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Despite heavy insecticide usage in urban areas, only a few studies have investigated the impact of current-use insecticides on benthic invertebrates in urban streams. The objective of this study was to measure the presence and concentration of current-use pesticides in sediments of residential streams in central Texas. Additionally, toxicity of these sediments to Hyalella azteca was evaluated. Sediment samples were collected from several sites in urban streams over the course of a year, of which, 66% had greater than one toxic unit (TU) of insecticide. Bifenthrin was the greatest contributor accounting for 65% of the TUs, and sediment toxicity to H. azteca correlated with the magnitude of total insecticides and bifenthrin TUs. The results of this study further raise concerns over the environmental consequences posed by many current-use insecticides, especially pyrethroids, in urban settings.  相似文献   

In this study, the potential of rhizospheric bacteria in promoting the growth and Pb accumulation by the woody plant Eucalyptus camaldulensis under hydroponic conditions was investigated for the first time. Three Pb-tolerant bacteria were isolated from the rhizosphere of E. camaldulensis grown in Pb-contaminated soils in the Bo Ngam Pb mine, Thailand. Based on analysis of partial 16S rRNA gene sequence, the three isolates were identified as Microbacterium paraoxydans BN-2, Ochrobactrum intermedium BN-3, and Bacillus fusiformis BN-4. Among these strains, O. intermedium BN-3 showed the highest tolerance to not only Pb but also Cd and Zn. After growth in the presence of Pb, the membranes of O. intermedium BN-3 cells exhibited an increase in unsaturated fatty acid levels but a decrease in fluidity. In hydroponic studies, inoculation of O. intermedium BN-3 significantly increased the biomass and Pb accumulation by E. camaldulensis compared to the uninoculated control. The results suggested the role of the natural rhizospheric bacteria localized to the root surface of E. camaldulensis in promoting Pb accumulation and plant growth. Our results indicate that O. intermedium BN-3 and other indigenous rhizospheric bacteria have the potential to improve the efficiency of phytoremediation of Pb-contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms have received increasing attention as a public biohazard for human and animal health. To assess the effect of cyanobacteria-dominant lake water on juvenile fish, we measured the responses of specific growth rate, condition factor, body weight and body length, oxidative stress, and related gene expression of juvenile bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis exposed to in situ eutrophic lake (Chl a was around 7.0 μg L−1). Results showed in situ cyanobacteria-dominant lake water had no effect on the growth performance, but significantly elevated the contents of malondialdehyde, the expression of heat shock protein 70, and the activity of superoxide dismutase, indicating that oxidative stress occurred. Meanwhile in situ lake water significantly decreased the expression of catalase and glutathione S-transferase genes. We conclude that in situ cyanobacteria-dominated lake water was harmful to juvenile bighead carp based on the oxidative stress and changes in the related gene expression levels.  相似文献   

Fluoxetine is a widely used antidepressant, frequently found in aquatic ecosystems. We investigated its effects on two freshwater prosobranch gastropods: Valvata piscinalis (European valve snail) and Potamopyrgus antipodarum (New Zealand mudsnail), which have different reproductive modes. The fecundity of V. piscinalis (cumulate number of eggs at day 42) was not affected with an NOEC of 100 μg/L nominal concentration (69 μg/L measured concentration). The mudsnail P. antipodarum responded in a biphasic dose-effect curve at low concentrations. The cumulate number of neonates at day 42 had an LOEC of 100 μg/L (69 μg/L) and an NOEC of 33.3 μg/L (13 μg/L), whereas the embryos in the brood pouch at day 42 only showed an LOEC of 3.7 μg/L (1 μg/L). We also observed histological effects in P. antipodarum (gonadal thickness). Among the sexual steroids we measured only testosterone which varied, independent of reproduction. Moreover the use of two closely related species highlights the interspecific variability.  相似文献   

The effects of experimentally elevated O3 on soil respiration rates, standing fine-root biomass, fine-root production and δ13C signature of newly produced fine roots were investigated in an adult European beech/Norway spruce forest in Germany during two subsequent years with contrasting rainfall patterns. During humid 2002, soil respiration rate was enhanced under elevated O3 under beech and spruce, and was related to O3-stimulated fine-root production only in beech. During dry 2003, the stimulating effect of O3 on soil respiration rate vanished under spruce, which was correlated with decreased fine-root production in spruce under drought, irrespective of the O3 regime. δ13C signature of newly formed fine-roots was consistent with the differing gs of beech and spruce, and indicated stomatal limitation by O3 in beech and by drought in spruce. Our study showed that drought can override the stimulating O3 effects on fine-root dynamics and soil respiration in mature beech and spruce forests.  相似文献   

Results of 2 years monitoring of 210Po and 210Pb activity concentrations in soft tissue of the species Mytilus galloprovincialis from Croatian part of the Adriatic coast are presented. The samples were collected at thirteen coastal stations (some of which are also a part of the Mediterranean Mussel Watch Project) in spring and autumn of 2010 and 2011. The collected mussels were ranging between 4 cm and 6 cm in shell length. After sample pre-treatment lead and polonium were radiochemically separated on Sr resin. 210Po was determined by alpha-particle spectrometry and 210Pb was determined, via 210Bi, by a low-level gas proportional counter. The results of 210Po activity concentrations were found to vary between (104 ± 11) and (1421 ± 81) Bq kg−1 dry weight while 210Pb activity concentrations were much lower and in range (8.2 ± 5.3)–(94.1 ± 29.8) Bq kg−1 dry weight. Higher 210Po and 210Pb activity concentrations were determined in spring period. The inter-site differences seen in their activity concentrations can be due to natural background levels of sites. The 210Po/210Pb activity concentration ratios in all cases exceeded unity for all mussel samples and ranged between 4.0 and 47.9.  相似文献   

This study investigates the dynamics of pyrene degradation rates, microbial communities, and functional gene copy numbers during the incubation of pyrene-spiked soils. Spiking pyrene to the soil was found to have negligible effects on the bacterial community present. Our results demonstrated that there was a significant difference in nidA gene copy numbers between sampling dates in QZ soil. Mycobacterium 16S rDNA clone libraries showed that more than 90% mycobacteria detected were closely related to fast-growing PAH-degrading Mycobacterium in pyrene-spiked soil, while other sequences related to slow-growing Mycobacterium were only detected in the control soil. It is suggested that nidA gene copy number and fast-growing PAH-degrading Mycobacterium could be used as indicators to predict pyrene contamination and its degradation activity in soils.  相似文献   

A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to compare the phytoextraction efficiencies of Cd by hyper-accumulating Alfred stonecrop (Sedum alfredii Hance) and fast-growing perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) from a Cd-contaminated (1.6 mg kg−1) acidic soil, and their responses to the inoculations of two arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal strains, Glomus caledonium 90036 (Gc) and Glomus mosseae M47V (Gm). Ryegrass and stonecrop were harvested after growing for 9 and 27 wk, respectively. Without AM fungal inoculation, the weekly Cd extraction by stonecrop (8.0 μg pot−1) was 4.3 times higher than that by ryegrass (1.5 μg pot−1). Both Gc and Gm significantly increased (P < 0.05) root mycorrhizal colonization rates, soil acid phosphatase activities, and available P concentrations, and thereby plant P absorptions (except for Gm-inoculated ryegrass), shoot biomasses, and Cd absorptions (except for Gm-inoculated stonecrop), while only Gc-inoculated stonecrop significantly accelerated (P < 0.05) the phytoextraction efficiency of Cd by 78%. In addition, both Gc and Gm significantly decreased (P < 0.05) phytoavailable Cd concentrations by 21–38% via elevating soil pH. The results suggested the potential application of hyper-accumulating Alfred stonecrop associated with AM fungi (notably Gc) for both extraction and stabilization of Cd in the in situ treatment of Cd-contaminated acidic soil.  相似文献   

The São Domingos mine (Portugal) is, potentially, a good site for ecotoxicological studies, due to a pH and metal gradient of acid mine drainage. In this study, the toxicity of several mine sediments was evaluated using the aquatic oligochaete Lumbriculus variegatus as a test organism. Our hypothesis was that exposure to contaminated sediments would cause behavioural early warning responses in L. variegatus. Five sites, with pH ranging from 2.5 to 6.5, and with associated metals, were investigated. The results showed poor sediment quality in most of the collected sediments and Fe, S and As were the dominant elements in the samples. High mortalities were observed, ranging from 32.6 to 100%, indicating severe contamination. The collected sediments did not support good L. variegatus growth and significantly changed its behaviour. Early warning responses consisted of decreased locomotion and decreased peristaltic movements. A behaviour inhibition will affect the ecosystem balance by limiting the organisms' ability to avoid capture, which leads to a higher risk of predation.  相似文献   

Pentatomid stinkbugs are important predators of defoliating caterpillars in agricultural and forestry systems, and knowledge of the impact of insecticides on natural enemies is important information for integrated pest management (IPM) programs. Thus, we assessed the toxicity and behavioral sublethal response of the predators Podisus nigrispinus and Supputius cincticeps exposed to deltamethrin, methamidophos, spinosad and chlorantraniliprole, insecticides commonly used to control the velvetbean caterpillar (Anticarsia gemmatalis) in soybean crops. With the exception of deltamethrin for S. cincticeps, all insecticides showed higher acute toxicity to the prey than to these natural enemies providing effective control of A. gemmatalis. The recommended field concentration of deltamethrin, methamidophos and spinosad for controlling A. gemmatalis caused 100% mortality of P. nigrispinus and S. cincticeps nymphs. Chlorantraniliprole was the less toxic and the most selective insecticide to these predators resulting in mortalities of less than 10% when exposed to 10× the recommended field concentration for a period of 72 h. Behavioral pattern changes in predators were found for all insecticides, especially methamidophos and spinosad, which exhibited irritability (i.e., avoidance after contact) to both predator species. However, insecticide repellence (i.e., avoidance without contact) was not observed in any of the insects tested. The lethal and sublethal effects of pesticides on natural enemies is of great importance for IPM, and our results indicate that substitution of pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides at their field rates by chlorantraniliprole may be a key factor for the success of IPM programs of A. gemmatalis in soybeans.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the partitioning behaviour of 15 perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), including C4-C10 sulfonates and C5-C14 carboxylic acids, between water, sediment and fish (European chub, Leuciscus cephalus) in the Orge River (nearby Paris). Total PFC levels were 73.0 ± 3.0 ng L−1 in water and 8.4 ± 0.5 ng g−1 in sediment. They were in the range 43.1-4997.2 ng g−1 in fish, in which PFC tissue distribution followed the order plasma > liver > gills > gonads > muscle. Sediment-water distribution coefficients (log Kd) and bioaccumulation factors (log BAF) were in the range 0.8-4.3 and 0.9-6.7, respectively. Both distribution coefficients positively correlated with perfluoroalkyl chain length. Field-based biota-sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs) are also reported, for the first time for PFCs other than perfluorooctane sulfonate. log BSAF ranged between −1.3 and 1.5 and was negatively correlated with the perfluoroalkyl chain length in the case of carboxylic acids.  相似文献   

In previous studies we detected lower species richness and lower Hg sensitivity of the bacteria present in egested guts of Porcellio scaber (Crustacea, Isopoda) from chronically Hg polluted than from unpolluted environment. Basis for such results were further investigated by sequencing of 16S rRNA genes of mercury-resistant (Hgr) isolates and clone libraries. We observed up to 385 times higher numbers of Hgr bacteria in guts of animals from polluted than from unpolluted environment. The majority of Hgr strains contained merA genes. Sequencing of 16S rRNA clones from egested guts of animals from Hg-polluted environments showed elevated number of bacteria from Pseudomonas, Listeria and Bacteroidetes relatives groups. In animals from pristine environment number of bacteria from Achromobacter relatives, Alcaligenes, Paracoccus, Ochrobactrum relatives, Rhizobium/Agrobacterium, Bacillus and Microbacterium groups were elevated. Such bacterial community shifts in guts of animals from Hg-polluted environment could significantly contribute to P. scaber Hg tolerance.  相似文献   

Bioassays using Daphnia pulex and Moina micrura were designed to detect cyanobacterial neurotoxins in raw water samples. Phytoplankton and cyanotoxins from seston were analyzed during 15 months in a eutrophic reservoir. Effective time to immobilize 50% of the exposed individuals (ET50) was adopted as the endpoint. Paralysis of swimming movements was observed between ∼0.5-3 h of exposure to lake water containing toxic cyanobacteria, followed by an almost complete recovery of the swimming activity within 24 h after being placed in control water. The same effects were observed in bioassays with a saxitoxin-producer strain of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii isolated from the reservoir. Regression analysis showed significant relationships between ET50vs. cell density, biomass and saxitoxins content, suggesting that the paralysis of Daphnia in lake water samples was caused by saxitoxins found in C. raciborskii. Daphnia bioassay was found to be a sensitive method for detecting fast-acting neurotoxins in natural samples, with important advantages over mouse bioassays.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of metal mobilizing plant-growth beneficial bacterium Phyllobacterium myrsinacearum RC6b on plant growth and Cd, Zn and Pb uptake by Sedum plumbizincicola under laboratory conditions. Among a collection of metal-resistant bacteria, P. myrsinacearum RC6b was specifically chosen as a most favorable metal mobilizer based on its capability of mobilizing high concentrations of Cd, Zn and Pb in soils. P. myrsinacearum RC6b exhibited a high degree of resistance to Cd (350 mg L−1), Zn (1000 mg L−1) and Pb (1200 mg L−1). Furthermore, P. myrsinacearum RC6b showed multiple plant growth beneficial features including the production of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid deaminase, indole-3-acetic acid, siderophore and solubilization of insoluble phosphate. Inoculation of P. myrsinacearum RC6b significantly increased S. plumbizincicola growth and organ metal concentrations except Pb, which concentration was lower in root and stem of inoculated plants. The results suggest that the metal mobilizing P. myrsinacearum RC6b could be used as an effective inoculant for the improvement of phytoremediation in multi-metal polluted soils.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to assess the impact of a candidate mosquito larvicide, spinosad (8, 17 and 33 μg L−1) on a field population of Daphnia magna under natural variations of water temperature and salinity, using Bti (0.16 and 0.50 μL L−1) as the reference larvicide. Microcosms (125 L) were placed in a shallow temporary marsh where D. magna was naturally present. The peak of salinity observed during the 21-day observation period may have been partly responsible for the decrease of daphnid population density in all the microcosms. It is also probably responsible for the absence of recovery in the microcosms treated with spinosad which caused a sharp decrease of D. magna abundance within the first two days following treatment whereas Bti had no effect. These results suggest that it may be difficult for a field population of daphnids to cope simultaneously with natural (water salinity and temperature) and anthropogenic (larvicides) stressors.  相似文献   

The periwinkle Littoraria scabra was collected at polluted and pristine mangrove sites along the Tanzanian coastline, including Msimbazi, Mbweni (i.e. Dar es Salaam) and Kisakasaka, Nyamanzi and Maruhubi (i.e. Zanzibar). Periwinkles were morphologically characterized, sexed and their heavy metal content was determined using ICP-MS. Analysis revealed that L. scabra from polluted areas contained higher soft tissue heavy metal levels, were significantly smaller and weighed less compared to their conspecifics from the unpolluted mangroves. The current morphological observations may be explained in terms of growth and/or mortality rate differences between the polluted and non-polluted sites. Although a variety of stressors may account for these adverse morphological patterns, our data suggest a close relationship with the soft tissue heavy metal content. Compared to soft tissue heavy metal levels that were measured in L. scabra along the same area in 1998, most metals, except for arsenic, chromium and iron have decreased dramatically.  相似文献   

We measured heavy metal concentrations in yellow-legged gulls (n = 196) and European shags (n = 189) in order to assess the temporal pattern of contaminant exposure following the Prestige oil spill in November 2002. We analysed Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni and V levels in chick feathers sampled at four colonies during seven post-spill years (2003-2009), and compared results with pre-spill levels obtained from feathers of juvenile shag corpses (grown in spring/summer 2002). Following the Prestige wreck, Cu (4.3-10 μg g−1) and Pb concentrations (1.0-1.4 μg g−1) were, respectively, between two and five times higher than pre-spill levels (1.5-3.6 and 0.1-0.4 μg g−1), but returned to previous background concentrations after three years. Our study highlights the suitability of chick feathers of seabirds for assessing the impact of oil spills on heavy metal contamination, and provides the best evidence to date on the persistence of oil pollution after the Prestige incident.  相似文献   

The production of N2 gas by denitrification may lead to the appearance of a gas phase below the water table prohibiting the conservative transport of tracer gases required for groundwater dating. We used a two-phase flow and transport model (STOMP) to study the reliability of 3H/3He, CFCs and SF6 as groundwater age tracers under agricultural land where denitrification causes degassing. We were able to reproduce the amount of degassing (R2 = 69%), as well as the 3H (R2 = 79%) and 3He (R2 = 76%) concentrations observed in a 3H/3He data set using simple 2D models. We found that the TDG correction of the 3H/3He age overestimated the control 3He/3He age by 2.1 years, due to the accumulation of 3He in the gas phase. The total uncertainty of degassed 3H/3He ages of 6 years (± 2 σ) is due to the correction of degassed 3He using the TDG method, but also due to the travel time in the unsaturated zone and the diffusion of bomb peak 3He. CFCs appear to be subject to significant degradation in anoxic groundwater and SF6 is highly susceptible to degassing. We conclude that 3H/3He is the most reliable method to date degassed groundwater and that two-phase flow models such as STOMP are useful tools to assist in the interpretation of degassed groundwater age tracer data.  相似文献   

Fe2O3-Cr2O3/TiO2系列催化剂的结构和脱硝性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究以纳米TiO2为载体,浸渍负载过渡金属氧化物,以CO为还原剂的脱硝催化剂的脱硝性能。实验中以计算量的Ni(NO3)2和Fe(NO3)3混合溶液浸渍纳米TiO2粉末,室温下搅拌30 min至混合均匀,放入旋转蒸发器中,70℃下至水分蒸干为止;所得粉末在550℃下、空气气氛中焙烧4 h即得所需催化剂。用以上方法分别制备2%Fe2O3-10%Cr2O3/TiO2、4%Fe2O3-8%Cr2O3/TiO2、6%Fe2O3-6%Cr2O3/TiO2、8%Fe2O3-4%Cr2O3/TiO2与10%Fe2O3-2%Cr2O3/TiO2等5种催化剂样品。实验结果表明,制备的催化剂具有较好的结构,分散较为均匀。对于CO+NO反应,Fe2O3-Cr2O3/TiO2系列催化剂具有较好的催化活性,NO的转化率都达到了100%。其中,10%Fe2O3-2%Cr2O3/TiO2样品具有最好的低温活性,H2-TPR结果表明,这是由于10%Fe2O3-2%Cr2O3/TiO2催化剂更易于被CO预还原。  相似文献   

Exposures of caged organisms in situ have proven to be a useful way to improve exposure realism and link to stressor effects in aquatic assessments of hazard or risk. A novel cage system, the benthic in situ toxicity identification evaluation (BiTIE), was developed for benthic macroinvertebrates (surrogate species, resident populations and communities) to separate low and high flow effects, and major chemical classes of stressors in streams. Three resin types were used to separate the chemical stressors in the streams Honey Creek and Little Beavercreek, Ohio, USA: Dowex Optipore (non-polar organics), zeolite (ammonia), and polywool (control). Isonychia spp. sensitivity was compared to Chironomus tentans, and no significant differences were found (p>0.05). Isonychia spp. growth (length) showed a stressor response in the zeolite treatments, and community testing revealed improved metric responses in the Dowex treatments. The BiTIE chamber system demonstrated stressor-response relationships using sublethal and multimetric endpoints.  相似文献   

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