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The growth of 0-group Pleuronectes platessa L. on diets containing plant proteins was examined. Diets were made acceptable to the fish by including in them cod flesh which had been predigested with proteolytic enzymes, as well as a proportion of air-dried cod meal. A leaf-protein concentrate was fed at 6 levels ranging from 0 to 63 % of the total dietary protein; B.P. protein concentrate (Toprina) and soyabean meal were examined at a single level — about 45 % of the dietary protein. The remainder of the protein in these diets was animal protein, cod meal or cod flesh. Analysis of the weight gains after a 12 week feeding period and of the growth curves showed that, as the proportion of leaf protein in the diet increased, the growth rate diminished, the effect becoming more pronounced when leaf protein reached 40 % or more of the dietary protein. Growth on the diet containing B.P. protein concentrate was superior to that on the diet containing soyabean meal and was comparable with diets containing low levels of leaf protein. The protein efficiency ratios (PER= g live weight gain/g protein fed) for the different diets showed similar trends to the growth rates. Diets containing 40 % or less of leaf protein and the B.P. protein diet had PERs of 1.4 to 1.5. The soyabean meal diet and diets containing more than 40 % of the protein as leaf protein had PERs of 1.0 or less. The results are considered in the context of production diets for flatfish.  相似文献   

Gastric evacuation, maximum food intake and mortality during starvation were studied inNephrops norvegicus (L.) by means of simple laboratory experiments. Lobsters were collected by trawling off Barcelona (northwest Spain) at 400 m depth in winter 1986, and were held individually or in groups and fed different types of food:Nereis spp. (soft tissue, muscle), some species of Crangonidae (mostly hard tissue, carapace) andEngraulis encrassicolus (soft and hard tissues, combined muscles and bones). The digested matter was subsequently examined and analyzed from the stomach contents. Laboratory results were compared with the stomach contents of individuals collected from the field. Gastric evaluation was calculated as weight of stomach contents at Timet = stomach-content weight × 100:weight of food ration — residual weight of food, and the characteristic appearance of identifiable food items at different digestion times (0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 5 h) was recorded and illustrated, providing a basis for establishing the time of ingestion of the last meal and the underestimation of soft, compared to hard tissues. Underestimation of soft tissues may yield errors which constitute up to 10% of the soft food actually ingested. Maximum food intake was estimated at 0.25 g g–1 body wt d–1, and feeding did not recommence until 24 h after a previous meal. Finally, we present data on mortality resulting from cannibalism which occurred in conjunction with starvation: this ranged from 0% in isolated individuals to 36.6% in individuals held in groups.  相似文献   

Marine cladocerans are important contributors to the zooplankton community of tropical and temperate coastal ecosystems during the warmer months, when they show explosive population growth. Despite this fact, little information is available on their ecology compared with the extensive studies on their freshwater relatives. The main objective of this study was to determine the in situ feeding and growth rates, and life history parameters of Penilia avirostris in São Sebastião Bay (Brazil) during austral summer 2004, as a premise to understand the advantages of this cladoceran in oligotrophic waters. Culture development experiments, monitored for a period of 12 days, showed that maximum juvenile release occurred after 2 days, and that the development duration of a complete cohort was around 9 days. From bottle incubation grazing experiments, significant ingestion rates upon flagellates, ciliates, dinoflagellates and diatoms were detected. Flagellates were the most important contributors to P. avirostris diet (ca. 80%). P. avirostris ingested between 28 and 97% of its own carbon biomass per day (daily ration) and individual growth rates of this marine cladoceran (0.10–0.24 d?1) increased with prey availability. The combination of ingestion rates of natural prey and growth rates provided gross growth efficiencies (GGE) of 15–53%, on a carbon basis. Our results suggest that P. avirostris has similar GGE to copepods, although at low food conditions the values for the marine cladocerans seems slightly higher. However, this characteristic alone does not explain the explosive growth and community dominance shown by P. avirostris. Therefore, other traits related to the reproductive biology of the species, such as short generation time, parthenogenetic reproduction, and continuous somatic growth, seems to be mostly responsible for the success of P. avirostris in many marine ecosystems during their seasonal occurrence.  相似文献   

It is often necessary to estimate the weight that an individual may be capable of gaining depending on its degree of activity. A simple individual-based model was developed for studying the dynamics of weight in terms of daily behavior and ingestion rate. It was based on the balance between the individual's energy intake and the cost of its daily activities. Costs depend on the weight of the individual and the photoperiod, as well as on the time spent on each activity. Different combinations of ingestion rate, individual's weight, photoperiod length, and time assigned to different activities were used for simulating the weight dynamics, taking the species Rhea americana as a study case. Estimations of energetic costs of the activities were obtained from specialized literature. Using different photoperiods and individual behaviors, the model yields field metabolic rate (FMR) values in agreement with those obtained from direct measurements for other omnivorous bird species.  相似文献   

Foraging theory proposes that the nutritional driver of food choice and foraging in carnivores is energy gain. In contrast, recent laboratory experiments have shown that several species of carnivore select prey that provides a diet with a specific balance of macronutrients, rather than the highest energy content. It remains, however, to be determined how nutritionally variable the foods of predators in the wild are, and whether they feed selectively from available prey to balance their diet. Here, we used a geometric method named the right-angled mixture triangle (RMT) for examining nutritional variability in the prey and selected diets of a group of wild carnivores and marine top predators, the gannets (Morus spp.). A prey-level diet analysis was performed on Australasian gannets (M. serrator) from two New Zealand locations, and the macronutrient composition of their chosen prey species was measured. We use RMT to extend the comparison in the compositions of foods and diets from Australasian gannets from Australia as well as Northern gannets (M. bassanus) and Cape gannets (M. capensis). We found nutritional variability at multiple scales: intra- and interspecific variability in the pelagic fish and squid prey themselves; and intra- and interspecific variability in the diets consumed by geographically disparate populations of gannets. This nutritional variability potentially presents these predatory seabirds with both opportunity to select an optimal diet, and constraint if prevented from securing an optimal diet.  相似文献   

Groups of laboratory-reared, juvenile lobsters (Homarus gammarus, 40–50 g wet weight) were given different types of food (shrimp, mixed invertebrates and pellets, bivalves, starved) for a period of 22 wk. Haemocyanin concentration was measured weekly, moult stage and moultings noted. Haemocyanin concentration decreased rapidly in the starved group (from 0.8–0.6 to 0.2 mM). The group fed with bivalves showed a small decline with time, to 0.5–0.3 mM at the end of the period, indicating a deficient diet. The haemocyanin in the other groups did not change significantly during the experiment. Moultings decreased in frequency and the intermoult period was prolonged when the quality of food was decreased, and in the starved group moulting ceased completely after 1.5 months. Haemocyanin concentration was lowest immediately after moult and increased gradually through stages C and D. Lobsters that were starved or maintained on the bivalve diet did not reach the same premoult haemocyanin levels as those fed with shrimps and mixed food.  相似文献   

Complete carbon and nitrogen budgets at 8° and 12° C over the life span of Euphausia pacifica were constructed from data published in the foregoing publication. The relative magnitudes of physiological functions such as metabolism and growth for the different life history stages were compared. The carbon net growth efficiency (NGE) for E. pacifica increased to a maximum of 60 to 74% at Calyptopis 3 (a larval stage) and then decreased rapidly to a level of 10 to 12% for adults. The cumulative amount of assimilated carbon or nitrogen in reproductive products was equal to that in growth. The cumulative net production efficiency (tissue plus molts plus reproductive products) is 24 to 29%, and is slightly higher for nitrogen than for carbon. For juveniles and adults, the largest proportion (40 to 65%) of assimilated material is used in metabolism, and is about 10% higher at 8° than 12° C. The difference between measured and predicted ingestion (the sum of metabolism, leakage, defecation, growth, molting and reproduction) probably results from poorly understood aspects of zooplankton physiology (e.g. the effect of body weight on leakage). Nitrogen budgets at 8° C for furcilia bulanced the best, with deviations of less than 10%. In general, predicted ingestion was increasingly less than measured ingestion as body weight and temperature increased. Possible omissions or errors in assumptions or methods that may cause the imbalances are discussed.  相似文献   

We aimed to measure concentrations of the commonly used artificial sweetener sucralose, following ingestion of doses reflecting a range of consumption and to compare concentrations in children and adults. Eleven adults consumed 355 mL water containing 0 mg (control), 68, 170, or 250 mg sucralose (equivalent to 1–4 diet sodas). A second group of adults (n = 11) consumed 355 mL Diet Rite Cola? (68 mg sucralose and 41 mg acesulfame-potassium (ace-K)) or 68 mg sucralose and 41 mg ace-K in seltzer. Beverages were provided at separate visits in randomized order, prior to an oral glucose tolerance test. Eleven children consumed 0 or 68 mg sucralose in 240 mL water, in an identical study design. Blood was collected before beverage ingestion and serially for 120 min. Sucralose doses (corrected for weight) resulted in similar plasma concentrations in children and adults. Concentrations were comparable whether sucralose was administered in water, combined with ace-K, or in diet soda. Due to their lower body weight and blood volume, children have markedly higher plasma sucralose concentrations after the consumption of a typical diet soda, emphasizing the need to determine the clinical implications of sucralose use in children.  相似文献   

Diet selection of the Chilean stone crab Homolaspis plana (Milne-Edwards, 1834) was studied using the optimal foraging theory to explain its feeding strategy. The hypothesis that H. plana prefers prey species of the highest prey (“energy”) value was experimentally tested on adult crabs during 1980–1981. Food value was defined as the ratio between caloric content and consumption time, according to energy maximization as the criterion to optimize diet selection. Diet composition of adult crabs from the littoral of Valparaíso (Chile) and ingestion under laboratory conditions were studied to determine type, size and quantity of food to be offered in experiments on prey-type preference. Porcellanid crabs, barnacles and bivalves were the most frequently occurring items in stomachs from in situ conditions. In the aquaria, daily ingestion rates were quite variable among crabs and among days. H. plana showed no size preference for molluscs (Tegula atra, Semimytilus algosus) but preferred larger sizes of porcellanids. The order of preference for prey type was S. algosus>T. atra> porcellanids. However, no differences between their energy values were found and, therefore, the optimal foraging hypothesis was rejected. By extension, the energy maximization criterion alone may not explain the diet selection of H. plana under experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Four different methods were used in the control conditions of laboratory to estimate the ingestion rate of a female meiobenthic harpacticoid copepod Amonardia normani: (1) reduction of algal biomass, (2) the quantification of total pigments in fecal pellets, (3) the gut fluorescence method, (4) the percentage of assimilation and the total egestion rate. The food used during all experiments was the diatom Nitzschia constricta in an axenic condition at the concentration of 0.13 μg Chl-a mL?1 at stationary growth phase. All experiments were made at 20 °C and 30 salinity. All tested methods excepted the quantification of total pigments in fecal pellets resulted in similar estimatives. The gut fluorescence method indicated that during the day gut contents are smaller than during the night but the gut passage time was faster, resulting in similar ingestion rates during the day and the night. The reduction of algal biomass and the percentage of assimilation and the total egestion rate also indicated similar ingestion rates in the day and in the night. The daily ingestion rate represents 107 % of female carbon weight per day (903 ng C cop?1day?1).  相似文献   

The fate of the protease trypsin in intestines of individual herring larvae Clupea harengus L. was studied following digestion of the copepod Acartia tonsa. Trypsin was retained in the intestine during two consecutive pulses of feeding and defaecation of copepods. Quantification of herring trypsin in digested, defaecated copepods showed that ca. 1% of larval intestinal enzyme was defaecated along with 1 to 3 copepods. Following ingestion of a single meal, the level of intestinal trypsin post-ingestion declined to pre-ingestion levels within 1 to 2 d of starvation. All enzyme data thus indicated that trypsin, released in response to ingestion of a meal, was retained. In addition, analysis of fed subgroups of starved larvae clearly indicated that release of trypsin from the pancreas stopped after 6 to 8 d of starvation. As the fish still contained substantial amounts of trypsinogen, the underlying cause might be defective release mechanisms. Daily secretion of trypsin and processes responsible for enzyme retention in the gut are discussed. Assimilation efficiency in herring larvae was estimated for copepodite prey. Average carbon assimilation was 90%.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of lanternfish Benthosema pterotum (Alcock) from the north Arabian Sea, Mozambique and the Bay of Bengal was studied. Samples were collected on cruises carried out by R.V. Dr. Fridtjof Nansen during the period 1978 to 1983. A wide variety of zooplankton organisms were identified in the diet of B. pterotum with crustanceans dominating the diet. Copepods constituted ca. 40 to 90% of the diet. Dry weight analyses of the stomach contents from the Gulf of Oman in February 1983 showed copepods to be 35 to 55% in weight (average in samples). Ontogenetic differences were observed in the diet. Prey size increased as the fish length increased, but the largest fish did not exclude the smaller prey organisms from their diet. Regional variation in diet was also shown in B. pterotum. The degree of filling and the state of digestion of stomach contents revealed that this species feeds intensively at night in the epipelagic layer. All copepods indentified were epipelagic species, providing additional evidence of diurnal pattern in the feeding chronology of B. pterotum. Identification of copepods from the Gulf of Oman in February 1983, revealed that herbivorous species dominated in biomass. Quantitative analyses show that B. pterotum probably have a daily food intake of ca. 4.5% of the body weight.  相似文献   

Meroplankton are seasonally important contributors to the zooplankton, particularly at inshore sites, yet their feeding ecology is poorly known relative to holoplankton. While several studies have measured feeding in decapod larvae, few studies have examined the feeding rates of decapod larvae on natural prey assemblages throughout the reproductive season. We conducted 8 feeding experiments with Necora puber, Liocarcinus spp. and Upogebia spp. zoea larvae collected from the L4 monitoring site off Plymouth (50°15.00′N, 4°13.02′W) during spring–summer 2009 and 2010. This period spanned moderate-to-high food availability (0.5–1.6 µg chl-a L?1), but a great range in food composition with small cells <20 µm dominating in 2010. Daily rations averaged 17, 60 and 22 % of body C for the 3 respective decapod species. Clearance rates differed according to prey type, and all 3 decapod genera showed evidence of selection of dinoflagellates. Importantly, small cells including nano- and pico-plankton were ingested, this being demonstrated independently by flow cytometric analysis of the feeding experiments and molecular analysis. PCR-based analysis of the haptophyte portion of the diet revealed ingestion of Isochrysis galbana by decapod larvae in the bottle incubations and Isochrysis galbana and Phaeocystis globosa by decapod larvae collected directly from the field. This study has shown that pico- and nano-sized plankton form an important supplement to the diverse and variable diet of decapod larvae.  相似文献   

The extent of the nocturnal vertical migration of Mysis mixta Lilljeborg varied between early July and late October (of 1985 and 1986) in a coastal area of the Baltic Sea. Migration was more restricted in early July and late October. Seasonal changes in surface light levels and transparency were sufficient to explain the observed differences. Mysids avoided light levels above 10-4 lux throughout the study period. Smaller juveniles migrated higher up than larger juveniles and adults. A two-layered distribution with part of the population close to the bottom was observed at night. Zooplankton were more abundant in water layers above the main concentration of mysids. M. mixta fed on phytoplankton, detritus, copepods, cladocerans, rotifers and tintinnids. Diel changes in gut fluorescence indicated a higher intake of phytoplankton at night, but levels were low compared to primarily herbivorous zooplankton. Comparisons of stomach contents of mysids caught at the bottom in the evening and in the water column at night showed a higher ingestion of zooplankton at night and of detritus during the day. Mysids caught at the bottom at night had an intermediate diet. Copepods and cladocerans constituted between 90 and 100% of ingested material by weight in all mysid groups.  相似文献   

In this study, we hypothesised that a reduction in n-3 HUFA availability for higher consumers, as expected with global change, would negatively impact the physiological performances of fish. The aim was to experimentally evaluate the effect of n-3 HUFA dietary content on cardio-respiratory performances of the golden grey mullet (Liza aurata), a microalgae grazer of high ecological importance in European coastal areas. These performances were evaluated in terms of critical swimming speed U crit, associated oxygen consumption MO2, post-exercise oxygen consumption and calcium fluxes in cardiomyocytes. Two replicated groups of fish were fed on a rich (standard diet, SD diet: 1.2 % n-3 HUFA on dry matter basis, DMB) or a poor n-3 HUFA (low n-3 HUFA diet, LD diet: 0.2 % n-3 HUFA on DMB) diet during 5 months and were called SD and LD groups, respectively. The results showed that the LD diet reduced growth rate as well as the aerobic capacity of L. aurata at 20 °C, suggesting that fish may have to save energy by modifying the proportion of energy allocated to energy-demanding activities, such as digestion or feeding. In addition, this LD diet induced higher levels of haematocrit and plasma osmolality, indicating a stress response at the second and third levels in that group. However, the LD diet caused a massive increase in swimming efficiency. This should improve the capacity of L. aurata to migrate and to forage over a wide area. In turn, these could then compensate for the reduction in growth rate and aerobic metabolism.  相似文献   

Ammonia excretion of individual Crangon franciscorum Stimpson was monitored in response to ingestion of single meals. The three experimental diets were tubificids, mysids and fish. Ammonia excretion was also monitored for individual shrimp which had been starved. The rate of ammonia excretion was higher for fed than for starved individuals in all cases. Ammonia excretion rates were higher for shrimp which were fed tubificids than those fed the other diets. The rate of excretion was influenced by both weight of the individual and the amount ingested of each diet. Ammonia excretion was influenced by dietary factors other than nitrogen content of the diet or the quantity ingested. The data suggest that field estimates of ammonia excretion based on the excretion rates of starved animals may be underestimates. The recent feeding history of an organism influences the rate of ammonia excretion as well as the relationship between the rate of excretion and weight.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the oral administration of Jatropha curcas seed meal (JCSM) on serum biochemical parameters and histopathology of skin, liver, and kidney of rabbits experimentally infested by Hyalomma marginatum marginatum. Thirty healthy mixed-breed rabbits were randomly divided into five equal groups. The first group was kept as a control and fed soya bean meal. The remaining groups were fed diets containing 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, or 10% JCSM. At the sixth week, each group was divided into two subgroups. Ticks were introduced to all members of one subgroup, the other subgroup being kept as control. Blood samples were collected and analyzed for biochemical parameters before (zero time) and after the treatment, on the 6th and 8th weeks. Histopathological studies were conducted 8 weeks after the treatment. The results revealed that JCSM could be used in the treatment of ectoparasites at levels of less than 10% in the diet without any serious effects on liver and kidney functions.  相似文献   

Laboratory production during the life span of Euphausia pacifica was measured directly (as the sum of growth, molting and reproduction) and indirectly (as assimilation minus metabolism and leakage) to test the hypothesis that weight-specific production is a constant for all sizes. Euphausiids were collected in Puget Sound, Washington State, USA, from September 1973 to March 1978. Equations were determined (in terms of carbon and nitrogen at 8° and 12° C) expressing the relationships between body weight and the daily rates of growth, molting, reproduction, ingestion and metabolism. The allometric equation (R=aW b ) best related body weight (W) to the rate (R) for growth, molting, ingestion, respiration and excretion for life stages from late larvae through adults. As predicted by the original above hypothesis, the weight-specific coefficient (b) was close to 1.0 for ingestion and excretion; in contrast, b was 0.62 for growth, and 0.77 to 0.85 for molting and respiration. The Q10 s also varied: 3.5 for growth, 2.4 for molting, about 3.0 for ingestion, and 2.0 for respiration and excretion. Assimilation efficiencies, for all weights and at both temperatures, were 81.3% of carbon and 85.9% of nitrogen ingested. The relationships between rate and body weight of early larvae for growth and molting were linear, as was the relationship for reproduction in adults. Weight-specific production was higher by I to 2% at 12° than 8° C for all life stages, and was 2 to 4% for carbon and 2 to 6% for nitrogen in adults, but 13 to 17% for carbon and 14 to 15% for nitrogen in early furcilia larvae. The null hypothesis was rejected for production measured directly, but would have been accepted if only an indirect measurement of nitrogen production had been considered. Clearly, indirect measurement incorporates all errors of measurement and assumption and makes interpretation difficult.  相似文献   

Herbivores tend to increase feeding rate and fitness when consuming a mixed diet relative to a single diet. According to the detoxification limitation hypothesis (DLH), feeding choices and rates when confronted with chemically rich plants are determined by herbivore physiology, and specifically by the metabolic pathways that herbivores use to manipulate secondary metabolites. We tested two predictions of the DLH using two generalist herbivores, the urchin Arbacia punctulata and amphipod Ampithoe longimana. These herbivores have geographic ranges which overlap with brown seaweeds that produce diterpenes (Dictyota menstrualis, D. ciliolata) and a green seaweed that produces sesquiterpenes and diterpenes (Caulerpa sertularioides). As predicted by the DLH, herbivore consumption rates in no-choice feeding assays were limited by extract intake rates. This suggests an upper limit in the herbivores’ abilities to physiologically manipulate seaweed metabolites. Contrary to a second prediction of the DLH, urchins consumed equal amounts of foods coated with limiting concentrations of two seaweed extracts offered singly, as a mixture, or as a pairwise choice. This result suggests that secondary metabolites of these seaweeds are manipulated by a linked set of detoxification pathways. Improving our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie diet mixing depends on greater attention to the physiology of herbivore resistance to secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

When the costs of parental care do not scale with the number of offspring being cared for, inclusion of non-descendant young into broods can be advantageous, leading to systems of alloparental care. However, if the cost of care scales with the number of offspring, selection may act against misdirected parental care. The spiny chromis, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, is a marine fish with extended biparental care, and broods that increase in size over the care period strongly suggest that alloparental care occurs in this species. However, A. polyacanthus parents directly provision their offspring by producing ectodermal mucus for their fry to feed on. The costs of such provisioning may scale with brood size, potentially increasing the costs of parental care. Using wild A. polyacanthus pairs, we tested whether foreign offspring are accepted into established broods, and measured how brood defence effort and mucal feeding scale with brood size. We found that A. polyacanthus discriminate between their own and foreign young, vigorously expelling experimentally introduced foreign offspring. Although defensive effort did not scale with brood size, mucal feeding was strongly dependent on brood size, and this increasing cost of care likely acts as the primary selective force on parental discrimination and rejection of foreign fry in A. polyacanthus.  相似文献   

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