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海水烟气脱硫是利用天然海水作为SO2吸收剂进行脱硫的工艺过程,其工艺成熟可行,脱硫后的海水经处理符合海洋环境水质标准后可以直接排入大海,并且该工艺过程无废物排放和处置问题,适于在邻海发电厂应用。本文通过对秦皇岛热电厂海水脱硫实例的分析,进一步体现海水脱硫工艺在邻海发电厂运用的可行性与价值。  相似文献   

论述了高温低尘SCR脱硝的原理和技术特点,总结了其在燃煤电厂、玻璃窑炉、燃气轮机的废气净化方面应用的现状;提出以高温电袋复合除尘器为核心的高温低尘脱硝技术,并对其应用于燃煤电厂的超低排放进行了展望。  相似文献   

采用氨吹脱--三维电极法对广东某环保发电厂经混凝--生化处理后的垃圾渗滤液进行深度处理,实验结果表明:在渗滤液pH为11,温度60℃,吹脱时间50min时脱氨率达95%;脱氨后的渗滤液经三维电极电解处理,COD去除率达81%,颜色清澈,可达《生活垃圾渗滤液排放限值》(GB16889-1997)的二级排放标准。  相似文献   

米其林公司将在意大利库尼奥(Cuneo)的一家工厂安装欧洲最大的太阳能发电屋顶板。该太阳能面板超过14.7万平方米,每年可以发电近1000万千瓦时,为2000位居民提供电力,同时还可以将每年排放到大气中的二氧化碳总量减少1200吨。这座太阳能发电厂预计将在2010年年初投入运营。  相似文献   

谢忠设 《环境教育》2014,(10):40-40
正近期以来,山东等地雾霾日益严重,其中济宁、淄博等化工、发电厂、煤化工企业集中的地区,雾霾最为严重。面对大气污染的严峻形势,要优化调整能源结构,就必须走超低排放这条路。山东天璨环保科技股份有限公司产业研究院副院长王东介绍,山东是基础化工大省,70%的化工企业使用煤炭作为燃料,许多大型化工企业还自备电厂,清除这些污染源成为实现超低排放的关键。其中,利用传统钒钛体系催化剂对燃煤设施进行脱硫、脱硝,成为治理大气污染、实现  相似文献   

秦皇岛北山发电厂,建于1970年,位于抚宁县上庄坨乡,每年大约排放粉煤灰四万吨。该厂虽有储灰池但距村镇太近,每当多风的春秋两季,灰粉四处飞扬,严重地影响和危害厂区周围广大群众的正常劳动和生活。为此群众意见很大,厂群矛盾愈积愈深。对此,上庄坨乡党委、乡政府和电厂曾反复协商,于1985年初达成协议:由上庄坨  相似文献   

正今年4月28日,学校组织我们到垃圾焚烧发电厂参观。我们来到中央控制室,这里是整个发电厂的"大脑",主要设备的监控和操作都在这里进行,垃圾吊车手在这里操作抓斗将垃圾投入料斗。控制人员在控制室可以通过DCS控制系统,实时监控设备运行情况,通过烟气在线检测仪获得实时烟气排放指标。我们通过屏幕,看到了余热锅炉。垃圾焚烧过程中产生的热能通过余热锅炉的吸收,将水转化为  相似文献   

才佳 《油气田环境保护》2012,22(2):22-24,75,76
文章介绍热电冷联供系统的设备组成及其设计注意事项;介绍以燃气轮机为发电机组的热电冷联供系统案例。在热电冷联供系统中配置溴化锂吸收式制冷机,可充分发挥其利用低品位能源的优势;设计热电冷联供系统前,应进行必要的经济性分析,合理确定设备配置方案和配置容量;以燃气轮机发电机组和烟气型溴化锂吸收式冷热水机组为主要设备组成的热电冷联供系统,烟气系统的设计和安装连接是关键。文章可为燃气轮机热电冷联供系统的设计和建造提供技术参考。  相似文献   

为了实现2005年铜陵市环境空气质量达到二级和好于二级天数不少于300天的目标,市环保局准备出狠招, 下猛药,打一场保护大气环境的攻坚战。一是抓紧实施酸雨控制区二氧化硫污染防治计划。削减工业二氧化硫排放总量。严防大气环境污染事故发生。铜冶炼行业按照“以硫定产,铜硫联动”组织生产,重点督促金昌冶炼厂加快污染治理工程建设进度,年底实现达标排放。进一步加大工作力度。积极督促铜陵发电厂实施2号机组烟气脱硫工程。二是加大结构调整力度,督促焦化厂、钢铁厂加快整体搬迁、异地改造进度,促进市  相似文献   

温州发电厂位于距温州市区东北约15公里的乐清市北白象镇,成立于1990年5月,2008年4月更名为浙江浙能温州发电有限公司。公司秉持"绿色电力"理念,现有机组均配备烟气除尘、脱硫等环保设施,"十二五"末所有机组烟气脱硝设施将建成投产,最大限度地减少对环境的影响。同时,公司积极实施供热改造项目,向厂区周边用热企业提供热能,进一步提高资源综合利用率,减少温室气体的排放,履行国有企业以环境保护为己任的社会责任。公司先后荣获"国家电力部安全文明生产达标企业"、"中国电力行业最具社会责任感企业"、"全国企业文化建设先进单位"、  相似文献   

In this study, a cycle designed for capturing the greenhouse gas CO2 in a natural gas combined cycle power plant has been analyzed. The process is a pre-combustion CO2 capture cycle utilizing reforming of natural gas and removal of the carbon in the fuel prior to combustion in the gas turbine. The power cycle consists of a H2-fired gas turbine and a triple pressure steam cycle. Nitrogen is used as fuel diluent and steam is injected into the flame for additional NOx control. The heat recovery steam generator includes pre-heating for the various process streams. The pre-combustion cycle consists of an air-blown auto-thermal reformer, water–gas shift reactors, an amine absorption system to separate out the CO2, as well as a CO2 compression block. Included in the thermodynamic analysis are design calculations, as well as steady-state off-design calculations. Even though the aim is to operate a plant, as the one in this study, at full load there is also a need to be able to operate at part load, meaning off-design analysis is important. A reference case which excludes the pre-combustion cycle and only consists of the power cycle without CO2 capture was analyzed at both design and off-design conditions for comparison. A high degree of process integration is present in the cycle studied. This can be advantageous from an efficiency stand-point but the complexity of the plant increases. The part load calculations is one way of investigating how flexible the plant is to off-design conditions. In the analysis performed, part load behavior is rather good with efficiency reductions from base load operation comparable to the reference combined cycle plant.  相似文献   

针对城市电厂变压器的噪声污染,以北京太阳宫燃气热电冷联供工程中应用的变压器噪声控制为例,通过分析研究变压器声源不同的频谱特性,并根据厂界噪声控制目标计算声源的超标贡献量和设计降噪量,开发设计了变压器降噪隔吸声屏障,针对变压器的低频噪声,设计特殊的隔吸声结构,并成功应用于工程实践,取得了理想效果。  相似文献   

天然气净化厂放空废气对环境的影响及控制措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天然气净化厂除正常生产有工艺废气排放外,传统装置检修开停产过程、供电或设备异常情况下,会有大量酸气、原料气通过放空火炬燃烧后排放。文章主要分析了天然气净化装置放空废气排放情况及其对周边环境的影响,阐述了异常放空、检修开停产过程原料气和酸气放空的控制措施及其环境效益。  相似文献   

In this second part of the work, two other long-term technologies for power generation from coal are investigated. The Zecomag plant has the same syngas production system of the Zecomix plant, described in the first part of this paper, but hydrogen-rich syngas is here burned with air in an open-cycle gas turbine. The aim is a simplification of the power island, more similar to a combined cycle; however, CO2 capture falls from 100% to about 90% and NOx emissions are present.An advanced oxy-fuel IGCC is the second plant investigated in this paper, presenting the same zero-emission potential of Zecomix. Syngas is produced in a high pressure, dry feed, oxygen blown gasifier and cleaned in a hot-gas-clean-up system. Clean syngas is then burned with oxygen and expanded in a turbine, using compressed recirculated CO2 to moderate firing temperature and to cool turbine blades.The loss of net efficiency, with respect to Zecomix, is very limited (1–2 points) with both configurations. In order to better evaluate the performances obtained, a comparison with reference state-of-the art IGCCs and a long-term IGCC without CO2 capture is also presented.  相似文献   

This paper aims at analyzing the feasibility of a waste heat recovery power generation plant based on parametric optimization and performance analysis using different organic Rankine cycle configurations and heat source temperature conditions with working fluid R-12, R-123, R-134a, and R-717. A parametric optimization of turbine inlet temperature(TIT) was performed to obtain the irreversibility rate, system efficiency, availability ratio, turbine work output, system mass flow rate, second-law efficiency, and turbine outlet quality, along the saturated vapor line and also on superheating at an inlet pressure of 2.50 MP in basic as well as regenerative organic Rankine cycle. The calculated results reveal that selection of a basic organic Rankine cycle using R-123 as working fluid gives the maximum system efficiency, turbine work output, second-law efficiency, availability ratio with minimum system irreversibility rate and system mass flow rate up to a TIT of 150°C and appears to be a choice system for generation of power by utilizing the flue gas waste heat of thermal power plants and above 150°C the regenerative superheat organic Rankine cycle configuration using R 123 as working fluid gives the same results.  相似文献   

Among the various configurations of fossil fuel power plants with carbon capture, this paper focuses on pre-combustion techniques applied to natural gas combined cycles. With more detail, the plant configuration here addressed includes: (i) the steam reforming of natural gas, based on an air-blown autothermal process, following a recuperative pre-reforming treatment, (ii) the water gas shift producing CO2 and H2, (iii) the separation of CO2 by means of a mixed physical–chemical absorption system using a MDEA solution, and (iv) a hydrogen fuelled combined cycle.Similar configurations have been studied quite extensively, being among the most attractive for full-scale realizations in a near-mid term future. This paper proposes a detailed thermodynamic study and optimization of the plant configuration, bringing to a reliable performance estimation based on today's best available technology as far as the various plant sections are concerned (gas and steam turbine, natural gas reforming process, CO2 separation). The predicted LHV efficiency for the base configuration is about 50%. Being this value at the top of the range quoted in the open literature studies (35–50%), the paper includes a quite extensive sensitivity analysis, showing that more conservative assumptions may bring to significantly poorer performance, especially considering the pretty large number of operating parameters involved in the process.  相似文献   

In this paper, the power output of the cycle is taken as objective for performance optimization of an irreversible regenerated closed Brayton cycle coupled to constant-temperature thermal energy reservoirs in the viewpoint of finite time thermodynamics (FTT) or entropy generation minimization (EGM). The analytical formulae about the relations between power output and pressure ratio are derived with the heat resistance losses in the hot- and cold-side heat exchangers and the regenerator, the irreversible compression and expansion losses in the compressor and turbine, and the pressure drop loss in the piping. The maximum power output optimization is performed by searching the optimum heat conductance distribution corresponding to the optimum power output among the hot- and cold-side heat exchangers and the regenerator for the fixed total heat exchanger inventory. The influence of some design parameters, including the temperature ratio of the heat reservoirs, the total heat exchanger inventory, the efficiencies of the compressor and the turbine, and the pressure recovery coefficient, on the optimum heat conductance distribution and the maximum power output are provided. The power plant design with optimization leads to smaller size including the compressor, turbine, and the hot- and cold-side heat exchangers and the regenerator.  相似文献   

Post-combustion CO2 capture and storage (CCS) presents a promising strategy to capture, compress, transport and store CO2 from a high volume–low pressure flue gas stream emitted from a fossil fuel-fired power plant. This work undertakes the simulation of CO2 capture and compression integration into an 800 MWe supercritical coal-fired power plant using chemical process simulators. The focus is not only on the simulation of full load of flue gas stream into the CO2 capture and compression, but also, on the impact of a partial load. The result reveals that the energy penalty of a low capture efficiency, for example, at 50% capture efficiency with 10% flue gas load is higher than for 90% flue gas load at the equivalent capture efficiency by about 440 kWhe/tonne CO2. The study also addresses the effect of CO2 capture performance by different coal ranks. It is found that lignite pulverized coal (PC)-fired power plant has a higher energy requirement than subbituminous and bituminous PC-fired power plants by 40.1 and 98.6 MWe, respectively. In addition to the investigation of energy requirement, other significant parameters including energy penalty, plant efficiency, amine flow rate and extracted steam flow rate, are also presented. The study reveals that operating at partial load, for example at half load with 90% CO2 capture efficiency, as compared with full load, reduces the energy penalty, plant efficiency drop, amine flow rate and extracted steam flow rate by 9.9%, 24.4%, 50.0% and 49.9%, respectively. In addition, the effect of steam extracted from different locations from a series of steam turbine with the objective to achieve the lowest possible energy penalty is evaluated. The simulation shows that a low extracted steam pressure from a series of steam turbines, for example at 300 kPa, minimizes the energy penalty by up to 25.3%.  相似文献   

新疆火电行业SO2排放现状及控制对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆火电行业是新疆SO2排放大户,其排放量占全疆工业SO2排放量的43.4%,且有逐年递增的趋势,而其去除率却一直处于较低水平.乌鲁木齐华电红雁池电厂等5家火电厂SO2的排放量排在新疆火电行业之首,应而需将这5家火电厂SO2排放作为重点监控对象,并提出了火电厂减排SO2的几点对策和建议.  相似文献   

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