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早上一接完班,同事小舒就捅捅我的胳膊小声说道:“今天上上下下的人可都归你管了呦!”我撇撇嘴不以为然地说:“哼,好大的官儿吧!你还真当老鼠尾巴上插根羽毛,冒充大尾巴狼啦?还不是该昨地就咋地!不就是走一下过场呗。”  相似文献   

“今天我当安全员”是荆门石化联合一车间开展“我要安全”主题活动的一项特色活动。车间每天从白班班组人员中选出1名操作工担任班组安全员,负责当班期间班组的安全管理,包括主持班组安全活动、查找装置安全隐患、检查班组遵守《安全生产禁令》情况以及习惯性违章等工作内容,以提高职工自身的安全技能,强化班组安全管理,杜绝习惯性违章行为,从而形成车间浓厚的安全文化氛围。  相似文献   

早上一接完班,同事小舒就捅捅我的胳膊小声说道:"今天上上下下的人可都归你管了呦!"我撇撇嘴不以为然地说:"哼,好大的官儿吧!你还真当老鼠尾巴上插根羽毛,冒充大尾巴狼啦?  相似文献   

随着考官一声“靠边停车”,我掰着右转向,轻踩刹车随后离合到底,解放141这个大家伙“乖乖”地停在了路边。我用企盼眼光看着考官。终于,考官说:“可以了,你下去吧!”我感觉如释重负,一个月的努力没有白费。当时心中那个高兴劲,朋友形容道:“那叫神采飞扬!”  相似文献   

自小被车撞过,从此使有了心理障碍。后来成了家,先生说要买辆车,先是觉得太奢侈,因为养车太贵。但后来觉得有辆车方便生活,于是就同意了。忙活了好一阵子,也成了有车族!  相似文献   

在今年“安全生产月”活动期间,洛阳铜加工集团工程公司开展了“我当一天安全员”活动,要求每个岗位的工人都要当一天安全员,然后将当安全员的感受和体会写出来,上报公司安全部门。公司在岗职工103人,人人都积极参加活动并畅谈了感想。  相似文献   

丁百川 《劳动保护》2013,(12):32-35
2013年3月29日和4月1日,吉林省吉煤集团通化矿业集团公司八宝煤业公司先后发生两次重特大瓦斯爆炸事故,造成53人死亡,20人受伤,惨痛的事故后果令人震惊。  相似文献   

<正>安全工作难管,众所皆知。主要难点有三:一是安全管理人员势单力孤,人微言轻;二是安全管理人员工作多,压力大;三是安全管理涉及人员多,阻力大,易得罪人。企业安全管理主要涉及五类人:单位领导、机关部门人员、生产技术人员、安全管理人员、操作工人。要做好安全工作,必须搞定这"五路"人马,让他们充分重视安全工作,形成齐抓共管之势。  相似文献   

"杞人忧天"的故事大家都知道,千百年来,这位老兄的胆量已经成为人们经典的笑柄.但是,假如一个人走在城市街道上,担心天上会掉下东西砸碎自己的脑袋,你会不会笑他杞人忧天?假如去年的"9·11"之前,有人坐在纽约世贸大楼里担心摩天大楼倒下去,你会不会笑他杞人忧天?静下心仔细想想,在安全工作中,有多少事故是在人们意想不到、毫无防范的情况下发生的?有多少事故是在人们应该能够想到却认为是多余的担心的情况下发生的?人们缺少的不正是"杞人"那种"忧天"的忧患意识吗?  相似文献   

The present work analyzed the relationship of age and tenure with occupational accident severity of 156 male shiftworkers at an industrial plant. Based on past research, negative binomial regression analyses were performed to examine the association of age and tenure with the lost working days due to medically certified occupational accidents (LWDI). The main effects of age and tenure and the contribution of age by tenure interaction and age squared terms were examined. Regression results indicated a significant association of age by tenure interaction with LWDI. However, this relationship was non-significant when considering an age squared term in the regression equation, suggesting a non-linear association of age with LWDI. The findings are discussed in regard to the specific preventative measures of occupational accidents in shiftwork systems that could be addressed to different age groups.  相似文献   

选取某烟厂车间通风空调系统,分别对风管内表面及设备部件表面附着的聚积物进行实测与分析.通过对所采集样品的C、H、N、S等的元素分析、工业分析、自然状态下的着火点参数以及灰熔融性参数等的实验分析,得到了烟厂建筑的通风空调系统中聚积物的燃烧特性,为工业建筑火灾的预测评价及防排烟设计提供了参考.  相似文献   

为研究大型机加车间噪声现状和特点,选取某大型机加车间数控机床开展现场实测,并对噪声测量结果进行分析。结果显示:数控机床产生的噪声是非稳态噪声;数控机床产生的噪声在车间传播,声场分布不均匀;加工某转向工件频率在500~5 300 Hz,峰值频率分别为500,800,2 000,5 000 Hz;对机加数控机床操作岗位工作人员的8 h噪声暴露量进行测量,测量值为89.2 dB(A)。研究结果表明:评价大型机加车间噪声,测量重点应选在机床操作岗位和人行通道;应重点关注被测机床周围20 m内的噪声值;机加工作场所测量时间段的选择取决于作业持续时间。  相似文献   

为研究大型机加车间噪声减噪工程现状效果和特点,选取某大型机加车间数控机床为研究对象,对其进行减噪工程治理,现场实测了治理前和治理后的噪声数据,并对噪声测量结果进行分析。研究结果表明:数控机床操作人员8 h连续等效A声级从治理前的89.2 dB(A),降到治理后的74.3 dB(A),降低了16.7%.;数控机床操作岗位位置测点,在加工1个机件的测量时间段里,噪声值从治理前的85.9 dB(A),降到治理后的55.1 dB(A),降低了33.85%;对机加车间现场布置了67个测点,在加工1个机件的测量时间段里进行测量,得到该车间噪声治理前和治理后噪声分布图;对数控机床减噪工程治理前和治理后的频谱进行了分析,得出治理前和治理后各自的最大声级所在频段不随距离的改变而改变,高频减噪效果显著。  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study compares the effectiveness of two types of interventions with no intervention on the prevention of needle stick injuries (NSIs).MethodsHealth care workers, who were at risk for NSIs, were eligible for this three-armed cluster randomized controlled trial. In total, 23 hospital wards were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 intervention groups, which were given either a needle safety device and a workshop (NW; 7 wards, n = 267) or a workshop only (W; 8 wards, n = 263), or to a control group (C; 8 wards, n = 266). The primary outcome was the half-year incidence of NSIs, which was measured through questionnaires and official notification at the occupational health service at baseline (T0), 6 months (T1) and 12 months (T2) after baseline. Analysis were done by intention to treat. This study is registered as a prospective randomized trial, number NTR1207.ResultsA statistically significant difference was found between the groups for the half-year incidence of NSIs (p = 0.046) on the basis of questionnaire data with ORs for reported NSIs for the NW group compared with the control group of 0.34 (95% CI: 0.13–0.91) and 0.45 (95% CI: 0.19–1.06) for the W group compared with the control group. The officially registered NSIs during the study period showed no statistical differences between the groups.ConclusionsThe combined intervention of the introduction of needle safety devices and an interactive workshop led to the highest reduction in the number of self-reported NSIs compared to a workshop alone or no intervention.  相似文献   

A subjective assessment of patients admitted acutely to the orthopedic directorate revealed that there had been--over a short period of time--a small series of patients who had sustained fractures during the course of their employment as pizza delivery moped drivers. Consequently an observational study was performed in our district general hospital in order to investigate this further, and establish the demographic domain of the patients involved and the cost of their injuries. Our hospital has a patient catchment area of 350,000 and an emergency department that treats 95,000 patients annually. The patients in this series were described in terms of their injuries, ethnicity, and cost of injury treatment. The main findings were that pizza delivery personnel admitted acutely were male Afghans, with poor English language skills, who sustained significant fractures in moped accidents that were expensive to treat.  相似文献   

Notwithstanding recent gains, women have still not achieved parity with men in the workplace. This is further complicated by common negative images of pregnant women (Taylor and Langer, 1977). The present study investigated (1) stereotypes about pregnant working women, and (2) the effect of an employee's pregnancy on performance evaluation. In the first study, subjects' attitudes about pregnant employees were assessed via questionnaire. Substantial negative stereotyping was found to exist, especially among males. In Study 2, subjects viewed videotapes of either a pregnant or a non-pregnant women doing assessment-center-type tasks and were asked to evaluate her performance. When the employee was pregnant, she was consistently rated lower compared to when she was non-pregnant. A main effect of rater sex and a rater sex by pregnancy condition interaction were found, indicating that males assigned lower ratings than females and were also more negatively affected by the pregnancy condition. Implications for organizational policy regarding employee pregnancy and performance appraisal systems are discussed.  相似文献   

This study attempted to identify a direct relationship between the design characteristics of a manually-assembled product, exposure to work-related ergonomic risk factors, and improvement in product quality. The study considered (a) Accessibility (ease of approach) and Guidance (ease of alignment and positioning) as Design Variables, (b) Shoulder Abduction, Trunk Lateral Flexion, Rate-Normalized Percentage of Maximal Voluntary Contraction (%MVC) of the Wrist Flexors, Wrist Extensors, and Deltoids, and Frequency of Attachment as Ergonomics Variables, and (c) Percentage of Attachment Too Loose, Too Tight, and Misaligned as Quality Variables. Postural data, surface EMG data, and quality data were collected from 10 participants performing four 10-min repetitive manual assembly tasks with plastic threaded nuts, bolts, flat parts, and open-box parts. Unobstructed accessibility of manually-assembled parts was associated with decreased exposure to awkward trunk posture, decreased activity of the wrist flexors and extensors, increased frequency of repetitive motion, and a decrease in the tendency to attach parts too loosely. Accessibility had no effect on misalignment defects as measured. Part guidance decreased the number of parts attached too tightly and aided in increasing the rate of assembly of parts when there was unobstructed access to parts.  相似文献   

论述了新形势下木材生产方式转变以后,以伐区为生产单位的安全管理的内容及方式。  相似文献   

Chosen goals influence the outcomes a person achieves as well as the behaviors performed to achieve those outcomes. In this study, we propose that three forms of goal orientation: learning, performance‐prove, and performance‐avoid, (VandeWalle, 1997 ) relate to performance, with learning and performance‐prove relating to performance through regulatory foci of prevention and promotion, respectively. Regulatory focus, a type of self‐regulation, entails the implementation of specific strategies in pursuit of goals and thus gives us insight to how a person pursues a chosen goal. In a combination of laboratory and field studies, we examine the role of regulatory focus as a mediator between goal orientation and task performance. We find evidence that regulatory focus strategies differentially mediate the goal orientation/task performance relationship. Theoretical ramifications for these relationships, as well as practical implications, are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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