝沉淀+MAP沉淀预处理畜禽养殖废水具有极强的可行性,同时当次氯酸钠投加量为1260 mg/L,PAC为700 mg/L,PAM投加量为10 mg/L时,处理效果最佳,并且药剂投加不宜采用同步进行,适宜先进行预氧化,然后进行强化混凝,最后采用MAP沉淀法处理畜禽养殖废水,可以达到更好的预处理效果,提高可生化性。  相似文献   

陈燕斌 《化工环保》2012,40(3):342-345
针对已建炼化污水处理装置提质达标的需求,采用旋流强化工艺对缺氧-好氧(A/O)池进行改造,生化出水TN由(32.8±8.9)mg/L降至(25.6±5.7) mg/L,TN平均去除率提高了约10百分点,且出水TN达标率达到100%,出水水质稳定达到GB 31570—2015《石油炼制行业污染物排放标准》的TN排放限值要求。旋流强化工艺技术先进,便于实施,适用于石化行业污水处理装置的改造升级,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

A new treatment process was employed to treat wastewater generated from a factory manufacturing syntan (synthetic tannin). In this treatment process, in-situ production of hypochlorous acid was achieved by the use of an aqueous sodium chloride solution for chlorine production. As the graphite anode and stainless steel cathode zones were kept unseparated, the hypochlorous acid was produced by electrolysis. The hypochlorous acid was utilized for the oxidation of organic matter present in the wastewater. The results showed that for an initial COD concentration of 10,000 mg/l, a turbidity of 277 NTU, a tannin concentration of 4000 mg/l, a temperature of 27±1°C, a current density of 42.5 mA/cm2, a sodium chloride content of 3% and an electrolysis period of 210 min showed an effluent COD concentration of 230 mg/l, a turbidity of 9 NTU, a tannin concentration below the detection limit and a temperature of 37±2°C.  相似文献   

考察了几种常用混凝剂对印染废水的处理效果。研究表明,在最佳pH值9~11时,硫酸亚铁具有较好的处理效果;复配试验表明,当硫酸亚铁投加量为400mg/l,熟石灰400mg/1,PAM为2mg/l时,COD去除率76.3%,色度去除率94.5%.处理成本为0.16元/t。  相似文献   

洗车废水产生的污染越发严重,对洗车废水进行回收利用势在必行.介绍了洗车废水的水质特点,概括和比较了目前用于洗车废水处理和回用的工艺和主要装置,分析了其各自的适用情况和存在问题,并对发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

尹先清  陈文娟  靖波  刘倩  杨航 《化工环保》2017,37(4):377-382
采用支持向量机(SVM)算法,将Box-Behnken设计法与支持向量回归算法(SVR)实验参数优化软件相结合,优化电化学去除油田污水COD的工艺参数。通过量子粒子群算法对SVM算法参数进行优化,从建立的回归模型中找到工艺参数的全局最佳点:电解时间60 min,电解电流3 A,三维电极填充料中石英砂质量695 g。模型得到的COD理论最优去除率为92.48%,验证实验得到的COD去除率为91.43%。  相似文献   

概括了混凝技术在印染废水的预处理和深度处理以及印染废水回用工艺的预处理等领域的应用情况。介绍了目前用于印染废水处理的无机混凝剂、有机絮凝剂及复合混凝剂等的应用发展现状。复合混凝剂因各组分之间的协同作用提高了混凝性能,减少了投药量,进而降低了混凝污泥的产量。应对有机组分进行阳离子化,以减少无机组分的用量,并通过接枝反应等制备出具有多支链、含较多具有吸附功能的官能团结构的有机高分子,以提高混凝效果。应进一步针对实际印染废水,考察其他污染物以及实际操作条件对混凝效果的影响,以优化改良复合混凝剂。  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The efficacy of Fenton reagent and hydrogen peroxide for the regeneration of saturated granular activated carbon with biological effluent of dyeing...  相似文献   

餐厨废弃物的不当处理,不但直接影响城市容貌、污染地下水、食品安全及人们身体健康,同时造成巨大的资源浪费.餐厨废弃物的处理已经成为政府及社会广为关注的重大问题.介绍了餐厨废弃物处置管理的意义,分析了目前几种生物处理技术的现状,提出了利用环境昆虫进行餐厨废弃物资源化利用的有关建议.  相似文献   

In the first part of this study, the treatability of marble processing wastewater by the coagulation-flocculation process was investigated. Optimum coagulant-flocculant doses for turbidity removal in wastewater from the cutting, faience and equalization processes were determined as 500, 200 and 500 ppm of Al2(SO4)3; 300, 500 and 300 ppm of FeCl3 and 600, 400 and 200 ppm of Agrofloc 100 (AGRON Water Treatment Technologies and Chemical Marketing Industry and Trade Limited Company, Izmir, Turkey), respectively. It was found that the removal of total solids from cutting and equalization process wastewaters was highest for the 100 ppm dosage of all chemicals used. The amount of total solids removed from faience process wastewater by Agrofloc 100 was higher than that removed by the other chemicals used. The removals of suspended solids from cutting, faience and equalization process wastewaters were similar to each other for each of the chemicals. The pH values after treatment by Agrofloc 100 were higher than the values determined after treatment by other chemicals for all process wastewater. Electrical conductivity values, however, were lower for Agrofloc 100 than for the others. Settled sludge volume experiments showed that settled sludge volumes decreased with time. The results of the quiescent settling experiment showed that the settling type could be termed flocculent settling. In the second part of the study, the usage of waste sludge from marble processing as an additive material in cement was investigated. The waste sludge originated from the wastewaters of different steps of the marble processing plant. Waste sludge was replaced with cement at various percentages by weight to prepare the mixtures of mortar. The specimens poured into the moulds were held for 24 h, removed from the moulds and held again for 28 days in lime-saturated water at 23 degrees C. Compressive and flexural strengths were evaluated with respect to percentages of waste sludge replaced with cement. The maximum compressive and flexural strengths were observed for specimens containing a 6% waste sludge when compared with control and it was also found that waste sludge up to 9% could effectively be used as an additive material in cement.  相似文献   

介绍了我国现代煤化工项目的废水来源及特性,归纳了废水的处理技术路线,从废水"零排放"、废水处理技术与管理、蒸发塘的污染转移、废水处理与固体废物处理及废气处理的关系、污染物源头控制等方面阐述了我国当前煤化工废水处理存在的误区和建议。  相似文献   

采用Fenton流化床陶瓷膜反应器处理造纸废水二级出水,研究了陶瓷膜膜污染的机理,提出了相应的清洗再生方案。实验结果表明:Fenton流化床陶瓷膜反应器处理后废水的溶解性有机碳和色度去除率分别达到84.2%和94.1%。通过Darcy定律模型计算,过滤阻力主要来自于滤饼层阻力,约占总阻力的62.1%;滤饼层中主要污染物为悬浮固体,约占滤饼层总质量的75.4%;疏水性有机物是造成滤饼层污染的主要溶解性有机物,而亲水性有机物更易造成膜孔堵塞;腐殖酸对滤饼层和膜孔堵塞影响较大,而蛋白质比多糖更易引起膜孔堵塞。采用HNO_3清洗污染膜效果最佳,在HNO_3质量分数1.00%、反应时间15 min时,膜通量恢复率达73.6%。  相似文献   

低温对MBBR、SBR深度处理废水出水水质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了低温和常温下移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)与 SBR 深度处理低浓度废水的出水水质,研究了低温对反应器出水 COD、运行温度、DO、出水 pH、出水蛋白质质量浓度的影响.实验结果表明:相同曝气和环境温度条件下,MBBR 比 SBR 的运行温度高 0.5-1.5 ℃,受环境温度影响更小;与常温相比,低温反应器内 D...  相似文献   

UV/O3催化氧化法处理发酵废水中难降解有机物的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以UV/O3氧化法降解生化处理后的发酵有机废水为处理体系,研究了活性炭、二氧化钛对废水中难降解有机物的UV/O3催化活性,考察了催化剂用量以及活性炭和二氧化钛的协同催化效果。结果表明,活性炭与二氧化钛均能明显加快反应速率,提高CODcr去除率并缩短反应时间,且活性炭与TiO2协同催化效果更好,二者以最佳比例(6:1)作用,反应4h后,废水的CODcr去除率达到85%以上。  相似文献   

黄鹏  林璠  刘爽  康健  李健  白丁 《化工环保》2016,(1):22-25
石煤提钒废水中含有大量的重金属、氨氮和盐类。介绍了石煤提钒中重金属废水、氨氮废水、高盐废水的处理技术,总结了各种废水处理技术在石煤提钒废水治理中的应用现状,并对石煤提钒废水的治理进行了展望。化学法应用广泛,但易造成二次污染;物理法具有广阔的应用前景,但处理效率低;生物法具有效率高、选择性强、废水处理成本低等优点,是一种极具发展潜力的废水治理方法,应加大在石煤提钒废水治理方面的研究。  相似文献   

通过总结大港油田污水回用深度处理工程超滤反渗透系统设计思路,介绍了目前国际领先的"双膜法"污水回用深度处理技术.着重论述了该工程超滤反渗透单元以及各辅助系统如加药、反洗、化学清洗等系统的设计,研究并探讨了系统设计中膜污染问题的解决措施和思路.  相似文献   

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