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Despite obstacles inherent in the structure of government and the lack of a strong national constituency, environmental impact assessment became a policy-making element in the government of Israel in 1982. The Environmental Protection Service formed in 1973 now needs to develop strategies to promote environmental awareness and environmentally informed decision making among the public, private and public developers, and within the Ministry of the Interior.  相似文献   

Several theoretical, analytical, and institutional difficulties have impeded the development and application of the assessment of cumulative environmental impacts. Watershed development on coastal wetlands offers an ideal context for evaluating the land disturbance target approach to cumulative impact assessment. A model land use planning system involving a time series approach was developed for Elkhorn Slough in California. The approach included four major components: evaluation of erosion susceptibility, measurement of land disturbance, establishment of a land disturbance target, and a comparison of existing and target land disturbance values. Further research is needed to test the transferability of the approach in a wide range of coastal watersheds and to verify the applicability of the methods to other cumulative impact problems.  相似文献   

Although the process of documenting compliance with NEPA (the National Environmental Policy Act) requires no drastic revisions, it can be managed more rigorously. Suggestions for revision can be grouped under five major steps: 1) getting a complete proposal from the applicant; 2) getting the decision-making process onto the right decision-making path; 3) modifying the applicant's proposal 4) going down a shorter path through the EA/FONSI (environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact) or through categorical exclusion review; and 5) going down the longer path through the EIS. Step 2 is perhaps the most critical, because there a decision must be made whether to write an EA/FONSI or an EIS, on the basis of whether the proposal would “significantly affect … the … environment.” In the past, this decision has not always been made promptly or rigorously. Accordingly, we suggest that the agency responsible for NEPA compliance should develop a system (a “black box”), consisting of a core group of specialists working with an interdisciplinary team, using sophisticated techniques for modeling impacts and directing both their research and their writing according to the concept of significance. By determining more efficiently and reliably whether the impacts of a proposal would be significant, such an approach would improve management of the total process.  相似文献   

EIA has been instituted in developing countries in the last decade largely in response to outside pressures. Governments have been quick to initiate reforms rather than jeopardize projects that might be key to national development plans. At the subnational level, most projects are not financed by foreign aid. The application of EIA at this level is often the result of pressure exerted on policy elites by the bureaucracy. This paper describes the reorganization of environmental protection agencies in the state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. This reorganization provided the setting for a bureaucratic initiative on EIA. The authors also analyze two cases in which EIA was applied unsatisfactorily and comment on the political realites of implementing EIA at the subnational level.  相似文献   

In 1980, the World Health Organization (Regional Office for Europe) invited The Centre for Environmental Management and Planning (CEMP) to organize a two-week training course on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to provide a comprehensive introduction to EIA with emphasis on methods and techniques for impact identification, prediction and assessment. Not suprisingly the topic of environmental health impact assessment was to be a major focus. Since 1980, the course has been held each year at the University of Aberdeen. An analysis of participation in the course during its first five years yields several impressions about the success of this training effort and the ways in which it might be improved.  相似文献   

Two sources of difficulty complicate tying EIA to decision making at the Department of Defense: the nature of the federal EIA process and the DOD decision-making process. Several steps, focused on each of the problem sources, are suggested that would enable DOD to enhance its existing leadership in doing EIA for its projects.  相似文献   

This article offers a conceptual framework for analyzing institutional processes and performance outcome of EIA implementation for developing countries. Eight classes of participants in the EIA process are identified: (1) responsible agency; (2) action proponent; (3) preparer; (4) review agency; (5) rule-setting agency; (6) concerned agencies; (7) general public; and (8) licensing agency. Five types of performance outcome are suggested that may follow the introduction of EIA into a national planning system. These include EIA as (1) a fully internalized element of the planning process, (2) a support for a position of advocacy for the environment, (3) a process of adjustment among conflicting goals, (4) a process to remedy prior environmental damage, and (5) a perfunctory endorsement of public or private actions. Using these categories, the EIA system of the Philippines, Korea, and Brazil are analyzed. Three aspects of EIA implementation are compared: national development planning and environmental goals; institutional structure; and performance evaluation. Based on this analysis, the author concludes that while EIA in developing countries is being hampered in its early stages by institutional factors, there are some specific policies that, if adopted by national governments and international aid agencies, would enhance the integration of EIA into the planning and decision-making process and make EIA a more effective tool for environmental protection in the developing world.  相似文献   

The US Environmental Protection Agency recently completed two regulatory negotiation demonstrations. These demonstrations suggest that the current EPA rule-making process could be improved through the introduction of face-to-face negotiation at the earliest stages of rulemaking. In the demonstrations, EPA (1) relied on a consensus building process to forestall litigation after the promulgation of the final rule; (2) Used a nonpartisan facilitator to convene the negotiations; (3) Defined criteria to determine which parties should be represented in the negotiation. From the perspective of participants, the negotiating consensus version of a draft regulation is a successful alternative to the traditional rulemaking process. It is still too soon to say negotiated rulemaking significantly reduces the likelihood of ligitation. The results of the demonstration indicate that it is possible for either an agency employee or a neutral outsider to facilitate the sessions. A successful negotiation also requires top level agency support as well as the confidence of the environmental community. The single most important outcome of the negotiations was that the participants developed a greater understanding of the interests of the other parties. The demonstrations also suggest possible changes in future regulatory negotiations.  相似文献   

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations has agreed that environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources are essential for sound economic development. The Environmental Impact Assessment is viewed as an important management tool and an ASEAN Experts Group on the Environment has been working for several years on a model especially adapted to the region and also on case studies of the implementation of EIA. Progress so far has been frustratingly slow due to misunderstanding, a lack of ecological data, inadequate trained manpower and institutional shortcomings for compliance. The author advocates collaboration on an ASEAN model for performing EIA as a means of accelerating acceptance and implementation. The concept of Adaptive Environmental Assessment and Management is proposed as a prototype.  相似文献   

Since 1968, research in public transportation planning has included an increasing number of analyses of the perceptions and attitudes of people who use and live in proximity to the systems (Nash and Hille 1968, McMillan et al. 1969, Wachs 1976). The results of the study reported here suggest that race and gender may explain more about attitudes toward the community impact of a transit system than do the levels of user satisfaction with the system. The implication for future research in this area is that surveys employing “satisfaction” and “importance” as indicators may not be using appropriate indices of evaluation. This study reports the results of a 1980 attitude survey of the perceptions of black and white men and women living within a two-block corridor along the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) east line in Atlanta, Georgia. The research supports the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) Transit Impact Monitoring Program (TIMP). The survey used a stratified random sample technique to identify 100 households in which in-home interviews were subsequently conducted. A further stratified sampling procedure designated the gender and age of persons to be interviewed. The analysis included the isolation of responses by gender and race and used the chi-square statistic at the 0.05 significance level. The results identity differences in responses of males and females, blacks and whites.  相似文献   

International EIA activity has two origins. First, there is increasing concern over conflict between developmental and environmental interests within the economic development system. Second, EIA appeals to international agencies and governments as a well-defined, internally integrated procedure and planning tool. EIA activities involve political, institutional, and technical motivations and goals for the international bodies and the governments of countries receiving aid. Three criteria may be used to evaluate international EIA from the perspective of policy makers and administrators in the countries: political support, institutional strengthening, and technical capability. This paper reviews the influence of the United Nations system and of some multilateral and bilateral development assistance agencies in promoting EIA in developing countries. The extent the nature of the influence donors have on EIA in developing countries is shaped as much by the interests and organizational characteristics of the donors as by the needs and priorities of the recipients.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to the siting of potentially hazardous but regionally necessary facilities are often ineffective and lead to drawn-out legal disputes ultimately satisfactory to none of the parties. Research at MIT over the last decade has indicated five factors that may solve the siting puzzle. Application of these principles do not guarantee that a decision will not be disputed but may enhance the possibility of a wise and durable agreement.  相似文献   

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