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Grazing is the main land use in semi-arid regions of the world, and sustainable management practices are urgently needed to prevent their degradation. However, how different grazing intensities affect forest density and ecosystem functions is often not sufficiently understood to allow for management adaptations that safeguard the ecosystems and their functions in the long run. We assessed the aboveground carbon stocks and plant densities along a grazing gradient in the semi-arid seasonally dry tropical forest of north-eastern Brazil (Caatinga). On 45 study plots, we analysed the aboveground carbon stocks of the vegetation and determined forest density and recruitment as well as the population structure of the most abundant tree species. Grazing intensity was accounted for based on the weight of livestock droppings and classified as low, intermediate, or high. Mean aboveground carbon stock was 15.74?±?1.92 Mg ha?1 with trees and shrubs accounting for 89% of the total amount. Grazing at high intensities significantly reduced aboveground carbon stocks of herbs but not of other plant functional types. Instead, aboveground carbon stocks of trees and shrubs were negatively related to altitude above sea level, which is a proxy for reduced water availability along with lower anthropogenic impact. The population structure of the most common tree species was characterised by abundant recruitment, irrespective of grazing, whereas the recruitment of less frequent woody species was negatively affected by grazing. Overall, our data imply that grazing and forage management need to be adapted, including the reduction of free-roaming livestock and storage of fodder, to maintain carbon storage and forest density.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of goat grazing on the shrub understory of a pine forest situated in a protected area (Doñana Natural Park). Along three years we have studied the changes in phytovolume, flammability, species richness and diversity in a grazed shrubland and in a control area not grazed by the goats. We studied also food preferences of the goats and the ability of the goats to disperse the seeds of the plants they eat. Goat grazing significantly reduced shrub biomass and flammability, decreasing the risk of forest fire. Goats selected the species they eat, changing the pattern of selection throughout the year. Grazing reduced shrub diversity, but did not affected species richness. The goats can also potentially disperse the seeds of some of the species they eat, since the seeds were able to pass through the goat’s gut and germinated afterwards. Goat grazing on scrub vegetation can be used as an effective tool for the control of shrubs in protected forest areas, without losing biodiversity.  相似文献   

The distribution of ant species was studied across different types of semi-natural grasslands in a mosaic landscape in which data on land use history and conservation values were available. The twenty-nine grasslands selected were non-fertilised and had an uninterrupted history of management, but they differed from each other in soil texture and grazing practices and were therefore sub-divided into six different types. Species abundance of mound-building ants were investigated in these grasslands in 2003. Additionally, ants were sampled using the pitfall trapping method in 13 semi-natural grasslands (in 2003 and 2005). Ant species richness and nest frequency of individual ant species differed between the different types of grassland and was associated with soil texture and grazing practices. The results also showed that even small grasslands have a very high ant species richness. This study showed that for the conservation of ants, habitat diversity and heterogeneity rather than habitat size are of great importance. I conclude that different types of semi-natural grassland contribute to heterogeneity in the farmland landscape and, thus, support higher ant diversity at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Changes in the abundance and species compositions of the main groups of soil invertebrates have been analyzed in ecosystems long used as pastures and exposed to different degrees of grazing. The sum of the results makes it possible to conclude that the zoological method of indication of pasture ecosystems can be used in ecological monitoring of steppe landscapes.  相似文献   

As savannas are widespread across northern Australia and provide northern rangelands, the sustainable use of this landscape is crucial. Both fire and grazing are known to influence the tree-grass character of tropical savannas. Frequent fires open up the tree layer and change the ground layer from perennials to that dominated by annuals. Annual species in turn produce copious quantities of highly flammable fuel that perpetuates frequent, hot fires. Grazing reduces fuel loads because livestock consumes fuel-forage. This trade-off between fire and grazing was modelled using a spatially explicit, process-orientated model (SAVANNA) and field data from fire experiments performed in the Victoria River District of northern Australia. Results of simulating fire (over 40 years) with minimal or no grazing pressure revealed a reduction in the shrub and woody plants, a reduction in grasses, and no influence on the tree structure given mild fires. While mature trees were resistant to fire, immature trees, which are more likely associated with the shrub layer, were removed by fire. The overall tree density may be reduced with continual burning over longer time periods because of increasing susceptibility of old trees to fire and the lack of recruitment. Increases in stocking rates created additional forage demands until the majority of the fuel load was consumed, thus effectively suppressing fire and reverting to the grazing and suppressed fire scenario where trees and shrubs established.  相似文献   

Savannas occur across all of northern Australia and are extensively used as rangelands. A recent surge in live cattle exports to Southeast Asia has caused excessive grazing impacts in some areas, especially near watering points. An important ecological and management question is "how resilient are savanna ecosystems to grazing disturbances?" Resilience refers to the ability of an ecosystem to remain in its current state (resist change) and return to this state (recover) if disturbed. Resilience responses can be measured using field data. These responses can then be modelled to predict the likely resistance and recovery of savannas to grazing impacts occurring under different climatic conditions. Two approaches were used to model resilience responses. First, a relatively simple mathematical model based on a sigmoid response function was used. This model proved useful for comparing the relative resilience of different savanna ecosystems, but was limited to ecosystems and conditions for which data were available. Second, a complex process model, SAVANNA, was parameterised to simulate the structure and function of Australian savannas. Simulations were run for 50 years at two levels of grazing to evaluate resistance and then for another 50 years with no grazing to evaluate recovery. These runs predicted that savanna grasslands were more resistant to grazing (changed less) than red-loam woodlands, which recovered relatively slowly from grazing impacts. The SAVANNA model also predicted that these woodlands would recover slightly slower under the climate change scenario projected for northern Australia.  相似文献   

Studies on succession in the Abra ovata community inhabiting the flooded area in Sulak Bay, Caspian Sea, that have been carried out since the mid-1980s were continued. It has been found that the pioneer species A. ovata and Cerastoderma glaucum are still dominant in the structure of this community, determining the course of its succession. Its second stage does not fit the framework of the models characteristic of benthic communities. On the one hand, it conforms to the tolerance model: the pioneer species A. ovata, despite its dominance at all stages of succession, has not prevented the spread of other numerous colonizers of the same trophic level. On the other hand, it conforms to the facilitation model: due to their abundance, the pioneer species as grazing species have attracted organisms of a higher trophic level, namely, sturgeons.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess whether the use of pig slurry and associated copper accumulation in calves grazing pastures fertilized with pig slurry from the Deza region in NW Spain has a significant influence on toxic metal and essential metal levels, and to investigate whether copper accumulation is correlated with the levels of these other metals. Correlations between copper, toxic metals (cadmium, lead) and essential metals (molybdenum, iron, zinc, selenium, manganese and cobalt) concentrations were evaluated in liver and kidney of 195 calves from the region of Deza. Metal concentrations were determined by ICP-OES and correlations between pairs of elements by Pearson correlation analysis. There was a strongly significant positive association between copper and lead in the liver. Considering the trace metals, copper in the liver showed significant positive correlations with cobalt in both liver and kidney, and with molybdenum in the liver. In addition, significant correlations were observed between copper and most essential metals in kidney. These associations are similar to those found in different animal species experimentally dosed with copper and other metals, as well as in cattle exposed to normal copper concentrations.  相似文献   

Browsing and grazing pressure on vegetation in the Moremi Game Reserve in Botswana was analyzed using remotely sensed imagery comprising CORONA photographs of 1967 and Landsat TM and Landsat ETM imagery of 1989 and 1994 and 2001, respectively. Comparison of temporal variations in the spatial distributions of different vegetation types and changes in the abundance of selected wildlife species demonstrate a persistent decrease in capacity of the environment to support wild animals, due to increasing abundance of poorly preferred browse species and increasing scarcity of favored varieties. Given the long-term direction of change showing continued deterioration of habitat conditions and the limited prospects for reversal of this trend, it is apparent that there is immediate need to realign wildlife management strategies in ways that can enhance the sustainability of wildlife and the supporting environment.  相似文献   

锡林郭勒草原保护区实现保护与发展双赢对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内蒙古锡林郭勒草原保护区是我国唯一列入世界生物圈保护区网络的草原保护区,从草地资源利用、保护区管理和经济社会不同角度分析了保护区草原大面积退化的成因。以退化草原恢复为目标,对锡林郭勒草原保护区进行了新的规划.核心区面积占保护区总面积的比例由原来的0.17%增加到新规划的6.85%。以保护区内面积最大的白音锡勒牧场为研究区.利用2004年8月TM数字化磁带数据,在估算出白音锡勒牧场草原地上生物量的基础上,划分出未退化、轻度退化、中度退化、重度退化4个等级,针对不同退化等级草场制定出不同的牧草产量利用率。并计算出以退化草原恢复为目标的草原合理放牧强度、相应面积和载畜量,结果为研究区平均合理放牧强度为43只标准羊单位/km^2。白音锡勒牧场2003年平均放牧强度为86只标准羊单位/km^2。最后提出应改变锡林郭勒草原单一的畜牧业经济机构,“以工养草”;大力扶植牧民从事生态旅游和针对不同退化等级草原制定合理的载畜量等实现保护区环境保护与经济发展双赢的对策。  相似文献   

The process of steppe pasture digression resulting from grazing by different farm animals was studied by the transect method. Sheep, cattle, and horse pastures under similar grazing loads markedly differed in the dynamics of steppe vegetation. The most critical changes in plant communities occurred in sheep pastures, whereas the state of plant communities in horse pastures was good.  相似文献   

Latin American subtropical dry ecosystems have experienced significant human impact for more than a century, mainly in the form of extensive livestock grazing, forest products extraction, and agriculture expansion. We assessed the regional-scale effect of land use and land cover (LULC) on patterns of richness distribution of trees, birds, amphibians, and mammals in the Northern Argentine Dry Chaco (NADC) over c. 19 million hectares. Using species distribution models in a hierarchical framework, we modeled the distributions of 138 species. First, we trained the models for the entire Argentinean Chaco with climatic and topographic variables. Second, we modeled the same species for the NADC including the biophysical variables identified as relevant in the first step plus four LULC-related variables: woody biomass, distance to crops, density of livestock-based rural settlements (puestos), and vegetation cover. Third, we constructed species richness maps by adding the models of individual species and considering two situations, with and without LULC variables. Four, richness maps were used for assessing differences when LULC variables are added and for determining the main drivers of current patterns of species richness. We found a marked decrease in species richness of the four groups as a consequence of inclusion of LULC variables in distribution models. The main factors associated with current richness distribution patterns (both negatively) were woody biomass and density of livestock puestos. Species richness in present-day Semiarid Chaco landscapes is strongly affected by LULC patterns, even in areas not transformed to agriculture. Regional-scale biodiversity planning should consider open habitats such as grasslands and savannas in addition to woodlands.  相似文献   

Concentrations of (137)Cs were determined in 747 lynxes killed in Norway during the period 1986-2001. Highly variable (137)Cs concentrations and aggregated transfer coefficient values were observed, probably caused by variable (137)Cs concentrations in prey and the lynx's extensive home ranges and roaming distances. Adult lynxes had higher (137)Cs concentrations than sub-adults, and lynxes killed in regions with extensive reindeer grazing areas were more contaminated than others. A model with (137)Cs deposition density, the year lynxes were killed, age, and extent of reindeer grazing area accounted for 50% of the variability in observed (137)Cs concentrations. The analyses were equivocal regarding the influence of stomach content on (137)Cs concentrations in lynx muscle, i.e., on the lynx's specialization in prey species. Gender was not significant. Information on caesium retention in lynx and better estimates of deposition densities in lynxes' home ranges are important for further elucidation of factors influencing (137)Cs contamination in lynxes.  相似文献   

Roles of intensive reindeer grazing and several additional land use factors in the reduction in ground lichens (Cladonia spp.) in pastures grazed by the semi-domesticated reindeer have been argued in Finland. Our analysis showed that several factors and processes explain the standing biomass of lichens (during 2005–2008) and the recent changes in this biomass (after 1995–1996) on lichen pastures located in the 20 northernmost herding districts in Finland. The higher the long-term reindeer densities on the lichen pastures the lower was the lichen biomass. The lichen biomass was also strongly affected by the grazing system; the lowest biomass values of lichens were measured in all grazing areas that were used in the snow-free seasons. The lichen biomass in pine forests less than 80 years old and in all mountain type lichen pastures was lower than that in mature and old pine forests. The lichen biomass also decreased as the proportion of arboreal lichen pastures within a district decreased and the proportion of human infrastructure increased. The aerial drift of heavy metals from the Kola Peninsula appeared to reduce lichens in a small north-eastern part of the study area. Increases in summer precipitation and winter temperatures increased the amount of lichens, but increases in summer temperatures and winter precipitation had the opposite effect. Reindeer densities, grazing system, pasture type and the previous abiotic factors were also associated with the reduction in lichen biomass between the inventories. We conclude that several local, regional and even global factors and processes affect the state of reindeer pastures in large and complex grazing ecosystems. Therefore, more comprehensive research and management strategies for the entire reindeer herding environment are needed.  相似文献   

Knowledge about carbon and nitrogen in plants and soils and response to fence and graze in alpine ecosystems is still rudimentary because of extremely geographic situation. The purpose of this study was to compare the difference among carbon, nitrogen concentration, and content of unit area and dynamics of above- and below-ground biomass, soil organic carbon and total nitrogen between fencing and grazing alpine meadow. The results showed that total carbon and C: N radio in the aboveground tissue were significantly higher in fenced and ungrazing grassland (FU) than those in free grazing grassland (FG). In addition, the order of total carbon and nitrogen concentration of aboveground tissue of different function groups were not identical between them; The total carbon storage (TCS) per unit of aboveground tissue, roots and 0–30 cm soil layer increased after being fenced for 5 years from free grazing grassland (9255.17 g/m2) to fenced and ungrazing grassland (12637.10 g/m2) by 26.79%. The corresponding total nitrogen storage (TNS) increased by 751.42 g/m2. Furthermore over 95% TCS (TNS) come from 0–30 cm soil layer. However there were no significant differences between fenced and ungrazing grasslands of 10 years and 5 years. Therefore fenced to exclude grazing by Tibetan sheep and yaks was an alternative approach to sequester C to the soil in alpine meadow systems.  相似文献   

江河源区主要自然生物资源概述   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
广袤的草地、特有的高寒湿地以及丰富而有又独特的生物多样性是江河源区重要的自然生物资源。草地占江河源区总土地面积的84.53%,是源区畜牧业经济发展的基础,同时也是长江、黄河和澜沧江三大江河的源头区域,为江河中、下游地区生态环境稳定和经济持续发展提供无可替代的服务。江河源区是世界上海拔最高的高寒湿地主要分布区,湿地总面积达8 000 km2。江河源区独特的生态环境孕育了种类繁多的特有动、植物种类,源区约有哺乳动物、鸟类和鱼类133、249和219种,牧草植物、药用植物、食用植物和观赏植物约800、808、80和400种,是世界海拔最高的生物多样性集中分布区。然而,由于超载放牧、盲目采挖、盗猎等不合理的开发和利用以及气候变化等诸多因素的综合影响,江河源区草地生态系统退化、高寒湿地萎缩、生物多样性锐减等生态环境危机不断加剧。正确权衡江河源区自然生物资源的短期经济价值及其所拥有的巨大生态公益和潜在开发价值,科学决策,保护江河源区自然生物资源迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

In order to study the deposition on vegetation of plutonium arising from the testing of nuclear weapons and discharges from nuclear facilities, sheep faeces were collected from the South-west and North of England. The plutonium content of faeces has been shown to be a reproducible and sensitive indicator of deposition on herbage and, with this technique, plutonium discharged from the Sellafield Works of British Nuclear Fuels LImited can be detected 60 km from the site. On moorland pastures the concentration of 239+240Pu in faeces, expressed as activity per gram of ash, is roughly equal numerically to the deposit of plutonium on 1 m2 of vegetation.Some of the plutonium ingested by a grazing sheep is absorbed and the highest concentrations are found in liver. The liver of a sheep grazing on pasture where the 239+240Pu concentration in faeces was about 2 pCi (74 mBq) g−1 of ash, was found to contain <1% of the Generalised Derived Limit for mutton and offal, and the meat <0·001%.  相似文献   

Animal agriculture has been identified as an important source of diffuse faecal microbial pollution of water. Our current understanding of the losses of faecal microbes from grazed pasture systems is however poor. To help synthesise our current knowledge, a simple two reservoir model was constructed to represent the faecal and environmental sources of Escherichia coli found in a grazed pastoral system. The size of the faecal reservoir was modelled on a daily basis with inputs from grazing animals, and losses due to die-off of E. coli and decomposition of the faecal material. Estimates were made of transport coefficients of E. coli losses from the two reservoirs. The concentration of E. coli measured in overland flow and artificial drainage from grazed plots, used for calibration of the model, showed a significant (P < 0.0001) decrease with days since last grazing — up to 120 days. Modelled E. coli runoff concentrations calibrated well with the regression line from the measured data up to 120 days. Variability of E. coli concentrations in the source faecal material could account for the variability in the measured runoff concentrations. Measured E. coli concentrations in artificial drainage water from 120 to 1300 days since last grazing appeared to be greater than the model predicted. The longer term data clearly illustrated the need for an environmental reservoir of E. coli in models of grazed pasture systems. Research is needed to understand the behaviour and impact of this environmental reservoir. Scenario analysis using the model indicated that rather than manipulating the faecal material itself post defecation, mitigation options should focus on manipulating grazing management.  相似文献   

Samples of summer pasture plants that reindeer feed on were collected in order to study 137Cs concentrations in different plant species and in species nested in certain site types, and to study the regional distribution of 137Cs in the Finnish reindeer management area. Plant species were categorized by the site types of mineral soil forest (xeric heath forest and mesic heath forest) and peatland. A third category called ’other plant species’ included plants with various site types, poorly determined species and species with poor statistics. The 137Cs concentrations in different site types differed significantly. The mean 137Cs concentrations of the whole reindeer management area in the xeric heath forest plant species was 44 ± 27 Bq/kg dw, in the mesic heath forest plant species 75 ± 59 Bq/kg dw and in the peatland plant species 219 ± 150 Bq/kg dw. The peatland species uptake 137Cs more efficiently than plant species of mineral soil forests. A particularly efficient collector of 137Cs was Trichophorum sp. It is suggested that Trichophorum sp. could be used as an indicator species for reindeer summer fodder plants. The highest concentrations of 137Cs were found in Southern Lapland and the lowest in Northern Lapland. Today, the concentrations of 137Cs in summer pasture plants that reindeer feed on in Finland are at such a level that there is no need to avoid any plant species. In the case of future nuclear fallout, reindeer grazing in peatlands would increase concentrations of 137Cs in reindeer meat.  相似文献   

岷江上游土地岭生态恢复过程中植被特征研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对岷江上游土地岭生态恢复过程中的群落外貌、物种组成和结构进行了研究。结果表明,恢复后群落外貌以小型叶、单叶、非全缘、草质的高位芽植物为主,表现出与演替前期相符的类似温带针阔混交林特征。恢复形成的四类不同群落组成有一定差异,造林并封育效果最好,干扰下的恢复效果最差。在恢复的进程中,四类群落垂直结构层次更复杂,川莓在各灌木层都占优势地位。放牧干扰是灌木层与草本层物种丰富度与均匀度较低及灌丛难以实现进展演替的主要原因。恢复后群落的上层盖度影响下层盖度,放牧引起了少数口食性差的草本迅速占优。从径级结构上看,处于演替前期的华山松林有被云杉类取代的趋势,加入演替后期种的封育造林是更理想的恢复模式。  相似文献   

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