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20世纪60-80年代第二松花江受到了严重的汞污染.为了弄清彻底切断汞污染源后,第二松花江下游地区的居民是否还受到汞暴露的健康威胁,在第二松花江下游的松原市搜集产妇和新生儿的静脉血及脐带血样品58对,用冷蒸气原子吸收法测定头发样品中的总汞含量.产妇静脉血中THg含量的算数平均值为1.58 μg/L,几何均值为1.34 μg/L,范围0.39-3.69 μg/L,高于瑞典孕妇血液中总汞含量;脐带血中THg含量平均值为2.87 μg/L,几何均值为2.66 μg/L,范围1.36-5.97 μg/L;胎盘中THg含量的算数平均值为0.0067 mg/kg,几何均值为0.0062 mg/kg,范围0.00360.0114 mg/kg.母血中总汞含量和脐带血中总汞含量极显著正相关,脐带血中总汞含量极显著高于母血总汞含量,脐带血/母血THg比值的平均值为2.28,表明即使在较低水平的汞浓度下,胎儿身体组织中总汞含量也会高于母体总汞含量的2倍,而发育中胎儿的大脑比成人的大脑更为敏感.男婴脐带血中的总汞含量显著地高于女婴脐带血中的总汞含量(P<0.05),而男婴和女婴母亲血液中的总汞含量则没有显著差异(P>0.05),这说明性别对发育的影响表现为对男婴的影响比女婴的大.产妇静脉血和婴儿脐带血总汞含量超过新标准的,均占所采集样品总数的2.703%.这说明在研究地区虽然大部分敏感人群处于汞暴露的安全水平,但是还是有个别人群有汞暴露的风险.  相似文献   

汞和硒对剑尾鱼Na+/K+-ATPase活性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用浸浴法研究汞(Hg)对剑尾鱼(XiphophorushelleriHeckel)鳃和肝脏Na /K ATPase活性的影响以及硒(Se)对机体Na /K ATPase汞中毒的保护作用.结果表明,Hg和Se对剑尾鱼96hLC50分别为0.84mg/L和6.64mg/L.Hg对剑尾鱼鳃和肝脏Na /K ATPase活性的影响相似,与对照组相比,处理d1时低浓度Hg组鳃和肝脏ATPase活性没有明显变化(P>0.05),但高浓度Hg组ATPase活性变化显著(P<0.05),至d3和d5时,酶活性均极显著下降(P<0.01),鱼鳃和肝脏酶活性分别下降32%和60%,表明Hg处理对鳃和肝脏Na /K ATPase活性具有抑制作用.单独加Se组鱼鳃和肝脏Na /K ATPase活性在d3和d5显著提高(P<0.01).Hg Se组与Hg组相比,酶活性有明显差异(P<0.05或P<0.01),Se对剑尾鱼Hg中毒具有保护作用.剑尾鱼鳃和肝细胞Na /K ATPase活性可作为对水环境汞污染效应环境风险评价(ERA)的有效生物学标记.表2参16  相似文献   

系统采集典型汞污染地区(铅锌冶炼、金矿冶炼和燃煤电厂)食物样品(大米、蔬菜和鱼肉) 409个,测定其总汞含量以评估当地居民食物摄入汞暴露的健康风险。结果显示:铅锌冶炼地区大米总汞含量的几何均值为5.99μg·kg~(-1)(3.02~30.7μg·kg~(-1)),仅有1个样品总汞含量超过我国大米汞限量标准(20μg·kg~(-1)),蔬菜和鱼肉总汞含量分别为0.646~5.44μg·kg~(-1)和1.80~26.4μg·kg~(-1),均未超过我国食品汞限量标准;金矿冶炼地区大米总汞含量的几何均值为4.46μg·kg~(-1)(3.13~8.67μg·kg~(-1)),蔬菜和鱼肉总汞含量分别为0.760~7.83μg·kg~(-1)和1.59~21.9μg·kg~(-1),所有食物均未超过我国食品汞限量标准;燃煤电厂地区大米总汞含量的几何均值为3.63μg·kg~(-1)(1.05~11.4μg·kg~(-1)),蔬菜和鱼肉总汞含量分别为1.12~3.78μg·kg~(-1)和2.24~12.3μg·kg~(-1),所有食物均未超过我国食品汞限量标准。铅锌冶炼、金矿冶炼和燃煤电厂3个地区居民通过食用食物(大米、鱼肉和蔬菜途径)总汞摄入量的均值分别为0.068、0.038和0.031μg·d~(-1)·kg~(-1),均未超出联合国粮农组织和世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会(JECFA)推荐的人体安全总汞摄入量0.71μg·d~(-1)·kg~(-1);表明3个研究地区居民汞暴露的风险较低。大米汞摄入量占3个地区居民食物总汞摄入量的比例分别为77.2%、70.8%和71.4%,食用大米是当地居民汞暴露的主要途径。  相似文献   

燃煤汞排放是主要的人为大气汞排放源,且煤炭消耗量巨大,全球因燃煤向大气排放的汞量已不容忽视[1].我国作为世界能源消费大国,现今及今后50年仍将以煤炭燃烧作为主要的能源[2].内蒙古自治区地区煤炭资源储量极其丰富,煤炭预测资源总量约为1.4万亿吨,位居全国第二.因此,确定内蒙古自治区原煤中汞含量及空间分布、估算各行业燃煤大气汞排放量对于完善我国煤炭汞资料、评估燃煤汞排放的环境风险具有重要指导意义.1材料和方法根据内蒙古自治区地区煤矿分布情况,在赤峰、大雁、霍林河、锡林郭勒旗、鄂尔多斯、榆林(内蒙和陕西交界处)、伊  相似文献   

松花江沉积物中总汞及汞形态的演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步掌握松花江汞污染的动态,通过2005年的样品采集与分析,结合有关历史数据,研究了松花江表层沉积物中汞的分布与变化.结果表明,在切断汞的主要污染源之后,第二松花江和松花江干流沉积物中汞含量均呈明显下降趋势;松花江18个断面沉积物中总汞质量含量较低,平均为0.172 mg·kg-1,除哈达湾、哨口和白旗江段外,大部分江段已处于背景水平.各江段沉积物中汞的形态分布差别较大,第二松花江沉积物中汞以过氧化氢溶态和王水溶态为主,而干流江段则以酸溶态和过氧化氢溶态为主;与20世纪80年代相比,除了王水溶态汞以外,2005年哈达湾、哨口和白旗3个代表性断面酸溶态、碱溶态及过氧化氢溶态汞含量均大幅下降.说明经过多年的环境治理以及水体的自然净化作用,松花江的汞污染已经得到了有效控制.  相似文献   

城市地表汞含量及释放通量影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
测定了长春市不同类型地表汞含量及其释放通量,分析了地表汞释放通量的影响因素。研究结果表明,不同地表土样的汞含量存在很大的差异;煤炭堆放地和沥青地地表汞含量较高,应引起足够的重视。地表汞释放通量受地表汞含量、地表类型、降水、太阳辐射等因素的影响。降水期间或降水后期地表汞释放通量明显增加。可见,地表汞释放是一个动态过程,随时间和空间而变化。  相似文献   

为了解陡河燃煤电厂大气汞释放对毗邻的陡河水库水生生态系统中鱼体汞含量、生物积累和放大等的影响,本研究采集陡河水库野生鱼、虾和螺蛳,分别测定了鱼样等生物样品中的总汞和甲基汞,并对部分代表性样品测定稳定碳氮同位素比值。鱼汞分布特征和δ13C‰和δ15N‰同位素比值分布特征显示:鱼体(鲜样)中总汞和甲基汞平均含量分别为56.4±26.7和15.5±8.4 ng·g-1,总汞含量最高的是杂食性的白条鱼为133 ng·g-1。不同食性的鱼体δ13C和δ15N稳定同位素值变化范围分别为-28.1‰~-24.4‰和12.0‰~16.1‰,Log10[Hg]与δ15N的线性相关斜率值为负值。以上结果表明:陡河水库鱼体汞总体偏低,没有发现高生物积累和生物放大,其主要原因在于陡河水库水环境中汞含量较低,且陡河水库靠近市区,过度捕捞使可以捕获的鱼样种类和数量偏少,且鱼龄较低。  相似文献   

张磊  张磊 《环境化学》2014,(8):1326-1333
为了解青岛市售不同种贝类的汞污染情况及居民通过食用贝类引起的汞健康风险,于2012年10月至2013年4月,在青岛8个行政区采集菲律宾蛤仔、鲍鱼、海螺、香螺、牡蛎、缢蛏、文蛤、扇贝,共8种贝类,181份样品.采用F732-V型冷原子吸收测汞仪对贝类中的总汞含量进行测定.所测8种贝类的汞含量范围为0.001—0.098 mg·kg-1,菲律宾蛤仔、扇贝、文蛤、缢蛏、鲍鱼、海螺、牡蛎和香螺的平均汞含量分别为0.020、0.039、0.012、0.013、0.031、0.030、0.021、0.020 mg·kg-1.在青岛市售贝类的各产地中,红岛所产贝类的汞含量最高,为0.046 mg·kg-1,其次是龙口,为0.027 mg·kg-1,产于乳山和日照的贝类汞含量最低,分别为0.002 mg·kg-1和0.003 mg·kg-1.所采集全部贝类样品中的总汞含量均低于我国国家标准.汞摄入量计算结果显示,青岛居民食用贝类导致的汞摄入量远远低于FAO/WHO推荐Hg的日摄入量.采用美国环保署新制定参考剂量计算的目标危险系数(THQ)结果显示,青岛市儿童通过食用贝类产品有非常高的汞暴露健康风险.  相似文献   

中国南方稻田土壤汞含量及潜在危害评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择我国南方水稻主产区安徽、浙江、湖南、湖北以及广西5个省,采集213个稻田土壤样品,探究我国南方稻田土壤中汞的空间分布特征与土壤理化参数(如p H值和有机质)的相关关系及汞富集的潜在危害。结果表明:不同省份的稻田土壤汞含量存在显著的差异(P0.05,n=213),含量范围是0.029~0.326 mg·kg~(-1)(干重),平均值为(0.094±0.036)mg·kg~(-1),与农用地土壤环境质量标准0.30 mg·kg~(-1)(GB15618—1995)相比,除湖北省以外均有轻度汞污染。Pearson相关性分析表明,稻田土壤中的汞含量与有机质含量呈显著正相关关系(P0.01,r=0.445),说明适度偏高的有机质有利于土壤汞的富集。不同省份稻田土壤潜在危害等级除浙江省外均在轻微到中等的范围内,浙江省的为强等级。  相似文献   

中国城市汞污染及防治对策   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
简要综述了当前中国城市的汞污染状况。中国许多工业城市大气中的汞含量是纽约市大气中汞含量的数倍,甚至上百倍,在采暖期城市大气的汞污染更加严重;城市土壤中的汞含量是土壤环境背景值的数倍;河流的城市河段河水中汞质量浓度普遍很高,水质多在Ⅲ-V类;城市中的植物均有不同程度地受到汞污染,其汞含量高于国外城市的植物的汞含量;城市居民膳食中鱼的汞含量很高,对城市居民的健康产生了危害;城市居民头发中的汞质量分数大多低于1rng~kg。分析了我国城市中汞的来源并提出了防治城市汞污染的对策。  相似文献   

The spatial and seasonal variation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were investigated in water and sediment samples collected from Songhua River, China, from 2007 to 2008. The total concentration of PCB congeners ranged from 1.1 to 14 ng/l in water and 0.26–9.7 ng/g dry weight (dw) in sediment. The results of seasonal variation may suggest an impact to PCB concentration in water from its atmospheric input, the dilution to PCBs concentrations of high stream in summer, and a general trend towards increased volatilization in warmer conditions. From PCBs concentrations comparison between upstream and downstream of industrial urban cities, it was obvious that industrial urban cities reflect an important pollutant source for PCBs in our study, also with the evidences of high concentrations of PCBs occurring in high development industry and residential areas. Meanwhile, the homologue profile of PCBs in Songhua was analyzed, whose comparison with published data indicates that the sources of PCBs accumulated in the sediment may also came from the residue of PCBs production in China. Total five dioxin-like PCBs (CB-77, 81, 105, 114, and 126) and nine (CB-77, 81, 105, 114, 118, 123, 126, 156, and 167) were found in Songhua water and sediment.  相似文献   

The Huludao zinc plant in Liaoning province, northeast China was the largest in Asia, and its smelting activities had seriously contaminated soil, water and atmosphere in the surrounding area. For the first time, we investigated the total mercury (THg) content in maize, soybean, broomcorn, 22 vegetables, and the soil around their roots from eight sampling plots near the Huludao zinc plant. THg contents of the seeds of maize, soybean, and broomcorn are 0.008, 0.006, and 0.057 mg kg−1, respectively, with the broomcorn being the highest, exceeding the maximum level of contaminant in food (GB2762-2005) by 4.7 times. The edible parts of vegetables are also contaminated with a range of mercury contents of 0.001–0.147 mg kg−1 (dry weight). THg contents in plant tissue decrease in the order of leaves > root > stalk > grain. Using correlation analysis, we show that mercury in the roots of these plants is mainly derived from soil, and the uptake of gaseous mercury is the predominant path by which the mercury accumulated in the foliage. The average and maximum mercury daily intake (DI) of adult around the Huludao zinc plant via consuming vegetables are 0.015 and 0.051 μg/kg/d, respectively, and those of children are 0.02 and 0.07 μg/kg/d, respectively. The average and maximum weekly intakes of total mercury for adult are 2.1 and 7.1%, respectively, of the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI), and 2.8 and 9.7%, respectively, of the PTWI for children.  相似文献   

松花江、黑龙江水中可溶性铁与有机质含量的相关性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以黑龙江和松花江为研究对象,分析了河水中可溶性铁含量的分布特征及其与有机质含量、pH值的关系.结果表明,黑龙江、松花江水体中可溶性铁质量浓度分别为0.10~0.62和0.11~0.73 mg·L-1,Fe2+质量浓度分别为0.01~0.16和0.04~0.35 mg·L-1.松花江水体中可溶性铁、Fe2+浓度平均值均略高于黑龙江.同一年份内水体可溶性铁含量峰值以平水期居多.黑龙江水体CODCr与Fe2+含量呈显著负相关,松花江水体CODCr与可溶性铁含量呈显著正相关.松花江水体中BOD5、pH值与Fe2+含量呈显著负相关.人为来源的难生物降解有机质的大量输入提高了河水中铁离子的络合容量,使水中可溶性铁和有机络合铁含量增加.  相似文献   

Atrazine is one of the most widely applied and persistent herbicides in the world. In view of limited information on the regional contamination of atrazine in soils in China, this study investigated the spatial distribution and environmental impacts of atrazine in agricultural soils collected from the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) as an illustrative analysis of rapidly developing regions in the country. The results showed that the concentrations of atrazine in the YRD agricultural soils ranged from <1.0 to 113 ng/g dry weight, with a mean of 5.7 ng/g, and a detection rate of 57.7 % in soils. Pesticide factory might be a major source for the elevated levels of atrazine in Zhejiang Province. The contamination of atrazine was closely associated with land use types. The concentrations and detection rates of atrazine were higher in corn fields and mulberry fields than in rice paddy fields. There was no significant difference in compositions of soil microbial phospholipids fatty acids among the areas with different atrazine levels. Positive relationship (R = 0.417, p < 0.05, n = 30) was observed between atrazine and total microbial biomass. However, other factors, such as soil type and land management practice, might have stronger influences on soil microbial communities. Human health risks via exposure to atrazine in soils were estimated according to the methods recommended by the US EPA. Atrazine by itself in all the soil samples imposed very low carcinogenic risks (<10?6) and minimal non-cancer risks (hazard index <1) to adults and children.  相似文献   

Wang  Zhichao  Qin  Yiming  Li  Weiping  Yang  Wenhuan  Meng  Qing  Yang  Jianlin 《Environmental Chemistry Letters》2019,17(4):1821-1830
Environmental Chemistry Letters - Microplastic pollution has been widely studied in the marine environment, but is much less explored in terrestrial waters, notably in China. Therefore, we studied...  相似文献   

松花江水质因子分析及动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
松花江的水质一直受到各方的关注,尤其是在80年代末到90年代初.大多数的研究都关注重金属、有机有毒污染物等主要污染物的源、汇、归宿以及生态效应.然而,这些研究通常只考虑一个或几个独立的水质指标,多个指标的联合效应则很少研究.文章在监测数据的基础上,对松花江水质运用因子分析方法进行了研究.利用因子分析方法可以综合地考虑每个监测断面上的各个监测指标在不同水文期的变化.分析结果表明,松花江的主要污染物是来自非点源的氮源污染物,且其水质在不同的水文期是不同的.这一结果也表明,因子分析方法在分析水质动态变化上是综合有效的.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distributions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Songhua River, Harbin, China, were investigated. Seventy-seven samples, 42 water and 35 sediment samples, were collected in April and October of 2007 and January of 2008. The concentrations of total PAHs in water ranged from 163.54 to 2,746.25 ng/L with the average value of 934.62 ng/L, which were predominated by 2- and 3-ring PAHs. The concentrations of total 16 PAHs in sediment ranged from 68.25 to 654.15 ng/g dw with the average value of 234.15 ng/g dw, which were predominated by 4-, 5- and 6-ring PAHs. Statistical analysis of the PAH concentrations shown that the highest concentrations of the total PAHs were found during rainy season (October of 2007) and the lowest during snowy season (January of 2008). Ratios of specific PAH compounds, including fluoranthene/(fluoranthene + pyrene) (Flu/(Flu + Pyr)) and phenanthrene/(phenanthrene + anthracene) (An/(Ant + PhA)), were calculated to evaluate the possible sources of PAH contaminations. These ratios reflected pyrolytic inputs of PAHs in Songhua River water and a mixed pattern of pyrolytic and petrogenic inputs of PAHs in the Songhua River sediments. Ecotoxicological risk levels calculated for PAHs suggested that there were individual PAHs, which can less frequently cause biological impairment in some samples, but no samples had constituents that may frequently cause biological impairment. Total toxic benzo[a]pyrene equivalent of ΣcPAHs varied from 10.03 to 29.7 ng/g dw and from 0.36 to 1.92 ng/g dw for total toxic tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalent. The level of PAHs indicated a low toxicological risk to this area.  相似文献   

松花江鱼体中重金属的富集及污染评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为研究松花江鱼类重金属的污染现状,采用原子吸收分光光度法测定了松花江鱼体中Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd含量,利用F732-V型测汞仪测定了Hg含量,并采用均值型综合污染指数法对重金属污染进行评价。结果表明,松花江鱼体中重金属含量从高到低依次为Zn、Pb、Cu、Hg、Cd,其中,Cu、Zn含量在第二松花江和干流江段的差异不大,Pb和Hg含量在第二松花江江段明显高于干流江段,而Cd含量在干流江段相对较高。不同鱼类体内重金属含量差异较大,除Zn以外,其他4种重金属在肉食性鱼类体内的含量均高于杂食性和植食性鱼类。2006年监测结果表明,松花江鱼体中Cu、Zn、Hg、Cd含量均较低,其污染状况较20世纪90年代已明显好转,但Pb污染程度却在不断加剧,并且受Pb污染的影响,松花江鱼类重金属的综合污染程度较高,特别是第二松花江江段已达到重污染水平。  相似文献   

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