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It is shown that the response of rodent populations to acute and chronic irradiation depends on its functional structure, i.e., on specific features of animals with two alternative types of ontogenetic development. Upon acute irradiation, sexually immature young of the year (animals with the second type of ontogeny) are most radioresistant. Exposure to chronic irradiation, as in the zone of the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT), leads to an increase in the proportion of mature young of the year (animals with the first type of ontogeny), which are the most radiosensitive part of the population. The abundance and fecundity of mice in the impact zone are consistently higher than in the background zone, which improves the adaptive potential of the population. The role of species ecological specialization and configuration of the contaminated zone in the formation of migrant rodent population is emphasized. It is concluded that a high migration activity allows the pigmy wood mouse (a radiosensitive species) to avoid long-term radiation exposure.  相似文献   

We tested separately the effect of two taxonomically related rotifers (B. patulus and B. macracanthus) on the population dynamics of another species (A. fissa) at low (0.5 ×10 6) and high food levels (1.5 × 106 cells/ml of Chlorella vulgaris) using different inoculation densities (0–100%). We also quantified the impact of A. fissa on the two brachionid species. Regardless of the presence of the competing species, an increase in the availability of food led to increase in the abundances of the three rotifers. The population growth of B. patulus, B. macracanthus, or A. fissa was affected negatively when cultured together with another species. An increase in the initial density of any one of the competing species became advantageous to maintain a certain population size. At a low algal food level, B. patulus was able to suppress A. fissa more strongly than B. macracanthus. On the other hand, at a high food level, B. macracanthus suppressed the population of A. fissa more strongly than B. patulus. Peak population densities for A. fissa varied from about 150 to 1000 ind./ml, depending on food density and the presence of competitors. The rate of population increase (r) of A. fissa, B. patulus, and B. macracanthus increased with an increase in food availability but decreased with increasing initial density of the competitor. Both Brachionus spp. experienced negative growth rates in the presence of A. fissa, especially at a high initial density of the latter. Published in Russian in Ekologiya, 2007, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 381–390. The article was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

In the course of studies on mass fish species (bream and roach) in water bodies of the Upper Volga basin, intraspecific groups of individuals have been distinguished. Conditions and possible mechanisms of spatial differentiation of these groups are considered. The intrapopulation divergence of individuals by some adaptive characters, primarily behavioral, enables them to utilize alternative resources, which provides for more efficient use of the environment by populations.  相似文献   

The influence of intra- and interspecific competition of common and East European voles on their daily activity was studied in 34-m2 enclosures at the Chernogolovka Experimental Research Station (Moscow Region). Family groups of animals captured in the same biotopes were placed in enclosures and, 25 day later, their daily activity was observed. Thereafter, the animals were pooled and observations were repeated 25 days later. The experiment consisted of three stages. At the first stage, the daily activity, time budget, and social behavior of common voles were studied before and after pooling different family groups; at the second stage, the same was performed with East European voles; and at the third stage, with both species. The species proved to use different strategies for alleviating intraspecific competition: in common voles, this was segregation of ecological niches via desynchronization of daily activity; in East European voles, conversely, aggregation in groups and synchronization of activity. Under experimental cohabitation, the strategy of the common vole, a more aggressive species, was to force out the other species, ecologically similar but less competitive; the strategy of the East European vole was aimed at avoidance via segregation of ecological niches in time.  相似文献   

Different components of group effect on the locomotor activity of single common toad and brown frog tadpoles have been studied by estimating the length of their trajectories, the speed of movement, the number of crossings of experimental field zones, and the number and duration of stops. The results show that toad tadpoles are more active than frog tadpoles. Conspecific metabolites added to the water do not change the pattern of their locomotor activity. Under conditions of visual contact with other tadpoles, locomotor activity of a toad tadpole decreases, whereas that of a frog tadpole increases. Thus, tadpoles of the two amphibian species show species-specific behavioral responses to changes in experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Leaf size, shape, and parameters of venation in Betula pendula and B. pubescens have been studied along a 1600-km latitudinal zonal transect in the Urals and Western Siberia. The results show that leaf size and venation density depend on the geographic location of population, with these parameters in the two species changing in opposite directions along the transect. In its northern part (forest tundra-southern taiga), B. pubescens shows a positive correlation of leaf area with long-term-average air temperature, while this correlation in B. pendula is negative. In the southern part, correlations of leaf size with long-term average precipitation in the two species are also opposite in sign. Parameters of leaf shape in both species depend mainly on weather conditions in the current year rather than on long-term average climatic parameters. The conclusion is drawn that B. pendula and B. pubescens have different mechanisms of structural adaptation of leaves to climate and weather conditions that are based on changes in leaf size and shape.  相似文献   

The history of the term station (in Russian, statsiya) in the Russian ecological and faunistic literature, interpretation of its meaning by different authors, and relationships between the terms station, habitat, biotope, and ecological license are discussed. It is suggested that station should be interpreted as the entire set of all external conditions affecting a population, which is observable as a part of physical space possessing certain properties.  相似文献   

In Yakutia, the brown bear inhabits the forest and forest-tundra zones. Compared to bears from other regions of Russia, Yakutian bears have slightly smaller body and skull sizes and are mainly herbivorous, with their wood spectrum being relatively narrow. Their fecundity averages 1.68 cubs per parous female. The bears make their dens at a depth reaching 2.5–3 m. The denning period begins early and is 195–210 days long. An electroencephalographic analysis of the effect of a 1–10 kDa peptide fraction from the bear brain on Wistar rats has shown that wintering bears are in the state of sleep, or “superficial hibernation.”  相似文献   

Comparative allozyme analysis of 26 marginal island populations of Pinus sylvestris L. and 20 populations from the center of the species range has confirmed, at the species level, the Wright-Dubinin “island model” of automatic genetic processes and Mayr’s hypothesis about homozygotization of small isolated populations at range boundaries. It has been shown that the polymorphism of isolated populations sharply decreases when their area is reduced below 15–20 km2 and increases to the level observed in the center of the range when the population area exceeds 50–100 km2. A chorogenetic classification of marginal P. sylvestris populations is proposed.  相似文献   

Analysis of demographic parameters in a local bank vole population has shown that different relationships exist between them. The level of population abundance is directly correlated with the proportion of sexually mature juveniles, the length of the breeding season, and the age of overwintered individuals. The duration of the breeding season shows a delayed dependence on population abundance in the previous year. Variation in the average age of overwintered voles at different phases of the population cycle is characterized by a delayed dependence on the length of the breeding season in the previous year. Intrinsic factors generate the cyclic dynamics of parameters, while extrinsic factors can modify their dynamics.  相似文献   

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