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To better understand the dynamics of Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities in environmental flows, their evolution is investigated using direct numerical simulations (DNS). Two-dimensional DNS is used to examine the large-scale and small-scale structures of the instability at high Reynolds and Prandtl numbers that represent real environmental flows. The semi-analytical model of Corcos and Sherman (J Fluid Mech 73:241–264, 1976) is used to explain the physics of these simulations prior to saturation of the KH billow, and also provide a computationally efficient prediction of the vortex dynamics of the instability. The DNS results show that the large-scale structure of the billow does not depend on the Reynolds number for sufficiently high Reynolds numbers. The billow structure reveals a less straightforward dependence on the Prandtl number. Predictions of the model of Corcos and Sherman (J Fluid Mech 73:241–264, 1976) improve as Reynolds number and Prandtl number increase. The small-scale structure of the vorticity and density fields vary with both Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. Three-dimensional DNS of KH flows and their transition to turbulence are used to study small length scales. Based on the thickness of the braid, a simple method is introduced to estimate the Batchelor scale, which can be used as a guide for the resolution required for the direct numerical simulation of two and three-dimensional Kelvin–Helmholtz flow fields.  相似文献   

Conflict with humans is one of the major threats facing the world's remaining large carnivore populations, and understanding human attitudes is key to improving coexistence. We surveyed people living near Hwange National Park about their attitudes toward coexisting with lions. We used ordinal regression models with the results of the survey to investigate the importance of a range of tangible and intangible factors on attitudes. The variables investigated included the costs and benefits of wildlife presence, emotion, culture, religion, vulnerability, risk perception, notions of responsibility, and personal value orientations. This was for the purpose of effectively tailoring conservation efforts but also for ethical policy making. Intangible factors (e.g., fear and ecocentric values) were as important as, if not more important than, tangible factors (such as livestock losses) for understanding attitudes, based on the effect sizes of these variables. The degree to which participants’ fear of lions interfered with their daily activities was the most influential variable. The degree to which benefits accrue to households from the nearby protected area was also highly influential, as was number of livestock lost, number of dependents, ecocentric value orientation, and participation in conflict mitigation programs. Contrary to what is often assumed, metrics of livestock loss did not dominate attitudes to coexistence with lions. Furthermore, we found that socioeconomic variables may appear important when studied in isolation, but their effect may disappear when controlling for variables related to beliefs, perceptions, and past experiences. This raises questions about the widespread reliance on socioeconomic variables in the field of human–wildlife conflict and coexistence. To facilitate coexistence with large carnivores, we recommend measures that reduce fear (through education and through protective measures that reduce the need to be fearful), reduction of livestock losses, and ensuring local communities benefit from conservation. Ecocentric values also emerged as influential, highlighting the need to develop conservation initiatives tailored to local values.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have shown that the sarcophagid fly Arachnidomyia lindae is the principal egg-sac predator of the colonial orb-weaving spider Metepeira incrassata, and that risk of egg-sac loss increases with group size. Observations of specialized behaviors for attack (flies) and defense (spiders) suggest that this predator-prey relationship may incorporate elements of ploy and counterploy behavior. Here we explore this relationship in detail and test hypotheses regarding efficacy of attack and defense behaviors. Egg-sac guarding by the spider includes defensive behaviors specific to this fly predator, which were observed during experimental "attacks" with tethered A. lindae, but not with similar presentations of non-predatory Musca domestica. Experimental studies also show that Metepeira incrassata recognizes this predatory fly by airborne cues (i.e., the signature frequency of wing-beats), and can distinguish between this predator and other flies (potential prey) on the basis of wing-beat frequency differences. Removal of female spiders results in a significantly higher probability of unguarded egg-sacs being parasitized, demonstrating the adaptive value of spider defensive behaviors. We also present evidence that A. lindae utilizes a behavioral ploy for circumventing spider guarding behavior (aggressive mimicry - producing vibrations of captured prey in the web), and that Metepeira incrassata, in turn, exhibits a counter-ploy behavior (signal thread cutting) to eliminate this potentially distracting vibratory information. While previous studies have shown that this colonial web-building spider uses a number of general attack-abatement mechanisms against a diversity of predators and parasitoids, results of this study suggest that selection pressures from a highly specialized predator may also result in evolution of predator-specific prey responses.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The objective of this study was to assess worker exposure to mineral dust particles, and a metabolic model, based on the model adopted by ICRP, was applied...  相似文献   

Olfactory signals can contain information, such as age and social status, and play a vital role in competitor assessment. In many territorial species, subordinates must leave their natal colony to obtain their own territory and mate. These individuals could be aggressive opponents in agonistic encounters, as they will have little to lose (the desperado effect). In this study, we tested the hypothesis that dominance and age are coded in the anal gland secretion (AGS) of the monogamous and highly territorial Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber), and if this information is used by conspecifics to evaluate the potential threat posed by an intruder. Territorial intrusions were simulated by presenting residents with a two-way choice test of AGS from an unknown male territory owner (i.e., dominant) and his son (i.e., subordinate; either 1 or ≥2 years old). Residents spent more time investigating AGS from subordinates than their fathers and responded more aggressively to subordinates than their fathers when subordinates were ≥2 years old. Chemical analyses gas chromatography and multivariate data analysis supported our behavioral findings and revealed differences between chemical profiles of territory owners and subordinates, as well as between the subordinates in different age classes. This study reveals that information about age and social status is coded in AGS of beavers and that this information is used to determine the level of an eventual future response to the signaler.  相似文献   

Judiciously engineering the electrocatalysts is attractive and challenging to exploit materials with high electrocatalytic performance for hydrogen evolution reaction. Herein, we successfully perform the interface engineering by alternately depositing Co–P and Ni–Fe–P films on nickel foam, via facile electroless plating and de-alloying process. This work shows that there is a significant effect of de-alloying process on alloy growth. The electronic structure of layered alloys is improved by interface engineering. The multilayer strategy significantly promotes the charge transfer. Importantly, the Co–P/Ni–Fe–P/NF electrode fabricated by interface engineering exhibits excellent electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution activity with an overpotential of 43.4 mV at 10 mA cm-2 and long-term durability for 72 h in alkaline medium (1 mol L-1 KOH). The innovative strategy of this work may aid further development of commercial electrocatalysts.  相似文献   

Analysis of variations in water–soluble organic matter (WSOM) δ13C of leaves and phloem can efficiently describe the δ13C distributions within plants and identify the temporal variation of δ13C. In this study, WSOM δ13C values of both leaves and phloem (twig, stem, and root) of Platycladus orientalis were measured during seven sunny days, including 2–hour interval measurements at three days for diel pattern analysis and 6–hour interval measurements at the remaining four days for day–to–day variation analysis. Analysis of WSOM δ13C in different plant organs showed that 13C was generally depleted from leaves to twigs, then enriched in stems and subsequently depleted in roots. Stems were significantly 13C–enriched compared to twigs (p?<?0.05), while δ13C differences between stems and other organs and among leaves, twigs and roots were not significant (p?>?0.05). No clear diel patterns in δ13C of leaves and phloem were found. Daily average δ13C values indicated that all plant organs had more positive values on sunny days during the dry season than during the wet season. Both photosynthetic and post–photosynthetic fractionation influence variations in WSOM δ13C. These results have implications for research on plant physiology and plant water use.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that parent–offspring conflict over parental investment might have led to the rarity of dizygotic twins in humans. We explored the theoretical prediction that twins maximize their inclusive fitness by the death of a co-twin, while mothers of twins maximize fitness by raising both twins to independence. We used life history data (1700–1900) from two parishes in Central Norway to compare differences in inclusive fitness (measured as number of children reared to the age of 16 years, using Hamilton's rule) between twins and mothers of twins. Our results show that twins maximize their inclusive fitness by the death of a co-twin, while mothers of twins raise more children by rearing both twins to adulthood. However, because twins growing up as singletons may produce higher or at least equal number of offspring than the sum of the two twins growing up together, mothers might gain more grandchildren by allowing twins to grow up as singletons. To conclude, both selfish twins and their mothers might benefit by the death of a co-twin, indicating that there is no parent–offspring conflict responsible for the rareness of twins in these human populations. Finally, we discuss the results in the light of “The Insurance Egg Hypothesis” and “The Natural Selection Hypothesis”.  相似文献   

This commentary highlights multivariate tools that have been used by evolutionary biologists in the study of syndromes and their evolution and discusses the insights that these methods provide into evolutionary processes relative to the metric ‘syndrome deviation’ that has recently been proposed by Herczeg and Garamszegi (Behav Ecol Sociobiol 66:161–169, 2012). We clarify that non-zero phenotypic correlations arise from the joint influences of within- and between-individual correlations, whereas only non-zero between-individual correlations represent behavioural syndromes, and discuss how acknowledgement of this subtle difference between phenotypic and between-individual correlations affects the applicability of syndrome deviation for the study of behavioural syndromes.  相似文献   

A better understanding of the spatial linkage between the distribution of land vulnerable to degradation and long-term population growth may contribute to sustainable land management of dry regions. Such a nexus has received increasing attention among politicians and local stakeholders, as its complex outcomes depend on mutual interactions between socioeconomic and biophysical factors. This is particularly true in southern Europe, where important processes of land degradation (LD) have been observed in recent years. This paper analyses population growth (1871–2007) in southern Italy and questions its relationship with the level of land vulnerable to degradation. Results indicate that vulnerable lands were more likely associated with areas where population growth has determined environmental pressures on coastal areas and the neighbouring lowlands during 1950–1980. This pattern consolidated the socioeconomic polarisation between core and peripheral areas. Since the 1980s, however, southern Italy has experienced a phase of polycentric development, possibly determining a ‘decoupling’ between population density and land vulnerability to degradation. Population increased in moderately vulnerable areas but decreased in highly vulnerable areas. The policy implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The polymorphism of the human serum paraoxonase1 was analyzed by two distinguished methods in six different ethnic groups (Caucasians, Mongoloids, Negroids), using (1) the Computer Method2 and (2) the Carro‐Ciampi Method34. Analysis of the response of the enzyme activities to salts resulting in low and high activity ratios.

Comparison of the results:

In Caucasians we distinguished three phenotypes by the Computer method. The polymorphism was governed by two alleles. The Hardy‐Weinberg rule for a two‐allele model was valid. Individuals belonging to the homozygotic group with low activity had a low activity ratio (Carro‐Ciampi method). With both methods a frequency between 57% and 61% was observed for this group. Individuals with medium and high activity had a high activity ratio.

In Negroids and Mongoloids samples we found (by the Computer method) a low activity group (Ghanaians 9.6%, Jamaicans 13.6%, Indonesians 6.7%, Koreans 19.6%). The Hardy‐Weinberg rule for a two‐ or three‐allele model was not valid. Individuals belonging to the low activity group had a low activity ratio, all individuals with higher activity a high activity ratio (Carro‐Ciampi method).

Our results suggest that the members of the low activity group in the three races are homozygote for an identical allele.  相似文献   

The Elqui watershed (northern Chile) constitutes a highly contaminated river system, with arsenic exceeding by up to three orders of magnitude the average for river waters. There are three main reasons that explain this contamination: (1) the regional geology and hydrothermal (mineralizing) processes that developed in this realm during Miocene time; (2) the later unroofing–erosion–oxidation–leaching of As–Cu rich sulfide ores, a process that have been taking place for at least 10,000 years; and last but not least (3) mining activities at the high-altitude (>4000 m above sea level) Au–Cu–As El Indio mine, from the late 1970s onwards. The El Indio mineral deposit hosted large veins of massive sulfides, including the important presence of enargite (Cu3AsS4). The continuous natural erosion of these veins and their host rocks (also rich in As and Cu) during Holocene time, led to important and widespread metal dispersion along the river system. During the studied pre mining period (1975–1977), the high altitude river Toro waters already showed very large As concentrations (0.36–0.52 mg l−1). The initiation of full scale mining at El Indio (1980 onwards) led to an increase of these values, reaching a concentration of 1.51 mg l−1 As in 1995. During the same year other rivers of the watershed reached peak As concentrations of 0.33 (Turbio) and 0.11 mg l−1 (Elqui). These figures largely exceed the USEPA regulations for drinking water (0.01 mg l−1 As), and about 10% of the total As data from the river Elqui (and 70% from the river Turbio) are above the maximum level allowed by the Chilean law for irrigation water (0.1 mg l−1 As).  相似文献   

Obligate mutualists are predicted to benefit more from mutualism than facultative mutualists and harbor traits that help derive this extra benefit. I tested these predictions with a shrimp–goby mutualism. Individual shrimp (Alpheus floridanus) construct burrows that are shared with individual gobiid fishes that warn shrimp when emergence from burrows is unsafe. The benefit to gobies is refuge from predation. I compared predator avoidance performance of obligate (Nes longus) and facultative (Ctenogobius saepepallens) shrimp-associated gobies with access to a shell, a shrimp burrow, or no shelter. The two gobies performed similarly with shells and no shelter, but N. longus outperformed C. saepepallens with shrimp burrows. Thus, N. longus benefits more from mutualism than C. saepepallens. Also, N. longus has four behavioral traits that likely allow it to benefit from mutualism more than does C. saepepallens: (1) diving into the nearest shrimp burrow when confronted with predators, (2) long flight initiation distance, (3) long time-until-re-emergence after taking refuge, and (4) remaining close to shelter. The latter three likely come with a cost to foraging or mate acquisition as they limit searching range outside the burrow and detract from time spent outside burrows. Thus, N. longus likely harbors traits that allow it to deal with these costs. I discuss a framework for determining whether traits crucial to obligate association with shrimp (both for reaping benefits and dealing with costs) are pre-adaptations or are created through coevolution with shrimp.  相似文献   

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) project instigated in connection with the near-closure of the large fjord-like lagoon Gilsfjörður in sub-arctic western Iceland with a road is described and discussed. Three phases were involved: a survey of pre-impact conditions of areas possibly affected as well as control areas, predictions of impacts of the road, and assessment of impacts up to 5–6 years after completion of the project. Emphasis was placed on birds and benthic flora and fauna. Although several predictions were upheld, others were not. The most unexpected changes were the elimination of kelp forest and some associated fauna inside the road as well as from large areas outside it. Feeding areas of the knot (Calidris canutus) and female eiders (Somateria mollissima) with ducklings also changed in unexpected ways. Unforeseen changes can partly be traced to inadequate knowledge of communities and their functioning in the area. The ecological requirements of many species involved, e.g. with respect to salinity, were imperfectly known. The predictions of engineers on the effects of the project on physical factors were not as accurate or detailed as desired. Some critical predictions of the engineers failed to make an impact on the ecologists, who then failed to predict some major changes in the biota, such as the disappearance of kelp forest outside the road. This study highlights some problems probably shared by many EIAs: (a) the near impossibility of finding suitable control areas, (b) the lack of ecological understanding of even common species, and possibly (c) inadequate communication between engineers and ecologists.  相似文献   

Plumage coloration, particularly when carotenoid-based, is important in social signaling in birds. Although feather color is a relatively stable trait, individuals may modify it with “cosmetic” substances such as preen oils. In addition, dirt accumulation may influence plumage coloration and further affect signal perception by receivers. Here, we analyze the separate potential effects of preen oils and soil accumulation on the reflectance properties of carotenoid-pigmented feathers across the visual range of most bird species, which includes the ultraviolet (UV). Using the yellow portion of tail feathers of Bohemian waxwings (Bombycilla garrulus), we performed two separate experiments where: (a) preen oils and/or soil were removed, or (b) preen oils (from black-billed magpies Pica pica or eagle owls Bubo bubo) were added. Preen oil addition reduced brightness but increased UV hue and yellow chroma. UV chroma was reduced by the addition of magpie (but not owl) preen oil. Soil accumulation had little effect on plumage reflectance in the UV range but significantly reduced yellow chroma. According to models of avian vision, both of these effects are detectable by birds and biologically meaningful when compared with natural variation between the sexes and age classes. We conclude that preen oil and soil accumulation can significantly affect the UV–visible reflectance of carotenoid-based plumages. As such traits typically advertise individual quality, preening and soiling have the potential to modify the information content of carotenoid-based plumage traits and how these signals are perceived by receivers.  相似文献   

Blood and feathers are the most targeted tissues for isotopic investigations in avian ecology, primarily because they can be easily and non-destructively sampled on live individuals. Comparing blood and feather isotopic ratios can provide valuable information on dietary shifts, trophic specialization and migration patterns, but it requires a good knowledge of the isotopic differences between the two tissues. Here, δ13C and δ15N values of whole blood (in blood cells of a few species) and simultaneously grown body feathers were measured in seabird chicks to quantify the tissue-related isotopic differences. Seabirds include 27 populations of 22 wild species that were sampled in 2000–2008, and a review of the literature added 8 groups (including adult birds) to the analysis. The use of a large data set that overall encompasses wide δ13C and δ15N ranges allowed us to depict for the first time accurate relationships between blood and feather isotopic ratios across avian taxa. Blood was impoverished in 13C and generally in 15N compared with feathers. Both mean δ13C and δ15N values of feathers and blood were highly positively and linearly related [feather δ13C = 0.972 (±0.020) blood δ13C + 0.962 (±0.414), and feather δ15N = 1.014 (±0.056) blood + 0.447 (±0.665), respectively; both P < 0.0001]. The regressions should be applied to mathematically correct feather or whole blood δ13C and δ15N values when comparing isotopic ratios within and between ecological studies on birds.  相似文献   

Summary A fundamental prediction of food-based economic models of territoriality is that animals will not defend territories if food is so abundant that defense will not improve access to food. Several studies of nectar-feeding birds support this prediction, with territoriality being rare or absent in years when nectar was particularly abundant. However, these results could potentially be an artefact of changes in bird density with nectar availability, and in at least some cases the correlations between territory defense and nectar availability could be purely coincidental. This paper reports the first experimental test of whether cessation of territory defense in nectar-feeding birds results from a direct response to abundance of nectar. New holland honeyeaters Phylidonyris novaehollandiae and white-cheeked honeyeaters P. nigra show pronounced changes in their levels of territorial aggression over the 7–8 months that they breed. These changes are predictable from economic considerations in that the birds are least aggressive in the months when nectar is extremely abundant. I tested whether the birds were responding to changes in nectar availability by providing sugar-water feeders at neutral locations that were easily accessible to territory holders, but far enough away from territories that intrusion rates were unaffected. I tested for responses at two time scales feeders were put out for 48-h periods in 1987, and were left out continuously from January to October 1988. The only effect was that territory holders visited feeders instead of flowers when floral nectar was scarce. They continued to defend their territories aggressively at those times, showed seasonal changes in aggressiveness similar to birds on a site without feeders, and did not shift their territories toward feeders. I conclude that the observed changes in aggressiveness are not responses to changes in nectar availability, and suggest alternative explanations.  相似文献   

Bendway weirs are one of the most practical in–stream rock structures utilized to protect the outer bend of meandering streams and rivers from erosion. We present development of a simulation-based paradigm for effective design of bendway weir structures to enhance meandering stream bank stability and control lateral migration. To do so, we employ the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory Virtual StreamLab (VSL3D) code to elucidate the flow and sediment transport phenomena induced by interaction of flow, mobile bed, and in–stream structures in large rivers under prototype conditions. We carried out numerous numerical experiments to systematically simulate various arrangements of bendway weir in two river test-beds and gaining insights into the physical mechanisms via which such bendway weirs modify turbulent flow, sediment transport and scour processes. The so-gained physical insights are then taken into account to develop a set of practical physics-based design criteria for optimal placement of bendway weirs in large rivers.  相似文献   

Polymorphism frequently correlates with specialized labor in social insects, but extreme morphologies may compromise behavioral flexibility and thus limit caste evolution. The ant genus Pheidole has dimorphic worker subcastes in which major workers appear limited due to their morphology to performing defensive or trophic functions, thus providing an ideal model to investigate specialization and plasticity. We examined worker morphology, brood-care flexibility, and subcaste ratio in 17 species of tropical twig-nesting Pheidole by quantifying nursing by major workers in natural colonies and in subcolonies lacking minors, in which we also measured brood survival and growth. Across species, majors performed significantly less brood care than minors in intact colonies, but increased rates of brood care 20-fold in subcolonies lacking minors. Brood nursed by majors had lower survival than brood tended by minors, although rates of brood growth did not vary between subcastes. Significant interspecific variation in rates of brood care by major workers did not lead to significant differences in brood growth or survival. Additionally, we did not find a significant association between the degree of major worker morphometric specialization and rates of nursing, growth, or survival of brood among species. Therefore, major workers showed reduced efficacy of brood care, but the degree of morphological specialization among species did not directly compromise task plasticity. The compact nests and all-or-nothing consequences of predation or disturbance on colony fitness may have influenced the evolution of major worker brood-care competency in twig-nesting Pheidole. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Dedicated to Professor Edward O. Wilson on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The CO2-rich spring water (CSW) occurring naturally in three provinces, Kangwon (KW), Chungbuk (CB), and Gyeongbuk (GB) of South Korea was classified based...  相似文献   

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