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Forest declines in Europe and the northeastern United States are widely believed to be associated with deposition of air pollutants, perhaps including nitric acid vapor. The experiments presented here, which were conducted in indoor chambers, involved measurement of steady-state rates of nitric acid deposition on foliage of seedlings of eastern white pine. Nitric acid concentrations ranged from 37 to 1260 ppb, but were mostly in the 130-180 ppb range. Between 130 and 180 ppb, much of the deposited nitric acid could be removed by washing leaf surfaces with water. Amounts of nitrate removed by washing increased with exposure duration to a maximum of 7.6 nmol cm(-2) after about 8 h. Although nitrate concentrations in the washings remained constant after 8 h, nitric acid deposition nonetheless continued at a steady-state rate. We have termed this steady-state deposition 'trans-cuticular' on the assumption that the nitric acid diffuses through the cuticle. Resistance to trans-cuticular uptake (69 m(2) s mol(-1)) far exceeded resistance to diffusion across the unstirred layer at the surface of the leaf (5 m(2) s mol(-1)). High concentrations used in these experiments preclude quantitative extrapolation to ambient conditions; however, we have demonstrated that the white pine cuticle is both a major storage pool and a major barrier to uptake of deposited nitric acid.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations and deposition of the major nitrogenous (N) compounds and their biological effects in California forests are reviewed. Climatic characteristics of California are summarized in light of their effects on pollutant accumulation and transport. Over large areas of the state dry deposition is of greater magnitude than wet deposition due to the arid climate. However, fog deposition can also be significant in areas where seasonal fogs and N pollution sources coincide. The dominance of dry deposition is magnified in airsheds with frequent temperature inversions such as occur in the Los Angeles Air Basin. Most of the deposition in such areas occurs in summer as a result of surface deposition of nitric acid vapor (HNO3) as well as particulate nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+). Internal uptake of gaseous N pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitric oxide (NO), HNO3, peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), ammonia (NH3), and others provides additional N to forests. However, summer drought and subsequent lower stomatal conductance of plants tend to limit plant utilization of gaseous N. Nitrogen deposition is much greater than S deposition in California. In locations close to photochemical smog source areas, concentrations of oxidized forms of N (NO2, HNO3, PAN) dominate, while in areas near agricultural activities the importance of reduced N forms (NH3, NH4+) significantly increases. Little data from California forests are available for most of the gaseous N pollutants. Total inorganic N deposition in the most highly-exposed forests in the Los Angeles Air Basin may be as high as 25-45 kg ha(-1) year(-1). Nitrogen deposition in these highly-exposed areas has led to N saturation of chaparral and mixed conifer stands. In N saturated forests high concentrations of NO3- are found in streamwater, soil solution, and in foliage. Nitric oxide emissions from soil and foliar N:P ratios are also high in N saturated sites. Further research is needed to determine the ecological effects of chronic N deposition, and to develop appropriate management options for protecting water quality and managing plant nutrient resources in ecosystems which no longer retain excess N.  相似文献   

Controlled-dosing experiments with conifer seedlings have demonstrated an above-ground route of uptake for trichloroacetic acid (TCA) from aqueous solution into the canopy, in addition to uptake from the soil. The aim of this work was to investigate the loss of TCA to the canopy in a mature conifer forest exposed only to environmental concentrations of TCA by analysing above- and below-canopy fluxes of TCA and within-canopy instantaneous reservoir of TCA. Concentrations and fluxes of TCA were quantified for one year in dry deposition, rainwater, cloudwater, throughfall, stemflow and litterfall in a 37-year-old Sitka spruce and larch plantation in SW Scotland. Above-canopy TCA deposition was dominated by rainfall (86%), compared with cloudwater (13%) and dry deposition (1%). On average only 66% of the TCA deposition passed through the canopy in throughfall and stemflow (95% and 5%, respectively), compared with 47% of the wet precipitation depth. Consequently, throughfall concentration of TCA was, on average, approximately 1.4 x rainwater concentration. There was no significant difference in below-canopy fluxes between Sitka spruce and larch, or at a forest-edge site. Annual TCA deposited from the canopy in litterfall was only approximately 1-2% of above-canopy deposition. On average, approximately 800 microg m(-2) of deposited TCA was lost to the canopy per year, compared with estimates of above-ground TCA storage of approximately 400 and approximately 300 microg m(-2) for Sitka spruce and larch, respectively. Taking into account likely uncertainties in these values ( approximately +/- 50%), these data yield an estimate for the half-life of within-canopy elimination of TCA in the range 50-200 days, assuming steady-state conditions and that all TCA lost to the canopy is transferred into the canopy material, rather than degraded externally. The observations provide strong indication that an above-ground route is important for uptake of TCA specifically of atmospheric origin into mature forest canopies, as has been shown for seedlings (in addition to uptake from soil via transpiration), and that annualized within-canopy elimination is similar to that in controlled-dosing experiments.  相似文献   

The paper presents a highly simplified model of the long-range transport and deposition of nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, gaseous nitric acid and nitrate aerosol over NW Europe. A ‘constant drizzle’ representation of wet removal of gaseous nitric acid and nitrate aerosol is developed in addition to the representation of dry deposition using appropriate deposition velocities. An analysis of the sensitivity of dry and wet deposition rates of oxidized nitrogen species at a remote, receptor site to the individual model parameters is described. This analysis is extended using latin hypercube sampling to an evaluation of the uncertainties in modelled dry and wet deposition and the contribution played by each model input parameter.  相似文献   

The effects of artificially applied acid precipitation on growth and nutrient concentrations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) seedlings were investigated in a long-term acid irrigation experiment in field conditions. Seedlings of northern and southern origin were planted in boxes containing peat and composted soil rich in nutrients, and sprinkler irrigated with water acidified with nitric and sulphuric acids to pH 3 or pH 4 for periods varying from two to three and a half growing seasons during 1986-1989. Water irrigated (pH 5.4-7.6) and non-irrigated groups of seedlings were also included in the experiment. At the end of the experiment needles, main and lateral shoots and roots were collected from the seedlings for the determination of height growth and biomass partitioning, and for the analysis of S, N, Mg, P, K, Ca, Mn and Fe concentrations. The treatment effects compared to the irrigated control were studied using multivariate analyses of variance and covariance. In the pine seedlings the total dry matter production increased by 25-70% compared with the irrigated controls when the total wet deposition to the seedlings exceeded 67 kg S ha(-1) and 36 kg N ha(-1) (e.g. after two growing seasons' exposure of the pH 3 treatment). The increase was mainly due to an increase in needle dry weight (54-72% greater at pH 3) and root weight (20-65% greater at pH 3), whereas the height growth or shoot weight growth were less affected. The northern provenance pine seedlings responded more clearly to the pH 3 irrigation than the southern ones. The treatments had no consistent effects on any of the growth variables studied in the spruce seedlings, however. The pines had higher root and foliage Ca concentrations as a result of the acid irrigation, whereas in spruce, acid rain decreased the Ca concentration in needles and shoots. Root Mn and Fe concentrations were higher in both species as a result of the pH 3 treatment. A higher soil conductivity and Ca concentration resulted from the prolonged pH 3 treatment. The results strongly support the hypothesis that the long-term growth and nutrient allocation response of conifers to acid precipitation is dependent both on the tree species and on the nutritional status of the soil.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of air pollutants were studied in a spruce forest, which is damaged mainly in the upper parts of the canopy. The sampling included plant surface water, throughfall and surrogate surfaces at five different heights. For most components a low amount of precipitation after a dry period yielded in vertical profiles of the plant surface water shaped by the wind speed. If there was enough precipitation to start wash-off, the maximum of the concentrations shifted downwards. An exception was the acidity, which increased continuously from the top to the bottom of the trees. The deposition on vertically orientated surfaces and face up orientated surfaces were in the same order of magnitude, but the deposition on face down orientated surfaces was negligible.  相似文献   

The results of two field studies and an open-top chamber fumigation experiment showed that the response of mature Scots pine to SO(2) and NO(2) differed from that of mature Norway spruce. Moreover, the response of pine seedlings to SO(2) and NO(2) differed from that of mature trees. The greater increase in the needle total S concentrations of pine suggested more abundant stomatal uptake of SO(2) compared to spruce. Both pine seedlings and mature trees also seemed to absorb more N from atmospheric deposition. Mature pine was able to assimilate SO(4)(2-) derived from SO(2) into organic S more effectively than mature spruce at the high S and N deposition sites, whereas both pine and spruce seedlings accumulated SO(4)-S under NO(2)+SO(2) exposure. Spruce, in turn, accumulated SO(4)-S even when well supplied with N. Net assimilation of SO(4)(2-) in conifer seedlings was enhanced markedly by elevated temperature. To protect the northern coniferous forests against the harmful effects of S and N deposition, it is recommended that the critical level for SO(2) as a growing season mean be set at 5-10 microg m(-3) and NO(2) at 10-15 microg m(-3), depending on the 'effective temperature sum' and/or whether SO(2) and NO(2) occur alone or in combination.  相似文献   

Measurements of airborne (gaseous and aerosol), cloud water, and precipitation concentrations of nitrogen compounds were made at Mt. Mitchell State Park (Mt. Gibbs, ~2006 m MSL), North Carolina, during May through September of 1988 and 1989, An annular denuder system was used to ascertain gaseous (nitric acid, nitrous acid, and ammonia) and particulate (nitrate and ammonium) nitrogen species, and a chemiluminescence nitrogen oxides analyzer was used to measure nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide. Measurements of NO3 ? and NH4 + ions in cloud and rain water samples were made during the same time period. Mean concentrations of gaseous nitric acid, nitrous acid, and ammonia were 1.14 μg/m3, 0.3 μg/m3, and 0.62 μg/m3 for 1988, and 1.40 μg/m3,0.3 μg/m3, and 1.47 μg/m3 for 1989, respectively. Fine particulate nitrate and ammonium ranged from 0.02 to 0.21 μg/m3 and 0.01 to 4.72 μg/m3 for 1988, and 0.1 to 0.78 μg/m3 and 0.24 to 2.32 μg/m3 for 1989, respectively. The fine aerosol fraction was dominated by ammonium sulfate particles. Mean concentrations of nitrate and ammonium ions in cloud water samples were 238 and 214 μmol/l in 1988, and 135 and 147 μmol/l in 1989, respectively. Similarly, the concentrations of NO3 and NH4 + in precipitation were 26.4 and 14.0 μmol/l in 1988, and 16.6 and 15.2 μmol/l in 1989, respectively. The mean total nitrogen deposition due to wet, dry, and cloud deposition processes was estimated as ~30 and ~40 kg N/ha/year (i.e., ~10 and ~13 kg N/ha/growing season) for 1988 and 1989. Based on an analytical analysis, deposition to the forest canopy due to cloud interception, precipitation, and dry deposition processes was found to contribute ~60, ~20, and ~20 percent, respectively, of the total nitrogen deposition.  相似文献   

The dry deposition of sulphur, nitrogen and base cations to a spruce stand was estimated during a five year period using a surrogate surface resembling needles, throughfall and bulk deposition measurements. The deposition was calculated from the ratio between the deposition of an ion and sodium on the surrogate surface and the net throughfall of sodium to the forest. The dry deposition represented a large fraction of the total atmospheric input of base cations. For Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and K+ they were 66, 67, 53 and 42%, respectively. The internal circulation was 95% of non-marine net throughfall fro K+ and 76% for Ca2+. The dry deposition of SO2 to the canopies regulates the internal circulation of Ca2+. The dry deposition of SO2 to the canopies regulates the internal circulation of Ca2+. The dry depositions of ammonium and nitrate are close to the net throughfall of Kjeldahl-N and nitrate, respectively. The obtained deposition velocities are comparable to other studies. The calculated dry deposition of ammonium was compared to the net throughfall of ammonium at three nearby forest stands receiving different ammonium amounts on the soils. No correlation to nitrogen level was found, but most ammonium was lost and converted to organic nitrogen in the canopies of the wettest forest stand.  相似文献   

To improve our knowledge of atmospheric inputs to forests, experiments were performed in the field to measure the dry deposition of SO2 and HNO3 to oak, elm, and pine leaves. A tree branch was enclosed in a Teflon chamber, through which SO2 or HNO3 flowed. The dry deposition characteristics of SO2 and HNO3 were very different. The SO2 deposition occurred primarily through stomatal openings for the oak and pine leaves, and equal stomatal and cuticular deposition was observed for the elm leaves. The deposited SO2 could not be removed from the branch by extracting in water or by revolatilization. In contrast, over 90% of HNO3 dry deposition occurred to the cuticle. Most of the deposited HNO3 could be extracted from the leaves. Revolatilization of HNO3 was negligible from an active branch, but increased from a dormant or detached branch. A deposition velocity was derived from the ratio of the flux of the gas to the leaves and the gas concentration in the chamber. Deposition velocities ranged from 0.02 to 0.11 cm s(-1) for SO2 and from 0.2 to 1.2 cm s(-1) for HNO3 to individual leaf surfaces.  相似文献   

Dry deposition contributes a substantial part of the total deposition of acidic pollutants and acid precursors to agricultural systems. However, because of the relative intractability of measurement of dry deposition fluxes, little work has been done to directly quantify dry inputs of pollutants to crops. In this research, foliar surface sampling ('leaf-washing') methods were developed and shown to be a practical and fairly precise means of monitoring the accumulation of dry-deposited SO4(2-) and NO3- on plant surfaces. Leaching of these ions from plant tissues was shown to be negligible; however, uptake by plants (e.g. stomatal gas exchange of SO2 or HNO3 and/or assimilation of surface accumulations of materials) is not accounted for by the sampling method. The significance of dry deposition to modification of the chemical microenvironment of leaf surfaces appears to be a factor of 3 to 20 or more greater than that of wet deposition alone. This is due to the cyclic reactivation of accumulated materials by dew and light rains, which may dissolve and mobilize, but not remove, the pollutant surface deposit. Therefore, while dry deposition of SO2 and SO4(2-) containing particles may contribute only part of the total mass of sulfur inputs to crop systems, the exposure of plant surface tissue to pollutants can be dominated by the dry-deposited material. The alteration of leaf surface chemistry may contribute to possible stress-producing mechanisms such as reduction of cuticular integrity, cellular injury and death, enhanced leaching of primary and secondary metabolites, and changes in pathogen infection efficiency.  相似文献   

Red spruce have died in abnormal numbers in the high elevation forests of New York and New England during the past two decades while spruce in the southern Appalachians remain healthy. Investigations of insect damage, fungal pathogens, successional dynamics, competitive status, climate and weather patterns and possible pollutant effects indicate that the decline was triggered by abiotic stress during the dry years of the 1960s. Tree response, as recorded in the pattern of annual rings, and the wide range of soil conditions in which spruce are declining, suggest drought or dry summers as key factors. Hypotheses regarding the role of acid deposition induced stress have been offered, but at present there is not evidence which clearly links acid deposition to spruce decline. Indirect effects of acid deposition on soils, direct effects of acid deposition on foliage, and interactions of acid deposition and drought stress are possible but unproven pathways by which acid deposition could be involved.  相似文献   

Foliage on spruce trees (Picea rubens Sarg.) growing on dry SO(2) deposition zones (dry SO(2) deposition ranging from 0.5 and 8.5 S kg ha(-1) year(-1)) downwind from a SO(2) emission source was analyzed to assess chronic effects of long-term low-grade SO(2) deposition on net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, dark respiration, stomatal antechamber wax structures, elemental concentrations in and on foliage (bulk and surficial concentrations), and types of epiphytic fungi that reside in the phylloplane. Elemental distributions on stomatal antechambers, on fungal colonies, and on smooth surfaces between stomates and fungus colonies were determined with a scanning electronic microscope (SEM) by way of X-ray scanning. It was found that net photosynthesis of newly developed spruce foliage (current-year, and 1-year-old) was not significantly affected by the local SO(2) deposition rates. Sulfur dioxide deposition, however, may have contributed to the gradual decrease in net photosynthesis with increasing needle age. Dark respiration rates were significantly higher on foliage taken from high SO(2) deposition zones. Stomatal rod-web structures deteriorated to flakes with increasing needle age and increasing SO(2) deposition. Further inspection of the needle surfaces revealed an increasing abundance of fungal colonies with increasing needle age. Many fungal taxa were isolated and identified. It was found that black yeasts responded positively, and Xylohypha pinicola responded negatively to high rates of SO(2) deposition. Surficial concentrations of elements such as P, S, K, Cl, Ca were about 10 times higher on fungal colonies than on smooth needle surfaces. Surficial Ca contents on 4 or 5-year-old needles decreased with increasing SO(2) deposition, but surficial S concentrations remained the same. In contrast, bulk foliar Ca and S concentrations increased with increasing SO(2) deposition.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition and canopy exchange processes in heathland ecosystems   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The aims of the present study were to determine canopy exchange processes and to quantify total atmospheric deposition of sulphur and nitrogen in heathland. The study was carried out in dry inland heath vegetation, dominated by Calluna vulgaris, in two nature reserves in the eastern part of the Netherlands. Atmospheric deposition was determined with throughfall-stemflow measurements, adapted for low vegetation. Throughflow measurements (sum of throughfall and stemflow) in artificial Calluna canopies showed co-deposition of SOx and NHy upon heathland vegetation. In the real Calluna canopy, a significant part of the deposited ammonia/ammonium was directly assimilated by the Calluna shoots, especially in wet periods. The concentrations of potassium, calcium and magnesium in throughflow, after passage through the Calluna canopy, increased significantly compared with bulk precipitation. The amount of cations lost from the canopy were in good agreement with the observed ammonium uptake by the Calluna. A field experiment demonstrated that losses of the above-mentioned cations can be doubled by application of ammonium sulphate. It was shown that interception deposition is an important component of the atmospheric deposition of sulphur and nitrogen upon Calluna heathland; bulk precipitation amounted to only c. 35-40% of total atmospheric input. Total atmospheric deposition of sulphur and nitrogen in the investigated heathlands was 1.5-2.1 (27-33 kg S ha(-1) yr(-1)) and 2.1-3.1 kmolc ha(-1) yr(-1) (30-45 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)), respectively. It is concluded that the present atmospheric nitrogen deposition is a continuous threat for the existence of heathlands in Western Europe.  相似文献   

Fluxes of NO, NO2 and O3 were determined over a drained marshland pasture in south-east England by using flux-gradient techniques. Nitric oxide was found to be emitted at rates of up to 40 ng m(-2) s(-1), the rate of emission being related to the magnitude of the eddy diffusivity. Nitrogen dioxide deposited at rates of up to 90 ng m(-2) s(-1) under the control of stomatal resistance, a clear diurnal cycle being observed. Minimum canopy resistance was of the order of 80 s m(-1). Ozone deposition was also controlled by stomatal resistance, the minimum canopy resistance being around 100 s m(-1) and fluxes reaching a maximum of 220 ng m(-2) s(-1). Corrections made to NO and NO2 fluxes to compensate for chemical reactions showed flux divergences of the order of 30% for NO and NO2, but these were not statistically significantly different from the measured fluxes. The pasture was found to be a net sink for nitrogen in the form of NOx.  相似文献   

Monitoring and modelling of deposition of air pollutants is essential to develop and evaluate policies to abate the effects related to air pollution and to determine the losses of pollutants from the atmosphere. Techniques for monitoring wet deposition fluxes are widely applied. A recent intercomparison experiment, however, showed that the uncertainty in wet deposition is relatively high, up to 40%, apart from the fact that most samplers are biased because of a dry deposition contribution. Wet deposition amounts to about 80% of the total deposition in Europe with a range of 10-90% and uncertainty should therefore be decreased. During recent years the monitoring of dry deposition has become possible. Three sites have been operational for 5 years. The data are useful for model development, but also for model evaluation and monitoring of progress in policy. Data show a decline in SO(2) dry deposition, whereas nitrogen deposition remained constant. Furthermore, surface affinities for pollutants changed leading to changes in deposition. Deposition models have been further developed and tested with dry deposition measurements and total deposition measurements on forests as derived from throughfall data. The comparison is reasonable given the measurement uncertainties. Progress in ozone surface exchange modelling and monitoring shows that stomatal uptake can be quantified with reasonable accuracy, but external surface uptake yields highest uncertainty.  相似文献   

A network of eight monitoring stations was established to study the atmospheric nitrogen concentration and deposition in the State of Connecticut. The stations were classified into urban, rural, coastal and inland categories to represent the geographical location and land use characteristics surrounding the monitoring sites. Nitrogen species including nitrate, ammonium, nitric acid vapor and organic nitrogen in the air and precipitation were collected, analyzed and used to infer nitrogen concentrations and dry and wet deposition flux densities for the sampling period from 1997 through 1999, with independently collected meteorological data. Statistical analyses were conducted to evaluate the spatial variations of atmospheric concentration and deposition fluxes of total nitrogen in Connecticut. A slightly higher atmospheric concentration of total nitrogen was observed along the Connecticut coastline of Long Island Sound compared to inland areas, while the differences of nitrogen deposition fluxes were insignificant between coastal and inland sites. The land use characteristics surrounding the monitoring sites had profound effects on the atmospheric nitrogen concentration and dry deposition flux. The ambient nitrogen concentration over the four urban sites was averaged 38.9% higher than that over the rural sites, resulting a 58.0% higher dry deposition flux in these sites compared to their rural counterparts. The local industrial activities and traffic emissions of nitrogen at urban areas had significant effects on the spatial distribution of atmospheric nitrogen concentration and dry deposition flux in the State. Wet and total deposition fluxes appeared to be invariant between the monitoring sites, except for high flux densities measured at Old Greenwich, a monitoring station near to and downwind of the New York and New Jersey industrial complexes.  相似文献   

From 1983-88 the long-term effects of low level exposure with O(3), SO(2) and simulated acid rain on mineral cycling in model ecosystems with spruce, fir and beech seedlings were investigated. Systems consisting of open-top chambers built above lysimeters were protected against the intrusion of ambient rain and dust. As part of the investigations on mineral cycling the fluxes of elements with water input and output of the canopy and soil compartments are presented. During the 5 year duration of the experiment, pronounced effects on canopy deposition and cation leaching were observed. Most noticeable were throughfall enrichment with sulfate through dry deposition of SO(2) as influenced by duration of needlewetting and factors promoting SO(2) oxidation. Depending on sulfur deposition, leaching of calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and ammonium from canopies was elevated, in total leading to enhanced soil input of acid. After 15 months, the water percolating the soils in the lysimeters of these treatments was acidified, with elevated flowrates of sulfate, manganese, calcium and magnesium. The results on canopy/soil leaching are compared to those from old conifer stands in the field.  相似文献   

Over the past 50 years, Lake Tahoe, an alpine lake located in the Sierra Nevada mountains on the border between California and Nevada, has seen a decline in water clarity. With significant urbanization within its borders and major urban areas 130 km upwind of the prevailing synoptic airflow, it is believed the Lake Tahoe Basin is receiving substantial nitrogen (N) input via atmospheric deposition during summer and fall. We present preliminary inferential flux estimates to both lake surface and forest canopy based on empirical measurements of ambient nitric acid (HNO3), ammonia (NH3), and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) concentrations, in an effort to identify the major contributors to and ranges of atmospheric dry N deposition to the Lake Tahoe Basin. Total flux from dry deposition ranges from 1.2 to 8.6 kg N ha-1 for the summer and fall dry season and is significantly higher than wet deposition, which ranges from 1.7 to 2.9 kg N ha-1 year-1. These preliminary results suggest that dry deposition of HNO3 is the major source of atmospheric N deposition for the Lake Tahoe Basin, and that overall N deposition is similar in magnitude to deposition reported for sites exposed to moderate N pollution in the southern California mountains.  相似文献   

The effects of motor vehicle exhaust gas on Norway spruce seedlings (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and plant-insect interaction of spruce shoot aphid (Cinara pilicornis Hartig) was studied. The exhaust gas concentrations in the fumigation chambers were monitored and controlled by measuring the concentration of nitrogen oxides (NO(x)) with a computer aided feedback system. The concentrations of major exhaust gas components (black carbon [BC], fine particles, VOCs and carbonyl compounds) in the chamber air were also measured. Responses of Norway spruce seedlings to a 2 and 3-week exhaust gas exposure and subsequent performance of spruce shoot aphid were studied using realistic exposure regimes; 50, 100 and 200 ppb NO(x). The feedback control system based on NO(x) concentrations proved an adequate and practical means for controlling the concentration of exhaust gases and studying plant responses in controlled environment chambers. The exhaust exposure resulted in increased concentrations of proline, glutamine, threonine, aspartic acid, glycine and phenylalanine and decreased concentration of arginine, serine, alanine and glycine in young needles. No changes in soluble N concentrations were observed. The results are interpreted as a stress response rather than use of NO(x) as a nitrogen source. No changes in total phenolics and only transient changes in some individual terpene concentrations were detected. The exhaust gas exposure stressed the exposed seedlings, but had no significant effect on N metabolism or the production of defence chemicals. Aphid performance was not significantly affected. Soluble N, secondary metabolism and aphid performance were not sensitive to exhaust gas exposure during shoot elongation in Norway spruce.  相似文献   

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