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International EIA activity has two origins. First, there is increasing concern over conflict between developmental and environmental interests within the economic development system. Second, EIA appeals to international agencies and governments as a well-defined, internally integrated procedure and planning tool. EIA activities involve political, institutional, and technical motivations and goals for the international bodies and the governments of countries receiving aid. Three criteria may be used to evaluate international EIA from the perspective of policy makers and administrators in the countries: political support, institutional strengthening, and technical capability. This paper reviews the influence of the United Nations system and of some multilateral and bilateral development assistance agencies in promoting EIA in developing countries. The extent the nature of the influence donors have on EIA in developing countries is shaped as much by the interests and organizational characteristics of the donors as by the needs and priorities of the recipients.  相似文献   

The well-established environmental impact assessment requirements in the United States have given rise to a number of training needs within federal and state agencies. Requirements for training vary for EIA project managers, technical specialists, senior managers and others involved in EIA. Information needs about EIA vary also, but include general awareness, procedural knowledge, substantive methodological knowledge and technical knowledge. While EIA training is provided in short courses, on the job, and in universities there remain deficiencies in the training of specialists, senior managers, and others. Proposals are made here to help overcome these. This paper examines the needs and provisions for training in environmental impact assessment (EIA) in the USA federal system and in the system created by the California Environmental Quality Act. The investigation is based on the very limited literature on training, on responses to letters, on the printed material requested from agencies and, most importantly, on the results of a series of interviews of personnel in various federal agencies at central and regional levels, in California, and elsewhere. A recent report by the Environmental Law Institute (1981) furnished invaluable background information on EIA training in the federal agencies. The list of liaison officers printed by the Council on Environmental Quality (1982a) was used to request interviews and information.  相似文献   

排污单位自行监测的质量管理,是环境管理部门关注的重点。针对排污单位自行监测工作中存在的质控措施不规范;监测结果公开不完整;样品交接记录、原始采样记录、样品分析原始记录不齐全;流量计未检定或过期等问题。从自行监测方案的制定、自行监测信息公开、企业手工监测、企业自动监测等4个方面提出:应实施具体的质控措施;将污染物排放方式及排放去向、未开展自行监测的原因等方面的内容全部公开;通过计量认证第三方环境监测机构制订相关的记录单;将流量计送至计量单位实验室检定或者请计量单位现场检定等建议,对今后促进排污单位提高自行监测工作水平有指导意义。  相似文献   

Using Guangzhou (Canton) as an example, this article examines major political economy problems regarding environmental impact assessment (EIA) in China: (1) difficulties for regulatory agencies to impose EIA procedures and requirements on projects that are sponsored or supported by other government agencies; (2) a lack of strong political constituencies that support environmental protection efforts; and (3) conflicts of interest created by regulatory agencies that attempt to finance their operations through providing services to the regulated for fees.  相似文献   

Ecological monitoring and its associated research programshave often provided answers to various environmental management issues. In the face of changing environmental conditions, ecological monitoring provides decision-makers with reliable information as they grapple with maintaining a sustainable economy and healthy environment. The EcologicalMonitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) is a national ecological monitoring network consisting of (1) about 100 casestudy sites across the country characterized by long-term multi-disciplinary environmental work conducted by a multitudeof agencies (142 partners and counting); (2) a variety of lesscomprehensive yet more extensive monitoring sites; (3) a network where core monitoring variables of ecosystem change aremeasured; and (4) geo-referenced environmental observations. Environment Canada is the co-ordinating partner for the network through the EMAN Co-ordinating Office. EMAN's mission is to focus a scientifically-sound, policy-relevant ecosystem monitoring and research network based on (a) stabilizing a network of case-study sites operated by a varietyof partners, and (b) developing a number of cooperative dispersedmonitoring initiatives in order to deliver unique and needed goods and services. These goods and services include: (1) an efficient and cost-effective early warning system which detects,describes and reports on changes in Canadian ecosystems at a national or ecozone scale; and (2) cross-disciplinary and cross-jurisdictional assessments of ecosystem status, trends and processes. The early warning system and assessments of ecosystem status, trends and processes provide Environment Canada and partner organizations with timely information thatfacilitates increasingly adaptive policies and priority setting. Canadians are also informed of changes and trends occurring in Canadian ecosystems and, as a result, are betterable to make decisions related to conservation and sustainability.  相似文献   

介绍了中国台湾地区环境监测市场化的现状、体制机制、资质认定等方面情况,总结了台湾地区对社会化环境检测机构采取的许可证管理、监管平台建设、严格日常监管等方面的有效经验。  相似文献   

This article offers a conceptual framework for analyzing institutional processes and performance outcome of EIA implementation for developing countries. Eight classes of participants in the EIA process are identified: (1) responsible agency; (2) action proponent; (3) preparer; (4) review agency; (5) rule-setting agency; (6) concerned agencies; (7) general public; and (8) licensing agency. Five types of performance outcome are suggested that may follow the introduction of EIA into a national planning system. These include EIA as (1) a fully internalized element of the planning process, (2) a support for a position of advocacy for the environment, (3) a process of adjustment among conflicting goals, (4) a process to remedy prior environmental damage, and (5) a perfunctory endorsement of public or private actions. Using these categories, the EIA system of the Philippines, Korea, and Brazil are analyzed. Three aspects of EIA implementation are compared: national development planning and environmental goals; institutional structure; and performance evaluation. Based on this analysis, the author concludes that while EIA in developing countries is being hampered in its early stages by institutional factors, there are some specific policies that, if adopted by national governments and international aid agencies, would enhance the integration of EIA into the planning and decision-making process and make EIA a more effective tool for environmental protection in the developing world.  相似文献   

Wetland loss has been the major environmental problem in Sanjiang Plain, NE China in recent years because of the dramatic agricultural development. We determined the spatial associations of the wetland loss rates in an 11,000-km2 study area for two intervals of period 1 (1975–1989) and period 2 (1989–2004) spanning 30 years by using geographic information systems. The landscape of this area was simple with five categories, composed of ten types, and including three natural wetland types—open water, marsh, and wet meadow. Extensive agriculture was the principal cultivation form in terms of large size farm units in the area. Agriculture has become the principal land use category replacing natural wetlands over the 30-year period. It has changed the whole landscape of the region and the landscape pattern, causing wetland loss and fragmentation. The wetland loss rate of the area was very different between the two intervals, while wetland loss was not uniform throughout the region and was influenced by the landscape characteristics, such as topography, geomorphology, and the location of the wetlands in the watershed. Despite the remarkable land use changes, the wetlands distribution in the landscapes was similar compared to their original pattern. These results indicated that agricultural development affected the areas more than the distribution pattern of the wetlands in this region.  相似文献   

简述了湖南省环保-气象合作联合开展环境空气质量预报的方向和具体内容,提出了两部门合作的原则和路径。认识方面——统一认识,合作共享;业务方面——发挥优势,做好接力;保障方面——夯实基础,同步推进;服务方面——引导公众,服务决策。两部门合作,有利于提高预报结果的准确率。  相似文献   

A hierarchical approach for desertification assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Environmental systems are complex and multi-scaled open systems. To understand land degradation, one has to consider the interactions between landscape patterns and environmental processes at different scales. Patterns and processes in the landscape are perceived to be organized in nested hierarchical structures. To study land degradation in this context, a coupled top-bottom/bottom-up approach was developed. The top-bottom landscape analysis is aimed at identifying landscape systems at different scales. The bottom-up analysis focuses on system dynamics at finer scales. Applied in a study in central Spain, the approach is aimed at understanding the functional differences between three types of degraded seminatural slopes at different scales. Six levels of organization were distinguished: ped-level, terracette-level, hummock-level, slope part-level, slope level, and watershed level. Properties that characterize these levels were selected for different disciplines. The bottom-up analysis focused on water movement at different spatial scales. Successfully applying this approach revealed the importance for land degradation of the close linkage between spatial patterns and hydrological processes at different spatial scales. Identifying constraining and dynamic indicators related to water conservation at different scales can be useful for assessing desertification.  相似文献   

Regulatory agencies commonly set standards for a myriad of chemical and physical hazards, with a special focus on carcinogens. This focus can obscure the need to update previously set standards for non-carcinogenic hazards in response to new scientific data. This paper considers n-hexane as a representative chemical hazard: the occupational standard of 500 ppm over an 8 hr time weighted average for a 40 hr week as set in 1948. In the last 12 yr, n-hexane has been shown to cause adverse effects on the peripheral and central nervous systems, the eye, and the respiratory tract. Yet, these new data have not, as yet, been incorporated into a revised standard for n-hexane. The lack of scientific data on the carcinogenicity of n-hexane may be an underlying reason explaining the failure of regulatory agencies to revise their standards. Perhaps, the most troubling problem to regulatory agencies is the sheer magnitude of the chemical regulatory burden. Research should proceed on developing meaningful categories or groupings both for the initial setting of standards and for revising existing standards.  相似文献   

Ecosystem classifications map an area into relatively homogenous units for environmental research, monitoring, and management. However, their effectiveness is rarely tested. Here, three classifications are (1) defined and characterized for Canada along summertime productivity (moderate-resolution imaging spectrometer fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation) and wintertime snow conditions (special sensor microwave/imager snow water equivalent), independently and in combination, and (2) comparatively evaluated to determine the ability of each classification to represent the spatial and environmental patterns of alternative schemes, including the Canadian ecozone framework. All classifications depicted similar patterns across Canada, but detailed class distributions differed. Class spatial characteristics varied with environmental conditions within classifications, but were comparable between classifications. There was moderate correspondence between classifications. The strongest association was between productivity classes and ecozones. The classification along both productivity and snow balanced these two sets of variables, yielding intermediate levels of association in all pairwise comparisons. Despite relatively low spatial agreement between classifications, they successfully captured patterns of the environmental conditions underlying alternate schemes (e.g., snow classes explained variation in productivity and vice versa). The performance of ecosystem classifications and the relevance of their input variables depend on the environmental patterns and processes used for applications and evaluation. Productivity or snow regimes, as constructed here, may be desirable when summarizing patterns controlled by summer- or wintertime conditions, respectively, or of climate change responses. General purpose ecosystem classifications should include both sets of drivers. Classifications should be carefully, quantitatively, and comparatively evaluated relative to a particular application prior to their implementation as monitoring and assessment frameworks.  相似文献   

Multimedia mass balance models differ in their treatment of spatial resolution from single boxes representing an entire region to multiple interconnected boxes with varying landscape properties and emission intensities. Here, model experiments were conducted to determine the relative importance of these two main factors that cause spatial variation in environmental chemical concentrations: spatial patterns in emission intensities and spatial differences in environmental conditions. In the model, experiments emissions were always to the air compartment. It was concluded that variation in emissions is in most cases the dominant source of variation in environmental concentrations. It was found, however, that variability in environmental conditions can strongly influence predicted concentrations in some cases, if the receptor compartments of interest are soil or water—for water concentrations particularly if a chemical has a high octanol–air partition coefficient (K oa). This information will help to determine the required level of spatial detail that suffices for a specific regulatory purpose.  相似文献   

The goals of environmental legislation and associated regulations are to protect public health, natural resources, and ecosystems. In this context, monitoring programs should provide timely and relevant information so that the regulatory community can implement legislation in a cost-effective and efficient manner. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of 1974 attempts to ensure that public water systems (PWSs) supply safe water to its consumers. As is the case with many other federal environmental statutes, SDWA monitoring has been implemented in relatively uniform fashion across the United States. In this three part series, spatial and temporal patterns in water quality data are utilized to develop, compare, and evaluate the economic performance of alternative place-based monitoring approaches to current monitoring practice. Part II: Several factors affect the performance of monitoring strategies, including: measurable objectives, required precision in estimates, acceptable confidence levels of such estimates, available budget for sampling. In this paper, we develop place-based monitoring strategies based on extensive analysis of available historical water quality data (1960-1994) of 19 Iowa community water systems. These systems supply potable water to over 350,000 people. In the context of drinking water, the objective is to protect public health by utilizing monitoring resources to characterize contaminants that are detectable, and are close to exceeding health standards. A place-based monitoring strategy was developed in which contaminants were selected based on their historical occurrence, rather than their appearance on the SDWA contaminant list. In a subset of the water systems, the temporal frequency of monitoring for one ubiquitous contaminant, nitrate, was tailored to patterns in its historical occurrence and concentration. Three sampling allocation models (linear, quadratic, and cubic) based on historic patterns in peak occurrence were developed and evaluated. Random and fixed-interval sampling strategies within the context of such models were also developed and evaluated. Strategies were configured to incorporate a variety of options for frequency and number of samples (depending on budget and the desired precision in estimate of peak concentrations).  相似文献   

环境管理与大气污染源清单对接的基础是环境管理数据体系。选取京津冀大气污染传输通道"2+26"城市中的14个城市实施访谈与问卷调查,普遍认为大气污染源清单的主要用途为大气污染应急、预警以及污染源解析,但由于环境统计、污染源监测和排污许可三大环境管理数据体系差异较大,导致环境管理数据的行业和工艺过程针对性不强,无法满足污染源清单的需求。造成该问题的主要原因在于基层生态环境部门技术储备不足、污染源信息分散以及数据管理任务分工不明确。促进环境管理与大气污染源清单的对接,重点在于污染源数据定期更新和环境管理数据的一体化,应着重形成多部门数据共享、全面和全过程环境管理以及人才和技术保障机制。  相似文献   

工业园区内企业集聚,导致环境风险隐患增加,加强对工业园区突发环境事件的应急管理尤为重要。在综合分析国内外环境应急管理体系现状的基础上,结合实际工作中发现的问题,从工业园区内风险物质的识别、环境应急资源共享、环境应急监测、环境应急管理体系的闭环管理模式、环境应急联动系统建设等5个方面,提出了一些关于建立和完善工业园区突发环境事件应急管理体系的建议。  相似文献   

Pressures are mounting for the simplification of environmental impact assessment (EIA). This phenomenon is drawing increasing scholarly attention, but studies have not gone far beyond speculating what could happen as a result of recently implemented or proposed regulatory changes. This paper takes a more longitudinal look at simplified EIAs. The main objective was to analyze the perceived outcomes of a number of simplified EIA processes, using Brazil as the empirical context. More specifically, this paper aimed at understanding: 1) how simplified EIAs have been conceptualized and implemented in southeastern Brazil; and 2) how developers and civil servants in that region perceive the outcomes of simplified EIAs. This study adopted a sequential mixed method research approach. Data was collected through literature reviews, 261 telephone-based interviews and 10 face-to-face interviews. Degrees of EIA simplification can vary significantly within and across jurisdictions. In any case, simplification is often framed as a win-win solution to EIA ineffectiveness, through which regulatory and procedural changes are made to ease the process, while, at the same time, maintaining or providing better environmental protection. This approach is more frequently applied to potentially low-impact processes. Chi-square tests of the data collected through telephone interviews in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais indicated that developers tend to perceive EIA processes as difficult and slow regardless of how simplified it is. Most civil servants, who were directly involved in the implementation of simplified EIAs in state environmental agencies, argued that simplified EIAs are driven mostly by environmental agencies, as these institutions have long been unable to cope with an ever-increasing load of license applications. Policy outcomes of simplified EIAs in the territory are not sufficiently monitored by state agencies. Civil servants revealed concerns about the potential long term effects of EIA simplification on the ground, as they have had limited resources for audits and inspections.  相似文献   

Responsibilities for the management of Canada's land (in the sense, approximately, of biophysical environment) are currently fragmented among a multitude of government agencies, a state of affairs that will at best seriously hamper an adequate response to the profound long-term consequences of atmospheric change. The solution must be a coordinated division of labour within a dual framework of common policies and ecologically-based geographic units. On a small scale, a number of models are already functioning in Canada.  相似文献   

This research is an attempt to verify the notion postulated by Robert Bartlett and Lynton Caldwell that the full benefits of environmental impact assessment (EIA) would take decades to be realized. While EIA is intended to directly influence decision-making regarding new development proposals, the process is also expected to lead to organisational learning and transformation over time. Our aim was to examine the influence of EIA on a single Western Australian proponent with sustained experience in the process to understand how EIA is used within the organisation and to seek evidence of transformation of the organisation's purpose and mission. The research reviewed literature in order to identify key influences of EIA on organisations, along with semi-structured staff interviews and document analysis for the case study organisation. Ascertaining causality that involvement in EIA processes influences or effects organisational learning and transformation is a challenge in the face of other societal events. Document analysis and interviewee data indicates that the action-forcing nature of EIA did influence proponent behavior through the creation of internal processes seeking to ensure robust design of new projects that would satisfy environmental protection expectations, without the need to trigger formal EIA. Evidence of EIA values and thinking were apparent within internal documentation, including the evolving mission statement. Our research indicates that participation in the EIA process can positively influence organisational learning and transformation by guiding internal change for decision-making.  相似文献   

统计了2014年以来江苏省国控企业不达标情况。从企业和环境保护部门两方面对国控企业不达标原因进行了分析。指出,企业应承担起污染治理的主体责任,健全企业环境保护制度;加强污染治理技术的研发及提高运维管理队伍的专业化水平,以适应新环保法的要求;环境监管部门强化执法宣传及违法行为的查处力度,让企业主动守法;加强国控企业环境信息的公开及宣传力度,形成良好的社会公众监督氛围;省级人民政府应积极落实国家生态文明建设的总规划,开启新的里程碑。  相似文献   

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