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Objective: Administrative license revocation (ALR) laws, which provide that the license of a driver with a blood alcohol concentration at or over the illegal limit is subject to an immediate suspension by the state department of motor vehicles, are an example of a traffic law in which the sanction rapidly follows the offense. The power of ALR laws has been attributed to how swiftly the sanction is applied, but does the length of suspension matter? Our objectives were to (a) determine the relationship of the ALR suspension length to the prevalence of drinking drivers relative to sober drivers in fatal crashes and (b) estimate the extent to which the relationship is associated to the general deterrent effect compared to the specific deterrent effect of the law.

Methods: Data comparing the impact of ALR law implementation and ALR law suspension periods were analyzed using structural equation modeling techniques on the ratio of drinking drivers to nondrinking drivers in fatal crashes from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS).

Results: States with an ALR law with a short suspension period (1–30 days) had a significantly lower drinking driver ratio than states with no ALR law. States with a suspension period of 91–180 days had significantly lower ratios than states with shorter suspension periods, while the three states with suspension lengths of 181 days or longer had significantly lower ratios than states with shorter suspension periods.

Discussion: The implementation of any ALR law was associated with a 13.1% decrease in the drinking/nondrinking driver fatal crash ratio but only a 1.8% decrease in the intoxicated/nonintoxicated fatal crash ratio. The ALR laws and suspension lengths had a significant general deterrent effect, but no specific deterrent effect.

Practical Implications: States might want to keep (or adopt) ALR laws for their general deterrent effects and pursue alternatives for specific deterrent effects. States with short ALR suspension periods should consider lengthening them to 91 days or longer.  相似文献   

Introduction:The quasi-induced exposure (QIE) method has been widely implemented into traffic safety research. One of the key assumptions of QIE method is that not-at-fault drivers represent the driving population at the time of a crash. Recent studies have validated the QIE representative assumption using not-at-fault drivers from three-or-more vehicle crashes (excluding the first not-at-fault drivers; D3_other) as the reference group in single state crash databases. However, it is unclear if the QIE representativeness assumption is valid on a national scale and is a representative sample of driving population in the United States. The aims of this study were to assess the QIE representativeness assumption on a national scale and to evaluate if D3_other could serve as a representative sample of the U.S. driving population. Method: Using the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and the National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NOPUS), distributions of driver gender, age, vehicle type, time, and roadway type among the not-at-fault drivers in clean two-vehicle crashes, the first not-at-fault drivers in three-or-more-vehicle crashes, and the remaining not-at-fault drivers in three-or-more vehicle crashes were compared to the driver population observed in NOPUS. Results: The results showed that with respect to driver gender, vehicle type, time, and roadway type, drivers among D3_other did not show statistical significant difference from NOPUS observations. The age distribution of D3_other driver was not practically different to NOPUS observations. Conclusions: Overall, we conclude that D3_other drivers in FARS represents the driving population at the time of the crash. Practical applications: Our study provides a solid foundation for future studies to utilize D3_other as the reference group to validate the QIE representativeness assumption and has potential to increase the generalizability of future FARS studies.  相似文献   

Introduction: Drivers with medical conditions and functional impairments are at increased collision risk. A challenge lies in identifying the point at which such risk becomes unacceptable to society and requires mitigating measures. This study models the road safety impact of medical fitness-to-drive policy in Ontario. Method: Using data from 2005 to 2014, we estimated the losses to road safety incurred during the time medically-at-risk drivers were under review, as well as the savings to road safety accrued as a result of licensing decisions made after the review process. Results: While under review, drivers with medical conditions had an age- and sex-standardized collision rate no different from the general driver population, suggesting no road safety losses occurred (RR = 1.02; 95% CI: 0.93–1.12). Licensing decisions were estimated to have subsequently prevented 1,211 (95% CI: 780–1,730) collisions, indicating net road safety savings resulting from medical fitness to drive policies. However, more collisions occurred than were prevented for drivers with musculoskeletal disorders, sleep apnea, and diabetes. We theorize on these findings and discuss its multiple implications. Conclusions: Minimizing the impact of medical conditions on collision occurrence requires robust policies that balance fairness and safety. It is dependent on efforts by academic researchers (who study fitness to drive); policymakers (who set driver medical standards); licensing authorities (who make licensing decisions under such standards); and clinicians (who counsel patients on their driving risk and liaise with licensing authorities). Practical Applications: Further efforts are needed to improve understanding of the effects of medical conditions on collision risk, especially for the identified conditions and combinations of conditions. Results reinforce the value of optimizing the processes by which information is solicited from physicians in order to better assess the functional impact of drivers’ medical conditions on driving and to take suitable licensing action.  相似文献   

Objectives: National fatality rates for commercial tow truck operators exceed those of other first responders who also perform traffic incident management services. The objectives of the current study are to (1) characterize causal factors associated with injuries among commercial tow truck operators engaged in roadside assistance through analysis of coded and free text data obtained from U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) investigation files, and (2) utilize supplemental data sources to analyze environmental factors for injuries in which commercial tow truck operators were struck by roadway traffic. Methods: Searches of OSHA’s online IMIS database were performed to identify investigations of incidents in which tow truck operators were injured while performing roadside assistance duties. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests were submitted to obtain full investigation files for each case. Coded and narrative text analyses were performed to identify causal themes across the identified cases. Results: One-hundred and six cases of tow truck operators being killed or severely injured were identified in IMIS; 41 FOIA requests for related investigation documents were fulfilled. Two major event type themes were identified which accounted for 9 in 10 of the cases identified. These were (1) ‘struck-by’ incidents, which were primarily injuries resulting from contact with roadway traffic, rolling vehicles and equipment or other non-motorized objects; and (2) ‘caught-in or -between’ incidents, which were primarily injuries resulting from being pinned beneath and between vehicles and being caught in moving parts. Conclusions: The towing industry should provide initial and refresher safety training on vehicle loading and unloading, defensive techniques when exposed to traffic on roadways, and proper wheel chocking and braking procedures. States should include tow trucks as a first responder vehicle type in their “Move Over” laws and implement public awareness campaigns to protect all first responders, including tow truck operators.  相似文献   


Objective: The clinical evaluation of motor vehicle collision (MVC) victims is challenging and commonly relies on computed tomography (CT) to detect internal injuries. CT scans are financially expensive and each scan exposes the patient to additional ionizing radiation with an associated, albeit low, risk of cancer. Injury risk prediction based on regression modeling has been to be shown to be successful in estimating Injury Severity Scores (ISSs). The objective of this study was to (1) create risk models for internal injuries of occupants involved in MVCs based on CT body regions (head, neck, chest, abdomen/pelvis, cervical spine, thoracic spine, and lumbar spine) and (2) evaluate the performance of these risk prediction models to predict internal injury.

Methods: All Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 2008 injury codes were classified based on which CT body region would be necessary to scan in order to make the diagnosis. Cases were identified from the NASS-CDS. The NASS-CDS data set was queried for cases of adult occupants who sought medical care and for which key crash characteristics were all present. Forward stepwise logistic regression was performed on data from 2010–2014 to create models predicting risk of internal injury for each CT body region. Injury risk for each region was grouped into 5 levels: very low (<2%), low (2–5%), medium (5–10%), high (10–20%), and very high (20%). The models were then tested using weighted data from 2015 in order to determine whether injury rates fell within the predicted risk level.

Results: The inclusion and exclusion criteria identified 5,477 cases in the NASS-CDS database. Cases from 2010–2014 were used for risk modeling (n?=?4,826). Seven internal injury risk models were created based on the CT body regions using data from 2010–2014. These models were tested against data from 2015 (n?=?651). In all CT body regions, the majority of occupants fell in the very low or low predicted injury rate groups, except for the head. On average, 57% of patients were classified as very low risk and 15% as low risk for each body region. In most cases the actual rate of injury was within the predicted injury risk range. The 95% confidence interval overlapped with predicting injury risk range in all cases.

Conclusion: This study successfully demonstrated the ability for internal injury risk models to accurately identify occupants at low risk for internal injury in individual body regions. This represents a step towards incorporating telemetry data into a clinical tool to guide physicians in the use of CT for the evaluation of MVC victims.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Road traffic injury is the leading cause of death among adolescents in high-income countries. Researchers attribute this threat to driver risk taking, which driver education (DE) attempts to reduce. Many North American authorities grant DE graduates earlier access to unsupervised driving despite no evidence of this being a safety benefit. This theoretical article examines risk taking and DE in relation to an apparent mobility bias (MB) in policymaking. METHOD: The MB is defined, the history and sources of driver risk taking are examined, and the failure of DE to reduce collision risk is analyzed in relation to a potential MB in licensing policies. DISCUSSION: The author argues that DE's failure to reduce adolescent collision risk is associated with a MB that has produced insufficient research into DE programs and that influences public policymakers to grant earlier licensure to DE graduates. Recommendations are made regarding future research on DE and risk taking, coordinated improvements to DE and driver licensing, and a plan to reduce collision risk by encouraging parental supervision after adolescent licensure. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Research on adolescent driver risk taking would have direct applications in DE curricula development, driver's license evaluation criteria, graduated licensing (GDL) policies, as well as other aspects of human factor research into the crash-risk problem.  相似文献   

ProblemAutomobile crashes are one of the leading causes of death in the United States, especially for younger and older drivers. Additionally, distracted driving is another leading factor in the likelihood of crashes. However, there is little understanding about the interaction between age and secondary task engagement and how that impacts crash likelihood and maneuver safety.MethodData from the Naturalistic Driving Study (NDS), which was part of the Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2), were used to investigate this issue.ResultsIt was found that the distribution of crashes per one million km driven during the NDS was similar to previous research, but with fewer crashes from older drivers. Additionally, it was found that older and middle-aged drivers engaged in distracted driving more frequently than was expected, and that crashes were significantly more likely if drivers of those age groups were engaged in secondary tasks. However, secondary task engagement did not predict judgment of safe/unsafe vehicle maneuvers.Practical ApplicationsMore research is needed to better understand the interaction of age and distraction on crash likelihood. However, this research could aid future researchers in understanding the likelihood of future use of new in-vehicle technologies for different age groups, as well as provide insight to the engagement patterns of distraction for different age groups.  相似文献   

第二代人的可靠性分析方法的进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
在探讨第一代人的可靠性分析 (HRA)方法的局限性之后 ,笔者进而探讨第二代HRA方法的模型 ,建立在多种学科 (认知心理学、行为科学、可靠性工程等 )相互结合的基础上 ,又着重研究产生人的行为 /绩效的情景环境以及它们是如何影响人的行为 /动作的 ,并与工业系统的运行经验和现场或模拟机获得的信息紧密结合。重点介绍了以“失误分析技术”(ATHEANA)和“认知可靠性和失误分析方法”(CREAM)为代表的第二代HRA方法。它们是当前HRA领域中的具有应用和发展前景的新框架思想。  相似文献   

为了探究电动汽车火灾危险性,利用FDS软件建立锂离子电池火灾模型,并对电动汽车锂离子电池组火灾进行数值模拟研究,分析火灾过程中的热释放速率、烟气、能见度、温度、CO和CO2浓度变化规律。研究结果表明:电动汽车内锂离子电池组火灾发展迅速,其烟气、高温、CO等危害影响车内人员的安全;车辆内部锂离子电池组的数量决定其火灾危险性的大小,大电池容量电动汽车火灾风险较高;当电动大巴车后端电池组发生火灾时,人员后门逃离的安全性系数高于前门;电动汽车火灾可能发生蔓延,增大车辆密集型区域的消防安全难度。该模拟结果可为电动汽车消防提供参考。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: To examine the association between child passenger injury risk, restraint use, and crash time (day vs. night) for children in crashes of vehicles driven by teenage versus adult drivers. METHODS: Cross-sectional study involving telephone interviews with insured drivers in a probability sample of 6,184 crashes involving 10,028 children. RESULTS: Child passengers in teen nighttime crashes had an increased injury risk and an increased risk of restraint nonuse compared with those in teen daytime crashes. This increased injury risk can be explained by differences in the age of child passengers, collision type, and child passenger's restraint status associated with time of day. CONCLUSIONS: In order to limit the risk of injury to child passengers driven by teens, Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) laws should include provisions restricting nighttime driving, as well as mandates for age-appropriate restraint for child passengers. Consideration should also be given for education in child passenger safety for novice teen drivers as part of the licensing process. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Results of this study can be used to support advocacy efforts by the automotive industry and others to promote nighttime driving restrictions on novice drivers. In addition, given that both driver groups were more likely to be involved in a single-vehicle collision during the night, technologies such as electronic stability control may offer opportunities for protection. Further reseach on specific circumstances of teen nighttime crashes is needed to inform industry efforts to improve visibility or vehicle operation under poor lighting conditions.  相似文献   

SPA在某矿山安全评价中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于安全评价系统的复杂性和不确定性特征,基于集对分析中的同异反向量模型,以某矿自然条件、人员安全素质、安全设施设备、工程生产技术及灾害控制、安全管理和职业卫生作为评价指标,构建安全评价模型,根据矿山情况对差异度系数取不同值,进行安全评价,得出的评价结果与客观实际耦合较好.理论分析和实例表明,该方法可以较好地应用在矿山安...  相似文献   

In this study, an integrated “Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE)” and maintenance systems are presented. Multivariate analysis is used for continuous performance assessment and improvement of these systems. The two subjects of “Maintenance System” and “HSE” have been individually investigated several times in different studies. However, few studies have been done to integrate these two systems and provide an integrated system for their implementation. This study evaluates current maintenance and HSE systems of a Gas Transmission Unit by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Moreover, decision making units (DMUs) are examined and ranked. Employees are considered as DMUs. This is done through investigating and measuring their efficiencies and identifying the inefficient and less-efficient units. Since an increase in the number of inputs does not lead to an increase in the number of outputs with the same scale, an output-oriented DEA with a Variable Returns to Scale (VRS) is used. The Fuzzy DEA (FDEA) is also used in this research to decrease uncertainty existing in qualitative indicators and human error. Finally, suggestions are given to improve those DMUs. The managers and employees of the gas transmission unit constitute the statistical population of the study. To achieve the objectives of this study, standard questionnaires with respect to HSE and Maintenance system are completed by operators. The proposed approach would help policy makers and top managers of Gas Transmission Company to have a more comprehensive and thorough understanding the working conditions with respect to the maintenance and HSE features.  相似文献   

为准确高效地开展地铁车站暴雨内涝应急响应活动,增强应对暴雨内涝灾害的救援能力,采用SHEL系统模型识别响应效能影响因素,分析各影响因素之间的相互作用机制,研究如何协调各个因素的投入比例,以达到响应效能最优,利用Vensim软件,结合成都地铁11号线相关数据进行模拟仿真。研究结果表明:应急响应活动存在明显阶段性特征,应急响应活动前期应保证救援人员快速到场,中期应特别注重提高救援指挥机构决策效率,后期更应关注硬件配置,且在应急响应活动全过程中持续保证人员与其他各界面的动态匹配。研究结果可为应对暴雨内涝灾害提供参考。  相似文献   

In this study, an Integrated Simulation-Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach is presented for optimum facility layout of maintenance workshop in a gas transmission unit. The process of repair of incoming parts includes various operations on different facilities. The layout problem in this system involves determining the optimum location of all maintenance shop facilities. Layout optimization plays a crucial role in this type of problems in terms of increasing the efficiency of main production line. Standard types of layouts including U, S, W, Z and straight lines are considered. First, the maintenance workshop is modeled with discrete-event-simulation. Time in system, average waiting time, average machine utilization, average availability of facilities, average queue length of facilities (AL) and average operator utilization are obtained from simulation as key performance indicators (KPIs) of DEA. Also, safety index and number of operators are considered as other KPIs. Finally, a unified non-radial Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is presented with respect to the stated KPIs to rank all layouts alternatives and to identify the best configuration. Principle Component Analysis (PCA) is used to validate and verify the results. Previous studies do not consider safety factor in layout design problems. This is the first study that presents an integrated approach for identification of optimum layout in a maintenance workshop of gas transmission unit by incorporating safety and conventional factors.  相似文献   

Resilience engineering (RE) is a novel approach that is capable of controlling and limiting incidents and accidents. This study identifies managerial shaping factors in a petrochemical plant by RE and data envelopment analysis (DEA). To do this, a standard questionnaire containing resilient factors is completed by managers of a petrochemical plant. Then, the best DEA model is selected based on average efficiency and statistical test. In addition, sensitivity analysis are performed to identify the most important shaping factors. Reporting culture, management commitment, and preparedness are identified as the most important factors in this paper, respectively. Finally, the proposed model is validated and verified through statistical experiment. The proposed approach would help managers to have a comprehensive understanding of the plant with respect to the RE. To the best of our knowledge this is the first paper that examines resilient shaping factors in a petrochemical plant with respect to management and organization by DEA.  相似文献   

沈阳市室内公共场所苯并[a]芘污染特征及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取沈阳市大型商场、超市、候车室、家具城等典型公共场所18处共66个采样点进行室内空气中苯并[a]芘(BaP)的监测和来源分析,发现大型商场室内空气中无BaP污染,而大型超市、家具城、候车室等公共场所室内空气BaP超标较严重;通过SPSS13.0进行相关性分析,发现各场所之间的污染不具有明显的同源性,有其各自特殊污染源;室内BaP主要来源于现场烹饪、吸烟、书籍印刷等原因,此外还受到采样时温度、湿度等条件的影响。  相似文献   

The study aimed to conduct an ergonomic intervention on a conventional line (CL) in a semiconductor factory in Malaysia, an industrially developing country (IDC), to improve workers’ occupational health and safety (OHS). Low-cost and simple (LCS) ergonomics methods were used (suitable for IDCs), e.g., subjective assessment, direct observation, use of archival data and assessment of noise. It was found that workers were facing noise irritation, neck and back pains and headache in the various processes in the CL. LCS ergonomic interventions to rectify the problems included installing noise insulating covers, providing earplugs, installing elevated platforms, slanting visual display terminals and installing extra exhaust fans. The interventions cost less than 3 000 USD but they significantly improved workers’ OHS, which directly correlated with an improvement in working conditions and job satisfaction. The findings are useful in solving OHS problems in electronics industries in IDCs as they share similar manufacturing processes, problems and limitations.  相似文献   

This study investigated a 2010 fire and explosion that occurred at a polypropylene (PP) and copper-clad laminate high-tech plant in Taiwan. Liquid acetone leakage caused the fire and explosion. One person was killed and five were injured; property damage was estimated at US$20 million. In contrast to conventional plants, high-tech plants have sophisticated instrumentation, highly complex pipelines, and confined spaces. In addition, the floor area in a high-tech plant is large and frequently contains a channel through the ground floor to the second or third floor. This channel design enables the fire compartment to be destroyed. Therefore, the system cannot confine the fire to a specific area, thus hindering fire-relief operations. In this study, the original fire outbreak occurred in the PP processing area on the ground floor. The acetone storage tank was located on the third floor. The investigation conducted at the fire site of the situations of the burning (bursting) loss determined that the acetone liquid leaked and dripped from floor cracks and tunnel oven to the PP processing area. Because the PP manufacturing process rapidly generates static electricity, the flammable liquids made contact with the source of ignition, which caused the explosion and fire. Various procedures, such as those involving the operating environment of production, packaging, and processing in a high-tech plant, are likely to produce static electricity in a workplace. Improved electrostatic management can prevent the loss of property and lives, liquid acetone leakage, and loss of equipment caused by static electricity fire.  相似文献   

为研究大型机加车间噪声减噪工程现状效果和特点,选取某大型机加车间数控机床为研究对象,对其进行减噪工程治理,现场实测了治理前和治理后的噪声数据,并对噪声测量结果进行分析。研究结果表明:数控机床操作人员8 h连续等效A声级从治理前的89.2 dB(A),降到治理后的74.3 dB(A),降低了16.7%.;数控机床操作岗位位置测点,在加工1个机件的测量时间段里,噪声值从治理前的85.9 dB(A),降到治理后的55.1 dB(A),降低了33.85%;对机加车间现场布置了67个测点,在加工1个机件的测量时间段里进行测量,得到该车间噪声治理前和治理后噪声分布图;对数控机床减噪工程治理前和治理后的频谱进行了分析,得出治理前和治理后各自的最大声级所在频段不随距离的改变而改变,高频减噪效果显著。  相似文献   

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