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为研究数智化生产线的木质建材碳排放特征,为减碳策略提供底层数据支撑,对某数智化工厂生产的地板、木门和门套进行了基于生命周期评价的碳排放核算,其单位质量碳足迹分别为1.21,1.26和0.47kgCO2e/kg,地板和木门的碳排放强度均高于同类产品.材料和制造过程是木质建材产品的主要碳排放来源,分别占产品总碳排的54.74%~77.47%和18.57%~38.94%;运输阶段和废气处理阶段碳排放之和均低于碳排放总量的9%.基于蒙特卡洛模拟的不确定性分析表明本研究结果具有较高精准度.数智化工厂未来可考虑从甄选低碳原材料、优化产品设计、提升设备能源效率、扩大清洁能源比例等方面进一步提升.  相似文献   


Anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in the atmosphere constitute an important component of the related carbon budget. The main source of anthropogenic CO2 is burning of fossil fuels, especially in densely populated areas. Similar emissions of CH4 are associated with the agricultural sector, coal mining, and other human activities, such as waste management and storage and natural gas networks supplying methane to large urban, industrial centers. We discuss several methods aimed at characterizing and quantifying atmospheric loads and fluxes of CO2 and CH4 in Krakow, the second largest city in Poland. The methods are based on atmospheric observations of mixing ratios as well as isotopic composition of the investigated gases. Atmospheric mixing ratios of CO2 and CH4 were measured using gas chromatography (GC) and cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS). The isotopic composition of CO2 and CH4 was analyzed using isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS), accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), and CRDS techniques. These data, combined with auxiliary information characterizing the intensity of vertical mixing in the lower atmosphere (height of the nocturnal boundary layer [NBL] and atmospheric 222Rn concentration), were further used to quantify emission rates of CO2 and CH4 in the urban atmosphere of Krakow. These methods provide an efficient way of quantifying surface emissions of major greenhouse gases originating from distributed sources, thus complementing the widely used bottom-up methodology based on emission statistics.


Specific fossil carbon (C) emissions and primary energy useassociated with the manufacture of different wood product groups inFinland are estimated and expressed as emissions or energy use per amountof wood-based C in raw material and per amount in end product. Thecalculation includes both emissions from supplied fuels within the forestindustries, and from electricity and district heat purchased from externalsources. The results are compared to fossil C emissions from the wholelifecycle of harvested wood products. The results of the study show, forinstance, that the emission of fossil C per wood-based C in end products(MgC/MgC) is of the order of 0.07 for sawn wood and 0.3–0.6 for paperin the manufacturing stage. The primary energy use per wood-based C inend product is of the order of 2 MWh/MgC for sawn wood, whereas forvirgin paper grades the figure is between 17 and 19 MWh/MgC. Theprimary energy content is highest in papers based on chemical pulping, butaround 60% of the energy used is produced in this case from by-productwood wastes (black liquor, bark etc.). The specific fossil C emission andprimary energy divided by the estimated service life of the wood productare measures for the relative burden of maintaining the corresponding woodproduct pool. These figures should be kept in mind when considering woodproducts as a potential C sink option.  相似文献   

本研究建立了光伏行业生命周期碳排放清单,并在处置阶段对不同处置情景的碳排放进行比较.通过现场、资料调研和工艺研发应用的方式,获得光伏行业生产、使用、处置阶段及三个情景的资源、能源的输入/输出和污染物排放数据.结果表明:光伏行业碳排放集中在生产阶段,其中又以高纯多晶硅生产过程的碳排放最高;使用阶段碳排放较小,仅为生产阶段的3%;电耗是最主要的碳排放因素,占生产和使用阶段碳排放的64.98%.处置阶段的3种情景的碳排放由大到小依次是填埋 > 拆解 > 热解,除了填埋略微增加碳排放外,拆解和热解都能显著降低行业碳排放,可分别降低6.03%和33.59%.研究显示采用热解回收技术的光伏组件生命周期单位发电量碳排放强度,不仅低于同类研究,还远低于我国当前电力结构的碳排放水平,发展光伏行业可实现环境与能源双赢.  相似文献   

2015年中国地区大气甲烷排放估计及空间分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
CH4是仅次于CO2的重要温室气体,也是重要的化学活性气体.定量估算我国甲烷的排放量及分析其空间分布特征,对于控制温室气体排放,减缓温室效应具有重要意义.本文以2015年中国官方统计年鉴资料为基础,利用IPCC排放清单指南、国内外排放因子研究结果及动力学模型方法,从能源活动(煤炭开采和油气系统)、农业活动(反刍动物、稻田排放和秸秆露天燃烧)、自然源排放(自然湿地和植被排放)、废弃物处理(固体废弃物、工业污水和生活污水)和人工湿地等几个主要方面,对中国地区的CH4排放进行定量估计.结果表明:中国地区2015年CH4排放总量为61.59 Tg,其中以农业活动和能源活动为主要排放源,排放量分别达到20.42 Tg和20.39 Tg,占总排放量比例分别约为33.2%和33.1%.CH4自然源考虑了植被和自然湿地排放,排放量为11.77 Tg,占比为19.1%;废弃物处理产生的CH4排放量为8.64 Tg,占比为14.0%;人工湿地排放量为0.37 Tg,占比为0.6%.从空间分布来看,CH4排放具有较明显的不均匀性,大值区主要集中在华北、西南及东南地区,而西北地区的排放量则相对较低,主要与各地的资源环境、人口密度和经济情况密切相关.  相似文献   

铝工业是高能耗高排放工业,探索铝工业的节能减排路径有助于我国实现《巴黎协定》中的温室气体减排承诺.采用物质流分析和生命周期评价方法,基于存量水平、技术水平和能源结构设置了15种情景,研究了我国铝工业1990~2100年的能耗和碳排放量,探索不同路径下的节能减排潜力.我国铝在用存量将在2040~2050年达到峰值(4.6...  相似文献   

北京大气气溶胶中有机碳及可萃取有机卤素污染物   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
研究了2002年5月~2003年4月北京城区大气中PM2.5和PM10中有机碳(OC)及可萃取有机卤素污染物(EOX)的浓度.结果表明,PM10和PM2.5的年均值分别为172.8μg/m3和110.9μg/m3,分别是美国年均值标准(PM10, 50μg/m3; PM2.5, 15μg/m3)的3.5倍和7.4倍,说明污染相当严重;PM2.5与PM10中OC的月均浓度分别为9.1~33.9μg/m3和13.1~46.2μg/m3,冬季大气中OC的浓度最高,夏季最低; PM2.5中OC和EOX的百分含量高于PM10,细粒子更易于富集有机污染物; PM2.5和PM10中EOX的含量顺序为EOCl>> EOBr(EOI),约有73%~88%和69%~91%的EOX为EOCl,大气中的有机卤素污染物主要为有机氯污染物;PM2.5中OC与EOX的含量变化趋势一致,细颗粒物中OC对EOX的含量起到了控制作用,PM10中OC对EOX的含量影响有限.  相似文献   

In this article, per capita urban carbon emissions were decomposed into manufacturing,transportation, and construction sectors using logarithmic mean Divisia index(LMDI)method. This new decomposition method can provide information about specific drivers of carbon emissions, including urban growth and resident living standards, rather than general demographic and economic factors identified by traditional methods. Using four Chinese megacities(Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing) as case studies, we analyzed the factors that influenced per capita carbon emissions from 2010 to 2015. The results showed that per capita carbon emissions increased in Tianjin and Chongqing whereas decreased in Beijing and Shanghai, and that manufacturing was a key driving force. In these four megacities,energy conservation strategies were successfully implemented despite poor energy structure optimization during 2010–2015. Development of manufacturing and improvement of resident living standards in the cities led to an increase in carbon emissions. The unique dual-core urban form of Tianjin might mitigate the increased carbon emissions caused by the transportation sector. Reductions in carbon emissions could be achieved by further optimizing energy structures, limiting the number of private cars, and controlling per capita construction.  相似文献   

随着中国经济发展进入新常态,煤炭行业正在发生巨大的变化。为降低中国未来煤炭供应行业总成本,在收集和分析行业现有格局及相关政策的基础上,研究优化未来中国煤炭产、运格局;并通过分析各地区煤炭供应行业的各个环节,最终核算出碳排放系数,再利用这些系数对优化格局下的煤炭活动产生的碳排放进行测算。结果显示:(1)在现有格局的基础上,在资源和政策的约束下,中国煤炭开发将不断集中化,山西、陕西、内蒙古、宁夏、甘肃、新疆的开发规模不断扩大,到2030年占全国总生产比例将近88%,比2015年提高17%;(2)煤炭调运压力先增后减,新疆、西南、东北等地区铁路运力不足,需不同程度地扩能;(3)2020年煤炭供应行业总排放约6.41亿t CO2当量,单位供应排放比2015年降低8.75%,2030年总排放约5.26亿t CO2当量,单位供应排放比2015年降低15.34%。在此基础上具体分析各地区煤炭生产、运输及排放情况,并提出了中国煤炭产业发展的相关对策建议,为煤炭行业相关决策和碳减排工作提供一定的支撑。  相似文献   

中国交通运输碳排放时空演变及差异分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
袁长伟  张倩  芮晓丽  焦萍 《环境科学学报》2016,36(12):4555-4562
核算了2003—2012年间中国30个省域的交通运输碳排放量和碳排放强度,分析了交通运输碳排放时空演变规律,分别计算了中国东、中、西部的交通运输碳排放量和碳排放强度的标准差和变异系数以定量分析其差异.结果表明:2003—2012年10年间,中国30个省域交通运输碳排放量呈逐年增长趋势,并整体呈现"西低东高"的特征,其中,湖北、广东和山东三省的总量居前3位,而内蒙古、吉林和重庆这3个省份(直辖市)的增速最快;交通运输碳排放强度整体上全国呈增长趋势,呈现出"西高东低"的非均衡变化特征;交通运输碳排放强度绝对差异增速趋缓,自2008年后三大区域的标准差和变异系数都呈现明显趋同效应.  相似文献   

孙玉环  杨光春 《中国环境科学》2021,40(12):5531-5538
应用三维空气质量模型(Model-3/CMAQ)和积分过程速率(IPR)分析工具对2017年7月22~31日夏季4次台风持续影响下中山市7月首次出现的持续6d的O3污染事件进行了详细分析,识别了O3 8h浓度最大值时段主导的大气物理过程和大气化学过程,并计算了不同源、汇过程对本地O3浓度的贡献.研究结果表明,污染时段化学过程对O3的源贡献高于非污染时段,化学过程贡献增加,说明光化学反应过程更加活跃;台风带来的外来气团经过上风向高污染物排放区域时,化学过程贡献显著上升,与非经过高污染物排放区域相比,污染时段的化学过程对中山市O3源过程的浓度贡献高2.4%~6.5%;污染时段,水平输送对中山市大气O3源过程的浓度贡献在56.6%~92.6%之间.因此,污染期间强化本地排放源的管控,减少O3生成贡献的同时,结合区域气团路径分析,精准识别污染协同管控区域,上风向污染物高排放区域实施协同减排措施,实现区域联防联控.  相似文献   

王乃举  黄翔 《环境科学学报》2016,36(6):2242-2251
运用容量耦合拓展模型对兰州市2003—2013年环境系统耦合度进行评价,通过核算兰州市2003—2013年各年工业碳排放量,分析了4类工业碳排放强度变化特征,并运用LMDI模型对碳排放效应进行了多维度分解.结果表明,兰州市环境系统总体质量水平较低,环境状态指数和环境耦合度指数较低;兰州市工业碳排放总量逐年递增,碳排放与工业增加值、GDP、人口数量和城市建成区面积等呈显著正相关关系;原煤、原油、焦炭和天然气是兰州市的主要碳源,人均碳强呈显著增长态势,而工业碳强、GDP碳强、地均碳强均呈下降趋势;能源结构效应和人口规模效应在低位值附近波动变化,而能源强度效应和人均经济效应均在高位值附近波动,且后两项指标累积效应显著大于前两项指标,总体发挥正向碳增长效应.  相似文献   

There was a widespread misconception about the causes of vegetation and land fires in Indonesia. At a certain point, the public perceived that fires and the associated haze pollution were primarily caused by smallholders' agricultural activities. In fact, there was a variety of land-use activities including large-scale land clearing following deforestation for further land development. El Niño events and the associated dry weather were sometimes quoted by officials and the media as the cause of fires. The fire episodes from 1980 to 2000 were analysed in connection with climate anomalies and the implementation of land-use policies related to forest conversions. The analysis employs long-term climatic and sea surface temperature data to reconstruct climate distributions and anomalies including Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Outgoing Long-wave Radiation (OLR). In this study, the terrestrial carbon emissions from vegetation fires were estimated based on official statistical data on area burnt. The possible incentives for sustainable land management were discussed in the light of fire prevention. The underlying cause neglected in the discussion of Indonesian vegetation fires was forest and land development policy. Legitimated in the early 1980s, it drove massive forest conversions and the use of fires for land clearing. El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) provided dry weather suitable for biomass burning and widespread fire, but it was hardly the cause of fires. The estimate of area burnt in the big fires in 1997 was about 11.6 Mha, resulting in carbon release of 1.45 Gt, equivalent to 0.73 ppmv of CO2, or almost half the annual global atmospheric CO2 growth. Based on the current carbon market price such emissions by the 1997 fire episode were worth around US$ 3.6 billion.  相似文献   

中国旅游业碳排放的影响因素分解及脱钩效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙玉环  杨光春 《中国环境科学》2020,40(12):5531-5539
采用广义迪氏指数分解法(GDIM)分解2000~2017年中国旅游业碳排放的影响因素,并在此基础上采用Tapio脱钩因果链模型分析旅游业碳排放的脱钩效应.结果表明:旅游业增加值、旅游业能源消耗量和旅客人次数是旅游业碳排放的促增因素,增加值能源强度和人均旅游业增加值是旅游业碳排放的促降因素,增加值碳强度、能源消耗碳强度和人均旅游业碳排放对旅游业碳排放的促增和促降作用在研究期间均有出现;旅游业能源消耗量的累积促增效应最大,为2030.13万t,增加值能源强度的累积促降效应最大,为103.29万t;旅游业碳排放的脱钩状态不佳,但近年来有所改善;人均脱钩弹性波动剧烈,节能弹性的变化是其波动的主要原因.  相似文献   


Emission inventories (EIs) are the fundamental tool to monitor compliance with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and emission reduction commitments. Inventory accounting guidelines provide the best practices to help EI compilers across different countries and regions make comparable, national emission estimates regardless of differences in data availability. However, there are a variety of sources of error and uncertainty that originate beyond what the inventory guidelines can define. Spatially explicit EIs, which are a key product for atmospheric modeling applications, are often developed for research purposes and there are no specific guidelines to achieve spatial emission estimates. The errors and uncertainties associated with the spatial estimates are unique to the approaches employed and are often difficult to assess. This study compares the global, high-resolution (1 km), fossil fuel, carbon dioxide (CO2), gridded EI Open-source Data Inventory for Anthropogenic CO2 (ODIAC) with the multi-resolution, spatially explicit bottom-up EI geoinformation technologies, spatio-temporal approaches, and full carbon account for improving the accuracy of GHG inventories (GESAPU) over the domain of Poland. By taking full advantage of the data granularity that bottom-up EI offers, this study characterized the potential biases in spatial disaggregation by emission sector (point and non-point emissions) across different scales (national, subnational/regional, and urban policy-relevant scales) and identified the root causes. While two EIs are in agreement in total and sectoral emissions (2.2% for the total emissions), the emission spatial patterns showed large differences (10~100% relative differences at 1 km) especially at the urban-rural transitioning areas (90–100%). We however found that the agreement of emissions over urban areas is surprisingly good compared with the estimates previously reported for US cities. This paper also discusses the use of spatially explicit EIs for climate mitigation applications beyond the common use in atmospheric modeling. We conclude with a discussion of current and future challenges of EIs in support of successful implementation of GHG emission monitoring and mitigation activity under the Paris Climate Agreement from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21). We highlight the importance of capacity building for EI development and coordinated research efforts of EI, atmospheric observations, and modeling to overcome the challenges.


采用广义迪氏指数分解法(GDIM)分析2000~2016年中国工业碳排放的驱动因素,并在此基础上,创新性地结合DPSIR框架构建脱钩努力模型测度工业碳排放的脱钩效应.研究结果表明:产出规模效应、技术进步效应、能源消费规模效应和人均碳排放效应是导致工业碳排放增加的主要因素,而产出碳强度效应与技术进步碳强度效应是减少工业碳排放的关键因素;工业碳排放的脱钩效应呈"未脱钩~弱脱钩~强脱钩"的阶段性特点;产出碳强度效应与技术进步碳强度效应是工业碳排放实现强脱钩的决定性因素,同时更需要调整能源结构、降低能源强度与碳排放强度来实现工业碳排放强脱钩.  相似文献   

The growing concerns over the environmental impacts of buildings have led to increasing demands for more environmental friendly buildings and building materials. Hitherto, there are not any comprehensive studies that show the overall environmental impact profiles of building materials and building services components for buildings. This paper intends to bridge this gap by reporting overall lifecycle environmental profiles of buildings as well as the ranking orders of environmental impacts of all the building materials and building services materials and components for commercial buildings. Twenty-five commercial buildings in Hong Kong, which include three Grade A office buildings, four Grade B office buildings, one Grade C office buildings, four retail centers and three hotels, have been selected for our study. Based upon these collected samples, no statistical differences were found in the average lifecycle environmental impacts for different building types despite some minor variations were detected. Subsequently, 10 types of building materials and 10 types of building services components have been identified for their significant lifecycle environmental impacts on commercial buildings. Among all, concrete, reinforcement bar, copper power cables, and copper busbars were ranked to be the four most significant materials or components to the total lifecycle environmental impacts. These should form the major targets for improvements in environmental performance of commercial buildings.  相似文献   

Carbon stocks in the wood products pool are considered to be increasing globally. Simplified methods for estimating the fate of carbon in wood products need to be prepared to allow estimation at the national level. Since current methods cause some problems when dealing with specific countries, we try to improve the current methods. We discuss the potential carbon sequestration in wood products and the impacts of three accounting approaches (IPCC default, stock-change and atmospheric-flow) on net carbon emissions of 16 industrialized countries. We draw the following conclusions: (1) we improved the current methods for estimating the fate of carbon by considering the recycling of paper and the use of other fiber pulp, but further improvement need to be made; (2) the annual carbon sequestrations in wood products during 1990–1999 correspond to a few to 10% of 1990 base-year emissions from fossil fuels and cement production, depending on country and year. For the analyzed countries as a whole, the annual carbon sequestration was around 2%; (3) the impact of the accounting approaches on net carbon emissions at the national level is significant. Therefore, policy implications must be carefully considered when one of these approaches is adopted.  相似文献   

建筑施工扬尘排放因子定量模型研究及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
选择天津某建筑施工工地,现场采集大气中PM10、气象、路面积尘及机动车数等数据,并确定施工扬尘排放的主要影响因素.利用FDM模型,计算施工扬尘排放因子,将计算得到的扬尘排放因子和各影响因素进行非线性拟合,建立施工扬尘PM10排放因子定量模型,并结合ISC3模型,模拟计算2003年11~12月间,天津市建筑施工过程中的PM10排放浓度.结果表明,施工产生的PM10平均浓度为20.3μg/m3,占大气PM10浓度的13.3%.  相似文献   

从多方面论述了建材产业发展循环经济的任务、目标、技术路线及措施。指出在循环经济之业链中,建材产业将成为资源减量化、再利用、再循环途径最多和潜力最大的产业之一,建材产业发展循环经济,既可实现自身的可持续发展,又可促进和带动其他行业循环经济的发展。  相似文献   

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