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电商的发展对传统商业产生了巨大影响,而网络评价为研究城市商业发展提供了新的视野。以北京市为案例,采用文本挖掘方法对城市商圈进行识别,并选取典型商业综合体,对其近十几年的网络点评数据进行挖掘,系统剖析消费者对北京市商业综合体的认知和情感体验,以掌握消费者的消费偏好,探讨新消费时代城市商业发展趋势。结果表明:本地消费者更关注商品社会属性和消费体验,非本地消费者更关注商品物质属性;从核心功能和特征定位的角度可将商业综合体归为5种类型;近年来消费者关于商品认知受电商发展和网络评价影响产生了较大变化。  相似文献   

废品回收是城市不可缺少的一部分,它不仅让我们的城市清洁,最大的功能是将一切可回收的再生资源回收再利用,直接减少现代社会对原生资源的开采和使用,大大减少了环境污染和对生态的破坏。上世纪80年代以来,中国迈入市场经济,废品回收也慢慢成为一个市场导向的买卖行为,它连接着上游的社区回收人和下游的再生资源利用者。废品回收是一个很长的链条,甚至是挑起我们经济命脉和日常生活所需的前沿工作。  相似文献   

我国将生活垃圾分类收集定位为重要民生工程和生态文明建设的工作内容,并对实施生活垃圾强制分类的示范城市明确提出了"生活垃圾回收利用率"的绩效考核目标。由于城市生活垃圾处理和再生资源回收利用由不同职能部门负责管理,不同来源的生活垃圾回收利用统计数据未有效整合,目前还缺乏我国城市生活垃圾回收利用率指标测算的相关研究。本文界定了"生活垃圾回收利用率"的科学内涵,并以城市建设、再生资源利用等统计资料和物质流分析文献为基础,初步测算了全国尺度的城市生活垃圾回收利用率。研究表明,我国2006—2015年的城市生活垃圾回收利用率从12.1%上升至17.0%,然后又缓慢下降至15.6%,由于数据缺乏,该数值可能在-28%~+32%波动。生活垃圾中回收利用量较大的可再生资源分别为废纸、废塑料、废钢铁、废玻璃等。本文还分析了目前测算生活垃圾回收利用率的数据不确定性和局限性,提出了面向生活垃圾分类管理实际评价的统计数据收集对策。  相似文献   

<正>上海市普陀区真如文英中心小学将整个社会正在大力宣传并推进的"垃圾分类回收"工作具象化,让学生看得见、摸得着、真实践、真体验,真正达到活动育人的目的。学校教育是社会发展的缩影,上海市普陀区真如文英中心小学以"垃圾减量让校园更美丽"为切入口,以校园为研究对象,将整个社会正在大力宣传并推进的"垃圾分类回收"工作具象化,让学生看得见、摸得着、真实践、真体验,真正达到活动育人的目的。  相似文献   

生态城市指标体系的设计及应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王娟  陆雍森  汪毅 《四川环境》2004,23(6):7-11
本文在对国内外生态城市理论研究及实践的基础上根据对生态城市内涵的理解,提出生态城市指标体系设计的理论依据,以保证人类发展系统和自然生态系统的发展与和谐为出发点。提出了生态城市指标体系的框架,将生态城市的可持续性从两大系统加以体现。同时针对本套指标体系设计了二维评价体系.从可持续发展度和可持续发展协调度两个方面对生态城市的可持续发展状态进行评价。最后以常熟市为案例,对本套指标体系和评价方法体系的实用性作了验证和分析。  相似文献   

城市土地利用系统是一个典型的“生态-经济-社会”复合系统,对其可持续利用水平进行综合评价涉及到的指标多而复杂。从影响城市土地可持续利用的资源、社会、环境和经济等方面综合考虑,选取了耕地面积、粮食产量和年末总人口等15个相关指标,运用主成分分析方法,对南京市1995-2002年的土地利用状况进行综合评价。结果表明,用主成分分析方法对城市土地可持续利用水平进行综合评价,其评价结果与南京市的实际相符,具有一定的实用性和可操作性。  相似文献   

《国务院关于环境保护若干问题的决定》明确提出:到2000年,全国所有工业污染源达到国家或地方规定的标准;直辖市及省会城市、经济特区城市、沿海开放城市和重点旅游城市的环境空气及地面水环境,按功能区分别达到国家规定的有关质量标准”(简称双达标)。国家环保总局为落实国务院决定,多次召开专门会议,制定了(全国2000年工业污染源达标排放和环保重点城市环境功能区达标工作方案),将双达标工作列为各项工作的重中之重。日前,国家环保总局污染控制司乔致奇司长接受了本刊记者的采访,就双达标的有关问题做了解答。记者:乔司长,…  相似文献   

由于可回收土地,利用自身沼气焚烧,经全部尾气,城市垃圾地下定向焚烧系统是比常规填埋和焚烧在中国更为适宜的技术,而朝日住建的废物回收中心把全部城市垃圾采用分离技术将其回收为可出售物,与前者结合推广,可能是我国“固体废物法”公布后所希望的最终处置途径。  相似文献   

垃圾处理是城市面临的一个世界性难题.台北市的垃圾处理走在了世界的前列,上海世博会城市最佳实践区台北案例馆的"资源全回收、垃圾零掩埋,迈向城市的永续"的垃圾处理经验给参观者留下深刻印象.  相似文献   

生态现代化是实现经济发展与环境保护双赢的一种理念,其核心是以低碳技术创新来减少原材料投入和能源消耗,进而实现兼融现代化与环境保护的"有质量的"经济。该理念虽受到各国的普遍接受,但发达国家主张以市场为导向来刺激技术创新,发展中国家倡议以社会为导向来监管技术创新,导致出现"经济—技术相适应"与"社会—技术相适应"的两种生态现代化理念。通过梳理分析联合国关于低碳技术创新谈判进程的三个阶段,可以看出两种理念的对立严重掣肘了低碳技术创新谈判的进程。对此,中国等发展中国家可以凭借经济韧性优势以及国内国际双循环的发展新格局,借鉴发达国家将气候内外议题相互挂靠的方式来提升谈判话语权,以此作为两种生态现代化理念在未来低碳技术创新谈判中的双赢联结点。  相似文献   

The role of informal recycling in poverty alleviation and solid waste management in cities in developing countries has been receiving increased attention. This study explores the integration of the informal recycling sector with the Harare City Council's solid waste management system, focusing on the Pomona dumpsite. The extent of this integration was compared with interventions proposed in InteRa, a new way of evaluating the integration of informal recyclers with the waste management systems of cities in developing countries. Our results suggest that the Harare City Council, which had the vision of transforming itself into a world‐class city, failed to fully integrate the informal recycling sector. We suggest to policymakers that complete integration of the informal sector will not necessarily prevent cities from achieving such visions. Rather, addressing the neglected interventions may help in achieving their visions.  相似文献   

Inclusive recycling is the inspiring slogan of a project relying on a cross-sector (public–private–civil society) partnership implemented in Latin America with the objective to improve the socioeconomic conditions of recyclers. Through a qualitative study in Santiago de Chile, this paper seeks to understand how inclusive inclusive recycling is, by assessing how organised recyclers perceive the goals, the process, and the outcomes of this project. The main findings converge in observing a general low inclusion of recyclers, but they also enable to decompose the notion of inclusion into three dimensions: “inclusive goals” refers to the extent to which the goals of the recyclers are taken into account when designing the collaboration project; “inclusive process” refers to the extent to which recyclers are involved in the process of implementing the project; and “inclusive outcomes” refers to the capacity of the partnership to acknowledge the achievements of recyclers organisations before (and during) the project and to take into account the ongoing local dynamics when evaluating the project. These findings contribute to better understand the position and challenges of recyclers in this type of partnership and more generally to shed light on the potential power imbalance in waste management cross-sector partnerships.  相似文献   

Advanced recycling fees (ARFs) and government subsidy fees are important for curtailing the consumption of new products and encouraging recycling and disposal of end-of-life (EOL) products. We introduce a model consisting of a leader (the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA) and two groups of followers (MIS firms and recyclers) consisting of manufacturers, importers and sellers, and recyclers which compete in both consuming and recycling markets. The EPA determines the ARFs paid by the MIS firms and the fees subsidizing recyclers to maximize the social welfare in closed-loop supply chains where the MIS firms and recyclers attempt to maximize their respective profit functions. To compare with current practice, we describe a conceptual fund balance model to determine the ARF and subsidy fee on the basis of the balance between total collected ARFs and expenditure of subsidies. Using numerical examples for the laptop computer market in Taiwan, we demonstrate that our results outperform the current practice.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that recycling researchers should pay attention to both attitudes towards recycling and the processes involved in recycling (recyclers' phenomenal experiences and organizing strategies). As predicted by Sansone and colleagues' model of how people induce themselves to engage in necessary but boring tasks, people who had reasons to persist at recycling (that is, who held strong prorecycling attitudes or had a social orientation towards recycling) were more likely to redefine recycling so as to emphasize its pleasures or the sense of satisfaction they gained from contributing to the environment. These people were also more likely to have developed a way of organizing recycling in their homes, to report few interferences with recycling, and—most important—to recycle on both short- and long-term bases. In accord with the model, people who became better recyclers by Time 2 had had stronger prorecycling attitudes at Time 1 than people who remained poor recyclers. Our results are consistent with the view that people who make a valued but uninteresting task more phenomenally interesting and more manageable are more likely to continue at the task. Sansone and colleagues' model provides a useful way to look at recycling and also suggests a new way that attitudes may be linked to behavior—via cognitive transformation of behavior.  相似文献   

What is considered garbage embodies a recoverable economic value, and environmental cost if not recycled. Throughout the world, the often marginalised and impoverished population earns a living through informal recycling. This is also true for Victoria, British Columbia, one of the most affluent cities in Canada. This paper discusses results of a participatory socio-economic survey involving informal recyclers in Victoria, BC to determine their livelihood determinants. The findings reveal that “binning” is an important survival strategy to generate income. A new waste-management model that considers the social and environmental context is needed. Inclusive public policies can respond to the livelihood concerns outlined in this paper by facilitating access to recyclable materials, devising occupational safety improvements and educating about alternative strategies for resource recovery. This model can contribute to the overall sustainability of the community by reducing the waste of resources and people, empowering marginalised populations and reducing the environmental impacts of natural resource use and waste disposal.  相似文献   

Primarily due to environmental concerns and legislative mandates, the disposition of end-of-life (EOL) electronics products has attracted much attention. Advanced recycling fees (ARFs) and government subsidies may play important roles in encouraging or curtailing the flows of recycled items. We present a Stackelberg-type model to determine ARFs and socially optimal subsidy fees in decentralized reverse supply chains where each entity independently acts according to its own interests. The model consists of one leader (the government) and two followers (a group of manufacturers, importers, and sellers (MISs) and a group of recyclers). To maximize social welfare, the government determines the ARFs paid by MIS and the subsidy fees for recyclers when MIS sells new products and recyclers process EOL products. We find that MIS and recyclers behave at the equilibrium status by choosing optimal selling quantity in the market and optimal reward money for customers bringing EOL products to recyclers. Under this approach the two fees achieve the maximum of social welfare at the equilibrium status, while both MIS and recyclers gain the maximum of profits. For comparative purposes, we also develop a conceptual model describing the current practice by which ARFs and the subsidy fees are determined on the basis of fund balance between revenues and costs along with recycling operations. We conclude that our results outperform current practice.  相似文献   

This paper describes a methodology for modelling light pollution using geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) technology. The proposed approach attempts to address the issue of environmental assessment in sensitive suburban areas. The modern way of life in developing countries is conductive to environmental degradation in urban and suburban areas. One specific parameter for this degradation is light pollution due to intense artificial night lighting. This paper aims to assess this parameter for the Athens metropolitan area, using modern analytical and data capturing technologies. For this purpose, night-time satellite images and analogue maps have been used in order to create the spatial database of the GIS for the study area. Using GIS advanced analytical functionality, visibility analysis was implemented. The outputs for this analysis are a series of maps reflecting direct and indirect light pollution around the city of Athens. Direct light pollution corresponds to optical contact with artificial night light sources, while indirect light pollution corresponds to optical contact with the sky glow above the city. Additionally, the assessment of light pollution in different periods allows for dynamic evaluation of the phenomenon. The case study demonstrates high levels of light pollution in Athens suburban areas and its increase over the last decade.  相似文献   

Higher economic growth in developing countries has caused higher amounts of wastes. Local government authorities in these countries usually fail to provide adequate services to dispose the increasing amounts of waste, resulting in threats for both the population and environment health. There is therefore an urgent need for recycling as a form of waste management in order to stop the devastating effects of solid waste in developing countries. Using a qualitative method of analysis, this study presents a model to measure and rank the sustainability of recycling programs in India and Tanzania. The model consists of six main constructs including “production, economic, governmental, social, technological, and international factors”. The results showed that India outperforms Tanzania in sustainable recycling programs: per capita waste generated per day in Delhi is higher than in Dar es Salaam; the government of India focuses more on developing recycling plans and techniques as compared to the government of Tanzania where the country is not actively involved in the recycling process; and the solid waste management planning in India is being performed better than Tanzania.  相似文献   

The paper considers the participation of households in recycling programmes in areas of multi-storey, low income housing which are often considered unattractivefor such programmes.A model of the material recycled is presented together with a review of socio-economic, housing, technological, policy and other factors influencing household recycling. This is followed by a case study of two areas in the city of Edinburgh. Results suggest that the level of recycling is influenced by collection methods, for all materials except glass, with half of the recyclers starting as a result of the introduction of kerbside collection. Housing characteristics such as the storey-level in buildings without lifts , household size and access to cars all influenced recycling participation rates. Housing tenure was not found to be significant. This suggests that well designed kerbside collection programmescan have a significant impact in areas with high levels of multi-storey dwellings, low income and public housing.  相似文献   

/ Surveys focusing on solid-waste-related issues, conducted over a period of several years, provided data from independent samples of residents of a Midwestern, USA, community. The collection of these data yielded useful information about the relationship between residents' recycling motives and their attitudes toward solid waste management in light of several changes in the solid waste infrastructure of the community over that time. The initial survey assessed baseline beliefs and attitudes, while later surveys were conducted after the implementation of a community educational program and a curbside recycling program. The findings indicated that for recyclers and nonrecyclers, different motives predicted endorsement of solid waste programs and policies. Although a similar percentage of recyclers and nonrecyclers were in support of various proposed programs and policies, concern for the environment was found to be positively related to nonrecyclers' support of proposed programs, particularly before these programs were implemented. Prior to program implementation, motives other than environmental altruism were found to be related to recyclers' support of the programs. Additional findings support the idea that educational programs and increased accessibility to recycling opportunities affect the relationship between people's attitudes toward solid waste management and their recycling motives.  相似文献   

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