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从农药污染蔬菜的方式途径、不同种类蔬菜对农药的吸收机理和影响蔬菜发生药害的因素等方面阐述了农药对蔬菜的危害,并对怎样防治蔬菜农药污染提出了对策和措施。  相似文献   

本文在对秦皇岛市蔬菜农药污染的情况调查研究的基础上,指出了蔬菜受农药污染的主要原因为农药种类多,使用量大,品种结构不合理;农药产品合格率低,高效低毒新农药少;农民缺乏农药科学知识。合理预防和控制农药污染的措施包括农业措施、生物防治、物理防治、化学防治、综合防治等。  相似文献   

农药的大量使用污染了大气、水体及生态系统。有机农药以直接施用、拌种、喷撒、随降水落入等方式进入土壤。农药在土壤中会以吸附、扩散稀释和降解等几种方式发生转化,并改变土壤结构、对土壤中生物的生存及酶的活性产生影响。生物修复技术可以通过动植物、微生物及根际环境对农药污染的降解来治理土壤中的农药,是治理农药污染的一种推荐方法。  相似文献   

农药的大量使用污染了环境,对土壤的危害最为严重。介绍有机农药污染的危害,论述近年来修复有机农药污染土壤的研究成果,农药污染土壤的化学、生物及联合修复方法,分析各种方法的优缺点,结合近年来研究热点,认为采用联合修复是今后农药污染土壤修复的主要方向。  相似文献   

农药污染是农村土地污染的重要来源,是我国环境治理的难题。长期不合理、过量使用农药,农药毒性高、残留多等问题,不仅严重损害了生态环境,也不利于现代农业发展和食品安全。清洁生产工艺应用不足是导致农药污染突出的重要原因,农药行业市场结构不合理、企业创新动力不足、新工艺推广应用支持政策不到位等是主要障碍。应从供给和需求两个方面综合治理农药污染,通过严格环境执法、加快淘汰落后工艺,设立农药技术创新基金,加快推进农药行业整合重组和市场结构优化,构建理性、和谐的社会舆论环境等方式,有效推动农药清洁生产、治理农药污染。  相似文献   

化学农药对环境的危害及其防止对策的探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农药主要表现在对土壤、水体和大气的污染,对鸟类、昆虫及农产品品质的影响。针对农药对现实生态环境的破坏,我国应从完善法规管理,加强执法力度,淘汰高毒农药,发展绿色化学农药,加强技术培训,科学施用农药,提高测报水平,合理选用农药,综合防治,修复和预防并用等方面采取措施,解决农药污染问题。  相似文献   

农药种类繁多,大部分属于化学性农药。按其主要用途可以分为杀虫剂、杀菌剂、杀鼠剂、植物生长调节剂等。农药在防治农作物的病虫害、去除杂草、促进植物生产及控制人畜传染病、确保人体健康等方面具有重要作用,而农药污染也成为当代公害之一。在农药的生产和使用过程中...  相似文献   

严格的质量保证措施是保证“全省粮食农药污染调查”工作“质量”的关键。下面就几个关键性的技术环节的质量保证谈谈看法。一、总体方案的设计及实施全面地调查我省主要粮食(稻谷、小麦、玉米)中有机氯农药(666、DDT)的污染状况是“全国粮食农药污染调查”工作的一部份,我省是全国粮食重要产区,粮食产量占全国粮食总量的十分之一。这次调查采样遍布全省四十三个县、市,五百多个采样  相似文献   

崔安妮 《四川环境》2022,(6):289-293
随着破坏农村生态环境打击力度不断加强、公民生态环境权法治意识不断增强,检察机关和审判机关不断加大对生态环境领域公益诉讼案件的处理力度。虽然农药污染领域环境行政公益诉讼有了一些探索,但仍存在立法空白、政府治理缺失、司法机关未高效纳入共治体系、检察建议约束力淡化、民间环境保护组织参与度低等问题。为了解决这些问题,对完善农药污染领域环境行政公益诉讼提出制定农药专门性法律、加强政府监管、建立社会多主体高效共治体系、提升检察建议质效等建议,进一步发挥环境行政公益诉讼保护公民环境权利的作用。  相似文献   

有机磷农药作为一种高效、广谱的内吸性杀虫剂,被广泛应用于防治粮食等经济作物害虫,以保护幼苗和作物生长。滥用农药造成的有机磷农药在环境中的残留量逐步上升,农药污染治理是当前环境科学研究的热点。微生物降解技术具有资源丰富、可原位修复污染场地、对环境污染小、成本低的优点,以生物修复作为理论基础的农药残留微生物降解技术是目前降低农产品和农业生产环境中农药残留的重要方法,在土壤和水体污染修复中应用前景广阔。首先对我国当前农药使用情况进行简单介绍,在此基础上概述了现今对于微生物抑制植物病害以及可降解有机磷农药微生物的研究成果,并对海洋微生物的生理特性、抗菌效能进行了论述。根据目前的研究进展,提出了今后重点研究内容,为筛选出高效的拮抗菌、降解菌提供理论基础。  相似文献   

论述了<"高污染、高环境风险"产品名录>(以下简称"双高"产品名录)制定的背景、依据与原则,以及演化过程,重点介绍了农药行业"双高"产品名录制定的意义、进展,以及对农药行业发展的影响等.  相似文献   

关于首例环境污染责任险获赔案的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以湖南某农药企业污染赔付事件为例,分析了推广环境污染责任险中存在的问题,提出了应强制推行环境污染责任险的建议。  相似文献   

农用化学物资对土壤的污染状况与控制措施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着现代化学农业的兴起与发展,不可避免地给环境造成污染。结合目前研究进展,主要从化肥、农药、地膜三方面入手,论述现代农业生产实践中,农用化学物资对重要的自然资源—土壤的污染状况及控制措施  相似文献   

The rationale for pesticide use in agriculture is that costs associated with pesticide pollution are to be justified by its benefits, but this is not so obvious. Valuing the benefits by simple economic analysis has increased pesticide use in agriculture and consequently produced pesticide-induced “public ills.” This paper attempts to explore the research gaps of the economic and social consequences of pesticide use in developing countries, particularly with an example of Nepal. We argue that although the negative sides of agricultural development, for example- soil, water, and air pollution; pest resistance and resurgence; bioaccumulation, bio-magnification; and loss of biodiversity and ecosystem resilience caused by the use of pesticides in agriculture, are “developmental problems” and are “unintentional,” the magnitude may be increased by undervaluing the problems in the analysis of its economic returns. Despite continuous effort for holistic system analyses for studying complex phenomena like pesticides impacts, the development within the academic science has proceeded in the opposite direction that might have accelerated marginalization of the third world subsistence agricultural communities. We hypothesize that, if these adversities are realized and accounted for, the benefits from the current use of pesticides could be outweighed by the costs of pollution and ill human health. This paper also illustrates different pathways and mechanisms for marginalization. In view of potential and overall negative impacts of pesticide use, we recommend alternative ways of controlling pests such as community integrated pest management (IPM) along with education and training activities. Such measures are likely to reduce the health and environmental costs of pesticide pollution, and also enhance the capabilities of third world agricultural communities in terms of knowledge, decision making, innovation, and policy change.  相似文献   

从山海关区农村生态环境现状出发,客观分析了农村生态环境存在的水体污染、土壤污染、水土流失等问题,以及影响农村生态环境的主要因素,如污水和垃圾的无组织排放、化肥和农药的不合理使用、基础设施差、监管缺位等,提出应从环保体制、环保意识、基础设施建设、自然资源保护、污染防治、强化监管等方面采取切实可行的措施,保护农村生态环境。  相似文献   

陈翠萍  牛怀文 《四川环境》2009,28(4):136-140
本文以仪征市现有耕地土壤为调查对象,通过布点、采样、检测、统计,结果表明,仪征市沿江圩区长江冲积母质发育的土壤比丘陵地区下蜀黄土重金属含量相对较高,土壤重金属含量多年来有升高现象,少数田块存在高残农药的残留,点源污染和农药污染对耕地环境质量的影响不容忽视,需要采取工程、生物和化学等技术对土壤进行修复。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nonpoint pollution in the form of runoff generated by conventional agricultural practices is one of the major sources of environmental degradation of surface water bodies. Agricultural conservation practices including no‐tillage operations have been introduced as alternatives to cope with such challenges. This study attempts to examine the economic and environmental impacts of no‐tillage as compared to conventional agricultural practices for cotton, soybeans and corn cultivated in the Mississippi Delta. Impacts in the form of sediment, nutrient and pesticide runoff at farm level are investigated, using the Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC).  相似文献   

农村环境污染分析及开展清洁生产建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国农村建设的步伐加快,农村的面貌改变很大,不过我们也应该意识到大型的养殖场的出现,动物粪便随意堆放现象严重,农作物生产过程中化肥、农药的大规模使用,加上秸秆焚烧等等,对农村的环境污染影响很大,环顾目前的农村生产生活环境,清洁生产势在必行。  相似文献   

The Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) of south Texas is an agriculturally rich area supporting intensive production of vegetables, fruits, grain sorghum, and cotton. Modern agricultural practices involve the combined use of irrigation with the application of large amounts of agrochemicals to maximize crop yields. Intensive agricultural activities in past decades might have caused potential contamination of soil, surface water, and groundwater due to leaching of pesticides in the vadose zone. In an effort to promote precision farming in citrus production, this paper aims at developing an airborne multispectral technique for identifying tree health problems in a citrus grove that can be combined with variable rate technology (VRT) for required pesticide application and environmental modeling for assessment of pollution prevention. An unsupervised linear unmixing method was applied to classify the image for the grove and quantify the symptom severity for appropriate infection control. The PRZM-3 model was used to estimate environmental impacts that contribute to nonpoint source pollution with and without the use of multispectral remote sensing and VRT. Research findings using site-specific environmental assessment clearly indicate that combination of remote sensing and VRT may result in benefit to the environment by reducing the nonpoint source pollution by 92.15%. Overall, this study demonstrates the potential of precision farming for citrus production in the nexus of industrial ecology and agricultural sustainability.  相似文献   

The status of combined heavy metal and organo-chlorine pesticide (OCPs; i.e. HCH and DDT) pollution was investigated and the soil environmental quality of the Taihu Lake watershed, one of the most developed regions in China, was evaluated using a fuzzy comprehensive assessment. Statistical analyses showed the presence of combined pollution in the soil. At many sampling sites, heavy metal concentrations were above corresponding background values, indicating the effects of extraneous pollutants. It has been over 20 years since China banned the use of OCPs, but they can still be found in soil samples of this region. HCH levels at all investigated sites were below the Chinese Environmental Quality Standard for Soils. Fuzzy comprehensive assessment showed that the overall soil quality in this region could be categorized as class I. Nevertheless, the high coefficients of variation for levels of DDT, Cd and Hg indicated the existence of some point-source pollution. Continuous monitoring and further studies of the region are recommended to prevent pollution of farmland from these sources.  相似文献   

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