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Shrubs and trees are expected to expand in the sub-Arctic due to global warming. Our study was conducted in Abisko, sub-arctic Sweden. We recorded the change in coverage of shrub and tree species over a 32– to 34-year period, in three 50 × 50 m plots; in the alpine-tree-line ecotone. The cover of shrubs and trees (<3.5 cm diameter at breast height) were estimated during 2009–2010 and compared with historical documentation from 1976 to 1977. Similarly, all tree stems (≥3.5 cm) were noted and positions determined. There has been a substantial increase of cover of shrubs and trees, particularly dwarf birch (Betula nana), and mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii), and an establishment of aspen (Populus tremula). The other species willows (Salix spp.), juniper (Juniperus communis), and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) revealed inconsistent changes among the plots. Although this study was unable to identify the causes for the change in shrubs and small trees, they are consistent with anticipated changes due to climate change and reduced herbivory.  相似文献   

Edible mushrooms (Albatrellus ovinus, Boletus edulis, Clitocybe odora, Gomphidius glutinosus, Leccinum scabrum, Leccinum versipelle, Lycoperdon perlatum, Suillus bovinus, Suillus luteus, and Xerocomus subtomentosus) collected from unpolluted areas of the city of Umeå and its outskirts in the northern part of Sweden were examined for contents of toxic metallic elements (Cd, Pb, and Ag) and essential macro- and microelements (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) using a validated method and a final measurement by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (F-AAS). The median values of the toxic metallic element concentrations (in mg kg?1 dry biomass, db) ranged from: 0.12–3.9, 0.46–5.1, and 0.91–6.2 for Ag, Cd and Pb, respectively. For the essential metallic elements, the median values of concentrations ranged from: 24000–58000, 15–2000, 59–610, 520–1900, 2.0–97, 16–150, 15–120, and 4.3–26 mg kg?1 db for K, Na, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn, respectively. The baseline concentrations of the metallic elements determined in mushrooms were mainly affected by the fungal species. The assessed probable maximal dietary intake of Cd (0.002 mg kg?1 body mass) solely from a mushroom meal was only slightly below a revised value of the tolerable weekly intake for this element, while for Pb (0.003 mg kg?1 body mass) it was tenfold below the provisionally tolerable weekly intake.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

The main pathway for human exposure to the highly toxic polychlorinated-p-dioxins and polychlorinated furans [polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs)] is via dietary intake. Other exposure pathways may, however, be important in close proximity to point sources, such as wood preservation sites, where PCDD/F contaminated chlorophenols (CP) were previously used. In this study, a heavily PCDD/F contaminated CP saw mill site in Sweden was investigated. Human exposure through a broad spectrum of exposure pathways was assessed. Such studies are in demand since the question whether contaminated sites represent a current or future risk can only be answered by detailed site-specific risk assessments.  相似文献   

One year of weekly average 85Kr concentrations observed at 13 sampling locations from 30 to 150km from a quasi-continuous point source is used in a verification study involving two air pollution models.The first, a stability wind rose model, similar to those widely used for long-term regional pollution studies, overestimates the seasonal and annual values by an approximate factor of 4 on the average. Factors that contribute to the overestimation are the use of surface winds, which are slower than the stack-height winds, and a likely tendency to overestimate the frequency and duration of stable conditions.The second, a trajectory-diffusion model developed by the Air Resources Laboratories, shows good agreement with the observed concentrations. Calculated seasonal averages are generally within a factor of 2 of the observed average values. Calculated annual averages are within ± 20% of the observed average values at most stations.  相似文献   

The remediation of copper-contaminated soils by aided phytostabilisation in 16 field plots at a wood preservation site was investigated. The mobility and bioavailability of four potentially toxic trace elements (PTTE), i.e., Cu, Zn, Cr, and As, were investigated in these soils 4 years after the incorporation of compost (OM, 5 % w/w) and dolomite limestone (DL, 0.2 % w/w), singly and in combination (OMDL), and the transplantation of mycorrhizal poplar and willows. Topsoil samples were collected in all field plots and potted in the laboratory. Total PTTE concentrations were determined in soil pore water (SPW) collected by Rhizon soil moisture samplers. Soil exposure intensity was assessed by Chelex100-DGT (diffusive gradient in thin films) probes. The PTTE phytoavailability was characterized by growing dwarf beans on potted soils and analyzing their foliar PTTE concentrations. OM and DL, singly and in combination (OMDL), were effective to decrease foliar Cu, Cr, Zn, and As concentrations of beans, the lowest values being numerically for the OM plants. The soil treatments did not reduce the Cu and Zn mineral masses of the bean primary leaves, but those of Cr and As decreased for the OM and DL plants. The Cu concentration in SPW was increased in the OM soil and remained unchanged in the DL and OMDL soils. The available Cu measured by DGT used to assess the soil exposure intensity correlated with the foliar Cu concentration. The Zn concentrations in SPW were reduced in the DL soil. All amendments increased As in the SPW. Based on DGT data, Cu availability was reduced in both OM and OMDL soils, while DL was the most effective to decrease soil Zn availability.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In the context of global warming and environmental deterioration, the environment impact assessment is a crucial institutional guaranty to assure less...  相似文献   

Animal populations are exposed to large-scale anthropogenic impact from e.g. climate change, habitat alteration and supplemental stocking. All of these may affect body condition in wintering dabbling ducks, which in turn may affect an individual’s survival and reproductive success. The aim of this study was to assess whether there have been morphometric changes in Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and Teal (Anas crecca) over the last 30 years at a major wintering site. Body mass and condition increased from the 1950s–1960s to the 2000s in both species. The increase in body mass amounted to as much as 11.7%, with no corresponding change in body size. Improved body condition was maintained from early to mid-winter, but then converged with historical values for late winter. Our interpretation is that increasingly benign ambient winter conditions permit ducks to maintain better energetic “safety margins” throughout winter, and that converging spring departure values may be related to evolutionary flight energetic optima. The observed changes are consistent with large-scale climate amelioration and local/regional habitat improvement (both anthropogenic).  相似文献   

Lindeström L 《Ambio》2001,30(8):538-544
The past effluents of mercury (Hg) into Lake V?nern were considerable. The consequences of, and recovery from these have been monitored through continuous measurements of mercury in sediment and fish. Mercury levels in lake sediments in the vicinity of the main source of mercury, a chloralkali plant on the northern shore, have only decreased by slightly more than a half since the mid-1970s, despite a radical decrease in effluents from the source, already during the 1960s. The mercury levels in pike (Esox lucius) have decreased to a similar extent during this time period. They are now about 30% higher in the worst affected parts of the lake compared to the least affected parts. Lower levels have been measured in perch (Perca fluviatilis) and salmonoid fish in the lake. Despite the increased presence of mercury in the sediment of Lake V?nern, the mercury levels in the fish of the lake are relatively low compared to fish in lakes situated in the same region, but not affected by any local mercury effluents. As calculated, the total fish biomass of L. V?nern holds less than 1000th of the amount of mercury contained in the upper, biologically active layers of the bottom sediment of the lake. This demonstrates the potential influence of various environmental factors and motivates continued monitoring of mercury levels in the lake in the future.  相似文献   

Chlorinated ethenes (CE) are among the most frequent contaminants of soil and groundwater in the Czech Republic. Because conventional methods of subsurface contamination investigation are costly and technically complicated, attention is directed on alternative and innovative field sampling methods. One promising method is sampling of tree cores (plugs of woody tissue extracted from a host tree). Volatile organic compounds can enter into the trunks and other tissues of trees through their root systems. An analysis of the tree core can thus serve as an indicator of the subsurface contamination. Four areas of interest were chosen at the experimental site with CE groundwater contamination and observed fluctuations in groundwater concentrations. CE concentrations in groundwater and tree cores were observed for a 1-year period. The aim was to determine how the CE concentrations in obtained tree core samples correlate with the level of contamination of groundwater. Other factors which can affect the transfer of contaminants from groundwater to wood were also monitored and evaluated (e.g., tree species and age, level of groundwater table, river flow in the nearby Plou?nice River, seasonal effects, and the effect of the remediation technology operation). Factors that may affect the concentration of CE in wood were identified. The groundwater table level, tree species, and the intensity of transpiration appeared to be the main factors within the framework of the experiment. Obtained values documented that the results of tree core analyses can be used to indicate the presence of CE in the subsurface. The results may also be helpful to identify the best sampling period for tree coring and to learn about the time it takes until tree core concentrations react to changes in groundwater conditions. Interval sampling of tree cores revealed possible preservation of the contaminant in the wood of trees.  相似文献   

To determine the source of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N) in runoff, approx. 35kg N enriched with the stable isotope (15)N (2110 per thousand delta(15)N) was added to a mature coniferous forested catchment for one whole year. The total N input was approx. 50kg ha(-1) year(-1). The enrichment study was part of a long-term whole-catchment ammonium nitrate addition experiment at G?rdsj?n, Sweden. The (15)N concentrations in precipitation, throughfall, runoff and upper forest floor were measured prior to, during, and 3-9years following the (15)N addition. During the year of the (15)N addition the delta(15)N level in runoff largely reflected the level in incoming N, indicating that the leached NO(3)(-) came predominantly from precipitation. Only 1.1% of the incoming N was lost during the year of the tracer addition. The cumulative loss of tracer N over a 10-year period was only 3.9% as DIN and 1.1% as DON.  相似文献   

Beginning in 1991, we have added nitrogen (N) to the 0.5-ha, N-poor, coniferous-forested catchment G2 NITREX at G?rdsj?n, Sweden, to investigate the consequences of chronic elevated N deposition. We have added 40 kg N ha-1 yr-1 in fortnightly doses of NH4NO3 to the ambient 15 kg N ha-1 yr-1 by means of a sprinkling system. NO3 concentrations in runoff increased during 13 years from<1 to 70 microeq L-1, and in 2004 comprised about 10% of N input. Inhibition of NO3 immobilisation due to increased availability of NH4 might explain the increased leaching of NO3. C and N pools in the forest floor increased but C/N ratio has not changed. The increase in NO3 leaching thus occurred independently of change in C/N ratio. The results from G?rdsj?n demonstrate that increased leaching of inorganic N and decrease in C/N ratio respond to increased N deposition at greatly different time scales.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Exposure to metal pollution can be caused from inhalation, ingestion, or absorption from air, water, or food. Chronic exposure to trace amounts of...  相似文献   

The computer model Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST) was used to study the stack emissions from a refuse Incinerator proposed for the island of Bermuda. The model predicts that the highest ground level pollutant concentrations will occur near Prospect, 800 m to 1000 m due south of the stack. We installed a portable laboratory and instruments at Prospect to begin making air quality baseline measurements. By comparing the model’s estimates of the incinerator contribution to the background levels measured at the site we predict that stack emissions will not cause an Increase In TSP or SO2. The incinerator will be a significant source of HCI to Bermuda air with ambient levels approaching air quality guidelines.  相似文献   

A gas standard mixture containing 22 chlorinated hydrocarbons in high purity nitrogen was prepared using a two-step weighing method and a gasifying apparatus developed in-house. The concentration of each component was determined using a gas chromatograph with flame ionization detection (GC/FID). Linear regression analysis of every component was performed using the gas standard mixture with concentrations ranging from 1 to 10 μmol/mol, showing the complete gasification of volatile organic compound (VOCs) species in a selected cylinder. Repeatability was also examined to ensure the reliability of the preparation method. In addition, no significant difference was observed between domestic treated and imported treated cylinders, which were conducive to reduction of the cost of raw materials. Moreover, the results of stability testing at different pressures and long-term stability tests indicated that the gas standard at 1 μmol/mol level with relative expanded uncertainties of 5% was stable above 2 MPa for a minimum of 12 months. Finally, a quantity comparison was conducted between the gas standard and a commercial gas standard from Scott Specialty Gases (now Air Liquide America Specialty Gases). The excellent agreement of every species suggested the favorable accuracy of our gas standard. Therefore, this reference material can be applied to routine observation of VOCs and for other purposes.  相似文献   

Researchers of adaptive capacity and sustainable livelihoods have frequently used social, cultural, human, economic and institutional capitals to better understand how rural and resource-dependent communities address environmental, social and economic stresses. Yet few studies have considered how men and women contribute differently to these capitals to support community resilience overall. Our research sought to understand the differential contributions of Sami men and women to the adaptive capacity of reindeer husbandry and reindeer herding communities in northern Sweden. Our focus revealed a gendered division of labour in reindeer herding as an economic enterprise as well as gendered contributions to a broader conceptualization of reindeer husbandry as a family and community-based practice, and as a livelihood and cultural tradition. Based on our results, we recommend that community resilience be enhanced by generating more opportunities for men to achieve higher levels of human and economic capital (particularly outside of herding activities) and encouraging women to contribute more directly to institutional capital by participating in the formation and implementation of legislation, policies and plans.  相似文献   

We explored how hepatic [metal]s in Anguilla anguilla at a contaminated estuarine site are influenced by body size, age and season, and the extent that [Cu], [Cd] and [Zn]s are reflected in [metallothionein (MT)]s. Although each [metal] and [MT] increased significantly with length, weight and age, those biotic variables explained <10% of the variation in each [metal] and only 11-16% for [MT]. Seasonal changes in [Cu] and [Cd] were paralleled by [MT]. The variation in [MT] explained by Cu (42%) was greater than by Zn (16%) and Cd (13%), and seasonally lay between 43 and 69% for those metals collectively. Thus, hepatic [MT] in eels is closely correlated with hepatic [heavy metal]s. However, the great variability among [MT]s for eels of similar sizes and ages, which reflects marked variability in hepatic [heavy metal]s, means that this variable reflects imprecisely the contamination level at a particular site.  相似文献   

Aerosol samples were collected from Northwest China desert region (Minqin), coastal suburb (Qingdao) and interior of the Yellow Sea (Qianliyan) in spring and summer of 1995 and 1996. Samples were analysed for major components, carbon and sulphur. The results show that concentrations of aerosols change considerably in time and space. The crustal materials carried by cold front system increase notably the aerosol concentration (mass/unit vol.) over the Yellow Sea but reduce the percentage contribution of pollutants and sea-salt. The sea-salt and regional aerosols become dominant fractions in coastal atmosphere in summer when the dust storms are expired in source region and the Southeast monsoon starts in the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted at the Asp? Hard Rock Laboratory in order to improve the understanding of radionuclide retention properties of fractured crystalline bedrock in the 10-100 m scale (TRUE Block Scale Project, jointly funded by ANDRA, ENRESA, Nirex, JNC, Posiva and SKB). A series of tracer experiments were performed using sorbing tracers in three different flow paths. The different flow paths had Euclidian lengths of 14, 17 and 33 m, respectively, and one to three water conducting structures. Four tests were performed using different cocktails made up of radioactive sorbing tracers (22,24Na+, 42K+, 47Ca2+, 85Sr2+, 83,86Rb+, 131,133Ba2+ and 134,137Cs+). For each tracer injection, the breakthrough of sorbing tracers was compared to the breakthrough of a conservative tracer, 82Br-, 131I-, HTO and 186ReO4-, respectively. In the two longer flow paths, no breakthrough of 83Rb+ and 137Cs+ was observed after 8 months of pumping. Selected tracer tests were subject to basic modelling in which a one-dimensional (1D) advection-dispersion model, including surface sorption, and an unlimited matrix diffusion were used for the interpretation of the results. The results of the modelling indicated that there is a slightly higher mass transfer into a highly porous material in the block-scale experiment compared with in situ experiments performed over shorter distances and significantly higher than what would have been expected from laboratory data obtained from studies of the interactions in nonaltered intact rock.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to assess the contamination level of potentially harmful elements (PHEs) in industrial soils and how this relates to environmental magnetism. Moreover, emphasis was given to the determination of the potential mobile fractions of typically “technogenic” metals. Therefore, magnetic and geochemical parameters were determined in topsoils (0–20 cm) collected around a chemical industry in Sindos Industrial Area, Thessaloniki, Greece. Soil samples were presented significantly enriched in “technogenic” metals such Cd, Pb, and Zn, while cases of severe soil contamination were observed in sampling sites north-west of the industrial unit. Contents of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Mo, Sb, Sn, and Zn in soils and pollution load index (PLI) were highly correlated with mass specific magnetic susceptibility (χ lf). Similarly, enrichment factor (EF) and geoaccumulation index (I geo) for “technogenic” Pb and Zn exhibited high positive correlation factors with χ lf. Principal component analysis (PCA) classified PHEs along with the magnetic variable (χ lf) into a common group indicating anthropogenic influence. The water extractable concentrations were substantially low, while the descending order of UBM (Unified BARGE Method) extractable concentrations in the gastric phase was Zn > Pb > As > Cd, yet Cd showed the highest bioaccessibility (almost 95%).


During investigations of the formation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in leaves, we observed C5 VOCs during leaf drying, senescence, and following freeze–thaw damage. VOCs were quantified by proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS). In freeze-damaged leaves, VOC products were verified with a gas chromatography PTR-MS system, showing that a variety of plants produced 1-penten-3-ol and 1-penten-3-one with smaller amounts of 2(Z)-penten-1-ol and pentenals; similar VOCs have been detected in soybean seed homogenates (Gardner et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. 44 (1996) 882). Most plants wounded in this way also released hexenals and hexanal, and clover also released methylbutanals. The formation of the C5 products was oxygen–dependent, consistent with the involvement of the enzyme lipoxygenase, and pentenone appeared to form independent of an alcohol dehydrogenase reaction; the latter is apparently disrupted by the freeze–thaw treatment. In parallel with these laboratory experiments, on-line PTR-MS measurements of ambient air were conducted at the Sonnblick Observatory in the Austrian Alps (3106 m a.s.l.). Following a hard freeze in central Austria, substantial amounts of C5 VOCs, ranging from 300 pptv to 6 ppbv and including 1-penten-3-ol, methylbutanals and probably pentenone, were detected at this site for several days peaking after midnight. Factor analysis supported their biogenic origin. We speculate that these VOCs were derived from freeze-damaged local vegetation by processes similar to those seen in laboratory freezing studies. If confirmed, these results suggest that leaf-freezing events in forests will give rise to the release of substantial levels of reactive C5 and C6 VOCs that can contribute to regional tropospheric chemistry.  相似文献   

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