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在对某铁矿尾矿库及周边土壤(含水系沉积物、农田表层土壤)重金属含量和理化性质分析测试的基础上,着重分析土壤中重金属元素分布特征,同时运用地累积指数方法对研究区域重金属污染程度进行评价。重金属污染评价结果显示:尾矿库内重金属污染程度排序为CdAsCuZnPbNiCr,元素Cd、As、Cu、Zn均达到严重污染级别;水系沉积物重金属污染程度排序为CdCuAsZnPbNiCr,元素Cd、Cu、As达到严重污染级别;农田表层土壤污染程度CdCuAsZnPbNCr,元素Cd达到严重污染,Cu、As总体虽为中度污染,但个别样点达到重度污染。尾矿库对周边土壤的影响不容忽视,需加强重金属污染的预防和治理。 相似文献
北方稀土尾矿库周边重金属污染调查 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
土壤重金属通过发生溶解、沉淀、吸附、氧化等物理、化学一系列反应后,最终以多种形态存在于土壤中,在植物体内富集,或转化为毒性更大的甲基化合物。调查了北方尾矿库周边的重金属污染的基本情况,对其表层土壤与植物中重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的含量进行了测定分析,结果表明,尾矿库周边土壤和植物中重金属含量偏高,趋势比较明显的因子有Pb、Zn、Cd,尾矿库周边土壤中Pb、Cd已达到污染限值且尾矿库周边植物中Pb的含量超过国家标准。植物受到影响进而影响人类的健康问题,利用风险评估技术对重金属进行健康风险评价,筛选污染严重的位点,针对尾矿库的重金属污染严重位点提出了相应的治理建议。 相似文献
关中西部某铅锌冶炼区周边土壤重金属污染特征与生态风险评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以关中西部某铅锌冶炼区周边土壤为研究对象,采用潜在生态危害指数法对冶炼厂周边土壤的重金属污染特征和潜在生态风险进行了研究。结果表明:某铅锌冶炼区周边土壤中Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd、Cr、Hg、As、Ni的平均含量均高于陕西省土壤元素背景值。除Cr元素以外,其余7种重金属元素存在两两之间的极显著或显著的相关性。土壤中重金属污染物总的潜在生态风险指数为轻微生态风险。因此该铅锌冶炼区周边土壤存在不同程度复合污染组合类型,生态风险总体水平较低,但局部有中重度污染。 相似文献
为分析参数不确定性对地下水污染数值模拟模型输出结果的影响,以某钼矿尾矿库地下水污染问题作为研究实例,选取钼离子作为模拟因子,建立该钼矿尾矿库地下水污染数值模拟模型,对输出结果进行不确定性分析.为降低替代模型的维数,运用灵敏度分析法筛选出对模拟模型输出结果影响较大的2个参数作为模型中的随机参数.为减少反复调用数值模拟模型产生的计算负荷,分别运用克里格方法和支持向量机法建立模拟模型的替代模型,并比较二者的精度,选择精度较高的替代模型完成蒙特卡罗随机模拟.最后,对随机模拟的输出结果进行统计分析与区间估计,对地下水污染超标的风险进行评价.结果表明:置信度为80%时,井1,2,3浓度值的置信区间分别为0.71~2.29,0.28~1.02,1.55~3.25mg/L.此外,结合《地下水质量标准》以及污染物浓度分布函数曲线,井1,2,3中水质达到地下水质量标准Ⅴ类的概率分别为99.7%,97.1%,99.6%.本研究可为地下水污染防治提供更科学、全面的参考依据. 相似文献
湖南下水湾铅锌尾矿库优势植物重金属含量及富集特征 总被引:5,自引:11,他引:5
矿区废弃地优势植物调查与筛选是植物修复研究的重点.通过研究湖南下水湾铅锌尾矿库区土壤重金属含量,以及库区优势植物对Pb、Zn、Cd、Mn、Cu等重金属的富集能力与转移特征,筛选出适应该地区生态修复的先锋植物.结果表明,库区发现高等植物40种,40属22科,并筛选出15种优势植物.其中地枇杷地上部分Pb含量为正常含量上限值的4.01倍,转运系数达到3.91,富集系数达到14.4,可见地枇杷对Pb具有很强的转运能力与富集能力,因此地枇杷对库区污染土壤修复具有巨大潜力,需对其Pb富集能力作进一步研究.除地枇杷外,其余14种优势植物对尾矿库区重金属污染有较好的耐性,可作为下水湾尾矿库区生态修复的先锋植物. 相似文献
通过对某尾矿库周边15个取样点的土壤进行取样调查,根据国家土壤环境质量标准(GB 15618—1995),采用单项污染指数法、综合污染指数法对该区的土壤重金属(Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb)含量进行评价。结果表明:所有采样点的土壤重金属含量均未超过GB 15618—1995二级标准值,各金属污染程度为Zn>Cu>Cd>Pb;采样点土壤中Cu含量均未超过GB 15618—1995一级标准值,Pb在采样点GW-3、GW-5、GW-6、GW-7的含量超过了GB 15618—1995一级标准值,Zn在采样点GW-2、GW-8的含量也超过了GB 15618—1995一级标准值,Cd在采样点GW-5、GW-7的含量超过GB15618—1995一级标准值;尾矿库四周污染程度依次为:东侧>南侧>北侧>西侧。 相似文献
为能够定量评价铀尾矿库周围农田土壤重金属污染程度,采用地积累指数和内梅罗污染指数2种方法相结合来进行土壤中重金属污染综合评价。研究结果表明,铀尾矿库周围部分农田土壤中重金属Cd、Ni、As、Cu、Hg、Zn含量存在积累和超标情况,尤以Cd的超标率最大,Ni和As次之;Pb、Cr含量能够满足标准限值要求。总体上,铀尾矿库周围农田土壤中未受重金属污染(清洁、尚清洁)、轻度污染的分别约占1/3;土壤受重金属中度污染占21.4%,重污染占12.2%。主要污染因子为Cd,其次是Ni和As,该区大部分土壤环境质量未受到Cr、Pb、Cu和Zn的影响。铀尾矿库周围土壤正以Cd、Ni、As等重金属复合污染的形式出现积累,应加强对铀尾矿库周围农田土壤重金属的污染防治。 相似文献
Size distribution and source of heavy metals in particulate matter on the lead and zinc smelting affected area 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kai Zhang Fahe Chai Zilong Zheng Qing Yang Xuecai Zhong Khanneh Wadinga Fomb Guangzhu Zhou 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2018,30(9):188-196
In order to understand the size distribution and the main kind of heavy metals in particulate matter on the lead and zinc smelting affected area, particulate matter(PM) and the source samples were collected in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province from December 2011 to January 2012 and the results were discussed and interpreted. Atmospheric particles were collected with different sizes by a cascade impactor. The concentrations of heavy metals in atmospheric particles of different sizes, collected from the air and from factories, were measured using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS). The results indicated that the average concentration of PM, chromium(Cr), arsenic(As), cadmium(Cd) and lead(Pb) in PM was177.3 ± 33.2 μg/m~3, 37.3 ± 8.8 ng/m~3, 17.3 ± 8.1 ng/m~3, 4.8 ± 3.1 ng/m~3 and 141.6 ± 49.1 ng/m~3,respectively. The size distribution of PM displayed a bimodal distribution; the maximum PM size distribution was at 1.1–2.1 μm, followed by 9–10 μm. The size distribution of As, Cd and Pb in PM was similar to the distribution of the PM mass, with peaks observed at the range of1.1–2.1 μm and 9–10 μm ranges while for Cr, only a single-mode at 4.7–5.8 μm was observed. PM(64.7%), As(72.5%), Cd(72.2%) and Pb(75.8%) were associated with the fine mode below 2.1 μm,respectively, while Cr(46.6%) was associated with the coarse mode. The size distribution characteristics, enrichment factor, correlation coefficient values, source information and the analysis of source samples showed that As, Cd and Pb in PM were the typical heavy metal in lead and zinc smelting affected areas, which originated mainly from lead and zinc smelting sources. 相似文献
我国有色金属冶炼行业工艺和反应多样,废物种类繁多,产生环节迥异,易出现此类危险废物管控过程中废物产生节点识别困难、废物指向不明确以及污染特性不清晰等问题,进而导致管理误判。通过梳理和分析《国家危险废物名录(2021年版)》规定的HW48大类中铜、铅、锌冶炼共22种废物的来源,以及铅滤饼和砷渣等重点废物的污染特性,明确废物指向,并提出完善我国有色金属冶炼危险废物管理的建议。 相似文献
A field experiment was conducted to compare the growth and metal accumulation of Vetiveria zizanioides, Paspalum notatum, Cynodon dactylon and Imperata cylindraca var. major on the tailings, amended with 10 cm domestic refuse complex NPK fertilizer(Treatment A), 10 cm domestic refuse(Treatment B) and complex NPK fertilizer(Treatment C) respectively, and without any amendment used as control (Treatment D). The results indicated that V. zizanioides was a typical heavy metal excluder, because the concentrations in shoots of the plants were the lowest among the four plants tested. The most of metal accumulated in V. zizanioides distributed in its root, and transportation of metal in this plant from root to shoot was restricted. Therefore, V. zizanioides was more suitable for phytostabilization of toxic mined lands than P. notatum and C. dactylon, which accumulated a relatively high level of metals in their shoots and roots. It was also found that I. cylindraca var. major accumulated lower amounts of Pb, Zn and Cu than C. dactylon and P. notatum, and could also be considered for phytostaliUsaton of tailings. Although the metal(Pb, Zn and Cu) concentrations in shoots and roots of V. zizanioides were the lowest, the total amounts of heavy metals accumulated in shoots of V. zizanioides were the highest among the four tested plants due to the highest dry weight yield of it. The results indicated that V. zizanioides was the best choice among the four species used for phytoremediation (for both phytostabilization and phytoextraction) of metal contaminated soils. 相似文献
Heavy metal contamination of soils through anthropogenic activities is a widespread and serious problem confronting scientists and regulators throughout the world. In this study we investigated the distribution, chemical species and availability of lead, zinc, cadmium and copper in nine surface(0 to 20 cm) soils from near an abandoned lead/zinc mine tailings located in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China. Total heavy metal contents ranged from 5271 to 16369 mg/kg for Pb, 387 to 1221 mg/kg for Zn, 3.0 to 9.3 mg/kg for Cd and 65 to 206 mg/kg for Cu. In general, all heavy metals exceeded China National Standards for Soil Environmental Quality of Heavy Metals by a factor of 3-65 times. Comparison of the heavy metal concentrations(Pb, Zn, Cd and Cu) with clay content revealed a strongly significant relationship while significant relationship( P 〈 0.001 ) was also obtained between Cd + Zn and Pb + Cu. Solid phase speciation of the soils using Tessier procedure showed that the heavy metals were distributed in the order: residual 〉〉 organically complexed-Fe-Mn oxides occluded 〉 carbonate bound 〉 exchangeable 〉 water soluble. In the organic matter fraction, the ratio of Pb(29.1% ) to its total concentration in the soils was higher than those of Zn(4.70% ), Cd(3.16% ) and Cu(9.50% ). The percentages of the water soluble and the exchangeable fractions of Pb(1.80% ) and Cd(2.74% ) were markedly greater than those of Zn(0.10% ) and Cu(0.15% ), suggesting that Pb and Cd are relatively more mobile and hence more toxic in the contaminated soils. Strongly significant relationships between H20-Pb, H20-Zn and H20-Cu, strong positive correlations between H20-Pb, H20-Zn, H20-Cu and organic matter in soil were found. The content of H20-Pb, H20-Zn, H20-Cu was negatively correlated with pH values. The similar negative relationships between pH values and exchangeable heavy metals were also recorded. It is suggested that increasing soil pH or liming the soil could decrease bioavailability of heavy metals in the soil. 相似文献
对尾矿库的危害、安全评价方法以及预防措施进行了系统研究。采用事故树分析方法对某尾矿库进行安全评价,结果表明:引起尾矿库溃坝及尾矿泄漏的途径及原因均是多方面的,二者的途径分别为17种和12种,应在实际生产过程中密切关注这些途径,努力排查,加强预控;针对尾矿库可能出现的不同情况制定出科学合理的应对措施,加强事前预控,可减少尾矿库溃坝及尾矿泄漏事故。 相似文献
选择山西太原典型矿矸石堆场,采集自燃程度不同的煤矸石及其周边受污染地下水,测定其中重金属、无机盐和有机物组成与浓度,并基于统计学分析探究地下水污染来源。结果显示:矸石浸提液和堆场下山腰自流出的地下水,重金属Cd、Pb、As、Zn未污染,但Cr和Ni达到轻度污染;浸提液SO4 2−、Fe、Mn浓度较高,SO4 2−浓度高达5 982 mg/L,Fe浓度超过GB/T 14848—93《地下水质量标准》Ⅳ类标准限值1 081倍、Mn超标19倍。污染源解析显示,矸石堆场自流出的地下水Na+、K+、Cl−、NO3 −主要来自土壤和含水层介质,但SO4 2−、Fe、Mn、Cd、Zn、As、Cr、Ni主要来源于矸石浸出;不同的煤矸石污染浸出能力表现为正在自燃的矸石>自燃完全的矸石>新鲜矸石。矸石的自燃过程会强化污染物的释放,在矸石渗滤液迁移过程中,重金属污染快速衰减,但SO4 2−、Ni、Mn仍具有一定的风险,超过GB/T 14848—93Ⅳ类标准。
以某垃圾填埋场为研究区,建立了基于过程模拟法的地下水污染源强定量评价模型,对垃圾渗滤液中重金属镉的地下水污染源强进行定量评价。以研究区的包气带介质及评价模型为基础,对镉在包气带中的折减提出了几种假设,得出折减函数;提出了基于折减函数法的地下水污染源强定量评价方法,并建立了相应的折减函数模型。结果表明:该模型应用于研究区,在渗滤液中镉的初始浓度为0.05 mg/L;有效包气带介质为13 m,经过15.4 a镉的折减系数为0.013,进入地下水中的镉浓度为5.13×10 -4 mg/L,与过程模拟的评价结果接近,经过15.4 a连续入渗后,地下水中镉浓度的模拟结果与监测结果较相符,评价模型的可靠性得到验证。 相似文献
Elisandra Hernández Jonathan Obrist-Farner Mark Brenner William F. Kenney Jason H. Curtis Edward Duarte 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2020,32(10):117-126
Sediments in Lake Izabal,Guatemala,contain substantial lead (Pb),zinc (Zn),and nickel (Ni).The lack of historical data for heavy metal concentrations in the sediments makes it difficult to determine the sources or evaluate whether inputs of metals to the lake have changed through time.We measured the relative abundances and concentrations of Pb,Zn,and Ni by X-Ray Fluorescence core scanning and by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry in three sediment cores to explore stratigr... 相似文献
绥化市水源地地下水污染特征分析及水质评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据2018年绥化市第一水源地13口监测井水质检测结果分析地下水污染特征,并对地下水质进行综合评价.结果表明:绥化市第一水源地取水井主要超标因子为铁、锰、氨氮,第一水源地补给区内其他取水井监测指标中铁、锰、氨氮、溶解性总固体和总硬度超标.硫酸盐、氯化物、溶解性总固体、总硬度、氟化物和磷酸盐浓度高值区均出现在垃圾填埋场,高锰酸盐指数和氨氮的高值区出现在太平岗村屯地下水井,硝酸盐高值区出现在兴发村屯地下水井.地下水污染评价结果显示污染指标主要为溶解性总固体和氨氮,分别为中污染和极重污染,主要集中有B5、B7、B8、B9、E和X1.溶解性总固体、硫酸盐、氯化物和总硬度空间分布呈相似趋势,高值区均出现在E、 X1、 B7、 B8和B9.氨氮高值区出现在X1,这可能与该处为垃圾填埋场有关.高锰酸盐指数高值区出现在E,硝酸盐氮高值区出现在B8,砷浓度的空间分布没有变化. 相似文献