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PROBLEM: Eye injury is currently a leading cause of visual impairment and monocular blindness in the United States. Information regarding consumer products associated with eye injuries can have important implications for the prevention of these injuries. METHODS: The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) was used to describe the types of consumer products associated with emergency department treated eye injuries in the United States from 1998 through 2002. RESULTS: The leading product type associated with eye injuries was welding equipment followed by household cleaners, basketball equipment, workshop equipment, and adhesives. Eye injuries attributed to hardware, tools, construction, sports, toys, and lawn equipment were more common among males. In females, eye injuries attributable to chemicals, housewares, storage and organization, and bed and bath items were more common. Differences were also apparent across the age spectrum. CONCLUSION: This study identified specific products and categories of products frequently associated with eye injury and prevention initiatives should focus on these items. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: This study has identified consumer products associated with eye injuries requiring medical treatment in the United States. Manufacturers of these products could be encouraged to add or strengthen safety messages regarding the potential for eye injury.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Using different methods, two national systems compile fatal occupational injury data in the United States: the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) National Traumatic Occupational Fatalities (NTOF) surveillance system, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI). The NTOF uses only death certificates, while CFOI uses multiple sources for case ascertainment. METHODS: Through overall and case-by-case comparisons, this study compares these systems and evaluates counts for the nation and by state for worker and case characteristics. RESULTS: From 1992 through 1994, NTOF reported an average of 84% of the number of traumatic occupational fatalities reported in CFOI. This percentage changed somewhat when a case-by-case comparison was conducted--88% of the NTOF cases were matched directly to the CFOI cases. Although CFOI captured a larger number of fatalities annually, the additional fatalities did not follow a discernable pattern. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: By understanding the distribution of fatalities, targeted efforts to reduce them will benefit all industries.  相似文献   

Fire fighters, who provide society with an essential and life-saving service, are subjected to the effects of shiftwork and to the demands (physical and mental) and dangers of their profession, all of which can contribute to injuries. To identify factors involved in injuries to fire fighters, the timing, frequency, types, and places of occurrence of injuries sustained by fire fighters in three different municipal fire departments were examined. Data was obtained from analysis of Workers' Compensation forms. The most frequent injuries involved inhalation of hazardous materials and lacerations. Ninety-two percent of the injuries occurred at the fire scene, and their causes were related to fire fighting duties, such as rescue, extinguishment and overhaul. Although only 54% of fire alarms nationwide occurred from 12:00 to 16:00 and from 18:00 to 24:00 (42% of a 24 hour day), 68% of the injuries sustained by the fire fighters studied occurred during these time periods. Per alarm, at meal time or on the night shift fire fighters were more likely to be injured. Serious injuries were more prevalent at standardly accepted meal-times. The timing of the highest frequencies of injuries suggests that, due to the shiftwork nature of firefighting, both disruption of eating patterns and fatigue increase the risk of work-related injury to fire fighters. By understanding the contribution of factors, especially human ones, such as altered metabolism (due to disruption) and fatigue (due to time elapsed since awakening, alteration/disruption of sleep-wake pattern, or hypoglycaemia), interventions can be developed, which should decrease the incidence of injuries to fire fighters.  相似文献   

The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) investigated three fatal dust explosions that all occurred in 2003. These explosions caused the deaths of 14 people and injured hundreds more. Two of the facilities were damaged beyond repair, and several hundred employees lost their jobs.

CSB's investigations revealed that the explosions had common causes, despite their geographic and industrial diversity. Consequently, CSB commissioned a study of combustible dust fire and explosion hazards. This paper presents a summary of CSB's findings and recommendations developed during that study.  相似文献   

2004年5月10日上午,广西柳州市安全生产代表团在美国现代技术公司韦诚总裁的陪同下,访问了在美国洛杉矶市的加州职业安全卫生监管局,该局咨询部主任约翰·福特(John Ford)先生介绍了美国及加州的法律法规、加州的安全机构及安全业务并与柳州市安全生产代表团全体成员进行了广泛的交流。笔者感到美国加州职业安全卫生的三种奖项有浓厚的美国特色,美国的评奖评先与中国不同,值得一谈。  相似文献   

IntroductionBased on the Federal Railway Administration (FRA) database, there were 25,945 highway-rail crossing accidents in the United States between 2002 and 2011. With an extensive database of highway-rail grade crossing accidents in the United States from 2002 to 2011, estimation results showed that there were substantial differences across age/gender groups for driver's injury severity.MethodThe study applied an ordered probit model to explore the determinants of driver injury severity for motor vehicle drivers at highway-rail grade crossings.ResultsThe analysis found that there are important behavioral and physical differences between male and female drivers given a highway-rail grade crossing accident happened.Practical applicationsOlder drivers have higher fatality probabilities when driving in open space under passive control especially during bad weather condition. Younger male drivers are found to be more likely to have severe injuries at rush hour with high vehicle speed passing unpaved highway-rail grade crossings under passive control. Synthesizing these results led to the conclusion that the primary problem with young is risk-taking and lack of vehicle handling skills. The strength of older drivers lies in their aversion to risk, but physical degradation issues which result in longer reaction/perception times and degradation in vision and hearing often counterbalance this attribute.  相似文献   

Objective: We assessed obesity trends in U.S. drivers involved in fatal crashes since 1999 and distinguished whether crash risk factors were different between obese and nonobese drivers.

Methods: We included only drivers of passenger cars involved in fatal traffic crashes between January 1, 1999, and December 31, 2012. Obesity was classified according to the World Health Organization guidelines and profiled between 1999 and 2012 using the adjusted prevalence ratio (aPR) from log-binomial regression models. Differences in crash risks (e.g., driver's fatality, drunk driving, seat belt nonuse) between obese and nonobese drivers were estimated as adjusted odds ratios (aORs) using logistic regression models.

Results: A total of 753,024 U.S. drivers were involved in fatal crashes, for which obesity information was available for 534,887. About 56% (n = 299,078) were driving passenger cars. The prevalence of class I obesity increased from 10% in 1999 to 14% in 2012 (aPR = 1.50, 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.42–1.58), class II obesity from 3 to 5% (aPR = 2.22, 95% CI, 2.05–3.01), and class III obesity from 1 to 2% (aPR = 2.65; 95% CI, 2.27–3.10). Compared to nonobese controls, obese drivers had significantly higher risks for fatality (1.10 ≤ aOR ≤ 1.47), seat belt nonuse (1.00 ≤ aOR ≤ 1.21), need for extrication (1.01 ≤ aOR ≤ 1.23), and ambulance transport time ≥30 min (1.01 ≤ aOR ≤ 1.28). Compared to nonobese controls, obese drivers were less likely to drink drive (0.41 ≤ aOR ≤ 0.72) or speed >65 mph (0.78 ≤ aOR ≤ 0.93).

Conclusion: The rising national prevalence of obesity extends to U.S. drivers involved in fatal crashes and indicates the need to improve seat belt use, vehicle design, and postcrash care for this vulnerable population.  相似文献   



Since 1990, fatal animal-vehicle collisions (AVCs) in the United States have more than doubled. This paper examines annual AVC trends in the United States over a 19-year period, seasonal and diurnal patterns of AVC risk, the geographic distribution of crash risk by state, and the association between posted speed limit and AVC crash risk in darkness.


AVCs were compiled from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and the General Estimates System (GES) for the years 1990-2008 to examine annual crash trends for fatal and nonfatal crashes. Seasonal trends for fatal AVCs were examined with the aggregated FARS dataset; seasonal trends for fatal and nonfatal AVCs were also examined by aggregating four years of Michigan crash data. State-by-state distributions of fatal AVCs were also described with the aggregated FARS dataset. Finally, the relationship between posted speed limit and the odds that a fatal or nonfatal AVC occurred in darkness were examined with logistic regressions using the aggregated FARS and Michigan datasets.


Between 1990 and 2008, fatal AVCs increased by 104% and by 1.3 crashes per trillion vehicle miles travelled per year. Although not all AVCs involve deer, daily and seasonal AVC crash trends follow the general activity pattern of deer populations, consistent with prior reports. The odds that a fatal AVC occurred in darkness were also found to increase by 2.3% for each mile-per-hour increase in speed; a similar, albeit smaller, effect was also observed in the aggregated Michigan dataset, among nonfatal crashes.


AVCs represent a small but increasing share of crashes in the United States. Seasonal and daily variation in the pattern of AVCs seem to follow variation in deer exposure and ambient light level. Finally, the relative risk that a fatal and nonfatal AVC occurred in darkness is influenced by posted speed limit, suggesting that a driver's limited forward vision at night plays a role in AVCs, as it does in pedestrian collisions.

Impact on Industry

The association between speed limit and crash risk in darkness suggests that AVC risk might be reduced with countermeasures that improve a driver's forward view of the road.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Little population-based information exists about the long-term effects of motor-vehicle crash-related injuries. METHOD: We analyzed data from the 1995 National Health Interview Survey Disability (NHIS-D) Supplement to estimate the prevalence of crash-related disability among noninstitutionalized U.S. adults aged 18 years and older. RESULTS: More than 1.2 million adults were living in their homes with the disabling effects of motor-vehicle crash-related injuries in 1995. The prevalence of crash-related disability was highest for persons in their mid-life years, ages 35-64. Half of the respondents had sustained the injuries more than 5 years before the interview. Forty-one percent of working-aged individuals reported being unable to work because of their disability. CONCLUSIONS: Because crash-related disability is most prevalent during the mid-life years, quality of life and productivity may be affected for decades. These findings highlight the personal and societal burden associated with motor-vehicle crash-related disability in the United States.  相似文献   

应急预案是指面对突发事件,如自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生事件和社会安全事件,政府及社会各机构、组织团体、社区及家庭个人等事先制定好的应急管理、指挥、响应、救援和恢复等各方面的应对计划。美国联邦应急预案建设起步较早,在曲折发展中积累了大量经验,了解、分析和研究其演变历程,对创新完善我国应急预案工作具有较大的启示借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Introduction: Existing research indicates that around 90% of all U.S. residents have access to at least one level I or II trauma center within 60 min. However, a limitation of these estimates lies in that they are based on where people live and not where people are injured, which may overestimate the access to trauma centers for seriously injured patients in fatal crashes. Method: In this study, the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data between 2013 and 2014 were collected and analyzed to quantify the access of injured patients to trauma centers for fatal crashes across states. Two types of distance, linear distance and route distance, were calculated using ArcGIS. The estimated transport time to the nearest level I/II trauma center was also calculated and compared to the recorded on-scene and transport time. Results and Conclusions: The Northeast region had the nearest average linear and route distance between fatal crash and trauma center (25.3 km and 31.7 km, respectively), followed by the Midwest (44.4 km and 54.1 km), the South (47.3 km and 57.0 km), and the West (50.9 km and 67.5 km). The comparison between the estimated and actual transport time revealed that the different states adopted different trauma triage protocols, resulting in different utilization rates of the level I/II trauma center among states. A linear regression analysis demonstrated that the longer the average route distance, the less the seriously injured patients in fatal crashes were taken to level I/II trauma center directly. Practical applications: These findings may help to identify the access to trauma centers for road crashes and the variation of delivery ratio to trauma center among the states, therefore a better utilization of trauma centers for road crashes can be achieved for the emergency medical services (EMS) systems.  相似文献   


Objective: The objective of this research study was to estimate the number of left turn across path/opposite direction (LTAP/OD) crashes and injuries that could be prevented in the United States if vehicles were equipped with an intersection advanced driver assistance system (I-ADAS).

Methods: This study reconstructed 501 vehicle-to-vehicle LTAP/OD crashes in the United States that were investigated in the NHTSA National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey (NMVCCS). The performance of 30 different I-ADAS system variations was evaluated for each crash. These variations were the combinations of 5 time-to-collision (TTC) activation thresholds, 3 latency times, and 2 different response types (automated braking and driver warning). In addition, 2 sightline assumptions were modeled for each crash: One where the turning vehicle was visible long before the intersection and one where the turning vehicle was only visible within the intersection. For resimulated crashes that were not avoided by I-ADAS, a new crash delta-V was computed for each vehicle. The probability of Abbreviated Injury Scale 2 or higher injury in any body region (Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale [MAIS] 2+F) to each front-row occupant was computed.

Results: Depending on the system design, sightline assumption, I-ADAS variation, and fleet penetration, an I-ADAS system that automatically applies emergency braking could avoid 18–84% of all LTAP/OD crashes. Only 0–32% of all LTAP/OD crashes could have been avoided using an I-ADAS system that only warns the driver. An I-ADAS system that applies emergency braking could prevent 47–93% of front-row occupants from receiving MAIS 2?+?F injuries. A system that warns the driver in LTAP/OD crashes was able to prevent 0–37% of front-row occupants from receiving MAIS 2?+?F injuries. The effectiveness of I-ADAS in reducing crashes and number of injured persons was higher when both vehicles were equipped with I-ADAS.

Conclusions: This study presents the simulated effectiveness of a hypothetical intersection active safety system on real crashes that occurred in the United States. This work shows that there is a strong potential to reduce crashes and injuries in the United States.  相似文献   

Introduction: More than 800 pedestrians die annually in crashes on interstates and other freeways in the United States, but few studies have examined their characteristics. Method: Data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System on pedestrians fatally injured during 2015–2017 were analyzed. Chi-square tests compared characteristics of pedestrians killed on interstates and other freeways with those that died on other roads, and across crash types among freeway deaths. Land use characteristics of locations where pedestrians were killed while crossing freeways in a large state (California) were identified using Google Earth. Results: A larger proportion of pedestrians killed on freeways died on dark and unlit roads (48% vs. 32%), were male (78% vs. 68%), or were ages 20–44 (55% vs. 32%) compared with pedestrians killed on other roads. Crossing (42%) was the most common crash type among pedestrian deaths on freeways, followed by disabled-vehicle-related crashes (18%). Pedestrians who died while crossing more often had blood alcohol concentrations ≥ 0.08 g/dL (40%) than those in disabled-vehicle-related (22%) or other crashes (34%). Deaths in crossing crashes were more likely than other freeway deaths to occur on urban roads (81%), at speed limits ≤50 mph (13%), or between 18:00 and 23:59 (49%), and 58% of crossing crashes analyzed for land use were located between residential and other (e.g., commercial, recreational) uses. Over a third (37%) of deaths in disabled-vehicle-related crashes occurred at speed limits ≥70 mph. Conclusions: A surprising proportion of pedestrian deaths occur on controlled-access roads not designed for walking. Countermeasures for these crashes need to be implemented to see meaningful reductions in pedestrian fatalities overall. Practical applications: Improving roadway and vehicle lighting, requiring reflective warning devices for marking disabled vehicles, constructing pedestrian overpasses and underpasses in areas frequently crossed, and promoting alternative means of traveling between residential and commercial areas could help.  相似文献   

Introduction: Safe and accessible transportation options are important for older adults’ health, safety, mobility, and independence. Ride share services may promote older adult health and well-being. This is the first study that describes ride share services available to older adults (65+ years) in the United States, including factors that may affect use of services. Methods: We analyzed secondary data from two research and administrative databases provided by ITNAmerica, a national non-profit transportation service for older adults: ITNRides, which tracks information on older adults who used ITN in 29 locations across the United States from 1996 to 2019, and Rides in Sight, the largest national data source on ride share services for older adults. We conducted a literature review, and telephone interviews with nine key informants representing ride share services, referral services, and other organizations. We offer a conceptual framework describing factors that may affect older adults’ use of ride share services. Results: This study identified 917 non-profit ride share services and eleven for-profit ride share services available for older adults in the United States as of August 2018. Services varied by corporate structure, location, use of technology, and business model. The majority of non-profit services served primarily older adults, while the for-profit services served primarily younger adults. Riders from one multi-site non-profit service had a median age of 82. Use of ride share services is affected by individual needs and preferences; social conditions; and business and policy factors. Conclusion: Ride share services may offer a promising alternative to driving for older adults and may help to address negative health consequences associated with driving cessation. Practical applications: These findings may help policy makers, practitioners, and other stakeholders understand older adults’ needs related to use of ride share services in order to offer solutions that prioritize public health and safety.  相似文献   



Motorcycle registrations have risen in recent years. Although motorcyclist crash fatalities in 2009 were 16% lower than in 2008, they were double the number of deaths in 1997. The present study examined current motorcyclists’ travel patterns and views of motorcycle helmets and other safety topics.


Motorcycle drivers were interviewed in a national telephone survey conducted in 2009. A weighted sample of 1,606 motorcyclists resulted from adjusting for the oversampling of those younger than 40 and those in the three states without a motorcycle helmet use law (Illinois, Iowa, New Hampshire). All analyses were based on the weighted sample, which was intended to result in a nationally representative sample of motorcyclists.


About one-quarter of respondents said they did not always wear helmets. Of these respondents, 57% said a law requiring helmet use would persuade them to do so, and 27% said nothing would. Ninety-four percent of respondents in states with universal helmet laws said they always ride helmeted, compared with about half of respondents in other states. About half of all respondents favored these laws. About three-quarters said they believe helmets keep riders safer, including two-thirds of respondents who oppose universal laws and almost half of drivers who rarely/never wear helmets. Drivers ages 18–29 and drivers of sport/unclad sport, sport touring, and super sport motorcycles were more likely to always wear helmets, support universal helmet laws, and believe helmets keep riders safer. About half of respondents said antilock braking systems (ABS) enhance safety and that they would get ABS on their next motorcycle. Less than one-quarter thought an airbag would protect a motorcyclist in a crash, and even fewer would consider getting one on their next motorcycle. Forty-three percent of motorcyclists said they had crashed at least once; 62% of the most recent crashes involved no vehicles besides the motorcycle. Respondents reported riding their motorcycles about 5,400 miles, on average, during the past year. Drivers ages 18–29 reported riding fewer miles, on average, than older drivers and more often rode at night and to/from work or school. Drivers of touring and sport touring motorcycles traveled more miles and took more long trips.


Motorcyclists’ travel patterns and views vary widely, but there are distinct patterns by driver age and motorcycle type. Drivers who believe helmets keep riders safer are more likely to always wear them, but this belief appears insufficient to motivate some drivers to wear them. However, universal helmet laws appear effective in increasing helmet use. Many drivers are receptive to purchasing ABS on their next motorcycle.

Impact on industry

States should be encouraged to enact universal helmet laws, and motorcycle manufacturers should be encouraged to offer ABS.  相似文献   

Introduction: An essential aspect of motorcycle rider education is how the instructor selection process impacts student learning, sometimes referred to as the human element, as it is a significant factor influencing curriculum success. Student and program achievements are partially contingent on instructors who understand the curriculum and facilitate student learning during instruction. Previous research on motorcycle rider education has emphasized a need for the examination of instructor selection and development, stating that quality education is reliant on instructors who are competent and qualified. Method: By applying an exploratory study method, state and military Motorcycle Safety Education Program Managers and Instructor Trainers were examined and compared through telephonic interviews to develop a greater understanding of instructor candidate selection criteria and vetting processes. Results: The results suggest that changes in instructor candidate selection systems may improve decisions about a candidate's job and organizational fit. Conclusions: Study conclusions indicate that use of multiple and thorough assessments to determine a candidate’s motivation, social disposition, and emotional intelligence before preparation courses may better identify candidates and align potential job and organization fit within the discipline. Practical Application: Applications of the findings would include a standardized selection process with improved interviews and pre-course auditing, and candidate expectation management before the selection to attend preparation or certification courses. The efforts potentially decrease long-term costs and deficiencies when candidates have an inconsistent job or organizational fit, departing from organizations after short periods or by not providing consistent quality instruction to students. The study recommendations, when implemented, can improve most educational disciplines where instructors are selected for technical instructional positions where students risk injury or harm.  相似文献   

On November 13-14, 2003, a symposium on high-visibility safety belt use enforcement in Raleigh, NC: (a) celebrated the 10th anniversary of North Carolina's Click It or Ticket program; (b) documented current knowledge regarding safety belt use; (c) proposed strategies to increase use further; and (d) discussed research to support these strategies.  相似文献   

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