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灰色关联分析用于城市污水处理场选址决策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文把灰色系统理论的关联分析用于城市污水自然处理场的选址决策中,通过应用实例计算得到了令人满意的结果。  相似文献   

巴东县城市垃圾处理场空气环境质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对恩施巴东县垃圾处理场拟建场址区域的空气采样及监测分析 ,得出拟建工程所在区域空气环境质量达到空气质量二级标准 ;在对拟建的巴东垃圾处理场空气污染物源强计算的基础上 ,对其主要污染因子 (如H2 S、NH3等 )进行空气污染预测分析 ,得出在离场 30 0m以远基本不受巴东垃圾处理场的空气污染物影响的结论 ;同时 ,提出了空气污染防治对策。  相似文献   

城市垃圾中转站选址研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
城市垃圾中转站的合理布局可以节省大量垃圾转运成本。对垃圾中转站选址的限制因素、选址理论、选址模型及其算法等几个方面进行了详细的分析和探讨。垃圾中转站选址的限制因素有:选址要符合城市建设总体的规划,具有良好的自然地理与地址条件,满足转运量的要求,具有较好的外部条件,应当满足社会和法律的要求。垃圾中转站的选址理论发展,首先是单准则的问题的研究,然后发展到研究多准则影响下的选址问题。关键是垃圾中转站选址模型及其算法的研究。选址布局直接关系到垃圾清运的费用。  相似文献   

矿产资源在开发中会牵涉到多个利益相关者,从自身利益最大化考虑,不同的利益相关者就会有不同的利益分配诉求,因此,矿产资源开发中合理分配各方的利益,是矿区和谐、减少矿区冲突必须先解决的重要问题。文章通过引入合作博弈理论,提出基于Shapley值的矿产资源开发中企业、政府和社区居民三者之间的利益分配方法,以此为依据进一步引入风险承担和投资额大小两种因素对Shapley值行进修正,建立一种更完善的矿产资源开发利益分配方式,有效解决矿区利益分配矛盾,实现多方共赢,共建和谐矿区。  相似文献   

吉林省有垃圾处理场52座,其中垃圾填埋场所51座,垃圾焚烧设施1座。全省垃圾处理场垃圾实际处理量为555.58万t。针对全省垃圾处理场垃圾及垃圾渗滤液中污染物处理情况,采取必要的污染防治措施。  相似文献   

以武汉市城市地质调查为基础,依据垃圾填埋场选址的基本原则及其造成的环境影响的基本特点,采用层次分析法和模糊评价法建立了垃圾填埋场适宜性指标体系,并确定了各因子权重,进而基于GIS与RS平台对地形、水位埋深等因子的多源数据进行集成和信息提取,并运用GIS空间分析功能将武汉市按垃圾填埋场选址适宜性划分为适宜、较适宜、适宜性较差和不适宜区。该研究成果可为未来武汉垃圾填埋场的选址提供科学的决策依据。  相似文献   

文章以安徽省农村水污染及其治理现状为例,在对有关数据进行整合的基础上,通过探讨水污染治理与利益相关者的内在关联,分析各相关者在水污染治理中的诉求、行为与问题,以期运用利益相关者理论使水污染问题得到一定程度的解决。  相似文献   

结合重心法和层次分析法研究垃圾转运站选址   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将重心法和层次分析法结合起来研究农村生活垃圾转运站选址问题,首先分析农村生活垃圾产生量及分布,采用重心法对转运站进行初始选址,得出备选地址,然后运用层次分析法对备选地址进行筛选,得到最佳选址方案。与传统选址方法相比,该方法不仅考虑了费用,还综合考虑了影响选址的环境效益、基础条件、法律法规等因素,因此得到的结果更贴近实际。将该方法应用于南方某农村,得到了满意的选址方案。  相似文献   

旅游业对旅游环境的影响日益显著,保护旅游环境对实现旅游业的可持续发展至关重要。借助利益相关者理论,分析武当山景区旅游管理者、旅游经营者、原住民和游客之间的关系对旅游环境(包含社会环境、经济环境和自然环境)的影响,并提出旅游环境保护的措施,强调在保护武当山景区的旅游环境中,各利益相关者应明确自己的角色,并主动承担相应的责任。  相似文献   

中国环境管理过程中存在的问题主要有科学研究停留在水环境管理的认识层面,对于影响利益相关者参与效果的因素以及如何使利益相关者参与到流域水环境管理中来的研究存在不足.为了促进利益相关者参与流域水环境管理,政府应发挥主导作用,完善公众参机制和参与评价机制,通过整合各自不同的视角,协调利益相关者之间的利益冲突,产生更多创造性的方案来提高环境管理的决策质量,同时加强管理措施的实施效果,最终实现利益最大化.  相似文献   

Food waste treatment plants (FWTPs) are usually associated with odorous nuisance and health risks, which are partially caused by volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. This study investigated the VOC emissions from a selected full-scale FWTP in China. The feedstock used in this plant was mainly collected from local restaurants. For a year, the FWTP was closely monitored on specific days in each season. Four major indoor treatment units of the plant, including the storage room, sorting/crushing room, hydrothermal hydrolysis unit, and aerobic fermentation unit, were chosen as the monitoring locations. The highest mean concentration of total VOC emissions was observed in the aerobic fermentation unit at 21,748.2-31,283.3 μg/m3, followed by the hydrothermal hydrolysis unit at 10,798.1-23,144.4 μg/m3. The detected VOC families included biogenic compounds (oxygenated compounds, hydrocarbons, terpenes, and organosulfur compounds) and abiogenic compounds (aromatic hydrocarbons and halocarbons). Oxygenated compounds, particularly alcohols, were the most abundant compounds in all samples. With the use of odor index analysis and principal components analysis, the hydrothermal hydrolysis and aerobic fermentation units were clearly distinguished from the pre-treatment units, as characterized by their higher contributions to odorous nuisance. Methanthiol was the dominant odorant in the hydrothermal hydrolysis unit, whereas aldehyde was the dominant odorant in the aerobic fermentation unit. Terpenes, specifically limonene, had the highest level of propylene equivalent concentration during the monitoring periods. This concentration can contribute to the increase in the atmospheric reactivity and ozone formation potential in the surrounding air.  相似文献   

Food waste treatment plants(FWTPs) are usually associated with odorous nuisance and health risks, which are partially caused by volatile organic compound(VOC) emissions. This study investigated the VOC emissions from a selected full-scale FWTP in China. The feedstock used in this plant was mainly collected from local restaurants. For a year, the FWTP was closely monitored on specific days in each season. Four major indoor treatment units of the plant, including the storage room, sorting/crushing room, hydrothermal hydrolysis unit, and aerobic fermentation unit, were chosen as the monitoring locations.The highest mean concentration of total VOC emissions was observed in the aerobic fermentation unit at 21,748.2–31,283.3 μg/m3, followed by the hydrothermal hydrolysis unit at 10,798.1–23,144.4 μg/m3. The detected VOC families included biogenic compounds(oxygenated compounds, hydrocarbons, terpenes, and organosulfur compounds) and abiogenic compounds(aromatic hydrocarbons and halocarbons). Oxygenated compounds,particularly alcohols, were the most abundant compounds in all samples. With the use of odor index analysis and principal components analysis, the hydrothermal hydrolysis and aerobic fermentation units were clearly distinguished from the pre-treatment units, as characterized by their higher contributions to odorous nuisance. Methanthiol was the dominant odorant in the hydrothermal hydrolysis unit, whereas aldehyde was the dominant odorant in the aerobic fermentation unit. Terpenes, specifically limonene, had the highest level of propylene equivalent concentration during the monitoring periods. This concentration can contribute to the increase in the atmospheric reactivity and ozone formation potential in the surrounding air.  相似文献   

针对目前我国大型工业污染场地调查和污染范围确定过程中的不确定性,以我国某焦化场地为研究对象,选择场地中的特征性污染物苯并(a)芘,分别采用反距离加权模型、Johnson数据正态变换后的普通克里格模型及数据拆分后的组合预测模型,参照北京市污染场地土壤筛选值标准,将大于规定标准0.4 mg·kg-1的区域界定为污染范围,系统阐述空间插值模型对污染范围界定结果的不确定性影响.结果显示,3种插值模型界定的污染范围分别占场地总面积的70.15%、44.78%和57.06%,数据拆分后的组合预测模型插值精度最高,插值结果能较真实地反映场地实际污染情况,通过创建的预测标准误差图显示,预测标准误差大的区域主要集中在污染场地中样点较为稀疏的右上位置和有高值点的中下部区域.本研究结果对分析污染范围界定结果的不确定性和修复治理范围的确定提供了重要参考.  相似文献   

目前餐厨垃圾处理处置项目存在投资及运行成本高等问题。本文针对规模小的餐厨垃圾处理项目,提出餐厨垃圾与当地生活垃圾焚烧项目协同处理的技术方案。该协同处理方案能够实现餐厨垃圾处理与生活垃圾焚烧项目的人员共享、设施共享、能源互通,且占地小、物流顺畅,大幅度降低了餐厨垃圾处理的投资和运行成本,是一种可行的适合于小规模餐厨垃圾处理项目的技术方案。  相似文献   

针对目前我国污染源监控数据缺乏深层次利用,监测数据对污染源不能有效预警的状况,以S市某污水处理厂为例,在全面分析2010年出水COD在线监测数据的变化规律的基础上,建立基于频次分析法的预警阈值确定方法,确定了污水处理厂排放不同警情的阈值范围.结果显示,污水处理厂全年出水浓度集中在40~60mg/L,16:00,20:00以及22:00排水COD较高,超标率大,应加强监控.污水厂正常、一般、不正常以及极不正常状态阈值范围分别可设为小于30%频次、20%频次、10%频次以及超过10%频次对应的浓度范围.对污水厂全年监测数据进行警情状态验证,结果显示全年正常、一般、不正常以及极不正常状态出现的比例分别为70.4%、9.9%、9.8%以及9.9%.  相似文献   

舒迪  熊晨  池涌 《环境科学学报》2016,36(7):2563-2570
以模拟厨余垃圾为对象,考察了水热过程中反应温度、反应时间及无机弱酸对腐殖质形成与转化的影响,总结了腐殖质的生成机理,并通过红外光谱分析进行了验证.实验表明,水热处理后厨余垃圾腐殖化程度明显增高,在205℃、50 min工况下厨余垃圾的腐殖质含量达到39.52%,腐殖化率(胡敏酸与富里酸比值)达到1.31,腐熟度很高.在一定范围内,反应时间和温度升高能提升水热腐殖化强度.加0.01%的硫酸水热处理过后的腐殖质含量比未加酸要略高,而腐殖化率增加更为明显,表明氢离子对水热过程的腐殖质的形成及腐殖化率的提高有一定的促进作用.结合红外光谱分析推测,腐殖质的形成主要来自于一些糖类降解产物的缩合反应,以及这些小分子降解产物同难降解有机物如木质素的聚合反应.  相似文献   

Food waste treatment plants (FWTPs) are usually associated with odorous nuisance and health risks, which are partially caused by volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. This study investigated the VOC emissions from a selected full-scale FWTP in China. The feedstock used in this plant was mainly collected from local restaurants. For a year, the FWTP was closely monitored on specific days in each season. Four major indoor treatment units of the plant, including the storage room, sorting/crushing room, hydrothermal hydrolysis unit, and aerobic fermentation unit, were chosen as the monitoring locations. The highest mean concentration of total VOC emissions was observed in the aerobic fermentation unit at 21,748.2–31,283.3 μg/m3, followed by the hydrothermal hydrolysis unit at 10,798.1–23,144.4 μg/m3. The detected VOC families included biogenic compounds (oxygenated compounds, hydrocarbons, terpenes, and organosulfur compounds) and abiogenic compounds (aromatic hydrocarbons and halocarbons). Oxygenated compounds, particularly alcohols, were the most abundant compounds in all samples. With the use of odor index analysis and principal components analysis, the hydrothermal hydrolysis and aerobic fermentation units were clearly distinguished from the pre-treatment units, as characterized by their higher contributions to odorous nuisance. Methanthiol was the dominant odorant in the hydrothermal hydrolysis unit, whereas aldehyde was the dominant odorant in the aerobic fermentation unit. Terpenes, specifically limonene, had the highest level of propylene equivalent concentration during the monitoring periods. This concentration can contribute to the increase in the atmospheric reactivity and ozone formation potential in the surrounding air.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,不锈钢酸洗废水处理技术成为了当前的一项重要技术参数。本文旨在分析当前不锈钢酸洗废水的相关处理技术,从多种技术综合的应用出发,围绕当前工业发展的实际需要,多角度的分析不锈钢酸洗废水的技术,实现整体技术的全面运用。  相似文献   

垃圾处理产业体系的构建应从实际出发,坚持“政府引导,社区组织、企业参与、自产自消、因地制宜、源头控制、资源回收利用”的原则和“物质利用先于能量利用,物质再利用先于物质再生利用”的资源回收利用原则,并按部就班实施。  相似文献   

Traditionally, treatment of solid waste has been given limited attention in connection with life-cycle assessments (LCAs). Often, only the amounts of solid wastes have been noted. This is unsatisfactory since treatment of solid waste, e.g. by landfilling or incineration, is an operation, requiring inputs and producing outputs, which should be described in the inventory of an LCA, in parallel to other operations. However, there are difficulties in describing emissions from solid waste treatments and there is a need for development of such methods. In this paper an approach for describing emissions from incineration and landfilling is outlined. Methodological questions concerning the time-frame and allocation principles are discussed. Methods for estimating potential emissions from landfilling of municipal solid waste and industrial wastes are suggested. The methods are used for calculating potential emissions from landfilling of some typical wastes. These emissions are compared with the emissions from other stages in the life cycle for some materials and wastes. it is shown that the potential emissions from landfilling are, for some products, of importance for the final results. Hence, if emissions from landfilling are neglected, or underestimated, results and conclusions in an LCA may be misleading.  相似文献   

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