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The ultrastructure of the funnel-like tubes of the olfactory organ in Rhinomuraena ambonensis was investigated by electron microscopy. Frontal sections of the tubes demonstrate a symmetrical arrangement of an inner epithelium, connective tissue, and an outer epithelium. The surface of each peripheral cell of the epithelia bears a system of small ridges which does not correspond with that of the adjacent cells. In case of a rectilinear course of the epithelial cell borders, numerous desmosomes are located along the cell membranes. The fine structure of the desmosomes was analysed. Number and size of the intercellular spaces increases with increasing depth of the epithelium cell layers. The fine structure of epithelial, basal and secretory cells is described. The outer region of each epithelial cell contains densely packed tonofilaments. The fine structure of sensory “buds” which are sparsely distributed within the outer epithelium of the funnels is described. The basal border of the epithelia consists of a rather thick basal membrane. Blood vessels, nerve bundles, chromatophores and storage cells with cristalline inclusions are embedded in the connective tissue. The fine structure of the chromatophores and storage cells is described. The importance of desmosomes, tonofilaments and intercellular spaces, as well as the basal membrane and the amount of collagen is discussed in relation to the reinforcement of the funnels.  相似文献   

A. Holl 《Marine Biology》1973,23(1):59-72
The epithelia of the olfactory folds of Chimaera monstrosa L. were studied by electron microscope. The greater part of each fold — including the secondary ones — is covered by sensory epithelium, whereas mere ciliary epithelium occurs on the tips of the folds. The olfactory epithelium is composed of ciliary cells, receptor cells, a few supporting cells, and basal cells. Mucous cells are restricted to the ciliary epithelium. As the apical region of the ciliary cells contains numerous vacuoles, including probably mucous substances, they may serve as producers of the superficial olfactory mucous layer. The ciliary basal bodies have two types of rootlets, the structure of which is described. Two morphologically different olfactory receptor cells could be identified: (1) receptors with a single, rod-shaped, free appendage (length 1.5 to 2 μm, diameter 0.1 to 0.5 μm), containing neurotubules, fibril bundles, and vesicles; (2) receptors whose dendrite bears few microvilli (length 2 to 3 μm, diameter 0.06 to 0.08 μm) projecting from a small vesicula olfactoria. Ciliary receptors are absent. The olfactory epithelium also contains sparsely distributed “brush” cells and a very few “giant” cells. Each “brush” cell bears a cluster of up to 250 microvilli (length 5 to 6 μm, diameter 0.1 μm) with 1 or more central tubulus and fibrils, the latter running into the cell body. The apical region of a brush cell contains densely packed mitochondria, which may indicate high metabolic activity; the function of this cell is unknown. The “giant” cell extends from the basal lamella to the epithelial surface. The ultrastructure of this cell does not reveal its special function.  相似文献   

The optic cushion of Nepanthia belcheri (Perrier) is a prominent pigmented sense organ situated on the oral surface below the terminal tentacle. The distal region contains up to 170 optic cups, whilst proximally are numerous pyriform glandular cells traversed by supporting fibres. The outer margin of the optic cup is formed by alternating pigmented and photoreceptor cells. The pigmented cells contain numerous densely staining granules of scarlet pigment. The distal ends of the photoreceptors are elaborated into many long microvilli regularly arranged about a modified cilium. There is a clear circumciliary space delimiting the cilium from the microvilli.  相似文献   

Eunice siciliensis (Grube)1 is a sedentary polychaete with separate sexes; its germ cells develop only in the posterior part of the body. In March and April, females with whitish or even dark-green oocytes, males with only few spermatogonia, and individuals with no germ cells at all were discovered in the “coralligène” of the Banyuls region (European Mediterranean Sea). In august, besides immature and sexually non-differentiated worms, mature individuals of both sexes were captured: females with dark bluish-green oocytes of diameters up to 250μm, and males with milky genital segments containing spermatozoa. Soon after isolation from the substrate, these individuals performed characteristic movements with their posterior body parts, which then autotomized, and released ova and spermatozoa. Evidence is given that the anterior, atokous body parts survive in their tubes in the “coralligène” after separation from the epitokous portions, and regenerate new genetal segments. The development of gametes observed in these regenerated segments indicates the ability of E. siciliensis to reproduce more than once during its lifetime. Not only caudal, but also prostomial regeneration was observed; the formation of a (morphologically different) secondary prostomium appears to be essential for any development of germ cells in worm fragments. E. siciliensis exhibits surprising similarities in habits and in formation of an epitokous form with Eunice viridis (Gray), the “palolo” worm of the South Pacific Ocean, but nevertheless, lacks the prominent criteria of this famous species: the ventral eye spots on each genital segment in males and females, and the paired areas with brown pigmentation on the ventral side of each epitokous segment in the males.  相似文献   

Boom and bust dynamics are a prominent characteristic of the crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) populations. Outbreaking starfish populations damage coral communities extensively and then often disappear quickly. In contrast, Onna village, on the central west coast of Okinawa Island, Japan, has been experiencing chronically high population densities of A. planci for decades. In this study, we examined spatial and temporal population dynamics of A. planci along the coast of Onna village, using removal data gathered over 24 years by a local fisheries cooperative. The results demonstrate that A. planci populations along the Onna coast often experienced high densities prior to 2003 and that recently, populations have again been increasing drastically. Size-frequency distributions suggest multiple, successive recruitment, as one of the driving factors maintaining A. planci populations in this location. Moreover, within the Onna area, the timing of outbreak peaks varied among different locations, showing a northward progression.  相似文献   

In the 1990s, the central Tyrrhenian Sea was regarded as a transit region for fin whales’ (Balaenoptera physalus) summer migration. In recent years, a much higher presence of fin whales during the entire summer season was reported in the region. The hypothesis that the central Tyrrhenian Sea may have become a summer feeding ground was tested gathering data from summer presence of whales in the region (40–42.5°N; 9–13°E) and investigating whether it might be related to sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration, considered as proxies of food availability. Results showed that whales always aggregate in the more productive portions of the investigated area; the general productivity of the area, however, did not directly influence the frequency of occurrence of whales. We concluded that the complex dynamics of the balance between feeding activities and avoiding pressures may have led fin whales to use the region as an opportunistic feeding ground.  相似文献   

R. K. Pipe 《Marine Biology》1987,96(4):519-528
The ultrastructural morphology of storage-cell breakdown and replenishment in Mytilus edulis is described for mussels collected at monthly intervals over a period of one year (September 1981 to October 1982) from a site in Cornwall, England. In addition cytochemical staining reactions at light and electron microscope levels are described for the storage cells and the Sertoli cells. The breakdown of adipogranular (ADG) cell components is believed to be a lysosomally-mediated process of controlled autolysis involving fusion of primary lysosomes with the protein granules. Increasing activity for lysosomal enzymes during ADG cell breakdown is demonstrated using quantitative cytochemistry. The presence of glycogen in vesicular connective tissue (VCT) cells is demonstrated using freeze-dried, formaldehyde-vapour-fixed tissue. The breakdown of VCT cells involves sequestration of glycogen from the central reserve into small cytoplasmic vesicles; subsequent release appears to be mediated by eccrine secretion. The presence of arylsulphatase activity in lysosomes within the peripheral cytoplasm of the VCT cells during the winter months indicates that glycogen breakdown may also be lysosomally mediated. The morphology of the Sertoli cells is described; during the early stages of spermatogenesis they are characterized by the presence of numerous lipid droplets which are depleted as development proceeds. Contact between Sertoli cells and developing spermatogonia is maintained by means of long septate junctions. Following spawning, the well developed lysosomal system is evident in the Sertoli cells and appears to be engaged in intracellular digestion of phagocytosed waste sperm and residual cytoplasm. Resorption of the products of gamete degeneration by the gonoduct epithelial cells is described. During regeneration, VCT cells appear to endocytose material; the ADG cells demonstrate extensive arrays of rough endoplasmic reticulum and are occasionally seen undergoing mitosis. A process involving loss of glycogen vesicles from the mantle epithelial cells by means of apocrine sections is described.  相似文献   

A. Bubel 《Marine Biology》1973,20(3):222-234
The histology and ultrastructure of the epithelial cells of the outer and middle mantle folds of the bivalves Mytilus edulis (L), Cardium edule (L), Macoma balthica (L) and Nucula sulcata Bronn are described. The cells lining the inner face of the outer fold exhibit a prominent granular endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi complexes which are concerned with the elaboration of granules and vesicles eventually incorporated into the periostracum. A gradual reduction in the protein synthetic apparatus occurs towards the tip of the fold. Within the cells, it is proposed that the ovoid inclusion bodies are lysosomes and that they control the rate of secretion. The cells of the middle fold are cuboidal in appearance. Those of M. edulis and N. sulcata exhibit prominent granules, whereas those of C. edule and M. balthica possess vesicles. The cells of M. edulis differ from the others in possessing stout bundles of filaments, which occupy large areas of the cell and constitute a cell web. The cells of the epithelium in all cases do not appear to be implicated in periostracum formation.  相似文献   

Tetrasporogenesis in Osmundea spectabilis (Postels and Ruprecht) K.W. Nam var. spectabilis proceeds through three developmental stages. A uninucleate tetraspore mother cell with synaptonemal complexes depicted during early prophase of meiosis I comprises the youngest stage. Subsequently, the nuclear envelope obtains a highly irregular profile and is surrounded by perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and numerous mitochondria. Proplastids with peripheral thylakoid and numerous straight-profiled dictyosomes are present. Dictyosome vesicles discharge their contents, initiating tetraspore wall formation. A four-nucleate tetraspore mother cell is formed prior to tetrahedral cleavage. During the second stage of tetraspore formation the nuclei are very irregular in outline and move toward the central region where they fuse. The formation of fibrous vacuoles originates from the fibrous vacuole associated organelles (FVAOs). Thylakoid formation from concentric lamellar bodies (CLBs) seems to occur in plastids. Extremely hypertrophied dictyosomes with two tightly compressed and densely laminated mid-regions produce vesicles which contribute to enlargement of the fibrous vacuoles. During the second stage of tetraspore development striated vesicles are formed and starch granule formation increases. Mature tetraspores are characterized by numerous cored vesicles and abundant starch granules. Plastids have a fully developed system of internal thylakoids, and cleavage is usually complete at this stage. Mature tetraspores are surrounded by a bi-layered wall and the tetrasporangial wall. Unbranched, tubular structures connecting the plasmalemma with the peripheral sheets of ER are possibly involved in wall deformation. A distinct blebbing nuclear envelope appears to sequester vesicles into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Several green turtle (Chelonia mydas) nesting populations have been reported in the northwestern Pacific region, the northernmost limit of its distribution range. However, the population history in this region as a whole is not well understood. To clarify how the green turtle nesting populations have evolved in the northwestern Pacific region, the genetic composition of mitochondrial DNA control region sequences in the northwestern Pacific was compared with that of the other Pacific populations. We analyzed 302 samples from the northwestern Pacific rookeries, including 78 newly collected samples from rookeries in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan (from 24.27°N, 123.76°E to 28.45°N, 129.61°E). Our results revealed that the northwestern Pacific populations consisted of one highly endemic lineage (Clade IV) in the northwestern Pacific rookeries and two other lineages (Clades I and V) which were widely observed in other Pacific populations. We concluded that the highly endemic lineage indicated that a refugial population existed in this region during the Last Glacial Maximum, and the other two lineages indicated that colonization from populations at lower latitudes occurred during interglacial periods. The green turtle nesting populations in the present periphery of their distribution range had been thought to have their origin in colonization from lower latitudes, which served as refugia during glacial periods. However, the present results indicated that the northwestern Pacific peripheral populations have been maintained on the evolutionary timescale of this species and should be treated as long-term conservation resources.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural features of gametogenesis are described in male and female colonies of the sea pen Pennatula aculeata. Specimens were collected for observation and fixation at 113 to 231 m depth in the Gulf of Maine, USA, in August 1993. The species is gonochoric, and all stages of gametogenesis are observed in both male and female colonies >45 mm in height. Gametogenesis shows several features that differ from sea anemones. The developing oocytes and sperm cysts are completely encompassed by gastrodermally derived follicle cells, and they are released from the mesenteries into the coelenteron before they are fully differentiated. Following maturation in the coelenteron, the eggs and intact sperm cysts are expelled through the mouths of the autozoids during spawning. The expulsion of sperm cysts suggests that they function as primitive spermatophores, perhaps as a way of reducing sperm dilution. Vitellogenesis results in the biosynthesis of lipid droplets which are the sole nutrient reserves in the egg. Heterosynthetic vitellogenesis is characterized by the importation of lipid precursors into the oocyte, and there is some indirect evidence that hypertrophic follicle cells play a role in production, transport, and/or mediation of these precursors. Spermatogenesis is similar to that of other anthozoans. The spermatozoon has a cone-shaped head, a posterior nuclear fossa, a ring of lipid-like bodies in the midpiece, a prominent cytoplasmic collar surrounding the proximal flagellum, and a single mitochondrion, but the posterior region of the sperm also contains previously undescribed concentric rings of cisternae resembling smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Received: 23 March 1998 / Accepted: 31 July 1998  相似文献   

The external peripheral termini of vasculature in botryllid ascidians (ampullae) are important in the expression of effector mechanisms during histocompatibility reactions. We study here morphological changes to the microstructure during allorecognition in Botrylloides subpopulation I (SP1) from the Mediterranean coast of Israel, where special giant ampullae, called megaloampullae are developed hours after first allogeneic challenge. The basal part of each naive ampulla consists of a sheath of continuous squamous epithelial cells (1 μm×20 μm). At the tip of the ampullae, about 130 epithelial cells become columnar with wide apical pads (15 μm×5–10 μm), that contain electron-opaque “adhesive vesicles”. Foci of crystallizations were observed within the vesicles of some columnar cells. Ampullar epithelial cells develop internal folds that support tight attachments between circulating blood cells (most of them are pigment cells) and ampullar epithelium. During the histoincompatibility process, the tunic peripheral edge at the interaction area becomes highly convoluted. Filaments (up to 1.16 μm) accumulate in the interaction tunic matrix. Some of these filaments encircle destructed cells. Fragmented cell membranes are also found next to the reacting ampullae. The most characteristic feature of the Botrylloides SP1 rejection reaction is dilation of the ampullae. The ampullar epithelium becomes “curly” when megaloampullae are formed. Within the curly region, about 30% of the squamous epithelial cells are further stretched, up to 33 μm in length. Some additional mechanisms are suggested to explain the fast increase (up to seven times) in ampullar width that is recorded within a few hours from the first allogeneic contact.  相似文献   

In the heteronereis form of Platynereis dumerilii, the roles of the swelling of the parapodial cirri of the male or female first segments, of the crenellations of the dorsal parapodial cirri of the male posterior region and those of the male pygidial papilli have been ascertained experimentally with respect to nuptial behaviour. The nuptial dance and the release of the genital products are provoked by chemical stimulating discharges from the partner of the opposite sex. The chemical stimuli act on the swelled or crenellated parapodial cirri, probably through the bipolar chemoreceptor neurons which are numerous on these organs. The excitation is transmitted to the cerebral ganglia by way of the ventral cord; it is translated into motor impulses which act upon the musculature concerned in the nuptial dance and in the release of genital products. Accordingly, the swelling and the crenellations of the parapodial cirri appear to contain chemoreceptors. The specificity of this chemoreception, in regard to the exciting substance emitted by the opposite sex, is probably related to the presence of a protein (Boilly-Marer, 1966a, b) elaborated during heteronereidation by epidermal cells adjacent to the dendritic extensions of the chemoreceptor cells. The pygidial papilli appear to insure sperm evacuation.  相似文献   

Flocculation of phytoplankters into large, rapidly sinking aggregates has been implicated as a mechanism of vertical transport of phytoplankton to the sea floor which could have global significance. The formation rate of phytoplankton aggregates depends on the rate at which single cells collide, which is mainly physically controlled, and on the probability of adhesion upon collision (=coagulation efficiency, stickiness), which depends on physico-chemical and biological properties of the cells. We describe here an experimental method to quantify the stickiness of phytoplankton cells and demonstrate that three species of diatoms grown in the laboratory (Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Thalassiosira pseudonana, Skeletonema costatum) are indeed significantly sticky and form aggregates upon collision. The dependency of stickiness on nutrient limitation and growth was studied in the two latter species by investigating variation in stickiness as batch cultures aged. In nutrient repleteT. pseudonana cells stickiness is very low (< 5 × 10?3), but increases by more than two orders of magnitude as cell growth ceases and the cells become nutrient limited. Stickiness ofS. costatum cells is much less variable, and even nutrient replete cells are significantly sticky. Stickiness is highest (> 10?1) forS. costatum cells in the transition between the exponential and the stationary growth phase. The implications for phytoplankton aggregate formation and subsequent sedimentation in the sea of these two different types of stickiness patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

When Are Peripheral Populations Valuable for Conservation?   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
A great deal of effort is spent protecting geographically peripheral populations of widespread species. We consider under what conditions it is appropriate to expend resources to protect these populations. The conservation value of peripheral populations depends upon their genetic divergence from other conspecific populations. Peripheral populations are expected to diverge from central populations as a result of the interwoven effects of isolation, genetic drift, and natural selection. Available empirical evidence suggests that peripheral populations are often genetically and morphologically divergent from central populations. The long-term conservation of species is likely to depend upon the protection of genetically distinct populations. In addition, peripheral populations are potentially important sites of future speciation events. Under some circumstances, conservation of peripheral populations may be beneficial to the protection of the evolutionary process and the environmental systems that are likely to generate future evolutionary diversity.  相似文献   

Abstract: Genetic diversity is expected to decrease in small and isolated populations as a consequence of bottlenecks, founder effects, inbreeding, and genetic drift. The genetics and ecology of the rare perennial plant Lychnis viscaria (Caryophyllaceae) were studied in both peripheral and central populations within its distribution area. We aimed to investigate the overall level of genetic diversity, its spatial distribution, and possible differences between peripheral and central populations by examining several populations with electrophoresis. Our results showed that the level of genetic diversity varied substantially among populations (  H exp = 0.000–0.116) and that the total level of genetic diversity (mean H exp = 0.056) was low compared to that of other species with similar life-history attributes. The peripheral populations of L. viscaria had less genetic variation (mean H exp = 0.034) than the central ones (0.114). Analysis of genetic structure suggested limited gene flow (mean F ST = 0.430) and high differentiation among populations, emphasizing the role of genetic drift (  N e m = 0.33). Isolation was even higher than expected based on the physical distance among populations. We also focused on the association between population size and genetic diversity and possible effects on fitness of these factors. Population size was positively correlated with genetic diversity. Population size and genetic diversity, however, were not associated with fitness components such as germination rate, seedling mass, or seed yield. There were no differences in the measured fitness components between peripheral and central populations. Even though small and peripheral populations had lower levels of genetic variation, they were as viable as larger populations, which emphasizes their potential value for conservation.  相似文献   

Mary Crisp 《Marine Biology》1973,22(3):231-240
The fine structure of the osphradia of Buccinum undatum 1. three Hawaiian Conus spp., Nassarius reticulatus (L), Nucella lapillus (L) and Littorina littorea (L) was examined. There is a remarkable uniformity in the arrangement of ultrastructural cell types in all the ospharadia investigated. The marginal glandular region is characterised by a single layer of cells, bearing a regular pallisade of microvilli and including two types of mucous cell. The epithelium of the sensory region is several cells deep, and bears a complex layer of microvilli in many orientations. Besides indifferent cells it contains two types of cell bodies of ciliated nerve processes. One type ends at the surface of the sensory region. The other, containing an elaborate array of smooth membranes in the perikaryon, has a process which enters the transitional region between sensory and glandular areas. In the transitional region, specialised cells with motile cilia adjoin the glandular region, and similar, but unciliated cells, containing large pigment granules scattered throughout the cytoplasm, adjoin the sensory region. The distal surface of both cell types is dissected by elefts extending 2 to 3 proximally, then widening into extensive spaces which contain cytoplasmic processes. The ciliated neurites which enter the transitional region end in the spaces at the base of the unciliated transitional cell elefts. It is suggested that the neuroepithelial cell processes, both those distributed over the sensory region and those concentrated in the transitional region, are receptors.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,183(4):365-371
Ecologists have long recognized three different components of species diversity: alpha or within-community diversity (α), beta or between-community diversity (β) and gamma or total species diversity in a region (γ). In this framework, β-diversity has been traditionally linked to the other diversity components through a multiplicative model so that it can be expressed as the ratio between γ-diversity and average α-diversity in a set of plots. Yet, more recently, ecologists are starting to partition diversity using the lesser known approach that α- and β-diversities sum to give the γ-diversity. This additive diversity partitioning is based on the decomposition of concave diversity measures for which the total diversity in a pooled set of communities exceeds (or equals) the average diversity within communities. In this paper, first, I shortly revise additive diversity partitioning for traditional diversity measures that are computed from species relative abundances. Next, I show that, under some specific circumstances, the same model can be extended to Rao's quadratic entropy, a measure that combines species relative abundances and pairwise interspecies differences. Finally, in the framework of taxonomic diversity, Rao's quadratic entropy has another decomposition: the sum over the Simpson indices at all the taxonomic levels. Thus, I show that, combining both partitioning models, the contribution of each level in the taxonomic hierarchy to the α- β- and γ-diversity components of Rao's quadratic entropy is made explicit. The proposed diversity decomposition is illustrated with a worked example on data from a plant community on ultramafic soils in Tuscany (central Italy).  相似文献   

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