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M. Telford 《Marine Biology》1983,76(2):125-134
Coefficients of lift and drag for fifty lunulate sand dollars [Mellita quinquiesperforata (Leske 1778)], poised over a flat, sandy surface, were determined at seven different air stream velocities. Coefficients of static friction were obtained experimentally on level sand in standing water. Critical velocity, at which a sand dollar would be dislodged, is defined as that current velocity in which the force of drag is equal to the product of residual weight (i.e. weight-lift) and the coefficient of static friction. Small individuals have lower critical velocities than large ones: 26 cm s?1 and 43 cm s?1 for individuals 48 and 94 mm in diameter, respectively. Measurements were repeated for 20 of the controls, their lunules smoothly filled with modelling clay, and 20 from which lunule spines were removed. In every case, blocking the lunules decreased critical velocity, by an average of 15%; this was shown to be statistically significant (P>0.01). Removal of spines, which partially occlude the lunules, significantly (P>0.01) increased critical velocity by an average of 13%. Direct measurements in a water tunnel showed that calculated values of critical velocity were slightly too high, but otherwise confirmed the role of the lunules. Allometric analysis showed that as sand dollars increase in size, the distances of the lunules from the center of the disk increase less rapidly than the radii. A principal components' analysis of profile measurements of nine species indicated that lunulate and non-lunulate sand dollars are quite different in form. Lunulate species tend to be thinedged, flat-domed and larger in diameter. Some alternative ideas of lunule function are discussed and it is shown that there are no allometric or experimental data to support any of the suggested feeding hypotheses.  相似文献   

Sustainable development, as a multi-dimensional concept, is difficult to measure. Some efforts using indicators and indices have appeared in recent years, but most were developed on a national scale. Use of sustainability indicators has proven valuable for attaining better management of the environment by minimizing information gaps and maximizing community capabilities in terms of economic, social, environmental, and institutional sustainability dimensions. However, at least in the case of developing countries, the potential exists that national sustainability measures, based on national level indicators, may mask problems in sub-national zones with highly unsustainable conditions. This paper proposes a methodology to evaluate sustainable development at a local level, the use of which could be helpful in comparing different regions within a country or even among different countries. National sustainability indicators should result from a combination (whether additive or proportional) of regional sustainability indicators, as developed in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper presents the main results of two studies of contrasting natural and man-induced conditions along the Pacific coast of Baja California (Mexico), based on the assumption that ecological insight can be obtained from man-induced modifications insofar as relevant activities are explicitly addressed as parts of the systems under study. The study is concerned with a fragmented coastal succulent-sage scrub and showed that several patches of different size and age may harbor as many species as non-fragmented areas, and that 83% of the original species assemblage persisted in the fragments, in which the invasion by opportunistic exotic species may not progress beyond certain limits. The study of dune-backed and urban-backed beaches showed a significantly greater abundance of the Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) at the dune-backed beach, where a much more active back-shore feeding of adult birds and the only evidences of breeding occurred. Both studies refer to landscape features of regional concern and its results may be used in conservation management. The results on fragmented coastal succulentsage scrub may encourage alternative urban designs that keep patches of the original landscape, thus meeting existing requirements of low density urban development for most of the coastal succulent-sage scrub area. The evidence presented on the negative effects of dune destruction on the abundance, feeding and reproductive performance of a threatened bird species has a bearing on the topic of biodiversity management. It may also contribute to the conservation of the coastal dunes system.  相似文献   

Acartia tonsa Dana is thought to have invaded summer-warm estuarine headwaters north of Cape Cod, USA in modern times. However, these northern populations are relict ones, derived from a distribution which was once continuous from Cape Cod to the Northumberland Strait. The conclusion is based on: (1) the presence of other relict warm-water faunal elements; (2) the reproductive ecology of A. tonsa; (3) present and post-glacial oceanographic conditions. A. tonsa is not a relict holoplankter. Because of its dormant winter eggs, the species is analogous to a meroplanktonic species having high fecundity and a long pelagic larval stage. The disjunction of A. tonsa in its present refuges may make it useful for studies on rates of speciation in marine calanoid copepods.Ira C. Darling Center Contribution No. 153  相似文献   

Rainwater samples were collected in the western sector of Mexico City (MC) and at Rancho Viejo (RV), 80 km west-south-west of MC, from 2001 to 2005, and Orizaba City (OC), about 90 km from the Gulf of Mexico, where rainwater collections were only possible on some weekends in 2001. Rainwater samples were treated in the field, and analysed by fluorescence at the laboratory. The volume-weighted mean concentration (VWMC) of H2O2 was 13.2 μM at RV, and 11.2 μM in MC, for the period 2001–2005. The highest VWMC was observed in OC (21.6 μM). The VWMCs for each year were 9.5, 14.4, 11.5, 16.7, and 14.3 μM at RV, and 12.2, 12.2, 14.3, 11.8, and 9.9 μM in MC, for 2001–2005, respectively. Hydrogen peroxide in rainwater correlated significantly and negatively with sulfate in both MC and RV, but not, however, in OC. This study confirmed that H2O2 concentration in rainwater is controlled by a complex combination of rain intensity, washout processes and in-cloud formation of H2O2, acting simultaneously. This was suggested by the fact that rain intensity seemed to predominate in certain rain fractions of a rain event, while washout processes seemed to predominate in other fractions of the same rain event.  相似文献   

Seasonal abundance of planktonic larvae of the sand dollar Dendraster excentricus was determined in Monterey Bay, California, USA. Larvae were counted from two offshore stations and also over a coastal sand dollar bed, and these data were compared with settlement in the sand dollar bed, with adult population structure and with adult reproductive condition. These measurements were made during the period July 1978 to October 1980 and in October 1981. Sand dollar larvae were most abundant in the plankton during the summer, a period when phytoplankton productivity tended to be high and currents were relatively slow and variable. In some years, small-scale current variations appeared to prevent many larvae in the open bay from reaching the nearshore sand dollar beds; however, in other years, massive shoreward transport of the larvae evidently did occur, since the adult population in the sand dollar bed exhibited a mode in size, indicating a large settlement. A comparison of settled individuals in 1980 and the adult size-frequency distribution in 1981 gives an estimated mortality rate of 88% yr-1 for early juveniles of D. excentricus.  相似文献   


This paper offers a critical assessment of how tourism development in the municipality of Los Cabos, Baja California Sur affects land and water use. Los Cabos is a seaside tourism Mecca located at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula, in Mexico’s northwest. There, subsidised profits and a process of dispossession in the tourism sector have to do mainly with land and water appropriation in the form of restrictions to beach access by the local population, urban segregation and, in an arid region, privileging water provision for the tourism industry over the needs of the population. In order to sustain these claims, we map water and land use for tourism in Cabo San Lucas. We also analyse the expansion of the Los Cabos type of tourism to the small town of La Ribera, in the East Cape-Cabo Pulmo area, where marinas and high scale housing for residential tourism sprout along the coast. We argue that the seemingly ever-growing presence of tourism in the region carries with it an urgent call for the reappraisal of current approaches to land and water use, if local resources are to deliver quality of life for the population, and not only economic profitability for (mostly) foreign capital. Analytically, we address these issues by unpacking David Harvey’s concept of accumulation by dispossession, which – we argue – is for our purposes a broader tent than the (mostly Latin American) theorisations on extractivism, as we explain later in the relevant section of the paper.  相似文献   

N. H. Marcus 《Marine Biology》1995,123(3):459-465
Few investigations have examined the occurrence of zooplankton resting eggs in the sea bed of waters deeper than 20 m. In this study the distribution and abundance of planktonic copepods and their benthic resting eggs in coastal waters off northern California, U.S.A., were determined and related to environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, depth, and sediment grain size). Sediment cores, net tows, and CTD profiles were obtained in April and October 1989, and February, April, and October 1990. Water depths in the study area ranged from approximately 60 to 120 m. The mean abundance of eggs was as high as 1.2×105 m-2 for Acartia clausi Giesbrecht and 1.9×105 m-2 for Tortanus discaudatus Thompson and Scott. These egg concentrations are comparable to those reported previously for shallower more protected regions. The abundance of eggs in the sediments decreased with increasing depth of the water column. For the region as a whole, eggs were least abundant in muddy sediments. The mean abundance of eggs in the sea bed also varied seasonally and annully. Benthic resting eggs of A. clausi were more abundant in April 1989 than in April 1990, and adults of the species were never found in the plankton samples. The lack of adults is not unusual since results of previous studies indicate that A. clausi is a cold-water species, and in this region water temperatures are colder in summer, than in winter, due to upwelling. Temperature and salinity data indicated that the upwelling season had commenced by the time of the April 1990, but not the April 1989 sampling. Thus, the reduced abundance of benthic eggs in April 1990 may have been due to egg-hatching in response to reduced temperatures. The results suggest that the presence of A. clausi in coastal waters off northern California is linked to recruitment from benthic resting eggs.  相似文献   

Specimens of deep-water mollusks were collected with a bottom dredge in the SE Gulf of California during four cruises (TALUD project) in 2000–2001. A total of 24 species (16 Pelecypoda, 5 Gastropoda, and 3 Scaphopoda) were collected. Analyses of environmental data (depth, epibenthic temperature and oxygen content, sediment texture and organic matter content) associated with each record indicated that the community diversity of these deep-water mollusks was related to oxygen concentration and density was correlated with depth. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that the five environmental variables explained 53.8% of observed variance in the model. In a multiple regression analysis, density (ind l−1) was best correlated with dissolved oxygen concentration (R = −0.25), followed by temperature (R = −0.20), organic matter content (R = −0.15), and depth (R = −0.12). As oxygen best explained variance in the CCA it was selected to perform a single correspondence analysis (CA) using the most abundant and frequent species (two Pelecypoda and three Scapophoda). The analysis shows that pelecypods occur in near anoxic values while scaphopods occur in intermediate oxygen concentrations.  相似文献   

The dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) is the largest member of the genus Carcharhinus and inhabits coastal and pelagic ecosystems circumglobally in temperate, subtropical and tropical marine waters. In the western North Atlantic Ocean (WNA), dusky sharks are overfished and considered vulnerable by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. As a result, retention of dusky sharks in commercial and recreational fisheries off the east coast of the United States (US) and in the northern Gulf of Mexico is prohibited. Despite the concerns regarding the status of dusky sharks in the WNA, little is known about their habitat utilization. During the summers of 2008–2009, pop-up satellite archival tags were attached to ten dusky sharks (one male, nine females) at a location where they have been observed to aggregate in the north central Gulf of Mexico southwest of the Mississippi River Delta to examine their movement patterns and habitat utilization. All tags successfully transmitted data with deployment durations ranging from 6 to 124 days. Tag data revealed shark movements in excess of 200 km from initial tagging locations, with sharks primarily utilizing offshore waters associated with the continental shelf edge from Desoto Canyon to the Texas/Mexican border. While most sharks remained in US waters, one individual moved from the northern Gulf of Mexico into the Bay of Campeche off the coast of Mexico. Sharks spent 87 % of their time between 20 and 125 m and 83 % of their time in waters between 23 and 30 °C. Since dusky sharks are among the most vulnerable shark species to fishing mortality, there is a recovery plan in place for US waters; however, since they have been shown to make long-distance migrations, a multi-national management plan within the WNA may be needed to ensure the successful recovery of this population.  相似文献   

Briles CE  Whitlock C  Skinner CN  Mohr J 《Ecology》2011,92(3):590-601
The influence of substrate on long-term vegetation dynamics has received little attention, and yet nutrient-limited ecosystems have some of the highest levels of endemism in the world. The diverse geology of the Klamath Mountains of northern California (USA) allows examination of the long-term influence of edaphic constraints in subalpine forests through a comparison of vegetation histories between nutrient-limited ultramafic substrates and terrain that is more fertile. Pollen and charcoal records spanning up to 15000 years from ultramafic settings reveal a distinctly different vegetation history compared to other soil types. In non-ultramafic settings, the dominant trees and shrubs shifted in elevation in response to Holocene climate variations resulting in compositional and structural changes, whereas on ultramafic substrates changes were primarily structural, not compositional. Fire activity was similar through most of the Holocene with the exception of declines over the last 4000 years on ultramafic substrates, likely due to the reduction of understory fuels and cooler wetter conditions than in the middle Holocene. These results suggest that the tree and shrub distributions were more responsive to past climate changes on non-ultramafic substrates compared to those on ultramafic substrates. The combination of these dynamics may help explain high levels of plant diversity in the Klamath Mountains and provide insights for managing these complex ecosystems.  相似文献   

Identifying reproductive stocks in commercial species is relevant to fishery management strategies. We obtained muscle samples of California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) from six localities along the west coast of the Baja California Peninsula and analyzed the genetic structure using mtDNA RFLPs. Our results indicated that all localities shared the same major haplotypes and showed a spatial homogeneity in the distribution of haplotype frequencies. An analysis of molecular variance indicated that only 0.84% of the genetic variability was explained by differences among localities and was not significantly different from zero. Weak divergences were found between Bahía Magdalena, the most southerly locality, in relation to other populations. Major oceanographic processes along this coast, combined with a long larval period that supports passive transport among localities, are suggested to explain the results.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2007,201(2):205-222
Given the complexity of small-scale fisheries and the difficulties for applying classical assessment methods, the status of these fisheries has been poorly documented. In this study, we used a trophic mass-balance model as an analytical alternative to evaluate the trophic impacts of small-scale fisheries as a whole on the marine ecosystem and their implications for ecosystem-based management, taking as a case study the La Paz bay and adjacent fishing grounds (BALAP) located in the Gulf of California, Mexico.Maturity indices, like ascendency and primary production to respiration ratio, indicate that the BALAP ecosystem is in a developing stage. This seems to be closely related to the reported two-season climatic regime that results in a nutrient supply characterized by an oscillating upwelling. The trophic model predicts a predominance of bottom-up control in the food web, which is congruent with the immaturity of the ecosystem. In this context, fisheries seem not to cause a significant impact to the ecosystem as a whole; however, target species show signals of being fully exploited by fisheries in the system. Red snapper and sharks showed the highest exploitation rates in the ecosystem. Based on these results, we discuss the current stock concept as a population-based management unit and the necessity for defining an ecosystem-based management unit.  相似文献   

Gold has been mined at San Antonio-El Triunfo, (Baja California Sur, Mexico) since the 18th century. This area has approximately 5,700 inhabitants living in the San Juan de Los Planes and El Carrizal hydrographic basins, close to more than 100 abandoned mining sites containing tailings contaminated with potentially toxic elements such as arsenic. To evaluate the arsenic exposure of humans living in the surrounding areas, urinary arsenic species, such as inorganic arsenic (iAs) and the metabolites mono-methylated (MMA) and di-methylated arsenic acids (DMA), were evaluated in 275 residents (18–84 years of age). Arsenic species in urine were analyzed by hydride generation-cryotrapping-atomic absorption spectrometry, which excludes the non-toxic forms of arsenic such as those found in seafood. Urinary samples contained a total arsenic concentration (sum of arsenical species) which ranged from 1.3 to 398.7 ng mL?1, indicating 33 % of the inhabitants exceeded the biological exposition index (BEI = 35 ng mL?1), the permissible limit for occupational exposure. The mean relative urinary arsenic species were 9, 11 and 80 % for iAs, MMA and DMA, respectively, in the Los Planes basin, and 17, 10 and 73 %, respectively, in the El Carrizal basin. These data indicated that environmental intervention is required to address potential health issues in this area.  相似文献   

Fish at the top of the food chain bioaccumulate and biomagnify toxic metals including mercury (Hg), at a higher rate than nonpredatory fish. However, although some top predator fish species are important in the human diet, the risks for consumers in Mexico are difficult to evaluate due to the scarce baseline information available. In the present article, data on the total mercury (THg) concentrations found in edible tissues of different species of sharks, rays, large pelagic fishes and groupers from the Gulf of California are presented and compared with national and international health guidelines. During 2003 and 2004, 73 shark dorsal tissue samples, 52 ray samples, 66 large pelagic fish samples and 16 grouper samples were collected at different sites along the Gulf of California. Samples were digested in a microwave system and analyzed by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Thirty samples (14%) showed concentrations of Hg above the national statutory limit of 1?mg?kg?1, from which 25 samples were sharks and 3 were large pelagic fishes. A positive correlation was found between the natural log of THg [ln(THg)] and total length (TL cm) in species of sharks, rays and groupers. The Teacapán estuary in Sinaloa was detected as a possible source of Hg into the Gulf of California due to historic mining in the watershed. Mean Hg concentrations exceeded the regulatory limit of 1?mg?kg?1 in the following highly commercial shark species: smooth hammerhead, pelagic thrasher, pacific sharpnose shark, dusky shark, scalloped hammerhead, and whitenose shark, in that order. It is recommended that preventive food advisories be issued with respect to these species until further investigations are conducted.  相似文献   

Species are often composed of discrete breeding units (i.e. populations or stocks) which, while not reproductively isolated from other such groups, may have limited opportunities to exchange genetic material because of geographic distance, barriers to migration, or spawning asynchrony. Low levels of gene flow between stocks may result, over time, in their genetic divergence, and species that are subdivided into morphologic or genetically distinct stocks are said to be structured. The aim of our investigation was to test whether or not Penaeus stylirostris from the Gulf of California (Mexico) was structured into genetically distinct populations. Shrimp samples were collected in 1996 from six regions of the Gulf where specimens with distinct morphologic characteristics had previously been identified. Statistical analysis of 324 RAPD loci (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA), resolved through polyacrylamide gels and scored for each of 78 specimens, permitted the quantification and comparison of between-stock genetic differences. The finding that genetically discrete stocks of P. stylirostris can be found in a small portion of the geographic distribution range of the species, disagrees with the long-held perception that this resource is panmictic in nature. This new evidence is not only of interest for selective breeding programs in the shrimp aquaculture industry, but is also relevant to the management of the Mexican shrimp fishery which, at present, is perceived and managed as a single stock. Received: 10 May 1999 / Accepted: 27 July 2000  相似文献   

F. Chen  N. H. Marcus 《Marine Biology》1997,127(4):587-597
Experiments were conducted to examine the morphology and hatching success of eggs, either spawned by freshly caught planktonic copepods or recovered from bottom sediments in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Collections were made between August 1992 and September 1995. Eggs of nine species were described and these differed in their diameter, color and surface attributes. Three types of eggs were distinguished: subitaneous, diapause, and delayed-hatching. Three species, Labidocera aestiva Wheeler, Acartia tonsa Dana, and Centropages velificatus (Oliveira) produced only subitaneous eggs. Hatching success varied greatly among these species. Two species, Labidocera mirabilis Fleminger and Centropages hamatus (Lilljeborg) produced diapause eggs and subitaneous eggs. The length of the refractory phase of the diapause eggs differed greatly both within and between these two species. A third type of dormant egg, delayed-hatching, was recognized in Labidocera scotti Giesbrecht and Pontella meadi Wheeler. The existence of delayed-hatching eggs may be an adaptive response of subtropical species to less seasonal fluctuation. Based upon morphological characteristics of the eggs and rearing of nauplii to an identifiable stage, benthic dormant eggs of eight species of calanoid copepods were also identified. Received: 9 September 1996 / Accepted: 1 October 1996  相似文献   

The aim of this study is twofold. First, it explores the local discourses of poverty and well-being in a fishing community in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Second, the study examines the several constraints that fishers face for secure and sustainable livelihoods. The assessment used the sustainable livelihoods framework as analytical approach. The study concluded that poverty and marginalization in this fishing community is closely linked with institutional and social factors rather than to economics issues. The most severe constraints observed were corruption in the allocation of fishing licenses and permits, social exclusion and marginalization of new settlers and domestic violence associated with alcoholism and drug addictions. The current discourse that explains poverty exclusively in economic terms is discussed largely and confronted with empirical evidence. Finally, the study emphasizes the necessity to implement a marine protected area in the region, with the aim to preserve the marine resources as well as to establish a normative framework which guarantees transparency and justice in the resources allocation.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that populations of gelatinous zooplankton may be increasing and expanding in geographic coverage, and these increases may in turn affect coastal fish populations. We conducted trawl surveys in the northern California Current and documented a substantial biomass of scyphomedusae consisting primarily of two species (Chrysaora fuscescens and Aurelia labiata). Spatial overlap of these jellyfish with most pelagic fishes, including salmon, was generally low, but there were regions of relatively high overlap where trophic interactions may have been occurring. We compared feeding ecology of jellyfish and pelagic fishes based on diet composition and found that trophic overlap was high with planktivorous species that consume copepods and euphausiid eggs such as Pacific sardines (Sardinops sagax), northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax), Pacific saury (Cololabis saira), and Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi). Moreover, isotope and diet analyses suggest that jellyfish occupy a trophic level similar to that of small pelagic fishes such as herring, sardines and northern anchovy. Thus jellyfish have the potential, given their substantial biomass, of competing with these species, especially in years with low ecosystem productivity where prey resources will be limited.  相似文献   

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