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河南省环境监测中心站利用空气移动监测车仪器对辖区内4家公司空气自动站的仪器进行比对,得出了空气移动监测车仪器与空气自动站仪器的SO2、NO2相对误差分别为:4.4%、-8.7%,仪器之间重复性和一致性均较好,由相关性检验得出,空气移动监测车仪器与4家公司空气自动站仪器比对数据相关性显著,为利用空气移动监测车仪器对空气自动站仪器进行质量控制和质量保证提供了借鉴意义。  相似文献   

邢梦林  张军  郑瑶  石国庆 《环境科学与管理》2007,32(11):129-131,134
文章根据河南省环境监测中心站2006年对全省18个城市空气质量空气自动监测系统的巡检,介绍了河南省空气自动监测系统的运行现状以及存在的问题,由于河南省空气自动监测仪器运行时间普遍较长,部分仪器老化严重,已影响了空气自动监测系统的正常运行,建议各省辖市加强仪器能力建设、人员培训、保证运行经费,为空气自动监测创造一个良好的运行环境.  相似文献   

通过该系统获得的自动、连续、实时监测数据可以及时反映所监测海域水质的动态变化情况,根据近年厦门海水营养盐在线分析仪数据质量控制试验所取得的结果,对海水营养盐自动监测系统数据的质控方法提出一些观点和看法。通过对质控结果分析认为,试验仪器所获得的亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐数据真实可靠,磷酸盐数据存在一些问题,有待通过仪器改进进一步提高灵敏度和准确度。  相似文献   

强震监测是大坝安全监测的重要内容之一,强震监测成果对大坝的安全性和稳定性分析有重要作用。本文根据水电站枢纽工程实际对深溪沟水库大坝强震监测系统设计开展研究,并对仪器的性能指标和数据采集处理分析软件进行了全面阐述。通过深溪沟水电站建设大坝强震监测系统的运行实践,大坝强震监测系统可以在地震发生后短时间内自动获取强震动加速度记录,储存地震波数据,并显示大坝坝体各测点的地震反应过程。强震监测结果进一步验证了设计烈度,为判定震后大坝安全性提供了支持。  相似文献   

我国PM2.5监测网络布局与监测方法体系构建策略分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对国内外PM2.5监测网络布局现状的分析和比较,认为我国"十二五"规划的PM2.5监测网络在点位数目和网络布局上基本能够反映我国PM2.5污染状况。为进一步反映PM2.5的污染特征和来源,今后应逐步增加污染监控点位、道路交通点位的设置,并在质量浓度监测的基础上,逐步开展PM2.5主要组分监测。在监测方法选择上,β射线法联用动态加热系统(DHS)PM2.5自动监测仪器和振荡天平法联用膜动态测量系统(FDMS)PM2.5自动监测仪器均能够满足监测工作的需要,综合考虑两种类型仪器的性能指标和运行成本,β射线法联用动态加热系统(DHS)PM2.5自动监测仪器操作相对简单,运行维护成本相对较低,更适合在我国环境空气监测网络内推广和普及。  相似文献   

电极法溶解氧监测仪,具有在线自动监测的优点,在水质自动监测中得到了广泛的应用。电极法测定的影响因素主要有温度、大气压、含盐量和样品流速等。本文从溶解氧测定原理以及仪器本身原因入手,对影响因素进行分析总结,并且提出了日常维护方法。  相似文献   

空气自动监测系统的管理维护及故障排除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以乌兰察布市环境空气自动监测系统仪器运行情况为例,总结了空气自动监测系统仪器使用维护及故障排除的一些经验,提出科学管理空气自动监测系统及建立档案的方法。  相似文献   

该仪器的研制成功,解决了用目测法与林格曼浓度等级,烟气黑度等级标准误差较大,用先进的遥感技术监测烟度等级存在着不能连续24小时的自动监测存在的技术问题与不足之处。 YCZJ型烟度自动监测仪是一种昼夜连续自动监测锅炉排放烟气黑度的现代化仪器。它具有自动采样、自动显示、自动存贮、自动运算等功能。该仪器整机采用微型单片计算机(亦称微控制器)进行控制,对实测和运算值进行  相似文献   

某型军用电源车高低温环境试验方法探讨   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
为科学合理地考核某型军用电源车在高低温环境下的性能指标,需要综合考虑该电源车的结构特点,参照不同的试验标准提出试验内容和方法。分析了不同标准在进行实验室高低温环境试验时试验内容的差别,通过对某型军用电源车主要战技指标分析,依据研制总要求,对试验内容进行合理剪裁,对试验顺序进行了适当调整,提出了针对某型军用电源车的试验内容和方法。  相似文献   

在我们的日常生活与工作环境中,环境空气自动监测中质量保证与质量控制是十分重要的技术工作和管理工作,包括人员素质、运行和管理机制、标准传递、监测仪器设备的校准、空气质量自动监测仪器的性能审核等。在实际工作中,监测人员可根据仪器的运行状况,定期对仪器进行校准标准物质的传递比对实验验证等用以检查仪器的零度漂移和标准漂移等情况,以确保上报数据的准备性精密性和可比性。本文从环境空气质量自动监测的定义及组成出发,分析了环境空气质量的控制措施,对环境空气自动监测质量控制的管理保证进行了阐述。  相似文献   

人类为了满足生活和生产的需求,对森林资源的过度索取,已造成森林植被的毁坏及生态系统的自动调节能力的破坏,引起了生态失调甚至造成生态系统崩溃.森林植被破坏对人类社会发展造成了气候异常、温室效应等恶果.为此提倡中国的森林植被保护与可持续发展要从法制和管理方面入手,达到改善生态环境和森林资源持续发展及利用的目的.  相似文献   

论我国用汞总量的削减   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
分析比较了我国的用汞数量、世界汞的产量及用量的统计数据,从汞本身的污染危害性,我国用汞和污染现状及发展趋势,以及应对全球限汞、禁汞趋势等方面论述了我国用汞总量亟待削减和削减的可行性。并以体温计行业为例,提出了我国削减用汞总量的具体建议:控制生产规模,慎批新建涉汞加工利用的生产项目,并逐渐淘汰生产规模过小的企业;充分运用法律和行政管理手段,逐渐提升对涉汞企业的要求,将最低环保门槛与择优审批相结合;严格限制某些含汞产品的销售和使用;大力推广替代产品和技术;组织对废弃产品中的汞进行集中回收和处置;修订和制订相关涉汞标准;制订我国涉汞行业的用汞削减规划和相应的产业调整计划,逐步限汞,最终禁汞。   相似文献   

There is a critical need to collectively understand, to develop adaptation options to enhance the benefits, and to reduce the social and economic vulnerabilities induced by climate variability and change. This paper uses key questions to help build a framework for adaptation by first organizing the questions into adaptation science, management and option components, including their respective sub-categories. The process of adaptation depends on many factors, including who or what adapts, what they adapt to, how they adapt and what and how resources are used. This conceptual model is designed to organize concepts regarding adaptation, to help stimulate ideas, and to explore the linkages among parts of the adaptation cycle. Predictive models need to be developed to determine the outcomes of planned adaptation strategies. For the best and most realistic evaluation of climate problems, adaptation and impacts should be considered together. This joint approach improves the assessment of the significance and dangers of the current and future climate, as well as the determination of solutions (e.g., how to prepare for a changing climate) and their priorities. Challenges of adaptive management are discussed in terms of a framework with linkages to adaptation science and options. Adaptation research and applications work continue to build on the foundation of science and management frameworks to address the risks and uncertainties in the decision-making process and to identify adaptation options.  相似文献   

空气污染对户外体育运动人群的身体健康有显著的影响,空气中的污染物质比如固体颗粒物、硫化氢、一氧化碳、臭氧、粉尘和酸雾、气溶胶等都会对人体产生巨大的危害,导致各种呼吸系统以及肺功能疾病,甚至引发癌症,为了保护户外体育运动人群的健康,研究空气环境污染的成分以及来源,分析空气环境污染的防治措施等。具体分析空气污染物质对户外体育运动人群的危害性因素,并采取针对性的措施预防空气污染对人体带来的损害,确保体育运动人群的身体健康。  相似文献   

Climate change potentially brings continuous and unpredictable changes in weather patterns. Consequently, it calls for institutions that promote the adaptive capacity of society and allow society to modify its institutions at a rate commensurate with the rate of environmental change. Institutions, traditionally conservative and reactive, will now have to support social actors to proactively respond through planned processes and deliberate steps, but also through cherishing and encouraging spontaneous and autonomous change, as well as allowing for institutional redesign. This paper addresses the question: How can the inherent characteristics of institutions to stimulate the capacity of society to adapt to climate change from local through to national level be assessed? On the basis of a literature review and several brainstorm sessions, this paper presents six dimensions: Variety, learning capacity, room for autonomous change, leadership, availability of resources and fair governance. These dimensions and their 22 criteria form the Adaptive Capacity Wheel. This wheel can help academics and social actors to assess if institutions stimulate the adaptive capacity of society to respond to climate change; and to focus on whether and how institutions need to be redesigned. This paper also briefly demonstrates the application of this Adaptive Capacity Wheel to different institutions.  相似文献   

N和P对东海中北部浮游植物的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
调查海域浮游植物种类丰富,海水富营养化趋势明显.采用通径方法分析2001~2003年春夏季数据,在众多环境因子中,N、P含量及其组成与浮游植物关系最为密切,是影响浮游植物的数量和种类组成变化的首要因子.硅藻和甲藻对各种N的利用能力不同,是硅藻在调查海域占据绝对优势的重要原因;在同一季节中,硅藻和甲藻利用不同层次的氮盐,减少了两者间的竞争压力.高NO3-N/TIP对某些种类具有抑制作用,对甲藻而言,这种抑制作用更为明显.NO3-N/TIP在10~20、NH4-N/TIP或NO2-N/TIP小于1时,浮游植物的多样性最为丰富.NO2-N/TIP对硅藻的种类数变化几乎没有影响,而与甲藻的种类数成正相关.  相似文献   

There have been many calls in policy and academia for more inclusiveness in science-policy interfaces, but there is as yet insufficient clarity as to what such inclusiveness means and how to achieve it in the context of international organisations. This paper analyses how inclusive the IPCC is across geographies and stakeholders. Building on the distinction between access and active participation, it examines the involvement of developing countries and NGOs in the Panel’s assessment process.The analysis shows that more inclusive institutional set-ups in international science-policy organisations do not automatically lead to greater credibility, salience and legitimacy of knowledge production processes (Mitchell et al., 2006). For instance, inclusive access does not per se guarantee active participation as the latter depends on a variety of factors including resources and the capacity of actors to engage. Furthermore, in institutional contexts the idea of inclusiveness is necessarily subject to operational interpretations. How these interpretations relate to the representativeness of those who participate in the process affects the relevance of knowledge to its users’ needs. Finally, there are political elements to inclusiveness as more powerful actors may be unwilling to renegotiate the balance of power to expand access to stakeholders.The paper concludes that these nuances should be taken into account in the IPCC and other international science-policy institutions. It also urges the Panel to address the developing country participation gap and explore institutional avenues for expanding access to non-state stakeholders in order to increase the credibility, salience and legitimacy of its processes and shift to solutions-oriented assessments.  相似文献   

环境污染事故具有时间上的突发性、形式不确定性、危害的严重性和处理处置的艰巨性.发生在河北省保定市境内的两起危及水环境安全的事故具有典型性和代表性.事故发生后通过采取一系列相应的应急措施,有效地控制了大规模的环境污染;如何防止和应对突发环境污染事故,维护环境安全,已成为环境保护工作的重大新课题.面对环境安全事故及跨流域、跨区域环境污染事故的频繁发生,应从排查污染隐患、建立完善的环境应急响应体系、加强环境应急基础设施建设等方面入手,减少事故的发生,减轻对环境的危害.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to adversely affect agricultural production in Africa. Because agricultural production remains the main source of income for most rural communities in the region, adaptation of the agricultural sector is imperative to protect the livelihoods of the poor and to ensure food security. A better understanding of farmers’ perceptions of climate change, ongoing adaptation measures, and the decision-making process is important to inform policies aimed at promoting successful adaptation strategies for the agricultural sector. Using data from a survey of 1800 farm households in South Africa and Ethiopia, this study presents the adaptation strategies used by farmers in both countries and analyzes the factors influencing the decision to adapt. We find that the most common adaptation strategies include: use of different crops or crop varieties, planting trees, soil conservation, changing planting dates, and irrigation. However, despite having perceived changes in temperature and rainfall, a large percentage of farmers did not make any adjustments to their farming practices. The main barriers to adaptation cited by farmers were lack of access to credit in South Africa and lack of access to land, information, and credit in Ethiopia. A probit model is used to examine the factors influencing farmers’ decision to adapt to perceived climate changes. Factors influencing farmers’ decision to adapt include wealth, and access to extension, credit, and climate information in Ethiopia; and wealth, government farm support, and access to fertile land and credit in South Africa. Using a pooled dataset, an analysis of the factors affecting the decision to adapt to perceived climate change across both countries reveals that farmers were more likely to adapt if they had access to extension, credit, and land. Food aid, extension services, and information on climate change were found to facilitate adaptation among the poorest farmers. We conclude that policy-makers must create an enabling environment to support adaptation by increasing access to information, credit and markets, and make a particular effort to reach small-scale subsistence farmers, with limited resources to confront climate change.  相似文献   

How conservation messages are framed will impact the success of our efforts to engage people in conservation action. This is highly relevant in the private land conservation (PLC) sector given the low participation rates of landholders. Using a case study of PLC schemes targeted at Australian landholders, we present the first systematic analysis of communication strategies used by organisations and government departments delivering those schemes to engage the public. We develop a novel approach for analysing the framing of conservation messages that codes the stated benefits of schemes according to value orientation. We categorised the benefits as flowing to either the landholder, to society, or to the environment, corresponding to the egoistic, altruistic and biospheric value orientations that have been shown to influence human behaviour. We find that messages are biased towards environmental benefits. Surprisingly, this is the case even for market-based schemes that have the explicit objective of appealing to production-focussed landholders and those who are not already involved in conservation. The risk is that PLC schemes framed in this way will fail to engage more egoistically oriented landholders and are only likely to appeal to those likely to already be conservation-minded. By understanding the frame in which PLC benefits are communicated, we can begin to understand the types of people who may be engaged by these messages, and who may not be. Results suggest that the framing of the communications for many schemes could be broadened to appeal to a more diverse group (and thus ultimately to a larger group) of landholders.  相似文献   

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