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Grazing rates of larger (Calanus finmarchicus) and smaller (Acartia clausii Pseudocalanus elongatus etc.) copepods on naturally occurring phytoplankton populations were measured during a declining spring phytoplankton bloom. During the initial period, dominated by Chaetoceros spp. diatoms, constant ingestion rates were observed in Calanus finmarchicus at suspended particulate concentrations above 300 g carbon l-1. Average daily intake during this time amounted to 35 to 40% of body carbon and reached a maximum of 50%. The feeding response of the smaller copepods was not so well defined, although a maximum daily intake of 56% body carbon was recorded. In both groups, feeding thresholds were at particulate concentrations around 50 g C l-1. The feeding response of C. finmarchicus was correlated with both a change in their own population and in the food cell type. Linear regressions describing the concentration-dependent feeding response were: ingestion rate (IR)=1.16 total particulate volume (TPV)-36.15 during the initial part of the period compared with IR=0.41 TPV-12.18 for the latter period. C. finmarchicus filtered out slightly larger (x 1.2 diameter) particles than the small copepods and, in both groups, some filtering adjustment was made to accomodate to modal changes in the phytoplankton population from 20–30 m to 10 m diameter cells. Particle production during feeding was frequently evident in the smallest size ranges of particles and the ratio of particle production to ingestion rate was greater at low feeding rates.  相似文献   

Data presented and discussed here were collected continuously during April/May 1975 in the Bornholm Basin of the Baltic Sea. Sedimentation rates of particulate matter were recorded with 5 multisample sediment traps from different depths in the water column at 2 positions 170 km apart. Current meter data collected during the same period and depths indicated that the positions remained hydrographically distinct during the investigation. Particulate matter from the euphotic zone including diatom cells formed the bulk of the material collected by all traps. This flux of organic particles to the bottom was unimpeded by the strong density stratification present in the water column. The upper traps always collected less material than lower ones. This paradox has been ascribed to diminishing current speeds with depth, concomitant with an increase in sinking rates of phytoplankton and phytodetritus. Both factors influence the sampling efficiency of sediment traps, which are thought to have underestimated actual sedimentation rates here. A time lag of 2 to 3 weeks in bloom development seemed responsible for the characteristic differences between the two positions. The phase of major sedimentation at one position covered about 18 days, and a distinct sequence in the composition of the material collected by the 6 glasses of each trap indicated phases of a progressively deteriorating phytoplankton population in the water column contributing the particulate material. A total of 6.2 g C m-2 in 34 days was recorded at this station. Apart from a trap situated in an oxygen deficient layer which collected 0.44 g C m-2 of zooplankton corpses, zooplankton mortality was overestimated by the traps. Large-scale sedimencation of fresh organic matter produced by the spring bloom is probably a regular feature in areas with low over-wintering zooplankton populations and, as such, possibly has a direct stimulatory effect on growth and reproduction of the benthos.Contribution No. 185 of the Joint Research Programme 95, Kiel University.  相似文献   

Daily observations in April and May 1983 near a subsurface drifter launched in the Fladen Grounds area of the North Sea revealed that a large crop of the microflagellate Corymbellus aureus Green, producing up to 3 g C m-2 d-1, succeeded the diatoms dominating during the earlier phase of the spring bloom. The concentration of fucoxanthin was highest during the first half of May, while pigment fingerprints of high-performance liquid chromatograms of suspended matter sampled during the second half of May were dominated by 19-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin, the main carotenoid of C. aureus (0.8x10-9 mg cell-1). This colonial Prymnesiophycean was described for the first time less than 10 years ago and has nerver been reported to be present in the North Sea. After 16 May the C. aureus population rapidly lost its growth potential, but the peak of the bloom in terms of cell number was found several days later (up to 9x106 cells per dm3 on 19 May). The population then started to decline; senescence was associated with decreasing pigment contents of cells. The low growth rate of copepods registered during the second half of May was probably related to the poor quality of C. aureus as copepod food: the concentration of a phaeophorbide a typically found in copepod fecal pellets was highest during the diatom phase of the spring bloom preceding the C. aureus bloom.  相似文献   

The response of the Baltic Sea spring bloom was studied in mesocosm experiments, where temperatures were elevated up to 6°C above the present-day sea surface temperature of the spring bloom season. Four of the seven experiments were carried out at different light levels (32–202?Wh?m?2 at the start of the experiments) in the different experimental years. In one further experiment, the factors light and temperature were crossed, and in one experiment, the factors density of overwintering zooplankton and temperature were crossed. Overall, there was a slight temporal acceleration of the phytoplankton spring bloom, a decline of peak biomass and a decline of mean cell size with warming. The temperature influence on phytoplankton bloom timing, biomass and size structure was qualitatively highly robust across experiments. The dependence of timing, biomass, and size structure on initial conditions was tested by multiple regression analysis of the y-temperature regressions with the candidate independent variables initial light, initial phytoplankton biomass, initial microzooplankton biomass, and initial mesozooplankton (=copepod) biomass. The bloom timing predicted for mean temperatures (5.28°C) depended on light. The peak biomass showed a strong positive dependence on light and a weaker negative dependence on initial copepod density. Mean phytoplankton cell size predicted for the mean temperature responded positively to light and negatively to copepod density. The anticipated mismatch between phytoplankton supply and food demand by newly hatched copepod nauplii occurred only under the combination of low light and warm temperatures. The analysis presented here confirms earlier conclusions about temperature responses that are based on subsets of our experimental series. However, only the comprehensive analysis across all experiments highlights the importance of the factor light.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic substances (carbohydrates, organic nitrogen, free amino acids) were measured in the German Bight (North Sea) in June, 1981. During and before this survey, sea foam was observed in the east Frisian coastal water and it accumulated on the nearby beaches to an unusually high extent. In this coastal water area, a large Phaeocystis pouchetii Lagerheim bloom and very high concentrations of dissolved organic matter were found. The above dissolved organic substances were all positively correlated to a highly significant degree with P. pouchetii cell numbers in the bloom area. An influence of salinity (or river water) on this correlation could be excluded. Thus, exudation or decomposition products of P. pouchetii were most likely the cause of the unusually high concentrations of dissolved organic matter in the bloom area off the east Frisian coast, where P. pouchetii blooms have been reported for many years. Ammonia concentrations were very low in the P. pouchetii bloom area; this and the accumulation of dissolved organic substances might lead to speculation that decomposition of dissolved organic matter by bacteria could have been reduced due to antibiotic activity of P. pouchetii.  相似文献   

Reproductively activeCalanus hyperboreus (Krøyer) andC. glacialis Jaschnov were captured in the upper 100 m of Fram Strait (77° to 79°N) in late winter 1987. There was no evidence of a phytoplankton bloom; chlorophylla concentrations were uniformly low (<0.1 mg m–3), and nitrate concentrations were uniformly high (>11.3 mg-at m–3). Gut-fullness measurements indicated that females were ingesting very little. The maturation state of gonads of bothC. hyperboreus andC. glacialis indicated that 75% of females were in a ripe condition consistent with observed egg laying. The lipid content of females laying eggs was reduced in both species compared to that of females not laying eggs. InC. hyperboreus the reduction was 39% and inC. glacialis it was 44%. All the evidence suggests that bothC. hyperboreus andC. glacialis were laying eggs in late winter by using lipids stored previously; they were not relying on ambient concentrations of phytoplankton. The daily rate of egg laying byC. glacialis using lipids in late winter exceeded the rate reported for summer when ambient food supplies have been shown to be necessary. It is suggested that individuals, spawned well in advance of the spring bloom of phytoplankton, may comprise a major portion of the annual recruitment to the entire population ofC. glacialis in this area, and that their life cycle can be completed within 1 yr. NeitherMetridia longa (Lubbock) norC. finmarchicus (Gunnerus) laid eggs during this study.  相似文献   

The response of benthos to sedimentation of the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Kiel Bight (Western Baltic Sea) is described in terms of biomass (ATP) and activity (heat production and ETS-activity). Input of the bloom (11.5 g C m-2) over a period from March 25 to April 19, 1980 to the sediment surface was in the form of cells and fresh phytodetritus as indicated by low C/N ratios (7) and high energy charge values (0.78). Benthic microbial activity was immediately stimulated by this input as heat production doubled and the activity of ETS tripled over winter values within 12 d in the absence of a significant increase in ambient temperature. A comparison of the two activity parameters suggests that anaerobic metabolism is more important during the winter (February and March) than after input of the bloom. Meiofauna was not able to take part in the first activity outburst. Benthic ATP-biomass (excluding macrofauna) doubled in late April due to microbial production, and doubled again in early May when meiofauna started reproductive activity. For macrofauna a general statement was not possible, although the sediment surface feeder Macoma baltica commenced a build up of glycogen and lipid resources immediately following bloom input whereas Nephtys ciliata, feeding on sediment and small macrofauna, showed a less pronounced and delayed effect from this input. An energy budget based on heat production measurements was calculated. A daily heat loss of the benthic community of 21.7 KJ m-2 d-1 (35.5 KJ m-2 d-1) was found, when a depth of 3 cm sediment (5 cm) was assumed. Heat production of macrofauna contributed less than 5% of this activity. The input of the bloom was burned within 21 (13) d. Preliminary estimations for an annual budget suggest that the vertical transport of particulate organic matter via sedimentation can only explain 25% (15%) of the benthic activity in the shallow water ecosystem of the Kiel Bight. This indicates the presence of other sources of organic carbon such as benthic primary production or other transport processes providing carbon to the sediments.Publication No. 384 of the Joint Research Program of Kiel University (Sonderforschungsbereich 95)  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to determine growth and development rates of the herbivorous copepod Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) under natural conditions during the phytoplankton spring bloom in the northern North Sea. From 28 April to 25 May 1983 copepodite stages I, IV and V were incubated for a 3-d period on board a ship in vessels with naturally occurring phytoplankton or cultured algae as food. Highest rates of growth and development were achieved while the diatom Chaetoceros sp. was the dominant phytoplankton organism. These rates decreased considerably when this chain-forming diatom was succeeded after one week by the small-celled diatom Thalassiosira conferta. Again one week later, during the bloom of the succeeding colonial microflagellate Corymbellus aureus, copepodite stage IV still managed to maintain moderate rates of growth and development, but these rates dropped to almost zero in CV, suggesting the start of a resting stage. Nevertheless, brood collected from this generation and from Calanus helgolandicus (Claus) was raised in the laboratory to the adult stage at high speed. Since temperature and the total phytoplankton concentration in the sea remained almost constant it seems that the retardation and arrestment of growth and development were an immediate response to a qualitative change of the food composition related to the successive blooms of different algal species.  相似文献   

Analysing long-term diatom data from the German Bight and observational climate data for the period 1962–2005, we found a close connection of the inter-annual variation of the timing of the spring bloom with the boreal winter atmospheric circulation. We examined the fact that high diatom counts of the spring bloom tended to occur later when the atmospheric circulation was characterized by winter blocking over Scandinavia. The associated pattern in the sea level pressure showed a pressure dipole with two centres located over the Azores and Norway and was tilted compared to the North Atlantic Oscillation. The bloom was earlier when the cyclonic circulation over Scandinavia allowed an increased inflow of Atlantic water into the North Sea which is associated with clearer, more marine water, and warmer conditions. The bloom was later when a more continental atmospheric flow from the east was detected. At Helgoland Roads, it seems that under turbid water conditions (=?low light) zooplankton grazing can affect the timing of the phytoplankton bloom negatively. Warmer water temperatures will facilitate this. Under clear water conditions, light will be the main governing factor with regard to the timing of the spring bloom. These different water conditions are shown here to be mainly related to large-scale weather patterns. We found that the mean diatom bloom could be predicted from the sea level pressure one to three months in advance. Using historical pressure data, we derived a proxy for the timing of the spring bloom over the last centuries, showing an increased number of late (proxy-) blooms during the eighteenth century when the climate was considerably colder than today. We argue that these variations are important for the interpretation of inter-annual to centennial variations of biological processes. This is of particular interest when considering future scenarios, as well to considerations on past and future effects on the primary production and food webs.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton sampled at the chlorophyll maximum during the spring bloom at Loch Ewe, Scotland during 1986, were analysed using high-performance liquid chromatography for chloropigments and carotenoids. The day-to-day proportions of the pigments remained relatively stable throughout the bloom, with good preservation of chlorophyll a even at the sediment surface. Chlorophyllide a and phaeophorbide a appeared towards the end of the bloom. The major carotenoids remained stable throughout the bloom, but became rapidly degraded on sedimentation under the oxic conditions. The pigment data is related to the nutrient status of the bloom, when slow steady growth occurred without nutrient limitation. These data contrast sharply with data from the 1983 spring bloom at Loch Ewe when acute nutrient limitation took place.  相似文献   

Data on phytoplankton primary production, biomass, and species composition were collected during a 5 yr (1985–1989) study of Auke Bay, Alaska. The data were used to examine the interannual differences in the timing, duration, and magnitude of the spring phytoplankton blooms during each year and to relate these differences to interannual variations in weather patterns. Within any given year, a pre-bloom phase was characterized by low available light, low rates of primary production, low biomass, and predominantly small (<10µm) diatoms. During the primary bloom, integrated production rates rose to 4 to 4.5 g C m–2 d–1, and integrated biomass levels reached 415 to 972 mg chlorophyll m–2. Primary blooms were usually dominated by large diatoms (Thalassiosira spp.), and in a single year (1989) byChaetoceros spp. The primary blooms terminated upon nutrient depletion in the euphotic zone. Secondary blooms, triggered by nutrient resupply from below, occurred sporadically after the primary bloom and accounted for 4 to 31% of total spring production. The date of initiation and the duration of the primary bloom varied little from year to year (standard deviation 3 and 5 d, respectively). Seasonal production rates and biomass levels varied interannually by a factor of 2 to 3. In contrast, intra-annual variations of more than an order of magnitude, especially in biomass, occurred over periods as short as 10 d. These large variations over short time periods indicate the importance of synchronous timing between spring blooms and the production of larval fish and shellfish, which depend on an appropriate and adequate food supply for growth and survival. Parameters describing primary production (e.g. peak daily production, mean daily production, and total production during the primary bloom and the entire season) exhibited little interannual variation (coefficient of variation, CV = 10 to 19%), but a large degree of intra-annual variation (CV = 77 to 116%). Similarly, interannual variations in biomass (peak chlorophyll, mean chlorophyll) were also lower (CV = 20 to 33%) than intra-annual variations (CV = 85 to 120%).  相似文献   

I. R. Napier 《Marine Biology》1995,123(1):189-195
A range of physical and chemical parameters were measured through the water column at two previously unstudied shallow-water sites in the Firth of Clyde, Scotland, in the spring of 1991. Sediment traps were also deployed at one of the sites. The results of this survey are presented and discussed. A bloom of Skeletonema costatum was observed at one site through March and into April, when it collapsed completely, the phytoplanktonic cells sedimenting out of the water column. No significant bloom or sedimentation was observed at the second study site.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton samples taken during the spring bloom in the experimental enclosed ecosystem bags at Loch Ewe, Scotland, during 1983 were analysed for carotenoids and chlorophyll compounds using high-performance liquidchromatography (HPLC). Changes in the relative proportions of these pigments were related to day-to-day changes in the composition of the bloom and the physiological state of the algae. There is clear evidence for a change in the chlorophyllide a:chlorophyll a ratio, which reached a maximum as nutrient limitation occurred. No major qualitative changes in the carotenoid components were seen during the bloom; the relative proportion, however, of some carotenoids does provide useful information on the relative abundance of certain algal type in the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Mass encystment and sinking of dinoflagellates during a spring bloom   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The decline of a spring bloom dominated by dinoflagellates and the mass sedimentation of dinoflagellate cysts was documented in a coastal area of the northern Baltic Sea, SW Finland in 1983. The exceptionally large spring phytoplankton bloom was observed in early May. After depletion of nitrate phytoplankton biomass declined rapidly. The bloom was followed by intense sedimentation of spherical cysts and of organic matter at the end of May. These cysts were presumably hypnozygotes of Peridinium hangoei Schiller. Sedimentation of dinoflagellate cysts was estimated to correspond to ca. 45% of the maximum sedimentation of particulate organic carbon at this time, although most of the dinoflagellate biomass disintegrated already in the water column and was deposited as organic detritus or washed away by advection. It is concluded that the life cycle strategies of the dominant vernal phytoplankton species have a major impact on the sedimentation of the spring bloom.  相似文献   

A mooring system consisting of an in situ fluorometer at a depth of 50 m and a time-series sediment trap at a depth of 110 m was deployed at the sediment trap site (70°11.536'S; 24°18.679'E; water depth: 300 m) in Breid Bay, Antarctica in austral summer from 28 December 1985 to 13 February 1986. Sinking particles, consisting of diatoms (mainly Thalassiosira antarctica), were analyzed for organic materials, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Vertical fluxes of organic carbon and nitrogen were determined to be within the ranges of 12.3 to 116 mg C m-2 d-1 and 1.79 to 15.4 mg N m-2 d-1, respectively, with maxima in the middle of January 1986, after which time the organic carbon and nitrogen fluxes tended to decrease with a steep gradient. High values of 13C were found in the organic matter of the sinking particles collected before the middle of January, indicating that the organic matter was derived from the diatoms in the logarithmic phase of their growth. Increased abundance of glucose was found in the water-extractable carbohydrate, which was one of the sinking particles collected in the middle of January. This fact clearly indicated that the diatoms were no longer in the growth phase but rather in the stationary phase, because reserved glucan as well as various cellular organic materials were reportedly accumulated within the algal cells in the stationary phase. Fifteen species of protein amino acids with trace amounts of -alanine, -aminobutyric acid and ornithine were found in the sinking particles upon acid hydrolysis, but the amino acid composition of these samples had not been affected much by biological agents. The essential amino acid index was calculated for the sinking particles collected in the course of the sediment trap experiment. The indices obtained indicated that the sinking particles collected in Breid Bay were more ecologically significant than the sinking and suspended particles from deep waters.  相似文献   

The effect of light intensity on nitrate uptake by natural populations of phytoplankton was examined by 15N traceruptake experiments during the spring (March–May 1987) in Auke Bay, Alaska. The data were fit to a rectangular hyperbolic model which included a term for dark uptake. Three types of curves described nitrate uptake as a function of light intensity. The first (Type I) had a low half-saturation light intensity (K I), low chlorophyll-specific uptakes rates, no dark uptake and occasional photoinhibition. These were observed during a period of biomass decrease, accompanied by low daily light and strong wind, prior to the major bloom. The second type (Type II) had relatively high K I, high chlorophyll-specific uptake rates, and no dark uptake. Type II curves were observed during most of the period prior to nitrate depletion in the surface waters. Types I and II both appeared prior to nitrate depletion in the water and reflected variations in the light history of the phytoplankton population. The third type (Type III) occurred in nitrate-deplete conditions, when nitrate uptake was less dependent on light intensity (i.e., high rates of dark uptake and lower K I). Decreased light-dependency during this period was coupled with physiological nitrogen deficiency in the population. Comparing these parameters to those of photosynthetic carbon fixation, K Ivalues of nitrate uptake were generally higher than those of photosynthesis prior to nitrate depletion, and lower during nutrient-deplete conditions.  相似文献   

Regions of high primary production along the oligotrophic west coast of Australia between 34 and 22°S in May–June 2007 (midway through the annual phytoplankton bloom) were found around mesoscale features of the Leeuwin Current. At 31°S, an anticyclonic eddy-forming meander of the Leeuwin Current had a mixed layer depth of >160 m, a depth-integrated chlorophyll a (Chl a)-normalised primary production of 24 mg C mg Chl a ?1 day?1 compared to the surrounding values of <18 mg C mg Chl a ?1 day?1. In the north between 27 and 24°S, there were several stations in >1,000 m of water with a shallow (<100 m) and relatively thin layer of high nitrate below the mixed layer but within the euphotic zone. These stations had high primary production at depths of ~100 m (up to 7.5 mg C m?3 day?1) with very high rates of production per unit Chl a (up to 150 mg C mg Chl a ?1 day?1). At 27–24°S, the majority of the phytoplankton community was the ubiquitous tropical picoplankters, Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus. There was a decline in the dominance of the picoplankters and a shift towards a more diverse community with more diatoms, chlorophytes, prasinophytes and cryptophytes at stations with elevated production. Photosynthetic dinoflagellates were negligible, but heterotrophic dinoflagellate taxa were common. Haptophytes and pelagophytes were also common, but seemed to contribute little to the geographical variation in primary production. The mesoscale features in the Leeuwin Current may have enhanced horizontal exchange and vertical mixing, which introduced nitrate into the euphotic zone, increasing primary production and causing a shift in phytoplankton community composition in association with the annual winter bloom.  相似文献   

In July 1988 a survey was made in the Dogger Bank area of the North Sea. As a result of wind stress the area was found to be frequently well mixed. At the northerly slope a transition zone was observed between the stratified central North Sea and the well-mixed Dogger Bank area. Low nutrient concentrations were observed in surface waters; especially for nitrate (<0,1µM). High concentrations of phosphate (>0,5µM), nitrate (>1µM), ammonium (>2µM) and silicate (>2µM) only prevailed below the thermocline. Chlorophylla values were below 1µg l–1 near the surface. Enhanced values (up to 4µg l–1) were observed in the deeper layer at the transition zone and just below the thermocline at well-stratified locations. At the transition zone high specific C-fixation rates (up to 100 mg C mg–1 chla d–1) at the surface indicated the presence of enhanced productivity. The compensation depth for primary production was found to coincide with a specific C-fixation rate of 5 mg C mg–1 chla d–1. At greater depths, phytoplankton was only found where tidally induced vertical mixing allowed a regular exposure to higher light intensities. Storms resulted in a rapid redistribution of chlorophylla and enhancement of the C-fixation rate in the upper layer of the water column.Publication No. 10 of the project Applied Scientific Research Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (BEWON)  相似文献   

Accumulation of waterborne cadmium in Littorina littorea, Mytilus edulis and Carcinus maenas (collected in 1988 and 1989 around the island of Funen, Denmark) was investigated in a matrix of salinities (10 to 30) and calcium concentrations (2.9 to 8.9 mM Ca++). Cadmium accumulation rates in soft parts of L. littorina, soft parts and shells of M. edulis and whole bodies and exoskeletons of C. maenas decreased with increasing salinity. Changes in the calcium concentrations accounted for 72% of the salinity effect on cadmium accumulation rates in L. littorina, whereas calcium concentrations had little or no effect on cadmium accumulation in M. edulis. Cadmium accumulation in the whole body of C. maenas was affected equally by calcium concentrations and total salinity, whereas accumulation in the exoskeleton was mainly affected by changes in total salinity. Individual variability in cadmium accumulation in the organs of C. maenas was greater than the variation attributable either to changes in ambient calcium concentrations or total salinity. An appreciable amount of the inter-individual variability in the cadmium accumulation in all three species was correlated with wet:dry weight ratios of the tissues and size of the organisms.  相似文献   

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