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The relationships between netplankton and nanoplankton assimilation numbers, temperature, and major nutrient concentrations were studied and evaluated in the context of seasonal patterns in the biomass of these phytoplankton size fractions. Netplankton and nanoplankton blooms typically occur during late winter (2° to 8°C) and summer (18° to 24°C), respectively. Variations in nanoplankton and netplankton assimilation numbers were not statistically related to the development or collapse of specific blooms based on weekly sampling, but assimilation numbers were higher during the bloom periods than during transition periods of rapid temperature change (8° to 18°C). Differences in the assimilation numbers between size fractions could account for the dominance of the nanoplankton fraction during the summer bloom period but not for the dominance of netplankton during the winter bloom period. Nanoplankton and netplankton assimilation numbers were exponential functions of temperature between 8° and 24°C and 8° and 20°C, respectively. Below 8°C the assimilation numbers of both fractions were higher than expected on the basis of temperature. Above 20°C netplankton assimilation numbers declined with temperature. Netplankton and nanoplankton assimilation numbers were occasionally correlated with dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations from less than 1.0 to more than 15 g-at l-1. Under these conditions, nanoplankton growth rates (calculated from assimilation number and carbon:chlorophyll) were higher and increased more rapidly with dissolved inorganic nitrogen than netplankton growth rates.  相似文献   

Proliferation of macroalgal mats is a frequent consequence of nutrient-driven eutrophication in shallow, photic coastal marine ecosystems. These macroalgae have the potential to significantly modify water quality, plankton productivity, nutrient cycling, and dissolved oxygen dynamics. We developed a model for Ulva lactuca and Gracilaria tikvahiae in Greenwich Bay, RI (USA), a shallow sub-estuary of Narragansett Bay, as part of a larger estuarine ecosystem model. The model predicts the biomass of both species in units of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus as a function of primary production, respiration, grazing, decay, and physical exchange, with particular attention to the effects of biomass layering on light attenuation and suppression of metabolic rates. The model successfully reproduced the magnitude and seasonal cycle of area-weighted and peak biomass in Greenwich Bay along with tissue C:N ratios, and highlighted the importance of grazing and inclusion of self-limitation primarily in the form of self-shading to overcome an order of magnitude difference in rates of production and respiration. Inclusion of luxury nutrient uptake demonstrated the importance of internal nutrient storage in fueling production when nutrients are limiting. Macroalgae were predicted to contribute a small fraction of total system primary production and their removal had little effect on predicted water quality. Despite a lack of data for calibration and a fair amount of sensitivity to individual parameter values, which highlights the need for further autecological studies to constrain formulations, the model successfully predicted macroalgal biomass dynamics and their role in ecosystem functioning. Our formulations should be exportable to other temperate systems where macroalgae occur in abundance.  相似文献   

深圳湾浮游植物的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年2月至11月对深圳湾的浮游植物和理化环境因子进行了4个季度月的调查,结果共检出浮游植物150种(包括变种和变型):春季66种、夏季72种、秋季54种、冬季50种,其中硅藻门36属108种,甲藻门14属36种,绿藻门3属3种,蓝藻门2属3种。优势种共有湖沼圆筛藻Coscinodiscus lacustris、中肋骨条藻Skeletonema costatum、夜光藻Noctiluca scientillans 3种:春季1种、夏季1种、秋季1种、冬季2种,优势种群由春夏季的湖沼圆筛藻演替至秋季的中肋骨条藻、冬季的中肋骨条藻和夜光藻,没有全年广布优势种;4季均出现的种类共有9种,其中硅藻8种,甲藻1种,各季节间共有种类数在13~31种,Jaccard种类相似性指数范围在0.12~0.35,季节更替明显。多样性指数和均匀度的变化范围分别为0.006~1.724和0.001~0.306,群落结构较脆弱。细胞密度在1.25×107~217.90×107 cells.m-3,夏季最高,春季次之,冬季最低,属季节单峰型变化,与一般亚热带春、秋季出现密度高峰不一致,这与深圳湾陆源营养物质的扰动有关,其无机氮和活性磷酸盐含量均劣于国家海水水质标准的四类水,因此,该海域水质营养类型属于亚热带富营养型。细胞密度与硅酸盐呈极显著的负相关,相关系数为-0.446(p〈0.01,n=36,双尾),与水温呈显著的正相关,相关系数为0.371(p〈0.05,n=36,双尾),与其他因子的相关性不明显。从优势种的种类数和多样性指数分析,深圳湾浮游植物的群落结构已趋于单一化,生态系统抗干扰能力极为脆弱。  相似文献   

E. E. Deason 《Marine Biology》1980,60(2-3):101-113
Grazing experiments were performed with temperatureacclimated Acartia hudsonica fed the diatom Skeletonema costatum in concentrations ranging from 50 to 3×104 cell ml-1 at 5°, 10° and 15°C. The ingestion data were best fit by an Ivlev equation. Feeding threshold values of 39 and 59 cells ml-1 were not significantly different from zero; however, filtration rates were depressed at low food concentrations. Maximum filtration rates increased exponentially with temperature, reaching a maximum with copepods collected at 14°–15°C, and then declining. Both the increase in ingestion rate with increasing food concentration and the maximum ingestion rate were significantly greater as experimental temperature was increased. Maximum ingestion rates were reached at concentrations greater than 6×103 cells ml-1. Percent of body carbon ingested per day at 5 g C L-1 increased from 1.5% at 5°C to 6.7% at 15°C. At 500 g C L-1, the ingestion increased from 84% (5°C) to 660% (15°C). Percent of body nitrogen at 0.5 g N L-1 increased from 0.6% per day at 5°C to 2.5% per day at 15°C. At 50 g N L-1, the ingestion was 42% body nitrogen at 5°C and 250% at 15°C. The influence of grazing by A. hudsonica on phytoplankton in Narragansett Bay, USA was estimated for 1972–1977. The percent of standing stock removed by grazing rarely exceeded 5% per day except during the late spring when S. costatum growth becomes nutrient limited and higher temperatures favor the rapid population growth of A. hudsonica.  相似文献   

Growth rates of summer (June–September) phytoplankton assemblages and constituent species were measured in 30 diffusion culture experiments. Size-fractionated (<10 m) phytoplankton assemblages were incubated in situ or under simulated in-situ conditions in outdoor tanks connected to a running seawater system. Doubling rates of important species and groups (such as microflagellates) were compared to community biomass doubling rates estimated from 14C uptake and changes in chlorophyll a concentrations. Division rates of dominant diatom species generally equalled or exceeded community biomass doubling rates, while those of flagellates and non-motile ultraplankters were slower. Maximum division rates of sixteen common diatom species exceeded 2.1 divisions d-1, while nine had maximum division rates in excess of 3 d-1. Mean division rates of 12 diatom species exceeded 1 d-1. Maximum division rates of flagellated species, uncharacterized microflagellates and non-motile ultraplankton assemblages were 2.1, 1.5 and 1.4 d-1, respectively. Microflagellate and non-motile ultraplankton assemblage doubling rates were less than 0.5 d-1 in over half of all growth experiments.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton uptake and release rates for inorganic phosphate, dissolved organic phosphate and polyphosphate were estimated during 5 cruises on the Chesapeake Bay over a 9-month period. Phosphorus in all pools turned over in several minutes to 100 h, and each soluble pool appeared to contain fractions which were metabolically useful to the phytoplankton. Maximal uptake rates (V m ) for orthophosphate ranged from 0.02 to 2.95 μg-at P (1.h)-1 with half saturation constants (K s ) between 0.09 and 1.72 μg-at P l-1. At low soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations, the uptake rate of trace 32P orthophosphate was initially rapid, but declined after 15 to 60 min incubation. The data suggest that the initial uptake phase was dominated by exchange of 32PO4 for 31PO4 in the membrane transport systems whereas the subsequent phase represented the net incorporation of orthophosphate into phytoplankton cells.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic parameters for netplankton (>22 m) and nanoplankton (<22 m) varied over similar ranges but exhibited different seasonal and geographic patterns of variation. Nanoplankton a was relatively constant (0.06 mg C [mg Chl · h]-1 [E m-2 s-1]-1), but P m B (mg C [mg Chl · d]-1) was an exponential function of temperature independent of nutrient concentration and vertical stability in the euphotic zone. The temperature function gives a P m B of 24 at 25°C for nanoplankton growing in an estuarine environment characterized by high nutrient concentrations and a shallow, stratified euphotic zone. Variations in netplankton a and P m B were less predictable and were not correlated with temperature, nutrients or vertical stability. Chain forming diatoms with small cells were able to achieve high (0.10 to 0.15) and P m B (20 to 24) that were 3 to 5 times higher than large-celled diatoms and dinoflagellates were able to achieve.  相似文献   

The seasonal succession, composition and diversity of phytoplankton in a eutrophic lagoon (Liman lake) were studied between January 2002 and November 2003. Samples were collected from surface water and deeper (1 m depth) at stations and species diversity (Shannon-Weaver, H) and evenness were calculated. Shannon Diversty was similar at Station 1 and Station 2. Minimum and maximum diversity values (0.101 and 0.765 bits. mm3) were recorded in June and July 2003 at Station 2. Cluster analysis and NMDS (Non metric multidimensial scaling) were applied to the phytoplankton community. The lagoon exhibits high conductivity (7211-10757 microScm(-1)), mean temperature of 17.7 degrees C, varying concentrations of dissolved oxygen (3.3-8.4 mg l(-1)). Light, temperature, rainfall, turbidity and salinity were expected to be the main factors affecting the seasonal succession. The seasonal succession of phytoplankton were similar at surface water and 1 m depth. A total of 130 taxa belonging to Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Euglenophyta, Cyanophyta, Dinophyta, Xantophyta, Chrysophyta and Cryptophyta divisions were identified. Pseudanabaena limnetica, Kirchneriella obesa, Kirchneriella lunaris, Ankistrodesmus falcatus and Ankistrodesmus spiralis were highly represented.  相似文献   

 Laboratory culture experiments were performed to study the changes in size-fractionated Fe concentrations during the growth of the oceanic diatom Chaetoceros sp. Fe concentration was estimated for three size fractions: large labile particles (>0.2 μm), small colloidal particles (0.2 μm to 200 kDa) and soluble species (<200 kDa). The size-fractionated Fe concentration in the nutrient-enriched filtered seawater medium without diatom cells became stable within 4 d after the spike of FeCl3 solution. Light irradiation by white fluorescent tubes with a 14 h light:10 h dark cycle did not significantly alter concentrations of the size-fractionated Fe. For the phytoplankton culture experiment, Fe-starved diatom cells were inoculated into the nutrient-enriched media aged for 19 d after the addition of FeCl3. With the growth of diatom cells, total acid-labile Fe concentrations decreased from 0.60 to 0.46 nM during 7 d of incubation. However, only the concentration of the small colloidal particles showed a significant decrease; the concentration of the other size fractions remained relatively constant. Although the media still contained sufficient amounts Fe as large labile particles and soluble species, diatom cells appeared to be Fe-limited once Fe as small colloidal particles had been used up. These results suggest that Fe in the small colloidal particle fraction was the most dynamic size fraction during the growth of the diatom Chaetoceros sp. In addition, to better understand Fe dynamics in the ocean, we must consider the influence of phytoplankton growth on small colloidal Fe [which is typically included in the dissolved Fe fraction (<0.2 μm)]. Received: 9 December 1999 / Accepted: 5 May 2000  相似文献   

Juveniles of the burrowing amphiurid Ophiophragmus filograneus from Tampa Bay, Florida (USA) exhibit a growth pattern unreported in the ophiuroid literature. Two nonadjacent arms grow at a greater rate than the other three arms. This phenomenon might be a developmental adaptation to avoid salinity and temperature fluctuations in surface waters of the shallow-water environment which O. filograneus inhabits. It is proposed that concentration of growth into 2 of the 5 arms permits earlier descent of the disc into the substratum with continued ability to feed on the surface with the arm tips. Larger specimens show a gradual equalization of arm lengths. Changes in growth rates and cropping of the longer arms by breakage and predation might account for such eventual equalization.  相似文献   

Capture, manipulation, and transport of prey were quantified from high-speed video of hatchling swellsharks, Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Kinematic variables were contrasted with those of 1 yr-old swellsharks. Hatchling prey-captures were ram-dominated, while 1 yr-old prey-capture events had a detectable suction component. Timing differences between kinematic patterns of the age groups were not detected. Significant differences in displacement maxima of kinematic variables between the two age groups during feeding were detected, but were consistent with the expectations of isometry; they doubled in accordance with a doubling in shark length. A scaling analysis confirmed that swellsharks grow isometrically. A simple model of the head during prey capture confirmed that buccal expansion scaled isometrically between age groups. Thus, this study suggests that hatchlings generally perform the suite of movements necessary for suction generation within the buccal cavity during feeding. A suction component to the strike, however, was generally not detected by the “ram:suction index”. It appears that although it is probably generated within the buccal cavity, suction has little effect on the prey item and makes a minimal contribution to prey capture. Suction may be ineffective due to the highly active nature of the hatchlings. During a strike, a hatchling's forward locomotion may be sufficient to overwhelm any suction produced by the expanding buccal cavity; thus, the swimming shark effectively “scoops” the prey up in its open mouth (i.e. ram feeding) before the prey can be entrained in the flow of water entering the mouth (i.e. suction feeding). It is also likely that the hatchling sharks are sufficiently small to render any suction generated ineffective. Even though the sharks scale isometrically, the sheer size of the 1 yr-old sharks allows a greater amount of force to be generated, that will ultimately draw the prey to the open mouth. Thus, there are absolute consequences of size for feeding behaviors. Received: 17 June 1997 / Accepted: 6 March 1998  相似文献   

A 14-month study was carried out to determine the impact of kraft-mill effluents on the offshore benthic macrophyte distribution in a shallow north Florida Bay (USA). A polluted river drainage system was compared to an adjoining (unpolluted) one. The affected area was characterized by elevated levels of color and turbidity. Inshore areas associated with high levels of KME were characterized by severely reduced benthic macrophyte biomass, reduced numbers of species/unit area, and altered species composition when compared to control stations. Areas of chronic impact also had reduced levels of biomass, although the total number of species taken were not significantly different from the controls. In polluted areas, red and brown algae were proportionately more abundant than chlorophytes and spermatophytes. Dominance generally was reduced in areas of the Bay affected by KME. Except for areas of acute impact, there was no significant difference in species diversity (H) between polluted and unpolluted portions of the Bay. There were uniform increases in the total number of species on either side of the affected drainage system. Such areas were considered to be transition zones between the polluted and unpolluted parts of Apalachee Bay. Benthic macrophyte distribution, in terms of biomass and species (community) composition, was considered an important indicator of the impact of KME on the shallow coastal systems in question. The pattern of macrophyte species composition reflected various water-quality parameters. Species normally inhabiting deeper water were found in areas of increased turbidity and color. It was postulated that reduction of normal dominants such as Thalassia testudinum and Halimeda incrassata allowed the colonization of such areas by opportunistic species. This would explain the maintenance of comparable (total) numbers of species in polluted areas and the lack of effect of KME on species diversity even though biomass was severely restricted. These parameters were analogous to the epibenthic fish distribution in the respective drainage areas. Near-shore coastal systems in Apalachee Bay thus were affected by gradients in water quality in addition to natural (seasonal) fluctuations in key physical and chemical parameters. The benthic plant assemblages reflected variations in dominance, the occurrence of opportunistic species, and ecological diversity that resulted in a continuum of disturbance phenomena ranging from sparsely distributed groups in grossly polluted systems to well developed plant assemblages in areas that remain unaffected by KME.  相似文献   

Size-frequency distributions were determined for 3 common lantern-fishes (Stenobrachius leucopsarus, Diaphus theta, and Tarletonbeania crenularis) off Oregon in the summer. The fishes were caught mainly in sound-scattering layers by a large pelagic trawl with 5 opening-closing nets. Changes in depth distribution and diel vertical migration with growth were evident for all 3 species. The size of S. leucopsarus increased markedly with depth both at 0 to 90 m at night and 250 to 500 m during the day. Larger D. theta were also found deeper during the day (between 250 and 450 m), but neither D. theta nor T. crenularis demonstrated size segregation in the upper 90 m at night. Large D. theta and small T. crenularis did not appear to migrate into surface waters at night. Age-Group O (15 to 20 mm) S. leucopsarus were most abundant in deep water (400 to 480 m) in the daytime and did not migrate into near-surface waters at night. Age-Group I (30 to 40 mm) S. leucopsarus were common at about 300 m by day and within the upper 30 m at night. Age-Group II–III (50 to 60 mm) apparently followed the evening ascent of Age-Group I fish and most resided at 75 to 90 m at night, beneath Age-Group I fish. Age-Group III+fish (70 to 80 mm) were associated with Age-Group O at 400 to 480 m by day and usually did not migrate above 200 m at night. The size structure of S. leucopsarus differed among the nets of a single tow at one depth, or between two tows that fished the same depths on successive nights, indicating horizontal patchiness in age structure. D. theta demonstrated low within-tow variability in size composition which indicated a spatially more uniform age structure on a scale of kilometers. The size structures of these 3 lanternfishes were different in the same area and the same season during two different years, suggesting variable survival of year classes or horizontal patchiness of age composition in the area sampled.  相似文献   

The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis postulates that secondary sexual traits are honest signals of male quality because steroid hormones (such as corticosteroids and sex steroids), which are supposed to favor the development of secondary sexual traits, may also have immunosuppressive effects. Certain secondary sexual traits are not only used as mate choice signals but also play a role as badges of status. In the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), males have a bib of black feathers which is used both as a signal of social status in male-male interactions and by females when choosing a mate. We investigated the relationships between bib size and cellular immune response in male house sparrows during and outside the reproductive season. Males with large badges were found to have lower levels of immunocompetence, as assessed using a T-cell-mediated immunity assay, during the reproductive season, as predicted by the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis. Conversely, in November, the correlation between badge size and cellular immune response was positive, possibly reflecting the better access to trophic resources of large-badged dominant males in winter flocks. Received: 24 September 1998 / Received in revised form: 2 February 1999 / Accepted: 14 February 1999  相似文献   

Phyllorhiza punctata, commonly called the Australian white spotted jellyfish, invaded the Caribbean in the 1960s, becoming established there and subsequently in the United States in the northern Gulf of Mexico (by 2000) and eastern Florida (2001). With the prevailing Loop Current flowing clockwise around the Gulf of Mexico and joining the Gulf Stream along eastern Florida, potential transport of P. punctata along the eastern seaboard of the USA could be facilitated. P. punctata medusae were collected in small numbers along the entire Georgia coast during May–November in 2007 and 2008. Medusa bell diameters increased both years from ca. 10 cm in May to ca. 33 cm in autumn. Specimens lacked zooxanthellae, as reported for medusae in the northern Gulf of Mexico and Florida. It is possible that the P. punctata medusae observed were transported from established populations to the south; however, whether or not this species is established along the Georgia coast has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Influence of predation on infaunal abundance in Upper Chesapeake Bay,USA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The importance of predators in controlling the densities of infaunal (>0.5 mm) organisms was investigated in the mesohaline region of the Upper Chesapeake Bay (USA) using field experiments. The role of predators in controlling infaunal density and community characteristics varied with habitat type, season (i.e., predator abundance) and developmental or successional stage of the community. Few infaunal species were adversely affected by predator exclusion. Species that increased greatly in abundance in the absence of predators (e.g. Eteone heteropoda, Streblospio benedicti, Nereis succinea, and juvenile Macoma balthica and Mya arenaria) lived near the sediment-water interface and had major population pulses from fall through spring. Species whose abundances increased moderately or were not affected by predator exclusion were deeper burrowing organisms (e.g. Heteromastus filiformis and adult Mya arenaria), or were relatively small organisms (e.g. Paraprionospio pinnata, Scolecolepides viridis and Peloscolex gabriellae) whose principal predators could be other members of the infauna. Competition did not appear to be an important factor controlling infaunal density in these experiments.This work is Contribution No. 973 of the Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies of the University of Maryland  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to determine the water quality in terms of physicochemical characteristics and plankton distribution in the coastal waters of Kattumavadi, Palk Bay for a period of one year from April 2002 to March 2003. Air and surface water temperatures varied from 28 degrees C to 32.50 degrees C and from 27.5 to 32.0 degrees C while light extinction coefficient (LEC) varied between 0.95 and 1.85. Salinity ranged from 26.0 to 34.5 per thousand and the pH ranged between 7.95 and 8.35. Variation in dissolved oxygen content was from 4.15 to 7.18 ml(-1), and the particulate organic carbon (POC) content varied between 0.49 and 2.28 mgCl(-1). Concentrations of nutrients viz. nitrate (2.15 to 8.28 microM), nitrite (0.12 to 0.62 microM), inorganic phosphate (1.28 to 2.15 microM) and reactive silicate (5.15 to 12.52 microM) also varied independently. Chlorophyll a content ranged from 0.28 to 1.48 mg m(-3) and the primary productivity, from 4.19 to 16.08 mgCm(-3) hr(-1). The present study recorded a total of 43 species of planktonic diatoms and two species of blue-green algae. Population density of phytoplankton varied from 18,000 to 34,000 cells l(-1). Percentage composition, of the diatoms showed minimum values during the monsoon season and the maximum values during the premonsoon season.  相似文献   

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