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Over 40 years, the detrital aquifer of the Plana de Castellón (Spanish Mediterranean coast) has been subjected to seawater intrusion because of long dry periods combined with intensive groundwater exploitation. Against this backdrop, a managed artificial recharge (MAR) scheme was implemented to improve the groundwater quality. The large difference between the electrical conductivity (EC) of the ambient groundwater (brackish water due to marine intrusion) and the recharge water (freshwater) meant that there was a strong contrast between the resistivities of the brackish water saturated zone and the freshwater saturated zone. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) can be used for surveying similar settings to evaluate the effectiveness of artificial recharge schemes. By integrating geophysical data with lithological information, EC logs from boreholes, and hydrochemical data, we can interpret electrical resistivity (ER) with groundwater EC values and so identify freshwater saturated zones. Using this approach, ERT images provided a high-resolution spatial characterization and an accurate picture of the shape and extent of the recharge plume of the MAR site. After 5 months of injection, a freshwater plume with an EC of 400–600 μS/cm had formed that extended 400 m in the W-E direction, 250 m in the N-S direction, and to a depth of 40 m below piezometric level. This study also provides correlations between ER values with different lithologies and groundwater EC values that can be used to support other studies.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) mobilization to the groundwater of Brahmaputra floodplains was investigated in Titabor, Jorhat District, located in the North Eastern part of India. The groundwater and the aquifer geochemistry were characterized in the study area. The range of As concentration in the groundwater varies from 10 to 440 μg/l with mean concentration 210 μg/l. The groundwaters are characterized by high dissolved Fe, Mn, and HCO3 ? and low concentrations of NO3 ? and SO4 2? indicating the reduced conditions prevailing in the groundwater. In order to understand the actual mobilization processes in the area, six core drilling surrounding the two target tube wells (T1 and T2) with high As concentration (three drill-cores surrounds each tube well closely) was done. The sediment was analyzed its chemical, mineralogical, and elemental compositions. A selective sequential extraction suggested that most of the As in the sediment is bound to Fe oxides fractions (32 to 50 %) and the competition for adsorption site by anions (PO4 3?) also accounts to significant fractions of the total arsenic extracted. High variability in the extraction as well as properties of the sediment was observed due to the heterogeneity of the sediment samples with different chemical properties. The SEM and EDX results indicate the presence of Fe, Mn coating along with As for most of the sample, and the presence of As associated minerals were calculated using PHREEQC. The mobilization of As into the groundwater was anticipated to be largely controlled by the reductive dissolution of Fe oxides and partly by the competitive anions viz. PO4 3?.  相似文献   

In many regions around the globe, including India, degradation in the quality of groundwater is of great concern. The objective of this investigation is to determine the effect of recharge from a check dam on quality of groundwater in a region of Krishnagiri District of Tamil Nadu State, India. For this study, water samples from 15 wells were periodically obtained and analysed for major ions and fluoride concentrations. The amount of major ions present in groundwater was compared with the drinking water guideline values of the Bureau of Indian Standards. With respect to the sodium and fluoride concentrations, 38% of groundwater samples collected was not suitable for direct use as drinking water. Suitability of water for agricultural use was determined considering the electrical conductivity, sodium adsorption ratio, sodium percentage, permeability index, Wilcox and United States Salinity Laboratory diagrams. The influence of freshwater recharge from the dam is evident as the groundwater in wells nearer to the check dam was suitable for both irrigation and domestic purposes. However, the groundwater away from the dam had a high ionic composition. This study demonstrated that in other fluoride-affected areas, the concentration can be reduced by dilution with the construction of check dams as a measure of managed aquifer recharge.  相似文献   

Subsequent to modeling of natural attenuation processes to predict contaminant trends and plume dynamics, monitoring data were used to evaluate the effectiveness of natural attenuation at reducing contaminant concentrations in groundwater at seven fuel-contaminated sites. Predicted and observed contaminant trends at seven sites were compared in order to empirically assess the accuracy of some fundamental model input parameters and assumptions. Most of the models developed for the study sites tended to overestimate plume migration distance, source persistence, and/or the time required for the benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes (BTEX) plumes to attenuate. Discrepancies between observed and predicted contaminant trends and plume behavior suggested that the influence of natural attenuation process may not have been accurately simulated. The conservatism of model simulations may be attributed to underestimation of natural source weathering rates, overestimation of the mass of contaminant present in the source area, and/or use of overly conservative first-order solute decay rates.  相似文献   

Probable sources and mechanisms of arsenic (As) release in shallow aquifer in eastern Bangladesh are evaluated using statistical analysis of groundwater compositions. Dissolved As in 39 samples ranged from 8.05 to 341.5 μg/L with an average of 95.14 μg/L. Ninety seven percent of wells exceed the WHO limit (10 μg/L) for safe drinking water. Principal component analysis is applied to reduce 16 measured compositional variables to five significant components (principal components—PCs) that explain 86.63% of the geochemical variance. Two component loadings, namely PC 1 and PC 2 (45.31% and 23.05%) indicate the natural processes within the aquifers in which organic matter is a key reactant in the weathering reactions. Four groups of wells are defined by the PCA and each group of wells represents distinct physicochemical characteristics. Among them, group III groundwater shows higher As concentration together with high concentrations of Fe, Mn, dissolved organic carbon, $\text{PO}_{4}^{3-}$ and $\text{HCO}_{3}^{-}$ than groups I and II. Speciation calculations suggest that only wells of group III are saturated with respect to siderite, and all groups of samples are supersaturated with respect of rhodochrosite. The relationship of As with these parameters in the different groups of wells of the study area suggests that reductive dissolution of Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides with microbially mediated degradation of organic matter is considered to be the dominant processes to release As in groundwater.  相似文献   

高效液相色谱-原子荧光光谱联用分析土壤中形态砷   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)-原子荧光光谱(AFS)联用技术分析土壤中亚砷酸盐[As(Ⅲ)]、二甲基砷(DMA)、一甲基砷(MMA)和砷酸盐[As(Ⅴ)]等4种形态砷,以磷酸为提取剂、抗坏血酸为还原剂,优化了水浴提取条件。As(Ⅲ)、DMA、MMA和As(Ⅴ)在7 min之内实现了完全分离,在1.00μg/L~100μg/L范围内线性良好,实验室检出限分别为0.25μg/L、0.36μg/L、0.39μg/L和0.51μg/L,土壤标准样品平行测定的RSD≤7.4%,加标回收率为79.5%~95.0%,提取率为74.6%~90.4%。  相似文献   

The chemistry of heavy metals in sediments with respect to bio-availability and chemical reactivity is regulated by pH, texture, and organic matter contents of the sediments and specific binding form and coupled reactivity of the metals within. To focus on the metal distribution (Fe, Mn, Pb, Cd, Zn, Co, Cu, and Cr) and behavior in a fresh water aquifer system along with the ecological toxicity parameters, a four-step sequential extraction method was applied on 18 Eastern Ghats’ type sediments from fluorosis-hit Nayagarh district, India. Geo-accumulation index of metals in the sediments indicates that they are practically uncontaminated and/or less contaminated with and Fe, Mn, and Cu; contaminated to moderately contaminated with Pb, Zn, and Cr; and strongly contaminated with Cd. Rather, more than 80 % recovered Cd metal concentration in sediments constitute the labile fractions. Temporal clustering of metal fractions indicates transition metal fraction distribution claiming the sediment pH regulation. Similarly, base metal distribution accounts for organic carbon and soil conductivity due to their greater availability in exchangeable and sulfide fractions. Correlation analysis and factor analysis scores demonstrate lack of inter-relationship between transition group and base metal fractions. High fluoride concentration in ground water is associated with high sodium-bicarbonate-iron affinity with elevated pH values (i.e., >7.0) and high positive factor score with the total iron concentration in ground water.  相似文献   

建立了浸渍滤膜吸附-微波消解-原子荧光法测定环境空气中的砷的方法,改进了原有的采样方法,有效地克服了原方法中湿法消解的缺点,并大大降低了检出限,能够满足《环境空气质量标准》(GB3095—2012)中对砷排放的参考浓度限值要求。  相似文献   

Geographic information system (GIS) has become one of the leading tools in the field of hydrogeological science that helps in assessing, monitoring, and conserving groundwater resources. Groundwater is a finite resource, which is being overexploited due to increase in demand over the years leading to decrease in its potentiality. In the present study, DRASTIC model has been used to prepare groundwater vulnerable zone in hard rock aquifer of granitic terrain. The main objective is to determine susceptible zone for groundwater pollution by integrating hydrogeological layers in GIS environment. The layers such as depth of aquifer, recharge, aquifer yield, soil type, topography, vadose zone, and transmissivity are incorporated in the DRASTIC model. The final output of the map shows that around 60% of the area falls under low to no risk of pollution zone. The high risk of pollution zones are mostly present towards the margin of southeastern periphery. The lower part of the basin as well as small area on northern side falls under moderate risk of pollution zone. For the assessment of groundwater pollution zone, 24 groundwater samples have been collected from different vulnerable zones. The chemical analysis of sample shows that the southeastern margin of basin has relatively high concentration of nitrate as compared to other parts of the basin. It is present in high pollution zone as well as moderate pollution zone. The present model can be used for assessment and management of groundwater.  相似文献   

利用微波消解和原子荧光光度法同时测定水样中的砷、汞   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张军国 《干旱环境监测》2002,16(4):201-202,247
建立了一种梯度升压微波消解样品、氢化物原子荧光光度法同时测定水样中砷、汞的方法。在优化实验条件下,水样中砷的检出限为0.07μg/L,回收率为95.9%-102%;汞的检出限为0.01μg/L,回收率为95%-105%,具有操作简便、快速、干扰少、灵敏度高的特点。  相似文献   

土壤和底泥中砷、铬、锰测定的前处理技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
试验了土壤和底泥中砷的前处理技术,其目的是能对土壤、底泥中砷、铬、锰在一次前处理中制备成试液,比色法分析。试验表明,用H2SO4-H3PO4-H2O2进行前处理是可行的。方法简单、挥发酸雾少,用标准参考物质检验证明,分解完全,数据准确,有粒较好一致性。  相似文献   

Stem diameter is one of the most common measurements made to assess the growth of woody vegetation, and the commercial and environmental benefits that it provides (e.g. wood or biomass products, carbon sequestration, landscape remediation). Yet inconsistency in its measurement is a continuing source of error in estimates of stand-scale measures such as basal area, biomass, and volume. Here we assessed errors in stem diameter measurement through repeated measurements of individual trees and shrubs of varying size and form (i.e. single- and multi-stemmed) across a range of contrasting stands, from complex mixed-species plantings to commercial single-species plantations. We compared a standard diameter tape with a Stepped Diameter Gauge (SDG) for time efficiency and measurement error. Measurement errors in diameter were slightly (but significantly) influenced by size and form of the tree or shrub, and stem height at which the measurement was made. Compared to standard tape measurement, the mean systematic error with SDG measurement was only ?0.17 cm, but varied between ?0.10 and ?0.52 cm. Similarly, random error was relatively large, with standard deviations (and percentage coefficients of variation) averaging only 0.36 cm (and 3.8%), but varying between 0.14 and 0.61 cm (and 1.9 and 7.1%). However, at the stand scale, sampling errors (i.e. how well individual trees or shrubs selected for measurement of diameter represented the true stand population in terms of the average and distribution of diameter) generally had at least a tenfold greater influence on random errors in basal area estimates than errors in diameter measurements. This supports the use of diameter measurement tools that have high efficiency, such as the SDG. Use of the SDG almost halved the time required for measurements compared to the diameter tape. Based on these findings, recommendations include the following: (i) use of a tape to maximise accuracy when developing allometric models, or when monitoring relatively small changes in permanent sample plots (e.g. National Forest Inventories), noting that care is required in irregular-shaped, large-single-stemmed individuals, and (ii) use of a SDG to maximise efficiency when using inventory methods to assess basal area, and hence biomass or wood volume, at the stand scale (i.e. in studies of impacts of management or site quality) where there are budgetary constraints, noting the importance of sufficient sample sizes to ensure that the population sampled represents the true population.  相似文献   

通过实施江西省某农田土壤中镉、砷污染修复项目,对各修复技术进行比选,并对优选出的稳定化修复技术涉及的钝化药归纳分析。通过小试筛选出合适的药剂种类,中试确定药剂的最佳添加量,再进行工程实施的系统性工艺研究和技术应用。结果表明:该技术在保证修复区增产的前提下实现了污染农田土壤的安全利用,形成了控源-降活-低吸-农产品安全达标生产的修复模式,构建了具有针对性的稳定化-农艺调控的联合修复技术体系,可实现重金属污染农田土壤修复、生态建设、经济效益的有机结合。  相似文献   

The analysis for arsenic in hair is commonly used in epidemiological studies to assess exposure to this toxic element. However, poor correlation between total arsenic concentration in hair and water sources have been found in previous studies. Exclusive determination of endogenous arsenic in the hair, excluding external contamination has become an analytical challenge. Arsenic speciation in hair appears as a new possibility for analytical assessing in As-exposure studies. This study applied a relative simple method for arsenic speciation in human hair based on water extraction and HPLC-HG-ICP-MS. The concentration of arsenic species in human hair was assessed in chronically As(V)-exposed populations from two villages (Esqui?a and Illapata) of the Atacama Desert, Chile. The arsenic concentrations in drinking water are 0.075 and 1.25 mg L(-1), respectively, where As(V) represented between 92 and 99.5% of the total arsenic of the consumed waters. On average, the total arsenic concentrations in hair from individuals of Esqui?a and Illapata were 0.7 and 6.1 microg g(-1), respectively. Four arsenic species, As(III), DMA(V), MMA(V) and As(V), were detected and quantified in the hair extracts. Assuming the found species in extracts represent the species in hair, more than 98% of the total arsenic in hair corresponded to inorganic As. On average, As(III) concentrations in hair were 0.25 and 3.75 microg g(-1) in Esqui?a and Illapata, respectively; while, the As(V) average concentrations were 0.15 and 0.45 microg g(-1) in Esqui?a and Illapata, respectively. Methylated species represent less than 2% of the extracted As (DMA(V)+ MMA(V)) in both populations. As(III) in hair shows the best correlation with chronic exposure to As(V) in comparison to other species and total arsenic. In fact, concentrations of As(total), As(III) and As(V) in hair samples are correlated with the age of the exposed individuals from Illapata (R= 0.65, 0.69, 0.57, respectively) and with the time of residence in this village (R= 0.54, 0.71 and 0.58, respectively).  相似文献   

采用微波消解电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法同时测定废气中的铅、镉、砷,在优化的试验条件下,方法在0 mg/L~5.00 mg/L范围内线性良好,铅、镉、砷的检出限分别为0.250 μg/m3、0.125 μg/m3、0.375 μg/m3(按采样体积400 L、定容体积50 mL计),空白滤筒平行测定6次的RSD为2.3%~10.5%,加标回收率为83% ~ 112%,与标准方法的测定结果无显著差异.  相似文献   

In an effort to combat rising groundwater tables andexpanding saline lakes, saline water has been disposedof into the aquatic environment, despite there beinglittle information as to the environmental effects.Monitoring of the effect of saline lake water disposalon aquatic macroinvertebrates and water quality wasconducted in the Barwon River, south west Victoria,Australia, in association with toxicity tests. Thedisposal of saline lake water was associated withchanges in macroinvertebrate community structure.Contrary to expectations, increases in electricalconductivity (a measure of salinity) was not the onlywater quality parameter associated with saline waterdisposal. An experiment was conducted where thetoxicity of saline lake water was compared to that ofa prepared solution of the same electricalconductivity. Toxicity was greater in the saline lakewater than the prepared solution. The results suggestthat saline water disposal is impacting onmacroinvertebrate fauna but electrical conductivity isnot the only factor responsible. These results haveconsequences for both management of aquatic resourcesand for monitoring programs which are discussed.  相似文献   

改进高氯酸消化HG/AAS测定煤和环境及生物样品中砷和硒   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于硫酸往往含有微量硒杂质,本文改用硫酸钠作扶助剂提高高氯酸(硝酸)常压湿消化的允许消化温度,实现煤和环境及生物样品中有机砷和有机硒的全消化。建立了一个容易操作、重现性好的消化程序。用液氮低温捕集技术提高分析灵敏度。硝酸分解残留物对砷化氢和硒化氢生成过程的干扰,以及盐酸中微量氧化物对Se(Ⅵ)还原处理的影响均用盐酸羟氨消除。EDTA可用于消除过渡金属离子对硒化氢生物过程的干扰。测定了多种标准参考物中微量砷和硒,得到与检定值相符合的结果。  相似文献   

ICP- AES法测定防腐处理后木材中可溶性铜铬砷   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用电感耦合等离子发射光谱法同时测定防腐处理后木材中可溶性铜、铬、砷,优化了试验条件,确定了最佳分析线。方法在0.500mg/L—10.0mg/L范围内线性良好,铜、铬、砷的检出限分别为0.003mg/L、0.01mg/L、0.07mg/L.木材样品平行测定的RSD为0.5%—1.2%,加标回收率为97.0%—102%,与原子吸收光谱法的测定结果相吻合。  相似文献   

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