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The benefits of cooperation are essential in driving group formation. However, an individual can gain significant benefits by acting selfishly at a substantial cost to others in the group. Thus, group members must find a balance between accepting and rejecting potential new members. Here, I explore the factors that mediate acceptance of non-related individuals during the period of group establishment in the primitively eusocial wasp Mischocyttarus mexicanus. In this species, group composition changes during establishment, with non-related females (non-nestmates) sometimes accepted into a foreign colony. By experimentally introducing non-nestmates to newly established colonies, I test the hypothesis that acceptance threshold of nestmates towards non-nestmates shifts depending on the ecological context, as predicted by the Optimal Acceptance Threshold Model. I explored how non-nestmate age (young vs. old), stage of colony establishment (early vs. late), initial behavior of the non-nestmates (non-aggressive vs. aggressive), and the behavioral response by nestmates (non-aggressive vs. aggressive) affected the rates of acceptance. My results show an effect of both non-nestmate age and stage of colony development on non-nestmate acceptance. Young non-nestmates were more frequently accepted in early than in late colonies. Late colonies more frequently rejected both young and old non-nestmates, suggesting a cost of accepting potential usurpers into late colonies. Surprisingly, non-nestmate aggressive behavior did not have a direct effect on their acceptance, but it triggered an aggressive response from nestmates. These findings reveal a shift in the acceptance threshold, suggesting an effect of the social context and the specific needs of a colony on non-nestmate acceptance.  相似文献   

Summary In the laboratory overwintered females of Polistes fuscatus preferentially associated with former nestmates during the founding of a colony. They did not associate with non-nestmates or only with nestmates with whom they had overwintered, but affiliated with all former nestmates, regardless of where the former nestmates overwintered.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that entrance guards of the stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula make less errors in distinguishing nestmates from non-nestmates than all other bee species studied to date, but how they achieve this is unknown. We performed four experiments to investigate nestmate recognition by entrance guards in T. angustula. We first investigated the effect of colony odours on acceptance. Nestmates that acquired odour from non-nestmate workers were 63% more likely to be rejected while the acceptance rate of non-nestmates treated with nestmate odour increased by only 7%. We further hypothesised that guards standing on the wax entrance tube might use the tube as an odour referent. However, our findings showed that there was no difference in the acceptance of non-nestmates by guards standing on their own colony’s entrance tube versus the non-nestmate’s entrance tube. Moreover, treatment of bees with nestmate and non-nestmate resin or wax had a negative effect on acceptance rates of up to 65%, regardless of the origin of the wax or resin. The role of resin as a source of recognition cues was further investigated by unidirectionally transferring resin stores between colonies. Acceptance rates of nestmates declined by 37% for hives that donated resin, contrasting with resin donor hives where acceptance of non-nestmates increased by 21%. Overall, our results confirm the accuracy of nestmate recognition in T. angustula and reject the hypothesis that this high level of accuracy is due to the use of the wax entrance tubes as a referent for colony odour. Our findings also suggest that odours directly acquired from resin serve no primary function as nestmate recognition cues. The lack of consistency among colonies plus the complex results of the third and fourth experiments highlight the need for further research on the role of nest materials and cuticular profiles in understanding nestmate recognition in T. angustula.  相似文献   

Summary Laboratory-overwintered paper wasp (Polistes metricus) females preferentially associate on new nests with former nestmates (presumably their sisters) rather than with non-nestmates in the absence of cues associated with their natal nests or nest sites. Females isolated from conspecifics and nests for 74–99 days retain the ability to discriminate nestmates from nonnestmates.  相似文献   

Summary In the laboratory, gynes (potential queens) of the paper wasp, Polistes fuscatus, exposed to both their natal nest and female nestmates (presumably their sisters) discriminate between female nestmates and unrelated females. However, gynes not exposed to their natal nest or conspecifics and gynes exposed only to female nestmates do not discriminate between female nestmates and unrelated females. Thus, the presence of the nest appears to be a requisite for the development of nestmate discrimination.  相似文献   

In group-level recognition, discriminators use sensory information to distinguish group members and non-members. For example, entrance guards in eusocial insect colonies discriminate nestmates from intruders by comparing their odour with a template of the colony odour. Despite being a species-rich group of eusocial bees closely related to the honey bees, stingless bee nestmate recognition is a relatively little-studied area. We studied Frieseomelitta varia, a common Brazilian species of stingless bee known as marmelada. By measuring the rejection rates of nestmate and non-nestmate worker bees by guards, we were able to show that guards became significantly less accepting (from 91 to 46%) of nestmates that had acquired odour cues from non-nestmate workers; however, guards did not become significantly more accepting (from 31 to 42%) of non-nestmates that had acquired equivalent amounts of odour cues from the guard’s nestmates. These data strongly suggest that guards use an “undesirable–absent” system in recognition, whereby incoming conspecific workers are only accepted if undesirable cues are absent, despite the presence of desirable cues. We suggest that an undesirable–absent system is adaptive because robbing by conspecifics may be an important selective factor in F. varia, which would lead to selection for a non-permissive acceptance strategy by guards.  相似文献   

Social insects rank among the most abundant and influential terrestrial organisms. The key to their success is their ability to form tightly knit social groups that perform work cooperatively, and effectively exclude non-members from the colony. An extensive body of research, both empirical and theoretical, has explored how optimal acceptance thresholds could evolve in individuals, driven by the twin costs of inappropriately rejecting true nestmates and erroneously accepting individuals from foreign colonies. Here, in contrast, we use agent-based modeling to show that strong nestmate recognition by individuals is often unnecessary. Instead, highly effective nestmate recognition can arise as a colony-level property from a collective of individually poor recognizers. Essentially, although an intruder can get by one defender when their odor cues are similar, it is nearly impossible to get past many defenders if there is the slightest difference in cues. The results of our models match observed rejection rates in studies of ants, wasps, and bees. We also show that previous research in support of the optimal threshold theory approach to the problem of nestmate recognition can be alternatively viewed as evidence in favor of the collective formation of a selectively permeable barrier that allows in nestmates (at a significant cost) while rejecting non-nestmates. Finally, this work shows that nestmate recognition has a stronger task allocation component than previously thought, as colonies can nearly always achieve perfect nestmate recognition if it is cost effective for them to do so at the colony level.  相似文献   

In social-insect colonies, cooperation among nestmates is generally stabilized by their high genetic similarity. Thus, fitness gained through cooperation drops quickly as the number of reproductive females (queens) increases. In this respect, wasps of the tribe Epiponini have attracted special attention, because the colonies have tens, or even hundreds of queens. It has been empirically or genetically confirmed that relatedness within nestmates can be elevated by a mechanism known as cyclical monogyny, under which new queens are produced only after the number of old queens is reduced to one. Another likely factor that can increase relatedness within nestmates under polygyny is comb partitioning by queens. If queens concentrate their egg laying on one or a subset of the available combs, then workers may be able to rear closer relatives by focusing their work on the comb where they emerged. Using microsatellite markers, we tested the hypotheses of cyclical monogyny and comb partitioning by queens increasing relatedness within nestmates under polygyny in the large-colony epiponine wasp, Polybia paulista. There were no significant differences between relatedness within combs and between combs, and thus we ruled out the possibility that each queen partitions reproduction between combs. However, as cyclical monogyny predicts, a lower effective number of queens contributed to queen production than to worker production. Cyclical monogyny explained well the observed smaller effective number of queens for new queens than that for workers, but failed to explain the stable relatedness values throughout colony cycles.Communicated by L. Keller  相似文献   

The evolutionary stability of cooperation and altruism in colonies of social insects requires that nestmates be to some extent related. An efficient system of discrimination against non-nestmates protects the nest against unrelated conspecifics, which might exploit or parasitize the colony. The co-occurrence of unrelated individuals in mature colonies therefore is a rare event that deserves more attention. Here, we report on the relatively common incidence of colony fusion in the ant Platythyrea punctata. Workers of this ant can produce genetically identical female offspring from unfertilized eggs through thelytokous parthenogenesis. Consequently, the majority of colonies has a “clonal structure” and consists of individuals with identical multilocus genotypes. Nevertheless, field observations indicate that a surprisingly large percentage of colonies contain workers belonging to two or more different genetic lineages. Much of this genetic heterogeneity is incompatible with eventual recombination or mutation events, but instead appears to result from colony fusion or the adoption of unrelated individuals. Indeed, colonies of P. punctata from the Dominican Republic and Barbados readily merged in the laboratory and, after elimination of one of the two reproductive workers, formed stable, genetically heterogeneous colonies. We discuss the possible causes and benefits of colony fusion in natural populations.  相似文献   

Loss of aggression between social groups can have far-reaching effects on the structure of societies and populations. We tested whether variation in the genetic structure of colonies of the termite Nasutitermes corniger affects the probability of aggression toward non-nestmates and the ability of unrelated colonies to fuse. We determined the genotypes of workers and soldiers from 120 colonies at seven polymorphic microsatellite loci. Twenty-seven colonies contained offspring of multiple founding queens or kings, yielding an average within-colony relatedness of 0.33. Genotypes in the remaining 93 colonies were consistent with reproduction by a single queen and king or their progeny, with an average within-colony relatedness of 0.51. In standardized assays, the probability of aggression between workers and soldiers from different colonies was an increasing function of within-colony relatedness. The probability of aggression was not affected significantly by the degree of relatedness between colonies, which was near zero in all cases, or by whether the colonies were neighbors. To test whether these assays of aggression predict the potential for colony fusion in the field, we transplanted selected nests to new locations. Workers and soldiers from colonies that were mutually tolerant in laboratory assays joined their nests without fighting, but workers and soldiers that were mutually aggressive in the assays initiated massive battles. These results suggest that the presence of multiple unrelated queens or kings promotes recognition errors, which can lead to the formation of more complex colony structures.  相似文献   

Kin-based male mating preferences in two species of halictine bee   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In both of the social bee species Lasioglossum (Dialictus) zephyrum and Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) malachurum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), males are shown to be attracted to females in field experiments by a pheromone which covaries among female relatives. Females sampled from a nesting aggregation other than the one in which the tested males occur are slightly more attractive than females from the males' own aggregation, and always significantly more attractive than females whose pheromones have been extracted. Furthermore, in L. malachurum experience with a female alters the response of the males towards that female and towards her nestmates (most probably close relatives) in further encounters, but does not alter the males' responses towards females who were non-nestmates of the experienced one. These data indicate that some form of learning of female kin-identity takes place in adult males, and influences the mating system. How males may integrate kinship information into a mating strategy is discussed.  相似文献   

The social spider Anelosimus studiosus exhibits a behavioral polymorphism where colony members express either a passive, tolerant behavioral tendency (social) or an aggressive, intolerant behavioral tendency (asocial). Here we test whether asocial individuals act as colony defenders by deflecting the suite of foreign (i.e., heterospecific) spider species that commonly exploit multi-female colonies. We (1) determined whether the phenotypic composition of colonies is associated with foreign spider abundance, (2) tested whether heterospecific spider abundance and diversity affect colony survival in the field, and (3) performed staged encounters between groups of A. studiosus and their colony-level predator Agelenopsis emertoni (A. emertoni)to determine whether asocial females exhibit more defensive behavior. We found that larger colonies harbor more foreign spiders, and the number of asocial colony members was negatively associated with foreign spider abundance. Additionally, colony persistence was negatively associated with the abundance and diversity of foreign spiders within colonies. In encounters with a colony-level predator, asocial females were more likely to exhibit escalatory behavior, and this might explain the negative association between the frequency of asocial females and the presence of foreign spider associates. Together, our results indicate that foreign spiders are detrimental to colony survival, and that asocial females play a defensive role in multi-female colonies.  相似文献   

The capacity to recognise a conspecific intruder was investigated in Parischnogaster jacobsoni, Liostenogaster flavolineata and L. vechti, three species of primitively social wasps of the subfamily Stenogastrinae. Results of behavioural experiments carried out in the field showed that females of all three species react pacifically if presented with female nestmates, but aggressively reject an intruder from a conspecific colony. As L. flavolineata and L. vechti both build large clusters of nests, often very close to each other, the recognition capacity among females from different nests, but in the same conspecific cluster, was also investigated. Females of both species were more aggressive towards females from a different colony in the same cluster than towards their female nestmates. Additional experiments on L. flavolineata showed that there was no difference in reaction towards females from colonies nearer or further from the tested colony but within the same cluster, nor towards females from a different cluster. The capacity to recognise an alien conspecific nest containing immature brood was investigated in P. jacobsoni. Adult females of this species, invited to land on an alien nest which had experimentally been exchanged for their own, accepted the new nest and partially destroyed the immature brood. The behaviour of the females when they land on an alien nest, however, suggests that they do recognise the nest as foreign. Acceptance of foreign nests coupled with low immature brood destruction is probably due to the high energetic costs of egg-deposition and larval rearing in stenogastrine wasps. These results suggest that nestmate recognition in these wasps is very efficient, even though they belong to the most primitive subfamily of social wasps. Received: 16 April 1996/Accepted after revision: 9 August 1996  相似文献   

Summary Colonies of some leptothoracine ants may contain several inseminated but sterile females in addition to a single, fertile queen (functional monogyny). We here report the first observations on the behavior of these supernumerary females in the nearctic ant Leptothorax sp.A, a species belonging to the L. muscorum complex.In four colonies, each with up to eight intermorphic females, ritualized or openly aggressive interactions between individuals were observed, similar to those among workers of some other leptothoracine ants. The responses of individual females during encounters with nestmates apparently reflect the existence of linear dominance hierarchies. In each colony, the highest ranking individual was fed and groomed significantly more often than other females, and was the only one to oviposit after hibernation and to become fully physogastric during the first weeks of spring. When these -females were removed from three colonies, several other females started to lay eggs. However, in each colony only the highest ranking individual remained fertile; the others either were pushed out of the nest and finally killed by the workers, or their ovaries degenerated again.Aggressive interactions among females may also play an important role in the foundation of new colonies either by inducing intermorphs to leave the maternal nest to found new colonies solitarily or by inducing colony fission. Offprint requests to: J. Heinze at his new address  相似文献   

Colony integrity is fundamental to social insects and is threatened by the reproduction of non-nestmates. Therefore, discrimination between eggs derived from nestmates and non-nestmates would constitute an adaptation to prevent exploitation of the entire cooperative group by unrelated individuals. The removal of nestmate and non-nestmate queen and worker-laid eggs was evaluated in honeybees using colonies of Apis mellifera capensis to test female and of A. m. scutellata to test male eggs. The data show that honeybees can distinguish between nestmate and non-nestmate eggs of both sexes. Moreover, non-nestmate female queen-laid eggs were removed significantly faster than nestmate female worker-laid eggs in A. m. capensis, indicating that nestmate recognition cues can override caste-specific ones. While the experimental manipulation accounts for 37.2% (A. m. scutellata) or 1.6% (A. m. capensis) of variance in relation to egg removal, nestmate recognition explains 33.3% for male eggs (A. m. scutellata) and 60.6% for female eggs (A. m. capensis), which is almost twice as high as the impact of caste (16.7% A. m. scutellata; 25% A. m. capensis). Our data show a stronger effect of nestmate recognition on egg removal in the honeybee, suggesting that cues other than caste-specific ones (viability/kin) can dominate egg removal behavior. In light of intraspecific social parasitism, preventing the reproduction of unrelated individuals (group selection) rather than preferring queens’ eggs (kin selection) appears to be the driving force behind the evolution of egg removal behavior in honeybees.  相似文献   

Summary We have demonstrated that females of the primitively eusocial tropical wasp Ropalidia marginata can discriminate nestmates from nonnestmates outside the context of their nests. This was accomplished by recroding all behavioural interactions in a neutral arena and comparing tolerance levels. In order for these wasps to make such a discrimination, however, it was essential that after eclosion both the discriminated and the discriminating animals were exposed to their respective natal nests and nestmates. The results suggest that both recognition labels and templates are acquired by the animals from sources outside their body, perhaps from their nest or nestmates. It is thus unlikely that different genetic lines within a colony can be distinguished. We conclude, therefore, that genetic asymmetries created by haplodiploidy, but often broken down by multiple mating and polygyny, are not restored by preferential altruism towards full rather than half sisters by means of kin recognition. Hence we recommend caution in ascribing the multiple origins of eusociality in the Hymenoptera to haplodiploidy.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate degrees of relatedness may be expected to evolve if it allows unreciprocated altruism to be preferentially directed towards kin (Hamilton in J Theor Biol 7:1–16, 1964). We explored the possibility of kin recognition in the primitively eusocial halictid bee Lasioglossum malachurum by investigating the reliability of worker odour cues that can be perceived by workers to act as indicators of either nest membership or kinship. Cuticular and Dufour’s gland compounds varied significantly among colonies of L. malachurum, providing the potential for nestmate discrimination. A significant, though weak, negative correlation between chemical distance and genetic relatedness (r = −0.055, p < 0.001) suggests a genetic component to variation in cuticular bouquet, but odour cues were not informative enough to discriminate between different degrees of relatedness within nests. This pattern of variation was similar for Dufour’s gland bouquets. The presence of unrelated individuals within nests that are not chemically different from their nestmates suggests that the discrimination system of L. malachurum is prone to acceptance errors. Compounds produced by colony members are likely combined to generate a gestalt colony chemical signature such that all nestmates have a similar smell. The correlation between odour cues and nest membership was greater for perceived compounds than for non-perceived compounds, suggesting that variability in perceived compounds is a result of positive selection for nestmate recognition despite potentially stabilising selection to reduce variability in odour differences and thereby to reduce costs derived from excessive intracolony nepotistic behaviour.  相似文献   

In many polygynous ant species, established colonies adopt new queens secondarily. Conflicts over queen adoption might arise between queens and workers of established colonies and the newly mated females seeking adoption into nests. Colony members are predicted to base adoption decisions on their relatednesses to other participants, on competition between queens for colony resources, and on the effects that adopted queens have on colony survivorship and productivity. To provide a better understanding of queen-adoption dynamics in a facultatively polygynous ant, colonies of Myrmica tahoensis were observed in the field for 4 consecutive years and analyzed genetically using highly polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers. The extreme rarity of newly founded colonies suggests that most newly mated queens that succeed do so by entering established nests. Queens are closely related on average (rˉ = 0.58), although a sizable minority of queen pairs (29%) are not close relatives. An experiment involving transfers of queens among nests showed that queens are often accepted by workers to which they are completely unrelated. Average queen numbers estimated from nest excavations (harmonic mean = 1.4) are broadly similar to effective queen numbers inferred from the genetic relatedness of colony members, suggesting that reproductive skew is low in this species. Queens appear to have reproductive lifespans of only 1 or 2 years. As a result, queens transmit a substantial fraction of their genes posthumously (through the reproduction of related nestmates), in comparison to direct and indirect reproduction while they are alive. Thus queens and other colony members should often accept new queens when doing so will increase colony survivorship, in some cases even when the adopted queens are not close relatives. Received: 20 February 1996/Accepted after revision: 25 May 1996  相似文献   

Multilocus DNA fingerprinting and microsatellite analysis were used to determine the number of queens and their mating frequencies in colonies of the carpenter ant, Camponotus ligniperdus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Only 1 of 61 analyzed queens was found to be double-mated and the population-wide effective mating frequency was therefore 1.02. In the studied population, 8 of 21 mature field colonies (38%) contained worker, male, or virgin queen genotypes which were not compatible with presumed monogyny and therefore suggested oligogyny, i.e., the cooccurrence of several mutually intolerant queens within one colony. Estimated queen numbers in oligogynous colonies ranged between two and five. According to the results of the genetic analysis, most of the queens coexisting in oligogynous colonies were not closely related. Pleometrosis is very rare and queenless colonies adopt mated queens both in the laboratory and field. Therefore, the most plausible explanation for the origin of oligogynous colonies in C. ligniperdus is the adoption of unrelated queens by orphaned mature colonies. The coexistence of unrelated, but mutually intolerant queens in C. ligniperdus colonies demonstrates that oligogyny should be considered as a phenomenon distinct from polygyny. Received: 18 December 1997 / Accepted after revision: 20 June 1998  相似文献   

Summary Inbreeding may have important consequences for the genetic structure of social insects and thus for sex ratios and the evolution of sociality and multiple queen (polygynous) colonies. The influence of kinship on mating preferences was investigated in a polygynous ant species, Iridomyrmex humilis, which has within-nest mating. When females were presented simultaneously with a brother that had been reared in the same colony until the pupal stage and an unrelated male produced in another colony, females mated preferentially with the unrelated male. The role of environmental colony-derived cues was tested in a second experiment where females were presented with two unrelated males, one of which had been reared in the same colony until the pupal stage (i.e., as in the previous experiment), while the other had been produced in another colony. In this experiment there was no preferential mating with familiar or unfamiliar males, suggesting that colony-derived cues might not be important in mating preferences. Inbreeding was shown to have no strong effect on the reproductive output of queens as measured by the number of worker and sexual pupae produced. The level of fluctuating asymmetry of workers produced by inbreeding queens was not significantly higher than that of non-inbreeding queens. Finally, colonies headed by inbreeding queens did not produce adult diploid males. Based on the current hypotheses of sex-determination the most plausible explanations for the absence of diploid-male-producing colonies are that (i) workers recognized and eliminated these males early in their development, and/or (ii) there are multiple sex-determining loci in this species. It is suggested that even if inbreeding effects on colony productivity are absent or low, incest avoidance mechanisms may have evolved and been maintained if inbreeding queens produce a higher proportion of unviable offspring. Correspondence to: L. Keller at the present address  相似文献   

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