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Particulate emissions from construction activities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although it has long been recognized that road and building construction activity constitutes an important source of particulate matter (PM) emissions throughout the United States, until recently only limited research has been directed to its characterization. This paper presents the results of PM10 and PM2.5 (particles < or = 10 microm and < or = 2.5 microm in aerodynamic diameter, respectively) emission factor development from the onsite testing of component operations at actual construction sites during the period 1998-2001. Much of the testing effort was directed at earthmoving operations with scrapers, because earthmoving is the most important contributor of PM emissions across the construction industry. Other sources tested were truck loading and dumping of crushed rock and mud and dirt carryout from construction site access points onto adjacent public paved roads. Also tested were the effects of watering for control of scraper travel routes and the use of paved and graveled aprons at construction site access points for reducing mud and dirt carryout. The PM10 emissions from earthmoving were found to be up to an order of magnitude greater than predicted by AP-42 emission factors drawn from other industries. As expected, the observed PM2.5:PM10 emission factor ratios reflected the relative importance of the vehicle exhaust and the resuspended dust components of each type of construction activity. An unexpected finding was that PM2.5 emissions from mud and dirt carryout were much less than anticipated. Finally, the control efficiency of watering of scraper travel routes was found to closely follow a bilinear moisture model.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from U.S. power plants are independently reported by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and the Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Differences between the CAMD and EIA emission tallies show that the amount of CO2 produced by an individual power plant is less certain than might be imagined or desired. These differences are attributed to systematic error and random measurement error. Random error cannot be retroactively corrected, whereas systematic error can be corrected where relevant data are available. Accordingly, this study identified and, where possible, corrected systematic error affecting the CAMD and EIA CO2 emission tallies for 1065 power plants that emitted more than 25,000 tons of CO2 during 2013. The EIA tallies were corrected by accounting for emission factor error, acid-gas sorbent consumption, and combustion of biogenic fuel. The CAMD tallies were likewise corrected by accounting for unreported unit emissions. It was not possible to objectively correct systematic error affecting about 11% of the power plants, and subjective corrections were not attempted. At these plants, the CAMD and EIA emission tallies sometimes differed by more than 20% due to missing unit error, plant identification error, temporal measurement error, or inferred reporting error. Comparisons of the CAMD and EIA emission tallies before and after correction for systematic error show the effectiveness of these corrections. The comparisons also show the persistence of random measurement error.

Implications: Understanding the uncertainty of CO2 emission tallies for USA power plants might inform emission inventories, atmospheric flow models or inversions, and emission reduction policies. Knowing the cause and size of measurement errors that contribute to this uncertainty might also help to identify ways to improve the measurement methods and reporting protocols that these CO2 emission tallies are based on.  相似文献   

As part of the Advanced Collaborative Emissions Study (ACES), regulated and unregulated exhaust emissions from four different 2007 model year U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-compliant heavy-duty highway diesel engines were measured on an engine dynamometer. The engines were equipped with exhaust high-efficiency catalyzed diesel particle filters (C-DPFs) that are actively regenerated or cleaned using the engine control module. Regulated emissions of carbon monoxide, nonmethane hydrocarbons, and particulate matter (PM) were on average 97, 89, and 86% lower than the 2007 EPA standard, respectively, and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) were on average 9% lower. Unregulated exhaust emissions of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions were on, average 1.3 and 2.8 times higher than the NO, emissions reported in previous work using 1998- and 2004-technology engines, respectively. However, compared with other work performed on 1994- to 2004-technology engines, average emission reductions in the range of 71-99% were observed for a very comprehensive list of unregulated engine exhaust pollutants and air toxic contaminants that included metals and other elements, elemental carbon (EC), inorganic ions, and gas- and particle-phase volatile and semi-volatile organic carbon (OC) compounds. The low PM mass emitted from the 2007 technology ACES engines was composed mainly of sulfate (53%) and OC (30%), with a small fraction of EC (13%) and metals and other elements (4%). The fraction of EC is expected to remain small, regardless of engine operation, because of the presence of the high-efficiency C-DPF in the exhaust. This is different from typical PM composition of pre-2007 engines with EC in the range of 10-90%, depending on engine operation. Most of the particles emitted from the 2007 engines were mainly volatile nuclei mode in the sub-30-nm size range. An increase in volatile nanoparticles was observed during C-DPF active regeneration, during which the observed particle number was similar to that observed in emissions of pre-2007 engines. However, on average, when combining engine operation with and without active regeneration events, particle number emissions with the 2007 engines were 90% lower than the particle number emitted from a 2004-technology engine tested in an earlier program.  相似文献   


Correct assessment of fine particulate carbonaceous material as a function of particle size is, in part, dependent on the determination of semi-volatile compounds, which can be lost from particles during sampling. This study gives results obtained for the collection of fine particulate carbonaceous material at three eastern U.S. sampling sites [Philadelphia, PA; Shenandoah National Park, VA; and Research Triangle Park (RTP), NC] using diffusion denuder technology. The diffusion denuder samplers allow for the determination of fine particulate organic material with no artifacts, due to the loss of semi-volatile organic particulate compounds, or collection of gas-phase organic compounds by the quartz filter during sampling. The results show that an average of 41, 43, and 59% of fine particulate organic material was lost as volatilized semi-volatile organic material during collection of particles on a filter at Philadelphia, RTP, and Shenandoah, respectively. The particle size distribution of carbonaceous material retained by a filter and lost from a filter during sampling was obtained for the samples collected at Philadelphia and Shenandoah. The carbonaceous material retained by the particles during sampling was found predominantly in particles smaller than 0.4 μm in aerodynamic diameter. In contrast, the semi-volatile organic material lost from the particles during sampling had a mass median diameter of ~0.5 μm.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were banned in the United States in 1979, and since then a significant decline in their release to the environment has been observed. This decline has now reached a plateau. Several new regulatory programs have been put in place to further reduce PCB emissions/releases. However, our ability to measure the effectiveness of these regulatory/voluntary programs and to support regional fate/transport and source/receptor modeling efforts depend on reliable emission information. In this study, we attempt to improve the emission inventory for PCBs by compiling and analyzing the multimedia total PCB emission/release data reported for the U.S Great Lakes states for each year from 1990 to 2000. Although Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), National Emissions Inventory (NEI), Great Lakes Regional Air Toxic Emissions Inventory (GLRATEI), and Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) data formed the basis of estimating air emissions, we used the TRI, National Response Center (NRC), and PCB transformer inventory data to estimate PCB releases to land. We used the Permit Compliance System and NRC data to obtain estimates of PCB discharges to water systems in the Great Lakes states. The Remedial Action Plans for each area of concern were the primary source for estimating PCB loads of dredged sediments. On the basis of the NEI, IADN, and GLRATEI data, the total air emissions within the decade were approximately 126 t. The regionwide discharges to water systems and releases to land in the form of landfills and accidental spills in 1990-2000 were estimated as approximately 170 and 3225 t, respectively. We estimated that approximately 1.3 million t of PCB-contaminated sediment were removed or targeted for removal in five lakes of the U.S. portion of the Great Lakes basin. We stress that these estimates were based on reported amounts and the unreported PCB releases/emissions could result in significantly higher estimates.  相似文献   

Comprehensive surveys conducted at 5-yr intervals were used to estimate sulfur dioxide (SO,) and nitrogen oxides (NO.) emissions from U.S. pulp and paper mills for 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005. Over the 25-yr period, paper production increased by 50%, whereas total SO, emissions declined by 60% to 340,000 short tons (t) and total NO, emissions decreased approximately 15% to 230,000 t. The downward emission trends resulted from a combination of factors, including reductions in oil and coal use, steadily declining fuel sulfur content, lower pulp and paper production in recent years, increased use of flue gas desulfurization systems on boilers, growing use of combustion modifications and add-on control systems to reduce boiler and gas turbine NO, emissions, and improvements in kraft recovery furnace operations.  相似文献   

Vegetation composition and biomass were surveyed for three specific sites in Atlanta, GA; near Rhinelander, WI; and near Hayden, CO. At each research site emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) from the dominant vegetation species were sampled by enclosing branches in bag enclosure systems and sampling the equilibrium head space onto multi-stage solid adsorbent cartridges. Analysis was performed using a thermal desorption technique with gas chromatography (GC) separation and mass spectrometry (MS) detection. Identification of BVOCs covering the GC retention index range (stationary phase DB-1) from approximately 400 to 1400 was achieved (volatilities C4-C14).  相似文献   

Mobile sources significantly contribute to ambient concentrations of airborne particulate matter (PM). Source apportionment studies for PM10 (PM < or = 10 microm in aerodynamic diameter) and PM2.5 (PM < or = 2.5 microm in aerodynamic diameter) indicate that mobile sources can be responsible for over half of the ambient PM measured in an urban area. Recent source apportionment studies attempted to differentiate between contributions from gasoline and diesel motor vehicle combustion. Several source apportionment studies conducted in the United States suggested that gasoline combustion from mobile sources contributed more to ambient PM than diesel combustion. However, existing emission inventories for the United States indicated that diesels contribute more than gasoline vehicles to ambient PM concentrations. A comprehensive testing program was initiated in the Kansas City metropolitan area to measure PM emissions in the light-duty, gasoline-powered, on-road mobile source fleet to provide data for PM inventory and emissions modeling. The vehicle recruitment design produced a sample that could represent the regional fleet, and by extension, the national fleet. All vehicles were recruited from a stratified sample on the basis of vehicle class (car, truck) and model-year group. The pool of available vehicles was drawn primarily from a sample of vehicle owners designed to represent the selected demographic and geographic characteristics of the Kansas City population. Emissions testing utilized a portable, light-duty chassis dynamometer with vehicles tested using the LA-92 driving cycle, on-board emissions measurement systems, and remote sensing devices. Particulate mass emissions were the focus of the study, with continuous and integrated samples collected. In addition, sample analyses included criteria gases (carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitric oxide/nitrogen dioxide, hydrocarbons), air toxics (speciated volatile organic compounds), and PM constituents (elemental/organic carbon, metals, semi-volatile organic compounds). Results indicated that PM emissions from the in-use fleet varied by up to 3 orders of magnitude, with emissions generally increasing for older model-year vehicles. The study also identified a strong influence of ambient temperature on vehicle PM mass emissions, with rates increasing with decreasing temperatures.  相似文献   

Principles are presented for standardization and establishment of maximum permissible emissions (MPE) into the atmosphere in accordance with theoretical and experimental investigations of pollutant diffusion from sources of various types, accounting for meteorological and topographical conditions. MPE refers to the amount of pollutants from a single source that together with other neighbouring sources give rise to air pollution concentrations that do not exceed the air quality standard. Due to a lack of confidence in theories it is impossible at present to prove the establishment of MPE and our present technical knowledge supports only a gradual decrease of emissions and determination of temporarily agreed emissions (TAE). For determination of MPE and TAE from multiple urban sources, calculation and analysis of their total concentration field are performed. The physical bases of the methods for standardization of industrial emissions officially adopted in the U.S.S.R. for practical use are presented. It is considered how standardization and establishment of MPE and control on their fulfillment are organized in the U.S.S.R.  相似文献   

Particulate matter, including coarse particles (PM2.5–10, aerodynamic diameter of particle between 2.5 and 10 μm) and fine particles (PM2.5, aerodynamic diameter of particle lower than 2.5 μm) and their compositions, including elemental carbon, organic carbon, and 11 water-soluble ionic species, and elements, were measured in a tunnel study. A comparison of the six-hour average of light-duty vehicle (LDV) flow of the two sampling periods showed that the peak hours over the weekend were higher than those on weekdays. However, the flow of heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) on the weekdays was significant higher than that during the weekend in this study. EC and OC content were 49% for PM2.5–10 and 47% for PM2.5 in the tunnel center. EC content was higher than OC content in PM2.5–10, but EC was about 2.3 times OC for PM2.5. Sulfate, nitrate, ammonium were the main species for PM2.5–10 and PM2.5. The element contents of Na, Al, Ca, Fe and K were over 0.8 μg m?3 in PM2.5–10 and PM2.5. In addition, the concentrations of S, Ba, Pb, and Zn were higher than 0.1 μg m?3 for PM2.5–10 and PM2.5. The emission factors of PM2.5–10 and PM2.5 were 18 ± 6.5 and 39 ± 11 mg km?1-vehicle, respectively. The emission factors of EC/OC were 3.6/2.7 mg km?1-vehicle for PM2.5–10 and 15/4.7 mg km?1-vehicle for PM2.5 Furthermore, the emission factors of water-soluble ions were 0.028(Mg2+)–0.81(SO42?) and 0.027(NO2?)–0.97(SO42?) mg km?1-vehicle for PM2.5–10 and PM2.5, respectively. Elemental emission factors were 0.003(V)–1.6(Fe) and 0.001(Cd)–1.05(Na) mg km?1-vehicle for PM2.5–10 and PM2.5, respectively.  相似文献   


This paper proposes that a fundamental principle for designing optimal strategies to attain new U.S. particulate matter (PM) standards be minimization of community and susceptible group exposure to, and inhaled dosage of, ambient PM. Properly done, such minimization maximizes human health risk reduction. To illustrate implementation of such a principle, an initial prototype model, PM Exposure (PMEX), is described that calculates PM exposure and inhaled dosage as figures-of-merit for control strategy optimization. The model accounts for age-occupation and susceptible group activity patterns, indoor-outdoor concentration differences, and geographical location. Modeling results are presented for a hypothetical example, apportioning inhaled dosage among different classes of sources, under alternative assumptions about the relative potency of different PM species categories. The results, while preliminary, demonstrate that conclusions about source class contribution based on inhaled dosage can be appreciably different than those based on ambient air measurements or emission inventories.  相似文献   


The Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling System and the Particulate Matter Comprehensive Air Quality Model with extensions (PMCAMx) were applied to simulate the period June 29–July 10, 1999, of the Southern Oxidants Study episode with two nested horizontal grid sizes: a coarse resolution of 32 km and a fine resolution of 8 km. The predicted spatial variations of ozone (O3), particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 2.5 μm (PM2.5), and particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 10 μm (PM10) by both models are similar in rural areas but differ from one another significantly over some urban/suburban areas in the eastern and southern United States, where PMCAMx tends to predict higher values of O3 and PM than CMAQ. Both models tend to predict O3 values that are higher than those observed. For observed O3 values above 60 ppb, O3 performance meets the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's criteria for CMAQ with both grids and for PMCAMx with the fine grid only. It becomes unsatisfactory for PMCAMx and marginally satisfactory for CMAQ for observed O3 values above 40 ppb.

Both models predict similar amounts of sulfate (SO4 2?) and organic matter, and both predict SO4 2? to be the largest contributor to PM2.5. PMCAMx generally predicts higher amounts of ammonium (NH4 +), nitrate (NO3 ?), and black carbon (BC) than does CMAQ. PM performance for CMAQ is generally consistent with that of other PM models, whereas PMCAMx predicts higher concentrations of NO3 ?,NH4 +, and BC than observed, which degrades its performance. For PM10 and PM2.5 predictions over the southeastern U.S. domain, the ranges of mean normalized gross errors (MNGEs) and mean normalized bias are 37–43% and –33–4% for CMAQ and 50–59% and 7–30% for PMCAMx. Both models predict the largest MNGEs for NO3 ? (98–104% for CMAQ, 138–338% for PMCAMx). The inaccurate NO3 ? predictions by both models may be caused by the inaccuracies in the ammonia emission inventory and the uncertainties in the gas/particle partitioning under some conditions. In addition to these uncertainties, the significant PM overpredictions by PMCAMx may be attributed to the lack of wet removal for PM and a likely underprediction in the vertical mixing during the daytime.  相似文献   

Landscape flux potentials for biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) were derived for three ecosystems in the continental U.S. (Fernbank Forest, Atlanta, GA; Willow Creek, Rhinelander, WI; Temple Ridge, CO). Analytical data from branch enclosure measurements were combined with ecological survey data for plant species composition and biomass. Other quantitative flux measurements at the leaf and landscape level were incorporated to scale the results from the enclosure measurements to the landscape level. Flux estimates were derived by using a one week ambient temperature and light record (30 min time resolution) and adjusting all emission rates to these conditions with temperature and light correction algorithms.  相似文献   


Methods that measure PM25 mass, total particulate NO3 -, and elemental carbon (EC) were evaluated in seven U.S. cities from 1997 to 1999. Sampling was performed in Bakersfield, CA; Boston, MA; Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX; Philadelphia, PA; Phoenix, AZ; and Riverside, CA. Evaluating and validating methods that measure the components of fine mass are important to the effort of establishing a speciation-monitoring network. The Harvard Impactor (HI), which measures fine particle mass, showed excellent agreement (r2 = 0.99) with the PM25 Federal Reference Method (FRM) for 81 24-hr samples in Riverside and Bakersfield. The HI also showed good precision (4.8%) for 243 24-hr collocated samples over eight studies.

The Aethalometer was employed in six of the sampling locations to measure black carbon (BC). These values were compared to EC as measured from a quartz filter using thermal analysis. For the six cities combined, the two methods were highly correlated (r2 = 0.94; 187 24-hr samples); however, the BC values were approximately 24% less than the EC measurements consistently across all six cites. This compares well to results observed for EC/BC measurements observed in other semi-urban areas. Par-ticulate NO3 - was measured using the Harvard-EPA Annular Denuder System (HEADS). This was compared to the NO3 - measured from the HI Teflon (DuPont) filter to assess NO3 - artifacts. Significant NO3 - losses (approximately 50% of total NO3 -) were found in Riverside, Philadelphia, and Boston, while minimal artifacts were observed in the other sites. Two types of HEADS configurations were employed in five cities. One system used a Na2CO3-coated glass fiber filter, and the other type used a nylon filter to collect volatilized NO3 - from the Teflon filter. The HEADS with the Na2CO3-coated filter consistently underestimated the total particulate NO3 - by approximately 20% compared to the nylon HEADS.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of tripled anthropogenic emissions from China and India over the base level (gaseous species and carbonaceous aerosols for 2000) on air quality over the U.S. using the WRF/Chem (Weather Research and Forecasting – Chemistry) model at 1° resolution. WRF/Chem is a state-of-the-science, fully coupled chemistry and meteorology system suitable for simulating the transport and dispersion of pollutants and their impacts. The analyses in this work were focused on MAM (March, April and May). The simulations indicate an extensive area of elevated pollutant concentrations spanning from the Arabian Sea to the Northern Pacific and to the Northern Atlantic. MAM mean contributions from the tripled Asian emissions over the U.S. are found to be: 6–12 ppbv for CO, 1.0–2.5 ppbv for O3, and 0.6–1.6 μg m?3 for PM2.5 on a daily basis.  相似文献   

The decoupling of fossil-fueled electricity production from atmospheric CO2 emissions via CO2 capture and sequestration (CCS) is increasingly regarded as an important means of mitigating climate change at a reasonable cost. Engineering analyses of CO2 mitigation typically compare the cost of electricity for a base generation technology to that for a similar plant with CO2 capture and then compute the carbon emissions mitigated per unit of cost. It can be hard to interpret mitigation cost estimates from this plant-level approach when a consistent base technology cannot be identified. In addition, neither engineering analyses nor general equilibrium models can capture the economics of plant dispatch. A realistic assessment of the costs of carbon sequestration as an emissions abatement strategy in the electric sector therefore requires a systems-level analysis. We discuss various frameworks for computing mitigation costs and introduce a simplified model of electric sector planning. Results from a "bottom-up" engineering-economic analysis for a representative U.S. North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) region illustrate how the penetration of CCS technologies and the dispatch of generating units vary with the price of carbon emissions and thereby determine the relationship between mitigation cost and emissions reduction.  相似文献   

Stationary diesel engines, especially diesel generators, are increasingly being used in both developing countries and developed countries because of increased power demand. Emissions from such engines can have adverse effects on the environment and public health. In this study, particulate emissions from a domestic stationary diesel generator running on ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD) and biodiesel derived from waste cooking oil were characterized for different load conditions. Results indicated a reduction in particulate matter (PM) mass and number emissions while switching diesel to biodiesel. With increase in engine load, it was observed that particle mass increased, although total particle counts decreased for all the fuels. The reduction in total number concentration at higher loads was, however, dependent on percentage of biodiesel in the diesel-biodiesel blend. For pure biodiesel (B100), the reduction in PM emissions for full load compared to idle mode was around 9%, whereas for ULSD the reduction was 26%. A large fraction of ultrafine particles (UFPs) was found in the emissions from biodiesel compared to ULSD. Nearly 90% of total particle concentration in biodiesel emissions comprised ultrafine particles. Particle peak diameter shifted from a smaller to a lower diameter with increase in biodiesel percentage in the fuel mixture.  相似文献   

Inhaling particulate matter (PM) in environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) endangers the health of nonsmokers. Menthol, an additive in cigarettes, attenuates respiratory irritation of tobacco smoke. It reduces perceptibility of smoke and therefore passive smokers may inhale ETS unnoticed. To investigate a possible effect of menthol on PM concentrations (PM10, PM2.5, and PM1), ETS of four mentholated cigarette brands (Elixyr Menthol, Winston Menthol, Reyno Classic, and Pall Mall Menthol Blast) with varying menthol content was analyzed. ETS was generated in a standardized way using an automatic environmental tobacco smoke emitter (AETSE), followed by laser aerosol spectrometry. This analysis shows that the tested cigarette brands, despite having different menthol concentrations, do not show differences with regard to PM emissions, with the exception of Reyno Classic, which shows an increased emission, although the menthol level ranged in the midfield. More than 90% of the emitted particles had a size smaller than or equal to 1 µm. Regardless of the menthol level, the count median diameter (CMD) and the mass median diameter (MMD) were found to be 0.3 µm and 0.5 µm, respectively. These results point out that there is no effect of menthol on PM emission and that other additives might influence the increased PM emission of Reyno Classic.

Implications: Particulate matter (PM) in ETS endangers the health of nonsmokers and smokers. This study considers the effect of menthol, an additive in cigarettes, on PM emissions. Does menthol increase the amount of PM? Due to the exposure to secondhand smoke nearly 900,000 people die each year worldwide. The aim of the study is to measure the particle concentration (L?1), mass concentration (µg m?3), and dust mass fractions shown as PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 of five different cigarette brands, including four with different menthol concentrations and one menthol-free reference cigarette, in a well-established standardized system.  相似文献   


Receptor models are used to identify and quantify source contributions to particulate matter and volatile organic compounds based on measurements of many chemical components at receptor sites. These components are selected based on their consistent appearance in some source types and their absence in others. UNMIX, positive matrix factorization (PMF), and effective variance are different solutions to the chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor model equations and are implemented on available software. In their more general form, the CMB equations allow spatial, temporal, transport, and particle size profiles to be combined with chemical source profiles for improved source resolution. Although UNMIX and PMF do not use source profiles explicitly as input data, they still require measured profiles to justify their derived source factors. The U.S. Supersites Program provided advanced datasets to apply these CMB solutions in different urban areas. Still lacking are better characterization of source emissions, new methods to estimate profile changes between source and receptor, and systematic sensitivity tests of deviations from receptor model assumptions.  相似文献   

《Atmospheric environment(England)》1981,15(10-11):1929-1933
Soil dust can at times contribute significantly to atmospheric turbidity in the western U.S.A. An examination of meteorological surface observations from three sites in the west shows an increase in the number of cases of blowing dust (BD) over the past 30 years, while the mean wind speed associated with BD has decreased in growing, urban areas. Dust is reported more often in developing areas (such as Denver and Tucson) than in less disturbed areas (Winslow, AZ). Dust turbidity models, whose development was stimulated by the 1930s great plains dust bowl catastrophe are applicable to western soils as well and help explain visibility reductions caused by dust. Vehicle generated dust from unpaved roads can limit visibilities to values of one-third or less than the molecular scattering limit. The upper limits to the amounts of dust and visibility reduction to be expected in the west for differing meteorological conditions are calculated. It is estimated that dust devils may occasionally contribute 247 μg m −3 of dust to the lower atmosphere in the west and a possible correlation between dust devils and human activity is noted.  相似文献   

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