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An ambient air study was conducted inthe city of Florence, Italy, in the summer 1996.Tropospheric ozone was continuously monitored withautomatic analyzers in three stations, two located inthe urban area and one in the hilly surroundings(Settignano). A biomonitoring campaign based on thetobacco cv. Bel-W3 plants was performed in the samearea. The highest values were constantly recorded inthe Settignano station. The highest 1-hour meanrecorded was 197 nl/l; the accumulated exposure overa threshold of 40 nl/l (AOT40) was well above thecritical levels standards for protection of thevegetation. A consistent temporal variation wasobserved and July proved to be the month with thehighest ozone levels. Cumulative frequencydistribution of ozone maximum daily concentrationsexhibited a good fitting to log-normality. No`week-end effect was observed. Biomonitoring datawere in good agreement with chemico-physical ones.  相似文献   

Ozone biomonitoring is a detection and monitoring techniquethat involves documenting ozone-induced visible injury toknown ozone-sensitive species under conditions of ambientexposure. The USDA Forest Service administers a long-term,nationwide ozone biomonitoring program to address public andscientific concerns about ozone impacts on forest health. Asystematic grid is used as the basis for biomonitoring sitelocations. At each site, trained field crews evaluate amaximum of thirty plants of up to six species and record the amount and severity of leaf-injury on individualplants. Injury from ozone was found more often on biomonitoring sites in the eastern Unites States than in theinterior or west-coast areas. Further results from thenortheast reveal that in any year, there is a higherpercentage of ozone-injured plants with more severe symptomsin areas with relatively high ozone concentrations than inareas with relatively low ozone. In very dry years (e.g.,1999) the percentage of injured plants and injury severityestimates are both sharply reduced even though ambient ozoneexposures are high. These findings demonstrate thatbiomonitoring data provide meaningful evidence of when highozone concentrations during the growing season have biologicalsignificance. Any assessment of ozone stress in the forestenvironment must include both biomonitoring (i.e., plantresponse) and air quality data to be complete.  相似文献   

In Argentina no historical or present programs exist specifically assessing ecosystem health with respect to photochemical air pollution, although phytotoxic concentrations of near-ground ozone have been documented in recent years. Here we report our preliminary findings on field observations of ozone-like injury found in natural plant populations and agroecosystems late in the 2005 growing season in the Southern Hemisphere. Several possible ozone bioinidicator plants which have not been previously documented were observed to exhibit foliar symptoms consistent with ozone-induced injury. Based on these results we intend to expand field surveys and complete the screening process for injury confirmation of the plant species described here. For this and future research we will be using controlled chamber studies based in the US. Continuous monitoring of tropospheric ozone does not currently take place in the region of central Argentina. The combined evidence provided by intermittent air quality sampling and the presence of ozone-like injury to vegetation indicates the need to establish air quality and ozone biomonitoring networks in this region.  相似文献   

Although chemical and biological monitoring is often used to evaluate the quality of surface waters for regulatory purposes and/or to evaluate environmental status and trends, the resulting biological and chemical data sets are large and difficult to evaluate. Multivariate techniques have long been used to analyse complex data sets. This paper discusses the methods currently in use and introduces the principal response curves method, which overcomes the problem of cluttered graphical results representation that is a great drawback of most conventional methods. To illustrate this, two example data sets are analysed using two ordination techniques, principal component analysis and principal response curves. Whereas PCA results in a difficult-to-interpret diagram, principal response curves related methods are able to show changes in community composition in a diagram that is easy to read. The principal response curves method is used to show trends over time with an internal reference (overall mean or reference year) or external reference (e.g. preferred water quality or reference site). Advantages and disadvantages of both methods are discussed and illustrated.  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages from 83 epilithic samples taken from the Mesta River, Bulgaria, were regressed against three sets of predictor variables, i.e. environmental, spatial, and temporal. Redundancy analysis (RDA) of species and environmental data explained 36% of the diatom variance and extracted several important gradients of species distribution, associated with a downstream increase in nutrient levels, pH, temperature, and organic pollution. The inclusion of spatial and temporal variables in the RDA model captured additional 24% of the diatom variance and revealed three more gradients, a spatial gradient represented by higher order polynomial terms of latitude and longitude, and two temporal gradients of annual and seasonal variation. Partial RDAs demonstrated that the unique contribution of each predictor set to the explained diatom variance was the highest in the spatial dataset (16%), followed by the environmental (9%), and the temporal (7%) datasets. The remaining 28% of the variance was explained by the covariance of the predictor sets. This suggests that in biomonitoring of single stream basins, the cheap and simple account of space and time would explain most of the variance in assemblage composition obviating the necessity of expensive and time-consuming environmental assessments. The nature of the underlying environmental mechanisms can be easily inferred from the diatom composition itself.  相似文献   

In this study, we assess the potential of white willow (Salix alba L.) as bioindicator for monitoring of air quality. Therefore, shoot biomass, specific leaf area, stomatal density, stomatal pore surface, and stomatal resistance were assessed from leaves of stem cuttings. The stem cuttings were introduced in two regions in Belgium with a relatively high and a relatively low level of air pollution, i.e., Antwerp city and Zoersel, respectively. In each of these regions, nine sampling points were selected. At each sampling point, three stem cuttings of white willow were planted in potting soil. Shoot biomass and specific leaf area were not significantly different between Antwerp city and Zoersel. Microclimatic differences between the sampling points may have been more important to plant growth than differences in air quality. However, stomatal pore surface and stomatal resistance of white willow were significantly different between Zoersel and Antwerp city. Stomatal pore surface was 20% lower in Antwerp city due to a significant reduction in both stomatal length (?11%) and stomatal width (?14%). Stomatal resistance at the adaxial leaf surface was 17% higher in Antwerp city because of the reduction in stomatal pore surface. Based on these results, we conclude that stomatal characteristics of white willow are potentially useful indicators for air quality.  相似文献   

The method of Guo et aL (AnaL Chim. Acta, 1997, 349, 313-318) for the determination of the toxicologically relevant arsenic in urine was verified and then used for the determination of arsenic in urine of the Czech population for monitoring purposes. Statistical evaluation at the level alpha = 0.05 did not prove any significant differences between industrial and agricultural regions, between males and females and smokers and nonsmokers. Likewise no differences were found among children in all the regions monitored. In the adult population small differences were found between some regions but these differences were not dependent on industrial pollution. The values of toxicologically relevant arsenic are low for all regions. The summarised value of the median for all groups together is 3.5 microg (g creatinine)(-1).  相似文献   

The variability of biological data is a main constraint affecting the quality and reliability of lichen biomonitoring surveys for estimation of the effects of atmospheric pollution. Although most epiphytic lichen bioindication surveys focus on between-site differences at the landscape level, associated with the large scale effects of atmospheric pollution, current protocols are based on multilevel sampling, thus adding further sources of variation and affecting the error budget. We test the hypothesis that assemblages of lichen communities vary at each spatial scale examined, in order to determine what scales should be included in future monitoring studies. We compared four sites in Italy, along gradients of atmospheric pollution and climate, to test the partitioning of the variance components of lichen diversity across spatial scales (from trunks to landscapes). Despite environmental heterogeneity, we observed comparable spatial variance. However, residuals often overcame between-plot variability, leading to biased estimation of atmospheric pollution effects.  相似文献   

Estuaries are marine areas at great contamination risk due to their hydrodynamic features. PAH are wide and ubiquitous contaminants with a high presence in these marine environments. Chemical analysis of sediments can provide information, although it does not give a direct measure of the toxicological effect of such contaminants in the biota. Samples of Venerupis pullastra, Cerastoderma edule, and Mytilus galloprovincialis were collected from two locations in Corcubión estuary (Norhwest of Spain). The level of PAH in sediment and biota, and its possible origin were assessed. A moderate level of contamination was observed with a predominance of PAH of a pyrogenic origin. Genotoxic damage, measured as single-strand DNA breaks with the comet assay, was evaluated in gill tissue and in hemolymph. The values of DNA damage obtained showed a higher sensitivity of clams and cockles to the pollution load level. These differences among species make us suggest the use of some other species coupled with mussels as an optimal tool for biomonitoring estuarine environments.  相似文献   

A total of 65 operators involved in lichen mapping studies in central and northwestern Italy underwent quality control tests during five lichen biomonitoring workshops organized between 1999and 2000. The results showed that 75% quantitative accuracy and90% quantitative precision can be regarded as satisfactory levels for lichen biodiversity data; 65% proved to be sufficientfor accuracy of taxonomic identification in the field. Average correct assignment of the interpretative naturality/alteration class was only 48.7%. The results indicated the need for taxonomic training.  相似文献   

Despite extensive efforts to ensure that sampling and installation and maintenance of instruments are as efficient as possible when monitoring air pollution data, there is still an indisputable need for statistical post processing (quality assessment). We examined data on tropospheric ozone and found that meteorological normalisation can reveal (i) errors that have not been eliminated by established procedures for quality assurance and control of collected data, as well as (ii) inaccuracies that may have a detrimental effect on the results of statistical tests for temporal trends. Moreover, we observed that the quality assessment of collected data could be further strengthened by combining meteorological normalisation with non-parametric smoothing techniques for seasonal adjustment and detection of sudden shifts in level. Closer examination of apparent trends in tropospheric ozone records from EMEP (European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme) sites in Finland showed that, even if potential raw data errors were taken into account, there was strong evidence of upward trends during winter and early spring.  相似文献   

The epiphytic lichen Parmelia caperata (L.) Ach. was used as bioaccumulator of the heavy metals Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn in the environs of the town of Pistoia (central northern Italy). The concentrations of Cd, Cr, Ni, Hg and Pb were comparable with those found in areas not subject to atmospheric pollution. Copper and especially Zn were found in rather high concentrations. Fertilizers and pesticides were the main source of atmospheric contamination.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to assess whether urinary germanium concentration can be used as a biomarker of inhalation exposure to airborne dust from metallic germanium (Ge) or GeO2 in the occupational setting. A novel hydride generation-based method coupled with fow-injection graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (HG/FI-GFAAS) was developed for the determination of urinary germanium. It was found that urinary germanium concentration could be reliably determined by a standard additions method after thorough digestion of the urine and careful pH adjustment of the digest. The limit of detection (LOD) in urine for the HG/FI-GFAAS method was 0.25 microg Ge L(-1). In Belgian control male subjects, the urinary germanium concentration was below this LOD. In 75 workers currently exposed to inorganic germanium compounds, respirable and inhalable concentrations of germanium in the aerosols were measured on Monday and Friday at the job sites using personal air samplers. Spot-urine samples were collected on the same days before and after the work shift. The germanium concentrations of respirable dust correlated very well with those of inhalable dust and represented 20% of the inhalable fraction. Workers exposed to metallic Ge dust were on average ten times less exposed to germanium than those whose exposure involved GeO2 (3.4 versus 33.8 microg Ge m(-3)). This difference was reflected in the urinary germanium concentrations (3.4 versus 23.4 microg Ge g(-1) creatinine). Regression analysis showed that the concentration of germanium in the inhalable fraction explained 42% of the post-shift urinary germanium concentration either on Monday or on Friday, whereas in a subgroup of 52 workers mainly exposed to metallic germanium dust 57% (r = 0.76) of the Monday post-shift urinary germanium was explained. Urinary elimination kinetics were studied in seven workers exposed to airborne dust of either metallic Ge or GeO2. The urinary elimination rate of germanium was characterised by half-times ranging from 8.2 to 18.1 h (on average 12 h 46 min). The present study did not allow discrimination between the germanium species to which the workers were exposed, but it showed fast urinary elimination kinetics for inhalation exposure to dust of metallic Ge and GeO2. It pointed out that urine samples taken at the end of the work shift can be used for biological monitoring of inorganic germanium exposure in the occupational setting.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to determine the present heavy metal pollution state in the two gulfs of the Aegean Sea; Saros and Gökova Gulfs. The surface sediments were collected from 11 and eight locations in the Saros and Gökova during May 2001, respectively. The results showed that the sediments of Saros and Gökova gulfs were polluted with Pb, Cr, Zn, Mn, and Ni and Pb, Cr, Ni, and Mn, respectively. For various metals the contamination factor (CF) has been calculated to assess the degree of pollution in sediments. The sediments were noted to be not contaminated with Hg, Cd, and Cu in all areas. Moderate contaminations were observed for Pb, Cr, and Zn in Saros Gulf. The CF was moderate and very high for Ni in the Saros and the Gökova Gulf, respectively.  相似文献   

Passive samplers are often employed to measure ozone concentrations in remote areas such as mountain forests. The potential ozone risk for vegetation is then assessed by calculating the AOT40 exposure index (accumulated hourly ozone concentration exceedances above 40 ppb, i.e. AOT40 = Σ([O(3)] - 40)Δt for any hourly ozone concentration [O(3)] > 40 ppb). AOT40 is customary calculated on the basis of ozone concentrations expressed as a volumetric mixing ratio, while lab sheets normally report ozone concentrations from passive samplers in mass units per cubic metre. Concentrations are usually converted from mass units to ppb using a standard conversion factor taking SATP (Standard Ambient Temperature and Pressure) conditions into account. These conditions, however, can vary considerably with elevation. As a consequence, the blanket application of a standard conversion factor may lead to substantial errors in reporting and mapping ozone concentrations and therefore in assessing potential ozone risk in mountain regions. In this paper we carry out a sensitivity analysis of the effects of uncertainties in estimations of air temperature (T) and atmospheric pressure (P) on the concentration conversion factor, and present two examples from two monitoring and mapping exercises carried out in the Italian Alps. We derived P and T at each site from adiabatic lapse rates for temperature and pressure and analysed the magnitude of error in concentration estimations. Results show that the concentration conversion is much more sensitive to uncertainties in P gradient estimation than to air temperature errors. The concentration conversion factor (cf) deviates 5% from the standard transformation at an elevation of 500 m asl. As a consequence, the standard estimated AOT40 at this elevation is about 13% less than the actual value. AOT40 was found to be underestimated by an average between 25% and 34% at typical elevations of mountain forest stands in the Italian Alps when a correct conversion factor for transforming ozone concentrations from μg m(-3) to ppb is not applied.  相似文献   

In the present study, the influence of aluminium on the regeneration potential of leaf and stem-cuttings of Portulaca oleracea was studied in order to identify a terrestrial plant species as an alternate biomonitoring toolof fresh water environment. The leaves and stem cuttings of theterrestrial plant, P. oleracea grew well in the distilled water producing adventitious and lateral roots. The aluminium treated leaves and stem cuttings showed a reduction in the growthof the adventitious and lateral roots and increase in the decay of leaves and stem cuttings with increasing aluminium concentration. The tolerance index calculated for the leaves and the stem cuttings showed that the leaves were more sensitivethan stems to aluminium. Since all the parameters studied showedconcentration dependent changes, the terrestrial plant, P. oleracea can be considered a suitable biomonitoring tool of fresh water environment besides its usage in the Al toxicity testing.  相似文献   

以2008年南京北郊大气中O3 质量浓度观测资料和常规观测资料为基础,利用Matlab小波分析工具,对O3浓度的年时间序列进行分析,得出该地区的O3 日均浓度的变化特征:春、夏季节O3浓度大于秋、冬季节,最高浓度出现在春末夏初,最低浓度出现在冬季;并且全年共有5个突变点;弱高压的天气系统、较高的温度、较低的湿度和晴朗少云的天气是造成南京北郊O3浓度突变的主要气象因素。结合HYSPLIT气流后向轨迹模拟,对污染源来源进行追踪,结果表明:南京北郊O3高浓度污染来源主要分为本地局地污染和外来污染物输送两类;垂直方向上,O3的区域尺度或中尺度的输送主要稳定在混合层的底层。  相似文献   

The rehabilitation of contaminated sites is becoming a rising preoccupation which requires the knowledge of their past before realization of a suitable remediation. Physicochemical analysis must be realized jointly with the use of bioindicator organisms, which, owing to their bioaccumulation capacities, will reveal the bioavailability of metals in soils. Among terrestrial invertebrates, gastropods like Helix aspersa aspersa possess an important organotropism for metals in their digestive gland and they can be used in active biomonitoring. During in situ monitoring, two parameters are tested: growth and accumulation of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Ni, Pb, and Cr in viscera of snails. Environmental conditions, like humidity or autochthonous vegetation, are able to modify growth or bioaccumulation. In order to remove the variation of these factors, microcosms previously used must be improved: they were equipped with porous candles, which continually humidify soil. Concerning vegetation, an experimental plan was realized to determine the combination of food with the best compromise between growth and bioaccumulation: the combination clover-snail feed was chosen. Thus, in situ, the experimental environment will be repeated in all investigated sites and used to allow follow up of their contamination levels and intercomparison between different sites.  相似文献   

Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) inherently needs to address greater levels of uncertainty in the formulation and implementation processes of strategic decisions, compared with project environmental impact assessment. The range of uncertainties includes internal and external factors of the complex system that is concerned in the strategy. Scenario analysis is increasingly being used to cope with uncertainty in SEA. Following a brief introduction of scenarios and scenario analysis, this paper examines the rationale for scenario analysis in SEA in the context of China. The state of the art associated with scenario analysis applied to SEA in China was reviewed through four SEA case analyses. Lessons learned from these cases indicated the word “scenario” appears to be abused and the scenario-based methods appear to be misused due to the lack of understanding of an uncertain future and scenario analysis. However, good experiences were also drawn on, regarding how to integrate scenario analysis into the SEA process in China, how to cope with driving forces including uncertainties, how to combine qualitative scenario storylines with quantitative impact predictions, and how to conduct assessments and propose recommendations based on scenarios. Additionally, the ways to improve the application of this tool in SEA were suggested. We concluded by calling for further methodological research on this issue and more practices.  相似文献   

For the south central U.S., lower tropospheric ozone pollution has been a persistent and challenging problem. This paper provides long-term trends analyses of the ozone and precursor monitoring data collected over the past 20 years in four south central U.S. cities. The results of these analyses should be useful to air quality scientists, managers, planners, and modelers in assessing the effectiveness of ozone pollution control strategies being implemented or being planned for the future. Results of the data analyses show that all areas have monitored significant decreases in ozone and precursor concentrations over the past 20 years, especially in El Paso, Texas. Continuing challenges include the reduction of the percentage of time that monitors record 8 hour ozone concentrations over the U.S. 8 hour ozone standard, and the future control of highly reactive volatile organic compounds.  相似文献   

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