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Third World countries are not pursuing scientific and technological policies leading to the development of strong biotechnological industries. Their leaders have been misled into believing that modern biotechnological industries can be built in the absence of strong, intellectually aggressive, and original scientific schools. Hence, they do not strive to reform their universities, which have weak commitments to research, and do not see the importance of having research hospitals able to generate excellent and relevant clinical investigation. These strategic gaps in scientific capability, the lack of governmental and corporate research funding, and the dependent nature of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries of the Third World make the development of competitive biotechnology a highly improbable event. If the present trend continues, underdeveloped countries will continue to be testing grounds for biological materials and agents, sources of valuable germplasm, and markets for high-value-added products and processes invented and manufactured in the First World. This article recommends that the international organizations collaborate in the urgent task of educating the Third World political leaders and administrators in the real problems connected with the generation of high technology.  相似文献   

Summary Approaches to teaching about environmental concerns that have been successful either in Western schools or in non-formal Third World projects are unlikely to be effectively implemented in Third World schools. The perceptions of schooling in the Third World, together with the economic, political and social context in which it is conducted, present constraints that are very different. Unless these constraints are recognized, attempted reforms by environmental educators will, at best, remain only at the rhetorical level and, at worst, prove counter-productive. The paper discusses three broad categories of constraint: arising from the socio-political context of schooling, the educational system itself, and issues concerning school-village transfer. The argument is illustrated by reference to research in developing countries on similar educational reforms, such as community schooling, and with examples from the author's research in Papua New Guinea. The paper concludes with some positive lessons for those wishing to see a concern for environmental issues pervade the curriculum of schools in the Third World. The danger of making such reforms over-ambitious is stressed. To be successful, such work must be given high status in the eyes of students and teachers and examination reforms should be introduced to reinforce this.Dr Graham Vulliamy lectures in Sociology in the Department of Education at the University of York. Following field research trips to Papua New Guinea in 1979–1980, 1982 and 1986, he has a special interest in the implementation of educational reforms in developing countries. He is an executive editor of theBritish Journal of Sociology of Education and of theInternational Journal of Educational Development.  相似文献   

Taking issue with the view that mining as an activity is necessarily beneficial to Third World countries, the author examines experience in South America. Possible non-beneficial aspects of mining in a developing country include its high capital intensiveness — when capital is liable to be scarce and unemployment high — and the potential for small but powerful groups, such as miners, to exercise a disproportionate influence on the political and economic life of the country. Furthermore, working conditions in many South American mines are extremely poor. Ways must be found to develop mining techniques more appropriate to developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the broad pattern of energy use, output and consumption. The voracious consumption of non-renewable energy resources by the developed countries could exhaust this asset just when the accelerated development of the Third World would begin to gather momentum, thus denying them for their own use what is primarily their major resource. The paper underlines the critical importance of cooperative policies aimed at collective self-reliance of the Third World to ensure adequate availability of energy for its development.  相似文献   

Typical of many peasant communities in the Third World, the highland Indian population of Nuñoa, Peru operates close to its capacity for providing members with adequate nutrition. High birth and mortality rates maintain population stability in groups such as this. The introduction of modern medical services could decrease mortality and stimulate population growth, thus upsetting stability of the population size.Development of Third World countries includes improving health of subsistence-level populations by providing modern medical services. However, such changes would have secondary effects which should be anticipated. Using the Nuñoa population as a representative data base, and making a number of simplifying assumptions to increase the generality of this case, a simulation model has been devised to explore some of the consequences of introducing modern medical services.The model predicts that decreased mortality would initiate population growth. Some growth would be supported by changes in individual consumption patterns. But unless decreases in birth rate stabilized the population, it would increase beyond the level sustainable by local resources. Starvation or emigration would cause the population to crash. The model identifies several strategies for reducing birth rate sufficiently to avoid a population crash. Despite these strategies, increased equilibrium size of population would reduce per capita consumption. Since the population lives at the subsistence level, hardship, hunger, and even starvation could result. Thus, introduction of modern medical services could involve a trade-off between short-term improvements in health and. long-term economic hardship for the population. The model suggests that improved well-being of the population would require not only modern medical services but also (a) reduced birth rates; and (b) the improved technology necessary to increase food production.  相似文献   

Many different approaches for national sustainable development strategies (NSDS) have been proposed since 1992, with some components common to all. A country's national strategy should be designed to help mainstream environmental concerns into policy. More broadly, it should coordinate local policy with global concerns, as well as integrate scientific knowledge into policy and development planning. The peer review mechanism for national strategies was piloted by France, and also involved representatives of countries from the North and the South as well as stakeholders. The peer review process allows countries to share their experience and information, and can assist them in identifying their own path to sustainable development. The business community can also contribute to sustainable development through provision of local and global public goods. Another input to sustainable development could come from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and its Guidance Standard on Social Responsibility (ISO 26000), as a coordinating mechanism between voluntary initiatives and binding obligations (such as international conventions). ISO standards and guidelines should therefore be integrated with national sustainable development strategies and local Agenda 21 frameworks.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the development impact of mining and mineral processing on the regions in which they are located. The discussion is organized so as to be of relevance for policy formulation in resource-rich developing countries which consider the exploitation of their mineral wealth. The hypothesis is that mining technology, interpreted in a broad sense, has undergone a profound change since 1900. In consequence, experiences of mineralbased regional development in the industrialized countries around the turn of the century are of little relevance to the Third World in the 1980s. Contemporary mineral ventures have very weak regional development repercussions in the absence of forceful policies specifically directed towards the regional development goal.  相似文献   

Conclusion I wish to conclude as I began, with a quotation from a newspaper on the potential damage and the attendant costs of not applying sound environmental management: The Guardian, Wednesday, 5 October 1983: “The Shell Oil Company which admitted yesterday that it had allowed dangerous pesticides to escape near Denver, Colorado has received a demand from the US Army for $1 8 billion to help to stop pollution from reaching the city ... Shell and the US Army research, which includes experiments with nerve gas, may have caused far more serious pollution in the area.” The need for sustainable development and for training in environmental management in Third World countries, should ensure that reports on environmental damage, such as the one above, do not become a common occurrence in developing countries in the next decade or hopefully forever after. This paper was presented at the conference “The Environmental Dimension in World Development, the contribution that British Companies can make”, organized by the Centre for World Development Education, London, UK, during October 1983. Dr Jose I. Furtado is Professor of Zoology in Malaysia, and is seconded as Science Adviser with the Commonwealth Secretariat in London.  相似文献   

Summary Any attempts to preserve Third World ecosystems must recognize that the ultimate decisions lie with the governments of these sovereign states, which have to deal with widespread demands for higher living standards as well as growing populations. To deal with the powerful pressures of economic growth, the most promising strategy for conservationists is to press the Western industrialized states, where the conservation movement is relatively strong, to join with the Third World in an international agreement whereby the latter would preserve portions of threatened ecosystems in exchange for compensation provided from the industralized countries, most plausibly through an agreement to reduce Third World countries' debt. To reinforce this protection, the industrialized states could agree to purchase tropical ecosystem products only from those states which agree to preserve certain portions of their ecosystems. While there would be great problems both in working out the levels of compensation and in persuading the industrialized states to participate in such a scheme, intensive lobbying by conservation groups might be enough to bring it to fruition.Dr. John Cartwright, who teaches courses in environmental politics and African politics at the University of Western Ontario, took degrees from Queen's University in Kingston, Canada, and the University of Toronto. From 1963 to 1966 he taught at the University of Sierra Leone in Freetown. He has produced three books on African politics, his most recent beingPolitical Leadership in Africa (1983). He has also been interested for many years in natural history and conservation issues, which have taken him on several visits to Latin America as well as to Africa.  相似文献   

The Third World debt crisis has drastically altered the options open to Third World countries to fund petroleum development. Restricted access to international capital markets means that developing countries are having to reconsider alternative financial options to achieve a satisfactory rate of petroleum development. Of these, only foreign direct investmentis capable of compensating for the loss of more traditional sources of funds. To this end, developing countries are revising and harmonizing prior restrictive direct investment rules and tax codes, with recent financial innovations further underwriting the process.  相似文献   

The educational and research roles of universities in environmentally conscious technologies are discussed from a historical perspective. The American university system, and in particular its interactions with government and industry, is compared with that of the United States' main trading partners including Japan, the NAFTA countries, and Western Europe. Examples of federally funded U.S. programs related to green design are also tabulated. The role of universities within the framework of society, politics, and economics is discussed in regard to emerging concepts such as sustainable development, life-cycle analysis, and design for environment, as well as the functioning of local recycling infrastructures. The means by which universities can contribute to environmentally conscious technology are summarized, as are the demands placed on the next generation of engineers.  相似文献   

Available estimates of potentially recoverable world mineral and fuel resources are examined with a view to determining whether everyone likely to be living on earth next century could be raised to the material living standards people in developed countries now have. It is concluded that this goal is impossible. A number of fundamentally important implications follow, especially regarding the inappropriateness of growth strategies in general, goals for Third World development, and the need for ‘de-development’ of developed countries to much more frugal, self-sufficient and cooperative social systems.  相似文献   

联合国将碳中和视为当今世界最为紧迫的任务,而农业是温室气体排放最多的产业之一,各国相继出台政策积极开展农业农村减排工作。韩国自2012年开始逐渐减少海洋粪污排泄量,并大力实行绿色种养循环农业,解决本国内畜禽粪污问题。韩国作为中国的重要海上邻国,不论是从研究借鉴角度抑或生态系统共享角度,了解其环境保护政策都是十分必要的。本文从韩国实施的主要政策、各地区农地养分收支现状、代表性运营模式案例、政策关注焦点等方面介绍韩国绿色种养循环农业的发展概况,结合中国绿色种养循环农业现状开展研究。提出三点政策建议:第一,进一步完善畜禽粪污资源化利用机具补贴辅助管理系统,提高系统在农户中的普及率;第二,提高全民环保意识的同时,政府的角色不应局限自上而下的引导型,应该积极促进种植户和养殖户间的自发组织,并大力提倡吸纳社会资本,集结社会各方力量;第三,促进绿色种养循环农业产品的商品化和品牌化,从而调动农户参与绿色种养循环农业的积极性。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Energy Problems and The North—South Dialogue Editor , Editor: Antoine Ayoub.
Ok Tedi: Evolution of a Third World Mining Project Author : William S. Pintz.
Ambient y Recursos Naturales (Environment and Natural Resources).
The Third Oil Shock — The Effects of Lower Oil Prices . Editor : Joan Pearce.
Coping with Droughts Editors : V. Yevjevich, L. da Cunha and E. Vlachos.  相似文献   

The problem of forest depletion needs to be given serious consideration in developing countries due to the preponderance of exploitative factors over regenerative factors. In most of the developing countries there is over-exploitation of forest resources and, unless an integrated forest resource policy is formulated and implemented, forest resources of the Third World will become the greatest ‘tragedy of the commons’.  相似文献   

Although cloning may eventually become an important technology for livestock production, four ethical issues must be addressed before the practice becomes widespread. First, researchers must establish that the procedure is not detrimental to the health or well-being of affected animals. Second, animal research institutions should evaluate the net social benefits to livestock producers by weighing the benefits to producers against the opportunity cost of research capacity lost to biomedical projects. Third, scientists should consider the indirect effects of cloning research on the larger ethical issues surrounding human cloning. Finally, the market structure for products of cloned animals should protect individual choice, and should recognize that many individuals find the prospect of cloning (or consuming cloned animals) repugnant. Analysis of these four issues is complicated by spurious arguments alleging that cloning will have a negative impact on environment and genetic diversity. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Latin American countries have an extensive biological diversity and a tropical or subtropical climate. This condition has advantages for development and for the implementation of biotechnological solutions for environmental problems. Environmental biotechnology could be used to enhance biodegradation, waste recovery, and also for the development of biotechnology-based products to diagnose and reduce environmental impacts such as biosensors, biopesticides, biofertilizers and biofuels. To generate new environmental biotechnological products, Latin American countries must not only overcome the known limitations associated with investment in science and technology and in human resource training, but also develop their own vision of using environmental biotechnology, adapted to the economic, and environmental context. Biotechnology used wisely as a tool for promoting sustainable development in Latin American countries may also contribute to the solution of problems that represent potential risks to society and the environment in general. This document discusses the context of the research and innovation in Latin American countries around environmental biotechnology and also reviews perspectives for the improvement of these developments.  相似文献   

Until recently, relatively little attention has been paid to the problem of enforcing mitigation measures identified in environmental impact assessment. Present or proposed enforcement systems in the USA, New South Wales, South Australia, and Western Australia are described and discussed. Although the best enforcement system would depend on the local social, political, and legal systems, five universally desirable features are identified. First, a comprehensive coordinated monitoring and reassessment system is needed. Second, the agencies concerned must have adequate resources to do the work and incentives to carry it out well. Third, there must be the necessary legal powers. Fourth, provision must be made for changing the conditions based on experience. And fifth, the system should be equally effective against private companies and public authorities.  相似文献   

Community gardens (CGs) in university settings are faced with challenges associated with a transient and inexperienced population of student gardeners, but they also have the potential to have a lasting impact on the food behaviours of many young people. This paper undertakes a systematic critical review of literature about University Community Gardens for Sustainability (UCGS) in order to suggest directions of future research in the emerging field research about CGs within and outside of universities. The literature shows that UCGS have similar benefits to those identified in urban CG literature; but with greater emphasis on both the educational and environmental sustainability benefits, suggesting an under-used potential of CGs in these areas. We argue that a better understanding of the particular challenges and benefits of UCGS could improve outcomes of CGs in all settings. Therefore we recommend that future should explore: (1) participant transience in CGs, thereby helping sustainability projects with large volunteer bases learn to cope with challenges this poses in order to maximise the garden’s impacts; (2) whether/how participating in CGs can contribute to changes in attitudes/behaviours with regards to sustainability and be used as a tool for Education for Sustainability in and outside of university settings and (3) failed cases of CGs to genuinely understand factors that contribute to success. By addressing these areas we can improve our understanding of how community gardening can contribute to our communities, universities and environment, and can begin to make these potential contributions a reality.  相似文献   

Mineral reserves are unevenly and erratically distributed throughout the world; those countries which were intensively explored in the past — the USA, Canada, the USSR, Australia, South Africa, and a limited number of Asian, African, and Latin American countries — control a large share of many of the industrially important metallic minerals. Current attitudes towards exploration and the mining industry in both the developed and the less developed countries should clearly encourage rather than discourage new exploration. Given an increase in exploration, new reserves may well be found in previously unexplored areas, but any major increase in world mineral supplies will probably come from mining very low- grade deposits and developing new methods of mining and processing non-conventional ores. While it is vital to increase research and development in exploration techniques and mining and processing technology, it is also critical to maintain current levels of consumption and trade by reversing the trend towards trade restriction on the part of some of the less developed countries who are important mineral exporters.  相似文献   

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