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前方的记者时不时传来灾害现场和紧急救援的图片和新闻,加之报纸电视上铺天盖地报道,如此惨烈的视觉冲击中,再坚强的人也需要有足够的心理承受力。每每画面中出现瓦砾灰土掩盖下的孩子,面对那经过灾难洗礼之下满脸稚气的笑容,你还是忍不住会放声哭泣:倒塌的教室里,露出了昂扬的头颅;  相似文献   

蔚蓝纯净的天空、翠绿葱郁的草地、朴实厚重的黑土地上划过一道深深的裂缝,三种简洁明了的色调融汇成一面内涵丰富、寓意深远的地球科学夏令营营旗。这面生机盎然的旗帜给炎炎盛夏注入泌人心裨的清凉,犹如七月小河里亭亭玉立的夏荷给全体营员带来美妙无比的视觉享受和清新惬意的身心愉  相似文献   

周鸿 《防灾博览》2004,(5):38-38
“新疆是个好地方……”、“吐鲁番的葡萄熟了……”这就是我从小到大百听不厌的歌。在我想象中,广阔的新疆是多么美丽富饶,而又有一种神密感。可最使我梦牵魂绕是那吐鲁番的交河故城。  相似文献   

鲍择 《防灾博览》2004,(5):22-23
19世纪70年代美国芝加哥有居民35.5万人。芝加哥河把该市分为3个区——西区、南区和北区。在经历了1871年夏天的大旱和酷暑之后,进入秋季的9月又是滴雨未下。极度干燥的各种物品处于见火就着的状态。仅10月份的第一个星期,这里就发生火警30次,10月7月晚该市西区发生一场火灾,造成75万美元的损失。10月8日晚8时  相似文献   

内乡 -镇平 4 7级地震 ,是河南省解放以来唯一一次造成人员伤亡的地震事件。本文对这次地震的震害及烈度进行了考察评定 ,总结了有关部门的震后应急措施 ,讨论了从这次地震中应吸取的经验教训。  相似文献   

内乡-镇平4.7级地震,是河南省解放以来唯一一次造成人员伤亡的地震事件.本文对这次地震的震害及烈度进行了考察评定,总结了有关部门的震后应急措施,讨论了从这次地震中应吸取的经验教训.  相似文献   

PeterLumb教授是香港岩土工程界的先躯、教育家和奠基人。1998年12月他的去世是岩土工程界的重大损失。为了表扬他的贡献,香港大学土木工程系和香港工程师学会在1999年设立了名为“Lumb讲座”的杰出讲座系列。“Lumb讲座”系列由香港“Lumb讲座委员会”运作。每隔两年,一位国际杰出的岩土工程专家或学者被推选在香港作Lumb讲座。2 0 0 0年5月,加拿大N .R .Morgenstern教授被邀请为首届“Lumb讲座”的讲者,讲座题目为“岩土工程实践”,有5 0 0多人参加。第二届Lumb讲座由日本KenjiIshihara教授于2 0 0 2年10月2 4日在香港举行。KenjiIs…  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(3):194-212
Emergency management tends to be planned for legal, resident populations that are responsive to mainstream channels of communication and enforcement. For many areas prone to extreme events and emergencies, populations are also composed of transitory tourists, temporary visitors and migrant workers. This latter group may be a large population and, while not completely invisible to residents, may prefer obscurity and concealment within the social landscape. Tending towards poverty, technologically disconnected and linguistically isolated, undocumented migrants seek employment and attempt to avoid local law enforcement and immigration officials for fear of imprisonment and deportation. In this context, the behaviours prompted by developing public emergencies will be different for undocumented migrants than for the population at large. We examine the experience of 135 Hispanic undocumented migrants in the coastal zone of Houston-Galveston, Texas to understand the factors and issues that influence decision making and behaviours under region-wide mandatory evacuation conditions. Undocumented migrants’ decisions to evacuate rest upon: the presence (or absence) of family and/or children, their access to risk information that they find meaningful and rational and is in harmony with their pre-conceptions about their circumstances, their openness to information that either confirms their experiences or confronts rumour-generated biases they carry, their familiarity with social groups and governmental agencies and the services they offer, and the outcome of their risk analyses that consider the dangers of remaining in situ against the danger of exposing themselves to discovery as ‘illegal aliens’. The results suggest that emergency management plans ought to promote the dispelling of rumours that weaken the effect of emergency communication, promote non-emergency outreach to peripheral populations through community groups, and promote better, basic, non-technical, Spanish-language media through mainstream conduits (i.e. the most commonly watched non-Spanish television channels) that do not require high-tech devices or advanced understanding of visual media tools.  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区克什克腾旗坚持“保护与建设并举,以保护促建设”的方针,把天然草场的恢复与建设作为生态环境治理的重点。几年来,全旗禁牧面积达400多万亩,使大面积退化、沙化天然草场得到了休养生息。  相似文献   

台湾集集地震近断层强震地面运动加速度时程的随机特性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
将强震地面运动加速度时程看作随机过程,选取台湾集集地震的30组近断层加速度时程为样本,研究其相关特性。3方向集系上的自相关矩阵和互相关矩阵表明3方向的加速度时程均为非平稳随机过程,并且相关系数的分布是随机的,这种随机相关性是无法用确定性的数学模型来模拟的。为此,又研究了样本函数的相关特性,即随机过程样本函数的相关函数,结果发现在随机过程的相关函数中包含有明显的随机函数分量,即相关函数仍为一随机过程,我们称这样的随机过程为超随机过程,本文建立了超随机过程相关函数的数学模型。本文的研究表明近断层强地面运动为一复杂的随机过程,对其相关特性的研究应当包括相关系数(性)的大小和相关系数(性)的随机分布两个方面。  相似文献   

Building on empirical material gathered in Haiti, this paper advances a new and innovative understanding of the internal brain drain phenomenon—the poaching of local skilled workers by international organisations (IOs) or international non-governmental organisations (INGOs)— by conceptualising it as an equilibrium. This equilibrium is composed of two sets of tensions: (i) those between the salary conditions in the public sector and those on offer to local personnel working for IOs and INGOs; and (ii) those inherent in the dual salary scale used by IOs and INGOs for local and international staff. These two sets of tensions contribute in their specific ways to international migration, and, as such, the internal brain drain has a bearing on external brain drain dynamics. In addition, the paper addresses the difficult policy choices facing development and humanitarian organisations, since every set of policies that impacts on one side of the equilibrium is bound to affect its other side.  相似文献   

Public, nonprofit and private organisations respond to large‐scale disasters domestically and overseas. Critics of these assistance efforts, as well as those involved, often cite poor interorganisational partnering as an obstacle to successful disaster response. Observers frequently call for ‘more’ and ‘better’ partnering. We found important qualitative distinctions existed within partnering behaviours. We identified four different types of interorganisational partnering activities often referred to interchangeably: communication, cooperation, coordination and collaboration—the Four Cs. We derived definitions of the Four Cs from the partnering literature. We then tested them in a case study of the response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake. We suggest that the Four Cs are distinct activities, that organisations are typically strong or weak in one or more for various reasons, and that the four terms represent a continuum of increased interorganisational embeddedness in partnering activities.  相似文献   

译力 《防灾博览》2005,(1):24-24
英国本费尔德灾害研究中心位于伦敦大学学院内,是欧洲多学科灾害重点研究中心之一。该中心有40多名研究和从业人员,主要任务是推进自然灾害和危险性评估方法的改进,并通过快速应用新的研究和实践结果,降低自然灾难的发生。同时,该机构也承担着将学术领域内重要的自然灾害和危险性研究成果、实践经验和发明推向企业、政府和国际社会的职责,  相似文献   

张勇 《防灾博览》2004,(2):38-38
四面碧水,一方绿地,几道小河,交叉着,清凌凌流过。也不知流了多少年,流到九百年前的北宋年间,流出了一个漂亮的小村;流到元代,流成了一个晶莹的小镇;又流过了几百年,小镇一路采秀撷英,把宋埠元桥、明砖清瓦带到了今天。这就是周庄。  相似文献   

Naomi Hossain 《Disasters》2018,42(1):187-203
The devastating Bhola cyclone in November 1970 is credited with having triggered the political events that led to the division of Pakistan and the creation of Bangladesh in 1971. A callous response to the disaster by the Pakistani regime resulted in a landslide electoral victory for Bengali nationalists, followed by a bitter and bloody civil war. Yet, despite its political momentousness, the Bhola cyclone has been the subject of little political analysis. This paper examines the events, arguing that its extraordinary political significance put disaster management on the nationalist agenda; the famine of 1974 confirmed its centrality, producing a social contract to protect the population against disasters and subsistence crises on which the country's acclaimed resilience to the effects of climate change rests. The Bhola cyclone also drew international attention to this neglected, little‐known region, and in general can be seen as foundational for the subsequent developmental achievements of Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Pyle AS 《Disasters》1992,16(1):19-27
This paper examines issues related to famine resilience and describes the results of a survey of households who migrated from famine affected rural communities in Northern Darfur to the provincial capital, El Fasher, in western Sudan. It reveals that asset wealth did not enhance household resilience to famine; rather, the data indicate that households who reportedly practiced more numerous survival strategies before migrating to El Fasher were on the whole able to stay longer in their villages before migrating. The data also suggest that some households might have been better able to endure the deteriorating rural conditions by participating in intra-communal practices of sharing resources. An additional issue influencing the timing of migration to El Fasher is previous familiarity with the economic opportunities in the provincial capital.  相似文献   

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