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孙家寿 《四川环境》1993,12(1):22-25
天然沸石、膨润土基材经镁铝等修饰并活化而制的FMA,BMA吸附剂处理含铬废水,铬的去除率可达99%。  相似文献   

电镀含铬废水治理技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对电镀含铬废水治理技术的发展、分类和具体治理方法做了简要介绍、总结和比较。  相似文献   

含铬废水治理技术的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
廖亮 《环境技术》2002,20(1):19-24
介绍目前比较常用的含铬废水的种种治理技术。含铬废水的治理技术种类繁多,各有利弊。国外对表面处理废水90%以上使用化学法治理。我国对表面处理的废水治理,在走了一段弯路后,逐渐找到了方向,也以采用化学法处理为主。  相似文献   

利用废铁屑处理含铬废水试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过研究在酸性条件下利用废铁屑处理剧毒的六价铬电镀废水的工艺条件 ,在最佳条件下废水中六价铬去除率达99 %以上 ,出水总铬含量为0.040mg/l,六价铬含量为0.002mg/l,大大低于国家排放标准0.500mg/l。  相似文献   

利用煤吸附处理含铬废水及生活污水的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究了四川白皎无烟煤用于生活污水、含铬废水和乐果生产废水的处理。在静态条件下,煤对生活污水中的COD去除率为12%;对乐果生产废水的脱色率大于638%;在含铬工业废水在浓度为3526×10-5mol·dm-3时Cr(VI)的去除率为90%左右。考察了固液比、温度、浓度和酸度等对煤吸附Cr(VI)的影响,并发现吸附量q与时间t之间遵从如下的定量关系:q=47685(1+21256t)-1或q=21351[1-exp(-05016t)]03838  相似文献   

印染废水快速处理初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用活性反应柱处理的方法对印染废水进行处理。结果表明:采用原水pH,经活性反应柱处理2h,出水pH值调为8的条件下,其CODcr的含量可以从600mg/L降到92mg/L,去除率为84/67%,色度从500降到20,去除率为96%,出水达到国家排放一级标准。  相似文献   

含羧基和吡啶基两性离子交换纤维的交换吸附性能研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用原子吸收光谱等手段研究羧基/吡啶基弱酸弱碱两性纤维对水溶液中各种离子的交换吸附性能,实验结果表明所制两性离子交换纤维对Cu^2 ,Cr^3 和Mg^2 离子有良好的吸附能力,酸碱基团比例接近时两性纤维的吸附容量最高。  相似文献   

含Cr(Ⅵ)废水生物处理技术及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综述了微生物还原处理含价铬的废水的研究进展。讨论了影响微生物还原Cr(Ⅵ)因素包括生物体密度、初始Cr(Ⅵ)的浓度、碳源、pH、温度、溶解氧、氧化还原电位、含氧阴离子和金属离子。微生物还原Cr(Ⅵ)技术作为一种富有创新的研究应用于Cr(Ⅵ)污染的环境恢复。  相似文献   

初步研究了铁屑微电解法处理先致抗蚀剂废水;对废水pH值、曝气、铁屑和活性炭的用量等作了单因素影响试验。正交试验结果表明:当铁屑投加量50.0g/L,活性碳投加量5.0g/L,废水pH值2.0,反应时间60min时,CODCr去除率达42%。  相似文献   

铁屑还原法处理镀铬废水的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对铁屑还原处理镀铝废水作了试验研究,确定了反应的工艺条件,效果良好,Cr(VI)去除率达90%以上。其最佳工艺条件为:填充往尺寸为Φ30×300mm,铁屑粒径为1.0~2.0mm,铁屑活化时间为20min,进水最佳pH值为2~2.5,出水pH值为8~9,反应温度为20℃.接触时间15~20min,出水水质达到国家排放标准。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The interaction between the level of taxation and the firms accruing choice of treatment technology is discussed. It is shown that there is a risk of overtaxation, that is, simply increasing taxation may fail to improve environmental quality but only increase production costs and thus consumer prices.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Mathematical modeling techniques are used to develop predictive equations for cost of water and waste water treatment processes in developing countries utilizing socioeconomic, environmental, and technological indicators. Predictive equations are developed for each of the three regions (Africa, Asia, and Latin America) for construction, operation, and maintenance costs of slow sand filter, rapid sand filter, stabilization lagoon, aerated lagoon, activated sludge, and trickling filter. Data analysis indicated that cost of water treatment processes is a function of technological indicator (percentage of imported materials), population, and the design capacity. The variables which gave the best correlation for waste water treatment cost were population, design flow, and the percentage of imported waste water disposal materials.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. There have been many changes in the waste water treatment requirements at St. Louis District Corps of Engineers projects over the past few years. Discussed are the methods considered for treating these wastes. Extended aeration plant, followed by filtration, is the process used in most of the areas. The treatment plant operators have become key members of the project operation team. A discussion of the Districts operator training program is presented along with the operator's job requirements. Through a Spring inspection of all treatment plants in the District, a mechanism has been provided for encouraging feedback to the design engineer from the operator.  相似文献   

在预辐照PP纤维接技苯乙烯和4-乙烯基吡啶的基础上,通过进一步的磺化,制得了系列强酸弱碱两性离子交换纤维,本文采用元素分析、红外光谱、电子能谱等手段对纤维的结构进行了分析,采用化学滴定、原子吸收光谱等方法对两性纤维的性能进行表征,探索两性纤维对水溶液中金属离子交换吸附的应用前景。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. As a result of several investigations conducted in the Department of Civil Engineering through the Water Resources Research Center at The University of Tennessee, dating from 1966 to the present, a rather comprehensive surveillance of water quality conditions has been maintained in Forth Loudoun Reservoir on the Tennessee River near Knowville, Tennessee. During the period covered by these investigations, the Knoxville Third Creek Sewage Treatment Plant was upgraded from a primary plant to a secondary (activated sludge) treatment plant. Comparison of the collected data is being undertaken herein to elucidate the impact of these modifications upon water quality conditions in the reservoir. Consideration is given to the improvements of water quality as related to the expenditure for modification of the treatment facilities. In addition, comment is directed toward the public health significance of the water quality conditions determined.  相似文献   

About one third of the area of Turkey is underlain by carbonate rocks that are relatively soluble, and this has produced large areas of karst in the country. The economic implications of karst hydrology in Turkey are immense, considering its effects on water resource development. An ongoing project in Turkey, assisted by the United Nations, is undertaking a comprehensive and interrelated approach to solving hydrogeological problems in a karst polygon region of over 13,000 km2. The area chosen for this project has one of the most complex karst circulation systems, not only in Turkey, but probably in the entire Mediterranean basin. Demand for water in this polygon region is high. The project personnel have applied both the classical methods, such as geological mapping, geophysical research, aerial photo interpretation, drilling, and observation of piezometric boreholes to the problem, as well as more modern techniques such as quantitative fluorometry, processing of remotely sensed data, time bombs and environmental isotopes. Several examples of applied methods and of results obtained are presented. Un tiers environ de la surface de la Turquie recouvre des roches carbonatées relativement solubles où se sont formés des systèmes karstiques très étendus. Les implications économiques de l'hydrologie des karsts en Turquie sont considérables si on considère ses effets sur l'aménagement des ressources en eau. Dans un projet en Turquie, exécuté avec l'assistance des Nations Unies, une approche compréhensive et intégrée est en cours en vue de résoudre des problèmes hydrogéologiques dans un polygone karstique de plus de 13.000 km2. La zone choisie pour ce projet possède l'un des systèmes de circulation karstique les plus complexes qui existent non seulement en Turquie mais probablement dans tout le bassin méditerranéen. Dans ce polygone, la demande d'eau est très élevée. Pour étudier ce problème, le personnel du projet a appliqué deux méthodes classiques comprenant la cartographie géologique, l'exploration géophysique, l'interprétation photoaérienne, les sondages, l'observation des tubes piézométriques et des techniques plus modernes telles que la fluorémetrie quantitative, le traitement des données de la télédétection, les bombes à action retardée et le dosage des isotopes. L'article discute de plusieurs méthodes utilisées et des résultats qui en ont découlé. Cerca de una tercera parte del territorio de Turquía está sobre rocas carbonatadas. Las implicancias económicas de hidrología kárstica en Turquía son immensas si se consideran las posibilidades de desarrollo de sus recursos hidrológicos. En un proyecto en ejecución bajo la asistencia de las Naciones Unidas en Turquía se está haciendo un enfoque integral de la solución de los problemas hidrológicos en una región poligonal kárstica de mas de 13,000 km2. Esta región tiene uno de los sistemas mas complejos de circulación kárstica de no solamente de Turquía sino también probablemente de Mediterraneo. La demanda de agua en este polígono kárstico es muy alta. En el proyecto se está aplicando tanto los métodos geológicos, investigación geofisica, interpretación de fotografia área, perforación, y observación de sondajes piezométricos, asi como también técnicas modernas tales como fluorometría cuantitativa, procesamiento de datos obtenidos por satélite, bombas de acción retardada e isótopos de medio ambiente. Varios ejemplos de los métodos aplicados y de los resultados obtenidos se presentan a este artículo.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Earthen waste storage structures (EWSS) associated with large confined (concentrated) animal feeding operations (CAFOs) were evaluated for their potential to impact water resources in Iowa. A representative sample of 34 EWSS from a digital database of 439 lagoons and basins permitted between 1987 and 1994 was analyzed. Eighteen percent (6 of 34) directly overlie alluvial aquifers that are used widely for potable water supply. Ninety‐four percent (29 of 31) were constructed below the water table based on EWSS depth data. At 65 percent of EWSS (22 of 34), 50 percent or more of the manure‐spreading area (MSA) has a water‐table depth less than 1.6 m. At 74 percent of EWSS (25 of 34), 90 percent or more of the MSA contains soil with vertical K exceeding 25.4 mm/hr. Seventy‐one percent (24 of 34) occur where 10 percent or less of the MSA is frequently flooded. No significant differences were found among leakage rates due to aquifer vulnerability class or surficial material. However, at least 50 percent of EWSS (14 of 28) leaked at rates significantly greater than 1.6 mm/d under the new construction standard. The estimated 5,000 unregulated CAFOs may have a greater potential to impact water resources in Iowa.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A number of criteria can be used in the selection of an area for the irrigation disposal of secondary treated waste water. The inherent capacity of the surface soil to retain, or at least detain, the various nutrient ions passing through the profile in the percolating waters becomes the prime consideration in regions with shallow water tables or in Karst areas such as the Missouri Ozarks where the risk of ground water supply contamination is high. A comprehensive study of the nutrient renovation potential of several soils was undertaken at a proposed effluent irrigation site along the Ozark National Scenic Riverways in south central Missouri. The surface soil hydrology was evaluated employing selected soil water parameters. Exchange equilibria studies determined the retention capacity for Ca and Mg while the concentrations of other selected ions were analyzed in the soil water to measure their retention time and net removal. The movement of a bromine tracer was monitored as an index of the renovation capacity of these soils for the more mobile anions such as nitrate. Neutron activation analysis proved to be a useful tool in the water quality analyses. All surface soil profiles demonstrated some degree of nutrient renovation for the various nutrients studied.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Varying treatment levels to meet seasonal variation in assimilative capacity of streams can reduce total costs of treatment. A mathematical model of a Pennsylvania stream based on a theoretically sound approximation of the physical relationships underlying the distribution of DO in a river system was used to determine discharge constraints for an economic optimization model which produced estimates of sewage treatment cost savings. Increasing the number of flow periods during the year enhances cost reducing opportunities even when land application processes are considered. Also, the least cost treatment process for year around operation may not be the least costly under multiple flow period management.  相似文献   

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