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Kato Hirokazu Hayashi Yoshitsugu Tanaka Kosuke 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2003,8(3):281-291
In the transport sector, few projects applied Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) or Joint Implementation (JI) projects. This
study will examine the feasibility of applying CDM to the transport sector from viewpoints of validation of processes and
funding. A number of greenhouse gas emission reduction projects, as well as traffic management project within existing transport
infrastructures, can be implemented as CDM projects. New transport infrastructure projects can be validated by transportdemand
forecasting and traffic simulation methods, though application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Intelligent Transport Systems
(ITS) technologies.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Hardner Jared J. Frumhoff Peter C. Goetze Darren C. 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2000,5(1):61-80
Should forest-based climate mitigationmeasures be approved for crediting through the CleanDevelopment Mechanism (CDM), they could offer anopportunity to accomplish three important objectives:cost-effective reductions in carbon emissions andsequestration of atmospheric carbon; conservation andrestoration of forests and their biological diversity;and, the assistance of host countries and communitiesin their socioeconomic development. However,prospective investors in CDM projects, host countriesand other CDM `stakeholders' might be expected toplace widely different priorities on achieving theseobjectives. This paper describes several factors thatwill affect investor interest in CDM projects, thecharacteristics of forest-based CDM projects that willattract investments, and an approach to identifyingprojects that meet the key objectives of multiplestakeholders. This approach entails identifyingsites, such as degraded watersheds, where CDMfinancing for forest conservation and restoration cangenerate readily monetizable local and regionalsocioeconomic benefits, while mitigating carbonemissions in forests with importance for conservingbiodiversity. 相似文献
Frank Vöhringer 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2004,9(3):217-240
Deforestation is currentlythe source of about 20% of anthropogenicCO2 emissions. Avoided deforestationhas, nonetheless, been ruled out as a CleanDevelopment Mechanism (CDM) category in theKyoto Protocol's first commitment period,because several methodological issues wereconsidered too difficult to resolve. Thispaper explores whether CDM issues such as(1) carbon quantification, (2)additionality and baseline setting, (3)leakage risks, (4) non-permanence risks,and (5) sustainable development can beadequately dealt with in large, diversifiedforest conservation projects. To this aim,it studies the case of the Costa RicanProtected Areas Project (PAP), anActivities Implemented Jointly (AIJ)project which was meant to consolidate thenational park system to avoiddeforestation, promote the growth ofsecondary forests and regenerate pastureson an area that, in total, covers 10% ofthe national territory. The case studyexamines how the issues mentioned abovehave been addressed in the project designand in the certification process. It isfound that baseline uncertainties are themajor problem in this case. Nonetheless,the case suggests the possibility toaddress CDM issues by specific requirementsfor project design and very conservativeand temporary crediting. Provided thatother case studies support this conclusion,eligibility of well-designed forestconservation projects under the CDM in thesecond commitment period may be worthconsidering, given the secondary benefitsof avoided deforestation. 相似文献
Flamos Alexandros Anagnostopoulos Konstantinos Askounis Dimitris Psarras John Butzengeiger Sonja van der Gaast Wytze 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2004,9(2):103-120
This paper presentse-SEREM (Smart Emission ReductionEstimation Manual), a cost-free, easilyaccessed and updated, web-based manual forestimating emission reductions from Joint Implementation (JI) andClean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects. e-SEREM's main functions arethe selection of a benchmark for a specificproject type in the power or heat sectorand the calculation of the annual andcumulative emission reductions accrued bythis project for its crediting lifetime.e-SEREM was developed in order to test itsapplicability and practicality in assistingproject developers and evaluators toelaborate baselines easily and calculatethe emission credits earned by candidate JIor CDM projects hosted in several countries. 相似文献
Hiramatsu Ai Hanaki Keisuke Aramaki Toshiya 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2003,8(3):293-310
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was adopted in the Kyoto Protocol as a flexibility mechanism to reduce greenhouse gases
(GHGs) and has been started with such projects as improving efficiency of individual technology. Although applying various
countermeasures to urban areas has significant potentials for reducing GHGs, these countermeasures have not been proposed
as CDM projects in the practical stage. A CDM project needs to be validated that it will reduce GHGs additionally compared
with a baseline, that is, a predictive value of GHG emissions in the absence of the project. This study examined the introduction
of solid waste incineration with electricity generation into three different cities, A, B and C. The combination of main solid
waste treatment and fuel source are landfill and coal, respectively, in City A, incineration and natural gas in City B, and
landfill and hydro in City C. GHG emission reductions of each city under several baseline options assumed here were evaluated.
Even if the same technology is introduced, the emission reduction greatly varies according to the current condition and the
future plan of the city: 1043–1406 kg CO2/t of waste in City A, 198–580 kg CO2/t in City B, and wide range of zero to over 1000 kg CO2/tin City C. Baseline options also cause significant difference in the emission reduction even in the same city (City C).
Incinerating solid waste after removing plastics by source separation in City B increased GHG emission reduction potential
up to 730–900 kg CO2/t, which enhances the effectiveness as a CDM project.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Spalding-Fecher Randall Thorne Steve Wamukonya Njeri 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2002,7(2):135-153
A community-based Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project – asolar water heating project in a low-income community in South Africa –is analysed to illustrate the methodological and policy challenges that faceimplementation of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change. We evaluate four baseline options, andthree potential CDM interventions. The emissions reductions range from –670 to +5 929 Mg CO2 per year, with all option but oneshowing positive emission reductions. Using metered solar water heatingwith liquefied petroleum gas back-up as the CDM intervention, and electricstorage geysers as the baseline, the annual emissions reductions are 5686 Mg CO2. The cost-effectiveness from the national perspective,which is the incremental life cycle costs divided by the lifetime emissionsreductions, is –$18 per Mg CO2 From the perspective of theCDM investor, however, the cost-effectiveness is $5.2 per mgCO2, assuming that the investor receives all of the carbon credits forproviding the incremental capital investment. From our analysis, weconclude that using the current technology (kerosene stoves) as a baselineis probably not appropriate because it does not reflect likely future trendsand also penalises the community for their poverty and current lack ofinfrastructure. We also highlight the importance of credit sharing, and howit affects the cost-effectiveness of the project from the CDM investor'sperspective. The lessons from this analysis are important for the currentinternational policy debate on how to preferentially treat small-scale CDMprojects. 相似文献
扩大企业对CDM的参与是提高清洁发展机制减排效果的关键因素,但是随着参与的不断扩大,可能产生价格因素、小项目开发障碍、“普遍性”等阻碍因素,将影响企业对CDM参与性的继续扩大,对减排效果的提高造成负面影响。在对企业参与和CDM环境效力相互关系探讨的基础上,本文对如何继续扩大参与、加大减排提出了发展建议。 相似文献
建立了一个全球碳排放贸易局部均衡模型(TRCW),用于分析中国实施清洁发展机制(CDM)的市场潜力和市场结构.模型结合相关国际协议的规定,考虑了美国的退出、碳汇项目、热空气规模、交易成本、适应性基金、垄断供给等现实因素.结果表明,在马拉喀什协议下,中国的CDM市场规模大大缩小,仅为61MtC/a,利润收入约1.5亿$/a,其中重工业和电力分别约占41%和20%左右;如果俄罗斯不出售其拥有的热空气,中国的CDM规模将提高67%;在CDM市场上中国几乎不存在垄断力量. 相似文献
气候变化与实施清洁发展机制的展望 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
本文第一部分介绍了《气候变化框架公约》的达成与主要内容,以及在柏林、日内瓦、京都与布宜诺斯艾利斯先后召开的4 次缔约方会议的结果; 第二部分介绍了清洁发展机制(CDM) 同《京都议定书》的其他灵活机制的异同,以及CDM 的特点、方法学与技术问题; 第三部分分析了CDM 的前景、影响其成功实施的因素、它可能提供的潜在机遇以及实施中的需求与供给;最后就CDM 的实施作了展望。 相似文献
Rosen Johannes Fichtner Wolf Rentz Otto 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2004,9(2):121-146
Determining adequate baselinesis a major methodological problem whenquantifying emissions reductions achievedwith the project-based flexibilitymechanisms. Possible methodologies forbaseline setting may be classified intomulti-project and project-specificapproaches. While multi-project approachesprovide baselines for a series of typicalprojects within a certain geographicregion, a sector, or a load range,project-specific (orproject-by-project/single-project)approaches only cover one specific project.Project-by-project baseline approaches havebeen tested extensively within theActivities Implemented Jointly (AIJ) pilotphase; multi-project methodologies, on theother hand, have only rarely been applieddue to the (perceived) political andeconomic complexity of the issue, whichmakes the process of introducingstandardised baselines a very sensitivetask. In particular, there is a lack ofmulti-project baseline approaches takingadvantage of optimising computer modelswithin the electricity sector, even thoughother fields of research have made use ofsuch models quite successfully in the past.Experiences made in the PROBASE projectwith the calculation of standardised,aggregated multi-project baselines forJI/CDM projects using optimising energysystem models are illustrated in this paperfor South Africa, Russia, and Indonesia.Increased transparency and credibility ofstandardised approaches along withpotentially lower transaction costs areidentified as the main arguments for theiruse and further development. In addition,the text gives recommendations wheremodel-based baseline standardisation canpreferentially be applied. 相似文献
根据技术的复杂程度和系统性,经济效益,削减废弃物的潜力、环境效益、实施难易程度等5个方面,以权重打分综合的方法进行方案筛选,筛选出5个备选方案作经济、技术和环境评估。在此基础上,推存主要工段联合改造方案,并对此方案作出一步经济分析,表明该方案的实施是可行的。 相似文献
清洁发展机制项目运作关键问题分析与管理对策研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
清洁发展机制(CDM)项目要想能够顺利通过一系列审查并最终获得减排量,需要特别重视项目运作流程中的关键环节。针对中国CDM项目审批数量少,通过率低,耗费时间长等问题,本文在分析CDM内涵及项目运作流程的基础上,指出了中国CDM项目运作中面临的主要问题,提出了相应的管理对策与建议,期望能够为中国推进CDM项目实施提供帮助。 相似文献
Makino Yamada Yamanoshita Masahiro Amano 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2012,17(4):425-440
It has been recognized that the involvement of local community is essential to ensure the sustainability of A/R CDM (afforestation/reforestation
clean development mechanism) project. This study verifies if the risks of non-permanence and leakage are addressed in a registered
small scale A/R CDM project in Vietnam. Workshops, interviews, and a questionnaire survey of local villagers revealed that
the project has caused a shortage of land for conventional activities such as grazing, fuel wood collection and shifting cultivation,
and consequently posed the risks of project non-permanence and leakage. It is suggested that participation of all stakeholders
in the community to the A/R CDM project beyond existing land tenure and adequate carbon benefit sharing according to the level
of contribution to the project are required to reduce the risk of non permanence. To ensure the participation, the community
should have capability such as consensus building and collective action. Leakage would be minimized if the community has alternative
measures to the conventional activities before starting the project. We argue that it is necessary to first develop a community’s
capabilities in the readiness phase of any A/R CDM project in order to reduce the risks for the project sustainability, and
that new sources of funding are needed for this purpose. 相似文献
Adaptation Options Strategies for Hazards and Vulnerability Mitigation: An International Perspective
The broad objective of this special issue of Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change is to address some of the gaps in our knowledge and understanding of the policies, programs, and measures that might be applied
to natural hazards and their impacts in an era of climate change. Given the global impacts of climate change and world-wide
pattern of increasing losses from natural hazards we necessarily adopt an international perspective. The specific goals of
the special issue are to: (a) encompass experiential aspects, emphasizing current practice of mitigation and its associated
measures, and their results; and (b) explore primary or root causes of alarming shifts in human and economic costs of environmental
extremes. Special emphasis is placed on how human activities are playing a key role in enhancing vulnerability to NTEE (nature-triggered
environmental extremes), quite independently from the anthropogenic causes of climate change. The goals are also (c) to examine
costs, risks, and benefits (of all kinds including social, political, ecological) of mitigation, and adjustment and adaptation
measures; and (d) analyze policy implications of alternative measures. These components are expected to make significant contributions
to policy considerations – formulation, implementation and evaluation. There is much uncertainty about the rate of climate
change; however, the fact of increase of the atmospheric temperature in the last century is no longer a subject of scientific
or policy debate. Due to such changes in the geophysical parameters, certain types of nature-triggered environmental extreme
events are likely to continue to increase. How global warming will affect regional climates and pertinent variables is not
well known, limiting our ability to predict consequential effects. This factor poses serious constraints against any straightforward
policy decisions. Research findings of the work of this volume reaffirm that human dimensions, specifically our awareness
and decision-making behavior, are powerful explanatory factors of increasing disaster losses. Disaster mitigation through
addressing human, social, and physical vulnerability is one of the best means for contributing to ‘climate change adaptation
plans’, and sustainable development goals. Recent lessons from various countries have depicted that the formulation of mitigation
strategies cannot be exclusively top-down as it requires social, political, and cultural acceptance and sense of ownership.
An interactive, participatory process, involving local communities, produces best expected outcomes concerning mitigation,
preparedness, and recovery. An emerging consensus is that there is a need to move towards the ‘mission’ of the International
Strategy for Disaster Reduction which aims at building disaster resilient communities by promoting increased awareness of
the importance of disaster reduction as an integral component of sustainable development, with the goal of reducing human,
social, economic and environmental losses due to natural hazards and related technological and environmental disasters. Sharing
of best practices and lessons globally is certain to produce more efficiency and understanding in policy and decision making. 相似文献
A data support infrastructure for Clean Development Mechanism forestry implementation: an inventory perspective from Cameroon 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
Peter A. Minang Michael K. McCall Margaret M. Skutsch Jeroen J. Verplanke 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2008,13(2):157-178
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) forestry project development requires highly multi-disciplinary and multiple-source information
that can be complex, cumbersome and costly to acquire. Yet developing countries in which CDM projects are created and implemented
are often data poor environments and unable to meet such complex information requirements. Using Cameroon as an example, the
present paper explores the structure of an enabling host country data support infrastructure for CDM forestry implementation,
and also assesses the supply potential of current forestry information. Results include a conceptual data model of CDM project
data needs; the list of meso- and macro-level data and information requirements (Demand analysis); and an inventory of relevant
data available in Cameroon (Supply analysis). From a comparison of demand and supply, we confirm that data availability and
the relevant infrastructure for data or information generation is inadequate for supporting carbon forestry at the micro,
meso and macro-levels in Cameroon. The results suggest that current CDM afforestation and reforestation information demands
are almost impenetrable for local communities in host countries and pose a number of cross-scale barriers to project adoption.
More importantly, we identify proactive regulatory, institutional and capacity building policy strategies for forest data
management improvements that could enhance biosphere carbon management uptake in poor countries. CDM forestry information
research needs are also highlighted. 相似文献
Vine Edward L. Sathaye Jayant A. 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2000,5(2):189-216
In this paper, we present an overview of guidelinesdeveloped for the monitoring, evaluation, reporting,verification, and certification (MERVC) ofenergy-efficiency projects for climate changemitigation. The monitoring and evaluation ofenergy-efficiency projects is needed to determine moreaccurately their impact on greenhouse gas (GHG)emissions and other attributes, and to ensure that theglobal climate is protected and that countryobligations are met. Reporting, verification andcertification will be needed for addressing therequirements of the Kyoto Protocol. While the cost ofmonitoring and evaluation of energy-efficiencyprojects is expected to be about 5–10% of a project'sbudget, the actual cost of monitoring and evaluationwill vary depending on many factors, including thelevel of precision required for measuring energy andGHG reductions, type of project, and amount of fundingavailable. 相似文献
Shirai Yoshihito Wakisaka Minato Yacob Shahrakbah Ali Hassan Mohd Suzuki Shin’ichi 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2003,8(3):237-252
Palm oil industry in Malaysia is one of the potential candidates for the CDM project because large amount of methane is emitted
from the lagoons and open digesting tank of the wastewater treatment system. Therefore the first objective of the project
is to investigate the actual GHG emission from the lagoons and open digesting tank in palm oil mills in order to establish
the baseline for CDM project. Results indicated that methane contribution to biogas released from the open digesting tank
and lagoon systems were 35% and 45%, respectively. These values are much lower than the reported value of 65% obtained by
complete anaerobic condition of lab-scale experiments. Based on actual methane release measurement and information gathered
from palm oil mill about wastewater treatment, significant amount of methane emission to the atmosphere can be reduced with
the installation of new closed digesting tank system converted from the open digesting tank such as just by covering it with
applying CDM. It is estimated that a total of RM2.6 million could be obtained from the selling of electricity generated from
biogas generation and Certified Emission Reduction(CER).
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献