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为了解我国城市地铁施工事故规律特征,降低新建地铁线路施工事故发生频率,统计分析2011—2020年全国31个省市自治区(不包括港澳台)地铁施工事故,归纳事故发生时间、事故类型、施工工法的分布特征,基于灰色关联分析法(GRA)对地铁施工事故致因进行分析。研究结果表明:地铁施工事故季节性特征突出,3,8,11月份呈多发态势;科学技术进步和规章制度完善是保证我国轨道交通运营里程高速增长和施工事故率降低的有效手段;事故类型以坍塌为主,且事故造成影响最大;违章作业、设备设施缺陷、地质环境不良和安全监管未贯彻落实分别为“人、物、环、管”4个维度的关键致因因子。  相似文献   

为预防和减少建筑工程施工事故,应用人工智能领域知识图谱技术,对建筑工程施工事故进行分析。通过定义领域知识图谱概念体系结构,从建筑工程施工事故数据中提取关键知识要素,构建建筑工程施工事故知识图谱,将其储存在Neo4j图数据库中,并提出基于知识图谱的建筑工程施工事故分析流程,针对事故相关信息开展查询、统计分析以及关联路径分析等智能分析。研究结果表明:基于知识图谱技术,将建筑工程施工事故知识以可视化图形或表格等进行展示,将事故信息以知识形式结构化存储及表达,可有效提高事故分析工作效率,为事故预防以及安全管理提供决策支持。  相似文献   

建筑业是高危行业,其安全生产状况一直受到社会各界的关注.针对建筑施工过程中监管重点难以把握、施工事故多发的现状,选取1997-2006年发生的建筑施工事故数据,以多发事故高处坠落为例,通过拆分、合并、剔除筛选出10种引发高处坠落施工事故的影响因素;通过建筑施工事故因素的聚类分析,获得三类影响因素,即“人—管理—物”;应用灰色关联度分析,对各类影响因素的灰色关联度进行排序,从而找出建筑施工过程的薄弱环节,为指导施工现场安全管理人员制定有针对性监管措施和预防建筑施工事故的发生提供方法支持.  相似文献   

公路交通事故危险性与事故原因的灰色关联分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
交通安全既可以采用交通事故次数来评价,也可以根据交通事故的严重度进行衡量。不同的交通事故诱因,其事故后果的危险程度也不一致。运用灰色系统理论,以某段道路上交通事故多发点的“地点危险指数”为参考数列,以这些地点的不同事故诱因为比较数列,对“事故危险指数”和引发交通事故的各类事故原因之间作灰色关联分析,可以找出该路段上危害性最大的一些交通事故成因,在交通管理和交通安全宣传教育中有针对性地进行防治。本文以107国道1716—1883公里的交通事故数据为例给出了算例。  相似文献   

建筑产业是我国国民经济的支柱产业之一,建筑行业的良性发展对我国社会主义市场经济建设、国民经济的发展具有至关重要的作用。但长期以来建筑业的安全生产问题一直是困扰业界人士和广大学者的难题。尤其,随着我国经济建设的迅速发展,建筑产业更是突飞猛进,近几年来,建筑安全事故屡有发生,每年的建筑安全事故发生数和建筑安全事故死亡人数有不断上升的趋势,我国政府各级领导历来都十分重视安全生产问题,政府有关部门也采取了不少的对策和措施。但是,这些对策和措施,仍然不能有效遏制安全事故的频繁发生,这不能不引起我们对我国目前所采取的安全生产管理体系的深刻反思。本文运用预警理论、有关建筑施工管理的理论知识、现代系统理论等,对建筑施工安全进行研究,进而开展对建筑施工安全预警机制的研究,进而建立一个完善的建筑施工现场安全预警系统。  相似文献   

为认定车辆碰撞事故的性质及责任,动态还原事故发生过程。提出1种逆向事故分析再现方法,经过坐标系旋转后构建确定方程组的车辆碰撞瞬间解析计算模型,并经过实车碰撞实验数据验证其计算精度与三维再现的准确性。利用Crashview软件对1起车辆追尾事故进行仿真分析,解析计算得出车辆碰撞瞬间车速和碰撞前行驶车速,实现事故二维过程重构和三维模拟再现。结果表明:计算分析车速与VDR记录车速误差在5%以内,模拟再现轨迹与事故现场实测痕迹基本吻合,所构建的方法可有效用于车辆追尾碰撞事故辅助分析鉴定,为事故过程分析提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了解我国建筑行业劳动防护用品事故情况,对近九年建筑企业19723起事故数据进行统计分析。结果表明:建筑行业的劳动防护用品事故从整体上看,呈下降趋势,但劳动防护用品缺少或缺陷仍然是建筑企业事故重要影响因素。不同时间段、不同地域、不同类型的建筑企业劳动防护用品工作存在差异,建议相关企业及所在地区的政府监管部门加强劳动防护用品管理和监督检查工作。  相似文献   

重庆市建筑业高处坠落事故调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以通过重庆市安全生产监督管理局收集的建筑业事故调查表为基础,对其中43起建筑业高空坠落事故发生的部位、工种、伤亡人员情况以及事故原因进行了调查统计分析。通过调查分析发现,建筑业高处坠落事故主要发生在“四口、五临边”和脚手架操作平台;伤亡人员以30~40岁之间的农民工居多,大都从事普工作业;在事故原因方面,安全管理、安全教育等间接原因略高于直接原因。这说明目前建筑业在对农民工的安全管理、安全教育等方面还存在一定的问题。  相似文献   

This article aims to demonstrate the need for changing the methods with which accidents are analyzed, if we truly wish to use what we uncover from them to learn and enrich our knowledge base of organizational management. The goal is to relinquish the broadly adopted and rather simplistic paradigm that accepts the search for human error and unsafe acts performed by workers, and produces “guilt diagnostics”. Instead, we use a systemic accident analysis methodology, based on the sociotechnical principle of understanding the real operating conditions in which accidents take place. In order to demonstrate the benefits of the theoretical framework, we compare the analyses of an Anhydrous Ammonia gas leakage accident in a fish processing plant using the traditional accident analysis model based on unsafe acts and the proposed systemic approach. The results favor the latter since it tends to be more reliable and offering useful recommendations to safety management processes, thus helping to prevent accidents, especially in complex systems.  相似文献   

近年来,湖北省一大批重点工程陆续开工建设,但由于安全监管不到位等原因,2007年连续发生了“8·5”宜万铁路野三关隧道透水致10人死亡和“11·20”宜万铁路高阳寨隧道口岩石坍塌致35人死亡的重、特大生产安全事故。但自2008年以来,  相似文献   

This study develops methods to obtain maps to determine traffic Hot Spots in Konya, Turkey, by applying linear analysis supported by Geographical Information Systems (GIS).Hot Spot analysis is known method but the study differs from former researches at the point of determining of risky zones, classification and illustration of them on the maps with the different accident parameters. The aim is not to contribute another Hot Spot analysis using a number of statistical methods, but to determine the Highest Potential Hot Spots (HPHS), which are inter-sectional clusters, and to use different parameters, such as number of accidents, number of fatalities and injured, and number of accidents with only financial loss.In addition, apart from classical illustrational techniques, Hot Pieces (HPCS) on roads divided into 1 km segments are shown by their grading according to their numerical values. Hence, thematic illustration distinguishes them from others.Another aspect of this study is that, besides investigation of Hot Spots by means of data of accidents of previous years’, Probable Hot Spots (PRHS) were illustrated and highly potential Hot Spots were determined. These latter are candidates for Hot Spots in the near future. Thus, premature accidents can be anticipated easily.The main intention of this study is to emphasize the importance of using criteria, other than total accident number, to illustrate intersection Hot Spots and to constitute a model of accident severity and variety. It is anticipated that the results obtained from highway accidents data will guide improvement of the route segments.  相似文献   

某市辖区建筑施工死亡事故统计分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以某市安监局2001-2009年之间查处的工矿商贸类死亡事故统计数据为基础,根据系统工程的原理,应用数理统计的方法,用统计图显示出该市的安全生产状况;并着重对建筑施工死亡事故的事故类型、事故原因、施工工程承包形式以及死亡人员的用工形式等进行详细的统计分析,展现出该市建筑行业的安全状况。可以看出,该市近几年安全生产形势严峻,死亡事故数及死亡人数都呈上升趋势。建筑行业传统的"五大伤害"仍然是该市建筑施工死亡事故的主要类别,建筑施工项目分包以及农民工的安全管理势在必行。最后分析该市建筑施工安全生产中存在的主要问题,并从政府宏观监管和企业管理角度对该市的建筑施工安全管理提出相应对策和建议。  相似文献   

Background. Accident analysis is the main aspect of accident investigation. It includes the method of connecting different causes in a procedural way. Therefore, it is important to use valid and reliable methods for the investigation of different causal factors of accidents, especially the noteworthy ones. Objective. This study aimed to prominently assess the accuracy (sensitivity index [SI]) and consistency of the six most commonly used accident analysis methods in the petroleum industry. Methods. In order to evaluate the methods of accident analysis, two real case studies (process safety and personal accident) from the petroleum industry were analyzed by 10 assessors. The accuracy and consistency of these methods were then evaluated. The assessors were trained in the workshop of accident analysis methods. Results. The systematic cause analysis technique and bowtie methods gained the greatest SI scores for both personal and process safety accidents, respectively. The best average results of the consistency in a single method (based on 10 independent assessors) were in the region of 70%. Conclusion. This study confirmed that the application of methods with pre-defined causes and a logic tree could enhance the sensitivity and consistency of accident analysis.  相似文献   

穆天齐 《安全》2000,21(1):14-16
1确认是避免失误的有效方法一名泵工开泵送焦油,开泵以前先用蒸汽清扫泵出口管道,然后开泵送焦油。由于泵出口焦油压力比蒸汽压力大,焦油被压入蒸汽管道,又从蒸汽管道进入锅炉,由锅炉随蒸汽送往全厂。一时食堂的馒头上有了焦油,浴室的热水中有了焦油,洗衣房的水中...  相似文献   

基于贝叶斯网络的一种事故分析模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贝叶斯网络被认为是人工智能研究中不确定性知识表示和推理的重要工具。当前在系统安全领域中已开始运用贝叶斯网络技术进行故障诊断分析,然而故障只是诱发事故的因素之一,无法系统的评价事故背后的隐患,对事故后果的预测也甚少涉及。笔者将贝叶斯网络作为一种事故分析手段,在事故致因理论的基础上提出了一种基于危险因素-事故-事故危害的三层贝叶斯网络拓扑模型;阐述了网络模型层次间的因果关联关系、各层次的构成、节点的描述方法以及网络模型的构建方法;最后通过一个天然气球罐的分析案例验证了该模型分析方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

Characteristics of worker accidents on NYSDOT construction projects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION: This paper aims at providing cost-effective safety measures to protect construction workers in highway work zones, based on real data. Two types of accidents that occur in work zones were: (a) construction work area accidents, and (b) traffic accidents involving construction worker(s). METHODOLOGY/RESULTS: A detailed analysis of work zone accidents involving 36 fatalities and 3,055 severe injuries to construction workers on New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) construction projects from 1990 to 2001 established that five accident types: (a) Struck/Pinned by Large Equipment, (b) Trip or Fall (elevated), (c) Contact w/Electrical or Gas Utility, (d) Struck-by Moving/Falling Load, and (e) Crane/Lift Device Failure accounted for nearly 96% of the fatal accidents, nearly 63% of the hospital-level injury accidents, and nearly 91% of the total costs. These construction work area accidents had a total cost of $133.8 million. Traffic accidents that involve contractors' employees were also examined. Statistical analyses of the traffic accidents established that five traffic accident types: (a) Work Space Intrusion, (b) Worker Struck-by Vehicle Inside Work Space, (c) Flagger Struck-by Vehicle, (d) Worker Struck-by Vehicle Entering/Exiting Work Space, and (e) Construction Equipment Struck-by Vehicle Inside Work Space accounted for nearly 86% of the fatal, nearly 70% of the hospital-level injury and minor injury traffic accidents, and $45.4 million (79.4%) of the total traffic accident costs. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this paper provide real statistics on construction worker related accidents reported on construction work zones. Potential preventions based on real statistics have also been suggested. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The ranking of accident types, both within the work area as well as in traffic, will guide the heavy highway contractor and owner agencies in identifying the most cost effective safety preventions.  相似文献   

Past accident analysis (PAA) is one of the most potent and oft-used exercises for gaining insights into the reasons why accidents occur in chemical process industry (CPI) and the damage they cause. PAA provides invaluable ‘wisdom of hindsight’ with which strategies to prevent accidents or cushion the impact of inevitable accidents can be developed.A number of databases maintain record of past accidents in CPI. The most comprehensive of the existing databases include Major Hazard Incident Data Service (MHIDAS), Major Accident Reporting System (MARS), and Failure and Accidents Technical Information Systems (FACTS). But each of these databases have some limitations. For example MHIDAS can be accessed only after paying a substantial fee. Moreover, as detailed in the paper, it is not infallible and has some inaccuracies. Other databases, besides having similar problems, are seldom confined to accidents in chemical process industries but also cover accidents from other domains such as nuclear power plants, construction industry, and natural disasters. This makes them difficult to use for PAA relating to CPI. Operational injuries not related to loss of containment, are also often included. Moreover, the detailing of events doesn’t follow a consistent pattern or classification; a good deal of relevant information is either missing or is misclassified.The present work is an attempt to develop a comprehensive open-source database to assist PAA. To this end, information on about 8000 accidents, available in different open-source clearing houses has been brought into a new database named by us PUPAD (Pondicherry University Process-industry Accident Database). Multiple and overlapping accident records have been carefully eliminated and a search engine has been developed for retrieval of the records on the basis of appropriate classification. PUPAD doesn’t aim to replace or substitute the well established databases such as MHIDAS and MARS but, rather, aims to compliment them.  相似文献   

为揭示建筑安全事故致因因素间的相互关系从而对其进行有效预防和控制,探讨1种STAMP模型的定量分析方法,用于深入剖析事故致因因素间的逻辑关系和属性特征。基于STAMP系统事故理论模型,从建筑工程安全控制结构入手逐层定性分析事故的致因因素;引入灰色DEMATEL与ISM相结合的方法对系统事故间的复杂逻辑关系进行层级划分;运用MICMAC分析计算各致因因素的驱动力和依赖度数值并判断其属性类别。结果表明:提出的定量分析方法运用到江西丰城冷却塔坍塌事故中的分析结果与事故调查报告相契合,能较全面地说明各层次结构间的相互作用。  相似文献   

危险化学品泄漏事故处置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
其乐木格  李文洁 《安全》2006,27(1):19-21
为了降低危险化学品泄漏事故造成的损失和危害,本文系统介绍了危险化学品泄漏事故的应急处置措施,并根据泄漏物质的危险特性,分八大类介绍了不同物质的最简便、有效的泄漏处置方法.  相似文献   

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