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Five species of the marine insect Halobates share similar ecology but have distinct biogeographic ranges in the eastern tropical Pacific, a region from approximately 75°W–160°W and 10°S–35°N. Between 2001 and 2010, the Sea Education Association collected Halobates from 682 neuston tows (surface net 1 m × 0.5 m, 335-μm mesh) during fifteen cruises between San Diego, USA, Mexico and Tahiti. Total Halobates spp. densities varied substantially from year to year, but our data do not show a sustained change from a data set collected 40 years earlier from 1967 to 1968 (Cheng and Shulenberger in Fish Bull 78(3):579–591, 1980). Halobates are sensitive to sea surface temperature and we observed significant differences in species distributions over time, but these were not due to differences in water temperature or climate change. Our analyses show that the patterns observed are attributable to substantial but previously undescribed seasonal shifts that occur each year in the ranges for both Halobates sobrinus and Halobates micans. There is substantial overlap in ranges during seasonal shifts, but very little co-occurrence of H. sobrinus and H. micans in individual net tows, suggesting biological mechanisms rather than physical factors are restricting distribution and co-occurrence of these two species.  相似文献   

The present paper compiles results of recent studies on distribution, abundance, migratory pattern and feeding of invertebrates and early stages of fish in the uppermost layer of the subtropical and boreal Atlantic Ocean. Three ecological groups are described: euneuston, living permanently at the surface; facultative neuston, invading the uppermost layer mainly during night; pseudoneuston, comprising the uppermost part of populations which are mainly concentrated in deeper layers. For several species of fish, a shift in behaviour was found: eggs and yolk-sac larvae are mainly missing from the uppermost layers, young post-larvae staying permanently close to the surface, and old larvae and juveniles performing diurnal vertical migrations. During daytime, the uppermost layer serves as a refuge for only a small number of welladapted organisms, while at dusk and at night considerable immigration occurs. During daytime, zooneuston is mainly carnivorous or omnivorous. In boreal and turbid waters, the ecological differences between the uppermost and lower layers are reduced. Neuston is an important element of the ecosystem in these areas.  相似文献   

Neuston samples were collected from 149 stations during a voyage west from Fiji to the Bay of Biscay from August 1979 through November 1980. The neustonic fauna was counted and assigned to 50 species groups, chosen to represent the most numerous animals in the hauls. Analyses of neustonic concentration and population structure showed regional and temporal differences in the fauna. Permanent inhabitants of the surface waters, the euneuston, were most numerous in the open tropical waters of the Central Indian Ocean. In contrast, the temporary neuston, which was composed of juveniles, vertical migrants and the uppermost individuals from deeper populations, attained its greatest concentration in the upwelling region of the Somali Current and at inshore stations around the Indonesian archipelago and in the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea. Heavy rains adversely affected the neuston, possibly by diluting the surface waters. Both neustonic groups were sparsely represented in the cooler waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern Atlantic Ocean. At night considerable immigration occurred into the neustonic zone, and the mean faunal density at dusk was 21 times greater than was found at mid-day. Surface waters were inhabited by the developmental stages of many species, and eggs and juveniles of both vertebrates and invertebrates were consistently present in the hauls.  相似文献   

Studies of the importance of ecosystem engineers have focused on their benefit to biodiversity through ameliorating environmental stress, without understanding the exact benefits gained by associated organisms. On monsoonal tropical shores, species experience strong seasonality in environmental conditions from almost temperate winters to tropical summers when mass mortalities can occur during daytime emersion. The limpet, Cellana grata, associates with an ecosystem engineer, the barnacle Tetraclita japonica, in summer, but not in winter. To understand the benefits of this association, physiological responses (heart rates and osmotic responses) of the limpet either amongst Tetraclita or on open rock surfaces were investigated under three environmental conditions in a laboratory mesocosm: awash (non-stressed), low (30 °C) and high thermal stress (40 °C) of varying durations (3 or 6 h). In general, at 30 °C, limpets showed similar physiological responses under all conditions for both exposure durations. After 6 h at 40 °C, however, all limpets on open rock surfaces died, whereas those associated with barnacles survived. The surviving limpets experienced similar levels of stress as those exposed to 40 °C on open rock surfaces for half the time (3 h), showing that both the level and duration of stress were important. Limpets, therefore, gain benefits from engineering species when conditions are extreme or stress is prolonged. Under low temperatures or for short durations (e.g. winter), associating with barnacles does not provide physiological benefits. Understanding how, and to what extent, associates benefit from ecosystem engineers highlights how close the margin between survival and mortality can be when conditions are extreme.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of pelagic, juvenile rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) collected off Oregon in 2002, and Oregon and Washington in 2006, were examined using stomach content and stable isotope analyses. Sampling occurred along a series of transects across the shelf between Crescent City, California (Lat. 41°54.0′), and Newport, Oregon (Lat. 44°39.0′), in 2002, and off Willapa Bay, Washington (Lat. 46°40.0′), and the Columbia River, Oregon (Lat. 46°10.0′), in 2006. Species composition varied both years with distance from shore, but the predominant species were darkblotched (Sebastes crameri), canary (S. pinniger), yellowtail (2006 only; S. flavidus), and widow (S. entomelas) rockfishes. Stomach content analysis revealed that darkblotched rockfish had highly variable diets, and canary, yellowtail, and widow rockfishes exhibited a high degree of overlap in 2006. Multivariate analysis showed significant differences in diet based on distance from shore where caught, fish size, and species. Stable isotope analysis indicated that all species were feeding at about the same trophic level within each year, with a 1.5 ‰ difference in δ15N between years and regions. The difference in δ15N values may indicate a greater contribution of mesotrophic zooplankton such as euphausiids, hyperiid amphipods, and chaetognaths to fish diets in 2006. Depleted 13C values were indicative of diets based on primary production from a more offshore origin, suggesting that these rockfish had previously inhabited offshore waters. These results add to our understanding of some of the important environmental factors that affect young-of-the-year rockfishes during their pelagic phase.  相似文献   

The swimbladders of three species of myctophid fishes (Symbolophorus californiensis, Tarletonbeania crenularis and Diaphus theta, collected in the Southern California Bight between 1963 and 1978), previously observed to have both inflated and noninflated swimbladders as adults, were examined to determine if the swimbladders either vary in their inflation on a diel basis or cease to be inflated and possibly become nonfunctional in some individuals. The swimbladders of two lanternfishes reported to lack inflated swimbladders as adults (Lampanyctus regalis and L. ritteri) were included in the study for comparison. Only the swimbladder of L. regalis did not increase in size with increasing fish size. In the remaining four species, both the lengths and volumes of noninflated swimbladders were positively correlated with fish standard length (SL). Although the swimbladder continued to increase in size, inflated swimbladders were not found in L. ritteri>2 mm SL. Inflated and noninflated swimbladders occurred in overlapping size ranges of S. californiensis, T. crenularis, and D. theta. Only 11% of the D. theta swimbladders were inflated, and the occurrence of inflated swimbladders dit not differ significantly with day vs night capture or fish size. Although the frequency of occurrence of inflated swimbladders decreased significantly in larger S. californiensis, both S. californiensis and T. crenularis caught at the surface at night with a neuston net had significantly higher proportions of inflated swimbladders than did those collected below the surface with either daytime or night-time trawls. The swimbladder does not appear to become nonfunctional in either species. Rather than maintaining either constant volumes or constant masses of gas in their swimbladders during their vertical migrations, both species may inflate their swimbladders only while in the surface waters at night, and have noninflated swimbladders while at other depths of their vertical ranges.  相似文献   

An intertidal population of the fissiparous sea star Coscinasterias tenuispina (Lamarck, 1816) was sampled over a 1 year period at Ponta de Itaipu, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. Gonadal indices revealed an annual reproductive cycle. Spawning occurred in the late winter and early spring between August and November. Pyloric caecal indices did not show a clear annual cycle or a reciprocal relationship with gonadal indices. The population appears to be sustained only by fission, as only males were found. Fission occurred throughout the year, but was most frequent in the winter (July, August and September). Incidence of fission was correlated with the occurrence of the extremely low tides during daytime that exposes many specimens to air. Austral winter tides are low by day and high by night, while the austral summer tides are low by night and high by day. The most extreme annual deviation in seawater temperature is about 5°C. Larval recruitment seems to be negligible, since very small individuals were not found.  相似文献   

The effects of salinity (8 to 38‰) on the marine plankton diatom Thalassiosira rotula Meunier were investigated with respect to different temperature and light conditions. Two ecological aspects were examined separately: (1) the effect of various salinities, constant over a long period, was studied using well adapted cultures; (2) mixing processes were simulated by transferring cell chains from water of 33.9 or 20‰ S into lower salinities, as well as from 33.9 into 38‰ S. At 12° and 17°C, growth occurred at salinities from 12 to 38‰. In cold water (6°C), T. rotula did not grow below 16‰ S. Generation time was not influenced by salinities within the tolerance range if adapted cultures were grown under optimal illumination (1000 lux, light-dark cycle of 14:10 h; 12°C) or temperature (17°C; 2000 lux, light-dark cycle of 14:10 h). With increasing illumination or decreasing temperature, the other factors remaining constant, maximum growth rates were obtained with a salinity range of 20 to 32‰. Various salinities affected division rates most obviously if cultures were grown under continuous illumination; the optimum for cell division then ranged from 24 to 28‰ S only. Using adapted cultures again, the effect of different salinities on final cell yield is presumably more intense than their influence on generation time. T. rotula responded to sudden salinity changes only if transferred from water of 20‰ S into lower concentrations and from 33.9 into 38‰ S. Particularly at 12 and 38‰ S, growth rate and colony size (cells per chain) were reduced during the first few days. Increase of generation time and decrease of chain size occur coincidentally. The influence of different salinities on the occurrence of T. rotula in the sea is discussed in conjunction with experimental results on other ecological factors, and the present results are compared with the few available data obtained in nature by other authors. Accordingly, in the sea, a salinity range of 20 to 33‰ should prove optimal for T. rotula, 34 to 38‰ S would presumably represent still adequate conditions, while below 20‰ S T. rotula would probably rarely or never occur.  相似文献   

Between 2002 and 2008, samples of the cold-water scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa were collected from the Trondheim Fjord in Norway to examine reproductive periodicity. Collections were made from three locations: Tautra, (63°35.36′N, 10°31.23′E at 40–70 m), Stokkbergneset (63°28.18′N, 09°54.73′E at 110–500 m), and Røberg (63°28.88′N, 09°59.50′E at 250 m). Populations of L. pertusa from the Trondheim Fjord initiated oogenesis in January and spawning occurred from late January to early March the following year. Gametogenic cycles of the female L. pertusa samples overlapped by approximately 2 months, with oogonia visible in January, but this was not evident in the males. This paper provides the most complete gametogenic cycle to date and spawning observations for this important structure-forming species. The results from fjord populations are compared with published and preliminary data from other regions and are discussed in the context of regional differences in physical and biological variables, particularly food supply. Differences in gametogenic cycles within a single species provide a rare opportunity (especially in deep-sea species) to examine potential drivers of reproduction.  相似文献   

Eight epiphytal samples were taken from the upper littoral at Banyuls-sur-Mer (French Mediterranean coast) and the fauna living on the thalli of algae or between bivalves was examined. Intestinal food contents of 67 specimens of 5 Blennius species (B. trigloides, B. canevae, B. sphinx, B. incognitus, and B. dalmatinus) occurring in the same biotope were also investigated. The epiphytal samples consisted of a rich supply of amphipods, bivalves, and algae. Amphipods are the preferred food of the Blennius species examined. These fishes also consume large amounts of copepods and algae, and small quantities of halacarids, bivalves, and ostracods. In addition to serving as a substrate for the main food-animals of the fishes, the algae themselves constitute an important food source. Presumably, for these reasons, the fishes remain close to the area inhabited by the algae on rocky substrates.  相似文献   

Partial migration is considered ubiquitous among vertebrates, but little is known about the movements of oceanodromous apex predators such as sharks, particularly at their range extents. PAT-Mk10 and SPOT5 electronic tags were used to investigate tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) spatial dynamics, site fidelity and habitat use off eastern Australia between April 2007 and May 2013. Of the 18 tags deployed, 15 recorded information on depth and/or temperature, and horizontal movements. Tracking times ranged between four and 408 days, with two recovered pop-up archival tags allowing 63 days of high-resolution archived data to be analysed. Overall mean proportions of time-at-depth revealed that G. cuvier spent the majority of time-at-depths of <20 m, but undertook dives as deep as 920 m. Tagged sharks occupied ambient water temperatures from 29.5 °C at the surface to 5.9 °C at depth. Deep dives (>500 m) occurred mostly around dawn and dusk, but no definitive daily dive patterns were observed. Horizontal movements were characterised by combinations of resident and transient behaviour that coincided with seasonal changes in water temperature. While the majority of movement activity was focused around continental slope waters, large-scale migration was evident with one individual moving from offshore Sydney, Australia, to New Caledonia (c. 1,800 km) in 48 days. Periods of tiger shark residency outside of Australia’s fisheries management zones highlight the potential vulnerability of the species to unregulated fisheries and the importance of cross-jurisdictional arrangements for species’ management and conservation.  相似文献   

The thermal envelope of development to the larval stage of two echinoids from eastern Australia was characterized to determine whether they fill their potential latitudinal ranges as indicated by tolerance limits. The tropical sand dollar, Arachnoides placenta, a species that is not known to have shifted its range, was investigated in Townsville, northern Australia (19°20′S, 146°77′E), during its autumn spawning season (May 2012). The subtropical/temperate sea urchin, Centrostephanus rodgersii, a species that has undergone poleward range expansion, was investigated in Sydney, southern Australia (33°58′S, 151°14′E), during its winter spawning season (August 2012). The thermal tolerance of development was determined in embryos and larvae reared at twelve temperatures. For A. placenta, the ambient water temperature near Townsville and experimental control were 24 °C and treatments ranged from 14 to 37 °C. For C. rodgersii, ambient Sydney water temperature and experimental control were 17 °C, and the treatment range was 9–31 °C. A. placenta had a broader developmental thermal envelope (14 °C range 17–31 °C) than C. rodgersii (9 °C range 13–22 °C). Both species developed successfully at temperatures well below ambient, suggesting that cooler water is not a barrier to poleward migration for either species. Both species presently live near the upper thermal limits for larval development, and future ocean warming could lead to contractions of their northern range limits. This study provides insights into the factors influencing the realized and potential distribution of planktonic life stages and changes to adult distribution in response to global change.  相似文献   

Adult Vinciguerria nimbaria are the main prey of tuna during the tuna fishing season (late autumn and winter) in the equatorial Atlantic (0–4°N, and ~15°W). V. nimbaria trophic behavior in the fishing grounds was studied in relation to hydrobiological factors to determine its role in the trophic food web. Sampling stations spaced by 20 nautical miles were set up along a 15°W north–south transect from 4°N to 0°40S. At each station, the temperature and vertical fluorescence profiles were recorded. Nitrate and chlorophyll a analyses were performed on water sampled at different levels in the euphotic zone. Vertical plankton hauls were carried out at depths of 0–100 and 0–200 m using a standard WP2 net fitted with a 200-μm mesh gauze. Vinciguerria nimbaria adults were collected using a young-fish mid-water trawl net (10 × 15 m opening mouth, 10 mm cod end mesh). The weight of the stomach contents, the stomach fullness index, the number of prey, the frequency of occurrence and the prey preponderance were recorded for 20 fish from each haul. An oligotrophic typical tropical structure (TTS) was found between 1° and 4°N where small zooplankton was relatively abundant above or near the thermocline. In the TTS, V. nimbaria behaved as an epipelagic fish, feeding on the dominant small prey during the daytime. In turn, it was a prey for tuna. In the equatorial zone, where zooplankton was more abundant than in the north equatorial zone, V. nimbaria behaved as a mesopelagic fish and as an opportunistic mesozooplankton feeder. It consumed a wide range of sizes of food, feeding on the most abundant species of zooplankton as well as the largest zooplankton species, possibly while migrating towards the surface in the late afternoon or in the deep layer.  相似文献   

The widely introduced ascidian Styela plicata is very common in the Western Mediterranean, an area that can act as a source for secondary introductions due to its high shipping activity. In order to understand the potential of this species to colonize new habitats, its reproductive features were assessed in the Western Mediterranean by means of monthly monitoring of two populations (Vilanova i la Geltrú 41°12′53″N, 1°44′11″E; Blanes 41°40′29″N, 2°47′56″E) from January 2009 to December 2010. The reproductive activity of this species was assessed through gonad histology and a gonad index. Population size-structure was measured monthly in order to study recruitment dynamics. No clear seasonal pattern was observed, and mature gametes and recruits were present all year long. Spawning was potentially continuous, although it seemed punctuated with pulses of gamete release, particularly in spring. A prolonged reproductive period is likely to confer a competitive advantage on S. plicata in temperate seas, where most species reproduce seasonally, and may promote recurrent introductions as larvae are available for settlement on transport vectors over much of the year.  相似文献   

The relationship between the vertical distributions of euphausiids and fish and light intensity has been studied directly by using a photometer in conjunction with an acoustically controlled rectangular midwater trawl. Samples were taken at a position centered on 47°N; 17°W on 15 and 16 May 1978. Five species of euphausiid and six species of fish have been analysed, both groups contained migrant and non-migrant species. The population of each of these species occurred throughout a light regime spanning at least three orders of magnitude of intensity; none of them was restricted to, or followed, and isolume. There were no sexual or size differences in the distributions of the euphausiids, but the population of Argyropelecus hemigymnus was probably stratified during the day, with smaller individuals occurring shallower than large ones. The results are discussed in relation to previous observations and to the theories of photic regulation of distributions and migrations.  相似文献   

C. Roger 《Marine Biology》1971,10(2):134-144
This paper examines data obtained from 80 stations in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean; material was collected with a 10 foot Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl (IKMT), an opening-closing Omori larval net (LN) and a neuston surface net. The smaller fauna (average length <10 mm) appears to remain permanently in the 0 to 160 m water layer. As far as larger fauna is concerned, by night 86 % of the euphausiids occur in the 0 to 160 m water layer, 11 % between 160 and 300 m, and 3 % in deeper water layers. In terms of biomass, these percentages are 75, 19 and 6 %, respectively, suggesting that larger animals tend to dwell in deeper water layers. The vertical distributions of the larger species by night fall into 4 main types: (1) nearly all individuals occur inside or above the thermocline (i.e., 0 to 160 m): Thysanopoda tricuspidata, T. aequalis, Stylocheiron carinatum, Euphausia diomedae, E. paragibba, E. tenera; (2) species occupy the 0 to 300 m layer, some animals crossing the thermocline and others not: S. affine, Nematoscelis microps, T. pectinata, T. monacantha, T. orientalis, S. abbreviatum, Nematoscelis gracilis, Nematobrachion flexipes; (3) whole populations remain under the thermocline (160 to 300 m): S. longicorne, S. maximum, Nematoscelis tenella; (4) deep-living species (300 to 800 m): S. elongatum, T. cristata, Nematobrachion boopis, Bentheuphausia amblyops. The specific composition of the fauna of the various layers has been deduced from these considerations. For 9 species it is evident that older individuals tend to live deeper than the younger stages. The duration of the nocturnal stay in subsurface layers, as well as the upper diurnal limits of the species, have been estimated from a series of consecutive tows. Occurrence of the larger fauna (>10 mm average length) can be considered as quantitatively negligible during daytime hours in the 0 to 200 m water layer, except where swarming occurs. The data have been used to establish whether species belong to migrant or non-migrant types, and to determine the vertical ranges of their distributions.  相似文献   

The interstitial archiannelidTrilobodrilus axi Westheide 1967 inhabits sandy beaches of the Island of Sylt (North Sea). Spawning occurs from May to July, approximately. Development of oocytes and oviposition occur as soon as the water temperature has risen above 5 °C. In rearing experiments, the influence of temperature on maturation and release of gametes was studied in the female. Animals were collected in winter and reared at temperatures between 3° and 15°C. Within this range, development of oocytes and shedding of eggs were accelerated progressively with increasing test temperatures. Successful reproduction occurred only at temperatures above a critical level (between 3° and 6 °C). It was possible to shift the time of spawning by several months under experimental conditions; this suggests that, in the field, spawning is mainly controlled by temperature. The results indicate thatTrilobodrilus axi is probably a boreo-mediterranean species.  相似文献   

Pfennig DW  Rice AM  Martin RA 《Ecology》2006,87(3):769-779
We investigated the roles of resource availability and phenotypic plasticity in promoting ecological character displacement (i.e., trait evolution stemming from resource competition between species). Because ecological character displacement generates new populations that differ in resource use, this process should only occur when exploitable resources are available. We tested this hypothesis in two species of spadefoot toads (Spea bombifrons and S. multiplicata) whose tadpoles use phenotypic plasticity to develop into either an omnivore morph, which specializes on detritus, or a physically distinctive carnivore morph, which specializes on shrimp. Both species grow best on shrimp, but when reared together, S. bombifrons outcompetes S. multiplicata for shrimp and S. multiplicata outcompetes S. bombifrons for detritus. We found that when each species occurred alone in the field, they produced similar proportions of omnivores and carnivores. When the two species occurred together, however, they underwent ecological character displacement in larval development, with S. multiplicata producing mostly omnivores, and S. bombifrons producing mostly carnivores. We combined observations of natural populations with experiments to evaluate whether such character displacement was only possible when both shrimp and detritus were relatively abundant. Mixed-species ponds contained abundant detritus and shrimp, in contrast with nearby pure-species ponds, which were deficient in one resource. Experiments revealed that S. multiplicata competed poorly when detritus was rare and that S. bombifrons competed poorly when shrimp was rare. In nature, when one of these two resources was scarce, one species was missing, perhaps through competitive exclusion by the species that was the superior competitor for the remaining resource. Thus, ecological character displacement and, therefore, coexistence of close competitors, was only possible when diverse resources were available. Finally, even if exploitable resources are available, character displacement is not guaranteed to transpire if species cannot utilize such resources expeditiously. Phenotypic plasticity provides a general and important mechanism for facilitating resource partitioning. Thus, by facilitating shifts in resource use, phenotypic plasticity and ecological opportunity may often interact to promote divergence and coexistence of competitors.  相似文献   

Large quantities of floating macroalgae are traveling in coastal waters of the SE Pacific and in other temperate climate zones. While afloat, these algae are potentially exposed to full solar radiation, including UVA and UVB, which can have profound effects on their physiological and growth performance. Latitudinal variations in UV-radiation (UVR) are hypothesized to affect floating algae differently with higher impacts at low latitudes than at high latitudes. In addition, UVR together with grazing might accelerate the demise of floating kelps. This hypothesis was tested with outdoor laboratory experiments in which sporophytes of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh were exposed to a combination of different UVR regimes (PAR only, PAR + UV) and grazing at three sites along the Chilean coast (20°S, 30°S, and 40°S). A latitudinal trend in irradiance was detected with increasing values from 40°S to 20°S. Surprisingly, floating M. pyrifera responded with a high acclimation potential within this latitudinal UVR gradient. At 20°S, floating kelps were slightly sensitive to UVR, which was reflected in reduced blade growth. At 30°S, physiological responses were hardly affected by the prevailing irradiance but sporophyte growth and thus persistence mainly depended on the presence or absence of amphipod grazers. At high latitudes, grazing had only minor impacts on algal biomass and blade growth, and kelps thrived well under all tested environmental conditions. Overall, our results reveal that floating M. pyrifera was only slightly affected by UVR and that sporophytes can efficiently acclimate over a latitudinal UVR gradient that spans from 20°S to 40°S. Given this high acclimation potential, we suggest that these (and possibly other) positively buoyant algae are important dispersal agents over a wide range of temperate latitude conditions.  相似文献   

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