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The rice-wheat belt comprises nearly 24–27 million ha in South and East Asia. Rice is generally grown in flooded fields whereas the ensuing wheat crop requires well-drained soil conditions. Consequently, both crops differ markedly in nature and intensity of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes, namely emission of (1) methane (CH4) and (2) nitrous oxide (N2O) as well as the sequestration of (3) carbon dioxide. Wetland rice emits large quantities of CH4; strategies to CH4 emissions include proper management of organic inputs, temporary (mid-season) field drainage and direct seeding. As for the wheat crop, the major GHG is N2O that is emitted in short-term pulses after fertilization, heavy rainfall and irrigation events. However, N2O is also emitted in larger quantities during fallow periods and during the rice crop as long as episodic irrigation or rainfall result in aerobic-anaerobic cycles. Wetland rice ensures a relatively high content of soil organic matter in the rice-wheat system as compared to permanent upland conditions. In terms of global warming potential, baseline emissions of the rice-wheat system primarily depend on the management practices during the rice crop while emissions from the wheat crop remain less sensitive to different management practices. The antagonism between CH4 and N2O emissions is a major impediment for devising effective mitigation strategies in rice-wheat system - measures to reduce the emission of one GHG often intensify the emission of the other GHG.  相似文献   

中国城市温室气体清单研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍城市温室气体排放特征和国际城市温室气体清单研究进展,研究了全球城市化和城市CO2排放的强正相关性,以及中国城市清单方法研究起步较早但发展缓慢的特点。分析了城市温室气体清单相对国家清单的特征,即城市清单编制往往采用消费模式,区别于国家清单的生产模式;国际城市清单中往往包括了由于外调电和供暖产生的CO2排放,同时城市温室气体清单编制灵活性和针对性更强。针对我国城市温室气体清单研究的不足,提出了我国城市温室气体清单方法,强调中国城市采用尺度1+尺度2的范围,暂不考虑尺度3的范围,即生产+消费的混合模式,并且在城市市域温室气体排放研究的基础上,加强狭义城市温室气体排放水平的研究。选择北京市和纽约市,对比分析了两个城市CO2排放特征,结果显示,在确定的清单体系下,北京市和纽约市具有较好的可比性。纽约市的总排放量(尺度1+尺度2)略低于北京市排放量,人均排放量略高于北京市。  相似文献   

Agriculture's contribution to radiative forcing is principally through its historical release of carbon in soil and vegetation to the atmosphere and through its contemporary release of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CHM4). The sequestration of soil carbon in soils now depleted in soil organic matter is a well-known strategy for mitigating the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere. Less well-recognized are other mitigation potentials. A full-cost accounting of the effects of agriculture on greenhouse gas emissions is necessary to quantify the relative importance of all mitigation options. Such an analysis shows nitrogen fertilizer, agricultural liming, fuel use, N2O emissions, and CH4 fluxes to have additional significant potential for mitigation. By evaluating all sources in terms of their global warming potential it becomes possible to directly evaluate greenhouse policy options for agriculture. A comparison of temperate and tropical systems illustrates some of these options.  相似文献   

中国农业温室气体排放:现状及挑战   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该文从农业生产过程和化肥、能源等投入方面计算了中国农业温室气体排放.2009年,中国农业总计排放温室气体158 557.3万t CO2当量,比1980年增长52.03%,年均增长1.46%.其中,CH4占总排放的25%,N2O占总排放的52%,CO2占总排放的23%.按来源分析,在2009年排放的温室气体中,水稻种植排放14 264.45万t,占9%;畜牧生产排放42 709.94万t,占26.94%;土壤排放47 457.81万t,占29.93%;化肥、能源、农药、农膜等投入引起的排放54 125.11万t,占34.14%.2009年农业GDP排放的温室气体为2.98 kg/元,粮食排放的温室气体为1.5 kg/kg.在2008年,牛肉排放的温室气体为28.54 kg/kg,羊肉为15.5 kg/kg,猪肉为1.49kg/kg,禽肉为0.54 kg/kg,牛奶为1.04 kg/kg,禽蛋为0.83 kg/kg.由于技术进步和生产效率提高,单位粮食、肉类和牛奶排放的温室气体都有较大幅度降低.对于种植单季粮食的土地,CO2交易价格为80元/t将使23.27%的耕地退出粮食生产;当CO2交易价格为100元/t时,这一比例高达63.31%.对于种植双季粮食的土地,CO2交易价格为130- 140元/t时,将有50%的耕地退出粮食生产.由于中国粮食生产利润率过低,CO2较低的价格使严重影响粮食生产面积和产量.  相似文献   

Based on an investigation of the meaning of development, the neo-classical economic approach to development, and the post-welfarist theory of development, this paper proposes a conceptual framework for understanding human development potentials, while undertaking empirical analysis using cross-sectional and time series data on human development. Human development is associated with basic necessities for subsistence, the quality of life, and political and civil rights, in addition to income indicators. Our analysis suggests that the concept of human development potentials has two dimensions: the rights of development and limits to human development. Both are largely ignored in the neoclassical theory of development. However, human development is not unbounded, which approaches to a relatively fixed constant at given economic, technological and institutional conditions. This conceptual understanding is supported by results from the empirical examination of the relationships between demands for carbon emis  相似文献   

Tropical forest conversion contributes as much as 25% of the net annual CO2 emissions and up to 10% of the N2O emissions to the atmosphere. The net effect on global warming potential (GWP) also depends on the net fluxes of greenhouse gases from land-use systems following deforestation. Efforts to mitigate these effects must take into account not only the greenhouse gas fluxes of alternative land-use systems but also the social and economic consequences that influence their widespread adoption. The global alternatives to slash-and-burn program (ASB) investigated the net greenhouse gas emissions and profitability of a range of land-use alternatives in the humid tropics. The analysis showed that many tree-based systems reduced net GWP compared to annual cropping and pasture systems. Some of these systems are also profitable in terms of returns to land and labor. The widespread adoption of these systems, however, can be limited by start-up costs, credit limitations, and number of years to positive cash flow, in addition to the higher labor requirements. Projects that offset carbon emissions through carbon sinks in land use in the tropics might be a means of overcoming these limitations. A synthesis of the findings from this program can provide guidelines for the selection and promotion of land-use practices that minimize net global warming effects of slash-and-burn.  相似文献   

城市温室气体清单研究有利于温室气体清单编制方法的科学化、规范化、标准化,对于地方政府编制城市温室气体清单,科学地进行城市低碳规划和低碳建设具有重大现实意义。但是目前国内城市温室气体清单研究处于探索阶段,滞后城市应对气候变化和发展低碳经济的需要。本文通过梳理相对规范、有较强影响力的温室气体清单编制方法学,归纳分析国内相关城市温室气体清单研究文献,得出:多是介绍、比较主流温室气体清单编制方法,以及探索并借鉴在区域、城市层面的编制应用,并且编制方法多样,缺乏规范统一的方法。根据已有研究,总结出《省级指南》和《ICLEI指南》对中国城市温室气体清单研究具有重要参考作用。然后比较分析了《省级指南》和《ICLEI指南》在中国城市应用的适用性和局限性,明确指出中国城市温室气体清单的定位是与省级温室气体清单编制方法保持一致性,同时与国外城市温室气体清单方法具有可比性,指出了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

全球气候变暖是人类面临的严峻挑战,稻田生态系统在全球气候变暖中起到重要的作用。目前已有许多学者通过大田试验的方法研究了不同秸秆还田方式下温室气体排放的特征,但由于试验地点等因素的不同导致最终的结果差异很大。通过整合这些结果来研究区域内不同秸秆还田方式(翻耕秸秆还田(CTS)、免耕秸秆还田(NTS)和旋耕秸秆还田(RTS))下稻田温室气体排放的特征,能够准确地反映一定区域内稻田生态系统的净减排潜力。本文基于长江中下游地区32篇关于秸秆还田对稻田温室气体排放的文献收集173组数据,利用Meta分析方法研究了3种秸秆还田方式下稻田CH_4和N_2O排放的特征,并估算出不同秸秆还田方式下稻田的全球增温潜势和净增温潜势。结果表明,CTS、NTS和RTS处理下稻田CH_4周年排放的效应值分别为0.76、0.37和0.68,稻田N_2O周年排放的效应值分别为0.44、0.36和0.52;在两熟制下,不同秸秆还田方式下稻田CH_4周年排放的效应值的大小为RTSCTSNTS,但N_2O周年排放的效应值的大小为RTSNTSCTS。在三熟制下,三种秸秆还田方式下稻田CH_4的周年排放的效应值的高低为CTSRTSNTS,而N_2O周年排放的效应值的高低为RTSNTSCTS。在相同的秸秆还田方式下,三熟制稻田温室气体周年排放的效应值都高于两熟制。此外,不同的还田秸秆种类影响稻田温室气体的排放;结合前期研究,估算出CTS、NTS和RTS处理下稻田的净增温潜势分别为12 375.55、11 232.36和15 982.87 kg CO_2-equivalent·hm~(-2)。因此,免耕秸秆还田是长江中下流地区稻田净减排条件下适宜的秸秆还田方式。  相似文献   

重庆市温室气体排放清单研究与核算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
城市化进程所带来的大量能源消费和温室气体排放已成为制约城市健康快速发展的瓶颈因素,亟需进行定量核算和分析。开展温室气体清单研究对节能减排和低碳城市建设具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文以重庆市为案例,通过清单方法分析主要温室气体排放源和碳汇,考虑主要能源活动、工业、废弃物处置、农业、畜牧业、湿地过程和林业碳汇,核算排放总量和强度,剖析重庆温室气体排放结构和现状。结果显示:1997-2008年重庆市温室气体排放总量呈现出上升趋势,2008年比1997年增长了2.31倍,其中增长幅度较大的是一次能源消费过程、外购电力和工业非能源过程。此外,随着温室气体排放量的增加,单位产值温室气体排放量却呈现下降的趋势,反映重庆市温室气体排放控制取得了一定效果。最后根据重庆市温室气体排放结果进行分析,提出了改变能源结构和工业结构、提高能效和加强"森林重庆"建设等政策建议,为重庆市转型低碳经济发展提供参考。  相似文献   

农村沼气开发与温室气体减排   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着中央和地方政府的大力推动,农村沼气建设在过去的30多年中蓬勃发展.沼气利用不仅为农村节省了大量能源,也减少了温室气体的排放,这对加强农村生态建设与新农村建设有重要意义.在过去15年中,沼气总共提供了2.84×107t标准煤的能源量,净减少温室气体排放量约73 157.59Gg(千吨)二氧化碳当量(CO2-eq),年均减排量为4877Gg,相当于全国总排放量的0.07%~0.16%.因能源替代而减少的温室气体中,二氧化碳为84243.94Gg,甲烷为3560.01Gg CO2-eq,氧化亚氮则为26.008Gg CO2-eq.预测结果表明沼气产气量将在2010年与2020年分别达到156亿m3和385亿m3,减少的温室气体将分别为29328Gg和79380GgCO2-eq,开发农村沼气是我国应对气候变化的重要措施.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide emissions due to fossil fuel consumption are well recognized as a major contributor to climate change. In the debate on dealing with this threat, expectations are high that agriculture based economies of the developing world can help alleviate this problem. But, the contribution of agricultural operations to these emissions is fairly small. It is the clearing of native ecosystems for agricultural use in the tropics that is the largest non-fossil fuel source of CO2 input to the atmosphere. Our calculation show that the use of fossil energy and the concomitant emission of CO2 in the agricultural operational sector - i.e. the use of farm machinery, irrigation, fertilization and chemical pesticides - amounts to merely 3.9% of the commercial energy use in that part of the world. Of this, 70% is associated with the production and use of chemical fertilizers. In the absence of fertilizer use, the developing world would have converted even more land for cultivation, most of which is completely unsuitable for cultivation. Current expectations are that reforestation in these countries can sequester large quantities of carbon in order to mitigate excessive emissions elsewhere. But, any program that aims to set aside land for the purpose of sequestering carbon must do so without threatening food security in the region. The sole option to liberate the necessary land for carbon sequestration would be the intensification of agricultural production on some of the better lands by increased fertilizer inputs. As our calculations show, the sequestration of carbon far outweighs the emissions that are associated with the production of the extra fertilizer needed. Increasing the fertilizer use in the developing world (without China) by 20%, we calculated an overall net benefit in the carbon budget of between 80 and 206 Mt yr?1 dependent on the carbon sequestration rate assumed for the regrowing forest. In those regions, where current fertilizer use is low, the relative benefits are the highest as responding yield increases are highest and thus more land can be set aside without harming food security. In Sub-Saharan Africa a 20% fertilizer increase, which amounts to 0.14 Mt of extra fertilizer, can tie up somewhere between 8 and 19 Mt of CO2 per year (average: 96 t CO2 per 1 t fertilizer). In the Near East and North Africa with a 20%-increased fertilizer use of 0.4 Mt yr-1 between 10 and 24 Mt of CO2 could be sequestered on the land set aside (40 t CO2 per 1 t fertilizer). In South Asia this is 22–61 Mt CO2 yr?1 with an annual additional input of 2.15 Mt fertilizer (19 t CO2 per 1 t fertilizer). In fact, carbon credits may be the only way for some of the farmers in these regions to afford the costly inputs. Additionally, in regions with already relatively high fertilizer inputs such as in South Asia, an efficient use of the extra fertilizer must be warranted. Nevertheless, the net CO2 benefit through implementation of this measure in the developing world is insignificant compared to the worldwide CO2 output by human activity. Thus, reforestation is only one mitigating measure and not the solution to unconstrained fossil fuel CO2 emissions. Carbon emissions should, therefore, first of all be reduced by the avoidance of deforestation in the developing world and moreover by higher energy efficiency and the use of alternative energy sources.  相似文献   

我国减缓碳排放的近期形势与远期趋势分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
近3年来我国面临GDP能源强度呈上升趋势,能源消费及相应CO2排放增长对世界减缓碳排放的形势产生了更大影响的新的形势,从长远发展趋势看,我国当前由于工业特别是重化工业在国民经济结构中急剧增加引起的GDP能源强度阶跃性增长将随产业结构的稳定两平缓,并且随产业结构的优化和产业技术升级及高附加值产品比例提高而再度呈持续稳定下降的趋势。我国在现代化道路中与发达国家的历程相比,可以走更为节约能源和减少CO2排放的道路。但由于中国人口众多,和平发展的规模大、速度快,而且时间比发达国家滞后半个世纪以上,我国为实现现代化所必需的能源消费和CO2排放的增长会对全球的碳排放增长产生重大影响。这将使我国未来经济发展面临极为不利的外部环境。  相似文献   

论生态视角下的低碳农业发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农业低碳化发展是低碳经济社会发展的重要组成部分。低碳农业是现代农业发展模式的创新,其根本任务是节能降耗,减少农业和农村生产生活的碳排放,以维护农业生态系统碳循环的速率平衡和生物多样性。本文在低碳发展时代背景下,采用多学科交叉及其理论分析方法,从生态学的视角对低碳农业发展的相关问题进行探讨。低碳农业应是一种有利于环境保护、有利于农产品数量和质量安全、有利于可持续发展的现在农业发展形态。低碳农业发展应树立持续性、协调性、公平性目标;坚持可持续性原则、公平性原则、有序利用原则以及节约资源、保护环境原则;要遵循生态学规律,建立健全低碳农业发展的生态保护机制、生态修复机制与生态补偿机制;从树立农业生态文明理念、转变农业发展方式、推广农业节能减排技术、减少农业面源污染、提高农村能源利用效率等方面,完善政府在低碳农业发展中的生态责任,以促进农村环境的不断改善和现代农业的健康运行与可持续发展。  相似文献   

煤制天然气发电对中国碳排放和区域环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PM2.5治理与低碳发展具有显著的协同效应,然而并非所有的PM2.5治理措施都达到低碳的效果,煤制天然气项目是其中最为突出的一类。本文梳理了煤制天然气产业政策与现状,采用全生命周期评价法,对煤炭和煤制天然气发电过程中的CO2、SO2、NOx排放进行了分析。研究结果表明,用煤制天然气替代煤炭,每发1 k Wh电可以减少SO2排放9.73 g,减少NOx排放0.45 g;但同时将多消耗142 g标准煤,增加CO2排放406.2 g。煤制天然气项目对天然气使用地的大气污染防治具有正面作用,但却给煤制天然气生产地带来严重的环境负外部性问题。从而,煤制天然气的生产与消费是一种资源消耗和环境排放的转嫁,而且从整体上提高了我国的煤炭使用量和CO2排放量。定量评估显示,如果将各地建成、在建或拟建的所有煤制天然气项目全部投入生产,每年约消耗8.1亿t原煤,用这部分煤制天然气替代煤炭发电所增加的CO2排放将占2010年全国CO2排放量的3%-6%。因此一味地使用煤制天然气替代煤炭来达到雾霾治理这一目的,忽视其将长期存在的严重的资源环境效率损失和公平损失问题,我国环境保护与低碳发展将陷入"头痛医头,脚痛医脚"的恶性循环。改善我国环境质量的根本途径在于推动能源生产和消费革命,而控制能源消费总量是最为优先的措施。煤制天然气应该用来替代分散的煤炭使用,以此来达到煤炭清洁高效利用的目标。在发电行业,应该大力进行技术改造,实现比使用煤制天然气更好的环境效益。从全生命周期内的资源消耗和环境影响来看,煤制天然气项目建设必须高度重视,慎重决策。  相似文献   

特大型城市客运交通碳排放与减排对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于对现有城市交通碳排放测算方法的比较分析,以上海市为例,采用IPCC"自下而上"法对特大型城市客运交通CO2排放进行了测算,结果显示:轨道交通是碳排放效率最高的客运方式,出租车最低;客运交通CO2排放总量增长迅速,且碳源结构发生了较大变化;近年客运交通CO2排放增量主要来自私人载客汽车,同时公务交通在客运交通碳排放中始终占较大比重。由此本文认为,控制客运交通碳排放的关键在于对以私人载客汽车和单位载客汽车为主的个体交通的管理和控制,形成以公共交通为主的交通结构。在此基础上,为了将控制碳排放纳入到城市交通政策目标中去,本文就主要城市交通政策对客运交通碳排放产生的影响进行了深入分析,并得出结论:以往的交通供给、需求管理政策对于抑制客运交通碳排放增长的作用有限;而就目前城市空间发展政策的实施效果而言,也不利于降低居民出行的碳排放水平。文章最后分别从交通供给、需求管理以及城市空间角度给出了控制客运交通碳排放的对策。  相似文献   

本文运用IPCC的二氧化碳排放量测算方法,在省际层面测度了我国家庭部门直接能源消费碳排放,并基于扩展的STIRPAT和Kaya模型,构建家庭部门直接能源消费碳排放影响因子动态面板数据模型,对我国2003-2012年分省面板数据样本及城乡子样本进行系统GMM估计。本文研究表明,第一,我国城乡家庭部门碳排放总量和人均碳排放在近十年都呈快速上升趋势,家庭部门碳排放的空间分布具有明显的地域差异特征,高碳排放地区主要集中在东、中部地区,西部地区的碳排放水平较低;第二,城乡家庭部门生活能源消费的上期碳排放量对本期碳排放产生重要的正向影响,这反映出我国家庭部门碳排放具有显著的惯性特征和路径依赖性,是一种动态自适应机制;人口规模、居民消费水平、能源消费结构、碳排放强度、能源消费强度和城镇化因素,都对我国居民能源消费碳排放总量及人均碳排放具有显著的影响,城乡之间的家庭能源消费碳排放驱动因素存在差异。本文研究得到如下启示及政策含义:家庭部门碳减排将是一个有步骤、分区域的渐进过程,我国碳减排政策应当兼顾消费升级和碳排放的双重目标,努力构建分层次碳减排的适应性预期机制。具体而言,一方面应着眼于引导和激励居民低碳消费,缓解人口规模增加、消费水平提升和城镇化对家庭部门碳减排的压力;另一方面要通过能源价格改革、财政政策和环境规制政策等优化我国能源消费结构,不断降低煤炭消费比重,提高清洁能源的消费。同时,通过技术创新、设备改造等科技手段提高煤炭利用效率,降低碳排放强度,这些政策将更有利于城镇家庭部门碳减排。  相似文献   

上海市工业碳排放总量与碳生产率关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
工业碳排放总量与碳生产率之间的关系对于正确理解绝对意义上的减排与相对意义上的减排具有重要意义。本文首先对上海市1978-2007年工业碳排放总量以及碳生产率进行估算,并在此基础上运用因果检验,协整检验,VAR模型以及脉冲冲击和方差分解技术,对排放总量与碳生产率的关系进行动态分析。结果表明上海工业碳排放总量是碳生产率的Granger原因,并且两者存在长期均衡关系。进一步脉冲响应和方差分解分析表明:碳排放总量及生产率变化速率互有冲击作用,两者主要相对方差贡献率为自身。研究揭示了提高碳生产率是尽管无法降低碳排放总量,实现绝对减排,却是具有可行性的相对意义的减排,这符合当前上海市内在实现自生主观发展需求以及外在节能减排的客观要求。最后建议将碳生产率指标纳入上海市工业低碳化发展的政策制定中去。  相似文献   

This paper quantifies a decomposition analysis of energy-related CO2 emissions in the industrial sectors of Shanghai over the period 1994-2007.The Log-Mean Divisia Index(LMDI) method is applied to this study in terms of six factors:labor force,labor mobility,gross labor productivity,energy intensity,fuel mix,and emission coefficient.In addition,the decoupling effect between industrial economic growth and CO2 emissions is analyzed to evaluate CO2 mitigation strategies for Shanghai.The results show that all labor productivity has the largest positive effect on CO2 emission changes in the industrial sectors,whereas labor mobility and energy intensity are the main components for decreasing CO2 emissions.Other factors have different effects on CO2 mitigation in different sub-periods.Although a relative decoupling of industrial CO2 emissions from the economic growth in Shanghai has been found,Shanghai should keep pace with the industrial CO2 emissions reduction by implementing low-carbon technology.These results have important policy implications:Plan C is the reasonable choice for Shanghai.  相似文献   

昆明交通运输碳排放特征与问题解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交通运输作为能源消耗重点领域,其二氧化碳排放对温室效应的贡献日益增大。针对昆明交通发展现状,根据IPCC国家温室气体排放计算清单指南,研究和修正昆明本地碳排放系数,估算昆明交通领域能源消耗及碳排放现状。目前,昆明交通运输存在问题是:交通运输以公路方式为主;交通能源消耗结构单一,碳排放以公路机动车为主;交通运输碳排放总量持续上升,人均碳排放量稳定增长;交通管理和保障系统不健全,现代交通意识薄弱。通过首次开展的昆明交通运输碳排放调查,将为昆明低碳交通、低碳城市建设提供数据支撑及合理化建议。  相似文献   

Given the growing awareness of the likely catastrophic impacts of climate change and close association of climate change with global emissions of greenhouse gases (of which carbon dioxide is more promi...  相似文献   

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