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Effects of atmospheric ammonia on vegetation--a review   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Atmospheric ammonia does not only cause acute injuries at vegetation close to the source, but significantly contributes to large scale nitrogen eutrophication and acidification of ecosystems because the amount of sources is high and after conversion to ammonium it can reach remote areas by long-range atmospheric transport. Besides having acute toxic potential, NH(3) and NH(4)(+) (= NH(y)) may disturb vegetation by secondary metabolic changes due to increased NH(y) uptake and assimilation leading to higher susceptibility to abiotic (drought, frost) and biotic (pests) stress. Prevention of damage to natural and semi-natural ecosystems will only be achieved if NH(3) emissions are drastically reduced. In this paper, the current knowledge on NH(y) emission, deposition, and its effects on vegetation and ecosystems are reviewed. Critical levels and critical loads for nitrogen deposition are discussed.  相似文献   

A chamber study was conducted to evaluate the growth response and leaf nitrogen (N) status of four plant species exposed to continuous ammonia (NH3) for 12 weeks (wk). This was intended to evaluate appropriate plant species that could be used to trap discharged NH3 from the exhaust fans in poultry feeding operations before moving off-site. Two hundred and forty bare-root plants of four species (Juniperus virginiana (red cedar), Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis (thornless honey locust), Populus sp. (hybrid poplar), and Phalaris arundinacea (reed canary grass) were transplanted into 4- or 8-L polyethylene pots and grown in four environmentally controlled chambers. Plants placed in two of the four chambers received continuous exposure to anhydrous NH3 at 4 to 5 ppm while plants in another two chambers received no NH3. In each of the four chambers, 2 to 4 plants per species received no fertilizer while the rest of the plants were fertilized with a 100 ppm solution containing 21% N, 7% phosphorus, and 7% potassium. The results showed that honey locust was the fastest-growing species. The superior growth of honey locust among all species was also supported by its total biomass, root, and root dry matter (DM) weights. For all species there was a trend for plants exposed to NH3 to have greater leaf DM than their non-exposed counterparts at 6 (43.0 vs. 30.8%; P = 0.09) and 12 wk (47.9 vs. 36.6%; P = 0.07), and significantly greater (P 相似文献   

A diffusion scrubber (DS) was developed to measure trace levels of gaseous ammonia in ambient air. The sampling resolution time for this method is 10 min and the detection limit is estimated to be 0.01 ppbv. The response to the NI-I3 concentrations is found to be dependent on the relative humidity in the ambient air and the temperature. The method is calibrated by using a diluted NH3 cylinder gas, and the concentrations of the calibration gas were in the range 0.02–2 ppbv during the test. Sampling performed with the DS-method is compared to sampling performed by a filter pack and a continuous flow denuder (AMANDA). The DS-method shows good agreement with the continuous flow denuder and the filter pack.  相似文献   

Ammonia-nitrogen flux (NH3-N=(14/17)NH3) was determined from six anaerobic swine waste storage and treatment lagoons (primary, secondary, and tertiary) using the dynamic chamber system. Measurements occurred during the fall of 1998 through the early spring of 1999, and each lagoon was examined for approximately one week. Analysis of flux variation was made with respect to lagoon surface water temperature (∼15 cm below the surface), lagoon water pH, total aqueous phase NHx(=NH3+NH4+) concentration, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN). Average lagoon temperatures (across all six lagoons) ranged from approximately 10.3 to 23.3°C. The pH ranged in value from 6.8 to 8.1. Aqueous NHx concentration ranged from 37 to 909 mg N l−1, and TKN varied from 87 to 950 mg N l−1. Fluxes were the largest at the primary lagoon in Kenansville, NC (March 1999) with an average value of 120.3 μg N m−2 min−1, and smallest at the tertiary lagoon in Rocky Mount, NC (November 1998) at 40.7 μg N m−2 min−1. Emission rates were found to be correlated with both surface lagoon water temperature and aqueous NHx concentration. The NH3-N flux may be modeled as ln(NH3-N flux)=1.0788+0.0406TL+0.0015([NHx]) (R2=0.74), where NH3-N flux is the ammonia flux from the lagoon surface in μg N m−2 min−1, TL is the lagoon surface water temperature in °C, and [NHx] is the total ammonia-nitrogen concentration in mg N l−1.  相似文献   

Sulfate concentration measurements were made during very stable atmospheric conditions at-a Lake Michigan sampling site 55 km downwind of Chicago. Chicago sulfate concentrations are compared with the midlake concentrations. Dilution and transformation effects upon downwind sulfate concentrations are considered to be small during the very stable atmospheric conditions encountered. Depositional loss to the lake is then assumed to explain essentially all the differences between Chicago and midlake concentrations. The deposition velocity of sulfate to the lake is found to be 0.2 ± 0.16cms−1 despite the very stable conditions prevailing.  相似文献   

Individual leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. were exposed for 9 h in a leaf chamber to different NH3 concentrations at different light intensities. The rates of NH3-uptake, transpiration and photosynthesis were measured simultaneously. The flux density of NH3 increased linearly with concentration in the range of 4–400μg m−3. Flux densities also increased with light intensity. Resistance analysis indicated that NH3 transport into the leaf is via the stomata: transport via the cuticle is negligible under the experimental conditions. There is no internal resistance against NH3 transport. The NH3 flux was found not to influence the photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Regional simulations of sulfate, nitrate and ammonium aerosols were performed by a nested application of the online-coupled three-dimensional Eulerian model system COSMO-MUSCAT. This was done in a domain covering the northern part of Germany and surrounding regions for the full month of May and a 6-week period in August/September 2006 with the primary focus on secondary inorganic aerosol levels caused by ammonia emissions from domesticated animals and agricultural operations.The results show that in situations with westerly winds ammonium nitrate dominates with concentrations of about 5–10 μg m?3 whereas the ammonium sulfate concentrations are about 5 μg m?3. In situations with winds mainly from the East characterized by warmer and dryer air the ammonium sulfate concentrations have their maximum at about 10 μg m?3 whereas at the same time no ammonium nitrate is present.A reduction of agricultural NH3 emissions by 50% in a regional scale reduces the ammonium nitrate concentrations to a maximum of 30%, while the ammonium sulfate concentrations are unchanged. The reduction of NH3 emissions in a more limited area (here in the Federal state of Germany Niedersachsen) does have no noticeable effect neither on ammonium sulfate nor on ammonium nitrate.  相似文献   

Three-year-old Douglas firs (Pseudotsuga menziesii) were fumigated with 180 microg m(-3) NH3 or clean (charcoal-filtered) air. During these fumigations the plants received 15 mm artificial rain weekly, supplemented with 20, 500 or 2500 micromol litre(-1) (NH4)2SO4. Exposure to NH3 and NH4+ for 14 weeks resulted in a change of the nutrient status of the needles. The most remarkable effect was the increase in the N/K ratio, due to both uptake of N and leaching of K. The action of NH3 was stronger than that of NH4+. Both NH3 and (NH4)2SO4 affected the epicuticular wax layer and decreased mycorhiza frequency. Following fumigation and artificial rain treatments, needles were incubated for 8 h in a medium containing 0, 50, 250, 500 and 2500 micromol litre(-1) (NH4)2SO4. Almost no exchange of Ca, Mg and K for NH4+ was found. Therefore this ion exchange probably explains only a minor part of the changes in nutrient status of the whole trees.  相似文献   

Effects of atmospheric ammonia (NH3) on terrestrial vegetation: a review   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
At the global scale, among all N (nitrogen) species in the atmosphere and their deposition on to terrestrial vegetation and other receptors, NH3 (ammonia) is considered to be the foremost. The major sources for atmospheric NH3 are agricultural activities and animal feedlot operations, followed by biomass burning (including forest fires) and to a lesser extent fossil fuel combustion. Close to its sources, acute exposures to NH3 can result in visible foliar injury on vegetation. NH3 is deposited rapidly within the first 4-5 km from its source. However, NH3 is also converted in the atmosphere to fine particle NH4+ (ammonium) aerosols that are a regional scale problem. Much of our current knowledge of the effects of NH3 on higher plants is predominantly derived from studies conducted in Europe. Adverse effects on vegetation occur when the rate of foliar uptake of NH3 is greater than the rate and capacity for in vivo detoxification by the plants. Most to least sensitive plant species to NH3 are native vegetation > forests > agricultural crops. There are also a number of studies on N deposition and lichens, mosses and green algae. Direct cause and effect relationships in most of those cases (exceptions being those locations very close to point sources) are confounded by other environmental factors, particularly changes in the ambient SO2 (sulfur dioxide) concentrations. In addition to direct foliar injury, adverse effects of NH3 on higher plants include alterations in: growth and productivity, tissue content of nutrients and toxic elements, drought and frost tolerance, responses to insect pests and disease causing microorganisms (pathogens), development of beneficial root symbiotic or mycorrhizal associations and inter species competition or biodiversity. In all these cases, the joint effects of NH3 with other air pollutants such as all-pervasive O3 or increasing CO2 concentrations are poorly understood. While NH3 uptake in higher plants occurs through the shoots, NH4+ uptake occurs through the shoots, roots and through both pathways. However, NH4+ is immobile in the soil and is converted to NO3- (nitrate). In agricultural systems, additions of NO3- to the soil (initially as NH3 or NH4+) and the consequent increases in the emissions of N2O (nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas) and leaching of NO3- into the ground and surface waters are of major environmental concern. At the ecosystem level NH3 deposition cannot be viewed alone, but in the context of total N deposition. There are a number of forest ecosystems in North America that have been subjected to N saturation and the consequent negative effects. There are also heathlands and other plant communities in Europe that have been subjected to N-induced alterations. Regulatory mitigative approaches to these problems include the use of N saturation data or the concept of critical loads. Current information suggests that a critical load of 5-10 kg ha(-1) year(-1) of total N deposition (both dry and wet deposition combined of all atmospheric N species) would protect the most vulnerable terrestrial ecosystems (heaths, bogs, cryptogams) and values of 10-20 kg ha(-1) year(-1) would protect forests, depending on soil conditions. However, to derive the best analysis, the critical load concept should be coupled to the results and consequences of N saturation.  相似文献   

Hog concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in North Carolina release ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide, VOCs, and particulate matter to the atmosphere. These operations are located mainly in the NC coastal plain and can create potential health hazards for nearby human populations. Limited work has been performed to measure NH3 at the community level to assess potential human exposure. In an effort to address this issue, a study was designed to measure NH3 levels near hog CAFOs and community locations (i.e. homes and schools) in Eastern NC.NH3 was collected using passive diffusion tubes in triplicate exposed primarily in weekly intervals. Sampling occurred from October 2003 to May 2004 (20 sites) and from July 2004 to October 2004 (23 sites) at varying distances from hog CAFOs in close proximity to homes and schools. Average weekly NH3 levels were measured as mass (μg NH3-N) and converted to concentration (ppb). Mean level of 13.8 ppb near homes and schools (<2 km) was 4–12 times greater than ambient background levels (1–3 ppb), reaching as high as 80 ppb. Exposed sites (<2 km from a hog CAFO) had a mean level of 12.8 ppb which was over 2 times higher than the mean level of 5.5 ppb at less exposed sites (>2 km from a hog CAFO).The study establishes that passive sampling can be effectively used to measure average atmospheric ammonia levels at community locations near hog CAFOs in Eastern NC. The collected data indicate the relative exposure for human populations who live near a hog CAFO. The closer a populace is to the hog CAFO, the more intense the exposure. These results require more validation in the field by comparison to a reference method.  相似文献   

This paper describes theoretical calculations of atmospheric ammonia profiles during precipitation events. The PLUVIUS reactive storm model (Hales, 1982, Atmospheric Environment16,1775–1783) was used in a simplified form relevant to this specific system. Calculated NH3 profiles for dry atmospheres were consistent with distributions previously reported in the literature. NH3 profiles in the gas and cloud phases, following a simulated convective storm, showed large variations with height. These variations are strongly dependent on storm duration. In some cases, NH3 gas concentrations were depleted by more than 50% by the precipitation scavenging process. Modeled NH3 gas profiles regenerate slowly with time after storm termination.  相似文献   

Plants of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Pros) were exposed to a range of O3 concentrations up to 70 nl litre(-1) for 9 h day(-1) in the presence (45 nl litre(-1)) and absence (21 nl litre(-1)) of enhanced NH3 in 12 open-top chambers. Treatment effects on visible injury, growth and yield were assessed after 49 (intermediate harvest) and 62 days of exposure (final harvest). The proportion of leaves with visible injury at final harvest increased with increasing concentrations of O3. Enhanced NH3 did not cause any symptoms and did not affect injury by O3. The estimated seasonal mean concentration corresponding with 5% injury was circa 23 nl litre(-1) O3. Biomass production and green pod yield decreased with increasing concentrations of O3 and were generally stimulated by enhanced NH3 at both harvests. Adverse effects of O3 on biomass and pod yield did not depend on the NH3 level. Relative yield response to increasing 9-h daily mean O3 concentrations was nonlinear and yield losses of 5 and 10% were calculated to occur at seasonal daytime mean concentrations of 27 and 33 nl litre(-1) O3, respectively. Linear regression showed that the Accumulated exposures Over a Threshold of 30 (AOT30) and 40 nl litre(-1) (AOT40) O3 performed equally well. The estimated accumulated O3 exposures corresponding with a yield loss of 5% were 1600 nl litre(-1) h for AOT30 and 400 nl litre(-1) h for AOT40. The results are discussed in relation to the long-term critical level that is used as a guideline to protect crops against adverse effects by O3.  相似文献   

Past laboratory and field investigations have produced conflicting information regarding the deposition velocity of particles in the 0.05–1.0μm range. This paper reports measurements of the concentration gradient of such particles observed with a condensation nucleus counter over grass. The small concentration gradient observed shows that the deposition velocity did not exceed 0.1 cms−1 on average. Some measurements suggested a small upward flux of particles.  相似文献   

Hog concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) release ammonia (NH3) in Eastern North Carolina (NC) to the atmosphere which is potentially hazardous for nearby human populations at community locations particularly homes and schools. We present NH3 weekly average concentrations that were collected using passive diffusion tubes from October 2003 to May 2004 (20 sites) and from July 2004 to October 2004 (23 sites) near community locations in close proximity to hog CAFOs. The data for each phase of sampling was stratified by distance from the nearest hog CAFO. The mean Phase I levels were 16, 8, 7 and 5 ppb for distances <0.5, 0.5–1, 1–2, and 2 km or more, respectively. The mean levels for Phase II were 29, 16, and 11 ppb for distances <0.5, 0.5–1, and 1 km or more, respectively. The results of the distance stratification are the best results of this study and provide the strongest evidence that distance to one or more CAFOs is the key variable in controlling weekly NH3 atmospheric concentration at the community level in Eastern NC. Statistical analyses confirmed that source terms such as distance to a hog CAFO and live weight per operation, as well as temperature, wind speed and wind direction were important predictors of atmospheric NH3 at community locations. The results indicate potential zones of exposure for human populations who live or go to school near hog CAFOs.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of fixed nitrogen as nitrate and ammonium in rain and by dry deposition of nitrogen dioxide, nitric acid and ammonia has increased throughout Europe during the last two decades, from 2-6 kg N ha(-1) year(-1) to 15-60 kg N ha(-1) year(-1). The nitrogen contents of bryophytes and the ericaceous shrub Calluna vulgaris have been measured at a range of sites, with the objective of showing the degree to which nitrogen deposition is reflected in foliar plant nitrogen. Tissue nitrogen concentrations of herbarium bryophyte samples and current samples of the same species collected from the same sites were compared. No significant change in tissue nitrogen was recorded at a remote site in north-west Scotland where nitrogen inputs are small (< 6 kg N ha(-1) year(-1)). Significant increases in tissue N occurred at four sites ranging from 38% in central Scotland to 63% in Cumbria where nitrogen inputs range from 15 to 30 kg N ha(-1) year(-1). The relationships found between the estimated input of atmospheric nitrogen and the tissue nitrogen content of the selected bryophytes and Calluna at the sites investigated were found to be generally linear and fitted the form N(tissue) = 0.62 + 0.022 N(dep) for bryophytes and N(tissue) = 0.83 + 0.045 N(dep) for Calluna. There was thus an increase in total tissue nitrogen of 0.02 mg g(-1) dry weight for bryophytes and 0.045 mg g(-1) dry weight for Calluna for an increase in atmospheric nitrogen deposition of 1 kg ha(-1) year(-1). The lowest concentrations were found in north-west Scotland and the highest in Cumbria and the Breckland heaths of East Anglia, both areas of high atmospheric nitrogen deposition (30-40 kg N ha(-1) year(-1)). The implications of increased tissue nitrogen content in terms of vegetation change are discussed. Changes in atmospheric nitrogen deposition with time were also examined using measured values and values inferred from tissue nitrogen content of mosses. The rate of increase in nitrogen deposition is not linear over the 90-year period, and the increases were negligible over the period 1880-1915. However, during the period 1950 to 1990 the data suggest an increase in nitrogen deposition of 2 kg N ha(-1) every 10 years.  相似文献   


The real-time measurement of atmospheric ammonia at municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills and adjacent areas is necessary for landfill management and the health of nearby residence. Continuous, fast, and real-time monitoring of landfill odor gases is a challenge, especially for ammonia. To our knowledge, this was the first study for the characteristics and seasonal variabilities of atmospheric ammonia at a whole landfill using a Mobile White cell Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MW-DOAS) system, which also simultaneously offers high sensitivity and fast response. Results show that atmospheric ammonia levels at various landfill areas were significantly dependent on the characteristics of areas, such as municipal solid waste-related areas, leachate-related areas, sludge-related areas, and fly ash-related area, the atmospheric ammonia peak or average level at the active leachate pool of the active MSW site was the highest among all areas of the whole landfill, and the ammonia concentrations at the closed MSW landfill sites were low and dependent on the ages. Moreover, it was found that the seasonal variabilities of ammonia concentrations at most of those areas were significantly dependent on the ambient temperature, and ambient temperature variation caused the atmospheric ammonia level at the active leachate pool and active MSW landfill site in the summer survey to raise 3.5 times and 5.58 times than in the winter survey, respectively.

Implications: Continuous, fast, and real-time monitoring ambient ammonia at or nearby a landfill is critical for landfill operators and local EPAs. This study demonstrates that the mobile White cell Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MW-DOAS) system is an effective tool for real-time monitoring ambient ammonia of a whole landfill. The results in this article provided a guideline to the characteristics and seasonal changes of ambient ammonia at various types of areas of a whole landfill as well as the impact of age to ambient ammonia at the closed landfill areas.  相似文献   

Measurements of ammonia and particulate ammonium were made in the daytime (1200–1500) at a urban site in Yokohama during the 5-year period, 1982–1986. Diurnal NH3 concentrations showed a distinct seasonal trend with a maximum in summer. The diurnal monthly average concentrations were above 10 ppb during the late spring and summer months, while the concentrations during the winter months were between 1 and 5 ppb. The seasonal variation was found to be very similar to that of the average air temperature and showed a periodic pattern over 1 year. A good correlation was observed between diurnal NH3 concentrations and average air temperatures during the 5-year period. The annual mean concentrations were in the range of 6.6–7.6 ppb with only a minor deviation. The diurnal monthly average concentrations of particulate NH4+ were between 1 and 4 μg m−3 and no significant seasonal variations were seen. As a short-term study, simultaneous measurements of NH3, HNO3 and particulate NO3 were made. The diurnal mean concentrations of NH3 and HNO3 were 7.6 and 0.8 ppb, respectively. The concentration of particulate NO3 ranged from 0.3 to 6μg−3. Both HNO3 and particulate NO3 concentrations were relatively low and constant. Thus, NH3 and HNO3 levels did not agree with the concentrations predicted from the NH4NO3 equilibrium constant.  相似文献   

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