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Habitat structure affects intraguild predation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Intraguild predation is thought to be ubiquitous in natural food webs. Yet, theory on intraguild predation predicts the intraguild prey to persist only under limited conditions. This gap between theory and empirical observations needs scrutiny. One reason might be that theory has focused on equilibrium dynamics and a limited set of species (usually three) that interact in well-mixed populations in unstructured habitats, and these assumptions will often not hold in natural systems. In this review, we focus on the effects of habitat structure on intraguild predation. Habitat structure could reduce encounter rates between predators and prey and could create refuges for prey. In both cases, habitat structure could reduce the strength of intraguild interactions, thereby facilitating species coexistence. A meta-analysis of studies on manipulation of habitat structure shows that intraguild prey indeed suffer less from intraguild predation in structured habitats. This was further confirmed by a meta-analysis in which studies on intraguild predation were classified according to habitat structure. Intraguild predation reduced densities of the intraguild prey significantly more in habitats with little structure than in habitats rich in structure. The effect of intraguild predation on the shared prey was negative, and not significantly affected by habitat structure. We conclude that habitat structure may increase persistence of the intraguild prey by decreasing the strength of the interaction between intraguild predator and intraguild prey.  相似文献   

Hall RJ 《Ecology》2011,92(2):352-361
Intraguild predation (IGP) is a widespread phenomenon in nature, and yet the simplest theoretical models of IGP predict that coexistence of intraguild predator and prey is only possible under restrictive assumptions. Here I examine how a specialist or generalist natural enemy of these species affects their long-term persistence and abundance, as functions of the natural enemy's relative attack severity and fecundity on each species. Notably, I show that failure to include the effects of a higher trophic level in models of IGP can lead to incorrect predictions about the coexistence or exclusion of guild members. I then consider how an interaction between native species and a natural enemy is perturbed by the arrival of an invasive intraguild predator. I outline the conditions under which the native species and/or its natural enemy are threatened by the arrival of the intraguild predator, and also when the natural enemy is beneficial in preventing the initial invasion or eventual dominance of the invader. This work provides new insights on the influence of omnivory on food web stability, and also generates testable hypotheses for predicting the impact of a novel intraguild predator on the recipient community at multiple trophic levels.  相似文献   

Preisser EL  Orrock JL  Schmitz OJ 《Ecology》2007,88(11):2744-2751
Predators can affect prey populations through changes in traits that reduce predation risk. These trait changes (nonconsumptive effects, NCEs) can be energetically costly and cause reduced prey activity, growth, fecundity, and survival. The strength of nonconsumptive effects may vary with two functional characteristics of predators: hunting mode (actively hunting, sit-and-pursue, sit-and-wait) and habitat domain (the ability to pursue prey via relocation in space; can be narrow or broad). Specifically, cues from fairly stationary sit-and-wait and sit-and-pursue predators should be more indicative of imminent predation risk, and thereby evoke stronger NCEs, compared to cues from widely ranging actively hunting predators. Using a meta-analysis of 193 published papers, we found that cues from sit-and-pursue predators evoked stronger NCEs than cues from actively hunting predators. Predator habitat domain was less indicative of NCE strength, perhaps because habitat domain provides less reliable information regarding imminent risk to prey than does predator hunting mode. Given the importance of NCEs in determining the dynamics of prey communities, our findings suggest that predator characteristics may be used to predict how changing predator communities translate into changes in prey. Such knowledge may prove particularly useful given rates of local predator change due to habitat fragmentation and the introduction of novel predators.  相似文献   

Thompson CM  Gese EM 《Ecology》2007,88(2):334-346
Trophic level interactions between predators create complex relationships such as intraguild predation. Theoretical research has predicted two possible paths to stability in intraguild systems: intermediate predators either outcompete higher-order predators for shared resources or select habitat based on security. The effects of intraguild predation on intermediate mammalian predators such as swift foxes (Vulpes velox) are not well understood. We examined the relationships between swift foxes and both their predators and prey, as well the effect of vegetation structure on swift fox-coyote (Canis latrans) interactions, between August 2001 and August 2004. In a natural experiment created by the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site in southeastern Colorado, USA, we documented swift fox survival and density in a variety of landscapes and compared these parameters in relation to prey availability, coyote abundance, and vegetation structure. Swift fox density varied significantly between study sites, while survival did not. Coyote abundance was positively related to the basal prey species and vegetation structure, while swift fox density was negatively related to coyote abundance, basal prey species, and vegetation structure. Our results support the prediction that, under intraguild predation in terrestrial systems, top predator distribution matches resource availability (resource match), while intermediate predator distribution inversely matches predation risk (safety match). While predation by coyotes may be the specific cause of swift fox mortality in this system, the more general mechanism appears to be exposure to predation moderated by shrub density.  相似文献   

Griswold MW  Lounibos LP 《Ecology》2006,87(4):987-995
Multiple predator species can interact as well as strongly affect lower trophic levels, resulting in complex, nonadditive effects on prey populations and community structure. Studies of aquatic systems have shown that interactive effects of predators on prey are not necessarily predictable from the direct effects of each species alone. To test for complex interactions, the individual and combined effects of a top and intermediate predator on larvae of native and invasive mosquito prey were examined in artificial analogues of water-filled treeholes. The combined effects of the two predators were accurately predicted from single predator treatments by a multiplicative risk model, indicating additivity. Overall survivorship of both prey species decreased greatly in the presence of the top predator Toxorhynchites rutilus. By itself, the intermediate predator Corethrella appendiculata increased survivorship of the native prey species Ochlerotatus triseriatus and decreased survivorship of the invasive prey species Aedes albopictus relative to treatments without predators. Intraguild predation did not occur until alternative prey numbers had been reduced by approximately one-half. Owing to changes in size structure accompanying its growth, T. rutilus consumed more prey as time progressed, whereas C. appendiculata consumed less. The intermediate predator, C. appendiculata, changed species composition by preferentially consuming A. albopictus, while the top predator, T. rutilus, reduced prey density, regardless of species. Although species interactions were in most cases predicted from pairwise interactions, risk reduction from predator interference occurred when C. appendiculata densities were increased and when the predators were similarly sized.  相似文献   

Straub CS  Snyder WE 《Ecology》2006,87(2):277-282
Agricultural pest suppression is an important ecosystem service that may be threatened by the loss of predator diversity. This has stimulated interest in the relationship between predator biodiversity and biological control. Multiple-predator studies have shown that predators may complement or interfere with one another, but few experiments have determined if the resulting effects on prey are caused by changes in predator abundance, identity, species richness, or some combination of these factors. We experimentally isolated the effect of predator species richness on the biological control of an important agricultural pest, the green peach aphid. We found no evidence that increasing predator species richness affects aphid biological control; overall there was no strong complementarity or interference among predator species that altered the strength of aphid suppression. Instead, our experiments revealed strong effects of predator species identity, because predators varied dramatically in their per capita consumption rates. Our results are consistent with other multiple-predator studies finding strong species-identity effects and suggest that, for the biological control of aphids, conservation strategies that directly target key species will be more effective than those targeting predator biodiversity more broadly.  相似文献   

Rudolf VH 《Ecology》2007,88(11):2697-2705
Although cannibalism is ubiquitous in food webs and frequent in systems where a predator and its prey also share a common resource (intraguild predation, IGP), its impacts on species interactions and the dynamics and structure of communities are still poorly understood. In addition, the few existing studies on cannibalism have generally focused on cannibalism in the top-predator, ignoring that it is frequent at intermediate trophic levels. A set of structured models shows that cannibalism can completely alter the dynamics and structure of three-species IGP systems depending on the trophic position where cannibalism occurs. Contrary to the expectations of simple models, the IG predator can exploit the resources more efficiently when it is cannibalistic, enabling the predator to persist at lower resource densities than the IG prey. Cannibalism in the IG predator can also alter the effect of enrichment, preventing predator-mediated extinction of the IG prey at high productivities predicted by simple models. Cannibalism in the IG prey can reverse the effect of top-down cascades, leading to an increase in the resource with decreasing IG predator density. These predictions are consistent with current data. Overall, cannibalism promotes the coexistence of the IG predator and IG prey. These results indicate that including cannibalism in current models can overcome the discrepancy between theory and empirical data. Thus, we need to measure and account for cannibalistic interactions to reliably predict the structure and dynamics of communities.  相似文献   

Law YH  Rosenheim JA 《Ecology》2011,92(2):333-341
A greater diversity of natural enemies can in some cases disrupt prey suppression, particularly when natural enemies engage in intraguild predation, where natural enemies compete with and prey upon each other. However, empirical studies have often demonstrated enhanced prey suppression despite intraguild predation. A recent theoretical study proposed the hypothesis that, when the intermediate predator is cannibalistic, intraguild predation can reduce cannibalism within the intermediate predator population, leading to little change in intermediate predator mortality and thus enhanced prey suppression. The goal of this study was to examine this hypothesis empirically. Two summer-long field enclosure experiments were conducted in cotton fields. We investigated the effects of adding an intraguild predator, Zelus renardii, on (1) the abundance of a cannibalistic intermediate predator, Geocoris pallens, (2) the abundance of a herbivore, Lygus hesperus, and (3) cotton plant performance. G. pallens adult abundance did not increase, even when food availability was high and natural enemies were absent, suggesting that density-dependent cannibalism imposes an upper limit on its densities. Furthermore, although Z. renardii is an intraguild predator of G. pallens, G. pallens long-term densities were unaffected by Z. renardii. In the presence of the intermediate predator, the addition of the intraguild predator Z. renardii enhanced suppression of L. hesperus, and there were suggestions that Z. renardii and G. pallens partitioned the L. hesperus population. Effects of herbivore suppression cascaded to the plant level, improving plant performance. In conclusion, we provide empirical support for the hypothesis that the addition of an intraguild predator may enhance prey suppression if the intermediate predator expresses density-dependent cannibalism. Intraguild predation and cannibalism co-occur in many communities; thus their joint effects may be broadly important in shaping predator effects on herbivores and plant performance.  相似文献   

The link between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning is now well established, but the challenge remains to develop a mechanistic understanding of observed effects. Predator-prey interactions provide an opportunity to examine the role of resource partitioning, thought to be a principal mediator of biodiversity-function relationships. To date, interactions between multiple predators and their prey have typically been investigated in simplified agricultural systems with limited scope for resource partitioning. Thus there remains a dearth of studies examining the functional consequences of predator richness in diverse food webs. Here, we manipulated a species-rich intertidal food web, crossing predator diversity with total predator density, to simultaneously examine the independent and interactive effects of diversity and density on the efficiency of secondary resource capture. The effect of predator diversity was only detectable at high predator densities where competitive interactions between individual predators were magnified; the rate of resource capture within the species mixture more than doubled that of the best-performing single species. Direct observation of species-specific resource use in monoculture, as quantified by patterns of prey consumption, provided clear evidence that species occupied distinct functional niches, suggesting a mechanistic explanation of the observed diversity effect.  相似文献   

Borer ET  Briggs CJ  Holt RD 《Ecology》2007,88(11):2681-2688
Although the canonical concept of intraguild predation evokes images of predators and prey, several subdisciplines within ecology have developed theory not specifically framed in terms of predation and competition and often using system-specific terminology, yet functionally quite similar. Here, we formulate models combining exploitation and competition in predator-prey, host-parasitoid, and host-pathogen communities to compare dynamics, food web structure, and coexistence criteria for these disparate communities. Although dynamic stability in the coexistence region varies strongly among systems, in all cases coexistence of two consumers on a single resource occurs only if the intraguild prey species is more efficient than the intraguild predator at suppressing the abundance of the basal resource, and if the intraguild predator accrues a sufficient gain from attacking the intraguild prey. In addition, equilibrial abundances of all species in all three formulations respond similarly to increases in productivity of the basal resource. Our understanding of predator-prey and parasitoid-host communities has benefited from explicit examination of intraguild predation (IGP) theory, and we suggest that future research examining pathogen communities, in particular, will benefit substantially from explicit recognition of predictions from IGP theory.  相似文献   

Otto SB  Berlow EL  Rank NE  Smiley J  Brose U 《Ecology》2008,89(1):134-144
Declining predator diversity may drastically affect the biomass and productivity of herbivores and plants. Understanding how changes in predator diversity can propagate through food webs to alter ecosystem function is one of the most challenging ecological research topics today. We studied the effects of predator removal in a simple natural food web in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California (USA). By excluding the predators of the third trophic level of a food web in a full-factorial design, we monitored cascading effects of varying predator diversity and composition on the herbivorous beetle Chrysomela aeneicollis and the willow Salix orestera, which compose the first and second trophic levels of the food web. Decreasing predator diversity increased herbivore biomass and survivorship, and consequently increased the amount of plant biomass consumed via a trophic cascade. Despite this simple linear mean effect of diversity on the strength of the trophic cascade, we found additivity, compensation, and interference in the effects of multiple predators on herbivores and plants. Herbivore survivorship and predator-prey interaction strengths varied with predator diversity, predator identity, and the identity of coexisting predators. Additive effects of predators on herbivores and plants may have been driven by temporal niche separation, whereas compensatory effects and interference occurred among predators with a similar phenology. Together, these results suggest that while the general trends of diversity effects may appear linear and additive, other information about species identity was required to predict the effects of removing individual predators. In a community that is not temporally well-mixed, predator traits such as phenology may help predict impacts of species loss on other species. Information about predator natural history and food web structure may help explain variation in predator diversity effects on trophic cascades and ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Amarasekare P 《Ecology》2008,89(10):2786-2797
The prevalence of intraguild predation (IGP) in productive environments has long puzzled ecologists. Theory predicts the exclusion of intraguild prey from such environments, but data consistently defy this expectation. This suggests that coexistence mechanisms at high resource productivity may differ from those at lower productivity. Here I present a mathematical model that investigates multiple coexistence mechanisms. I incorporate two biological features widely observed in IGP communities: intraspecific interference via cannibalism or superparasitism, and temporal refuges arising from differential sensitivities to abiotic variation. I develop predictions based on three aspects of the IG prey-IG predator interaction: mutual invasibility, transient dynamics, and long-term abundances. These predictions specify the conditions under which coexistence mechanisms reinforce vs. deter one another: when a competition-IGP trade-off allows coexistence at intermediate productivity a temporal refuge for the intraguild prey always allows coexistence at high productivity, but intraspecific interference does so only at a net fitness cost to the intraguild predator. Intraspecific interference that benefits the intraguild predator not only reduces tradeoff-mediated coexistence at intermediate productivity, but also undermines the refuge's coexistence-enhancing effect at high productivity. Different mechanism combinations yield characteristic signatures in time series data during transient dynamics. By judicious measurement of parameters and examining time series for critical signatures, one can elucidate the mechanisms that allow IGP to prevail in resource-rich environments.  相似文献   

Functional responses: a question of alternative prey and predator density   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tschanz B  Bersier LF  Bacher S 《Ecology》2007,88(5):1300-1308
Throughout the study of ecology, there has been a growing realization that indirect effects among species cause complexity in food webs. Understanding and predicting the behavior of ecosystems consequently depends on our ability to identify indirect effects and their mechanisms. The present study experimentally investigates indirect interactions arising between two prey species that share a common predator. In a natural field experiment, we introduced different densities of mealworms (Tenebrio molitor), an alternative prey, to a previously studied predator-prey system in which paper wasps (Polistes dominulus) preyed on shield beetle larvae (Cassida rubiginosa). We tested if alternative prey affects predation on the first prey (i.e., the predator-dependent functional response of paper wasps) by modifying either interference among predators or the effective number of predators foraging on shield beetles. Presence of mealworms significantly reduced the effective number of predators, whereas predator interference was not affected. In this way, the experimentally introduced alternative prey altered the wasps' functional response and thereby indirectly influenced C. rubiginosa density. In all prey-density combinations offered, paper wasps constantly preferred T. molitor. This led to an asymmetrical, indirect interaction between both prey species: an increase in mealworm density significantly relaxed predation on C. rubiginosa, whereas an increase in C. rubiginosa density intensified predation on mealworms. Such asymmetrical outcomes of a fixed food preference can significantly affect the population dynamics of the species involved. In spite of the repeated finding of a Type III functional response in this system, our experiment did not reveal switching behavior in paper wasps. The variety of mechanisms underlying direct and indirect interactions within our study system exemplifies the importance of incorporating alternative prey when investigating the impact of a generalist predator on a focal prey population under realistic field conditions.  相似文献   

Rudolf VH 《Ecology》2008,89(6):1650-1660
Direct and indirect interactions between two prey species can strongly alter the dynamics of predator-prey systems. Most predators are cannibalistic, and as a consequence, even systems with only one predator and one prey include two prey types: conspecifics and heterospecifics. The effects of the complex direct and indirect interactions that emerge in such cannibalistic systems are still poorly understood. This study examined how the indirect interaction between conspecific and heterospecific prey affects cannibalism and predation rates and how the direct interactions between both species indirectly alter the effect of the cannibalistic predator. I tested for these effects using larvae of the stream salamanders Eurycea cirrigera (prey) and Pseudotriton ruber (cannibalistic predator) by manipulating the relative densities of the conspecific and heterospecific prey in the presence and absence of the predator in experimental streams. The rates of cannibalism and heterospecific predation were proportional to the respective densities and negatively correlated, indicating a positive indirect interaction between conspecific and heterospecific prey, similar to "apparent mutualism." Direct interactions between prey species did not alter the effect of the predator. Although both types of prey showed a similar 30% reduction in night activity and switch in microhabitat use in response to the presence of the predator, cannibalism rates were three times higher than heterospecific predation rates irrespective of the relative densities of the two types of prey. Cumulative predation risks differed even more due to the 48% lower growth rate of conspecific prey. Detailed laboratory experiments suggest that the 3:1 difference in cannibalism and predation rate was due to the higher efficiency of heterospecific prey in escaping immediate attacks. However, no difference was observed when the predator was a closely related salamander species, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus, indicating that this difference is species specific. This demonstrates that cannibalism can result in the coupling of predator and prey mortality rates that strongly determines the dynamics of predator-prey systems.  相似文献   

Novak M  Wootton JT 《Ecology》2008,89(8):2083-2089
Efforts to estimate the strength of species interactions in species-rich, reticulate food webs have been hampered by the multitude of direct and indirect interactions such systems exhibit and have been limited by an assumption that pairwise interactions display linear functional forms. Here we present a new method for directly measuring, on a per capita basis, the nonlinear strength of trophic species interactions within such food webs. This is an observation-based method, requiring three pieces of information: (1) species abundances, (2) predator and prey-specific handling times, and (3) data from predator-specific feeding surveys in which the number of individuals observed feeding on each of the predator's prey species has been tallied. The method offers a straightforward way to assess the completeness of one's sampling effort in accurately estimating interaction strengths through the construction of predator-specific prey accumulation curves. The method should be applicable to a variety of systems in which empirical estimates of direct interaction strengths have thus far remained elusive.  相似文献   

Hein AM  Gillooly JF 《Ecology》2011,92(3):549-555
Ecological theory suggests that both dispersal limitation and resource limitation can exert strong effects on community assembly. However, empirical studies of community assembly have focused almost exclusively on communities with a single trophic level. Thus, little is known about the combined effects of dispersal and resource limitation on assembly of communities with multiple trophic levels. We performed a landscape-scale experiment using spatially arranged mesocosms to study effects of dispersal and resource limitation on the assembly dynamics of aquatic invertebrate communities with two trophic levels. We found that interplay between dispersal and resource limitation regulated the assembly of predator and prey trophic levels in these pond communities. Early in assembly, predators and prey were strongly dispersal limited, and resource (i.e., prey) availability did not influence predator colonization. Later in assembly, after predators colonized, resource limitation was the strongest driver of predator abundance, and dispersal limitation played a negligible role. Thus, habitat isolation affected predators directly by reducing predator colonization rate, and indirectly through the effect of distance on prey availability. Dispersal and resource limitation of predators resulted in a transient period in which predators were absent or rare in isolated habitats. This period may be important for understanding population dynamics of vulnerable prey species. Our findings demonstrate that dispersal and resource limitation can jointly regulate assembly dynamics in multi-trophic systems. They also highlight the need to develop a temporal picture of the assembly process in multi-trophic communities because the availability and spatial distribution of limiting resources (i.e., prey) and the distribution of predators can shift radically over time.  相似文献   

Birds as predators in tropical agroforestry systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Insectivorous birds reduce arthropod abundances and their damage to plants in some, but not all, studies where predation by birds has been assessed. The variation in bird effects may be due to characteristics such as plant productivity or quality, habitat complexity, and/or species diversity of predator and prey assemblages. Since agroforestry systems vary in such characteristics, these systems provide a good starting point for understanding when and where we can expect predation by birds to be important. We analyze data from bird exclosure studies in forests and agroforestry systems to ask whether birds consistently reduce their arthropod prey base and whether bird predation differs between forests and agroforestry systems. Further, we focus on agroforestry systems to ask whether the magnitude of bird predation (1) differs between canopy trees and understory plants, (2) differs when migratory birds are present or absent, and (3) correlates with bird abundance and diversity. We found that, across all studies, birds reduce all arthropods, herbivores, carnivores, and plant damage. We observed no difference in the magnitude of bird effects between agroforestry systems and forests despite simplified habitat structure and plant diversity in agroforests. Within agroforestry systems, bird reduction of arthropods was greater in the canopy than the crop layer. Top-down effects of bird predation were especially strong during censuses when migratory birds were present in agroforestry systems. Importantly, the diversity of the predator assemblage correlated with the magnitude of predator effects; where the diversity of birds, especially migratory birds, was greater, birds reduced arthropod densities to a greater extent. We outline potential mechanisms for relationships between bird predator, insect prey, and habitat characteristics, and we suggest future studies using tropical agroforests as a model system to further test these areas of ecological theory.  相似文献   

No-take reserves are sometimes implemented for sustainable population harvesting because they offer opportunities for animals to spatially avoid harvesters, whereas harvesters can benefit in return from the reserve spillover. Here, we used the framework of predator-prey spatial games to understand how protected areas shape spatial interactions between harvesters and target species and determine animal mortality. In these spatial games, the "predator" searches for "prey" and matches their habitat use, unless it meets spatial constraints offering the opportunity for prey to avoid the mortality source. However, such prey refuges could attract predators in the surroundings, which questions the potential benefits for prey. We located, in the Geneva Basin (France), hunting dogs and wild boar Sus scrofa L. during hunting seasons with global positioning systems and very-high-frequency collars. We quantified how the proximity of the reserve shaped the matching between both habitat uses using multivariate analyses and linked these patterns to animals' mortality with a Cox regression analysis. Results showed that habitat uses by both protagonists disassociated only when hunters were spatially constrained by the reserve. In response, hunters increased hunting efforts near the reserve boundary, which induced a higher risk exposure for animals settled over the reserve. The mortality of adult wild boar decreased near the reserve as the mismatch between both habitat uses increased. However the opposite pattern was determined for younger individuals that suffered from the high level of hunting close to the reserve. The predator-prey analogy was an accurate prediction of how the protected area modified spatial relationships between harvesters and target species. Prey-searching strategies adopted by hunters around reserves strongly impacted animal mortality and the efficiency of the protected area for this harvested species. Increasing reserve sizes and/or implementing buffer areas with harvesting limitations can dampen this edge effect and helps harvesters to benefit durably from source populations of reserves. Predator-prey spatial games therefore provide a powerful theoretical background for understanding wildlife-harvester spatial interactions and developing substantial application for sustainable harvesting.  相似文献   

Ryall KL  Fahrig L 《Ecology》2006,87(5):1086-1093
Despite extensive empirical research and previous reviews, no clear patterns regarding the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on predator-prey interactions have emerged. We suggest that this is because empirical researchers do not design their studies to test specific hypotheses arising from the theoretical literature. In fact, theoretical work is almost completely ignored by empirical researchers, perhaps because it may be inaccessible to them. The purpose of this paper is to review theoretical work on the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on predator-prey interactions. We provide a summary of clear, testable theoretical predictions for empirical researchers. To test one or more of these predictions, an empiricist will need certain information on the predator and prey species of interest. This includes: (1) whether the predator is a specialist on one prey species or feeds on many kinds of prey (omnivore and generalist); (2) whether the predator is restricted to the same habitat type as the focal prey (specialist), can use a variety of habitats but has higher survival in the prey habitat (omnivore), or lives primarily outside of the focal prey's habitat (generalist); (3) whether prey-only patches have lower prey extinction rates than predator-prey patches; and (4) whether the prey emigrate at higher rates from predator-prey patches than from prey-only patches. Empiricists also need to be clear on whether they are testing a prediction about habitat loss or habitat fragmentation and need to conduct empirical studies at spatial scales appropriate for testing the theoretical prediction(s). We suggest that appropriate use of the theoretical predictions in future empirical research will resolve the apparent inconsistencies in the empirical literature on this topic.  相似文献   

Overholtzer-McLeod KL 《Ecology》2006,87(4):1017-1026
The spatial configuration of habitat patches can profoundly affect a number of ecological interactions, including those between predators and prey. I examined the effects of reef spacing on predator-prey interactions within coral-reef fish assemblages in the Bahamas. Using manipulative field experiments, I determined that reef spacing influences whether and how density-dependent predation occurs. Mortality rates of juveniles of two ecologically dissimilar species (beaugregory damselfish and yellowhead wrasse) were similarly affected by reef spacing; for both species, mortality was density dependent on reef patches that were spatially isolated (separated by 50 m), and density independent on reef patches that were aggregated (separated by 5 m). A subsequent experiment with the damselfish demonstrated that a common resident predator (coney) caused a substantial proportion of the observed mortality, independent of reef spacing. Compared to isolated reefs, aggregated reefs were much more likely to be visited by transient predators (mostly yellowtail snappers), regardless of prey density, and on these reefs, mortality rates approached 100% for both prey species. Transient predators exhibited neither an aggregative response nor a type 3 functional response, and consequently were not the source of density dependence observed on the isolated reefs. These patterns suggest that resident predators caused density-dependent mortality in their prey through type 3 functional responses on all reefs, but on aggregated reefs, this density dependence was overwhelmed by high, density-independent mortality caused by transient predators. Thus, the spatial configuration of reef habitat affected both the magnitude of total predation and the existence of density-dependent mortality. The combined effects of the increasing fragmentation of coral reef habitats at numerous scales and global declines in predatory fish may have important consequences for the regulation of resident fish populations.  相似文献   

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