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Summary. An aphidiid wasp, Paralipsis eikoae, was associated with both Lasius niger and L. sakagamii attending the wormwood root aphid Sappaphis piri. An L. sakagamii worker was observed carrying a winged female P. eikoae to its nest with its mandible, but it did not kill the wasp. Once accepted by the ants, the wasp often mounted and rubbed against the worker ants and sometimes teased them to regurgitate food to itself. No workers in the colony attacked the wasp. Conspecific foreign workers, however, viciously attacked the wasp when encountered. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses showed that the accepted wasp had complex cuticular hydrocarbons that were very similar to those of its host ants, whereas the winged wasps collected outside the ant nest showed only a series of n-alkanes. Additionally, the accepted wasp had a hydrocarbon profile closer to that of its host ants than to the conspecific foreign ants. We believe the wasp mimics ant cuticular hydrocarbons to integrate into the ant nest, acquiring the hydrocarbons by mounting and rubbing against the ants. In contrast, the cuticular hydrocarbons of the emerged wasp contained larval and pupal hydrocarbons of L. sakagamii that were also similar to those of L. niger. Both ant species rejected adult workers of the other species but accepted their larvae and pupae. We suggest that the emerged P. eikoae mimics the cuticular hydrocarbons of these Lasius larvae and pupae, which allows P. eikoae to be accepted by both L. sakagamii and L. niger. Received 11 March 1998; accepted 22 July 1998.  相似文献   

Summary. Dufour gland secretions of the harvester ants Pogonomyrmex barbatus, P. rugosus and P. maricopa were investigated. The glandular blends exhibit species specific patterns, but more importantly, based on indiviual profiles of Dufour gland contents of colony members it is possible to separate the colonies from each other in each species. It is possible that these collective colony specific cues serve as longer lasting trunk route markers. Behavioral tests demonstrate that workers of P. rugosus prefer homing routes marked by members of their own colony to routes marked by a foreign conspecific colony.  相似文献   

Summary Individual seed harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex) have been shown to specialize on specific seed types. We examined possible mechanisms for seed specialization and tested whether fidelity to food type limits the foraging decisions of individual western harvester ants, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis. The seed selection regimes of individually marked ants foraging at piles of two seed types were described and related to differences in seed quality and colonial dietary history. Individual foraging choices were affected by multiple factors, including seed caloric rewards, the previous seed selected, and the dietary history of the colony. Individual seed choices generally converged on the most energetically profitable species, suggesting that foragers exhibit labile preference. However, for a portion of the foragers, seed specialization was also partially due to constancy, defined as a tendency to select seed species that were previously collected. When colonies were presented with one seed type for 1 h and then were offered a mix of that seed and a novel seed type, individuals showed a strong preference for the novel seeds. Such rapid changes in seed preference argue strongly that individual P. occidentalis ants are highly flexible in seed choice and that resource assessment by these ants is more complex than simple maximization of net energetic return.Offprint requests to: J.H. Fewell at the current address  相似文献   

1.  Scouts of the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus, P. maricopa and P. rugosus which discovered a new rich foraging area recruit nestmates by laying a trail with poison gland contents from the feeding site to the nest. Laboratory experiments have shown that Pogonomyrmex workers are stimulated to follow the trail by the trail pheromone alone.
2.  The biological significance of the recruitment behavior was analyzed in the mesquite-acacia desert in Arizona-New Mexico, where the three species occur sympatrically. P. maricopa recruits less efficiently to food sources than does P. barbatus and P. rugosus. Generally the recruitment activity depends on a number of parameters of the food source, such as distance to the nest, density of the seed fall and size of the grains.
3.  The recruitment activity is also affected by the presence, absence or distance of hostile neighboring colonies.
4.  The use of chemically and visually marked trunk trails which originate from recruitment trails, guarantees and efficient partitioning of foraging grounds. It could be demonstrated that trunk trails, used by P. barbatus and P. rugosus during foraging and homing, have the effect of avoiding aggressive confrontations between neighboring colonies of the same species. They channel the mass of foragers of hostile neighboring nests into diverging directions, before each ant pursues its individual foraging exploration. This channeling subtly partitions the foraging grounds and allows a much denser nest spacing pattern than a foraging strategy without trunk trails, such as that employed by P. maricopa.
5.  The behavioral mechanisms which maintain overdispersion both within and between species of Pogonomyrmex were investigated. Aggressive confrontations at the colony level and aggressive expulsion of foundress queens from the nest territories of mature colonies play thereby a major role. Observational as well as experimental data led to the conclusion that the farther away from its nest the intruder is, the less vigorous are the aggressive confrontations with the defenders. Only when neighboring colonies are located too close together will increased aggressive interactions eventually lead to the emigration of the weaker colony.
6.  P. barbatus and P. rugosus have a wide niche overlap, whereas P. maricopa seems to be more specialized in regard to food. This is consistent with the findings that interspecific territoriality between P. barbatus and P. rugosus is considerably more developed than between these species on the one side and P. maricopa on the other.
7.  Although foundress queens, which venture into a territory of a conspecific mature colony are fiercely attacked, most of them are not injured, but rather dragged or carried to the territorial border and then released.
8.  Nevertheless foraging areas, even of conspecific colonies, frequently overlap, but aggressive interactions there are usually less intense than at the core areas (trunk trails plus nest yards), which normally do not overlap and are vigorously defended.

Founding queens of the obligatory social parasite ant Polyergus samurai usurp the host ant Formica japonica colony. The aggressive behaviors of F. japonica workers on the parasite queen disappear after the parasite queen kills the resident queen. To determine whether the parasite queen chemically mimics the host ants, we examined the aggressive behavior of F. japonica workers toward glass dummies applied with various extracts of the parasite queen and host workers. The crude extracts and hydrocarbon fraction reproduced the host workers’ behavior to the live ants. The extracts of the post-adoption parasite queen, as well as the nestmate extracts of F. japonica, did not elicit the aggressive behavior, but the extract of the pre-adoption parasite queen triggered attacks by the host workers. The nestmate recognition of host workers did not change, regardless of contact with the parasite. The gas chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analyses indicated that the cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profile of the parasite queen drastically changed during the process of usurpation. Discriminant analysis showed the successfully usurped P. samurai queen had colony-specific CHC profiles. CHC profiles of the P. samurai queen who killed the host queen were more similar to those of the host queen than the workers, while the P. samurai queen who usurped the queenless colony had a profile similar to those of host workers. These results suggest that the P. samurai queen usually acquires the CHCs from the host queen during the fight, but from host wokers in queenless host colonies.  相似文献   

A recent study (Izzo et al., Behav Ecol Sociobiol 64: 857–864, 2010) reported that cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) correlate with fertility, not dominance, in the paper wasp Polistes dominulus thus contradicting the results of recent investigations which concluded that social dominance is the main determinant for CHC signatures in this species. We suggest here that different forms of dominance in the pre-nesting and post-nesting phases caused the apparently contradictory results. Thus the assumption that dominance behaviour in the pre-nesting stage is synonymous with dominance after colony foundation is incorrect. We provide standardised definitions for forms of “dominance” observed in the P. dominulus life cycle to avoid apparent discrepancies in the future among studies dealing with the same topics in different annual stages.  相似文献   

The evolution of polyandry is a central problem in the study of insect mating systems, and both material and genetic benefits have been proposed to offset the presumed costs of multiple mating. Although most eusocial Hymenoptera queens mate with just one or occasionally two males, high levels of polyandry are exhibited by several taxa, including seed-harvester ants of the genus Pogonomyrmex. Previous studies of queen mating frequency in Pogonomyrmex have focused on monogynous (one queen per colony) species in the subgenus Pogonomyrmex. We performed a genetic mother–offspring analysis of mating frequency in Pogonomyrmex (Ephebomyrmex) pima, a queen-dimorphic species with dealate and intermorph queens that differ in colony structure (intermorph colonies contain multiple queens). Our results demonstrate that both dealate and intermorph queens of P. (E.) pima are typically single maters, unlike their congeners analyzed thus far. Polyandry appears to be a derived trait in Pogonomyrmex, but comparative tests between P. (E.) pima queen morphs and across the genus provide no evidence that it evolved as an adaptation to increase genetic diversity within colonies or to obtain more sperm, respectively.  相似文献   

Encounter rate and task allocation in harvester ants   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
As conditions change, social insect colonies adjust the numbers of workers engaged in various tasks, such as foraging and nest work. This process of task allocation operates without central control; individuals respond to simple, local cues. This study investigates one such cue, the pattern of an ant's interactions with other workers. We examined how an ant's tendency to perform midden work, carrying objects to and sorting the refuse pile of the colony, is related to the recent history of the ant's brief antennal contacts, in laboratory colonies of the red harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus. The probability that an ant performed midden work was related to its recent interactions in two ways. First, the time an ant spent performing midden work was positively correlated with the number of midden workers that ant had met while it was away from the midden. Second, ants engaged in a task other than midden work were more likely to begin to do midden work when their rate of encounter per minute with midden workers was high. Cues based on interaction rate may enable ants to respond to changes in worker numbers even though ants cannot count or assess total numbers engaged in a task. Received: 1 July 1998 / Accepted: 15 November 1998  相似文献   

Myrmecophiles, i.e., organisms associated with ants live in a variety of ecological niches in the vicinity or inside ant colonies and employ different strategies to survive ant encounters. Because different niches are characterized by different encounter rates with host ants, strategies used to avoid ant aggressions should depend on these niches. This hypothesis was studied with three rove beetle species of the genus Pella, which are myrmecophiles of the ant Lasius fuliginosus and the non-myrmecophilous relative Drusilla canaliculata. Behavioral tests in the field revealed that Pella species are better adapted to interactions with ants than D. canaliculata, but that they use species-specific strategies in ant interactions. Pella cognata and Pella funesta avoid encounters with ants by swift movements. Chemical analyses of the defensive tergal gland secretions showed that P. cognata has replaced the aggression inducing undecane by the behaviorally neutral tridecane. P. funesta repels the ants by releasing the panic alarm pheromone sulcatone from its tergal gland resulting in an “ant free space” around the beetles. Finally, Pella laticollis uses a specific and unique appeasing behavior. Behavioral and chemical data did not reveal any indication for the mimicry of the ants' cuticular hydrocarbon profiles by any of the beetle species. It is discussed that the employed strategies correlate with the ecological niches of the beetles. P. cognata and P. funesta are living along ant trails with ample space to escape and the employed strategies are probably sufficient to escape from dangerous conflicts. In contrast, P. laticollis lives in refuse areas of ant nests with frequent ant encounters, and its appeasement strategy allows it to stay at the encounter site.  相似文献   

Summary Colonies of the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus, adjust the direction and length of foraging trails in response to the foraging behavior of their conspecific neighbors. In the absence of any interaction with its neighbor, a mature colony expands its foraging range at a rate of 0.85 ± 0.15 m per day. Exclusion experiments show that if a colony is prevented from using its foraging trails, the neighbors of that colony will enter its foraging range within 10 days. Exclusion experiments were performed with three age classes of colonies: young (1 year old), intermediate (3–4 years old), and old (5 years old or more). Colonies 3–4 years old are most likely to expand foraging ranges, and to retain newly-gained areas. To examine the relation of colony age (in years) and colony size (in numbers of workers), colonies of known age were excavated. Colonies increase greatly in size in years 3 and 4. Foraging area may be of greater current or prospective value for younger, smaller, quickly growing colonies than for older, larger ones of stable size. Correspondence to the second address  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in diversity and community structure of planktonic copepods at a shelf site in Sagami Bay, Japan was studied in relation to cross-shelf interaction of species components. Seasonal mesozooplankton samples were collected from the shelf station (St. M) of the north-west part of Sagami Bay from 1995 to 1997. Vertical multi-layered samples were collected near the center of Sagami Bay (St. P) in June 1996. A total 185 copepod species were identified from the two stations. We observed a clear seasonal succession in calanoid diversity and community structure at St. M from a simple shelf water community (>11 species) during spring blooming periods to highly diverse and mixed communities (ca 20–30 species) of shelf water species coupled with various Kuroshio Current species during late summer to autumn. Cluster and non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination analyses showed two distinct calanoid community groups. One group, which included samples of St. M and the surface layer of St. P, consisted of shelf water species, such as Calanus sinicus, Ctenocalanus vanus, Paracalanus spp., and Kuroshio species, such as, Canthocalanus pauper, Scolecithrix danae, etc. The other cluster was restricted to the samples collected from mid and deep layers at St. P, which consisted of meso- and bathypelagic species and Oyashio species (cold-current species, such as Neocalanus cristatus, Pseudocalanus spp., Eucalanus bungii and Metridia pacifica). In the mid and deep layers at St. P, the population of dormant copepodid stage V (CV) of Eucalanus californicus and C. sinicus were dominant. The deep CV population of C. sinicus might be ecologically discriminated from the surface and shelf water population due to their larger body length and dormant life cycle. E. californicus was also collected at the shelf site during each spring bloom period, whereas the population might descend into the mid- and deep-layers of the central bay before summer. Our results suggest that the seasonal fluctuation of community structure in the shelf water was controlled by both physical (Kuroshio Current) and biological factors, i.e., spring bloom and ontogenetic vertical migration of E. californicus. In particular, transport and diffusion processes of Kuroshio Current in Sagami Bay played a key role in controlling the shelf water calanoid community.  相似文献   

Volatiles from male hindgut extracts of a newly described spruce bark beetle, Ips shangrila Cognato and Sun, from different attack phases were analyzed by GC–MS/FID with both polar and enantioselective columns. The GC–MS/FID analyses showed that unmated males (Phase 1) or males mated with <3 females (Phases 2–4) produced 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol and 99%-(+)-ipsdienol as major components, and (−)-cis-verbenol, (−)-trans-verbenol, myrtenol and 2-phenyl ethanol as minor or trace components. The release of these male-produced compounds was confirmed by the analysis on aeration sample of an I. shangrila infested wind-thrown spruce trunk. The quantities of 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol, cis-verbenol and trans-verbenol from male hindgut extracts were almost unchanged or even slightly increased during gallery development, while ipsdienol decreased dramatically after mating with three females. No obvious Ips-related aggregation pheromone components were detected in the female hindgut extract. A field trapping bioassay in Qinghai, China, showed that the ternary blends containing 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol, (−)-cis-verbenol and 97%-(+)-ipsdienol or (±)-ipsdienol, caught significantly more I. shangrila (♂:♀ = 1:2.14) than did the unbaited control. Replacing 97%-(+)-ipsdienol (close to the naturally produced enantiomeric ratio) with (±)-ipsdienol in the ternary blend seemed to reduce trap catches by 50%, but the difference was not statistically significant. Surprisingly, addition of (−)-trans-verbenol (at 0.2 mg/day) to the active ternary blends significantly reduced traps catches to the level not different from the unbaited control. Our results suggest that the two major components, 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol and 99%-(+)-ipsdienol, plus a minor component, (−)-cis-verbenol, produced by fed males, are likely the aggregation pheromone components of I. shangrila.  相似文献   

Starch-gel electrophoresis of allozymes was used to differentiate the two red mullet species (Mullus barbatus L. and M. surmuletus L.) in the Mediterranean Sea and, further, to investigate the genetic stock structure of M. barbatus in the eastern Mediterranean area. Twenty putative enzyme-coding loci were examined in eight M. barbatus samples caught in the Aegean and Ionian Seas (Greece) and in the Gulf of Lion (France), and two M. surmuletus samples caught in the Aegean and Gulf of Lion. A high degree of genetic polymorphism was found in both species. Species-specific electrophoretic patterns were found in PGI* and PGM*. Estimates of variance of allele frequencies among samples (F ST) and 2 analyses both revealed significant differences (P < 0.05) among the M. barbatus samples. Most of the genetic variation was among samples regardless of region. The mean value of Nei's genetic distance between the two species was 0.329. Genetic distance among M. barbatus samples was low (maximum Nei's D = 0.012), with the sample from Platania differing most from other M. barbatus samples. This is probably be due to founder effects existing at this area. These results suggest that allozyme analysis may provide important information on the genetic structure of the red mullet to ensure sustainable management of this species. Received: 7 May 1997 / Accepted: 13 October 1997  相似文献   

Leaf-cutting ants exhibit an aggressive alarm response. Yet in most alarm reactions, not all of the ants encountering a disturbance will respond. This variability in behaviour was investigated using field colonies of Atta capiguara, a grass-cutting species. Crushed ant heads were applied near foraging trails to stimulate alarm reactions. We found that minor workers were disproportionately likely to respond. Only 34.7DŽ.8% of ants travelling along foraging trails were minor workers, but 82.1Lj.1% of ants that responded were minors. Workers transporting grass did not respond at all. The alarm response was strongest at the position and time where minors were most abundant. Ants were more likely to respond when they were travelling along trails with low rather than high traffic. Minor workers followed a meandering route along the trail, compared with the direct route taken by foragers. We argue that an important function of minor workers on foraging trails is to patrol the trail area for threats, and that they then play the key role in the alarm reaction.  相似文献   

Inbreeding in a lek-mating ant species, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we have two goals. First, we examine the effects of sample size on the statistical power to detect a given amount of inbreeding in social insect populations. The statistical power to detect a given level of inbreeding is largely a function of the number of colonies sampled. We explore two sampling schemes, one in which a single individual per colony is sampled for different sample sizes and a second sampling scheme in which constant sampling effort is maintained (the product of the number of colonies and the number of workers per colony is constant). We find that adding additional workers to a sample from a colony makes it easier to detect inbreeding in samples from given number of colonies; however, adding more colonies rather than more workers per colony always gives greater power to detect inbreeding. Because even relatively large amounts of sib-mating generate relatively small inbreeding coefficients, detection of even substantial deviations from random mating will require very large samples. Second, we look at the amount of inbreeding in a large population of the western harvest ant, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis. We find deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium equivalent to approximately 27% sib-mating in our population ( f = 0.09). Review of past studies on the population structure of other Pogonomyrmex species suggests that inbreeding may be a regular feature of the mating system of these ants. Although P. occidentalisis a swarm-mating species, there are a number of features of its population biology which suggest that the effective population size may be small. These include topographical variation that potentially breaks the population into demes, variation in the reproductive output of colonies, and variation in the size of reproductives produced by colonies. Received: 6 May 1996 / Accepted after revision: 6 October 1996  相似文献   

Limitation of a necessary resource can affect an organism’s investment into growth and reproduction. Pogonomyrmex harvester ants store vast quantities of seeds in their nests that are thought to buffer the ants when external resources are not available. This research uses externally controlled food availability to examine how resource shortage affects colony investment, resource use, and resource distribution within the nest. Colonies were either starved or supplemented with resources for 2 months, beginning at the onset of reproductive investment and ending immediately before nuptial flights. Fed colonies invested more in overall production, proportionally more in reproduction relative to growth and in female reproductives relative to males. Stored seeds in starved colonies did not buffer production in this study. However, worker fat reserves were depleted in starved colonies, indicating that fat reserves fuel the spring bout of production. In starved colonies, worker fat reserves were depleted evenly throughout the nest, distributing the burden of starvation on all workers regardless of caste and age. A reallocation of diploid eggs into female workers rather than reproductives best explains the observed change in sex ratio investment between treatments. The redistribution of resources into growth relative to reproduction in starved colonies is consistent with life history theory for long-lived organisms, switching from current to future reproduction when resources are scarce.  相似文献   

The pelagic copepod Calanus pacificus ranges nearly continuously across temperate-boreal regions of the North Pacific Ocean and is currently divided into three subspecies—C. pacificus oceanicus, C. pacificus californicus, C. pacificus pacificus—based on subtle morphological differences and geographic location. The relation between geography and genetic differentiation was examined for 398 C. pacificus individuals sampled from six widely distributed locations across the North Pacific, including an open ocean site and coastal sites on both sides of the North Pacific basin. For each individual copepod, the DNA sequence was determined for a 421-bp region of the mitochondrial coxI gene (mtCOI). A total of sixty-three different mtCOI sequences, or haplotypes, were detected, with a sequence divergence between haplotypes of 0.2–3.1%. The number and distribution of haplotypes varied with sampling location; 12 haplotypes were distributed across multiple sampling locations, and 51 occurred at only one location. Five genetically distinct populations were detected based on F ST values. Haplotype minimum spanning networks, nucleotide divergence and F ST values indicated that individuals from coastal sites in the North Pacific Ocean were more closely related to each other than to individuals from the open ocean site at Station P. These results provide genetic support for the designation of two subspecies—a coastal subspecies that consists of what is currently referred to as C. p. pacificus and C. p. californicus and an open ocean subspecies C. p. oceanicus. This work also indicates that planktonic copepods with potentially high dispersal capacity can develop genetically structured populations in the absence of obvious geographic barriers between proximate locales within an ocean basin.  相似文献   

Age, growth and population structure of Modiolus barbatus from Mali Ston Bay, Croatia were determined using modal size (age) classes in length frequency distributions, annual pallial line scars on the inner shell surface, internal annual growth lines in shell sections of the middle nacreous layer and Calcein marked and transplanted mussels. The length frequency distributions indicated that M. barbatus attain a length of ∼40 mm in 5–6 years indicating that a large proportion of the population in Mali Ston Bay is <5 years old. Some mussels of ∼60 mm were predicted to be 14 years old using the Von Bertalanffy growth (VBG) equation. Up to the first 6 pallial line scars were visible in young (<6 years) mussels but in older shells the first scars became obscured by nacre deposition as the mussel increased in length and age. The age of the older shells (>6 years) was determined from the middle nacreous lines in shell section, which formed annually in winter between February and March; the wider dark increments forming during summer (June to September). The oldest mussel, determined from the middle nacreous lines, was >12 years, with the majority of mussels aged between 3 and 6 years of age. The ages of mussels ascertained using the growth lines were not dissimilar to the ages predicted from the length frequency distributions. Age at length curves produced using modal size class data were not different from the data obtained using the pallial scar rings and internal growth lines. Taken together these data suggest that M. barbatus attains a length of 40 and 50 mm within 5 and 8 years, respectively. Eighty one percent of individual M. barbatus injected with a Calcein seawater solution (300 mg Calcein l−1), into their mantle cavity successfully deposited a fluorescent line, which was visible in suitably prepared shell sections under ultra violet light. Incorporation of Calcein into the mussel shells was seasonally variable with the lowest frequency of incorporation in mussels marked in February and recovered in May. Seasonal shell growth was observed with significantly higher growth rates in mussels marked in May and removed in August (ANCOVA, F 3,149 = 23.11, P < 0.001). Mussels (∼18 to 22 mm) marked in May and recovered in August displayed maximal growth rates of >2.5 mm month−1 compared with a mean mussel growth rate of 1.2 ± 0.6 mm month−1. At other times of the year mussel shell growth ranged from immeasurable to 1.48 mm month−1.  相似文献   

Using four polymorphic microsatellite loci, we found that four Apis andreniformis queens collected in Thailand each mated at least 10–20 times, producing an average relatedness, g ww, of workers of 0.30 ± 0.007, and an average effective number of matings of 9.1 ± 2.2. The degrees of polyandry and intra-colonial genetic relatedness in A. andreniformis are similar to those in A. mellifera, slightly more than in A. florea, and up to 6 times less than in A. dorsata. We argue that while presently favoured hypotheses for the evolution of polyandry in monogynous social insects may adequately explain the evolution of up to five or six matings, they are inadequate to explain the extreme polyandry (10–60 matings) observed in Apis. One alternative possibility is that colony fitness is a non-additive function of the fitness of individual subfamilies. Such behavioral over-dominance may mean that queen fitness is increased by high levels of polyandry, which increase the probability of desirable combinations of worker genotypes occurring in one colony. The special attributes of honey bees which may lead to behavioral over-dominance include colony aggregation (which may increase the incidence of disease), and frequent long-distance migration. Received: 8 May 1996/Accepted after revision: 9 August 1996  相似文献   

Seabird populations contain large numbers of immatures––in some instances comprising >50% of the fully grown adults in the population. These birds are significant components of marine food webs and may contribute to compensatory recruitment and dispersal, but remain severely understudied. Here, we use GPS-PTTs, radio-tracking and analysis of stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes to investigate the movements and foraging ecology of immature seabirds. Our study focussed on immature northern gannets Morus bassanus aged 2–4 attending non-breeding aggregations alongside a large breeding colony. GPS-PTT tracking of five birds revealed that immatures have the ability to disperse widely during the breeding season, with some individuals potentially prospecting at other colonies. Overall, however, immatures were faithful to the colony of capture. During returns to the focal colony, immatures acted as central place foragers, conducted looping and commuting flights, and analysis of the variance in first-passage time revealed evidence of area-restricted search (ARS) behaviour. In addition, stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope analyses indicate that immatures were isotopically segregated from breeders. Our findings provide insights into the foraging, prospecting and dispersal behaviour of immature seabirds, which may have important implications for understanding seabird ecology and conservation.  相似文献   

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